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Created August 23, 2016 21:58
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Symfony API TestCase
namespace AppBundle\Test;
use AppBundle\Entity\Programmer;
use AppBundle\Entity\Project;
use AppBundle\Entity\User;
use Doctrine\Common\DataFixtures\Purger\ORMPurger;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use Exception;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack;
use GuzzleHttp\Middleware;
use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\KernelTestCase;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\FormatterHelper;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput;
use Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler;
use Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyAccess;
class ApiTestCase extends KernelTestCase
private static $staticClient;
* @var array
private static $history = array();
* @var Client
protected $client;
* @var ConsoleOutput
private $output;
* @var FormatterHelper
private $formatterHelper;
private $responseAsserter;
public static function setUpBeforeClass()
$handler = HandlerStack::create();
$handler->push(Middleware::mapRequest(function(RequestInterface $request) {
$path = $request->getUri()->getPath();
if (strpos($path, '/app_test.php') !== 0) {
$path = '/app_test.php' . $path;
$uri = $request->getUri()->withPath($path);
return $request->withUri($uri);
$baseUrl = getenv('TEST_BASE_URL');
if ($baseUrl) {
static::fail('No TEST_BASE_URL environmental variable set in phpunit.xml.');
self::$staticClient = new Client([
'base_uri' => $baseUrl,
'http_errors' => false,
'handler' => $handler
protected function setUp()
$this->client = self::$staticClient;
// reset the history
self::$history = array();
* Clean up Kernel usage in this test.
protected function tearDown()
// purposefully not calling parent class, which shuts down the kernel
protected function onNotSuccessfulTest(Exception $e)
if ($lastResponse = $this->getLastResponse()) {
$this->printDebug('<error>Failure!</error> when making the following request:');
throw $e;
private function purgeDatabase()
$purger = new ORMPurger($this->getService('doctrine')->getManager());
protected function getService($id)
return self::$kernel->getContainer()
protected function printLastRequestUrl()
$lastRequest = $this->getLastRequest();
if ($lastRequest) {
$this->printDebug(sprintf('<comment>%s</comment>: <info>%s</info>', $lastRequest->getMethod(), $lastRequest->getUri()));
} else {
$this->printDebug('No request was made.');
protected function debugResponse(ResponseInterface $response)
foreach ($response->getHeaders() as $name => $values) {
$this->printDebug(sprintf('%s: %s', $name, implode(', ', $values)));
$body = (string) $response->getBody();
$contentType = $response->getHeader('Content-Type');
$contentType = $contentType[0];
if ($contentType == 'application/json' || strpos($contentType, '+json') !== false) {
$data = json_decode($body);
if ($data === null) {
// invalid JSON!
} else {
// valid JSON, print it pretty
$this->printDebug(json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
} else {
// the response is HTML - see if we should print all of it or some of it
$isValidHtml = strpos($body, '</body>') !== false;
if ($isValidHtml) {
$crawler = new Crawler($body);
// very specific to Symfony's error page
$isError = $crawler->filter('#traces-0')->count() > 0
|| strpos($body, 'looks like something went wrong') !== false;
if ($isError) {
$this->printDebug('There was an Error!!!!');
} else {
$this->printDebug('HTML Summary (h1 and h2):');
// finds the h1 and h2 tags and prints them only
foreach ($crawler->filter('h1, h2')->extract(array('_text')) as $header) {
// avoid these meaningless headers
if (strpos($header, 'Stack Trace') !== false) {
if (strpos($header, 'Logs') !== false) {
// remove line breaks so the message looks nice
$header = str_replace("\n", ' ', trim($header));
// trim any excess whitespace "foo bar" => "foo bar"
$header = preg_replace('/(\s)+/', ' ', $header);
if ($isError) {
} else {
$profilerUrl = $response->getHeader('X-Debug-Token-Link');
if ($profilerUrl) {
$fullProfilerUrl = $response->getHeader('Host').$profilerUrl[0];
'Profiler URL: <comment>%s</comment>',
// an extra line for spacing
} else {
* Print a message out - useful for debugging
* @param $string
protected function printDebug($string)
if ($this->output === null) {
$this->output = new ConsoleOutput();
* Print a debugging message out in a big red block
* @param $string
protected function printErrorBlock($string)
if ($this->formatterHelper === null) {
$this->formatterHelper = new FormatterHelper();
$output = $this->formatterHelper->formatBlock($string, 'bg=red;fg=white', true);
* @return RequestInterface
private function getLastRequest()
if (!self::$history || empty(self::$history)) {
return null;
$history = self::$history;
$last = array_pop($history);
return $last['request'];
* @return ResponseInterface
private function getLastResponse()
if (!self::$history || empty(self::$history)) {
return null;
$history = self::$history;
$last = array_pop($history);
return $last['response'];
protected function createUser($username, $plainPassword = 'foo')
$user = new User();
$password = $this->getService('security.password_encoder')
->encodePassword($user, $plainPassword);
$em = $this->getEntityManager();
return $user;
protected function getAuthorizedHeaders($username, $headers = array())
$token = $this->getService('lexik_jwt_authentication.encoder')
->encode(['username' => $username]);
$headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer '.$token;
return $headers;
protected function createProgrammer(array $data, $ownerUsername = null)
if ($ownerUsername) {
$owner = $this->getEntityManager()
->findOneBy(['username' => $ownerUsername]);
} else {
$owner = $this->getEntityManager()
$data = array_merge(array(
'powerLevel' => rand(0, 10),
'user' => $owner,
'avatarNumber' => rand(1, 6)
), $data);
$accessor = PropertyAccess::createPropertyAccessor();
$programmer = new Programmer();
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$accessor->setValue($programmer, $key, $value);
return $programmer;
* @param string $name
* @return Project
protected function createProject($name)
$project = new Project();
$project->setDifficultyLevel(rand(1, 10));
return $project;
* @return ResponseAsserter
protected function asserter()
if ($this->responseAsserter === null) {
$this->responseAsserter = new ResponseAsserter();
return $this->responseAsserter;
* @return EntityManager
protected function getEntityManager()
return $this->getService('doctrine.orm.entity_manager');
* Call this when you want to compare URLs in a test
* (since the returned URL's will have /app_test.php in front)
* @param string $uri
* @return string
protected function adjustUri($uri)
return '/app_test.php'.$uri;
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