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Created June 8, 2019 20:12
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This script makes the origin and destination fields on the NJ Transit train schedule page persistent.
// ==UserScript==
// @name NJ Transit Train Schedule Station Persister
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description This script fills the origin and destination fields with the last values that you entered.
// @author You
// @match
// @match
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
var elForm = document["frm_tr_schedules"],
elSelOrigin = elForm["selOrigin"],
elSelDestination = elForm["selDestination"],
* This function finds the <option> element inside the given <select>
* element that matches the given value and then selects that <option>.
* @return true if a matching <option> was found, false otherwise
setSelectElementValue = function(elSelect, value){
var i;
for(i = 0; i < elSelect.children.length; ++i){
if(elSelect.children[i].value == value){
elSelect.children[i].selected = true;
return true;
return false;
makeSelectElementPersistent = function(elSelect, localStorageKey){
// First, load the last value.
setSelectElementValue(elSelect, localStorage[localStorageKey]);
// Add an event listener to save changes.
elSelect.addEventListener("change", function(event){
localStorage[localStorageKey] = elSelect.value;
// Make the <select> elements persistent.
makeSelectElementPersistent(elSelOrigin, "trainToSelOrigin");
makeSelectElementPersistent(elSelDestination, "trainToSelDestination");
// Add a reverse button.
var elBtnReverse = document.createElement("input");
elBtnReverse.type = "button";
elBtnReverse.value = "Reverse Trip";
elBtnReverse.addEventListener("click", function(event){
var old = elSelOrigin.value;
setSelectElementValue(elSelOrigin, elSelDestination.value);
setSelectElementValue(elSelDestination, old);
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