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Created July 27, 2010 19:45
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Save weakish/492755 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
gister -- a #shell script to access #gist
### a command line tool to access
## by Jakukyo Friel <> and licensed under Apache v2.
## Depends:
# gist.rb
# curl
# git
# csearch
# jq
## Ref:
# github API:
# gist API:
# gist.rb:
# gist clients:
# csearch:
# jq:
## Versions
semver='1.0.0' # released on 2013-09-16
# - Use new storage hierarchy (seperate work tree and repo)
# - Support github OAuth.
# - Fetch all gists of the user (including private ones).
# - Switch to csearch as code search backend.
# - Change license to Apache v2 License.
# semver='0.3.0' # released on 2012-05-04
# - Change backend back to gist.rb, since pygist stops to work due to api change.
# - fetch_list() fetches public gists only.
# (I myself only creates public gists. So I'm too lazy to deal with
# new oauth api. Patches are welcomed.)
# semver='0.2.0' # released on 2012-04-17
# - change backend from gist.rb to pygsit
# - remove clone_my_gists()
# - fetch_list() fetches priveate gists too.
# - fix a bug to actually support multiple files
# - add support for gist description
# - add gistid to pasteboard
# semver='0.1.0' # released on 2011-06-11
# - bugfix: implement clone properly (yaml -> json)
# - simplify publish()
# semver=0.0.0 # released on 2011-04-04
help() {
gister -- shell script to access
gister [OPTION]
gister description file.txt [...]
-l get info of all your gists
-m migrate from <1.0.0
-s regexp code search (command line)
-v version
-h this help page
Run `gister -l` and a list of your gists will be saved in gists.list. There are two
ways to set up the location of gists.list: Using env var GIST_HOME or
set the gist.home option using git config. Refer gist(ruby) manual on how
to set up GitHub user.
`gister description file.txt ...` will create the gist with the provided description,
clone the gist repo, put the gistid to clipborad, and open the url in
your `x-www-browser`.
`gister` will pass all arguments to gist as `gist -c -o -d description ...`, so you use other options that gist understands,
e.g. `gister descrption -P` will work.
main() {
gisthome=${GIST_HOME:=`git config --get gist.home`}
gist_title=${GIST_TITLE:=`git config --get gist.title`}
github_user=${GITHUB_USER:=`git config --get github.user`}
github_oauth_token=`cat $HOME/.gist`
case $1 in
-h) help;;
-l) fetch_list;;
-m) migrate;;
-s) code_search $2;;
-v) echo gister $semver;;
*) publish "$@";;
fetch_list() {
echo 'I can only fetch up to 10 million gists for you.'
mv $gisthome/gists.list $gisthome/gists.list.backup
curl -s -H "Authorization: token $github_oauth_token" '' > $gisthome/gists.list
for i in `seq 2 100000`; do
if ! (curl -s -H 'Authorization: token 1928954e4f8b569c207f25c1f4efa2943b26c392' "$i&per_page=100" | jq '.' | grep --silent '^\[]$'); then
curl -s -H 'Authorization: token 1928954e4f8b569c207f25c1f4efa2943b26c392' "$i&per_page=100" >> $gisthome/gists.list
publish() {
local gist_description="$1"
shift 1
local gist_argv="$@"
# post gist and open it in browser
gist -c -o -d "$gist_description" $gist_argv
# record the id
local gist_id=`xsel -o | grep -o -E '/[0-9a-f]+$' | sed -e 's/\///'`
# add a record
cd $gisthome
curl -s -H "Authorization: token $github_oauth_token" '' >> gists.list
# clone
cd $gisthome/tree
git clone$gist_id.git --separate-git-dir ../repo/$gist_id
# code search index
export CSEARCHINDEX=$gisthome/.csearchindex
code_search() {
export CSEARCHINDEX=$gisthome/.csearchindex
csearch -i -l -n $1
migrate() {
# migrate to new storage
cd $gisthome
mkdir tree
ls --file-type --hide gonzui.db --hide tree | grep '/$' | xargs -I '{}' mv '{}' tree
mkdir repo
cd tree
ls | xargs -I '{}' git init --separate-git-dir ../repo/'{}' '{}'
# index via new engine
cd $gisthome
export CSEARCHINDEX=$gisthome/.csearchindex
cindex $gisthome/tree
main "$@"
#!/usr/bin/env python3.1
# Author: Jakukyo Friel <>
# License: GPL v2
'''make a navigation page for gists
Usage: gistnavi 'your title' yourusername > output.html
Note: all repos must have descriptions.
- nice css layout
- tag filter using javascript
import json
from string import Template
with open('gists.list') as gist_list_file:
gist_list =
gists = {
for gist in tuple(json.loads(gist_list).values())[0]}
def gen_list_item(repo, description):
return Template(
'<li><a href="$repo">$description<a></li>'
).substitute(repo=repo, description=description)
navi_list = ''.join(
[gen_list_item(*(gist)) for gist in gists.items()])
def gen_page(title, navi_list, username):
return Template('''
<a href="$username.atom">subscribe</a>
<a href="$username">with previews</a>
<form action="" method="get">
<input name="q" value="" results="5" class="search" placeholder="Search Gists…" type="search"> <input value="Search" class="button" type="submit">
<input name="page" value="1" type="hidden">
''').substitute(title=title, navi_list=navi_list, username=username)
def main():
import sys
print(gen_page(sys.argv[1], navi_list, sys.argv[2]))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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