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Created October 6, 2018 11:32
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding: utf-8
Author : weaming
Created Time : 2018-10-06 18:04:41
import json
from datetime import datetime
import requests
url = ""
def get_url_text(url, json=False, params=None):
res = requests.get(url, params=params)
if res.status_code == 200:
if json:
return res.json()
return res.text
raise Exception("Unexpected response code {}".format(res.status_code))
def get_data(args):
type AutoGenerated struct {
Code int `json:"code"`
Data struct {
Count int `json:"count"`
CrossURL interface{} `json:"crossURL"`
Expire bool `json:"expire"`
Filter struct {
Filter []struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Pros []struct {
ID int `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
} `json:"pros"`
} `json:"filter"`
Sort []struct {
ID int `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Type int `json:"type"`
} `json:"sort"`
} `json:"filter"`
FreshURL interface{} `json:"freshUrl"`
IsFinish interface{} `json:"isFinish"`
LastTime int64 `json:"lastTime"`
List []struct {
AccessByIdcard string `json:"accessByIdcard"`
ArrivalCityCode int `json:"arrivalCityCode"`
ArrivalCityName string `json:"arrivalCityName"`
CanChooseSeat int `json:"canChooseSeat"`
DepartDepartTime string `json:"departDepartTime"`
DepartStationID int `json:"departStationId"`
DepartStationName string `json:"departStationName"`
DepartStationType int `json:"departStationType"`
DepartStationTypeName string `json:"departStationTypeName"`
DepartureCityCode int `json:"departureCityCode"`
DepartureCityName string `json:"departureCityName"`
DestArriveTime string `json:"destArriveTime"`
DestStationID int `json:"destStationId"`
DestStationName string `json:"destStationName"`
DestStationType int `json:"destStationType"`
DestStationTypeName string `json:"destStationTypeName"`
Duration int `json:"duration"`
DurationDay int `json:"durationDay"`
DurationStr string `json:"durationStr"`
Memo string `json:"memo"`
Prices []interface{} `json:"prices"`
SaleStatus int `json:"saleStatus"`
SellOut int `json:"sellOut"`
StartSaleTime string `json:"startSaleTime"`
TrainID int `json:"trainId"`
TrainNum string `json:"trainNum"`
TrainStartDate string `json:"trainStartDate"`
TrainType int `json:"trainType"`
TrainTypeName string `json:"trainTypeName"`
UpOrDown int `json:"upOrDown"`
} `json:"list"`
Origin interface{} `json:"origin"`
Remark interface{} `json:"remark"`
ReserveUrls interface{} `json:"reserveUrls"`
Stores interface{} `json:"stores"`
StreamID interface{} `json:"streamId"`
TrainTypeDetails []struct {
Number int `json:"number"`
TrainType int `json:"trainType"`
TrainTypeName string `json:"trainTypeName"`
} `json:"trainTypeDetails"`
UnsureStores interface{} `json:"unsureStores"`
} `json:"data"`
params = {
"r": "train/trainTicket/getTickets",
"primary[departureCityName]": args.start,
"primary[arrivalCityName]": args.end,
"start": args.offset,
"limit": args.limit,
data = get_url_text(url, params=params, json=True)
return data
station_code = {
"北京": "200",
"郑州": "1202",
"广州": "602",
"南京": "1602",
"西安": "2702",
"上海": "2500",
"深圳": "619",
"徐州": "1620",
"重庆": "300",
"天津": "3000",
"武汉": "1402",
"成都": "2802",
"哈尔滨": "1102",
"东莞": "606",
"株洲": "1515",
"沈阳": "1902",
"济南": "2402",
"洛阳": "1210",
"厦门": "414",
"青岛": "2413",
"乌鲁木齐": "3102",
"阿克苏": "3103",
"安康": "2703",
"安陆": "41476",
"安庆": "103",
"鞍山": "1903",
"安顺": "803",
"安阳": "1203",
"白城": "1803",
"保定": "1003",
"宝鸡": "2704",
"包头": "2104",
"鲅鱼圈": "40453",
"巴中": "2803",
"北戴河": "40043",
"北海": "704",
"蚌埠": "104",
"博乐": "42624",
"苍南": "40788",
"沧州": "1005",
"长春": "1802",
"常德": "1503",
"长沙": "1502",
"长治": "2603",
"常州": "1604",
"巢湖": "106",
"潮州": "604",
"承德": "1006",
"郴州": "1504",
"赤壁": "41501",
"赤峰": "2105",
"滁州": "107",
"大理": "3306",
"大连": "1906",
"丹东": "1907",
"大庆": "1104",
"大同": "2604",
"达州": "2804",
"德令哈": "42572",
"德清": "3432",
"德阳": "41910",
"德州": "2405",
"定远": "40899",
"东海县": "40728",
"东胜": "40334",
"东营": "2406",
"都江堰": "41886",
"敦煌": "505",
"额济纳": "40394",
"峨眉": "2807",
"恩施": "1403",
"鄂州": "1404",
"佛山": "607",
"福安": "41025",
"福鼎": "41026",
"涪陵": "303",
"福清": "40954",
"抚顺": "1908",
"阜新": "1909",
"阜阳": "108",
"福州": "402",
"抚州": "1703",
"赣州": "1704",
"高密": "41181",
"格尔木": "42571",
"广安": "2809",
"广元": "2810",
"桂林": "705",
"贵阳": "802",
"海城": "40424",
"海口": "902",
"海拉尔": "40342",
"海宁": "40796",
"哈密": "3109",
"邯郸": "1008",
"杭州": "3402",
"涵江": "40963",
"汉中": "2705",
"鹤壁": "1204",
"合川": "339",
"合肥": "102",
"鹤岗": "1106",
"黑河": "1107",
"衡山": "41542",
"衡水": "1009",
"衡阳": "1505",
"菏泽": "2407",
"淮安": "1606",
"淮北": "110",
"怀化": "1506",
"淮南": "112",
"黄山": "113",
"黄石": "1406",
"呼和浩特": "2102",
"惠州": "609",
"葫芦岛": "1910",
"湖州": "3409",
"酒泉": "508",
"佳木斯": "1108",
"吉安": "1705",
"江门": "610",
"江山": "3420",
"胶州": "41139",
"嘉善": "3434",
"嘉兴": "3410",
"嘉峪关": "516",
"揭阳": "611",
"吉林": "1800",
"晋城": "2606",
"景德镇": "1706",
"荆门": "1419",
"荆州": "1408",
"金华": "3411",
"济宁": "2408",
"集宁": "40362",
"晋江": "40989",
"锦州": "1911",
"吉首": "1517",
"九江": "1708",
"鸡西": "1109",
"开封": "1208",
"凯里": "42111",
"喀什": "3111",
"库尔勒": "42628",
"昆明": "3302",
"昆山": "1631",
"廊坊": "1010",
"兰州": "502",
"耒阳": "1518",
"拉萨": "3202",
"梁平": "323",
"连江": "40949",
"连云港": "1610",
"聊城": "2410",
"辽阳": "1912",
"辽源": "1806",
"丽江": "3312",
"临汾": "2608",
"陵水": "904",
"临海": "3413",
"临河": "40355",
"临沂": "2411",
"六安": "115",
"六盘水": "807",
"柳州": "709",
"溧阳": "1630",
"龙岩": "404",
"龙游": "40817",
"娄底": "1508",
"漯河": "1209",
"罗源": "40950",
"庐山": "1709",
"吕梁": "2607",
"马鞍山": "116",
"满洲里": "40350",
"美兰": "41864",
"梅州": "614",
"绵阳": "2816",
"汨罗": "41565",
"漠河": "40679",
"牡丹江": "1110",
"南昌": "1702",
"南城": "41101",
"南充": "2818",
"南丰": "41103",
"南宁": "702",
"南通": "1611",
"南阳": "1211",
"内江": "2819",
"宁波": "3415",
"宁德": "406",
"宁海": "3437",
"盘锦": "1913",
"攀枝花": "2820",
"平顶山": "1212",
"萍乡": "1710",
"平遥": "2614",
"莆田": "407",
"迁安": "40040",
"黔江": "315",
"潜江": "1409",
"蕲春": "41492",
"清远": "615",
"青州市": "41178",
"秦皇岛": "1012",
"琼海": "905",
"齐齐哈尔": "1111",
"七台河": "1112",
"泉州": "408",
"曲阜": "2423",
"曲靖": "3315",
"渠县": "41985",
"衢州": "3419",
"任丘": "40152",
"日照": "2415",
"如皋": "1643",
"瑞安": "40791",
"乳山": "41203",
"三门峡": "1214",
"三门县": "40826",
"三明": "409",
"三亚": "906",
"商丘": "1215",
"上饶": "1711",
"上虞": "40803",
"山海关": "40042",
"汕头": "616",
"韶关": "618",
"绍兴": "3422",
"邵阳": "1509",
"神木": "42419",
"石家庄": "1002",
"十堰": "1410",
"双鸭山": "1113",
"四平": "1809",
"松江": "2517",
"松原": "1810",
"松滋": "41485",
"绥德": "42424",
"绥芬河": "40658",
"遂宁": "2821",
"随州": "1411",
"苏州": "1615",
"宿州": "117",
"泰安": "2416",
"台安": "40422",
"泰宁": "40976",
"太原": "2602",
"台州": "3424",
"泰州": "1617",
"唐山": "1013",
"滕州": "41155",
"天门": "1407",
"天水": "511",
"铁岭": "1914",
"桐城": "40888",
"通化": "1811",
"通辽": "2110",
"铜陵": "118",
"铜仁": "808",
"桐乡": "3431",
"吐鲁番": "3118",
"瓦房店": "40415",
"万宁": "908",
"万源": "41986",
"万州": "302",
"潍坊": "2417",
"威海": "2418",
"渭南": "2706",
"文昌": "909",
"温岭": "40829",
"温州": "3426",
"乌海": "2111",
"芜湖": "120",
"乌兰浩特": "40373",
"武隆": "327",
"武清": "3012",
"武威": "513",
"无锡": "1619",
"武夷山": "413",
"襄阳": "1416",
"咸宁": "1414",
"孝感": "1417",
"霞浦": "41019",
"西昌": "2828",
"锡林浩特": "40380",
"邢台": "1015",
"西宁": "2302",
"新乡": "1216",
"信阳": "1217",
"新余": "1712",
"忻州": "2610",
"许昌": "1218",
"乐清": "40792",
"延安": "2711",
"盐城": "1621",
"阳泉": "2611",
"扬州": "1622",
"延吉": "40547",
"烟台": "2419",
"宜宾": "2825",
"宜昌": "1418",
"宜春": "1713",
"银川": "2202",
"英德": "41737",
"营口": "1915",
"营山": "41954",
"鹰潭": "1714",
"义乌": "40810",
"宜兴": "1628",
"益阳": "1511",
"永嘉": "40786",
"永州": "1513",
"尤溪": "40973",
"岳阳": "1512",
"余杭": "40772",
"榆林": "2712",
"运城": "2613",
"余姚": "40780",
"枣阳": "41462",
"枣庄": "2420",
"张家界": "1514",
"张家口": "1016",
"章丘": "41131",
"张掖": "515",
"漳州": "415",
"湛江": "625",
"昭通": "3321",
"镇江": "1626",
"镇远": "42115",
"织金": "42106",
"中山": "627",
"中卫": "2206",
"钟祥": "41471",
"周口": "1219",
"珠海": "628",
"诸暨": "3428",
"驻马店": "1220",
"淄博": "2421",
"遵义": "811",
if __name__ == "__main__":
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("start", choices=station_code.keys(), help="from city")
parser.add_argument("end", choices=station_code.keys(), help="to city")
"-d", "--date","%Y-%m-%d"), help="travel date"
parser.add_argument("-o", "--offset", default=0, type=int)
parser.add_argument("-l", "--limit", default=10, type=int)
args = parser.parse_args()
data = get_data(args)
data_list = data["data"]["list"]
max_prices_count = max(len(x["prices"]) for x in data_list)
for r in data_list:
prices = r.pop("prices")
for i in range(max_prices_count):
r["price_{}".format(i)] = prices[i] if i < len(prices) else ""
print(json.dumps(data_list, ensure_ascii=False))
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