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Created June 19, 2020 13:18
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module LensPatternElmish.Client.Main
open Elmish
open Bolero
open Bolero.Html
open Bolero.Templating.Client
type eLens<'a, 'model> = unit -> 'a * ('a -> 'model)
type updater<'b, 'a> = 'b -> 'a -> 'a * Cmd<'b>
let inline delegateTo (elens: eLens<'a, 'model>) (update: updater<'b, 'a>) (msgType: 'b -> 'msg) (msg: 'b) : 'model * Cmd<'msg> =
let localModel, lensSet = elens ()
let updatedLocal, localCmd = update msg localModel
let a = lensSet updatedLocal
let b = msgType localCmd
a, b
let inline mySetL (elens: eLens<'a, 'model>) newLocal =
let (_, f) = elens ()
f newLocal
// ()
// lensSet updatedLocal, msgType localCmd
type FooModel =
Count: int
type FooMessage =
| Increment
| Decrement
let updateFoo msg model =
match msg with
| Increment -> { model with Count = model.Count + 1 }, if model.Count % 2 = 0 then Cmd.none else Cmd.ofMsg Increment
| Decrement -> { model with Count = model.Count - 1 }, Cmd.none
type Component() =
inherit ElmishComponent<FooModel, FooMessage>()
override this.View model dispatch =
div [] [
button [ (fun _ -> dispatch Increment) ] [ text "+" ]
input [ attr.value (model.Count.ToString()) ]
button [ (fun _ -> dispatch Decrement) ] [ text "-" ]
type Model =
Foo: FooModel
x: string
static member init() = { Foo = { Count = 0 }; x = "" }
member = this.Foo, fun value -> { this with Foo = value }
static member inline _foo f model = f model.Foo <&> fun value -> { model with Foo = value }
type Message =
| Ping
| FooMsg of FooMessage
//let z = fk2 updateFoo FooMsg
let update message (model: Model) =
match message with
| Ping -> model, []
| FooMsg m -> delegateTo updateFoo FooMsg m
let view model dispatch =
div [] [
p [] [ text "Hello!" ]
ecomp<Component,_,_> [] model.Foo (dispatch << FooMsg)
type MyApp() =
inherit ProgramComponent<Model, Message>()
override this.Program =
Program.mkProgram (fun _ -> Model.init(), []) update view
|> Program.withHotReload
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