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Webfaction letsencrypt automatic certificate renewal and installation

Webfaction letsencrypt automatic certificate renewal and installation

This process helps you get a free letsencrypt certificate installed on your Webfaction domain, and then keeps it renewed. You can follow these steps for as many domains as you need.

Based on the instructions here.
Follow all of the instructions, but use this python script instead.

Usage: ./ domain.tld certname

When adding the cron entry make sure to add the domain and certname to the command!

For example:

0 2 * * * /usr/local/bin/python $HOME/ 2>> ~/

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Python3 script to renew HTTPS certificates, using acme script and Webfaction's API.
# See: (original version, plus docs)
# See: (updated version)
# See: (acme script)
# Usage: ./ domain.tld cert_name
# Run this script as a cron job every day in order for the certs to be renewed when appropriate:
# 0 2 * * * /.../python $HOME/ example_cert 2>> ~/logs/cert_renew.log
from os import path, environ
from sys import exit, argv
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from xmlrpc.client import ServerProxy, Fault
HIDDEN_ACME_DIR_NAME = '/home/<user>/'
class CertRenew(object):
api_url = ''
api_version = 2
def __init__(self, domain_name, cert_name):
self.domain = domain_name
self.cert_name = cert_name
self.server = ServerProxy(self.api_url)
def get_hostname():
hostname, err = Popen(['hostname', '-s'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate()
if err:
exit("Error determining hostname: {}".format(err))
return hostname.decode('utf8').strip('\n')
def get_cert_file(self, file_name):
Get a certificate file by name and return its contents.
:param file_name: Certificate file
:return: String, contents
full_path = '{acme}/{domain}/{file}'.format(
acme=HIDDEN_ACME_DIR_NAME, domain=self.domain, file=file_name)
if not path.exists(full_path):
exit("The file \"{}\" does not exist".format(full_path))
if path.getsize(full_path) == 0:
exit("The file \"{}\" is empty".format(full_path))
with open(full_path, 'r') as f:
cert_file =
return cert_file
def renew_cert(self):
Run to renew domain certificates.
Dumps any newly downloaded certs in hidden acme dir.
acme = '%s/' % HIDDEN_ACME_DIR_NAME
acme_process = Popen([acme, '--renew', '--domain', self.domain], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
out, err = acme_process.communicate()
if err:
exit("Error calling {}".format(err))
if b'Cert success.' not in out:
exit("Unable to renew cert. output:\n\n{}".format(out))
def api_login(self):
Login to Webfaction API.
:return: Session id
host_name = self.get_hostname().title()
session_id, _ = self.server.login(
environ.get('USER'), WEBFACTION_PASSWORD, host_name, self.api_version)
except Fault as e:
exit("Error logging in to Webfaction's API. {}".format(e))
return session_id
def update_cert(self):
Update certificates using Webfaction API.
# read domain certificate
domain_cert = self.get_cert_file('{}.cer'.format(self.domain))
# read private key certificate
pv_key = self.get_cert_file('{}.key'.format(self.domain))
# read intermediate certificate
intermediate_cert = self.get_cert_file('ca.cer')
if domain_cert and pv_key and intermediate_cert:
session_id = self.api_login()
session_id, self.cert_name, domain_cert, pv_key, intermediate_cert)
except Fault as e:
exit("Error updating certificates using Webfaction API: {}".format(e))
def run(self):
Renew certificates from letsencrypt, using script,
and upload the new certs to Webfaction using their API.
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(argv) < 2:
exit('Usage: %s domain.tld certname' % argv[0])
renew = CertRenew(argv[1], argv[2])
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