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Created November 8, 2020 01:00
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Python code to generate cloze from a sentence using Spacy NLP
import spacy
def get_clozed_sentence(sentence):
# use basic nlp to identify keyword in sentence to cloze
keywords = get_keywords(sentence)
result = sentence # start with un-clozed sentence as result
for idx, keyword in enumerate(keywords):
result = cloze_out_keyword(keyword, idx, result)
return result
# returns a list of keywords for a given sentence
# currently, the list only ever has a single item, because the input sentences are not intended for
# super long term retention. This can be configured
def get_keywords(sentence):
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
doc = nlp(sentence)
# first see if we have some nice named entities for the cloze
result = get_best_entities(doc.ents)
if len(result) > 0:
# return the first named entity just because multiple clozes in a highlight ends up being a lot of reviewing
# for a card that probably isn't ideal (even if the cloze's are good, the volume of highlights should be
# pretty high)
return result[:1]
# we didn't find any good entities, so let's just return a core noun from a noun phrase
for noun_chunk in doc.noun_chunks:
# don't return bad nouns like "they"
if is_interesting_noun(noun_chunk.root.text):
return [noun_chunk.root.text]
# nothing has worked, so just return whatever word is longest
words = sentence.split(" ")
return [get_longest_word(words)]
# return the most interesting entities from a list of entities in a sentence
# input: tuple of nlp-generated entities from a sentence
# output: list of best entities (currently only ever returns 1 entity)
def get_best_entities(ents):
if len(ents) == 0:
return []
# the best entity will likely be repeated many times or just be the first one
max_count = 0
best_entity = None
for ent in ents:
ent_count = ents.count(ent)
# this will match the first entitiy that isn't something like "one"
# also will deliberately not match any entities that are the first word in the sentence, as
# that makes for a jarring cloze card
if ent_count > max_count and (ent.label_ not in ["ORDINAL", "CARDINAL"] and ent.start is not 0):
max_count = ent_count
best_entity = ent.text
if best_entity is None:
# make sure to return empty list here
return []
return [best_entity]
def is_interesting_noun(text):
boring_words = ['they', 'them', 'one', 'two', 'it', 'we', 'you', 'i', 'me']
return text.lower() not in boring_words
def get_longest_word(words):
# probably a more pythonic way of doing this but whatevs
longest = words[0]
for word in words:
if len(word) > len(longest):
longest = word
return longest
# returns sentence with all occurrences of keyword clozed out
# this is case-sensitive for now
def cloze_out_keyword(keyword, idx, sentence):
clozed_keyword = '{{c' + str(idx + 1) + '::' + keyword + "}}"
return sentence.replace(keyword, clozed_keyword)
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