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Last active February 28, 2023 03:35
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title: "Applying a function over rows of a data frame"
author: "Winston Chang"
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@dattali [asked](, "what's a safe way to iterate over rows of a data frame?" The example was to convert each row into a list and return a list of lists, indexed first by column, then by row.
A number of people gave suggestions on Twitter, which I've collected here. I've benchmarked these methods with data of various sizes; scroll down to see a plot of times.
```{r message=FALSE}
# @dattali
# Using apply (only safe when all cols are same type)
f_apply <- function(df) {
apply(df, 1, function(row) as.list(row))
# @drob
# split + lapply
f_split_lapply <- function(df) {
df <- split(df, seq_len(nrow(df)))
lapply(df, function(row) as.list(row))
# @winston_chang
# lapply over row indices
f_lapply_row <- function(df) {
lapply(seq_len(nrow(df)), function(i) as.list(df[i,,drop=FALSE]))
# @winston_chang
# lapply + lapply: Treat data frame like a list, and the slice out lists
f_lapply_lapply <- function(df) {
cols <- seq_len(length(df))
names(cols) <- names(df)
lapply(seq_len(nrow(df)), function(row) {
lapply(cols, function(col) {
# @winston_chang
# lapply + lapply v2: Same as lapply_lapply, but explicitly convert df to a list
f_lapply_lapply2 <- function(df) {
rows <- seq_len(nrow(df))
cols <- seq_len(length(df))
names(cols) <- names(df)
df <- as.list(df)
lapply(rows, function(row) {
lapply(cols, function(col) {
# @winston_chang
# nested_for: Same as lapply_lapply2, but use a for loop instead of lapply()
f_nested_for <- function(df) {
nrows <- nrow(df)
ncols <- length(df)
row_idxs <- seq_len(nrows)
col_idxs <- seq_len(ncols)
colnames <- names(df)
df <- as.list(df)
res <- vector("list", nrows)
for (i in row_idxs) {
row <- vector("list", ncols)
for (j in col_idxs) {
row[[j]] <- df[[j]][[i]]
names(row) <- colnames
res[[i]] <- row
# @ Tomasz Kalinowski
# .mapply
f_mapply <- function(df) {
.mapply(list, unclass(df), NULL)
# @JennyBryan
# purrr::pmap
f_pmap <- function(df) {
pmap(df, list)
# purrr::list_transpose
f_list_transpose <- function(df) {
# purrr::transpose: This is superseded by list_transpose, but the old version is
# much faster.
f_transpose <- function(df) {
Benchmark each of them, using data sets with varying numbers of rows:
run_benchmark <- function(nrow) {
# Make some data
df <- data.frame(
x = rnorm(nrow),
y = runif(nrow),
z = runif(nrow)
res <- list(
apply = system.time(f_apply(df)),
split_lapply = system.time(f_split_lapply(df)),
lapply_row = system.time(f_lapply_row(df)),
lapply_lapply = system.time(f_lapply_lapply(df)),
lapply_lapply2 = system.time(f_lapply_lapply2(df)),
nested_for = system.time(f_nested_for(df)),
mapply = system.time(f_mapply(df)),
pmap = system.time(f_pmap(df)),
list_transpose = system.time(f_list_transpose(df)),
transpose = system.time(f_transpose(df))
# Get elapsed times
res <- lapply(res, `[[`, "elapsed")
# Add nrow to front
res <- c(nrow = nrow, res)
# Run the benchmarks for various size data
all_times <- lapply(1:5, function(n) {
# Convert to data frame
times <- lapply(all_times,
times <-, times)
## Plot times
This plot shows the number of seconds needed to process n rows, for each method. Both the x and y use log scales, so each step along the x scale represents a 10x increase in number of rows, and each step along the y scale represents a 10x increase in time.
```{r message=FALSE}
# Convert to long format
times_long <- gather(times, method, seconds, -nrow)
# Set order of methods, for plots
times_long$method <- factor(times_long$method,
levels = c("apply", "split_lapply", "lapply_row",
"lapply_lapply", "lapply_lapply2", "nested_for", "mapply",
"pmap", "list_transpose", "transpose")
# Set up a column for labels
times_long$end_label <- sprintf("%s (%0.2fs)", times_long$method, times_long$seconds)
times_long$end_label[times_long$nrow != max(times_long$nrow)] <- NA
log10_breaks <- trans_breaks("log10", function(x) 10 ^ x)
log10_mbreaks <- function(x) {
limits <- c(floor(log10(x[1])), ceiling(log10(x[2])))
breaks <- 10 ^ seq(limits[1], limits[2])
unlist(lapply(breaks, function(x) x * seq(0.1, 0.9, by = 0.1)))
log10_labels <- trans_format("log10", math_format(10 ^ .x))
# Plot with log-log axes
ggplot(times_long, aes(x = nrow, y = seconds, colour = method)) +
geom_point(size = 2) +
geom_line(linewidth = 1) +
geom_label_repel(aes(label = end_label), point.padding = 1,
direction = "y", nudge_x = 1.5) +
annotation_logticks(sides = "trbl") +
guides(colour = "none") +
theme_bw() +
breaks = log10_breaks, labels = log10_labels, minor_breaks = log10_mbreaks
) +
breaks = log10_breaks, labels = log10_labels, minor_breaks = log10_mbreaks
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Thanks for doing this. I had an error when replicating. Error in by_row(df, function(row) as.list(row)) : could not find function "by_row"
I added library purrrlyr and the code worked just fine.

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cboettig commented Apr 7, 2018

@wch probably knows this already, but just for reference -- apparently pmap will now automatically do the as.list coercion given a data.frame, so the Jenny solution should now be equivalent in performance to the explicit coercion.

Definitely interesting to see how much these patterns have evolved and deprecated over the past few years alone!

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wch commented Feb 28, 2023

I've just updated this with a lapply_lapply2 function, which is 4x faster than the previous lapply_lapply function. It's essentially the same, except it converts df from a data frame to a list. This is because [[.data.frame is slow compared using [[ on a list.

Updated result at:

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wch commented Feb 28, 2023

I just updated it again with nested_for. This is roughly the same as lapply_lapply2, but instead of nested lapply calls, it uses nested for loops.

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