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Created August 9, 2010 23:24
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Express form validation #nodejs
//// form -- form validation
/// Represent the structure of a form and use it to validate form
/// data. Here's a Form that describes a create-account form:
/// var SignupForm = form.Form('Sign Up')
/// .text('account', 'Account Name', form.required(/[\w-\.]+/))
/// .email('email', 'Email', form.required())
/// .password('password', 'Password', form.required())
/// .password('confirm', 'Confirm', [form.required(), form.equal('password')]);
/// Each field has a name, title, and validator or sequence of
/// validators. It's easy to make custom validators; see the
/// "Validators" section at the end of this file.
/// The form above ius used by this view to process request data
/// before creating an account:
///'/account', function(req, res) {
/// var result = SignupForm.validate(req.body);
/// if (!result.isValid())
/// return res.send(result.errors(), 400);
/// var data =,
/// profile = { email: };
/// db.newAccount(data.account, data.password, profile, function(err, key) {
/// if (err)
/// res.send(err.toString(), 500);
/// else if (!key)
/// res.send([{ account: "This account already exists" }], 400);
/// else {
/// var uri = '/account/' +;
/// res.send({ uri: uri }, { Location: uri }, 201);
/// }
/// });
/// });
exports.Form = Form;
exports.Field = Field;
exports.required = required;
exports.equal = equal;
/// --- Form
// A form is a sequence of fields. Fields participate in the
// validation process.
function Form(title) {
if (!(this instanceof Form))
return new Form(title);
this.title = title;
this.fields = {};
this.fieldList = [];
return this;
Form.prototype.text = field;
Form.prototype.password = field; = field;
function field(name, title, valid) {
var field = new Field(name, title, wrapArray(valid));
this.fields[name] = field;
return this;
Form.prototype.validate = function validate(data) {
var form = this,
valid = new Validation(this, data),
this.fieldList.forEach(function(field) {
try {
} catch (exn) {
if (!(exn instanceof Invalid))
throw exn;
return valid;
/// --- Fields
// A field has a name, title, and sequence of validators.
function Field(name, title, valid) { = name;
this.title = title;
this.valid = valid;
Field.prototype.validate = function validate(valid) {[] = this.validValue(valid.input[], valid);
Field.prototype.validValue = function _validate(value, valid) {
var field = this,
this.valid.forEach(function(validator) {
result =, value, valid);
if (result !== undefined)
value = result;
return value;
/// --- Validation
// When Form.validate() is called, a validation state is created.
// This state is used to track the valid data and any errors.
function Validation(form, input) {
this.form = form;
this.fields = form.fields;
this.input = input; = {};
this.errorList = [];
Validation.prototype.isValid = function isValid() {
return this.errorList.length == 0;
}; = function fail(field, reason) {
throw new Invalid(field, reason);
Validation.prototype.errors = function errors(fn) {
return || function(item) {
return { name:, reason: item.toString() };
function Invalid(field, reason) {
this.field = field;
this.reason = reason;
Invalid.prototype.toString = function() {
return '"' + this.field.title + '" ' + this.reason + '.';
/// --- Validators
// A validator is called in the context of a field and is passed the
// field's value and the validation state. If a validator returns a
// value, that value is used as the new field value. If validation
// fails,, "reason") should be returned.
function required(pattern) {
pattern = pattern || /\S+/;
return function required(value, valid) {
if (!value)
return, 'is required');
else if (!pattern.test(value))
return, "isn't formatted correctly.");
function equal(name) {
return function equal(value, valid) {
if (value != valid.input[name])
return, 'must match "' + valid.fields[name].title + '"');
/// --- Aux
function wrapArray(value) {
if (value instanceof Array)
return value;
return (value === undefined) ? [] : [value];
//// Test form.js
/// Install Vows <>, and form.js, then run:
/// vows test-form.js
var assert = require('assert'),
sys = require('sys'),
form = require('form'),
vows = require('vows');
var SignupForm = form.Form('Sign Up')
.text('account', 'Account Name', form.required(/[\w-]+/))
.email('email', 'Email', form.required())
.password('password', 'Password', form.required())
.password('confirm', 'Confirm', [form.required(), form.equal('password')]);
'With valid data,': {
topic: function() {
return SignupForm.validate({
account: 'some-user',
email: '',
password: 'foo',
confirm: 'foo',
junk: 'bar'
'the result': {
'is valid': function(topic) {
'has no errors': function(topic) {
assert.deepEqual(topic.errors(), []);
'contains valid data': function(topic) {
assert.deepEqual(, {
account: 'some-user',
email: '',
password: 'foo',
confirm: 'foo'
'But for invalid data,': {
topic: function() {
return SignupForm.validate({
account: '',
password: 'foo',
confirm: 'goo'
'the result': {
'is not valid': function(topic) {
'has errors': function(topic) {
['"Email" is required.', '"Confirm" must match "Password".']
function message(invalid) {
return invalid.toString();
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