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function run() {
describe("some password validation tests", () => {
passwords = [
{password="", ok=false},
{password="Bad1!", ok=false},
{password="Fine1!", ok=true},
{password="AAAAAA", ok=false},
{password="aaaaaa", ok=false},
{password="111111", ok=false},
{password="Aa1Aa1", ok=false},
{password="Aa1Aa!", ok=true},
{password="Aa1Aa!" & repeatString("x", 249), ok=true},
{password="Aa1Aa!" & repeatString("x", 250), ok=false}
passwords.each((testCase) => {
it("should consider [#testCase.password#] to be valid: [#testCase.ok#]", () => {
expect(testCase.password.reFind("^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\W).{6,255}$") > 0).toBe(testCase.ok)
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