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Last active November 27, 2022 15:15
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A gist about what are the solution faces of controlling flow in side-effectful function pipelines.

Control flow in Clojure

A gist containing a problem example and different implementations based on what is being discussed at How are clojurians handling control flow on their projects?.

Feel free to leave a comment and feedback is welcome 😃

Examples in this Gist

(ns foo.control-flow-problem)
;; Create a new user (simplified):
;; 1. Validate the email format (pure)
;; 2. Validate if the name is present (pure)
;; 3. Check if the email is already taken (side-effect)
;; 4. Save the user in the database (side-effect)
;; 5. If everything went well, return the created user
(defn fetch-user-by-email! [email]
(case email
"" {:id "df19e9e0-20a4-4aa8-9e89-320a5edc1950"
:name "Alice"
:email ""}
"" (throw (ex-info "Error establishing a connection to the database." {}))
(defn uuid []
(str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)))
(defn save-user! [user]
;; noop
(println "## Save user:" user)
(assoc user :id (uuid)))
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Failjure version

(defn validate-email
  [{:as user-record
    :keys [email]}]
  (if (re-matches #".+@.+\..+" email)
    (f/fail ["Invalid e-mail format" {:email email}])))

(defn find-db-user-by-email
  (case email
    "" {:id    "df19e9e0-20a4-4aa8-9e89-320a5edc1950"
                      :name  "Alice"
                      :email ""}
    ""   (throw (ex-info "Error establishing a connection to the database." {}))

(defn validate-not-taken
  [{:as user-record
    :keys [email]}]
  (let [r (find-db-user-by-email email)]
    (if-not r user-record
            (f/fail ["Email already in use. {}"]))))

(defn save-user!
  (assoc user-record :id (str (UUID/randomUUID))))

(defn create-user!

    (let [result (f/-> user-record
      (if (f/failed? result)
        {:status 400
         :body (f/message result)}
        {:status 200
         :body "OK"}))

    (catch Exception e
      (error e "Exception while attempting to create new user")
      throw e)))

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mjmeintjes commented Jul 19, 2021

(ns foo.control-flow-problem.missionary
  (:require [missionary.core :as m]
            [clojure.string :as str]))

(defn fetch-user-by-email! [email]
  (case email
    "" {:id    "df19e9e0-20a4-4aa8-9e89-320a5edc1950"
                      :name  "Alice"
                      :email ""}
    ""   (throw (ex-info "Error establishing a connection to the database." {}))

(defn uuid []
  (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)))

(defn save-user! [user]
  ;; noop
  (println "## Save user:" user)
  (assoc user :id (uuid)))

(defn fetch-user-by-email-task [conn email]
   (Thread/sleep 1000) ;; simulate blocking io
   (fetch-user-by-email! email)))

(defn save-user-task [conn user]
   (Thread/sleep 1000) ;; simulate blocking io
   (println "## Save user:" user)
   (assoc user :id (uuid))))

(defn must-have [pred msg val]
  (when-not (pred val)
    (throw (ex-info msg {:val val}))))

(defn email? [s]
  (str/includes? s "@"))

(defn create-new-user-task [conn name email]
  (must-have string? "must have name" name) ;; throws exception
  (must-have email? "must have email" email) ;; throws exception
  (let [fetch-user (fetch-user-by-email-task conn email)
        save-user (save-user-task conn {:username name :email email})]
     (must-have nil? "email already registered" (ms/? fetch-user))
     (ms/? save-user))))

  (ms/? (create-new-user-task nil "al" ""))
  (ms/? (create-new-user-task nil "al" ""))
  (ms/? (create-new-user-task nil "al" "")))

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