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Last active September 24, 2020 12:29
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Logstash configuration example for munging logs generated by Infinite Campus
# I have this file saved as iclogs.yml, but you could name the file anything you wanted to. When you #
# start up logstash you need to tell it where this file is using the -f flag on the command line like: #
# #
# logstash -f iclogs.yml #
# #
# There are still some bugs in the parsing resulting in keys that contain no name value, which might be #
# possible to clean up using the grep setting of the mutate filter. #
# Define what logstash will be looking for in terms of input
input {
# Since we are throwing existing files at it need to install and use the file input plugin from the
# command line using : logstash-plugin install logstash-input-file
file {
# This tells logstash where to find the files and the type of files to look for
path => "/Location/Where/logFiles/areStored/**/*.log"
# And where to start the processing from
start_position => "beginning"
} # End of the file configuration block
# If we were handling the log data in real time we could include an IP address and port that logstash
# would "listen" to for the data to stream in
} # End of the input block
# This is one of the more important sections since it is essentially defining how the data will be parsed
filter {
# This is another plugin. To install use: logstash-plugin install logstash-filter-mutate
mutate {
# Make sure it is reading all the data as strings
convert => { "message" => "string" }
} # End of the first mutate block
# The grok plugin defines a bunch of preformatted parsers (basically makes life easier)
# logstash-plugin install logstash-filter-grok
grok {
# Defines one or more patterns than an input should match message is a default
# reference to the data coming in the "%{COMBINEDAPACHELOG}" part defines a few
# different things that get parsed into distinct fields. This basically handles
# separating the majority of the data into distinct fields for us
match => ["message", "%{COMBINEDAPACHELOG}"]
} # End of the grok block
# Next mutate block
mutate {
# Now we're going to use some regular expressions to handle some of the data in the
# referrer string (e.g., the page making the request to the server). The space character
# in URL encoding is %20 and makes for not so friendly fields/values so every time this
# happens in the referrer string it will replace it with an underscore then it will look
# for the pattern "x." (need to escape the period which is why it is \. below) and remove it
gsub => [ "referrer", "(%20)", "_", "referrer", "x\.", "", "referrer", "/\?", "/" ]
} # End second mutate block
# Another plugin that needs to be installed using: logstash-plugin install logstash-filter-kv
# This is used to parse the query fields into key-value pairs
kv {
# Any time a & or ? occur in the URL string it will treat it as a new key-value pair
field_split => "&?"
# But we are only going to do this to the referrer string
source => "referrer"
# And will only return unique key-value pairs from an entry
allow_duplicate_values => false
# And will remove spaces and commas from the key
trimkey => " ,"
# And make the value of the key lowercased
transform_key => "lowercase"
# And make the value of the value lowercased as well
transform_value => "lowercase"
} # End of kv block
} # End of filter block
# This is the last block where we tell logstash where to put the data
output {
# This is also a plugin that needs to be installed using:
# logstash-plugin install logstash-output-elasticsearch
# This handles a few different things and tells logstash that it is going to be
# pushing the data into an instance of elasticsearch (extremely fast search
# engine/NoSQL database)
elasticsearch {
# Location of the elasticsearch server
hosts => [""]
# Indexes in elasticsearch are places where documents get stored it isn't the same as
# an index in an SQL table, but allows different documents to have distinct schemas
# and/or multiple types related to a single index without having the date included it puts
# all of the data into a single index so queries will be easier to write, but with a single
# node (instance) of elasticsearch and no sharding (spliting the files across multiple
# instances) the searching will probably be noticeably slower
index => "iclogs"
# A template is also needed to avoid an error that will be created from the number of
# fields generated from this process otherwise. This should be the path to the file
# below in this Gist
template => "/Location/ofThe/Template/File/iclogtemplate.yml"
# As an alternative we can also create the indices based on the date of the log file
# index -> "logstash-%{[timestamp]"
} # End of elasticsearch block
} # End of output block
# Creates an index template for IC log files
# Defines this as a template for the index creation
"template": "iclogs",
# Now provide some settings for the index
"settings" : {
# Number of shards to create from the data
"number_of_shards" : 5,
# Number of replicas to create
"number_of_replicas": 0,
# Maximum number of fields in an index
"index.mapping.total_fields.limit": 10000
} # End of Settings block
} # End of iclogs index template
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Here is an example of part of a query string that causes the no name values to appear:


Need to include a regular expression that tests for values on both sides of the = sign when splitting to key value pairs. Also need to learn the mapping used by the application to consolidate the number of fields/object references into a more parsimonious and meaningful set.

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