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Last active April 12, 2017 14:24
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Python file for running Christoph Gunther's problem
from fipy import *
from scipy.special import erf,ellipk,ellipe
from scipy.integrate import quad
def thornber(E):
e = 1.602e-19
kb = 1.380e-23
vs = 2e5
Eg = 3.3*e
EI = 1e13
Eph = 0.8e6
T = 300
Ekt = (EI*kb*T)/Eg
#thorn = numerix.abs(((vs*e*E)/Eg)*numerix.exp((-1*EI)/((E*(1+(E/Eph)))+Ekt)))
thorn = ((vs*e*E)/Eg)*numerix.exp((-1*EI)/((E*(1+(E/Eph)))+Ekt))
return numerix.absolute(thorn)
def integ(j,x,gamma1,gamma2):
return erf((numerix.pi/2)*numerix.sqrt(((2.0*(int(x+1.0)))-(2*x)+j)/(ellipk(gamma2)*ellipe(gamma2))))*numerix.exp(-1*j*numerix.pi*((ellipk(gamma2)-ellipe(gamma2))/ellipe(gamma1)))
def Keld(E):
#E = E*100000000.0
e = 1.602e-19
hbar = 1.054e-34
c = 299792458
wavelength = 1030e-9
w = 2*numerix.pi*c/wavelength
me = 0.4*9.109e-31
mh = 3*9.109e-31
m = (me*mh)/(me+mh)
Eg = 3.3*1.602e-19
if E<0.000000001:
return 0
gamma = ((w*numerix.sqrt(m*Eg))/(e*E))
gamma1 = (gamma**2)/(1+gamma**2)
gamma2 = 1.0 - gamma1
x = (2/numerix.pi)*(Eg/(hbar*w))*(numerix.sqrt(1+gamma**2)/gamma)*ellipe(1/(1+gamma**2))
Q = numerix.sqrt((numerix.pi)/(2*ellipk(gamma2)))*quad(lambda j: integ(j,x,gamma1,gamma2),0,10000)[0]
keld = ((2*w)/(9*numerix.pi))*(((w*m)/(hbar*numerix.sqrt(gamma1)))**(3/2))*Q*numerix.exp(-1*numerix.pi*(int(x+1))*((ellipk(gamma1)-ellipe(gamma1))/ellipe(gamma2)))
#keld = keld*1000000
return numerix.absolute(keld)
def multi(E):
for i in range(len(E)):
return tmp
if __name__ == "__main__":
nr = 50
nz = 50
dr = 1e-6
dz = dr
L = dr*nr
mesh = mesh = CylindricalGrid2D(nr=nr, nz=nz,dr=dr,dz=dz,origin=((-L/2.0,),(0,)))#Grid2D(dx=dx, dy=dy, nx=nx, ny=ny)
#create variables
E = CellVariable(name="real part electric Field", mesh=mesh, hasOld=True, value=0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000001, )
Estar = CellVariable(name="diff real part electric Field", mesh=mesh, hasOld=True, value=0.0 )
J = CellVariable(name="imag part electric Field", mesh=mesh, hasOld=True, value=0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000001 )
Jstar = CellVariable(name="diff imag part electric Field", mesh=mesh, hasOld=True, value=0.0 )
rho = CellVariable(name="carrier concentration", mesh=mesh, hasOld=True, value=1.0e12 )
time = Variable()
#make constants for eqn system
#physical constants
c = 299792458.0
#material Parameters
n = 2.5
alpha = 0.05
n2 = 3.5e-16
vg = 1.0e18
Beta2 = 1.0e18
sigma = 1.
tau = 1e-16
Eg = 3.3*1.602e-19
#Laser Parameters
wavelength = 1030e-9 #wavelength in nm
w = 2.0*numerix.pi*c/(wavelength)
d = 25e-6 #Focusdepth
wf = 1.0e-6 #Beam radius in Focus
tp = 1e-9 #Puls length
Ein = 100e-3 #Pulsenergy
timeStep = 1e-11
desiredResidual = 1.0e-8
totalElapsedTime = 1000*timeStep
#physical relations
k = n*w/c
#equation parsmeters
gamma = numerix.array(((1./(2*k), 0.), (0., 0.)))
#Laserparameter relations
zf = numerix.pi*(wf**2)*n/wavelength
w0 = wf*numerix.sqrt((1.0+((d**2)/(zf**2))))
f = d+zf**2.0/d
Pin = Ein/(tp*(numerix.pi/2))
E0 = numerix.sqrt((2.0*Pin)/(numerix.pi*w0))
#set upper values
R,Z = mesh.faceCenters
#mask = ((Y > 19.5e-6))
E.constrain((E0*numerix.cos((k*(R)**2.0)/(2.0*f)))/(numerix.exp((((R)**2)/(w0**2.0))+((time**2.0)/(tp**2.0)))), where=mesh.facesTop)
J.constrain((E0*(-1)*numerix.sin((k*(R)**2.0)/(2.0*f)))/(numerix.exp((((R)**2.0)/(w0**2.0))+((time**2)/(tp**2)))), where=mesh.facesTop)
#setup equation system
eqn1 = TransientTerm(var=E)==Estar
eqn2 = TransientTerm(var=J)==Jstar
eqn3 = E.grad[1] + TransientTerm(coeff=vg, var=E) == DiffusionTerm(coeff=(-gamma), var=J) \
+TransientTerm(coeff= Beta2/2.0,var=Jstar)- (k*n2*((E**2.0))+((J**2.0))*J)+(w0*tau*rho*J)\
-((sigma*rho*E)/2)-((multi(numerix.sqrt((E**2.0)+(J**2.0)))*E)/(2*((E**2)+(J**2.0)))) - alpha*E
eqn4 = J.grad[1] + TransientTerm(coeff=vg, var=J) == DiffusionTerm(coeff=(gamma), var=E) \
-TransientTerm(coeff= Beta2/2.0,var=Estar)+ (k*n2*((E**2))+((J**2))*E)-(w0*tau*rho*E)\
-((sigma*rho*J)/2)-((multi(numerix.sqrt((E**2.0)+(J**2)))*J)/(2.0*((E**2)+(J**2.0)))) - alpha*J
eqn5 = TransientTerm(var=rho)== rho*thornber((E**2.0)+(J**2.0))+multi((E**2.0)+(J**2.0))
coupledeqn = eqn1 & eqn2 & eqn3 & eqn4 & eqn5
#solve equation system
while time < totalElapsedTime:
residual = 1e5
#viewer = Viewer(vars=J)
time.setValue(time() + timeStep)
while residual > desiredResidual:
residual = coupledeqn.sweep(dt=timeStep)
viewer = Viewer(vars=J)
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