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Created December 24, 2015 12:25
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Phaser Dragon Bone
var dragonBones;
(function (dragonBones) {
(function (display) {
var PhaserDisplayBridge = (function () {
function PhaserDisplayBridge() {
PhaserDisplayBridge.prototype.getVisible = function () {
return this._display ? this._display.visible : false
PhaserDisplayBridge.prototype.setVisible = function (value) {
if (this._display) {
this._display.visible = value
PhaserDisplayBridge.prototype.getDisplay = function () {
return this._display
PhaserDisplayBridge.prototype.setDisplay = function (value) {
if (this._display == value) {
if (this._display) {
var parent = this._display.parent;
if (parent) {
var index = this._display.parent.getChildIndex(this._display)
this._display = value;
this.addDisplay(parent, index)
PhaserDisplayBridge.prototype.dispose = function () {
this._display = null
PhaserDisplayBridge.prototype.updateTransform = function (matrix, transform) {
// apply the matrix to the phaser / pixi display object
this._display.x = matrix.tx;
this._display.y = matrix.ty;
this._display.rotation = transform.skewX;
this._display.scale.x = transform.scaleX;
this._display.scale.y = transform.scaleY
PhaserDisplayBridge.prototype.updateColor = function (aOffset, rOffset, gOffset, bOffset, aMultiplier, rMultiplier, gMultiplier, bMultiplier) {
if (this._display) {
this._display.alpha = aMultiplier
PhaserDisplayBridge.prototype.addDisplay = function (container, index) {
var parent = container;
if (parent && this._display) {
if (index < 0 || typeof index === "undefined") {
} else {
parent.addChildAt(this._display, Math.min(index, parent.children.length))
PhaserDisplayBridge.prototype.removeDisplay = function () {
if (this._display && this._display.parent) {
PhaserDisplayBridge.RADIAN_TO_ANGLE = 180 / Math.PI;
return PhaserDisplayBridge
display.PhaserDisplayBridge = PhaserDisplayBridge
})(dragonBones.display || (dragonBones.display = {}));
var display = dragonBones.display;
(function (textures) {
var PhaserBonesAtlas = (function () {
function PhaserBonesAtlas(image, textureAtlasRawData, scale) {
if (typeof scale === "undefined") {
scale = 1
this._regions = {};
this.image = image;
this.scale = scale;
this.atlasId = textureAtlasRawData.atlasId;
PhaserBonesAtlas.prototype.dispose = function () {
this.image = null;
this._regions = null
PhaserBonesAtlas.prototype.getRegion = function (subTextureName) {
return this._regions[subTextureName]
PhaserBonesAtlas.prototype.parseData = function (textureAtlasRawData) {
var textureAtlasData = dragonBones.objects.DataParser.parseTextureAtlasData(textureAtlasRawData, this.scale); = textureAtlasData.__name;
delete textureAtlasData.__name;
for (var subTextureName in textureAtlasData) {
this._regions[subTextureName] = textureAtlasData[subTextureName]
return PhaserBonesAtlas
textures.PhaserBonesAtlas = PhaserBonesAtlas
})(dragonBones.textures || (dragonBones.textures = {}));
var textures = dragonBones.textures;
(function (factorys) {
var PhaserBonesFactory = (function (_super) {
__extends(PhaserBonesFactory, _super);
function PhaserBonesFactory() {
PhaserBonesFactory.prototype._generateArmature = function () {
var display =;
var armature = new dragonBones.Armature(display);
return armature
PhaserBonesFactory.prototype._generateSlot = function () {
var slot = new dragonBones.Slot(new display.PhaserDisplayBridge());
return slot
PhaserBonesFactory.prototype._generateDisplay = function (textureAtlas, frameName, pivotX, pivotY) {
//get reference to the image object
var imageRef = textureAtlas.image;
//make a texture from the image
var baseTx = new PIXI.BaseTexture(imageRef);
var tx = new PIXI.Texture(baseTx);
//create a sprite
var image = new Phaser.Sprite(, 0, 0);
//fetch the id of the atlas image
var imgName = textureAtlas.atlasId;
//set the 'key' property
image.key = imgName;
//apply the texture
//set the sprite frame from the texture atlas
var fData =;
//and the frameName... (restoring the .png that was stripped earlier)
image.frameName = frameName + ".png";
//set anchor point
image.anchor.setTo(pivotX / image.width, pivotY / image.height);
return image
return PhaserBonesFactory
factorys.PhaserBonesFactory = PhaserBonesFactory
})(dragonBones.factorys || (dragonBones.factorys = {}));
var factorys = dragonBones.factorys
})(dragonBones || (dragonBones = {}));
generate a dragonbones atlas out of a TexturePacker JSONArray or Hash format atlas
dragonBones.parseJSONAtlas = function(atlasJson,name,partsList){
var bonesAtlas = {}; = name;
bonesAtlas.SubTexture = [];
var n = partsList.length;
var subTextures = atlasJson.frames;
var isArray = Array.isArray(subTextures);
var k = 0;
if(isArray) k = subTextures.length;
var partName;
var txData;
var filename;
var hasExtension;
function createFrame(txData, p_partName){
var frame = txData.frame;
//make a subTexture
var subTexture = {name:p_partName};
subTexture.x = frame.x;
subTexture.y = frame.y;
subTexture.width = frame.w;
subTexture.height = frame.h;
bonesAtlas.SubTexture[i] = subTexture;
for(var i = 0; i < n; i++){
partName = partsList[i];
hasExtension = partName.match(/.png/i) !== null;
filename = partName;
partName = filename.substr(-4);
} else {
filename = partName + ".png";
//find the subtexture
for(var j = 0; j < k; j++){
txData = subTextures[j];
if(txData.filename == filename){
createFrame(txData, partName);
} else {
for(var s in subTextures){
if(s == filename){
createFrame(subTextures[s], partName);
return bonesAtlas;
dragonBones.makeArmaturePIXI = function(config, skeletonJSON, atlasJson, texture){
// var skeletonData = ninja_pig.bones[skeleton];
var skeletonId = config.skeletonId;
var armatureName = config.armatureName;
var animationId = config.animationId;
var partsList = config.partsList;
var textureData = dragonBones.parseJSONAtlas(atlasJson,skeletonId,partsList);
var factory = new dragonBones.factorys.PixiFactory();
var atlas = new dragonBones.textures.PixiTextureAtlas(texture, textureData);
var armature = factory.buildArmature(armatureName,animationId,skeletonId);
armature.animation.gotoAndPlay(animationId, 0.2);
return armature;
* utility method to create a phaser armature
dragonBones.makeArmaturePhaser = function (config, skeletonJSON, atlasJson, texture) {
var skeletonId = config.skeletonId;
var atlasId = config.atlasId;
var armatureName = config.armatureName;
var animationId = config.animationId;
var partsList = config.partsList;
//generate a dragonBones format input data out of the JSONArray atlas
var textureData = dragonBones.parseJSONAtlas(atlasJson,skeletonId,partsList);
textureData.atlasId = atlasId;// set the id
//pass skeleton data to factory
var factory = new dragonBones.factorys.PhaserBonesFactory();
//generate atlas from the texture data
var atlas = new dragonBones.textures.PhaserBonesAtlas(texture, textureData);
//pass atlas to factory
// generate the armature
var armature = factory.buildArmature(armatureName, animationId, skeletonId);
//link it to the world clock
//play the requested timeline
armature.animation.gotoAndPlay(animationId, 0.2);
return armature
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