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Last active January 30, 2017 07:40
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import fs2.Task
import cats.implicits._
import doobie.imports._
import{databasemetadata => DMD}
package object migrations {
case class TableDesc(
catalog: Option[String],
schema: Option[String],
name: String
val getTables: ConnectionIO[List[TableDesc]] =
HC.getMetaData(DMD.getTables(null, null, null, null))
def versionTableExists(t: List[TableDesc]) =
t.exists( == "schema_version")
val createSchemaVersionTableQ =
sql"CREATE TABLE schema_version (version int NOT NULL)".update
def setInitialVersionQ(v: Int) =
sql"INSERT INTO schema_version (version) VALUES ($v)".update
def setVersionQ(v: Int) =
sql"UPDATE schema_version SET version = $v".update
val currentVersionQ =
sql"SELECT version FROM schema_version".query[Int]
def migrate(migrations: List[ConnectionIO[Unit]]) =
getTables.flatMap { tds =>
val version = migrations.length
if (versionTableExists(tds)) {
currentVersionQ.unique.flatMap { currentVersion =>
if (currentVersion < version) {
val migrationsToPerform = migrations.drop(currentVersion)
migrationsToPerform.sequence_ *>
} else ().pure[ConnectionIO]
} else { *>
migrations.sequence_ *>
object example extends App {
val xa = DriverManagerTransactor[Task](
val migrations = List(
sql"create table test (id int not null, name text not null)",
sql"insert into test values (1, 'test1')"
val p = migrations.migrate(migrations).transact(xa)
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