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Created May 22, 2013 13:44
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import json
class MapReduce:
def __init__(self): = []
self.intermediate = {}
self.result = []
def emit_intermediate(self, key, value):
self.intermediate.setdefault(key, [])
def emit(self, value):
def emit_data(self, value):
def execute_internal(self, mapper, reducer) :
for record in
for key in self.intermediate:
reducer(key, self.intermediate[key])
#jenc = json.JSONEncoder(encoding='latin-1')
jenc = json.JSONEncoder()
for item in self.result:
print jenc.encode(item)
def execute(self, data, mapper, reducer):
for line in data:
self.execute_internal(mapper, reducer)
def execute_kernel(self, kernel, mapper, reducer):
self.execute_internal(mapper, reducer)
import MapReduce
mr = MapReduce.MapReduce()
# Python Kernel() : Generate all 5-card poker hands as csv string.
# e.g. : '3S,QC,AD,AC,7H' (5 cards in each emitted data line)
def Kernel():
faces = ['2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'T', 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'A'];
suits = [ 'S', 'C', 'D', 'H' ] # Spades, Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts
# Make a list of all 52 cards in the deck; e.g. '3S' or 'QH'.
all_cards = [];
for f in range(0, len(faces)):
for s in range(0, len(suits)):
card = faces[f] + suits[s]; # construct e.g. 'QH' for Q of Hearts
# Generate and EMIT all unique 5-card combinations (poker hands).
all_cards_len = len(all_cards) # 52
for i1 in range(0, all_cards_len):
for i2 in range(i1+1, all_cards_len):
for i3 in range(i2+1, all_cards_len):
for i4 in range(i3+1, all_cards_len):
for i5 in range(i4+1, all_cards_len):
hand = ('%s,%s,%s,%s,%s' %
(all_cards[i1], all_cards[i2], all_cards[i3],
all_cards[i4], all_cards[i5]))
# Python Mapper() : Given unique 5-card hand (csv string), return the made hand.
# e.g. 'flush', 'straight', etc
def Mapper(dataline):
cards = dataline.split(',') # 5 cards like 'QH' (for Q of hearts)
# Get counts of all faces and suits.
counts = ({
'2':0, '3':0, '4':0, '5':0, '6':0, '7':0, '8':0, '9':0, 'T':0,
'J':0, 'Q':0, 'K':0, 'A':0,
'S':0, 'C':0, 'D':0, 'H':0
for card in cards:
face = card[0]
suit = card[1]
counts[face] += 1
counts[suit] += 1
is_flush = (
(counts['S'] == 5) or
(counts['C'] == 5) or
(counts['D'] == 5) or
(counts['H'] == 5))
is_straight = False
straightrunfaces = 'A23456789TJQKA'; # note: ace ('A') appears twice
for i in range(0, 10):
if (counts[straightrunfaces[i]] and
counts[straightrunfaces[i+1]] and
counts[straightrunfaces[i+2]] and
counts[straightrunfaces[i+3]] and
is_straight = True
is_quad, is_trip, is_pair, is_two_pair = False, False, False, False
faces = 'A23456789TJQK'
for i in range(0, len(faces)):
face_count = counts[faces[i]]
if face_count == 4:
is_quad = True
elif face_count == 3:
is_trip = True
elif face_count == 2:
if is_pair: # saw another pair before?
is_two_pair = True
is_pair = True
# Emit output: a (stringized) count of '1' for the detected hand.
if is_straight and is_flush:
mr.emit_intermediate('straightflush', '1')
elif is_quad:
mr.emit_intermediate('4ofakind', '1')
elif is_trip and is_pair:
mr.emit_intermediate('fullhouse', '1')
elif is_flush:
mr.emit_intermediate('flush', '1')
elif is_straight:
mr.emit_intermediate('straight', '1')
elif is_trip:
mr.emit_intermediate('3ofakind', '1')
elif is_two_pair:
mr.emit_intermediate('2pair', '1')
elif is_pair:
mr.emit_intermediate('pair', '1')
mr.emit_intermediate('highcard', '1')
# Python Reducer() : key is a made hand, e.g. 'flush' .
# Count up how many unique hands make e.g. a flush.
def Reducer(key, list_of_values):
sum = 0;
for value in list_of_values:
count_str = value # value always in string form
count = int(count_str) # convert to int for summing
sum += count
output_str = '%s:%d' % (key, sum)
mr.execute_kernel(Kernel, Mapper, Reducer)
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