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Last active February 4, 2019 02:08
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Save wecsam/ffecb8066819f77ca0e789a2c39dc65e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This tool moves all but the last N log entries from the specified file to another file.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse, collections, os.path, sys
def move_lines(fin, fout, lines_to_leave, preserve_first_line):
# For CSV files, preserve the first line, which is the header row.
if preserve_first_line:
first_line = next(fin)
first_line = ""
# If the output file is new, write the first line into it.
if fout.tell() == 0:
# Maintain a circular buffer for the last N entries from the original log.
buffer = collections.deque()
# Fill the buffer with N lines.
for line, _ in zip(fin, range(lines_to_leave)):
# Continue to fill the buffer, but write the oldest line to the archive in
# each iteration of the loop.
for line in fin:
# The buffer now contains the last N entries from the original log.
# Write those back into the original log.
for line in buffer:
def main(argv):
# Parse the command-line arguments.
arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
"This tool moves all but the last N log entries from the "
"specified file to another file with \" - Archive\" appended to "
"the name (unless the output path is overridden). If the "
"extension is .CSV, then the header row is preserved in the "
"original and copied to the archive."
arg_parser.add_argument("file", help="The log file")
help="The number of lines to leave in the original log file"
help="Specify this argument to override the output path."
parsed_args = arg_parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
if parsed_args.lines_to_leave < 0:
arg_parser.error("The number of lines must not be negative.")
# Add " - Archive" to the end of the filename unless the output path was
# specified, in which case just use the specified output path.
path_without_extension, extension = os.path.splitext(parsed_args.file)
if parsed_args.out_file is None:
path_in = path_without_extension + extension
path_out = path_without_extension + " - Archive" + extension
path_in = parsed_args.file
path_out = parsed_args.out_file
print("Source:", path_in)
print("Destination:", path_out)
# Check whether this is a CSV file.
is_csv = extension.upper() == ".CSV"
print("This", "is" if is_csv else "is not", "a CSV file.")
# Try to open the two files.
fin = open(path_in, "r+", encoding="UTF-8")
except OSError as e:
arg_parser.error("Could not open original log file: " + str(e))
fout = open(path_out, "a", encoding="UTF-8")
except OSError as e:
arg_parser.error("Could not open archive file: " + str(e))
# Move all but the last N log entries to the archive file.
with fin, fout:
move_lines(fin, fout, parsed_args.lines_to_leave, is_csv)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# I have main() accept any list of arguments to make this easier to call
# from another Python script or from the interactive interpreter.
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