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Created November 11, 2013 23:12
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noreturn optimization issues
%pntr = type i64*
%int = type i64
%cell = type i64
%WORD = type void ()*
; *****************************************************************************
; stdlib functions
; *****************************************************************************
declare i32 @puts(i8*)
declare i32 @read(%int, i8*, %int)
declare i32 @printf(i8*, ... )
; *****************************************************************************
; for ease of debugging, allows us to print a value to stdout
; *****************************************************************************
@valueString = internal constant [7 x i8] c"%llu\0D\0A\00"
@stackString = internal constant [13 x i8] c"%llu: %llu\0D\0A\00"
define void @printValue32(i32 %value) {
%string = getelementptr [7 x i8]* @valueString, i32 0, i32 0
%printf_ret = call i32 (i8*, ... )* @printf(i8* %string, i32 %value)
ret void
define void @printValue64(i64 %value) {
%string = getelementptr [7 x i8]* @valueString, i32 0, i32 0
%printf_ret = call i32 (i8*, ... )* @printf(i8* %string, i64 %value)
ret void
define void @printValueInt(%int %value) {
%string = getelementptr [7 x i8]* @valueString, i32 0, i32 0
%printf_ret = call i32 (i8*, ... )* @printf(i8* %string, %int %value)
ret void
define void @printValueCell(%cell %value) {
%string = getelementptr [7 x i8]* @valueString, i32 0, i32 0
%printf_ret = call i32 (i8*, ... )* @printf(i8* %string, %cell %value)
ret void
; *****************************************************************************
; globals used for Forth heap, execution and stack
; *****************************************************************************
@heapPtr = weak global %pntr null
@heapSize = weak global %int 0
@execIdx = weak global %int 0
@stackIdx = weak global %int 0
@currIns = weak global %int 0
define %pntr @getHeap_ptr(%int %index) {
; load our heap pointer, which is stored as a pointer
%heapPtr = load %pntr* @heapPtr
; retrieve and return our value pointer
%valuePtr = getelementptr %pntr %heapPtr, %int %index
ret %pntr %valuePtr
define %int @getHeap(%int %index) {
%valuePtr = call %pntr @getHeap_ptr(%int %index)
%value = load %pntr %valuePtr
ret %int %value
define void @putHeap(%int %index, %int %value) {
%valuePtr = call %pntr @getHeap_ptr(%int %index)
store %int %value, %pntr %valuePtr
ret void
define %int @nextExec() {
; our current execution pointer, which is %heapPtr + %execIdx
%execIdx = load %pntr @execIdx
; dereference our heap pointer and point at the element under the %execIdx
; indice
%ins = call %int @getHeap(%int %execIdx)
; increment our instruction pointer and store it
%nextExec = add %int %execIdx, 1
store %int %nextExec, %pntr @execIdx
; finally, return our instruction
ret %int %ins
define void @insertToken(%int %index, void ()* %token) {
%insPtr = call %pntr @getHeap_ptr(%int %index)
%tokenPtrInt = ptrtoint void ()* %token to %int
call void @putHeap(%int %index, %int %tokenPtrInt)
ret void
define void @pushStack(%int %value) {
; load our stack pointer which is stored as an int32, relative to @heapPtr
%stackIdx = load %pntr @stackIdx
; decrement our stack pointer, as our stack is right to left from the end
; of the heap
%newStackIdx = sub %int %stackIdx, 1
; store our value at our stack location
call void @putHeap(%int %newStackIdx, %int %value)
; store our new current stack index
store %int %newStackIdx, %pntr @stackIdx
ret void
define %cell @popStack() {
; load our stack pointer which is stored as an int32, relative to @heapPtr
%stackIdx = load %pntr @stackIdx
; grab our value to return from the stack
%value = call %cell @getHeap(%int %stackIdx)
; increment our stack pointer, moving it to the right
%newStackIdx = add %int %stackIdx, 1
; store our new current stack index
store %int %newStackIdx, %pntr @stackIdx
; finally, return the value we popped off the stack
ret %cell %value
define %cell @getTopStack() {
; load our stack pointer which is stored as an int32, relative to @heapPtr
%stackIdx = load %pntr @stackIdx
; grab our value to return from the stack
%value = call %int @getHeap(%int %stackIdx)
; finally, return the value we popped off the stack
ret %cell %value
define void @next() {
%ins = call %int @nextExec()
%is_done = icmp eq %int %ins, 0
br i1 %is_done, label %done, label %execIns
%functionPtr = inttoptr %int %ins to void ()*
call void %functionPtr() noreturn
ret void
ret void
; *****************************************************************************
; utility routine to show the current contents of our stack
; *****************************************************************************
define void @showStack() {
%stack_string = getelementptr [13 x i8]* @stackString, i64 0, i64 0
; set up our loop with the current stack pointer
%currStackIdx = alloca %int
%getStackIdx = load %pntr @stackIdx
store %int %getStackIdx, %pntr %currStackIdx
; we need the heap size to figure out how deep our stack currently is
%heapSize = load %pntr @heapSize
; kick off the loop
br label %loop
; load our current stack index into a temporary value
%stackIdx = load %pntr %currStackIdx
; check if the stack index has reached the heap size yet
%is_done = icmp uge %int %stackIdx, %heapSize
br i1 %is_done, label %done, label %continue_loop
; call our getHeap routine to get the stack value under the index pointer
%currStackValue = call %int @getHeap(%int %stackIdx)
; compute our distance relative to the end of the heap for the stack pos
%relStackIdx = sub %int %heapSize, %stackIdx
; call out to printf with our pair of values
call i32 (i8*, ... )* @printf(i8* %stack_string, %cell %relStackIdx,
%int %currStackValue)
; increment and store our new stack index value, starting the loop again
%newStackIdx = add %int %stackIdx, 1
store %int %newStackIdx, %pntr %currStackIdx
br label %loop
ret void
; *****************************************************************************
; here be FORTH words now
; *****************************************************************************
define void @SWAP() {
%first = call %cell @popStack()
%second = call %cell @popStack()
call void @pushStack(%cell %first)
call void @pushStack(%cell %second)
call void @next() noreturn
ret void
define void @DUP() {
%first = call %cell @getTopStack()
call void @pushStack(%cell %first)
call void @next() noreturn
ret void
define void @ADD() {
%first = call %cell @popStack()
%second = call %cell @popStack()
%result = add %cell %first, %second
call void @pushStack(%cell %result)
call void @next() noreturn
ret void
define void @SUB() {
%first = call %cell @popStack()
%second = call %cell @popStack()
%result = sub %cell %second, %first
call void @pushStack(%cell %result)
call void @next() noreturn
ret void
define void @MUL() {
%first = call %cell @popStack()
%second = call %cell @popStack()
%result = mul %cell %first, %second
call void @pushStack(%cell %result)
call void @next() noreturn
ret void
define void @DIV() {
%first = call %cell @popStack()
%second = call %cell @popStack()
%result = udiv %cell %second, %first
call void @pushStack(%cell %result)
call void @next() noreturn
ret void
define void @DISPSTACK() {
call void @showStack()
call void @next() noreturn
ret void
; *****************************************************************************
; main function
; *****************************************************************************
define %int @main() {
; we allocate our default of 1MB heap
%heapSizePtr = alloca %int
store %int 0, %pntr %heapSizePtr
%initHeapSize = load %pntr %heapSizePtr
%heapSize = add %int %initHeapSize, 1048576
store %int %heapSize, %pntr @heapSize
; stack pointer begins at the end of the heap
store %int %heapSize, %pntr @stackIdx
; execution starts at the beginning of the heap
store %int 0, %pntr @execIdx
; allocate our actual heap
%heapPtr = alloca %int, %int %heapSize
; store the pointer to our heap in a global value
store %pntr %heapPtr, %pntr* @heapPtr
; push 1, 2, 3 onto the stack
call void @pushStack(%int 1)
call void @pushStack(%int 2)
call void @pushStack(%int 3)
; manually initialize a small program
call void @insertToken(%int 0, %WORD @DISPSTACK)
call void @insertToken(%int 1, %WORD @ADD)
call void @insertToken(%int 2, %WORD @SWAP)
call void @insertToken(%int 3, %WORD @DISPSTACK)
call void @insertToken(%int 4, %WORD @SWAP)
call void @insertToken(%int 5, %WORD @DUP)
call void @insertToken(%int 6, %WORD @DUP)
call void @insertToken(%int 7, %WORD @MUL)
call void @insertToken(%int 8, %WORD @DISPSTACK)
call void @next() noreturn
ret %int 0
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wbrown commented Nov 11, 2013

With noreturn removed from line 139:

clouddrift:experiments wbrown$ make optimize
opt-3.3 -std-link-opts -S forth.ll > forth.opt.ll
llvm-as-3.3 forth.opt.ll
llc-3.3 forth.opt.bc
clang -o forth.opt forth.opt.s
3: 3
2: 2
1: 1
2: 1
1: 5
3: 25
2: 5
1: 1

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