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Created September 30, 2019 18:38
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Simple BarGraph using a Rotary Encoder and using IceStorm toolchain while targeted at TinyFPGA-B2
// Rotary Encoder test - top.v
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sync switch debouncer
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
module digital_filter(
input clk,
input D,
output reg Q);
reg[3:0] dfilter4;
localparam valid0 = 4'b0000, valid1 = 4'b1111;
always @(posedge clk)
dfilter4 <= {dfilter4[2:0], D};
valid0: Q <= 0;
valid1: Q <= 1;
default: Q <= Q; // hold value
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Basic flip flop
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
module flip_flop
parameter Default = 0
input D,
input C,
output Q,
output notQ
reg state;
assign Q = state;
assign notQ = ~state;
always @ (posedge C) begin
state <= D;
// Simulation
initial begin
state = Default;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Rotary decoder
// Base on:
// This decoder is sometimes called a "4x decoder" because it counts all
// the transitions of the quadrature inputs.
// Note: I still want to build a variation based on these:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
module quadrature_decoder (
input A,
input B,
input Clk,
output Dir,
output Shift
wire s0;
wire s1;
wire s2;
wire s3;
wire s4;
wire s5;
flip_flop #(
DIG_D_FF_1bit_i0 (
.D( A ),
.C( Clk ),
.Q( s0 )
flip_flop #(
DIG_D_FF_1bit_i1 (
.D( B ),
.C( Clk ),
.Q( s5 )
flip_flop #(
DIG_D_FF_1bit_i2 (
.D( s0 ),
.C( Clk ),
.Q( s1 )
flip_flop #(
DIG_D_FF_1bit_i3 (
.D( s5 ),
.C( Clk ),
.Q( s4 )
flip_flop #(
DIG_D_FF_1bit_i4 (
.D( s1 ),
.C( Clk ),
.Q( s2 )
flip_flop #(
DIG_D_FF_1bit_i5 (
.D( s4 ),
.C( Clk ),
.Q( s3 )
assign Dir = (s1 ^ s3);
assign Shift = (s1 ^ s2 ^ s4 ^ s3);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// x4 decoder produces all 4 events from 1 turn of the rotary but we only want
// to recognize only one of them. So this module is a basic 2 bit counter that
// emits true when the counter = 0.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
module event_detect (
input Clk,
output Detected
wire s0;
wire s1;
wire s2;
wire s3;
flip_flop #(
DIG_D_FF_1bit_i0 (
.D( s0 ),
.C( Clk ),
.Q( s1 ),
.notQ ( s0 )
flip_flop #(
DIG_D_FF_1bit_i1 (
.D( s2 ),
.C( s0 ),
.Q( s3 ),
.notQ ( s2 )
assign Detected = (s1 & s3);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Main module
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
module top (
output pin1_usb_dp,// USB pull-up enable, set low to disable
output pin2_usb_dn,
input pin3_clk_16mhz, // 16 MHz on-board clock
// pins 13-4 should be connected to 10 LEDs
output pin13, // Left most bit
output pin12,
output pin11,
output pin10,
output pin9,
output pin8,
output pin7,
output pin6,
output pin5,
output pin4, // Right most bit
input pin14_sdo, // Rotary input A : Yellow before Green = CW
input pin15_sdi, // Rotary input B
reg [22:0] clk_1hz_counter = 23'b0; // Hz clock generation counter
reg clk_cyc = 1'b0; // Hz clock
// The bargraph works by shifting a fixed with number of 1s (i.e. 10 in this case)
// _out of view
// / /- in view
// | |
// | V | V |
reg[19:0] bar_height = 20'b11111111110000000000; // Holds bar height
// 2KHz because of the quadrature
localparam FREQUENCY = 23'd2000;
wire inv_A, inv_B;
wire quad_dir;
wire quad_shift;
wire event_enabled;
// Debouncers
digital_filter dfA(.clk(clk_cyc), .D(pin14_sdo), .Q(pin16_sck));
digital_filter dfB(.clk(clk_cyc), .D(pin15_sdi), .Q(pin17_ss));
// Convert from negative logic to positive logic
not(inv_A, pin16_sck);
not(inv_B, pin17_ss);
// Generate events based on A/B
quadrature_decoder decoder(.A(inv_A), .B(inv_B), .Clk(clk_cyc), .Dir(quad_dir), .Shift(quad_shift));
// Filter out 3 of the 4 events. We just want one.
event_detect ed(.Clk(quad_shift), .Detected(event_enabled));
// Clock divder and generator
always @(posedge pin3_clk_16mhz) begin
if (clk_1hz_counter < 23'd7_999_999)
clk_1hz_counter <= clk_1hz_counter + FREQUENCY;
else begin
clk_1hz_counter <= 23'b0;
clk_cyc <= ~clk_cyc;
// Ping/Pong effect, driven by Decoder
// Warning! You can't use the 16MHz clock because: for one that would introduce cross-domain
// clocking, and two, quadrature is based off of the 2KHz clock so they would be out of sync.
// Introducing a FIFO would be nutty and overkill.
always @(posedge clk_cyc) begin
// Shift active LED only if Shift flag is High and Event detected.
if (event_enabled == 1 && quad_shift == 1) begin
if (quad_dir == 0) begin
// Shrink = shift left
if (bar_height == 20'b11111111110000000000)
bar_height <= bar_height;
bar_height <= bar_height << 1;
else begin
// Grow = shift right
if (bar_height == 20'b00000000001111111111)
bar_height <= bar_height;
bar_height <= bar_height >> 1;
bar_height <= bar_height;
// Route to pins
pin13 = bar_height[9],
pin12 = bar_height[8],
pin11 = bar_height[7],
pin10 = bar_height[6],
pin9 = bar_height[5],
pin8 = bar_height[4],
pin7 = bar_height[3],
pin6 = bar_height[2],
pin5 = bar_height[1],
pin4 = bar_height[0];
// Debug
pin18 = quad_dir,
pin19 = quad_shift;
pin1_usb_dp = 1'b0,
pin2_usb_dn = 1'b0;
endmodule // top
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wdevore commented Sep 30, 2019

Turn rotary clockwise and it counts up, counter clockwise and it counts down.
See rotary_encoder.v for circuit and diagrams.

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