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Created April 7, 2021 07:21
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This Sitecore PowerShell script removes old versions of items in all languages so that the items only contains a selected number of versions
This script will remove old versions of items in all languages so that the items only contains a selected number of versions.
$item = Get-Item -Path "master:\content"
$dialogProps = @{
Parameters = @(
@{ Name = "item"; Title="Branch to analyse"; Root="/sitecore/content/Home"},
@{ Name = "count"; Value=10; Title="Max number of versions"; Editor="number"},
@{ Name = "remove"; Value=$False; Title="Do you wish to remove items?"; Editor="check"}
Title = "Limit item version count"
Description = "Sitecore recommends keeping 10 or fewer versions on any item, but policy may dictate this to be a higher number."
Width = 500
Height = 280
OkButtonName = "Proceed"
CancelButtonName = "Abort"
$result = Read-Variable @dialogProps
if($result -ne "ok") {
$items = @()
Get-Item -Path master: -ID $item.ID -Language * | ForEach-Object { $items += @($_) + @(($_.Axes.GetDescendants())) | Where-Object { $_.Versions.Count -gt $count } | Initialize-Item }
$ritems = @()
$items | ForEach-Object {
$webVersion = Get-Item -Path web: -ID $_.ID -Language $_.Language
if ($webVersion) {
$minVersion = $webVersion.Version.Number - $count
$ritems += Get-Item -Path master: -ID $_.ID -Language $_.Language -Version * | Where-Object { $_.Version.Number -le $minVersion }
if ($remove) {
$toRemove = $ritems.Count
$ritems | ForEach-Object {
$_ | Remove-ItemVersion
Show-Alert "Removed $toRemove versions"
} else {
$reportProps = @{
Property = @(
@{Name="Version"; Expression={$_.Version}},
@{Name="Path"; Expression={$_.ItemPath}},
@{Name="Language"; Expression={$_.Language}}
Title = "Versions proposed to remove"
InfoTitle = "Sitecore recommendation: Limit the number of versions of any item to the fewest possible."
InfoDescription = "The report shows all items that have more than <b>$count versions</b>."
$ritems | Show-ListView @reportProps
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