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Last active August 3, 2018 14:09
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Getting started with web4 in pure JavaScript
$ cd web4
$ git checkout master && git pull && git clean -xdf && yarn install && yarn build && yarn run lerna run pack-node
$ node
> function wait(promise) { return require('deasync2').await(promise); }
> const web4 = require("./packages/iov-web4/dist/node")
> web4
{ TransactionKind:
{ '0': 'Send',
'1': 'SetName',
'2': 'SwapOffer',
'3': 'SwapCounter',
'4': 'SwapClaim',
'5': 'SwapTimeout',
Send: 0,
SetName: 1,
SwapOffer: 2,
SwapCounter: 3,
SwapClaim: 4,
SwapTimeout: 5 },
Ed25519SimpleAddressKeyringEntry: [Function: Ed25519SimpleAddressKeyringEntry],
{ [Function: Keyring]
Map {
'ed25519' => [Function],
'ed25519-simpleaddress' => [Function] } },
UserProfile: [Function: UserProfile],
bnsConnector: [Function],
bnsFromOrToTag: [Function: fromOrToTag],
Web4Write: [Function: Web4Write],
withConnectors: [Function] }
> const { Ed25519SimpleAddressKeyringEntry, UserProfile, bnsConnector, bnsFromOrToTag, TransactionKind, Web4Write, withConnectors } = web4
> const profile = new UserProfile();
> profile.addEntry(Ed25519SimpleAddressKeyringEntry.fromMnemonic("degree tackle suggest window test behind mesh extra cover prepare oak script"))
> const faucet = wait(profile.createIdentity(0))
> const knownChains = wait(withConnectors(wait(bnsConnector("wss://"))));
> const writer = new Web4Write(profile, knownChains);
> const chainId = writer.chainIds()[0];
> const reader = writer.reader(chainId);
> const faucetAddress = writer.keyToAddress(chainId, faucet.pubkey);
> wait(reader.getAccount({ address: faucetAddress })).data[0].balance
[ { whole: 99888,
fractional: 999998446,
tokenTicker: 'CASH',
tokenName: 'Second token of this chain',
sigFigs: 6 },
{ whole: 100000,
fractional: 0,
tokenTicker: 'IOV',
tokenName: 'Main token of this chain',
sigFigs: 6 } ]
> wait(reader.searchTx({ tags: [bnsFromOrToTag(faucetAddress)] }));
[ { height: 135,
{ kind: 'send',
recipient: [Object],
amount: [Object],
memo: 'My first payment',
chainId: 'test-chain-Cc61nX',
signer: [Object] },
primarySignature: { nonce: [Object], publicKey: [Object], signature: [Object] },
otherSignatures: [] },
{ height: 153,
{ kind: 'send',
recipient: [Object],
amount: [Object],
memo: 'Web4 write style',
chainId: 'test-chain-Cc61nX',
signer: [Object] },
primarySignature: { nonce: [Object], publicKey: [Object], signature: [Object] },
otherSignatures: [] } ]
... and so on
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