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Last active November 7, 2022 14:23
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Nix on the cluster odyssey

Nix on the cluster

To use Nix with an ordinary install on the cluster requires access to /nix and also sharing /nix across all compute nodes. This is not feasible without a great deal of work by the sys admin. There already exist shared directories that users have access to (/users and /working). /working is used mostly for building environments and writes during job runs. There are two ways to install a non-root Nix. One is to try to install a version of Nix with a built-in alternative store location and the other is to use chroot and trick Nix into thinking it's writing to /nix, but is actually writing to a local location.

Native non-root install

The edited version of the script used to try this is This is a bash script that installs Nix and uses a specified location for the Nix store. This script is changed from the original and has an updated version of Nix. Currently, this method is not working correctly. The install completes, but it makes some attempts to obtain derivations from /nix/store instead of the specified Nix store location. One frustration during the install is trying to reconcile the version of the Nix manager with the version of Nixpkgs. Using --store=/path/to/new/store as an argument to nix-shell and nix-env allows it to start installing, but it results with an error message claiming that it can't find something in the /nix/store. The tool is designed for older version of Nix (2.0.4) so things have changed, obviously.

Using nix-user-chroot

As mentioned on the Nix wiki, nix-user-chroot is the preferred method for installing Nix in an alternative place to /nix. Here are the steps required.

  • Install rust-dev on ruth (and cluster nodes) as nix-user-chroot is a Rust package.

  • Enable the unshare command on ruth and cluster nodes. Test with, $ unshare --user --pid echo YES.

  • Install Nix using the suggested installation.

  • Remove all local Nix config files such as

    • ~/.nix-profile
    • ~/.nix-defexpr
    • ~/.nix-channels
    • ~/.config/nix

That's it. It basically works after these steps.

Script to run Nix

Here is a small script to make things easier when running Nix using nix-user-chroot.


# This script runs nix-user-chroot as `nix-root`, for example to enter an nix-shell use
#     $ nix-root nix-shell --command "python -c 'import pymks; pymks.test()'"
# for example.

args=$(printf "%q " "${@}")
~/git/nix-user-chroot/target/release/nix-user-chroot /working/wd15/.nix bash -l -c "$args"

It has the path to the nix-user-chroot executable and the directory used to mount to /nix (/working/wd15/.nix in this case). Thus, running nix-shell just requires nix-root nix-shell for example and any other arguments normally added to nix-shell.

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