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webtweakers /
Last active June 19, 2018 21:56 — forked from squatto/
Webfaction letsencrypt automatic certificate renewal and installation
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Python3 script to renew HTTPS certificates, using acme script and Webfaction's API.
# See: (original version, plus docs)
# See: (updated version)
# See: (acme script)
# Usage: ./ domain.tld cert_name
# Run this script as a cron job every day in order for the certs to be renewed when appropriate:
webtweakers /
Last active April 1, 2021 21:28 — forked from parhammmm/
Encrypt and decrypt Django model primary key values (useful for publicly viewable unique identifiers) [python3 version]
# This code is under the MIT license.
# Inspired by this StackOverflow question:
# Python 3.x version
import struct
from Crypto.Cipher import DES
from django.db import models
def base36encode(number):