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Created September 24, 2022 19:53
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Using Nx Affected in Azure Pipelines
* This script decides whether containers need to be re-built (and thus re-deployed).
* The result is a special `task.setvariable` printed to the console for affected containers,
* to be picked up by the next build stage in the pipeline.
* Usage:
* node is-affected.js --pipelineId 1 --app website --app dashboard --app services
* Example output:
* ##vso[task.setvariable variable=BUILD_WEBSITE;isOutput=true]AFFECTED
* ##[warning]website is affected (base: d9cea66b57a4704f6665a82461d14f92f927bfd8)
* ##vso[task.setvariable variable=BUILD_DASHBOARD;isOutput=true]TAG_NOT_FOUND
* ##[warning]dashboard was not previously tagged (base: d9cea66b57a4704f6665a82461d14f92f927bfd8)
* ##[warning]services is NOT affected (base: d9cea66b57a4704f6665a82461d14f92f927bfd8)
* Implementation notes:
* - Tags:
* - The tag is equal to the container name for Nx project type "app" (e.g. `website`).
* - The commit sha from the queried tag represents the latest successful build for that container.
* - A tag is added to the pipeline run only after a successful build of any container separately (look for "Tag successful build")
* - Calculate whether container is affected between HEAD and this commit sha.
* - If AFFECTED, echo special `task.setvariable` syntax for next build stage to use in its run conditions.
* - Next build stage reads special variable syntax to build or not (look for "Build ${{ parameters.containerName }}")
* - If TAG_NOT_FOUND, also set this variable and build container.
* - The `az pipelines runs list` command requires a PAT (personal access token or `AZURE_DEVOPS_TOKEN`).
* Related Azure docs:
* -
* -
const util = require('node:util');
const execFile = util.promisify(require('node:child_process').execFile);
const {
values: { pipelineId, debug = false, app = [], lib = [] },
} = util.parseArgs({
options: {
debug: { type: 'boolean' },
pipelineId: { type: 'string' },
app: { type: 'string', multiple: true },
lib: { type: 'string', multiple: true },
const isDebug = debug || process.env.SYSTEM_DEBUG === 'True';
const AffectedCache = {
app: new Map(),
lib: new Map(),
const writeVariable = (key, value) => console.log(`##vso[task.setvariable variable=${key};isOutput=true]${value}`);
const logWarning = message => console.log(`##[warning]${message}`);
const logError = message => console.log(`##[error]${message}`);
const logDebug = (...args) => isDebug && console.debug(...args);
* @param {string} containerName
* @returns {string}
const getVariableName = containerName => `BUILD_${containerName.toUpperCase().replace(/-/g, '_')}`;
* Execute command in child process, and output stdout/stderr in debug mode
* @param {string} program
* @param {string[]} args
* @returns {void}
const exec = async (program, args) => {
logDebug(program, args.join(' '));
const { stdout, stderr } = await execFile(program, args);
logDebug({ stdout, stderr });
if (stderr) throw new Error(stderr);
if (stdout) return stdout.trim();
* Find pipeline run of latest successful build for tag (= containerName), and return the associated commit sha
* Ideally we would use `az pipelines` programmatically here (i.e. not in a child process), but not available atm?
* @param {string} containerName
* @returns {string}
const getLatestBuildCommit = async containerName => {
const args = [
['--branch', 'main'],
['--pipeline-ids', pipelineId],
['--tags', containerName],
['--query-order', 'StartTimeDesc'], // `FinishTimeDesc` gives second latest?
['--query', '[].[sourceVersion]'],
['--top', 1],
['--out', 'tsv'],
return await exec('az', args);
* Find affected Nx projects since `base` commit sha
* Ideally we would use `nx print-affected` programmatically here (i.e. not in a child process), but not available atm?
* @param {string} sha
* @param {"app" | "lib"} type
* @returns {string[]}
const getAffectedProjectsSinceCommit = async (sha, type) => {
const args = [
['--type', type],
['--select', 'projects'],
['--base', sha],
['--head', 'HEAD'],
const stdout = await exec('nx', args);
return stdout.split(', ');
* @param {string} nxProject
* @param {"app" | "lib"} type
* @param {string} sha
* @returns {boolean}
const isProjectAffected = async (nxProject, type, sha) => {
if (AffectedCache[type].has(sha)) {
// Available from cache, nothing to do
} else if (sha.match(/^[0-9a-f]{5,40}$/)) {
const affected = await getAffectedProjectsSinceCommit(sha, type);
AffectedCache[type].set(sha, affected);
const affectedContainersForCommit = AffectedCache[type].get(sha);
return affectedContainersForCommit.includes(nxProject);
* @param {"app" | "lib"} type
* @param {string} nxProject
* @param {string} libContainerName
* @returns {void}
const printAffectedProjects = async (type, nxProject, libContainerName) => {
try {
const containerName = libContainerName ?? nxProject;
const variableName = getVariableName(containerName);
const sha = await getLatestBuildCommit(containerName);
if (sha) {
const isAffected = await isProjectAffected(nxProject, type, sha);
if (isAffected) {
writeVariable(variableName, 'AFFECTED');
logWarning(`${nxProject} is affected (base: ${sha})`);
} else {
logWarning(`${nxProject} is NOT affected (base: ${sha})`);
} else {
writeVariable(variableName, 'TAG_NOT_FOUND');
logWarning(`${nxProject} was not previously tagged`);
} catch (error) {
logError(`${nxProject} query gave an error: ${error.toString()}`);
const main = async () => {
for (const nxProject of app) await printAffectedProjects('app', nxProject);
for (const nxProject of lib) await printAffectedProjects('lib', ...nxProject.split(','));
if (isDebug) console.debug(AffectedCache);
# Usage: is-affected [lib|app] [nx-project-name] [BUILD_NX_PROJECT_NAME]
is-affected() {
local SHA=$(az pipelines runs list --branch main --pipeline-ids $(System.DefinitionId) --tags "$2" --query-order FinishTimeDesc --query '[].[sourceVersion]' --top 1 --out tsv)
local WRITE_VARIABLE="##vso[task.setvariable variable=$3;isOutput=true]";
if [[ "$SHA" =~ [0-9a-f]{5,40} ]]; then
local AFFECTED=$(npx nx print-affected --type=${1} --select=projects --plain --base=$SHA --head=HEAD)
if [[ "$AFFECTED" == *"$2"* ]]; then
echo "##[warning]$2 is affected (base: $SHA)"
echo "##[warning]$2 is NOT affected (base: $SHA)"
elif [[ -z "$SHA" ]]; then
echo "##[warning]$2 was not previously tagged"
echo "##[error]$2 query gave an error: $SHA"
- stage: Prepare
vmImage: ubuntu-latest
- job: Determine_Affected
displayName: Determine Affected Nx Projects
- task: NodeTool@0
displayName: Use Node.js v16.14.1
versionSpec: 16.14.1
- script: npm install nx
displayName: Install Nx
# The Azure CLI tool may require you to set the `organization` and `project` first
- bash: |
az config set extension.use_dynamic_install=yes_without_prompt
az devops configure --defaults organization=$(System.TeamFoundationCollectionUri) project="$(System.TeamProject)"
displayName: Set default Azure DevOps organization and project
- bash: |
is-affected() {
local SHA=$(az pipelines runs list ...)
is-affected app my-app BUILD_MY_APP
name: AffectedNxProjects
displayName: Determine affected Nx projects
AZURE_DEVOPS_EXT_PAT: $(System.AccessToken)
- script: >
node is-affected.js
--pipelineId $(System.DefinitionId)
--app website
--app dashboard
--app services
name: AffectedProjects
displayName: Determine affected projects
AZURE_DEVOPS_EXT_PAT: $(System.AccessToken)
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