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Created June 6, 2019 16:53
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Vim support for BeanShell-in-XML rules for SailPoint IIQ; also, example setting syntax for region of language embedded within CDATA structures in XML
" Place in ~/.vim/after/syntax/xml.vim
" This enables Java syntax highlighting for the BeanShell embedded within CDATA
" regions of rule XML for Sailpoint IIQ.
" There might be better ways to limit loading this syntax than looking in the
" first 5 lines for 'language="beanshell"', but I cannot figure out how and this
" works for now.
" There is no BeanShell syntax definition included with Vim, so Java will have
" to do.
if match(getline(0,5), 'language="beanshell"') != -1
if exists("b:current_syntax")
let s:current_syntax = b:current_syntax
unlet b:current_syntax
syn include @BEANSHELL syntax/java.vim
syn region BeanShellCode
\ matchgroup=xmlCdataStart start="<!\[CDATA\["rs=e
\ matchgroup=xmlCdataEnd end="]\]>"re=s
\ contains=@BEANSHELL,xmlCdataStart,xmlCdataEnd
\ fold
syn cluster xmlCdataHook add=BeanShellCode
syn sync fromstart
let b:current_syntax = s:current_syntax
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