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Created May 5, 2015 12:43
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  • Save weapp/c1a88f6fe16dc2c14061 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save weapp/c1a88f6fe16dc2c14061 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Nginx must be compiled with http_image_filter_module
# On mac:
# - brew edit nginx
# - Add "--with-http_image_filter_module" to the args array around line 62
# - Run 'brew install nginx --build-from-source'
daemon off; # For testing convenience
error_log /dev/stdout;
worker_processes 3;
events {
worker_connections 1024;
http {
map $arg_style $width {
default -;
detail 332;
featured 264;
grid 126;
h10 10;
h80 56;
h83 59;
h124 87;
h150 105;
h180 126;
h200 140;
h210 147;
h300 210;
h314 220;
h370 260;
h320 224;
h420 294;
h555 389;
h580 406;
h850 595;
lg_grid 220;
medium 264;
panasonic_grid 177;
panasonic_detail 571;
portrait 742;
ps3_hd 153;
ps3_hd_detail 308;
ps3_full_hd 230;
ps3_full_hd_detail 462;
samsung_grid 82;
samsung_detail 287;
thumb 90;
web 640;
wiiu_hd 304;
wiiu_gamepad 192;
map $arg_style $height {
default -;
detail 448;
featured 400;
grid 180;
h10 10;
h80 80;
h83 83;
h124 124;
h150 150;
h180 180;
h200 200;
h210 210;
h300 300;
h314 314;
h370 370;
h320 320;
h420 420;
h555 555;
h580 580;
h850 850;
lg_grid 320;
medium 400;
panasonic_grid 251;
panasonic_detail 847;
portrait 1080;
ps3_hd 229;
ps3_hd_detail 449;
ps3_full_hd 344;
ps3_full_hd_detail 674;
samsung_grid 115;
samsung_detail 423;
thumb 130;
web 360;
wiiu_hd 454;
wiiu_gamepad 281;
server {
listen 9000;
server_name localhost;
root .;
access_log /dev/stdout;
location / {
image_filter resize $width $height;
image_filter_jpeg_quality 95;
allow all;
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