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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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Alchemist API
* Alchemist.js - Exploring a possible API *
* Conversions *
var colors = new Alchemist()
colors.rgb(255, 255, 255).hsl() //=> [0, 0, 100]
* Manipulations *
// this would...
// 1. convert the color to Lab
// 2. increment the Lightness by 10
// 3. convert the color to Luv and output it's values
var color = color.rgb(80, 98, 88)
color.lighten(10).Luv() // => [50, -9.72, 5.46]
// TODO: in a perfect world, if `lighten` had a modifier for Luv or any of the color spaces along
// the conversion path, then we would convert straight to Luv and make the modifications along the way.
// I'll have to look into whether there's a way to curry the lighten function until an output is required.
* Mapping Conversions *
// TODO: some of this might change now that we are setting the `use` command on the
// instance rather than the Class
// By default Alchemist will map all possible conversions on init.
var colors = new Alchemist()
// If you value memory over performance you can disable this and it will
// traverse the conversion graph on every call to the api.
var colors = new Alchemist({map: false})
// You can also tell Alchemist to lazily generate the map as needed.
var colors = new Alchemist({map: 'lazy'})
//·If you would like to provide your own custom map or would just like to
// prerender the map and store it yourself you can pass in a map on init.
var colors = new Alchemist({map: { /* my map */ }})
// If you would like to finish generating the map after initial object creation
// you can call the mapAll() function
var colors = new Alchemist({map: 'lazy'})
// You can retreive the current state of the map at anytime //=> { current map... }
* Color Space Plugin *
// names are case insensitive
var HuSV = {
name: 'HuSV',
conversions: {
'lab': {
to: function(h, s, v) {
// ...
from: function(L, a, b) {
// ...
// you can define multiples if you like
* Modifier Plugin *
//TODO: need to modify the API to better support passing of arguments
var compliment = {
name: 'compliment',
modifies: {
'hsl': function(h, s, l, args) {
h += 180
if (h >= 360) h -= 360
return [h, s, l]
'hsv': function(h, s, v, args) {
colors.hsl(130, 30, 80).compliment().hsl() //=> [310, 30 80]
* Map Object *
// TODO Why not put these on the color space objects themselves? Do we really
// need a seperate map object?
var map = {
'hsl': {
'hsv': 'rgb',
'cmyk': 'rgb'
'rgb': {
'cmyk': 'cmy'
'cmy': {
'cmyk': null
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