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Last active January 21, 2023 06:19
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How to install, manage, and use multiple versions of Python in Windows.

Install Multiple Versions of Python on Windows

Tools like Nox run tests against multiple versions of Python. Here's how to use pyenv-win to manage multiple versions of Python and make those versions available during testing.

Existing Python?

There's a good chance you already have Python installed. Check:

  • Start > Settings > Apps > Apps & Features

Python listed here is installed at the user level. It may have been installed via the Microsoft Store or Note it does not display the Python 2 instance used by the Windows OS.

Uninstall all Python listed here and restart your computer. In the next step we'll be using pyenv-win to install and manage multiple versions of Python.

Disable Python Launchers

  • Start > Manage App Execution Aliases
  • Disable the App installers for python.exe and python3.exe.

Install pyenv-win

To manage multiple Python versions, use pyenv-win. There are several installation options. From PowerShell:

# Install pyenv-win
Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri "" -OutFile "./install-pyenv-win.ps1"; &"./install-pyenv-win.ps1"

# Check version
pyenv --version

Check User Environment Variables

If you installed pyenv-win via PowerShell, these variables should already be set.

  1. Start > Edit environment variables for your account.
  2. In the User Variables section, confirm these are present (wcd is my user name):
PYENV       C:\Users\wcd\.pyenv\pyenv-win\
PYENV_ROOT  C:\Users\wcd\.pyenv\pyenv-win\
PYENV_HOME  C:\Users\wcd\.pyenv\pyenv-win\
  1. In the User Variables section, select the Path variable > Edit.
  2. Confirm these paths are present:

Other installation methods may require you to set them as a separate step. From PowerShell:

[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PYENV',$env:USERPROFILE + "\.pyenv\pyenv-win\","User")
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PYENV_ROOT',$env:USERPROFILE + "\.pyenv\pyenv-win\","User")
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PYENV_HOME',$env:USERPROFILE + "\.pyenv\pyenv-win\","User")

[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('path', $env:USERPROFILE + "\.pyenv\pyenv-win\bin;" + $env:USERPROFILE + "\.pyenv\pyenv-win\shims;" + [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('path', "User"),"User")

Install Python

# List what can be installed
pyenv install -l

# Install needed versions
pyenv install 3.7.9 3.8.10 3.9.13 3.10.6

# Confirm installed
pyenv versions

# Set the global version
pyenv global 3.10.6

# See which version is currently in use
pyenv version
python --version

# Confirm pip - should point to pyenv
pip --version

# Update the global version
python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel

# Refresh the Python environment
pyenv rehash

# Uninstall versions
pyenv uninstall 3.10.4

Install Build Tools

Work with Python long enough and eventually you'll use bindings to C libraries - for me this cam up with libtiff. Depending on the library, you may see an error that includes the following:

error: subprocess-exited-with-error
from numpy.distutils.core import setup, Extension

To prevent / fix this, install Build Tools for Visual Studio 2022. This provides MSVC - a common requirement when you need to use Python bindings for C.

  • Install Workload: Desktop development with C++ - note it has MVSVC.
  • Use the default options - the MSVC box is under Optional and should be checked.

Install pipx

Use pipx to install end-user apps that should be available across projects - Nox, Scrapy, Poetry.

# Install
python -m pip install --user pipx

# Add to PATH
cd C:\Users\wcd\.local\bin
python -m pipx ensurepath

# Update
python -m pip install --user -U pipx

# Install a package
python -m pipx install pycowsay

Make Multiple Versions Available

When it's time to run Nox tests, make all the needed versions available by running this in the project directory:

pyenv local 3.7.9 3.8.10 3.9.13 3.10.6
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