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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Bit-twiddling example of gem-drop logic
import numpy as np
def index_of_highest_bit(x):
p = 1
i = 0
while p<x:
p <<= 1
i += 1
return i
class GemBoard(object):
def __init__(self, columns, rows, colors):
if not 1<=rows<=32:
raise ValueError('Rows must be in range 1 to 32')
if not 1<=colors<=26:
raise ValueError('Colors must be in range 1 to 26')
self.holes = np.zeros((columns,1), dtype='u4')
self.gems = np.zeros((columns,colors), dtype='u4')
self.loopcount = index_of_highest_bit(rows+1)
self.rows = rows
self.columns = columns
self.colors = colors
def xor_smear(self, x):
# Make series of 1s and 0s such that every
# 1 in x causes a toggle in state.
# 0b1000100100010111011 ->
# 0b1111000111100101101
# Assumes no more than 'rows' bits.
p = 1
for i in range(self.loopcount):
x = x ^ (x>>p)
p <<= 1
return x
def drop(self):
# Drop all gems vertically to fill up holes.
holes = self.holes
gemdata = np.hstack([~holes, self.gems])
# First time round the loop, select gems to drop by
# 1 cell. Second time round, those to drop by 2 cells.
# Third time round, 4 cells. It keeps doubling. The
# selection masks carefully select cells so that by
# the end every cell has been shifted by the correct
# number of cells. For example, if a cell has exactly
# six empty cells somewhere in the column below, it
# should be selected for the size-2 drop, and then its
# new position should be selected for the size-4 drop.
for i in range(self.loopcount):
# Find cells that need to be dropped by distance 1<<i.
smear = self.xor_smear(holes)
# Drop those cells.
gemdata = gemdata & ~smear | (gemdata & smear) << (1<<i)
# Select every second hole
holes = holes & ~smear
# We inverted holes at the start and uninvert it now.
# That's because we want new holes to appear at the
# top of the board as stuff falls.
self.holes[:,0] = ~gemdata[:,0]
self.gems[:,:] = gemdata[:,1:]
def show(self):
colors = np.array(list('-ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'), dtype='S1')
gemdata = np.hstack([self.holes,self.gems])
row_dtype = 'S' + str(self.columns)
result = []
for row in range(self.rows):
colors[(gemdata & (1<<row)).argmax(1)]
return result
def update(self, data):
gemdata = np.zeros((self.columns,self.colors+1), dtype='u4')
row_dtype = 'S' + str(self.columns)
row_text = np.zeros(self.columns, dtype='S1')
for i, line in enumerate(data):
gemdata[np.arange(self.columns),row_text.view('u1')-64] |= 1 << i
self.holes[:,0] = gemdata[:,0]
self.gems[:,:] = gemdata[:,1:]
def example():
board = GemBoard(10,7,3)
assert == [
for line in
assert == [
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