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Created October 1, 2012 18:50
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MonitorAssignment for Coursera PGM class
function MonitorAssignment( F, names, valNames, E )
% MonitorAssignment( F, names, valNames, E ) - Pretty prints all the
% marginals for an assignment
% F contains the struct array of factors
% names contains the variable names
% valNames contains the assignment names for each variable,
% as seen in SAMIAM
% E is an N-by-2 cell array, each row being a variable/value pair.
% Variables are in the first column and values are in the second column.
% If there is no evidence, pass in the empty matrix [] for E.
% Example of use:
% [F, names, valNames] = ConvertNetwork('');
% MonitorAssignment( F, names, valNames, {'Assets', 'Low'; 'Age', 'Over65'} )
Enum = zeros(size(E));
for i=1:size(E,1)
Enum(i,1) = find(strcmp(E{i,1}, names),1,'first');
Enum(i,2) = find(strcmp(E{i,2}, valNames{Enum(i,1)}),1,'first');
maxNameLength = 0;
for i=1:numel(valNames)
for j=1:numel(valNames{i})
maxNameLength = max(maxNameLength, length(valNames{i}{j}));
for i=1:numel(F)
M = ComputeMarginal([i], F, Enum);
fprintf('%s\n', names{i})
for j=1:numel(M.val)
xtra_space = char(' '*ones(maxNameLength-length(valNames{i}{j})+3,1));
fprintf('\t%s:%s%.02f%%\n', valNames{i}{j}, xtra_space, M.val(j)*100);
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