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Created July 29, 2013 02:42
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module Main where
import Core
import Endpoint
import FoursquareEndpoint
import FoursquareModel
import GeocoderEndpoint
import GeocoderModel
targetAddress = "568 Broadway, New York, NY"
-- | The main entry point.
main :: IO ()
main =
do putStrLn "API key?"
apiKey <- getLine
putStrLn "API secret?"
apiSecret <- getLine
let creds = FoursquareCredentials apiKey apiSecret
(GeocodeResponse latLng) <- callJsonEndpoint $ GeocodeEndpoint targetAddress False
let venuesTrendingEndpoint = VenuesTrendingEndpoint latLng Nothing Nothing `authorizeWith` creds
(VenuesTrendingResponse venues) <- callJsonEndpoint venuesTrendingEndpoint
let printVenue v = putStrLn $ "- " ++ name v
mapM_ printVenue venues
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