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Created October 26, 2010 14:43
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Find the longest substring (within a given string) that is the same in reverse.
object ReverseSubstring {
* Find the longest substring (within a given string) that is the same in reverse.
* Example: "I like bananas but not cucumbers." should return "anana".
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val biggestSubstring = findBiggestReverseSubstring(args(0))
println("biggest substring is '%s'".format(biggestSubstring))
def findBiggestReverseSubstring(text: String): String = {
val arrayText = text.toArray
val substrings = (0 until text.length).map(findBiggestReverseSubstringStartingFrom(_, text))
substrings.max(new Ordering[String] {
def compare(x: String, y: String): Int = {
x.length - y.length
* Returns the biggest reverse substring by expanding around 'startingPos'.
def findBiggestReverseSubstringStartingFrom(startingPos: Int, text: Seq[Char]): String = {
require(startingPos >= 0 && startingPos < text.length, "precondition not met: startingPos is out of bounds")
def expandReverseSubstring(leftPos: Int, rightPos: Int, text: Seq[Char]): String = {
require(isReverseSubstring(text.view(leftPos, rightPos + 1)), "precondition not met: current selection is not a reverse substring")
if (leftPos > 0 && rightPos < text.length - 1 && isReverseSubstring(text.view(leftPos - 1, rightPos + 2)))
expandReverseSubstring(leftPos - 1, rightPos + 1, text)
text.slice(leftPos, rightPos + 1).toString
val oddLengthMaxString = expandReverseSubstring(startingPos, startingPos, text)
val evenLengthMaxString = expandReverseSubstring(startingPos, startingPos - 1, text)
if (oddLengthMaxString.length > evenLengthMaxString.length)
def isReverseSubstring(text: Seq[Char]): Boolean = {
val splitIdx = text.length / 2
text.take(splitIdx) == text.reverse.take(splitIdx)
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weberste commented Nov 1, 2010

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