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Last active October 29, 2019 19:04
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#' ---
#' title: An annotated R script for Homework 6 using lists and maps
#' output: html_document
#' ---
#+, include=FALSE
knitr::opts_chunk$set(error=F, warning=F, message=F)
#' First, read the data in. We've stored just the data files in the folder `data/HW6`.
fnames <- dir('data/HW6', pattern='csv', full.names=T)
# full.names=T ensures that the full relative path to the files is returned
# Now pull the data from multiple files into R in one go
dats <- import_list(fnames, skip=4) # from the `rio` package
#' This command creates a **list** of data frames. If you look at `dats` in the
#' Environment tab, you'll see that is is a list of 5 objects. If you click on the
#' magnifying glass to the right of that listing, you'll see
#' ![](img/dats_list.png)
#' i.e., it is a list of 5 data frames of the same size.
#' ### Why lists?
#' Well it has to do with two issues:
#' 1. If we want to do the same operations over and over again, we use functions
#' 2. Applying the same functions to many datasets is most efficient using lists and
#' `purrr::map`. `map` inputs a list, applies a function to each member of the list,
#' and then outputs the results in a list.
#' > Just like the `dplyr` pipelines start with a data frame and ends with a data frame,
#' you can create a list-based pipeline using `map`, since it starts with a list and
#' outputs a list.
#' To demonstrate:
dats <- map(dats, janitor::clean_names) # clean the names of the columns into snake_case
#' Here we use the function `clean_names` from the `janitor` package to clean the names
#' of the columns to snake_case, without spaces and punctuation. This is an example of
#' using a function with default options; the first argument of the function is fed each
#' element of the list in turn, and the results are output into corresponding elements of a
#' new list.
#' Next, we want to do the same munging operation on all 5 data sets. This operation
#' will remove the first row of a dataset, and then ensure that all the columns are of
#' type `numeric`. This can be implemented on the fly using an anonymous function (i.e.
#' a function with no name) within the `map` function.
#+ , warning = T
dats <- map(dats,
d %>%
slice(-1) %>% # Take away first column
mutate_all(as.numeric) # Transform all columns to numeric
#' The above warning happens since for black females, one of the data points is missing
#' and is coded as `-` in the data; coercing this value to numeric results in a `NA`.
#' Next, for each site, we want to create separate data sets for men, women and both sexes.
#' Once again, this is an instance of the same operation being performed on
#' each component of the list `dats`, so `map` would be appropriate.
dats_both <- map(dats, select, year_of_diagnosis,
ends_with('sexes')) # Create both sexes
dats_male <- map(dats, select, year_of_diagnosis,
ends_with('_males')) # Create male datasets
dats_female <- map(dats, select, year_of_diagnosis,
ends_with('females')) # Create female datasets
#' ## Join the datasets into 1, by gender
#' Let's focus on the "both sexes" dataset first; we'll do the same operation on the male
#' and female datasets (using a `for`-loop).
#' There are two ways to put these datasets together. One is to keep the data
#' as is, and stack them, with an additional column denoting the site of the cancer
#' associated with each row. This can be easily done from a list of data frames,
#' provided that you have a **named list**.
#' Yes, we have names.
#' ### Stacking data sets, with a new column denoting the site
#' If we now want to stack all the data sets together, with a
#' column denoting site of each record, we can do
dats_both_joined <- bind_rows(dats_both, .id = 'Site')
#' Here, the `.id` option creates "a new column of identifiers is created to link
#' each row to its original data frame. The labels are taken from the named
#' arguments to bind_rows(). When a list of data frames is supplied, the
#' labels are taken from the names of the list. If no names are found a
#' numeric sequence is used instead."
#' ### Joining data sets into wide dataset, then use `gather`
#' An alternative to get to the same point is to use `left_join` successively to create
#' a wide dataset. For this we would first need to distinguish the column names for
#' each site. This is achieved by the following for loop:
for (nm in names(dats_both)){
names(dats_both[[nm]]) <- str_replace(names(dats_both[[nm]]),
'both_sexes', nm)
names(dats_male[[nm]]) <- str_replace(names(dats_both[[nm]]),
'males', nm)
names(dats_female[[nm]]) <- str_replace(names(dats_both[[nm]]),
'females', nm)
#' In this for loop, first `nm` takes the value `"Brain"`, and so for the
#' Brain data, it replaces, for example, the string `"both_sexes"` in the names of
#' the data with the string `"Brain"`. So that data set would have column names
#' `year_of_diagnosis`, `all_races_Brain`, `whites_Brain` and `black_Brain`. The for loop
#' then moves on to the next element, which is `"Colon"`, and replaces, in the recipe,
#' the string `"Colon"` everywhere it seens `nm`. and so on.
#' Conceptually, for the homework, you could now have done the following pipe
#' to join all the datasets together:
#' ```
#' brain %>% left_join(colon) %>% left_join(esophagus) %>%
#' left_join(lung) %>% left_join(oral)
#' ```
#' This is great, if you can type out all the data sets. For more generality,
#' lists and the function `Reduce` come in handy.
#' `Reduce` uses a binary function (i.e., a function with two inputs) to
#' successively combine the elements of a given vector or list. So it does the
#' operation described above for arbitrary sizes of the list. Here our binary function
#' will be `left_join` which takes two inputs, namely a left dataset and a right dataset.
dats2_both <- Reduce(left_join, dats_both)
dats2_male <- Reduce(left_join, dats_male)
dats2_female <- Reduce(left_join, dats_female)
#' Now we have a bit of data procesisng to do. We need to gather the data into long form,
#' and split the gathered key column into site and race. These needs three steps:
#' 1. gather the dataset into 3 columns (year and the other two)
#' 1. Fix `all_races` to `allraces` so that `separate` can separate based on `_`.
#' 1. Separate the variable into race and site variables
#' Since we'll be doing the same operation on all three datasets, we can write a function
#' instead of copying-and-pasting.
f1 <- function(d){
d %>%
tidyr::gather(variable, rate, -year_of_diagnosis) %>%
mutate(variable = str_replace(variable,
'allraces')) %>%
separate(variable, c('race','site'), sep='_')
#' Now we can do one of two things: either just do this separately for the three datasets:
dats3_both <- f1(dats2_both)
dats3_male <- f1(dats2_male)
dats3_female <- f1(dats2_female)
#' or use lists and maps
dats2 <- list('both' = dats2_both,
'male' = dats2_male,
'female' = dats2_female)
dats3 <- map(dats2, f1)
#' or, create a pipeline of lists using `map`:
dats3 <- dats2 %>%
map(tidyr::gather, variable, rate, -year_of_diagnosis) %>%
map(mutate, variable = str_replace(variable, 'all_races','allraces')) %>%
map(separate, variable, c('race','site'), sep='_')
#' Note that the map pipeline is very similar to the pipeline in `f1`. Whereever we
#' had `function(...)` in `f1`, we now have `map(function, ...)` where `function` is
#' the function name and `...` are the function arguments.
#' The last step is to create the graphs. I'm doing a simpler version where I
#' just use a for-loop to create all the plots
for(nm in names(dats3)){
plt1 <- dats3[[nm]] %>%
filter(race=='allraces') %>%
ggplot(aes(x = year_of_diagnosis,
y = rate,
color = site))+
geom_point() +
labs(title = nm,
plt2 <- dats3[[nm]] %>%
filter(race=='whites') %>%
ggplot(aes(x = year_of_diagnosis,
y = rate,
color = site))+
labs(title=nm, subtitle='whites')
plt3 <- dats3[[nm]] %>%
filter(race=='blacks') %>%
ggplot(aes(x = year_of_diagnosis,
y = rate,
color = site))+
labs(title=nm, subtitle='blacks')
print(cowplot::plot_grid(plt1,plt2, plt3, ncol=1))
#' Using lists and plots, we might do this perhaps a bit more succintly. However
#' it is up to you to decide which one is easier for you to understand (code should be human-readable)
for(nm in names(dats3)){
plts <- dats3[[nm]] %>%
group_split(race) %>% # Splits data into list of datasets based on values of race
map(~ggplot(., aes(x = year_of_diagnosis,
y = rate,
geom_point() +
labs(title=nm, subtitle=unique(.$race)))
print(cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist=plts, ncol=1))
#' ## Summary
#' The coding strategy we've described here works well when you have a bunch of
#' standardized datasets (formatted similarly) and you want to do the same operations
#' to all of them to achieve some high-throughput computing. It requires both
#' 1. Data sets in identical standard formats
#' 1. The same common operations to be done to all of them
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