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Forked from Gen2ly/externalmonitor
Created May 17, 2018 11:25
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Toggle between laptop and external monitor
# Toggle between laptop and external monitor
# Required program(s)
for p in ${req_progs[@]}; do
hash "$p" 2>&- || \
{ echo >&2 " Required program \"$p\" not installed."; exit 1; }
# Ports for Laptop and External monitor (AMD Catalyst drivers):
int_mon="LVDS" # Aspire 1366x768
ext_mon="DFP1" # Samsung SA350 1920x1080
# Ports for Laptop and External monitor (Open-source Radeon drivers):
#int_mon="eDP" # Aspire 1366x768
#ext_mon="HDMI-0" # Samsung SA350 1920x1080
# Discover if external monitor is connected
em_test=$(xrandr | grep $ext_mon | grep " connected")
# Enable external monitor if present and disable laptop monitor, else vice versa
if [ -n "$em_test" ]; then
# External monitor definitions:
# physical screen size from xrandr (xorg detection isn't right)
em_ds_h=$(xrandr | grep $ext_mon | rev | cut -d " " -f 3 | rev | sed 's/mm//')
em_ds_v=$(xrandr | grep $ext_mon | rev | cut -d " " -f 1 | rev | sed 's/mm//')
xrandr --output $int_mon --off --output $ext_mon --auto --fbmm $em_ds
# physical screen size from xrandr (xorg detection isn't right)
xrandr --output $ext_mon --off
xrandr --output $int_mon --auto # monitor must be on to get display size
im_ds_h=$(xrandr | grep $int_mon | rev | cut -d " " -f 3 | rev | sed 's/mm//')
im_ds_v=$(xrandr | grep $int_mon | rev | cut -d " " -f 1 | rev | sed 's/mm//')
xrandr --output $int_mon --auto --fbmm $im_ds
# Text scaling: font scaling correction depending on DPI (adjusted here because
# Gnome considers every monitor 96 DPI for multi-monitors setups (makes
# multiple monitors have the same text sizes). Detection assumes square pixels.
if [ -n "$em_test" ]; then
# horizontal resolution (using preferred [xrandr --auto]); , to calculate DPI.
em_res_h=$(xrandr | grep $em_ds_h | awk '{print $3}' | cut -d x -f 1)
# dpi
em_dpi=$(echo "scale=3;($em_res_h*25.4)/$em_ds_h" | bc)
em_txt_scale=$(echo "scale=4;$em_dpi/96" | bc)
#em_txt_scale=$(scale=3;echo "$em_txt_scale * 0.885" | bc) # fonts too big
#em_txt_scale=$(scale=3;echo "$em_txt_scale * 1" | bc) # fonts too big
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface text-scaling-factor $em_txt_scale
# horizontal resolution
im_res_h=$(xrandr | grep $im_ds_h | awk '{print $3}' | cut -d x -f 1)
# dpi
im_dpi=$(echo "scale=3;($im_res_h*25.4)/$im_ds_h" | bc)
im_txt_scale=$(echo "scale=4;$im_dpi/96" | bc)
#im_txt_scale=$(scale=3;echo "$im_txt_scale * 0.885" | bc) # fonts too big
#im_txt_scale=$(scale=3;echo "$im_txt_scale * 1" | bc) # fonts too big
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface text-scaling-factor $im_txt_scale
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