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Created November 28, 2019 14:59
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bimap scala
import cats.Order
import scala.collection.SortedMap
* A data structure representing a bidirectional mapping between
* two key types. Each value in the bimap is associated with exactly
* one value of the opposite type.
final case class BiMap[A, B](ab: SortedMap[A, B], ba: SortedMap[B, A]) { self =>
// TODO: remove unsafe constructor ^^^
/** Find the left key corresponding to a given right key. */
def getA(b: B): Option[A] = ba.get(b)
/** Find the right key corresponding to a given left key. */
def getB(a: A): Option[B] = ab.get(a)
* Same as `getA`, but throws exception when
* the key is not in the bimap.
def unsafeGetA(b: B): A = getA(b).getOrElse(
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Right key not found"))
* Same as `getB`, but throws exception when
* the key is not in the bimap.
def unsafeGetB(a: A): B = getB(a).getOrElse(
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Left key not found"))
* Delete a value and its twin from a bimap.
* When the value is not a member of the bimap,
* the original bimap is returned.
def deleteA(a: A): BiMap[A, B] =
getB(a) match {
case Some(b) => copy(ab = ab - a, ba = ba -b)
case None => this
* Same as `deleteA`, for the right key.
def deleteB(b: B): BiMap[A, B] =
getA(b) match {
case Some(a) => copy(ab = ab - a, ba = ba -b)
case None => this
* Insert a pair of values into the bimap, associating them.
* If either of the values is already in the bimap, any
* overlapping bindings are deleted.
def insert(ab: (A, B)): BiMap[A, B] =
ab match {
case (a, b) => deleteA(a).deleteB(b).copy(
ab = self.ab + ab,
ba = + ab.swap
object BiMap {
* Build a bimap from a list of pairs. If there are any overlapping
* pairs in the list, the later ones will override the earlier ones.
def of[A , B](values: (A, B)*)(
implicit orderA: Order[A], orderB: Order[B]
): BiMap[A, B] = values.foldLeft(BiMap.empty[A, B])(_.insert(_))
/** Create an empty bimap. */
def empty[A, B](
implicit orderA: Order[A], orderB: Order[B]
): BiMap[A, B] = BiMap(
SortedMap.empty[A, B](orderA.toOrdering),
SortedMap.empty[B, A](orderB.toOrdering)
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