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Created April 10, 2014 16:50
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FiPy modified for more time steps
#!/usr/bin/env python
# ###################################################################
# FiPy - Python-based finite volume PDE solver
# FILE: ""
# Author: Jonathan Guyer <>
# Author: Daniel Wheeler <>
# mail: NIST
# www:
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# This software was developed at the National Institute of Standards
# and Technology by employees of the Federal Government in the course
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# United States Code this software is not subject to copyright
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# ###################################################################
r"""Model electrochemical superfill of copper with leveler and accelerator additives.
This input file is a demonstration of the use of :term:`FiPy` for
modeling copper superfill with leveler and accelerator
additives. The material properties and experimental parameters
used are roughly those that have been previously
published :cite:`NIST:leveler:2005`.
To run this example from the base fipy directory type::
$ python examples/levelSet/electroChem/
at the command line. The results of the simulation will be displayed and the word
``finished`` in the terminal at the end of the simulation. The simulation will
only run for 200 time steps. To run with a different number of time steps change
the ``numberOfSteps`` argument as follows,
.. index:: runLeveler
>>> runLeveler(numberOfSteps=10, displayViewers=False, cellSize=0.25e-7) # doctest: +GMSH, +LSM
Change the ``displayViewers`` argument to ``True`` if you wish to see the
results displayed on the screen. This example requires :term:`gmsh` to
construct the mesh.
.. index:: gmsh
This example models the case when suppressor, accelerator and leveler
additives are present in the electrolyte. The suppressor is
assumed to absorb quickly compared with the other additives. Any
unoccupied surface sites are immediately covered with
suppressor. The accelerator additive has more surface affinity
than suppressor and is thus preferential adsorbed. The accelerator
can also remove suppressor when the surface reaches full
coverage. Similarly, the leveler additive has more surface
affinity than both the suppressor and accelerator. This forms a
simple set of assumptions for understanding the behavior of these
The following is a complete description of the equations for the
model described here. Any equations that have been omitted are the
same as those given in
:mod:`examples.levelSet.electroChem.simpleTrenchSystem`. The
current density is governed by
.. math::
i = \frac{ c_m }{ c_m^\infty }
\sum_{ j } \left[ i_j \theta_j \left( \exp{ \frac{-\alpha_j F \eta
}{ R T }} - \exp{ \frac{ \left( 1 - \alpha_j \right) F \eta}{ R T
}} \right) \right]
where :math:`j` represents :math:`S` for suppressor, :math:`A`
for accelerator, :math:`L` for leveler and :math:`V` for vacant. This model
assumes a linear interpolation between the three cases of complete
coverage for each additive or vacant substrate. The governing
equations for the surfactants are given by,
.. math::
\dot{\theta_{L}} &=
\kappa v \theta_L + k_l^+ c_L \left( 1 - \theta_L \right) - k_L^-
v \theta_L,
\dot{\theta_{a}} &= \kappa v \theta_A + k_A^+ c_A
\left( 1 - \theta_A - \theta_L \right) - k_L c_L \theta_A - k_A^-
\theta_A^{q - 1},
\theta_S &= 1 - \theta_A - \theta_L
\theta_V &= 0.
It has been found experimentally that :math:`i_L = i_S`.
If the surface reaches full coverage, the equations do not naturally prevent the
coverage rising above full coverage due to the curvature terms. Thus, when
:math:`\theta_L + \theta_A = 1` then the equation for accelerator becomes
:math:`\dot{ \theta_A } = -\dot{\theta_L }` and when :math:`\theta_L = 1`, the
equation for leveler becomes :math:`\dot{\theta_{L}} = - k_L^- v \theta_L.`
The parameters :math:`k_A^+`, :math:`k_A^-` and :math:`q` are both functions of :math:`\eta`
given by,
.. math::
k_A^+ &= k_{A0}^+ \exp{\frac{-\alpha_k F \eta}{R T}},
k_A^- &= B_d + \frac{A}{\exp{\left(B_a \left(\eta + V_d
\right) \right)}} + \exp{\left(B_b \left(\eta + V_d \right)
q &= m \eta + b.
The following table shows the symbols used in the governing equations
and their corresponding arguments for the
:func:`~examples.levelSet.electroChem.leveler.runLeveler` function.
.. math::
Symbol & Description & Keyword Argument & \multicolumn{2}{l}{Value} & Unit \\
\multicolumn{6}{|c|}{Deposition Rate Parameters} \\
$v$ & deposition rate & & \multicolumn{2}{l}{} & m s$^{-1}$ \\
$i_A$ & accelerator current density & \texttt{i0Accelerator} & \multicolumn{2}{l}{} & A m$^{-2}$ \\
$i_L$ & leveler current density & \texttt{i0Leveler} & \multicolumn{2}{l}{} & A m$^{-2}$ \\
$\Omega$ & molar volume & \texttt{molarVolume} & 7&1$\times$10$^{-6}$ & m$^3$ mol$^{-1}$ \\
$n$ & ion charge & \texttt{charge} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{2} & \\
$F$ & Faraday's constant & \texttt{faradaysConstant} & 9&6$\times$10$^{-4}$ & C mol$^{-1}$ \\
$i_0$ & exchange current density & & \multicolumn{2}{l}{} & A m$^{-2}$ \\
$\alpha_A$ & accelerator transfer coefficient & \texttt{alphaAccelerator} & 0&4 & \\
$\alpha_S$ & leveler transfer coefficient & \texttt{alphaLeveler} & 0&5 & \\
$\eta$ & overpotential & \texttt{overpotential} & -0&3 & V \\
$R$ & gas constant & \texttt{gasConstant} & 8&314 & J K mol$^{-1}$ \\
$T$ & temperature & \texttt{temperature} & 298&0 & K \\
\multicolumn{6}{|c|}{Ion Parameters} \\
$c_I$ & ion concentration & \texttt{ionConcentration} & 250&0 & mol m$^{-3}$ \\
$c_I^{\infty}$ & far field ion concentration & \texttt{ionConcentration} & 250&0 & mol m$^{-3}$ \\
$D_I$ & ion diffusion coefficient & \texttt{ionDiffusion} & 5&6$\times$10$^{-10}$ & m$^2$ s$^{-1}$ \\
\multicolumn{6}{|c|}{Accelerator Parameters} \\
$\theta_A$ & accelerator coverage & \texttt{acceleratorCoverage} & 0&0 & \\
$c_A$ & accelerator concentartion & \texttt{acceleratorConcentration} & 5&0$\times$10$^{-3}$ & mol m$^{-3}$ \\
$c_A^{\infty}$ & far field accelerator concentration & \texttt{acceleratorConcentration} & 5&0$\times$10$^{-3}$ & mol m$^{-3}$ \\
$D_A$ & catalyst diffusion coefficient & \texttt{catalystDiffusion} & 1&0$\times$10$^{-9}$ & m$^2$ s$^{-1}$ \\
$\Gamma_A$ & accelerator site density & \texttt{siteDensity} & 9&8$\times$10$^{-6}$ & mol m$^{-2}$ \\
$k_A^+$ & accelerator adsorption & & \multicolumn{2}{l}{} & m$^3$ mol$^{-1}$ s$^{-1}$ \\
$k_{A0}^+$ & accelerator adsorption coeff & \texttt{kAccelerator0} & 2&6$\times$10$^{-4}$ & m$^3$ mol$^{-1}$ s$^{-1}$ \\
$\alpha_k$ & accelerator adsorption coeff & \texttt{alphaAdsorption} & 0&62 & \\
$k_A^-$ & accelerator consumption coeff & & \multicolumn{2}{l}{} & \\
$B_a$ & experimental parameter & \texttt{Bd} & -40&0 &
$B_b$ & experimental parameter & \texttt{Bd} & 60&0 &
$V_d$ & experimental parameter & \texttt{Bd} & 9&8$\times$10$^{-2}$ &
$B_d$ & experimental parameter & \texttt{Bd} & 8&0$\times$10$^{-4}$ &
\multicolumn{6}{|c|}{Geometry Parameters} \\
$D$ & trench depth & \texttt{trenchDepth} & 0&5$\times$10$^{-6}$ & m \\
$D / W$ & trench aspect ratio & \texttt{aspectRatio} & 2&0 & \\
$S$ & trench spacing & \texttt{trenchSpacing} & 0&6$\times$10$^{-6}$ & m \\
$\delta$ & boundary layer depth & \texttt{boundaryLayerDepth} & 0&3$\times$10$^{-6}$ & m \\
\multicolumn{6}{|c|}{Simulation Control Parameters} \\
& computational cell size & \texttt{cellSize} & 0&1$\times$10$^{-7}$ & m \\
& number of time steps & \texttt{numberOfSteps} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{5} & \\
& whether to display the viewers & \texttt{displayViewers} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\texttt{True}} & \\
The following images show accelerator and leveler contour plots that
can be obtained by running this example.
.. image:: electroChem/accelerator.*
:width: 90%
:align: center
:alt: accelerator coverage as a function of time during superfill
.. image:: electroChem/leveler.*
:width: 90%
:align: center
:alt: leveler coverage as a function of time during superfill
.. .. bibmissing:: /documentation/refs.bib
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
from fipy import *
from surfactantBulkDiffusionEquation import buildSurfactantBulkDiffusionEquation
from adsorbingSurfactantEquation import AdsorbingSurfactantEquation
from trenchMesh import TrenchMesh
from gapFillDistanceVariable import GapFillDistanceVariable
from metalIonDiffusionEquation import buildMetalIonDiffusionEquation
def runLeveler(kLeveler=0.018,
kLevelerConsumption = 0.0005
aspectRatio = 1.5
faradaysConstant = 9.6485e4
gasConstant = 8.314
acceleratorDiffusionCoefficient = 4e-10
siteDensity = 6.35e-6
atomicVolume = 7.1e-6
charge = 2
metalDiffusionCoefficient = 4e-10
temperature = 298.
overpotential = -0.25
bulkMetalConcentration = 250.
bulkAcceleratorConcentration = 50.0e-3
initialLevelerCoverage = 0.
cflNumber = 0.2
cellsBelowTrench = 10
trenchDepth = 0.4e-6
trenchSpacing = 0.6e-6
boundaryLayerDepth = 98.7e-6
i0Suppressor = 0.3
i0Accelerator = 22.5
alphaSuppressor = 0.5
alphaAccelerator = 0.4
alphaAdsorption = 0.62
m = 4
b = 2.65
A = 0.3
Ba = -40
Bb = 60
Vd = 0.098
Bd = 0.0008
etaPrime = faradaysConstant * overpotential / gasConstant / temperature
mesh = TrenchMesh(cellSize = cellSize,
trenchSpacing = trenchSpacing,
trenchDepth = trenchDepth,
boundaryLayerDepth = boundaryLayerDepth,
aspectRatio = aspectRatio,
angle = numerix.pi * 4. / 180.)
distanceVar = GapFillDistanceVariable(
name = 'distance variable',
mesh = mesh,
value = -1.)
distanceVar.setValue(1., where=mesh.electrolyteMask)
levelerVar = SurfactantVariable(
name = "leveler variable",
value = initialLevelerCoverage,
distanceVar = distanceVar)
acceleratorVar = SurfactantVariable(
name = "accelerator variable",
value = initialAcceleratorCoverage,
distanceVar = distanceVar)
bulkAcceleratorVar = CellVariable(name = 'bulk accelerator variable',
mesh = mesh,
value = bulkAcceleratorConcentration)
bulkLevelerVar = CellVariable(
name = 'bulk leveler variable',
mesh = mesh,
value = bulkLevelerConcentration)
metalVar = CellVariable(
name = 'metal variable',
mesh = mesh,
value = bulkMetalConcentration)
def depositionCoeff(alpha, i0):
expo = numerix.exp(-alpha * etaPrime)
return 2 * i0 * (expo - expo * numerix.exp(etaPrime))
coeffSuppressor = depositionCoeff(alphaSuppressor, i0Suppressor)
coeffAccelerator = depositionCoeff(alphaAccelerator, i0Accelerator)
exchangeCurrentDensity = acceleratorVar.interfaceVar * (coeffAccelerator - coeffSuppressor) + coeffSuppressor
currentDensity = metalVar / bulkMetalConcentration * exchangeCurrentDensity
depositionRateVariable = currentDensity * atomicVolume / charge / faradaysConstant
extensionVelocityVariable = CellVariable(
name = 'extension velocity',
mesh = mesh,
value = depositionRateVariable)
kAccelerator = rateConstant * numerix.exp(-alphaAdsorption * etaPrime)
kAcceleratorConsumption = Bd + A / (numerix.exp(Ba * (overpotential + Vd)) + numerix.exp(Bb * (overpotential + Vd)))
q = m * overpotential + b
levelerSurfactantEquation = AdsorbingSurfactantEquation(
distanceVar = distanceVar,
bulkVar = bulkLevelerVar,
rateConstant = kLeveler,
consumptionCoeff = kLevelerConsumption * depositionRateVariable)
accVar1 = acceleratorVar.interfaceVar
accVar2 = (accVar1 > 0) * accVar1
accConsumptionCoeff = kAcceleratorConsumption * (accVar2**(q - 1))
acceleratorSurfactantEquation = AdsorbingSurfactantEquation(
distanceVar = distanceVar,
bulkVar = bulkAcceleratorVar,
rateConstant = kAccelerator,
otherVar = levelerVar,
otherBulkVar = bulkLevelerVar,
otherRateConstant = kLeveler,
consumptionCoeff = accConsumptionCoeff)
advectionEquation = TransientTerm() + FirstOrderAdvectionTerm(extensionVelocityVariable)
metalEquation = buildMetalIonDiffusionEquation(
ionVar = metalVar,
distanceVar = distanceVar,
depositionRate = depositionRateVariable,
diffusionCoeff = metalDiffusionCoefficient,
metalIonMolarVolume = atomicVolume)
metalVar.constrain(bulkMetalConcentration, mesh.facesTop)
bulkAcceleratorEquation = buildSurfactantBulkDiffusionEquation(
bulkVar = bulkAcceleratorVar,
distanceVar = distanceVar,
surfactantVar = acceleratorVar,
otherSurfactantVar = levelerVar,
diffusionCoeff = acceleratorDiffusionCoefficient,
rateConstant = kAccelerator * siteDensity)
bulkAcceleratorVar.constrain(bulkAcceleratorConcentration, mesh.facesTop)
bulkLevelerEquation = buildSurfactantBulkDiffusionEquation(
bulkVar = bulkLevelerVar,
distanceVar = distanceVar,
surfactantVar = levelerVar,
diffusionCoeff = levelerDiffusionCoefficient,
rateConstant = kLeveler * siteDensity)
bulkLevelerVar.constrain(bulkLevelerConcentration, mesh.facesTop)
eqnTuple = ( (advectionEquation, distanceVar, (), None),
(levelerSurfactantEquation, levelerVar, (), None),
(acceleratorSurfactantEquation, acceleratorVar, (), None),
(metalEquation, metalVar, (), None),
(bulkAcceleratorEquation, bulkAcceleratorVar, (), GeneralSolver()),
(bulkLevelerEquation, bulkLevelerVar, (), GeneralSolver()))
narrowBandWidth = 20 * cellSize
levelSetUpdateFrequency = int(0.7 * narrowBandWidth / cellSize / cflNumber / 2)
totalTime = 0.0
if displayViewers:
raise Exception
from mayaviSurfactantViewer import MayaviSurfactantViewer
viewers = (
MayaviSurfactantViewer(distanceVar, acceleratorVar.interfaceVar, zoomFactor = 1e6, datamax=0.5, datamin=0.0, smooth = 1, title = 'accelerator coverage'),
MayaviSurfactantViewer(distanceVar, levelerVar.interfaceVar, zoomFactor = 1e6, datamax=0.5, datamin=0.0, smooth = 1, title = 'leveler coverage'))
class PlotVariable(CellVariable):
def __init__(self, var = None, name = ''):
CellVariable.__init__(self, mesh = mesh.fineMesh, name = name)
self.var = self._requires(var)
def _calcValue(self):
return numerix.array(self.var(self.mesh.cellCenters))
viewers = (Viewer(PlotVariable(var=acceleratorVar.interfaceVar)),
for step in range(numberOfSteps):
if displayViewers:
if step % displayRate == 0:
for viewer in viewers:
if step % levelSetUpdateFrequency == 0:
extOnInt = numerix.where(distanceVar.globalValue > 0,
numerix.where(distanceVar.globalValue < 2 * cellSize,
dt = cflNumber * cellSize / extOnInt.max()
for eqn, var, BCs, solver in eqnTuple:
eqn.solve(var, boundaryConditions = BCs, dt = dt, solver=solver)
totalTime += dt
point = ((1.25e-08,), (3.125e-07,))
value = 2.02815779e-08
return abs(float(distanceVar(point, order=1)) - value) < cellSize / 10.0
__all__ = ["runLeveler"]
if __name__ == '__main__':
runLeveler(numberOfSteps=1000, displayViewers=True)
## raw_input("finished")
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