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Created June 20, 2023 09:37
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  • Save weeble/705a6f51c21b7058bd8a36a3338903cf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save weeble/705a6f51c21b7058bd8a36a3338903cf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Keybase proof of identity

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

To claim this, I am signing this object:

  "body": {
    "key": {
      "eldest_kid": "012087db1202b188a7a69469f9157c1d3bfbbdee2ccd59bcf88080f284934745d7e40a",
      "host": "",
      "kid": "012087db1202b188a7a69469f9157c1d3bfbbdee2ccd59bcf88080f284934745d7e40a",
      "uid": "6cc5e12773220ffd7c51f0c89b03b319",
      "username": "clockworknettie"
    "merkle_root": {
      "ctime": 1687253703,
      "hash": "dfe1e73642f1a4ab1491e9299cc0cad6070ac7ed852d655d19e9e5ba34b181e43c251d10284d55fd3e592801db7dc86101488490886a9ef93451dea25f74f5f3",
      "hash_meta": "adfacca2fbb110fd9e34604e55dc035724594733c9b5fc275adb0395e604ba47",
      "seqno": 24586746
    "service": {
      "entropy": "mgz+jv6Fvo9JaShThuS7ecbC",
      "name": "github",
      "username": "weeble"
    "type": "web_service_binding",
    "version": 2
  "client": {
    "name": " go client",
    "version": "6.0.1"
  "ctime": 1687253717,
  "expire_in": 504576000,
  "prev": "151f9e3ecec309fbe78973fe43c8a5f9e38fd7058584218fcda96921755a14f7",
  "seqno": 5,
  "tag": "signature"

with the key ASCH2xICsYinppRp-RV8HTv7ve4szVm8-ICA8oSTR0XX5Ao, yielding the signature:


And finally, I am proving ownership of the github account by posting this as a gist.

My publicly-auditable identity:

From the command line:

Consider the keybase command line program.

# look me up
keybase id clockworknettie
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