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Created December 18, 2019 15:45
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Gitea mirror to github

Gitea to mirror github

In the instance you want to migrate all of your GitHub repositories to gitea, instead of manually importing all repos to github and setting them up to mirror we can import them all at once. When I add a repository to Gitea and specify I want it to be mirrored, Gitea will take charge of periodically querying the source repository and pulling changes in it. I’ve mentioned Gitea previously, and I find it’s improving as it matures. I’ve been doing this with version 1.7.5.

After setting up Gitea and creating a user, I create an API token in Gitea with which I can create repositories programatically. The following program will obtain a list of all Github repositories I have, skip those I’ve forked from elsewhere, and then create the repository in Gitea.

#!/usr/bin/env python -B

from github import Github		#
import requests
import json
import sys
import os

gitea_url = ""
gitea_token = open(os.path.expanduser("~/.gitea-api")).read().strip()

session = requests.Session()        # Gitea
    "Content-type"  : "application/json",
    "Authorization" : "token {0}".format(gitea_token),

r = session.get("{0}/user".format(gitea_url))
if r.status_code != 200:
    print("Cannot get user details", file=sys.stderr)

gitea_uid = json.loads(r.text)["id"]

github_username = "jpmens"
github_token = open(os.path.expanduser("~/.github-token")).read().strip()
gh = Github(github_token)

for repo in gh.get_user().get_repos():
    # Mirror to Gitea if I haven't forked this repository from elsewhere
    if not repo.fork:
        m = {
            "repo_name"         : repo.full_name.replace("/", "-"),
            "description"       : repo.description or "not really known",
            "clone_addr"        : repo.clone_url,
            "mirror"            : True,
            "private"           : repo.private,
            "uid"               : gitea_uid,

        if repo.private:
            m["auth_username"]  = github_username
            m["auth_password"]  = "{0}".format(github_token)

        jsonstring = json.dumps(m)

        r ="{0}/repos/migrate".format(gitea_url), data=jsonstring)
        if r.status_code != 201:            # if not CREATED
            if r.status_code == 409:        # repository exists
            print(r.status_code, r.text, jsonstring)

You’ll notice that I handle private Github repositories specifically in that I add username and Github token to the Gitea mirror request. While I could do that as a matter of course, the username/token tuple is stored in Gitea and is, unfortunately, displayed in the Clone from URL field when you view the mirror properties in the UI. For this reason, I limit specifying the Github repository authorization to repos which actually require it.

Gitea stores clones of the repositories it mirrors in a directory I specify when setting it up (the ROOT key in the [repository] section of app.ini), so I could access the repositories from that if something goes wrong with Gitea:

$ git clone http://localhost:3000/jpm/jpmens-jo.git


$ tree -d /path/to/gitea-repositories/jpm/jpmens-jo.git/
├── hooks
├── info
├── objects
│   ├── info
│   └── pack
└── refs
    ├── heads
    └── tags

$ git clone /path/to/gitea-repositories/jpm/jpmens-jo.git/
Cloning into 'jpmens-jo'...

A larger tool for migrating github to gitea is: gitea-github-migrator has a web interface, will also pull in issues and pull requests from github, whereas the python script will not.

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