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Last active July 17, 2016 14:51
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許邱翔, Chiu-Hsiang Hsu
  • Python
  • C++
  • Rust
  • Arch Linux
  • FreeBSD
Version Control:
  • Git
Web Framework:
  • Django
  • Valgrind
  • LLVM Sanitizer
  • Neovim
  • Vim
  • Bachelor of Science in Department of Computer Science, National Chiao Tung University
  • 2016 - "First try for CAS, SymPy with codegen", PyCon TW 2016
  • 2015 - "Android Memory Profiling", VMFive Inc.
  • 2015 - "Introduction to Python - Part 2", Network Benefit Association Club, National Chiao Tung University
  • 2015 - "Introduction to Python", Network Benefit Association Club, National Chiao Tung University
  • 2015 - "CPython's bug in feature that nobody uses", PyCon APAC 2015
  • 2014 - "Vim 手指健康操 (Vim finger exercise)", Open Source Community, National Taiwan University
  • 2014 - "Introduction to Computer Hardware", Network Benefit Association Club, National Chiao Tung University
  • 2013 - "The Linux World", Network Benefit Association Club, National Chiao Tung University
  • 2013 - "FreeBSD Ports", Network Benefit Association Club, National Chiao Tung University
  • 2015 - VMFive Lab

    cross-compile Valgrind to Android ARM to detect memory problems

    study the design of LLVM Sanitizer and survey the status on Android ARM

  • 2015 - Network Benefit Association Club, National Chiao Tung University (Treasurer)

  • 2015 - SITCON staff, Taiwan (write the staff and submission system)

    develop the submission system, which is written in Python with Django, for SITCON

  • 2015 - Open House, National Chiao Tung University (IT team leader)

    develop and maintain organization's website (written in PHP with Yii framework)

    teach IT team members to maintain services

    collaborate with other non-IT people to meet their requirement

  • 2014 - Python Conference APAC staff, Taiwan (Venue)

  • 2014 - Open House, National Chiao Tung University (IT team member)

    develop and maintain organization's website (written in PHP with Yii framework)

    maintain services

    collaborate with other non-IT people to meet their requirement

  • 2014 - Network Benefit Association Club, National Chiao Tung University (Leader)

  • 2013 - Network Benefit Association Club, National Chiao Tung University (MIS)

  • A price estimation system for laser cutting

    The system is client-server architecture, it offers a web interface with WebGL 3D drawing as client, and web server (written with Django) to invoke Celery for DXF information extraction and NURBS (non-uniform rational B-spline) length analysis.

    (undergraduate course, Computer Science and Engineering Projects)

  • Blowfish CTR with OpenMP

    modify mbedTLS's Blowfish with CTR mode to support OpenMP for multiple CPU cores

    (graduate course, Parallel Programming)

  • USL v. BSDi lawsuit (自由開源軟體與專案協作 B0 組:USL v. BSDi 官司) :

    We create an video (with drawing) to talk the history from Unix to BSD and the lawsuit of AT&T's UNIX System Laboratories and Berkeley Software Design Inc.

    (graduate course, Free and Open Source Software and Project Collaboration)

  • Danboard (face tracking robot):

    A face tracking robot using OpenCV for real-time face dection (Viola–Jones object detection) and WiringPi to control the motors, running on Raspberry Pi with Arch Linux ARM

    (graduate course, Computer Vision)

  • SOCKS4 Server

    Implementation of SOCKS4 Proxy Server

    (graduate course, Network Programming)

  • Aero - a practical airline application

    A system for airline which provide a convenient way to users for searching desired flights.

    This system's backend is written in PHP with Twig template engine, and the front-end is written with AngularJS.

    (undergraduate course, Introduction to Database Systems)

  • abridged C++11 STL vector

    Implementation of abridged C++11 STL vector.

    In this task, I need to use technique like produce xvalue by std::move and placement new to make a STL vector.

    (undergraduate course, Object-Oriented Programming)

  • clapcomp :

    clap completion generator as command

    write CLI arguments setting in clap's YAML format, generate shell completion for you

  • tenrus :

    "travis encrypt" in Rust

  • wesers :

    a simple HTTP server in Rust

  • python-everywhere :

    A Python project's template with CI integration.

  • Roboconf - A Django website use as SITCON staff system :

    A staff system for SITCON.

    This system has some convenient functionalities including issue tracker, document operation, time control, staff management and sending Email/SMS for deadline.

  • chebyshev :

    A Chebyshev Approximation (a method to get polynomial approximation for specific function) written in SymPy and NumPy.

  • http.upload :

    A multithread SimpleHTTPServer with ability to handle POST request for upload files.

  • zdict - dictionary framework :

    My friends and I have written a dictionary tool for CLI and some utils based on it.

    The main dictionary framework is written in Python. Currently, it support 4 kind of dictionaries, include Yahoo Dictionary, Moe Dictionary (萌典), Urban Dictionary, SpanishDict.

    There is an Qt GUI tool to search words by mouse selection and display query result by popup window, it's written in C++ and depends on LXQT's QTermWidget.

  • 2015 - TSCC (Taiwan Student Cluster Competition), Award for Excellent

    TSCC is a competition hosted by NCHC (National Center for High-Performance Computing).

    The goal of this competition is to tune the server to achieve better performance on the same hardware. The performance is measured by HPL, LAMMPS, Einstein Toolkit. Techniquees that used in this competition including InfiniBand, MPI, RDMA, OpenMP, CUDA, ... etc.

    In 2015, We get highest score in HPL in the competition.

As an advocate of Open Source and a programmer, I like to attend conferences of different communities to get new knowledge and make friends.

  • 2016 - PyCon TW (Python Conference), Taiwan
  • 2016 - SITCON (Students' Information Technology Conference), Taiwan
  • 2015 - COSCUP (Conference for Open Source Coders, Users and Promoters), Taiwan
  • 2015 - PyCon APAC (Python Conference Asia Pacific), Taiwan
  • 2015 - SITCON (Students' Information Technology Conference), Taiwan
  • 2014 - HITCON (Hacks in Taiwan Conference), Taiwan
  • 2014 - COSCUP (Conference for Open Source Coders, Users and Promoters), Taiwan
  • 2014 - PyCon APAC (Python Conference Asia Pacific), Taiwan
  • 2014 - OSDC (Open Source Developers' Conference), Taiwan
  • 2014 - SITCON (Students' Information Technology Conference), Taiwan
  • 2013 - COSCUP (Conference for Open Source Coders, Users and Promoters), Taiwan

You can make a lot of friends in communities :)

  • PyCON
  • PyHUG
  • 新竹碼農
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Introduction to Neuroscience
  • Network Security
  • Parallel Programming
  • Free and Open Source Software and Project Collaboration
  • Software Debugging
  • Computer Vision
  • Computer Science and Engineering Projects
  • Principles of Communications Networks
  • Software Testing
  • Programming Language
  • Network Programming
  • Microprocessor System Lab
  • Computer Organization
  • Introduction to Algorithms
  • Introduction to Computer Graphics
  • Introduction to Formal Language
  • Introduction to Database Systems
  • Differential Equation
  • Introduction to Operating Systems
  • Digital Circuit Lab
  • Probability
  • Data Structures
  • Computer System Administration
  • Introduction to Computer Networks
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Computer Network Administration
  • Linear Algebra
  • Introduction to Computers and Programming
  • Digital Circuit Design
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