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Created October 21, 2015 13:23
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A Polymer 0.5 element for Vimeo video uploads that supports Browser and Cordova apps.
* vimeo-upload
* The `vimeo-upload` element enabling you to upload videos to Vimeo
* Examples
* Manual upload with a `Video Upload` button once a video file is selected:
* <vimeo-upload></vimeo-upload>
* Automatic upload on video file select, with a custom title, and 'unlisted' privacy:
* <vimeo-upload
* auto
* videoTitle="My Awesome Video"
* privacyStatus="unlisted">
* </vimeo-upload>
* @link
* @author WebSemantics, Inc. <>
* @author Adnan Sagar, PhD <>
* @copyright 2015 WebSemantics, All rights reserved.
<polymer-element name="vimeo-upload" attributes="auto selectedFile isCordovaApp accessToken videoTitle description privacyStatus videoId url">
<div style="display: {{ authenticated ? 'block' : 'none' }}">
<template if="{{!isCordovaApp}}">
<input type="file" id="file" class="button" accept="video/*" on-change="{{handleFileChanged}}">
<template if="{{isCordovaApp}}">
<paper-button raised on-click="{{chooseFile}}">Choose File</paper-button>
<div style="width:140px;padding-top:10px">
<paper-button raised on-click="{{handleUploadClicked}}" class="upload" style="display: {{ auto ? 'none' : 'block' }}" disabled?="{{ !selectedFile }}">Upload</paper-button>
(function() {
var STATUS_POLLING_ITERVAL_MILLIS = 60 * 1000; // One minute.
Polymer('vimeo-upload', {
* Fired when the upload begins.
* `e.detail` is set to the
* [file](
* being uploaded.
* @event vimeo-upload-start
* @param {Object} e Event parameters.
* Fired while the upload is in progress.
* `e.detail.progressEvent` is set to the corresponding
* [XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent](
* `e.detail.estimatedSecondsRemaining` is set to an estimate of the time remaining
* in the upload, based on the average upload speed so far.
* `e.detail.bytesPerSecond` is set to the average number of bytes sent per second
* sent so far.
* `e.fractionComplete` is set to the fraction of the upload that's complete, in the range [0, 1].
* @event vimeo-upload-progress
* @param {Object} e Event parameters.
* Fired when Vimeo upload has failed.
* Since the actual upload failed, it's not possible for the Vimeo server to
* attempt to process the video, and no `vimeo-processing-poll`
* events will be fired.
* `e.detail` is set to a string explaining what went wrong.
* @event vimeo-upload-fail
* @param {Object} e Event parameters
* Fired when video upload has completed, and Vimeo has begun processing the video.
* At this point, the video is not yet playable, and there is no guarantee that
* the server-side Vimeo processing will succeed.
* One or more `vimeo-processing-poll` events will then be fired after this event,
* followed by either a `vimeo-processing-complete` or `vimeo-processing-fail`.
* `e.detail` is set to the Vimeo video id of the video.
* @event vimeo-upload-complete
* @param {Object} e Event parameters.
* Fired while server-side processing is in progress.
* Server-side processing can take an
* [unpredictable amount of time](,
* and these events will be periodically fired each time the processing status is polled.
* `e.detail` is set to a
* [status](
* object.
* @event vimeo-processing-poll
* @param {Object} e Event parameters
* Fired when server-side processing is successful and the video is
* available for playback on Vimeo.
* The video can be played at `` and can be
* embedded using the
* [`google-youtube`]( element.
* `e.detail` is set to the Vimeo video id of the video.
* @event vimeo-processing-complete
* @param {Object} e Event parameters
* Fired when the video
* [failed transcoding](
* and can't be played on Vimeo.
* `e.detail` is set to a
* [status](
* object which has more details about the failure.
* @event vimeo-processing-fail
* @param {Object} e Event parameters
* Whether files should be automatically uploaded.
* @attribute auto
* @type boolean
* @default false
auto: false,
* Whether the user has authenticated or not (Yes always)
* @attribute authenticated
* @type boolean
authenticated: true,
* The title for the new Vimeo video.
* @attribute title
* @type string
* @default 'Untitled Video'
videoTitle: 'Untitled Video',
* The description for the new Vimeo video.
* @attribute description
* @type string
* @default 'Uploaded via a web component! Check out'
description: 'Uploaded via a web component! Check out',
* The [privacy setting](
* for the new video.
* Valid values are 'public', 'private', and 'unlisted'.
* @attribute privacyStatus
* @type string
* @default 'public'
privacyStatus: 'public',
* The file location in case of a Cordova app
* @attribute realUrl
* @type string
* @default 'public'
realUrl: null,
* The id of the new video.
* This is set as soon as a `vimeo-upload-complete` event is fired.
* @attribute videoId
* @type string
* @default ''
videoId: '',
uploadStartTime: 0,
created: function() {
ready: function() {
// summery:
// Get the upload ticket first
* Uploads a video file to Vimeo.
* `this.accessToken` must already be set to a valid OAuth 2 access token.
* @method uploadFile
* @param {object} file File object corresponding to the video to upload.
uploadFile: function(file) {
// var metadata = {
// snippet: {
// title: this.videoTitle,
// description: this.description
// },
// status: {
// privacyStatus: this.privacyStatus
// }
// };
var uploader = new MediaUploader({
baseUrl: this.url,
file: file,
token: this.accessToken,
isCordovaApp : this.isCordovaApp,
realUrl : this.realUrl,
// metadata: metadata,
// params: {
// part: Object.keys(metadata).join(',')
// },
onError: function(data) {
var message = data;
// Assuming the error is raised by the Vimeo API, data will be
// a JSON string with error.message set. I am not 100% sure that's the
// only time onError will be raised, though.
try {
var errorResponse = JSON.parse(data);
message = errorResponse.error;'handle_error', {error : message});
} finally {'vimeo-upload-fail', message);
onProgress: function(data) {
var currentTime =;
var bytesUploaded = data.loaded;
var totalBytes =;
// The times are in millis, so we need to divide by 1000 to get seconds.
var bytesPerSecond = bytesUploaded / ((currentTime - this.uploadStartTime) / 1000);
var estimatedSecondsRemaining = (totalBytes - bytesUploaded) / bytesPerSecond;
var fractionComplete = bytesUploaded / totalBytes;'vimeo-upload-progress', {
progressEvent: data,
bytesPerSecond: bytesPerSecond,
estimatedSecondsRemaining: estimatedSecondsRemaining,
fractionComplete: fractionComplete
onComplete: function(videoId) {'vimeo-upload-complete', videoId);
this.videoId = videoId;
// this.pollForVideoStatus();
});'vimeo-upload-start', file);
// This won't correspond to the *exact* start of the upload, but it should be close enough.
this.uploadStartTime =;
chooseFile: function() {
// Summery
// This function handles Cordova apps choose file action
var self = this;
var pictureSource =;
var destinationType =;
var source = pictureSource.PHOTOLIBRARY;
// Retrieve video file location from specified source
// Success
// Fail
function(message){'handle_error', {error : message});
{ quality: 50,
destinationType: destinationType.FILE_URI,
sourceType: source });
handleCordovaFileChanged: function(imageURI) {
// summery:
// Process the file to get metadata, type size etc
var self = this;
// Success
var realUrl = fileEntry.toURL();
fileEntry.file(function(file) {
self.realUrl = realUrl;
self.handleFileChanged(null, file);
// Fail
// Do nothing
handleFileChanged: function(e, file) {
this.selectedFile = file || this.$.file.files[0];'vimeo-file-changed', this.selectedFile);
if ( {
handleUploadClicked: function() {
pollForVideoStatus: function() {
// summery:
// TO BE IMPLEMENTED! Adnan @ Dec 25 2014
path: '/youtube/v3/videos',
params: {
part: 'status',
id: this.videoId
callback: function(response) {
if (response.error) {
// Not exactly sure how to handle this one, since it means the status polling failed.
setTimeout(this.pollForVideoStatus.bind(this), STATUS_POLLING_ITERVAL_MILLIS);
} else {
var status = response.items[0].status;
switch (status.uploadStatus) {
// This is a non-final status, so we need to poll again.
case 'uploaded':'vimeo-processing-poll', status);
setTimeout(this.pollForVideoStatus.bind(this), STATUS_POLLING_ITERVAL_MILLIS);
// The video was successfully transcoded and is available.
case 'processed':'vimeo-processing-complete', this.videoId);
// All other statuses indicate a permanent transcoding failure.
default:'vimeo-processing-fail', status);
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