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emClient Theme Modern White Blue
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SerializableColorTheme name="eM Client - Theme: ModernWhiteBlue" author="Robin Grasmeijer">
<MainBoxBorderColor description="Color of a space around messages/contact/event/task list">#0073C6</MainBoxBorderColor>
<FormBackground description="Background color of all windows">#F7F6F5</FormBackground>
<FormForeground description="Color of texts in all windows">#444444</FormForeground>
<ButtonTextColor description="Gets the text color of a button if the mouse cursor is over the button">#FFFFFF</ButtonTextColor>
<ButtonBackColor description="Gets the background color of a button">#0188E9</ButtonBackColor>
<ButtonBorderColor description="Gets the border color of a button">#0188E9</ButtonBorderColor>
<ButtonHoverBackColor description="Gets the background color of a button if the mouse cursor is over the button">#0188E9</ButtonHoverBackColor>
<ButtonHoverTextColor description="Gets the text color of a button if the mouse cursor is over the button">#FFFFFF</ButtonHoverTextColor>
<ButtonBorderHoverColor description="Gets the border hover color of a button if the mouse cursor is over the button">#0188E9</ButtonBorderHoverColor>
<ButtonCheckedBackColor description="Gets the background color of a checked button">#0188E9</ButtonCheckedBackColor>
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<ButtonBorderCheckedColor description="Gets the border color of a checked button">#0188E9</ButtonBorderCheckedColor>
<ButtonPressedBackColor description="Gets the background color of a pressed button">#0188E9</ButtonPressedBackColor>
<ButtonPressedTextColor description="Gets the text color of a pressed button">#FFFFFF</ButtonPressedTextColor>
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<ButtonDisabledBackColor description="Gets the background color of a disabled button">#0188E9</ButtonDisabledBackColor>
<ButtonDisabledTextColor description="Gets the text color of a disabled button">#FFFFFF</ButtonDisabledTextColor>
<ButtonBorderDisabledColor description="Gets the border color of a disabled button">#0188E9</ButtonBorderDisabledColor>
<ButtonInvertImage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the button is in normal state">False</ButtonInvertImage>
<ButtonCheckedInvertImage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the button is checked">False</ButtonCheckedInvertImage>
<ButtonPressedInvertImage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the button is pressed">False</ButtonPressedInvertImage>
<ButtonHoverInvertImage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the mouse cursor is over the button">False</ButtonHoverInvertImage>
<ButtonInvertDropDownArrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the button is in normal state">False</ButtonInvertDropDownArrow>
<ButtonCheckedInvertDropDownArrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the button is checked">False</ButtonCheckedInvertDropDownArrow>
<ButtonPressedInvertDropDownArrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the button is pressed">False</ButtonPressedInvertDropDownArrow>
<ButtonHoverInvertDropDownArrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the mouse cursor is over the button">False</ButtonHoverInvertDropDownArrow>
<FormCaptionButtonBackground description="Background for buttons in the right-top area of a form caption when the button normal">#0073C6</FormCaptionButtonBackground>
<FormCaptionButtonBackgroundPressed description="Background for buttons in the right-top area of a form caption when the button is pressed">#0073C6</FormCaptionButtonBackgroundPressed>
<FormCaptionButtonBackgroundOver description="Background for buttons in the right-top area of a form caption when mouse is over the button">#0073C6</FormCaptionButtonBackgroundOver>
<FormCaptionButtonBackgroundChecked description="Background for checked buttons in the right-top area of a form caption">#0073C6</FormCaptionButtonBackgroundChecked>
<FormHeader description="Header color of all windows in admin account">#0073C6</FormHeader>
<FormHeaderActive description="Header color of an active window">#0073C6</FormHeaderActive>
<FormHeaderForeground description="Color of a text in window header">#FFFFFF</FormHeaderForeground>
<FormHeaderActiveForeground description="Color of a text in an active window header">#FFFFFF</FormHeaderActiveForeground>
<ReadMailFormBackground description="Background color of a form used for reading emails">#F7F6F5</ReadMailFormBackground>
<SendMailFormBackground description="Background color of a form used for composing emails">#F7F6F5</SendMailFormBackground>
<MainFormBackgroundStart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for the main window">#F7F6F5</MainFormBackgroundStart>
<MainFormBackgroundEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for the main window">#F7F6F5</MainFormBackgroundEnd>
<MainFormHeader description="Header background color for active main window">#0073C6</MainFormHeader>
<MainFormHeaderActive description="Header background color for active main window">#0073C6</MainFormHeaderActive>
<ButtonBackground description="Background color of all buttons">#0073C6</ButtonBackground>
<ButtonForeground description="Text color of all buttons">#FFFFFF</ButtonForeground>
<TextBoxBackground description="Background color of a text box control">#FFFFFF</TextBoxBackground>
<TextBoxForeground description="Color of a text in a text box control">#000000</TextBoxForeground>
<Link description="Color of links">#444444</Link>
<BorderLine description="Color of form border">#F2F2F2</BorderLine>
<BorderLineActive description="Color of an active form border">#F2F2F2</BorderLineActive>
<DarkLine description="Color of darker lines used on forms">#F2F2F2</DarkLine>
<LightLine description="Color of lighter lines used on forms">#F2F2F2</LightLine>
<InformationBarBackground description="Background color of an information bar">#FFA378</InformationBarBackground>
<InformationBarForeground description="Text color in an information bar">#FFFFFF</InformationBarForeground>
<MainFormInformationBarBackground description="Background color of an information bar">#FFA378</MainFormInformationBarBackground>
<MainFormInformationBarForeground description="Text color in an information bar">#FFFFFF</MainFormInformationBarForeground>
<AntiphishingBarBackground description="Background color of an antiphishing bar shown when the mouse is over a link">#D0DDFC</AntiphishingBarBackground>
<ShowMainFormVerticalSplitterLines description="Indicates if a vertical line should be displayed between the messages/contact/event/task list and left or right sidebar">True</ShowMainFormVerticalSplitterLines>
<VerticalSplitterLinesSpace description="Space around a vertical line between the messages/contact/event/task list and left or right sidebar">0</VerticalSplitterLinesSpace>
<ShowMainFormHorizontalTopLine description="Indicates if a horizontal line should be displayed above the message list">True</ShowMainFormHorizontalTopLine>
<GroupHeaderBackground description="Background color of group header">#0073C6</GroupHeaderBackground>
<GroupHeaderForeground description="Text color of group header">#FFFFFF</GroupHeaderForeground>
<WizardHeaderBackground description="Background color of Wizard header">#0073C6</WizardHeaderBackground>
<WizardHeaderForeground description="Text color of Wizard header">#FFFFFF</WizardHeaderForeground>
<!--Message list-->
<MessagesMultilineFirstLineColor description="Color of a text shown on the first line for a multiline message list">#000000</MessagesMultilineFirstLineColor>
<MessagesMultilineSecondLineColor description="Color of a text shown on the second line for a multiline message list">#777777</MessagesMultilineSecondLineColor>
<MessagesMultilineTimeColor description="Color of a date/time text shown on the first line for a multiline message list">#999999</MessagesMultilineTimeColor>
<MessagesUnreadMarkerColor description="Color of a marker indicating an unread message">#B4B2B2</MessagesUnreadMarkerColor>
<!--Message detail/preview-->
<MailSubject description="Color of mail subject text">#000000</MailSubject>
<MessagePanelBackground description="Background color of the message preview panel">#FFFFFF</MessagePanelBackground>
<!--Search box-->
<SearchBoxActiveBorderColor description="Border of a search box on the main form when search is currently active">Transparent</SearchBoxActiveBorderColor>
<!--Mail header-->
<MailHeaderBackground description="Background color of a bar with a basic information about the email">#C7D7FE</MailHeaderBackground>
<MailHeaderLink description="Color of an email address shown in the bar with a basic information about the email">#004488</MailHeaderLink>
<MailHeaderForeground description="Color of a text in the bar with a basic information about the email">#444444</MailHeaderForeground>
<MailLink description="Color of links in an email">#004488</MailLink>
<MailLinkVisited description="Color of visited links in an email">Purple</MailLinkVisited>
<!--Grid -->
<GridHeaderStart description="Starting color of the gradient used for the column headers in datagrid">#F7F6F5</GridHeaderStart>
<GridHeaderMiddle description="Middle color of the gradient used for the column headers in datagrid">#F7F6F5</GridHeaderMiddle>
<GridHeaderEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used for the column headers in datagrid">#F7F6F5</GridHeaderEnd>
<GridHeaderHoveredStart description="Starting color of the gradient used for the column headers in datagrid when the mouse is over">#F7F6F5</GridHeaderHoveredStart>
<GridHeaderHoveredMiddle description="Middle color of the gradient used for the column headers in datagrid when the mouse is over">#F7F6F5</GridHeaderHoveredMiddle>
<GridHeaderHoveredEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used for the column headers in datagrid when the mouse is over">#F7F6F5</GridHeaderHoveredEnd>
<GridHeaderPressedStart description="Starting color of the gradient used for the column headers in datagrid when the left mouse button is pressed on the column header">#F7F6F5</GridHeaderPressedStart>
<GridHeaderPressedMiddle description="Middle color of the gradient used for the column headers in datagrid when the left mouse button is pressed on the column header">#F7F6F5</GridHeaderPressedMiddle>
<GridHeaderPressedEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used for the column headers in datagrid when the left mouse button is pressed on the column header">#F7F6F5</GridHeaderPressedEnd>
<GridHeaderFontColor description="Color of the text shown in the datagrid column headers">#000000</GridHeaderFontColor>
<GridHeaderBorder description="Color of the bottom border in the datagrid column headers">#F2F2F2</GridHeaderBorder>
<GridBackground description="Background color of a datagrid">#FFFFFF</GridBackground>
<GridFontColor description="Font color in a datagrid">#000000</GridFontColor>
<GridOddItemBackground description="Alternating background color for the odd items in a datagrid">#F7F6F5</GridOddItemBackground>
<GridSelectedItemBackgroundStart description="Starting color of the gradient used as a background for the selected items in datagrid">#D0DDFC</GridSelectedItemBackgroundStart>
<GridSelectedItemBackgroundEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used as a background for the selected items in datagrid">#D0DDFC</GridSelectedItemBackgroundEnd>
<GridSelectedItemBackgroundInactiveStart description="Starting color of the gradient used as a background for the selected items in datagrid when the datagrid is not active">#D0DDFC</GridSelectedItemBackgroundInactiveStart>
<GridSelectedItemBackgroundInactiveEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used as a background for the selected items in datagrid when the datagrid is not active">#D0DDFC</GridSelectedItemBackgroundInactiveEnd>
<GridFocusedItemBackgroundStart description="Starting color of the gradient used as a background for the focused item in datagrid">#D0DDFC</GridFocusedItemBackgroundStart>
<GridFocusedItemBackgroundEnd description="Starting color of the gradient used as a background for the focused item in datagrid">#D0DDFC</GridFocusedItemBackgroundEnd>
<GridSelectedItemFontColor description="Color of the text for the selected items in datagrid">#000000</GridSelectedItemFontColor>
<GridFocusedItemRecangle description="Color of the border line for the focused item in datagrid">#F2F2F2</GridFocusedItemRecangle>
<GridColor description="Color of the grid lines">#F7F6F5</GridColor>
<GridSelectedItemBorder description="Color of the border line for the selected items in datagrid">#D0DDFC</GridSelectedItemBorder>
<GridDisabledItemBorder description="Color of the border line for the selected items in datagrid when the datagrid is not active">#D0DDFC</GridDisabledItemBorder>
<GridMultilineHeaderHoveredFontColor description="Color of the text in multiline mode's header when mouse is over sort column name or sort column sort order">#D0DDFC</GridMultilineHeaderHoveredFontColor>
<GridAddItemLineColor description="Color of the line in datagrids that allow adding new items directly (contacts, events and tasks)">#F2F2F2</GridAddItemLineColor>
<UseRoundedCornersForDatagridSelection description="Specifies if a background for selected items in a datagrid should be drawn with rounded corners">False</UseRoundedCornersForDatagridSelection>
<!--Grid in main window -->
<MainFormGridHeaderStart description="Starting color of the gradient used for the column headers in datagrid in the main window">#FFFFFF</MainFormGridHeaderStart>
<MainFormGridHeaderMiddle description="Middle color of the gradient used for the column headers in datagrid in the main window">#FFFFFF</MainFormGridHeaderMiddle>
<MainFormGridHeaderEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used for the column headers in datagrid in the main window">#FFFFFF</MainFormGridHeaderEnd>
<MainFormGridHeaderHoveredStart description="Starting color of the gradient used for the column headers in datagrid in the main window when the mouse is over">#FFFFFF</MainFormGridHeaderHoveredStart>
<MainFormGridHeaderHoveredMiddle description="Middle color of the gradient used for the column headers in datagrid in the main window when the mouse is over">#FFFFFF</MainFormGridHeaderHoveredMiddle>
<MainFormGridHeaderHoveredEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used for the column headers in datagrid in the main window when the mouse is over">#FFFFFF</MainFormGridHeaderHoveredEnd>
<MainFormGridHeaderPressedStart description="Starting color of the gradient used for the column headers in datagrid in the main window when the left mouse button is pressed on the column header">#D0DDFC</MainFormGridHeaderPressedStart>
<MainFormGridHeaderPressedMiddle description="Middle color of the gradient used for the column headers in datagrid in the main window when the left mouse button is pressed on the column header">#D0DDFC</MainFormGridHeaderPressedMiddle>
<MainFormGridHeaderPressedEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used for the column headers in datagrid in the main window when the left mouse button is pressed on the column header">#D0DDFC</MainFormGridHeaderPressedEnd>
<MainFormGridHeaderFontColor description="Color of the text shown in the main window datagrid column headers">#646464</MainFormGridHeaderFontColor>
<MainFormGridHeaderBorder description="Color of the bottom border in the main window datagrid column headers">#F2F2F2</MainFormGridHeaderBorder>
<MainFormGridBackground description="Background color of a datagrid in the main window">#FFFFFF</MainFormGridBackground>
<MainFormGridFontColor description="Font color in a datagrid in the main window">#000000</MainFormGridFontColor>
<MainFormGridOddItemBackground description="Alternating background color for the odd items in a datagrid in the main window">#D0DDFC</MainFormGridOddItemBackground>
<MainFormGridSelectedItemBackgroundStart description="Starting color of the gradient used as a background for the selected items in datagrid in the main window">#D0DDFC</MainFormGridSelectedItemBackgroundStart>
<MainFormGridSelectedItemBackgroundEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used as a background for the selected items in datagrid in the main window">#D0DDFC</MainFormGridSelectedItemBackgroundEnd>
<MainFormGridSelectedItemBackgroundInactiveStart description="Starting color of the gradient used as a background for the selected items in datagrid in the main window when the datagrid is not active">#D0DDFC</MainFormGridSelectedItemBackgroundInactiveStart>
<MainFormGridSelectedItemBackgroundInactiveEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used as a background for the selected items in datagrid in the main window when the datagrid is not active">#D0DDFC</MainFormGridSelectedItemBackgroundInactiveEnd>
<MainFormGridFocusedItemBackgroundStart description="Starting color of the gradient used as a background for the focused item in datagrid in the main window">#D0DDFC</MainFormGridFocusedItemBackgroundStart>
<MainFormGridFocusedItemBackgroundEnd description="Starting color of the gradient used as a background for the focused item in datagrid in the main window">#D0DDFC</MainFormGridFocusedItemBackgroundEnd>
<MainFormGridSelectedItemFontColor description="Color of the text for the selected items in datagrid in the main window">#000000</MainFormGridSelectedItemFontColor>
<MainFormGridFocusedItemRectangle description="Color of the border line for the focused item in datagrid in the main window">#D0DDFC</MainFormGridFocusedItemRectangle>
<MainFormGridColor description="Color of the grid lines in the main window">#F6F6F6</MainFormGridColor>
<MainFormGridSelectedItemBorder description="Color of the border line for the selected items in datagrid in the main window">#D0DDFC</MainFormGridSelectedItemBorder>
<MainFormGridDisabledItemBorder description="Color of the border line for the selected items in datagrid in the main window when the datagrid is not active">#D0DDFC</MainFormGridDisabledItemBorder>
<MainFormGridMultilineHeaderHoveredFontColor description="Color of the text in the main window in multiline mode's header when mouse is over sort column name or sort column sort order">#11529C</MainFormGridMultilineHeaderHoveredFontColor>
<UseRoundedCornersForMainDatagridSelection description="Specifies if a background for selected items in a datagrid on the main screen should be drawn with rounded corners">False</UseRoundedCornersForMainDatagridSelection>
<GroupsBackgroundStart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for groups shown in datagrid">#EBEBEB</GroupsBackgroundStart>
<GroupsBackgroundEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for groups shown in datagrid">#C2C2C2</GroupsBackgroundEnd>
<GroupsForeground description="Color of the text for a group shown in datagrid">#0073C6</GroupsForeground>
<GroupsBorder description="Color of a border line for groups shown in datagrid">#0073C6</GroupsBorder>
<GroupsItemsCount description="Color of the items count text in a group shown in datagrid">#A0A0A0</GroupsItemsCount>
<GroupsSelectedBackgroundStart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for selected groups shown in datagrid">#D0DDFC</GroupsSelectedBackgroundStart>
<GroupsSelectedBackgroundEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for selected groups shown in datagrid">#D0DDFC</GroupsSelectedBackgroundEnd>
<GroupsSelectedForeground description="Color of the text for a selected group shown in datagrid">#000000</GroupsSelectedForeground>
<GroupsFocusedBackgroundStart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for a focused group shown in datagrid">#D0DDFC</GroupsFocusedBackgroundStart>
<GroupsFocusedBackgroundEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for a focused group shown in datagrid">#D0DDFC</GroupsFocusedBackgroundEnd>
<!--Groups in main window-->
<MainFormGroupsBackgroundStart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for groups shown in datagrid in the main window">#EBEBEB</MainFormGroupsBackgroundStart>
<MainFormGroupsBackgroundEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for groups shown in datagrid in the main window">#C2C2C2</MainFormGroupsBackgroundEnd>
<MainFormGroupsForeground description="Color of the text for a group shown in datagrid in the main window">#0073C6</MainFormGroupsForeground>
<MainFormGroupsBorder description="Color of a border line for groups shown in datagrid in the main window">#F2F2F2</MainFormGroupsBorder>
<MainFormGroupsItemsCount description="Color of the items count text in a group shown in datagrid in the main window">#A0A0A0</MainFormGroupsItemsCount>
<MainFormGroupsSelectedBackgroundStart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for selected groups shown in datagrid in the main window">#D0DDFC</MainFormGroupsSelectedBackgroundStart>
<MainFormGroupsSelectedBackgroundEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for selected groups shown in datagrid in the main window">#D0DDFC</MainFormGroupsSelectedBackgroundEnd>
<MainFormGroupsSelectedForeground description="Color of the text for a selected group shown in datagrid in the main window">#000000</MainFormGroupsSelectedForeground>
<MainFormGroupsFocusedBackgroundStart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for a focused group shown in datagrid in the main window">#D0DDFC</MainFormGroupsFocusedBackgroundStart>
<MainFormGroupsFocusedBackgroundEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for a focused group shown in datagrid in the main window">#D0DDFC</MainFormGroupsFocusedBackgroundEnd>
<!--Sidebar left and right-->
<SidebarMinimizedFontColor description="Color of the text used when the whole sidebar is minimized">#444444</SidebarMinimizedFontColor>
<SidebarMinimizedMouseOverFontColor description="Color of the text used when the whole sidebar is minimized and the mouse is over the text">#444444</SidebarMinimizedMouseOverFontColor>
<SidebarDataGridBackground description="Background color of a datagrid used in sidebar">#FFFFFF</SidebarDataGridBackground>
<SidebarBorder description="Color of the (outer) border line of the sidebar box">#F7F6F5</SidebarBorder>
<SidebarBorderLight description="Color of the inner border line used in the sidebar box header">#F7F6F5</SidebarBorderLight>
<SidebarMinimizedBackgroundStart description="Starting color of the gradient used for the background of sidebar when the sidebar is minimized">#F7F6F5</SidebarMinimizedBackgroundStart>
<SidebarMinimizedBackgroundEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used for the background of sidebar when the sidebar is minimized">#F7F6F5</SidebarMinimizedBackgroundEnd>
<SidebarMaximizedBackgroundStart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background of sidebar when the sidebar is expanded">#F7F6F5</SidebarMaximizedBackgroundStart>
<SidebarMaximizedBackgroundEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background of sidebar when the sidebar is expanded">#F7F6F5</SidebarMaximizedBackgroundEnd>
<SidebarCloseButtonBackgroundStart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for the close button of the right sidebar if the mouse is over the button">#F7F6F5</SidebarCloseButtonBackgroundStart>
<SidebarCloseButtonBackgroundEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for the close button of the right sidebar if the mouse is over the button">#F7F6F5</SidebarCloseButtonBackgroundEnd>
<ShowBorderAroundRightSidebarBox description="Indicates if a border line should be displayed around boxes in the right sidebar">True</ShowBorderAroundRightSidebarBox>
<DrawLinesBetweenSidebarBoxes description="Indicates if a horizontal line should be displayed between sidebar boxes">True</DrawLinesBetweenSidebarBoxes>
<SidebarSplitterHeight description="Height of splitters between boxes in a sidebar">1</SidebarSplitterHeight>
<LeftSpineSplitterForeground description="Color of the splitter lines used in left sidebar">#F7F6F5</LeftSpineSplitterForeground>
<ShowBorderAroundLeftSidebarBox description="Indicates if a border line should be displayed around boxes in the left sidebar">True</ShowBorderAroundLeftSidebarBox>
<SidebarButtonBorder description="Border line color of buttons in sidebar">#F7F6F5</SidebarButtonBorder>
<SidebarButtonBackgroundStart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for buttons in sidebar">#F7F6F5</SidebarButtonBackgroundStart>
<SidebarButtonBackgroundEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for buttons in sidebar">#F7F6F5</SidebarButtonBackgroundEnd>
<SidebarButtonFontColor description="Color of the text for buttons in sidebar">#444444</SidebarButtonFontColor>
<SidebarButtonToggledBackgroundStart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for buttons in sidebar when the button is in a toggled state">#F7F6F5</SidebarButtonToggledBackgroundStart>
<SidebarButtonToggledBackgroundEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for buttons in sidebar when the button is in a toggled state">#F7F6F5</SidebarButtonToggledBackgroundEnd>
<SidebarButtonToggleFontColor description="Color of the text for buttons in sidebar when the button is in a toggled state">#444444</SidebarButtonToggleFontColor>
<SidebarContactDetailsBackground description="Background color of the right sidebar contact details">#444444</SidebarContactDetailsBackground>
<SidebarContactDetailsCaptionForeground description="Text color of the contact caption in right sidebar contact details">#444444</SidebarContactDetailsCaptionForeground>
<DetachedChatWindowHeaderIconsColor description="Color of icons shown in a header of detached chat box">#444444</DetachedChatWindowHeaderIconsColor>
<ToolbarBackgroundStart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for a toolbar in sidebar (eg. search toolbar)">#FFFFFF</ToolbarBackgroundStart>
<ToolbarBackgroundEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for a toolbar in sidebar (eg. search toolbar)">#FFFFFF</ToolbarBackgroundEnd>
<!--Sidebar box-->
<SidebarBoxExpandedHeaderFontColor description="Color of the text used in the sidebar box header when the box is expanded">#444444</SidebarBoxExpandedHeaderFontColor>
<SidebarBoxCollapsedHeaderFontColor description="Color of the text used in the sidebar box header when the box is not expanded">#444444</SidebarBoxCollapsedHeaderFontColor>
<SidebarBoxHeaderFontLight description="Color of the lighter text used as a shadow below the text in sidebar box header">Transparent</SidebarBoxHeaderFontLight>
<SidebarBoxExpandedHeaderStart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for header of expanded boxes in the sidebar">#F7F6F5</SidebarBoxExpandedHeaderStart>
<SidebarBoxExpandedHeaderEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for header of expanded boxes in the sidebar">#F7F6F5</SidebarBoxExpandedHeaderEnd>
<SidebarBoxCollapsedHeaderStart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for header of collapsed boxes in the sidebar">#F7F6F5</SidebarBoxCollapsedHeaderStart>
<SidebarBoxCollapsedHeaderEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for header of collapsed boxes in the sidebar">#F7F6F5</SidebarBoxCollapsedHeaderEnd>
<SidebarBoxOverHeaderStart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for header of boxes in the sidebar when the mouse is over the header">#F7F6F5</SidebarBoxOverHeaderStart>
<SidebarBoxOverHeaderEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for header of boxes in the sidebar when the mouse is over the header">#F7F6F5</SidebarBoxOverHeaderEnd>
<UseLinearGradientForSidebarBoxHeader description="Specifies that a linear gradient should be used for the sidebar boxes header instead of a round gradient">True</UseLinearGradientForSidebarBoxHeader>
<SidebarBoxRoundSize description="Diameter of corners of a sidebar box (zero means no rounded corners)">0</SidebarBoxRoundSize>
<SidebarBoxSettingsIconOverColor description="Color of a settings icon shown in a sidebar box header when the mouse is over the icon">#444444</SidebarBoxSettingsIconOverColor>
<SidebarBoxSettingsIconColor description="Color of a settings icon shown in a sidebar box header when the mouse is over the header">#0000FF</SidebarBoxSettingsIconColor>
<SidebarBoxHeaderFontSize description="Font size of a text in sidebar box header when a modern theme is used">14</SidebarBoxHeaderFontSize>
<SidebarBoxOverHeaderFontColor description="Color of the text used in the sidebar box header when the mouse is over the header">#444444</SidebarBoxOverHeaderFontColor>
<ShowBorderAroundSidebarBoxHeader description="Indicates if a border line should be displayed around header of a sidebar box">False</ShowBorderAroundSidebarBoxHeader>
<!--Popup windows-->
<PopupFormBackgroundStart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for popup windows">#F7F6F5</PopupFormBackgroundStart>
<PopupFormBackgroundEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for popup windows">#F7F6F5</PopupFormBackgroundEnd>
<PopupFormBorder description="Color of the border line for a popup window">#0073C6</PopupFormBorder>
<PopupFormForeground description="Color of the text in a popup window">#000000</PopupFormForeground>
<!--Tree structure-->
<TreeViewFirstLevelForeground description="Text link color for the first-level text in a tree structure">#0073C6</TreeViewFirstLevelForeground>
<TreeViewForeground description="Text color of a tree structure">#000000</TreeViewForeground>
<TreeViewBackground description="Background color of a tree structure">buttonhighlight</TreeViewBackground>
<TreeViewSelectedInactiveItemForeground description="Text color for the selected item in a tree structure when it is not active">#000000</TreeViewSelectedInactiveItemForeground>
<TreeViewSelectedItemForeground description="Text color for the selected item in a tree structure">#0073C6</TreeViewSelectedItemForeground>
<TreeViewSelectedItemBackgroundStart description="Starting color of the gradient used as a background for the selected item in a tree structure">#D0DDFC</TreeViewSelectedItemBackgroundStart>
<TreeViewSelectedItemBackgroundEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used as a background for the selected item in a tree structure">#D0DDFC</TreeViewSelectedItemBackgroundEnd>
<TreeViewSelectedItemBorder description="Color of the border line for the selected item in a tree structure">Transparent</TreeViewSelectedItemBorder>
<TreeViewSelectedInactiveItemBackgroundStart description="Starting color of the gradient used as a background for the selected item in a tree structure when it is not active">#D0DDFC</TreeViewSelectedInactiveItemBackgroundStart>
<TreeViewSelectedInactiveItemBackgroundEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used as a background for the selected item in a tree structure when it is not active">#D0DDFC</TreeViewSelectedInactiveItemBackgroundEnd>
<TreeViewSelectedInactiveItemBorder description="Color of the border line for the selected item in a tree structure when it is not active">Transparent</TreeViewSelectedInactiveItemBorder>
<TreeViewNodeShowMoreForeground description="Text color for the 'More...' node in a tree structure">#0073C6</TreeViewNodeShowMoreForeground>
<UseRoundedCornersForTreeViewSelection description="Specifies if a background for selected items in a tree structure should be drawn with rounded corners">False</UseRoundedCornersForTreeViewSelection>
<!--Tree structure in main window -->
<MainFormTreeViewFirstLevelForeground description="Text color for the first-level text in a tree structure in the main window">#444444</MainFormTreeViewFirstLevelForeground>
<MainFormTreeViewForeground description="Text color of a tree structure in the main window">#000000</MainFormTreeViewForeground>
<MainFormTreeViewSelectedInactiveItemForeground description="Text color for the selected item in a tree structure in the main window when it is not active">#000000</MainFormTreeViewSelectedInactiveItemForeground>
<MainFormTreeViewSelectedItemForeground description="Text color for the selected item in a tree structure in the main window">#000000</MainFormTreeViewSelectedItemForeground>
<MainFormTreeViewSelectedItemBackgroundStart description="Starting color of the gradient used as a background for the selected item in a tree structure in the main window">#D0DDFC</MainFormTreeViewSelectedItemBackgroundStart>
<MainFormTreeViewSelectedItemBackgroundEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used as a background for the selected item in a tree structure in the main window">#D0DDFC</MainFormTreeViewSelectedItemBackgroundEnd>
<MainFormTreeViewSelectedItemBorder description="Color of the border line for the selected item in a tree structure in the main window">#D0DDFC</MainFormTreeViewSelectedItemBorder>
<MainFormTreeViewSelectedInactiveItemBackgroundStart description="Starting color of the gradient used as a background for the selected item in a tree structure in the main window when it is not active">#D0DDFC</MainFormTreeViewSelectedInactiveItemBackgroundStart>
<MainFormTreeViewSelectedInactiveItemBackgroundEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used as a background for the selected item in a tree structure in the main window when it is not active">#D0DDFC</MainFormTreeViewSelectedInactiveItemBackgroundEnd>
<MainFormTreeViewSelectedInactiveItemBorder description="Color of the border line for the selected item in a tree structure in the main window when it is not active">#D0DDFC</MainFormTreeViewSelectedInactiveItemBorder>
<!--Unread counts-->
<UnreadCountBackground description="Background color for an information about unread messages count in a folder">#B4B2B2</UnreadCountBackground>
<UnreadCountWarningBackground description="Background color for an information about unread messages count in a folder if there is a warning">#CC6666</UnreadCountWarningBackground>
<UnreadCountForeground description="Text color for an information about unread messages count in a folder">#FFFFFF</UnreadCountForeground>
<UnreadCountWarningForeground description="Text color for an information about unread messages count in a folder if there is a warning">Red</UnreadCountWarningForeground>
<UseRoundedCornersForAttachmentSelection description="Specifies if a background for attachment in a bar with attachments should be drawn with rounded corners">False</UseRoundedCornersForAttachmentSelection>
<AttachmentsBackground description="Background color of a bar with attachments">Transparent</AttachmentsBackground>
<AttachmentBorder description="Border line color around a bar with attachments">#CDCDCD</AttachmentBorder>
<AttachmentInactiveBorder description="Border line color around an attachment in a bar with attachments if the bar is not active">#EBEBEB</AttachmentInactiveBorder>
<AttachmentSelectedBorder description="Border line color around a selected attachment in a bar with attachments">Transparent</AttachmentSelectedBorder>
<AttachmentSelectedBackground description="Background color of a selected attachment in a bar with attachments">#0073C6</AttachmentSelectedBackground>
<AttachmentsInactiveArrows description="Color of a the arrows shown in a bar with attachments if there are more attachment to show">#A0A0A0</AttachmentsInactiveArrows>
<AttachmentSelectedInactiveBorder description="Border line color around a selected attachment in a bar with attachments if the bar is not active">#EBEBEB</AttachmentSelectedInactiveBorder>
<AttachmentSelectedInactiveBackground description="Background color of a selected attachment in a bar with attachments if the bar is not active">#EBEBEB</AttachmentSelectedInactiveBackground>
<!--Notification windows-->
<NotificationWindowHeaderIconColor description="Color of icons shown in notification header when the mouse is over the notification">#444444</NotificationWindowHeaderIconColor>
<NotificationWindowHeaderIconOverColor description="Color of icons shown in notification header when the mouse is over the icon">#444444</NotificationWindowHeaderIconOverColor>
<NotificationWindowHeaderForeground description="Color of the header text in a notification window">#444444</NotificationWindowHeaderForeground>
<NotificationWindowForeground description="Color of the text in a notification window">#444444</NotificationWindowForeground>
<NotificationWindowGrayText description="Color of the grayed text in a notification window">#444444</NotificationWindowGrayText>
<NotificationWindowBackgroundStart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for notification windows">#FFFFFF</NotificationWindowBackgroundStart>
<NotificationWindowBackgroundEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for notification windows">#FFFFFF</NotificationWindowBackgroundEnd>
<NotificationWindowHeaderStart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for header of notification windows">#F7F6F5</NotificationWindowHeaderStart>
<NotificationWindowHeaderEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for header of notification windows">#F7F6F5</NotificationWindowHeaderEnd>
<NotificationWindowHeaderBorder description="Color of the border line around notification windows header">#F7F6F5</NotificationWindowHeaderBorder>
<NotificationWindowBorder description="Border line color around a notification window">#F7F6F5</NotificationWindowBorder>
<NotificationWindowBackgroundGradientAngle description="An angle in which the gradient used as a background for a notification window will be shown">90</NotificationWindowBackgroundGradientAngle>
<NotificationWindowUseRoundedCorners description="Specifies if the notification windows should have rounded corners">True</NotificationWindowUseRoundedCorners>
<CalendarMainNavigationBackground description="Background color of the topmost space of the calendar where date and navigation arrows are present">#FFFFFF</CalendarMainNavigationBackground>
<CalendarMainNavigationForeground description="Font color of the topmost space of the calendar where date and navigation arrows are present">#5A5A5A</CalendarMainNavigationForeground>
<CalendarHeaderStart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for header with days in a calendar">#789CC1</CalendarHeaderStart>
<CalendarHeaderEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for header with days in a calendar">#789CC1</CalendarHeaderEnd>
<CalendarHeaderFontColor description="Color of the text in a header with days in a calendar">#FFFFFF</CalendarHeaderFontColor>
<CalendarTodayHeaderFontColor description="Color of the text for a current day in a header with days in a calendar">#FFFFFF</CalendarTodayHeaderFontColor>
<CalendarSubheaderBackground description="Background color of a space between the header with days and the main calendar view (week or day calendar view)">#FFFFFF</CalendarSubheaderBackground>
<CalendarBackground description="Background color of a calendar">#F2F8FF</CalendarBackground>
<CalendarNonWorkingHoursBackground description="Background color of a calendar for the time which is outside the working time (week or day view)">#FFFFFF</CalendarNonWorkingHoursBackground>
<CalendarHoursBackground description="Background color of a left-side bar with hours in a week or day view">#FFFFFF</CalendarHoursBackground>
<CalendarHoursFontColor description="Color of the text a left-side bar with hours in a week or day view">#787878</CalendarHoursFontColor>
<CalendarActiveDayBackground description="Background color of an currently selected day in a calendar">#0073C6</CalendarActiveDayBackground>
<CalendarGridStrongLine description="Color of vertical lines in a month view">#C8C8C8</CalendarGridStrongLine>
<CalendarGridLightLine description="Color of horizontal lines in a week view">#EBEBEB</CalendarGridLightLine>
<CalendarGridVeryLightLine description="Color of a top line in a week view">#C8C8C8</CalendarGridVeryLightLine>
<CalendarGridDarkLine description="Color of vertical lines and several horizontal lines in a week view">#C8C8C8</CalendarGridDarkLine>
<CalendarMonthViewDayHeaderFontColor description="Color of the text for each day (day number) in month calendar view">#323232</CalendarMonthViewDayHeaderFontColor>
<CalendarMonthViewDayHeaderStart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for header for each day in a month calendar view">#E0EFFF</CalendarMonthViewDayHeaderStart>
<CalendarMonthViewDayHeaderEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for header for each day in a month calendar view">#E0EFFF</CalendarMonthViewDayHeaderEnd>
<CalendarTodayBackgroundStart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for header for a current day">#5A7591</CalendarTodayBackgroundStart>
<CalendarTodayBackgroundEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for header for a current day">#5A7591</CalendarTodayBackgroundEnd>
<CalendarHeaderBorder description="Border line color around calendar header">#5A7591</CalendarHeaderBorder>
<CalendarCurrentTimeLine description="Color of a line displaying current time in a week view">#FF4500</CalendarCurrentTimeLine>
<CalendarEvenMonthBackground description="Alternating background color for even months in a calendar (month view)">#FFFFFF</CalendarEvenMonthBackground>
<CalendarTasksHeaderBackground description="Background color of a header for tasks shown below the calendar in day or week view">#FFFFFF</CalendarTasksHeaderBackground>
<CalendarTasksDraggedTaskPointer description="Color of a pointer when dragging a task shown below the calendar in day or week view">#FF0000</CalendarTasksDraggedTaskPointer>
<CalendarUseTransparencyForUnselectedEvents description="Specifies whether unselected events in calendar is drawn transparent">True</CalendarUseTransparencyForUnselectedEvents>
<CalendarUseLinearGradientsForEvents description="Specifies whether events' background is solid or a linear gradient is used">True</CalendarUseLinearGradientsForEvents>
<!--Date selector-->
<DateSelectorForeground description="Text color of the small preview calendar">#000000</DateSelectorForeground>
<DateSelectorInactiveForeground description="Text color of a non-active month in the small preview calendar">#6D6D6D</DateSelectorInactiveForeground>
<DateSelectorSelectionBorder description="Color of the border line for the selected dates in the small preview calendar">#84ACDD</DateSelectorSelectionBorder>
<DateSelectorSelectionBackgroundStart description="Starting color of the gradient used as a background for the selected dates in the small preview calendar">#F9FCFF</DateSelectorSelectionBackgroundStart>
<DateSelectorSelectionBackgroundEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used as a background for the selected dates in the small preview calendar">#F9FCFF</DateSelectorSelectionBackgroundEnd>
<DateSelectorSelectionInactiveBackgroundStart description="Starting color of the gradient used as a background for the selected dates in the small preview calendar when it is not active">#F9FCFF</DateSelectorSelectionInactiveBackgroundStart>
<DateSelectorSelectionInactiveBackgroundEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used as a background for the selected dates in the small preview calendar when it is not active">#F9FCFF</DateSelectorSelectionInactiveBackgroundEnd>
<DateSelectorSelectionInactiveBorder description="Color of the border line for the selected dates in the small preview calendar when it is not active">#D7E6F7</DateSelectorSelectionInactiveBorder>
<UseRoundedCornersForDateSelector description="Specifies if a background for selected dates in a small preview calendar should be drawn with rounded corners">False</UseRoundedCornersForDateSelector>
<!--Contact business cards-->
<BusinessCardsBorder description="Border line color of a contact if switched to a business cards view">#E7E8E9</BusinessCardsBorder>
<BusinessCardsForeground description="Text color of a contact if switched to a business cards view">#323232</BusinessCardsForeground>
<BusinessCardsSelectedBorder description="Border line color of a contact under the mouse position if switched to a business cards view">#BFDAE8</BusinessCardsSelectedBorder>
<BusinessCardsSelectedBackground description="Background color of a selected contact if switched to a business cards view">#C6E2FF</BusinessCardsSelectedBackground>
<BusinessCardsHoveredBorder description="Border line color of a contact under the mouse position if switched to a business cards view">#C6E2FF</BusinessCardsHoveredBorder>
<BusinessCardsHoveredBackground description="Background color of a contact under the mouse position if switched to a business cards view">#F5FAFD</BusinessCardsHoveredBackground>
<BusinessCardsBackground description="Border line color of a selected contact if switched to a business cards view">#FFFFFF</BusinessCardsBackground>
<BusinessCardsCardBackground description="Background color of a contact if switched to a business cards view">#0073C6</BusinessCardsCardBackground>
<BusinessCardsHorizontalLine description="Color of a horizontal line between contacts">#D3D3D3</BusinessCardsHorizontalLine>
<ContactsSelectorItemBackground description="Background color of active letter selector item">#E6E6E6</ContactsSelectorItemBackground>
<ContactsSelectorItemForeground description="Text color of active letter selector item">DarkGray</ContactsSelectorItemForeground>
<ContactsSelectorForeground description="Text color of letter selector items">DarkGray</ContactsSelectorForeground>
<ContactsSelectorBackground description="Background of letter selector items">#D0DDFC</ContactsSelectorBackground>
<WidgetHeaderStart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for header of widgets">#0073C6</WidgetHeaderStart>
<WidgetHeaderEnd description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for header of widgets">#0073C6</WidgetHeaderEnd>
<WidgetHeaderFontColorDark description="Color of the text used in the widget header">#FFFFFF</WidgetHeaderFontColorDark>
<WidgetHeaderFontColorLight description="Color of the lighter text used as a shadow below the text in widget header">Transparent</WidgetHeaderFontColorLight>
<WidgetBackgroundStart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for a widget">#F7F6F5</WidgetBackgroundStart>
<WidgetBackgroundEnd description="Endig color of the gradient used as the background for a widget">#F7F6F5</WidgetBackgroundEnd>
<WidgetBorder description="Color of the widget border line">#444444</WidgetBorder>
<!--Status bar-->
<StatusBarInfiniteProgress description="Color of the infinite progress line">#0073C6</StatusBarInfiniteProgress>
<StatusBarInfiniteProgressBackground description="Background color of the infinite progress line">#D0DDFC</StatusBarInfiniteProgressBackground>
<StatusBarProgress description="Color if the progress line">#0073C6</StatusBarProgress>
<StatusBarBackground description="Background color of a status bar">#0073C6</StatusBarBackground>
<StatusBarBackgroundOver description="Background color of a minimized status bar when the mouse is over">#0073C6</StatusBarBackgroundOver>
<StatusBarForeground description="Text color of a status bar">#FFFFFF</StatusBarForeground>
<StatusBarBackgroundOffline description="Background color of a status bar when the app is in offline mode">#CCCC66</StatusBarBackgroundOffline>
<StatusBarForegroundOffline description="Text color of a status bar when the app is in offline mode">#444444</StatusBarForegroundOffline>
<UseSystemScrollbar description="Use system scrollbars with no automatic hiding">True</UseSystemScrollbar>
<ScrollbarThumb description="Color of a scrollbar thumb">#D3D3D3</ScrollbarThumb>
<ScrollbarThumbHover description="Color of a scrollbar thumb when the mouse is over">#808080</ScrollbarThumbHover>
<!--Tab control-->
<TabForeColor description="Text color of active tab page">#444444</TabForeColor>
<TabBackColor description="Background color of active tab page">#F7F6F5</TabBackColor>
<TabInactiveForeColor description="Text color of inactive tab page">#444444</TabInactiveForeColor>
<TabInactiveBackColor description="Background color of inactive tab page">#F7F6F5</TabInactiveBackColor>
<!--Account wizard-->
<AccountWizardBoxHeaderCollapsed description="Background color of a collapsed header in the account wizard">#F7F7F7</AccountWizardBoxHeaderCollapsed>
<AccountWizardBoxHeaderExpanded description="Background color of an expanded header in the account wizard">#DCEBFC</AccountWizardBoxHeaderExpanded>
<AccountWizardBoxBackground description="Background of an expanded header in the account wizard">#F7F6F5</AccountWizardBoxBackground>
<AccountWizardSelectedItemGradientStart description="Starting color of a gradient used for the backgroud of a selected item in the account wizard">#D0DDFC</AccountWizardSelectedItemGradientStart>
<AccountWizardSelectedItemGradientEnd description="Ending color of a gradient used for the backgroud of a selected item in the account wizard">#D0DDFC</AccountWizardSelectedItemGradientEnd>
<!-- Mainmenu header -->
<ButtonBackColor description="Gets the background color of a button">Transparent</ButtonBackColor>
<ButtonTextColor description="Gets the text color of a button">#444444</ButtonTextColor>
<ButtonBorderColor description="Gets the border color of a button">Transparent</ButtonBorderColor>
<ButtonHoverBackColor description="Gets the background color of a button if the mouse cursor is over the button">#FFFFFF</ButtonHoverBackColor>
<ButtonHoverTextColor description="Gets the text color of a button if the mouse cursor is over the button">#444444</ButtonHoverTextColor>
<ButtonBorderHoverColor description="Gets the border color of a button if the mouse cursor is over the button">Transparent</ButtonBorderHoverColor>
<ButtonCheckedBackColor description="Gets the background color of a checked button">#B4B2B2</ButtonCheckedBackColor>
<ButtonCheckedTextColor description="Gets the text color of a checked button">#444444</ButtonCheckedTextColor>
<ButtonBorderCheckedColor description="Gets the border color of a checked button">Transparent</ButtonBorderCheckedColor>
<ButtonPressedBackColor description="Gets the background color of a pressed button">#C9C9C9</ButtonPressedBackColor>
<ButtonPressedTextColor description="Gets the text color of a pressed button">#444444</ButtonPressedTextColor>
<ButtonBorderPressedColor description="Gets the border color of a pressed button">Transparent</ButtonBorderPressedColor>
<ButtonDisabledBackColor description="Gets the background color of a disabled button">#CCCCCC</ButtonDisabledBackColor>
<ButtonDisabledTextColor description="Gets the text color of a disabled button">#888888</ButtonDisabledTextColor>
<ButtonBorderDisabledColor description="Gets the border color of a disabled button">Transparent</ButtonBorderDisabledColor>
<ButtonInvertImage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the button is in normal state">True</ButtonInvertImage>
<ButtonCheckedInvertImage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the button is checked">True</ButtonCheckedInvertImage>
<ButtonPressedInvertImage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the button is pressed">True</ButtonPressedInvertImage>
<ButtonHoverInvertImage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the mouse cursor is over the button">True</ButtonHoverInvertImage>
<ButtonInvertDropDownArrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the button is in normal state">True</ButtonInvertDropDownArrow>
<ButtonCheckedInvertDropDownArrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the button is checked">True</ButtonCheckedInvertDropDownArrow>
<ButtonPressedInvertDropDownArrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the button is pressed">True</ButtonPressedInvertDropDownArrow>
<ButtonHoverInvertDropDownArrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the mouse cursor is over the button">True</ButtonHoverInvertDropDownArrow>
<!-- New mail left in the header and send button -->
<ButtonBackColor description="Gets the background color of a button">#FFFFFF</ButtonBackColor>
<ButtonTextColor description="Gets the text color of a button">#444444</ButtonTextColor>
<ButtonBorderColor description="Gets the border color of a button">Transparent</ButtonBorderColor>
<ButtonHoverBackColor description="Gets the background color of a button if the mouse cursor is over the button">#FDFDFD</ButtonHoverBackColor>
<ButtonHoverTextColor description="Gets the text color of a button if the mouse cursor is over the button">#444444</ButtonHoverTextColor>
<ButtonBorderHoverColor description="Gets the border color of a button if the mouse cursor is over the button">Transparent</ButtonBorderHoverColor>
<ButtonCheckedBackColor description="Gets the background color of a checked button">#FFFFFF</ButtonCheckedBackColor>
<ButtonCheckedTextColor description="Gets the text color of a checked button">#444444</ButtonCheckedTextColor>
<ButtonBorderCheckedColor description="Gets the border color of a checked button">Transparent</ButtonBorderCheckedColor>
<ButtonPressedBackColor description="Gets the background color of a pressed button">#FDFDFD</ButtonPressedBackColor>
<ButtonPressedTextColor description="Gets the text color of a pressed button">#444444</ButtonPressedTextColor>
<ButtonBorderPressedColor description="Gets the border color of a pressed button">Transparent</ButtonBorderPressedColor>
<ButtonDisabledBackColor description="Gets the background color of a disabled button">#CCCCCC</ButtonDisabledBackColor>
<ButtonDisabledTextColor description="Gets the text color of a disabled button">#888888</ButtonDisabledTextColor>
<ButtonBorderDisabledColor description="Gets the border color of a disabled button">Transparent</ButtonBorderDisabledColor>
<ButtonInvertImage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the button is in normal state">True</ButtonInvertImage>
<ButtonCheckedInvertImage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the button is checked">True</ButtonCheckedInvertImage>
<ButtonPressedInvertImage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the button is pressed">True</ButtonPressedInvertImage>
<ButtonHoverInvertImage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the mouse cursor is over the button">True</ButtonHoverInvertImage>
<ButtonInvertDropDownArrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the button is in normal state">True</ButtonInvertDropDownArrow>
<ButtonCheckedInvertDropDownArrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the button is checked">True</ButtonCheckedInvertDropDownArrow>
<ButtonPressedInvertDropDownArrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the button is pressed">True</ButtonPressedInvertDropDownArrow>
<ButtonHoverInvertDropDownArrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the mouse cursor is over the button">True</ButtonHoverInvertDropDownArrow>
<!-- Account buttons -->
<ButtonBackColor description="Gets the background color of a button">#0188E9</ButtonBackColor>
<ButtonTextColor description="Gets the text color of a button">#FFFFFF</ButtonTextColor>
<ButtonBorderColor description="Gets the border color of a button">Transparent</ButtonBorderColor>
<ButtonHoverBackColor description="Gets the background color of a button if the mouse cursor is over the button">#888888</ButtonHoverBackColor>
<ButtonHoverTextColor description="Gets the text color of a button if the mouse cursor is over the button">#FFFFFF</ButtonHoverTextColor>
<ButtonBorderHoverColor description="Gets the border color of a button if the mouse cursor is over the button">Transparent</ButtonBorderHoverColor>
<ButtonCheckedBackColor description="Gets the background color of a checked button">#888888</ButtonCheckedBackColor>
<ButtonCheckedTextColor description="Gets the text color of a checked button">#FFFFFF</ButtonCheckedTextColor>
<ButtonBorderCheckedColor description="Gets the border color of a checked button">Transparent</ButtonBorderCheckedColor>
<ButtonPressedBackColor description="Gets the background color of a pressed button">#9F9E9E</ButtonPressedBackColor>
<ButtonPressedTextColor description="Gets the text color of a pressed button">#FFFFFF</ButtonPressedTextColor>
<ButtonBorderPressedColor description="Gets the border color of a pressed button">Transparent</ButtonBorderPressedColor>
<ButtonDisabledBackColor description="Gets the background color of a disabled button">#CCCCCC</ButtonDisabledBackColor>
<ButtonDisabledTextColor description="Gets the text color of a disabled button">#FFFFFF</ButtonDisabledTextColor>
<ButtonBorderDisabledColor description="Gets the border color of a disabled button">Transparent</ButtonBorderDisabledColor>
<ButtonInvertImage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the button is in normal state">True</ButtonInvertImage>
<ButtonCheckedInvertImage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the button is checked">True</ButtonCheckedInvertImage>
<ButtonPressedInvertImage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the button is pressed">True</ButtonPressedInvertImage>
<ButtonHoverInvertImage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the mouse cursor is over the button">True</ButtonHoverInvertImage>
<ButtonInvertDropDownArrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the button is in normal state">True</ButtonInvertDropDownArrow>
<ButtonCheckedInvertDropDownArrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the button is checked">True</ButtonCheckedInvertDropDownArrow>
<ButtonPressedInvertDropDownArrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the button is pressed">True</ButtonPressedInvertDropDownArrow>
<ButtonHoverInvertDropDownArrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the mouse cursor is over the button">True</ButtonHoverInvertDropDownArrow>
<ButtonBackColor description="Gets the background color of a button">#0073C6</ButtonBackColor>
<ButtonTextColor description="Gets the text color of a button">#FFFFFF</ButtonTextColor>
<ButtonBorderColor description="Gets the border color of a button">Transparent</ButtonBorderColor>
<ButtonHoverBackColor description="Gets the background color of a button if the mouse cursor is over the button">#444444</ButtonHoverBackColor>
<ButtonHoverTextColor description="Gets the text color of a button if the mouse cursor is over the button">#FFFFFF</ButtonHoverTextColor>
<ButtonBorderHoverColor description="Gets the border color of a button if the mouse cursor is over the button">Transparent</ButtonBorderHoverColor>
<ButtonCheckedBackColor description="Gets the background color of a checked button">#444444</ButtonCheckedBackColor>
<ButtonCheckedTextColor description="Gets the text color of a checked button">#FFFFFF</ButtonCheckedTextColor>
<ButtonBorderCheckedColor description="Gets the border color of a checked button">Transparent</ButtonBorderCheckedColor>
<ButtonPressedBackColor description="Gets the background color of a pressed button">#B4B2B2</ButtonPressedBackColor>
<ButtonPressedTextColor description="Gets the text color of a pressed button">#FFFFFF</ButtonPressedTextColor>
<ButtonBorderPressedColor description="Gets the border color of a pressed button">Transparent</ButtonBorderPressedColor>
<ButtonDisabledBackColor description="Gets the background color of a disabled button">#CCCCCC</ButtonDisabledBackColor>
<ButtonDisabledTextColor description="Gets the text color of a disabled button">#888888</ButtonDisabledTextColor>
<ButtonBorderDisabledColor description="Gets the border color of a disabled button">Transparent</ButtonBorderDisabledColor>
<ButtonInvertImage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the button is in normal state">True</ButtonInvertImage>
<ButtonCheckedInvertImage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the button is checked">True</ButtonCheckedInvertImage>
<ButtonPressedInvertImage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the button is pressed">True</ButtonPressedInvertImage>
<ButtonHoverInvertImage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the mouse cursor is over the button">True</ButtonHoverInvertImage>
<ButtonInvertDropDownArrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the button is in normal state">True</ButtonInvertDropDownArrow>
<ButtonCheckedInvertDropDownArrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the button is checked">True</ButtonCheckedInvertDropDownArrow>
<ButtonPressedInvertDropDownArrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the button is pressed">True</ButtonPressedInvertDropDownArrow>
<ButtonHoverInvertDropDownArrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the mouse cursor is over the button">True</ButtonHoverInvertDropDownArrow>
<MenuBackColor description="Gets the background color of a context menu">#FFFFFF</MenuBackColor>
<MenuBorder description="Gets the color that is used for the border of a context menu">#0188E9</MenuBorder>
<MenuItemBorder description="Gets the border color to use with a ToolStrip menu item">#0188E9</MenuItemBorder>
<MenuItemPressedBackColor description="Gets the background color for the pressed menu item">#0073C6</MenuItemPressedBackColor>
<MenuItemSelectedBackColor description="Gets the background color for the selected menu item">#0073C6</MenuItemSelectedBackColor>
<MenuItemTextColor description="Gets the color of items text">#000000</MenuItemTextColor>
<MenuItemDisabledTextColor description="Gets the color of disabled items text">#6D6D6D</MenuItemDisabledTextColor>
<MenuItemPressedTextColor description="Gets the color of pressed items text">#FFFFFF</MenuItemPressedTextColor>
<MenuItemSelectedTextColor description="Gets the color of selected items text">#FFFFFF</MenuItemSelectedTextColor>
<MenuItemInvertImage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the menu item is in normal state">False</MenuItemInvertImage>
<MenuItemPressedInvertImage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the menu item is pressed">True</MenuItemPressedInvertImage>
<MenuItemSelectedInvertImage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the menu item is selected">True</MenuItemSelectedInvertImage>
<MenuItemInvertExpandArrow description="Indicates if the expand arrow should have inverted colors if the menu item is in normal state">False</MenuItemInvertExpandArrow>
<MenuItemPressedInvertExpandArrow description="Indicates if the expand arrow should have inverted colors if the menu item is pressed">True</MenuItemPressedInvertExpandArrow>
<MenuItemSelectedInvertExpandArrow description="Indicates if the expand arrow should have inverted colors if the menu item is selected">True</MenuItemSelectedInvertExpandArrow>
<SeparatorColor description="Gets the color for separators">#FFFFFF</SeparatorColor>
<IsModernTheme description="Specifies if the theme is derived from a modern theme (there are several differences in calculating the size of user interface elements)">True</IsModernTheme>
<Screenshot description="Specifies a base64 encoded screenshot image" />
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