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Last active November 16, 2015 23:16
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contrib_tracker issues by count
SELECT n.nid, n.title, flag.count AS cnt
FROM node n
INNER JOIN flag_counts flag ON flag.entity_id = n.nid
INNER JOIN field_data_field_project project on project.entity_id = n.nid
WHERE flag.fid = 4 /* project_issue_follow */
AND project.field_project_target_id = 2573607 /* contrib_tracker */
GROUP BY n.nid
LIMIT 100;
2573683 [pathauto] Pathauto 24
2612094 Proposal: D8 Contrib Office Hours 23
2574669 [commerce] Drupal Commerce 21
2578727 [bootstrap] Bootstrap 21
2574683 [webform] Webform 19
2578451 [token] Token 18
2574421 [panels] Panels 17
2591017 [og] Organic Groups 16
2573659 [module_short_name] Module Human-Readable Name (Issue Template) 15
2574755 [metatag] Metatag 15
2595163 [media] Media 13
2574049 [redirect] Redirect 13
2574749 [features] Features 12
2574691 [rules] Rules 10
2574395 [ctools] Chaos tool suite 10
2607038 [backup_migrate] Backup and Migrate 10
2574111 [file_entity] File Entity 9
2574403 [page_manager] Page Manager 9
2574865 [ds] Display Suite 9
2574649 [google_analytics] Google Analytics 9
2575433 [address] Address 8
2573679 [transliteration] Transliteration 8
2596641 [field_collection] Field Collection 8
2578077 [memcache] Memcache API and Integration 8
2574827 [search_api] Search API 8
2605272 [admin_menu] Administration menu 8
2578743 [field_group] Field Group 8
2578755 [devel] Devel 8
2579433 [workbench_moderation] Workbench Moderation 7
2574425 [panels_everywhere] Panels Everywhere 7
2604358 [feeds] Feeds 6
2577203 [inline_entity_form] Inline Entity Form 6
2588047 [facetapi] Facet api 6
2589671 [leaflet] Leaflet 6
2598412 [ldap] Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 6
2606904 [pathologic] Pathologic 6
2574777 [views_bulk_operations] Views Bulk Operations (VBO) 6
2578191 [ubercart] Ubercart 6
2608832 [filefield_sources] FileField Sources 6
2578231 [calendar] Calendar 6
2574411 [layout_plugin] Layout plugin 6
2607032 [quicktabs] Quick Tabs 6
2574423 [panelizer] Panelizer 6
2606456 [drupalgap] DrupalGap 5
2575439 [domain] Domain Access 5
2592949 [flag] Flag 5
2605564 [masquerade] Masquerade 5
2574905 [colorbox] Colorbox 5
2579421 [workflow] Workflow 5
2606490 [openatrium] Open Atrium 4
2576287 [apachesolr_multilingual] Apache Solr Multilingual 4
2606516 [draggableviews] Draggableviews 4
2578681 [taxonomy_menu] Taxonomy Menu 4
2579131 [print] Printer, email and PDF versions 4
2607614 [insert] Insert 4
2574083 [crm_core] CRM Core 4
2607910 [mimemail] Mime Mail 4
2578699 [imce] IMCE 4
2604604 Decide how to handle projects that are partially (but not completely) in core 4
2609640 [gmap] GMap Module 4
2578089 [views] Views 4
2608214 [cmis] CMIS API 4
2606852 [strongarm] Strongarm 4
2578721 [examples] Drupal Examples for Developers 4
2580645 [password_policy] Password Policy 4
2606786 [views_slideshow] Views Slideshow 4
2606868 [flexslider] Flex Slider 4
2578453 [search_api_attachments] Search Api Attachments 4
2607762 [libraries] Libraries API 4
2578531 [context] Context 4
2605572 [environment_indicator] Environment Indicator 4
2598916 [captcha] CAPTCHA 4
2578655 [honeypot] Honeypot 4
2608648 [content_access] Content Access 4
2584813 [views_infinite_scroll] Views Infinite Scroll 3
2595149 [token_filter] Token Filter 3
2601754 [menu_position] Menu position 3
2609744 [fivestar] Fivestar 3
2606944 [twitter] Twitter 3
2579435 [drafty] Drafty 3
2609434 [faqfield] FAQ Field 3
2578905 [lazyloader] Image lazyloader 3
2614638 [jw_player] JW Player 3
2579439 [state_machine] State Machine 3
2608708 [views_php] Views PHP 3
2604586 [nice_menus] Nice Menus 3
2607570 [yamaps] Yandex.Maps 3
2606556 [nodequeue] Nodequeue 3
2574687 [votingapi] Voting API 3
2606844 [advagg] Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation 3
2577683 Explain difference with Upgrade Status module 3
2606894 [oauth] oAuth 3
2580073 [advanced_help] Advanced help 3
2606588 [oop_examples] OOP Examples 3
2574091 [swiftmailer] Swift Mailer 3
2596851 [entityqueue] Entityqueue 3
2578085 [redis] Redis 3
2603892 [i18n] Internationalization 3
2607646 [date] Date 3
2609840 [languageicons] Language Icons 3
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