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Last active June 20, 2020 20:11
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Yandex instance group
resource "yandex_iam_service_account" "swarm-group" {
name = "swarm-group"
description = "service account to manage Instance Group"
resource "yandex_resourcemanager_folder_iam_binding" "editor" {
folder_id = var.yandex_folder_id
role = "editor"
members = [
resource "yandex_compute_instance_group" "swarm-workers" {
name = "swarm-workers"
folder_id = var.yandex_folder_id
service_account_id =
instance_template {
platform_id = "standard-v1"
resources {
cores = 1
memory = 2
boot_disk {
mode = "READ_WRITE"
initialize_params {
image_id =
network_interface {
network_id =
subnet_ids = []
metadata = {
user-data = data.template_cloudinit_config.cloudinit.rendered
service_account_id = "The ID of the service account authorized for this instance"
scale_policy {
auto_scale {
initial_size = 1
measurement_duration = 60
cpu_utilization_target = 75
min_zone_size = 1
max_size = 2
warmup_duration = 60
stabilization_duration = 120
allocation_policy {
zones = ["ru-central1-a"]
deploy_policy {
max_unavailable = 1
max_expansion = 0
data "yandex_compute_image" "container-optimized-image" {
family = "container-optimized-image"
variable "instance_ssh_pubkey_path" {
default = "~/.ssh/"
variable "yandex_folder_id" {}
variable "yandex_oauth" {}
resource "yandex_vpc_network" "default" {
name = "main"
resource "yandex_vpc_subnet" "subnet-a" {
v4_cidr_blocks = [""]
name = "sn-ru-central1-a"
zone = "ru-central1-a"
network_id =
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