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Created February 25, 2017 15:18
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# Takes in a tsv file containing minimally chromosome begin end to calculate the GC content of the targets
# Second argument is the name of the field to take as identifier
# Alternative input is a fasta file
# wdecoster
import sys, os, time
from Bio import Entrez, SeqIO = ""
def getGC(seq):
return(str(int(round((sum([1.0 for nucl in seq if nucl in ['G', 'C']]) / len(seq)) * 100))))
def getFas(chrID, start, stop):
record = str("nucleotide", id=chrID,
rettype="fasta", strand="1", seq_start=start, seq_stop=stop), "fasta").seq)
return([getGC(record), str(len(record)), str(record)])
def processFasta(fas):
for record in SeqIO.parse(fas, "fasta"):
print("{}\t{}\t{}".format(, getGC(str(record.seq)), str(len(record.seq))))
def processBed(bedstream, namefield):
hg19_gidict = {'1': "224589800", '2': "224589811", '3': "224589815", '4': "224589816", '5': "224589817", '6': "224589818",
'7': "224589819", '8': "224589820", '9': "224589821", '10': "224589801", '11': "224589802", '12': "224589803", '13': "224589804",
'14': "224589805", '15': "224589806", '16': "224589807", '17': "224589808", '18': "224589809", '19': "224589810", '20': "224589812",
'21': "224589813", '22': "224589814", 'X': "224589822", 'Y': "224589823", 'M': "17981852"}
for line in bedstream:
linelist = line.strip().split()
print("{}\t{}".format(linelist[namefield], "\t".join(getFas(hg19_gidict[linelist[0].replace('chr','')], linelist[1], linelist[2]))))
def main():
if not len(sys.argv) in [2,3]:
sys.exit("ERROR: Incorrect number of arguments\nEither supply a bed file with header and name of identifier to use, or a fasta file.")
with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as input:
for line in input:
if line.startswith('#'):
if line.startswith("chromosome\tbegin\tend"):
namefield = line.strip().split().index(sys.argv[2]) #Find the index of the field to be used as identifier
processBed(input, namefield)
except ValueError:
sys.exit("Could not find {} in the header".format(sys.argv[2]))
elif line.startswith(">"):
sys.exit("ERROR:\nRequired header not found, expecting minimally 'chromosome' 'begin' 'end' '<identifier>\nAlternatively use a fasta file as input.'")
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