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Created May 30, 2022 12:54
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Unregister ms-msdt to protect against recent Office 0day
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
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Windows 7 home edition (dutch version) cannot find this key ?

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wdormann commented Jun 7, 2022

Windows 7 does not support the ms-msdt: protocol.

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I think it does, the reason this key is missing is because this key is probably installed by Microsoft Word/Office. As long as Microsoft Word/Office was not installed the Windows 7 machine will be safe.

So this vunerability, at least on windows 7, is only related to Microsoft Word/Office and it's being hyped up a bit by the media/youtubers to be a "windows vunerability" which it's not really.

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wdormann commented Jun 9, 2022

You're free to hold whatever beliefs you like.
But I'd recommend sticking to those backed up by evidence.

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There is no test program to test for this vunerability.
You want evidence of a missing registry key ?!?

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