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Last active March 30, 2023 04:05
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three.js bindings for Fable F# with various fixes
module rec threejs
#nowarn "3390" // disable warnings for invalid XML comments
#nowarn "0044" // disable warnings for `Obsolete` usage
open System
open Fable.Core
open Fable.Core.JS
open Browser.Types
// module MathUtils = __math_MathUtils
type Array<'T> = System.Collections.Generic.IList<'T>
type ArrayLike<'T> = System.Collections.Generic.IList<'T>
type Error = System.Exception
type RegExp = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] GainNode = interface end
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] AudioNode = interface end
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] AudioContext = interface end
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] AudioBuffer = interface end
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] AudioBufferSourceNode = interface end // MediaStream PannerNode Iterable WebGLBuffer
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MediaStream = interface end
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Iterable<'t> = interface end
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] PannerNode = interface end
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] BufferSource = interface end
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] ImageBitmap = interface end
type IUniform = __renderers_shaders_UniformsLib.IUniform<obj>
type WebGL2RenderingContext = inherit WebGLRenderingContext
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLShader = interface end
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] DOMHighResTimeStamp = interface end
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] GamepadMappingType = interface end
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRAnchorSet = interface end
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRPlaneSet = interface end
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] DOMPointReadOnly = interface end
module Constants =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract REVISION: string
abstract CullFaceNone: CullFace
abstract CullFaceBack: CullFace
abstract CullFaceFront: CullFace
abstract CullFaceFrontBack: CullFace
abstract BasicShadowMap: ShadowMapType
abstract PCFShadowMap: ShadowMapType
abstract PCFSoftShadowMap: ShadowMapType
abstract VSMShadowMap: ShadowMapType
abstract FrontSide: Side
abstract BackSide: Side
abstract DoubleSide: Side
abstract FlatShading: Shading
abstract SmoothShading: Shading
abstract NoBlending: Blending
abstract NormalBlending: Blending
abstract AdditiveBlending: Blending
abstract SubtractiveBlending: Blending
abstract MultiplyBlending: Blending
abstract CustomBlending: Blending
abstract AddEquation: BlendingEquation
abstract SubtractEquation: BlendingEquation
abstract ReverseSubtractEquation: BlendingEquation
abstract MinEquation: BlendingEquation
abstract MaxEquation: BlendingEquation
abstract ZeroFactor: BlendingDstFactor
abstract OneFactor: BlendingDstFactor
abstract SrcColorFactor: BlendingDstFactor
abstract OneMinusSrcColorFactor: BlendingDstFactor
abstract SrcAlphaFactor: BlendingDstFactor
abstract OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor: BlendingDstFactor
abstract DstAlphaFactor: BlendingDstFactor
abstract OneMinusDstAlphaFactor: BlendingDstFactor
abstract DstColorFactor: BlendingDstFactor
abstract OneMinusDstColorFactor: BlendingDstFactor
abstract SrcAlphaSaturateFactor: BlendingSrcFactor
abstract NeverDepth: DepthModes
abstract AlwaysDepth: DepthModes
abstract LessDepth: DepthModes
abstract LessEqualDepth: DepthModes
abstract EqualDepth: DepthModes
abstract GreaterEqualDepth: DepthModes
abstract GreaterDepth: DepthModes
abstract NotEqualDepth: DepthModes
abstract MultiplyOperation: Combine
abstract MixOperation: Combine
abstract AddOperation: Combine
abstract NoToneMapping: ToneMapping
abstract LinearToneMapping: ToneMapping
abstract ReinhardToneMapping: ToneMapping
abstract CineonToneMapping: ToneMapping
abstract ACESFilmicToneMapping: ToneMapping
abstract UVMapping: Mapping
abstract CubeReflectionMapping: Mapping
abstract CubeRefractionMapping: Mapping
abstract EquirectangularReflectionMapping: Mapping
abstract EquirectangularRefractionMapping: Mapping
abstract CubeUVReflectionMapping: Mapping
abstract CubeUVRefractionMapping: Mapping
abstract RepeatWrapping: Wrapping
abstract ClampToEdgeWrapping: Wrapping
abstract MirroredRepeatWrapping: Wrapping
abstract NearestFilter: TextureFilter
abstract NearestMipmapNearestFilter: TextureFilter
abstract NearestMipMapNearestFilter: TextureFilter
abstract NearestMipmapLinearFilter: TextureFilter
abstract NearestMipMapLinearFilter: TextureFilter
abstract LinearFilter: TextureFilter
abstract LinearMipmapNearestFilter: TextureFilter
abstract LinearMipMapNearestFilter: TextureFilter
abstract LinearMipmapLinearFilter: TextureFilter
abstract LinearMipMapLinearFilter: TextureFilter
abstract UnsignedByteType: TextureDataType
abstract ByteType: TextureDataType
abstract ShortType: TextureDataType
abstract UnsignedShortType: TextureDataType
abstract IntType: TextureDataType
abstract UnsignedIntType: TextureDataType
abstract FloatType: TextureDataType
abstract HalfFloatType: TextureDataType
abstract UnsignedShort4444Type: TextureDataType
abstract UnsignedShort5551Type: TextureDataType
abstract UnsignedShort565Type: TextureDataType
abstract UnsignedInt248Type: TextureDataType
abstract AlphaFormat: PixelFormat
abstract RGBFormat: PixelFormat
abstract RGBAFormat: PixelFormat
abstract LuminanceFormat: PixelFormat
abstract LuminanceAlphaFormat: PixelFormat
abstract RGBEFormat: PixelFormat
abstract DepthFormat: PixelFormat
abstract DepthStencilFormat: PixelFormat
abstract RedFormat: PixelFormat
abstract RedIntegerFormat: PixelFormat
abstract RGFormat: PixelFormat
abstract RGIntegerFormat: PixelFormat
abstract RGBIntegerFormat: PixelFormat
abstract RGBAIntegerFormat: PixelFormat
abstract RGB_S3TC_DXT1_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract RGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract RGBA_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract RGB_ETC1_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract RGB_ETC2_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract RGBA_ETC2_EAC_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract RGBA_ASTC_4x4_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract RGBA_ASTC_5x4_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract RGBA_ASTC_5x5_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract RGBA_ASTC_6x5_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract RGBA_ASTC_6x6_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract RGBA_ASTC_8x5_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract RGBA_ASTC_8x6_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract RGBA_ASTC_8x8_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract RGBA_ASTC_10x5_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract RGBA_ASTC_10x6_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract RGBA_ASTC_10x8_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract RGBA_ASTC_10x10_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract RGBA_ASTC_12x10_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract RGBA_ASTC_12x12_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_4x4_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_5x4_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_5x5_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_6x5_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_6x6_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x5_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x6_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x8_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x5_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x6_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x8_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x10_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_12x10_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_12x12_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract RGBA_BPTC_Format: CompressedPixelFormat
abstract LoopOnce: AnimationActionLoopStyles
abstract LoopRepeat: AnimationActionLoopStyles
abstract LoopPingPong: AnimationActionLoopStyles
abstract InterpolateDiscrete: InterpolationModes
abstract InterpolateLinear: InterpolationModes
abstract InterpolateSmooth: InterpolationModes
abstract ZeroCurvatureEnding: InterpolationEndingModes
abstract ZeroSlopeEnding: InterpolationEndingModes
abstract WrapAroundEnding: InterpolationEndingModes
abstract NormalAnimationBlendMode: AnimationBlendMode
abstract AdditiveAnimationBlendMode: AnimationBlendMode
abstract TrianglesDrawMode: TrianglesDrawModes
abstract TriangleStripDrawMode: TrianglesDrawModes
abstract TriangleFanDrawMode: TrianglesDrawModes
abstract LinearEncoding: TextureEncoding
abstract sRGBEncoding: TextureEncoding
abstract GammaEncoding: TextureEncoding
abstract RGBEEncoding: TextureEncoding
abstract LogLuvEncoding: TextureEncoding
abstract RGBM7Encoding: TextureEncoding
abstract RGBM16Encoding: TextureEncoding
abstract RGBDEncoding: TextureEncoding
abstract BasicDepthPacking: DepthPackingStrategies
abstract RGBADepthPacking: DepthPackingStrategies
abstract TangentSpaceNormalMap: NormalMapTypes
abstract ObjectSpaceNormalMap: NormalMapTypes
abstract ZeroStencilOp: StencilOp
abstract KeepStencilOp: StencilOp
abstract ReplaceStencilOp: StencilOp
abstract IncrementStencilOp: StencilOp
abstract DecrementStencilOp: StencilOp
abstract IncrementWrapStencilOp: StencilOp
abstract DecrementWrapStencilOp: StencilOp
abstract InvertStencilOp: StencilOp
abstract NeverStencilFunc: StencilFunc
abstract LessStencilFunc: StencilFunc
abstract EqualStencilFunc: StencilFunc
abstract LessEqualStencilFunc: StencilFunc
abstract GreaterStencilFunc: StencilFunc
abstract NotEqualStencilFunc: StencilFunc
abstract GreaterEqualStencilFunc: StencilFunc
abstract AlwaysStencilFunc: StencilFunc
abstract StaticDrawUsage: Usage
abstract DynamicDrawUsage: Usage
abstract StreamDrawUsage: Usage
abstract StaticReadUsage: Usage
abstract DynamicReadUsage: Usage
abstract StreamReadUsage: Usage
abstract StaticCopyUsage: Usage
abstract DynamicCopyUsage: Usage
abstract StreamCopyUsage: Usage
abstract GLSL1: GLSLVersion
abstract GLSL3: GLSLVersion
type [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] MOUSE =
| LEFT = 0
| MIDDLE = 1
| RIGHT = 2
| ROTATE = 0
| DOLLY = 1
| PAN = 2
type [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] TOUCH =
| ROTATE = 0
| PAN = 1
type CullFace = interface end
type ShadowMapType = interface end
type Side = interface end
type Shading = interface end
type Blending = interface end
type BlendingEquation = interface end
type BlendingDstFactor = interface end
type BlendingSrcFactor = interface end
type DepthModes = interface end
type Combine = interface end
type ToneMapping = interface end
type Mapping = interface end
type Wrapping = interface end
type TextureFilter = interface end
type TextureDataType = interface end
type PixelFormat = interface end
type [<StringEnum>] [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] PixelFormatGPU =
| [<CompiledName("ALPHA")>] ALPHA
| [<CompiledName("RGB")>] RGB
| [<CompiledName("RGBA")>] RGBA
| [<CompiledName("LUMINANCE")>] LUMINANCE
| [<CompiledName("RED_INTEGER")>] RED_INTEGER
| [<CompiledName("R8")>] R8
| [<CompiledName("R8_SNORM")>] R8_SNORM
| [<CompiledName("R8I")>] R8I
| [<CompiledName("R8UI")>] R8UI
| [<CompiledName("R16I")>] R16I
| [<CompiledName("R16UI")>] R16UI
| [<CompiledName("R16F")>] R16F
| [<CompiledName("R32I")>] R32I
| [<CompiledName("R32UI")>] R32UI
| [<CompiledName("R32F")>] R32F
| [<CompiledName("RG8")>] RG8
| [<CompiledName("RG8_SNORM")>] RG8_SNORM
| [<CompiledName("RG8I")>] RG8I
| [<CompiledName("RG8UI")>] RG8UI
| [<CompiledName("RG16I")>] RG16I
| [<CompiledName("RG16UI")>] RG16UI
| [<CompiledName("RG16F")>] RG16F
| [<CompiledName("RG32I")>] RG32I
| [<CompiledName("RG32UI")>] RG32UI
| [<CompiledName("RG32F")>] RG32F
| [<CompiledName("RGB565")>] RGB565
| [<CompiledName("RGB8")>] RGB8
| [<CompiledName("RGB8_SNORM")>] RGB8_SNORM
| [<CompiledName("RGB8I")>] RGB8I
| [<CompiledName("RGB8UI")>] RGB8UI
| [<CompiledName("RGB16I")>] RGB16I
| [<CompiledName("RGB16UI")>] RGB16UI
| [<CompiledName("RGB16F")>] RGB16F
| [<CompiledName("RGB32I")>] RGB32I
| [<CompiledName("RGB32UI")>] RGB32UI
| [<CompiledName("RGB32F")>] RGB32F
| [<CompiledName("RGB9_E5")>] RGB9_E5
| [<CompiledName("SRGB8")>] SRGB8
| [<CompiledName("R11F_G11F_B10F")>] R11F_G11F_B10F
| [<CompiledName("RGBA4")>] RGBA4
| [<CompiledName("RGBA8")>] RGBA8
| [<CompiledName("RGBA8_SNORM")>] RGBA8_SNORM
| [<CompiledName("RGBA8I")>] RGBA8I
| [<CompiledName("RGBA8UI")>] RGBA8UI
| [<CompiledName("RGBA16I")>] RGBA16I
| [<CompiledName("RGBA16UI")>] RGBA16UI
| [<CompiledName("RGBA16F")>] RGBA16F
| [<CompiledName("RGBA32I")>] RGBA32I
| [<CompiledName("RGBA32UI")>] RGBA32UI
| [<CompiledName("RGBA32F")>] RGBA32F
| [<CompiledName("RGB5_A1")>] RGB5_A1
| [<CompiledName("RGB10_A2")>] RGB10_A2
| [<CompiledName("RGB10_A2UI")>] RGB10_A2UI
| [<CompiledName("SRGB8_ALPHA8")>] SRGB8_ALPHA8
| [<CompiledName("DEPTH24_STENCIL8")>] DEPTH24_STENCIL8
| [<CompiledName("DEPTH32F_STENCIL8")>] DEPTH32F_STENCIL8
type CompressedPixelFormat = interface end
type AnimationActionLoopStyles = interface end
type InterpolationModes = interface end
type InterpolationEndingModes = interface end
type AnimationBlendMode = interface end
type TrianglesDrawModes = interface end
type TextureEncoding = interface end
type DepthPackingStrategies = interface end
type NormalMapTypes = interface end
type StencilOp = interface end
type StencilFunc = interface end
type Usage = interface end
type GLSLVersion = interface end
type [<StringEnum>] [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] BuiltinShaderAttributeName =
| Position
| Normal
| Uv
| Color
| SkinIndex
| SkinWeight
| InstanceMatrix
| MorphTarget0
| MorphTarget1
| MorphTarget2
| MorphTarget3
| MorphTarget4
| MorphTarget5
| MorphTarget6
| MorphTarget7
| MorphNormal0
| MorphNormal1
| MorphNormal2
| MorphNormal3
module Utils =
type Color = __math_Color.Color
type ColorRepresentation =
U3<Color, string, float>
module __animation_AnimationAction =
type AnimationMixer = __animation_AnimationMixer.AnimationMixer
type AnimationClip = __animation_AnimationClip.AnimationClip
type AnimationActionLoopStyles = Constants.AnimationActionLoopStyles
type AnimationBlendMode = Constants.AnimationBlendMode
type Object3D = __core_Object3D.Object3D
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract AnimationAction: AnimationActionStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] AnimationAction =
abstract blendMode: AnimationBlendMode with get, set
/// <default>THREE.LoopRepeat</default>
abstract loop: AnimationActionLoopStyles with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract time: float with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract timeScale: float with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract weight: float with get, set
/// <default>Infinity</default>
abstract repetitions: float with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract paused: bool with get, set
/// <default>true</default>
abstract enabled: bool with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract clampWhenFinished: bool with get, set
/// <default>true</default>
abstract zeroSlopeAtStart: bool with get, set
/// <default>true</default>
abstract zeroSlopeAtEnd: bool with get, set
abstract play: unit -> AnimationAction
abstract stop: unit -> AnimationAction
abstract reset: unit -> AnimationAction
abstract isRunning: unit -> bool
abstract isScheduled: unit -> bool
abstract startAt: time: float -> AnimationAction
abstract setLoop: mode: AnimationActionLoopStyles * repetitions: float -> AnimationAction
abstract setEffectiveWeight: weight: float -> AnimationAction
abstract getEffectiveWeight: unit -> float
abstract fadeIn: duration: float -> AnimationAction
abstract fadeOut: duration: float -> AnimationAction
abstract crossFadeFrom: fadeOutAction: AnimationAction * duration: float * warp: bool -> AnimationAction
abstract crossFadeTo: fadeInAction: AnimationAction * duration: float * warp: bool -> AnimationAction
abstract stopFading: unit -> AnimationAction
abstract setEffectiveTimeScale: timeScale: float -> AnimationAction
abstract getEffectiveTimeScale: unit -> float
abstract setDuration: duration: float -> AnimationAction
abstract syncWith: action: AnimationAction -> AnimationAction
abstract halt: duration: float -> AnimationAction
abstract warp: statTimeScale: float * endTimeScale: float * duration: float -> AnimationAction
abstract stopWarping: unit -> AnimationAction
abstract getMixer: unit -> AnimationMixer
abstract getClip: unit -> AnimationClip
abstract getRoot: unit -> Object3D
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] AnimationActionStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: mixer: AnimationMixer * clip: AnimationClip * ?localRoot: Object3D * ?blendMode: AnimationBlendMode -> AnimationAction
module __animation_AnimationClip =
type KeyframeTrack = __animation_KeyframeTrack.KeyframeTrack
type Vector3 = __math_Vector3.Vector3
type Bone = __objects_Bone.Bone
type AnimationBlendMode = Constants.AnimationBlendMode
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract AnimationClip: AnimationClipStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MorphTarget =
abstract name: string with get, set
abstract vertices: ResizeArray<Vector3> with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] AnimationClip =
abstract name: string with get, set
abstract tracks: ResizeArray<KeyframeTrack> with get, set
/// <default>THREE.NormalAnimationBlendMode</default>
abstract blendMode: AnimationBlendMode with get, set
/// <default>-1</default>
abstract duration: float with get, set
abstract uuid: string with get, set
abstract results: ResizeArray<obj option> with get, set
abstract resetDuration: unit -> AnimationClip
abstract trim: unit -> AnimationClip
abstract validate: unit -> bool
abstract optimize: unit -> AnimationClip
abstract clone: unit -> AnimationClip
abstract toJSON: clip: AnimationClip -> obj option
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] AnimationClipStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?name: string * ?duration: float * ?tracks: ResizeArray<KeyframeTrack> * ?blendMode: AnimationBlendMode -> AnimationClip
abstract CreateFromMorphTargetSequence: name: string * morphTargetSequence: ResizeArray<MorphTarget> * fps: float * noLoop: bool -> AnimationClip
abstract findByName: clipArray: ResizeArray<AnimationClip> * name: string -> AnimationClip
abstract CreateClipsFromMorphTargetSequences: morphTargets: ResizeArray<MorphTarget> * fps: float * noLoop: bool -> ResizeArray<AnimationClip>
abstract parse: json: obj option -> AnimationClip
abstract parseAnimation: animation: obj option * bones: ResizeArray<Bone> -> AnimationClip
abstract toJSON: clip: AnimationClip -> obj option
module __animation_AnimationMixer =
type AnimationClip = __animation_AnimationClip.AnimationClip
type AnimationAction = __animation_AnimationAction.AnimationAction
type AnimationBlendMode = Constants.AnimationBlendMode
type EventDispatcher = __core_EventDispatcher.EventDispatcher
type Object3D = __core_Object3D.Object3D
type AnimationObjectGroup = __animation_AnimationObjectGroup.AnimationObjectGroup
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract AnimationMixer: AnimationMixerStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] AnimationMixer =
inherit EventDispatcher
/// <default>0</default>
abstract time: float with get, set
/// <default>1.0</default>
abstract timeScale: float with get, set
abstract clipAction: clip: AnimationClip * ?root: U2<Object3D, AnimationObjectGroup> * ?blendMode: AnimationBlendMode -> AnimationAction
abstract existingAction: clip: AnimationClip * ?root: U2<Object3D, AnimationObjectGroup> -> AnimationAction option
abstract stopAllAction: unit -> AnimationMixer
abstract update: deltaTime: float -> AnimationMixer
abstract setTime: timeInSeconds: float -> AnimationMixer
abstract getRoot: unit -> U2<Object3D, AnimationObjectGroup>
abstract uncacheClip: clip: AnimationClip -> unit
abstract uncacheRoot: root: U2<Object3D, AnimationObjectGroup> -> unit
abstract uncacheAction: clip: AnimationClip * ?root: U2<Object3D, AnimationObjectGroup> -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] AnimationMixerStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: root: U2<Object3D, AnimationObjectGroup> -> AnimationMixer
module __animation_AnimationObjectGroup =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract AnimationObjectGroup: AnimationObjectGroupStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] AnimationObjectGroup =
abstract uuid: string with get, set
abstract stats: {| bindingsPerObject: float; objects: {| total: float; inUse: float |} |} with get, set
abstract isAnimationObjectGroup: bool
abstract add: [<ParamArray>] args: obj option[] -> unit
abstract remove: [<ParamArray>] args: obj option[] -> unit
abstract uncache: [<ParamArray>] args: obj option[] -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] AnimationObjectGroupStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: [<ParamArray>] args: obj option[] -> AnimationObjectGroup
module __animation_AnimationUtils =
type AnimationClip = __animation_AnimationClip.AnimationClip
let [<Import("AnimationUtils","three/animation/AnimationUtils")>] animationUtils: AnimationUtils.IExports = jsNative
module AnimationUtils =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract arraySlice: array: obj option * from: float * ``to``: float -> obj option
abstract convertArray: array: obj option * ``type``: obj option * forceClone: bool -> obj option
abstract isTypedArray: object: obj option -> bool
abstract getKeyFrameOrder: times: ResizeArray<float> -> ResizeArray<float>
abstract sortedArray: values: ResizeArray<obj option> * stride: float * order: ResizeArray<float> -> ResizeArray<obj option>
abstract flattenJSON: jsonKeys: ResizeArray<string> * times: ResizeArray<obj option> * values: ResizeArray<obj option> * valuePropertyName: string -> unit
/// <param name="sourceClip" />
/// <param name="name" />
/// <param name="startFrame" />
/// <param name="endFrame" />
/// <param name="fps" />
abstract subclip: sourceClip: AnimationClip * name: string * startFrame: float * endFrame: float * ?fps: float -> AnimationClip
/// <param name="targetClip" />
/// <param name="referenceFrame" />
/// <param name="referenceClip" />
/// <param name="fps" />
abstract makeClipAdditive: targetClip: AnimationClip * ?referenceFrame: float * ?referenceClip: AnimationClip * ?fps: float -> AnimationClip
module __animation_KeyframeTrack =
type DiscreteInterpolant = __math_interpolants_DiscreteInterpolant.DiscreteInterpolant
type LinearInterpolant = __math_interpolants_LinearInterpolant.LinearInterpolant
type CubicInterpolant = __math_interpolants_CubicInterpolant.CubicInterpolant
type InterpolationModes = Constants.InterpolationModes
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract KeyframeTrack: KeyframeTrackStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] KeyframeTrack =
abstract name: string with get, set
abstract times: Float32Array with get, set
abstract values: Float32Array with get, set
abstract ValueTypeName: string with get, set
abstract TimeBufferType: Float32Array with get, set
abstract ValueBufferType: Float32Array with get, set
/// <default>THREE.InterpolateLinear</default>
abstract DefaultInterpolation: InterpolationModes with get, set
abstract InterpolantFactoryMethodDiscrete: result: obj option -> DiscreteInterpolant
abstract InterpolantFactoryMethodLinear: result: obj option -> LinearInterpolant
abstract InterpolantFactoryMethodSmooth: result: obj option -> CubicInterpolant
abstract setInterpolation: interpolation: InterpolationModes -> KeyframeTrack
abstract getInterpolation: unit -> InterpolationModes
abstract getValueSize: unit -> float
abstract shift: timeOffset: float -> KeyframeTrack
abstract scale: timeScale: float -> KeyframeTrack
abstract trim: startTime: float * endTime: float -> KeyframeTrack
abstract validate: unit -> bool
abstract optimize: unit -> KeyframeTrack
abstract clone: unit -> KeyframeTrack
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] KeyframeTrackStatic =
/// <param name="name" />
/// <param name="times" />
/// <param name="values" />
/// <param name="interpolation" />
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: name: string * times: ArrayLike<obj option> * values: ArrayLike<obj option> * ?interpolation: InterpolationModes -> KeyframeTrack
abstract toJSON: track: KeyframeTrack -> obj option
module __cameras_ArrayCamera =
type PerspectiveCamera = __cameras_PerspectiveCamera.PerspectiveCamera
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract ArrayCamera: ArrayCameraStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] ArrayCamera =
inherit PerspectiveCamera
/// <default>[]</default>
abstract cameras: ResizeArray<PerspectiveCamera> with get, set
abstract isArrayCamera: bool
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] ArrayCameraStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?cameras: ResizeArray<PerspectiveCamera> -> ArrayCamera
module __cameras_Camera =
type Matrix4 = __math_Matrix4.Matrix4
type Vector3 = __math_Vector3.Vector3
type Object3D = __core_Object3D.Object3D
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// Abstract base class for cameras. This class should always be inherited when you build a new camera.
abstract Camera: CameraStatic
/// Abstract base class for cameras. This class should always be inherited when you build a new camera.
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Camera =
inherit Object3D
/// <summary>This is the inverse of matrixWorld. MatrixWorld contains the Matrix which has the world transform of the Camera.</summary>
/// <default>new THREE.Matrix4()</default>
abstract matrixWorldInverse: Matrix4 with get, set
/// <summary>This is the matrix which contains the projection.</summary>
/// <default>new THREE.Matrix4()</default>
abstract projectionMatrix: Matrix4 with get, set
/// <summary>This is the inverse of projectionMatrix.</summary>
/// <default>new THREE.Matrix4()</default>
abstract projectionMatrixInverse: Matrix4 with get, set
abstract isCamera: bool
abstract getWorldDirection: target: Vector3 -> Vector3
/// Updates global transform of the object and its children.
abstract updateMatrixWorld: ?force: bool -> unit
/// Abstract base class for cameras. This class should always be inherited when you build a new camera.
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] CameraStatic =
/// This constructor sets following properties to the correct type: matrixWorldInverse, projectionMatrix and projectionMatrixInverse.
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: unit -> Camera
module __cameras_CubeCamera =
type WebGLCubeRenderTarget = __renderers_WebGLCubeRenderTarget.WebGLCubeRenderTarget
type Scene = __scenes_Scene.Scene
type WebGLRenderer = __renderers_WebGLRenderer.WebGLRenderer
type Object3D = __core_Object3D.Object3D
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract CubeCamera: CubeCameraStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] CubeCamera =
inherit Object3D
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract renderTarget: WebGLCubeRenderTarget with get, set
abstract update: renderer: WebGLRenderer * scene: Scene -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] CubeCameraStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: near: float * far: float * renderTarget: WebGLCubeRenderTarget -> CubeCamera
module __cameras_OrthographicCamera =
type Camera = __cameras_Camera.Camera
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// <summary>
/// Camera with orthographic projection
/// see <see href="">src/cameras/OrthographicCamera.js</see>
/// </summary>
/// <example>
/// const camera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera( width / - 2, width / 2, height / 2, height / - 2, 1, 1000 );
/// scene.add( camera );
/// </example>
abstract OrthographicCamera: OrthographicCameraStatic
/// <summary>
/// Camera with orthographic projection
/// see <see href="">src/cameras/OrthographicCamera.js</see>
/// </summary>
/// <example>
/// const camera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera( width / - 2, width / 2, height / 2, height / - 2, 1, 1000 );
/// scene.add( camera );
/// </example>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] OrthographicCamera =
inherit Camera
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract isOrthographicCamera: bool
/// <default>1</default>
abstract zoom: float with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract view: OrthographicCameraView option with get, set
/// <summary>Camera frustum left plane.</summary>
/// <default>-1</default>
abstract left: float with get, set
/// <summary>Camera frustum right plane.</summary>
/// <default>1</default>
abstract right: float with get, set
/// <summary>Camera frustum top plane.</summary>
/// <default>1</default>
abstract top: float with get, set
/// <summary>Camera frustum bottom plane.</summary>
/// <default>-1</default>
abstract bottom: float with get, set
/// <summary>Camera frustum near plane.</summary>
/// <default>0.1</default>
abstract near: float with get, set
/// <summary>Camera frustum far plane.</summary>
/// <default>2000</default>
abstract far: float with get, set
/// Updates the camera projection matrix. Must be called after change of parameters.
abstract updateProjectionMatrix: unit -> unit
abstract setViewOffset: fullWidth: float * fullHeight: float * offsetX: float * offsetY: float * width: float * height: float -> unit
abstract clearViewOffset: unit -> unit
abstract toJSON: ?meta: obj -> obj option
/// <summary>
/// Camera with orthographic projection
/// see <see href="">src/cameras/OrthographicCamera.js</see>
/// </summary>
/// <example>
/// const camera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera( width / - 2, width / 2, height / 2, height / - 2, 1, 1000 );
/// scene.add( camera );
/// </example>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] OrthographicCameraStatic =
/// <param name="left">Camera frustum left plane.</param>
/// <param name="right">Camera frustum right plane.</param>
/// <param name="top">Camera frustum top plane.</param>
/// <param name="bottom">Camera frustum bottom plane.</param>
/// <param name="near">Camera frustum near plane.</param>
/// <param name="far">Camera frustum far plane.</param>
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: left: float * right: float * top: float * bottom: float * ?near: float * ?far: float -> OrthographicCamera
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] OrthographicCameraView =
abstract enabled: bool with get, set
abstract fullWidth: float with get, set
abstract fullHeight: float with get, set
abstract offsetX: float with get, set
abstract offsetY: float with get, set
abstract width: float with get, set
abstract height: float with get, set
module __cameras_PerspectiveCamera =
type Camera = __cameras_Camera.Camera
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// <summary>Camera with perspective projection.</summary>
abstract PerspectiveCamera: PerspectiveCameraStatic
/// <summary>Camera with perspective projection.</summary>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] PerspectiveCamera =
inherit Camera
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract isPerspectiveCamera: bool
/// <default>1</default>
abstract zoom: float with get, set
/// <summary>Camera frustum vertical field of view, from bottom to top of view, in degrees.</summary>
/// <default>50</default>
abstract fov: float with get, set
/// <summary>Camera frustum aspect ratio, window width divided by window height.</summary>
/// <default>1</default>
abstract aspect: float with get, set
/// <summary>Camera frustum near plane.</summary>
/// <default>0.1</default>
abstract near: float with get, set
/// <summary>Camera frustum far plane.</summary>
/// <default>2000</default>
abstract far: float with get, set
/// <default>10</default>
abstract focus: float with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract view: PerspectiveCameraView option with get, set
/// <default>35</default>
abstract filmGauge: float with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract filmOffset: float with get, set
abstract setFocalLength: focalLength: float -> unit
abstract getFocalLength: unit -> float
abstract getEffectiveFOV: unit -> float
abstract getFilmWidth: unit -> float
abstract getFilmHeight: unit -> float
/// <summary>
/// Sets an offset in a larger frustum. This is useful for multi-window or multi-monitor/multi-machine setups.
/// For example, if you have 3x2 monitors and each monitor is 1920x1080 and the monitors are in grid like this:
/// +---+---+---+
/// | A | B | C |
/// +---+---+---+
/// | D | E | F |
/// +---+---+---+
/// then for each monitor you would call it like this:
/// const w = 1920;
/// const h = 1080;
/// const fullWidth = w * 3;
/// const fullHeight = h * 2;
/// // A
/// camera.setViewOffset( fullWidth, fullHeight, w * 0, h * 0, w, h );
/// // B
/// camera.setViewOffset( fullWidth, fullHeight, w * 1, h * 0, w, h );
/// // C
/// camera.setViewOffset( fullWidth, fullHeight, w * 2, h * 0, w, h );
/// // D
/// camera.setViewOffset( fullWidth, fullHeight, w * 0, h * 1, w, h );
/// // E
/// camera.setViewOffset( fullWidth, fullHeight, w * 1, h * 1, w, h );
/// // F
/// camera.setViewOffset( fullWidth, fullHeight, w * 2, h * 1, w, h ); Note there is no reason monitors have to be the same size or in a grid.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fullWidth">full width of multiview setup</param>
/// <param name="fullHeight">full height of multiview setup</param>
/// <param name="x">horizontal offset of subcamera</param>
/// <param name="y">vertical offset of subcamera</param>
/// <param name="width">width of subcamera</param>
/// <param name="height">height of subcamera</param>
abstract setViewOffset: fullWidth: float * fullHeight: float * x: float * y: float * width: float * height: float -> unit
abstract clearViewOffset: unit -> unit
/// Updates the camera projection matrix. Must be called after change of parameters.
abstract updateProjectionMatrix: unit -> unit
abstract toJSON: ?meta: obj -> obj option
[<Obsolete("Use {@link PerspectiveCamera#setFocalLength .setFocalLength()} and {@link PerspectiveCamera#filmGauge .filmGauge} instead.")>]
abstract setLens: focalLength: float * ?frameHeight: float -> unit
/// <summary>Camera with perspective projection.</summary>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] PerspectiveCameraStatic =
/// <param name="fov">Camera frustum vertical field of view. Default value is 50.</param>
/// <param name="aspect">Camera frustum aspect ratio. Default value is 1.</param>
/// <param name="near">Camera frustum near plane. Default value is 0.1.</param>
/// <param name="far">Camera frustum far plane. Default value is 2000.</param>
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?fov: float * ?aspect: float * ?near: float * ?far: float -> PerspectiveCamera
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] PerspectiveCameraView =
abstract enabled: bool with get, set
abstract fullWidth: float with get, set
abstract fullHeight: float with get, set
abstract offsetX: float with get, set
abstract offsetY: float with get, set
abstract width: float with get, set
abstract height: float with get, set
module __cameras_StereoCamera =
type PerspectiveCamera = __cameras_PerspectiveCamera.PerspectiveCamera
type Camera = __cameras_Camera.Camera
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract StereoCamera: StereoCameraStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] StereoCamera =
inherit Camera
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract aspect: float with get, set
/// <default>0.064</default>
abstract eyeSep: float with get, set
abstract cameraL: PerspectiveCamera with get, set
abstract cameraR: PerspectiveCamera with get, set
abstract update: camera: PerspectiveCamera -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] StereoCameraStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: unit -> StereoCamera
module __core_BufferAttribute =
type Usage = Constants.Usage
type Matrix3 = __math_Matrix3.Matrix3
type Matrix4 = __math_Matrix4.Matrix4
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// <summary>see <see href="">src/core/BufferAttribute.js</see></summary>
abstract BufferAttribute: BufferAttributeStatic
[<Obsolete("THREE.Int8Attribute has been removed. Use new THREE.Int8BufferAttribute() instead.")>]
abstract Int8Attribute: Int8AttributeStatic
[<Obsolete("THREE.Uint8Attribute has been removed. Use new THREE.Uint8BufferAttribute() instead.")>]
abstract Uint8Attribute: Uint8AttributeStatic
[<Obsolete("THREE.Uint8ClampedAttribute has been removed. Use new THREE.Uint8ClampedBufferAttribute() instead.")>]
abstract Uint8ClampedAttribute: Uint8ClampedAttributeStatic
[<Obsolete("THREE.Int16Attribute has been removed. Use new THREE.Int16BufferAttribute() instead.")>]
abstract Int16Attribute: Int16AttributeStatic
[<Obsolete("THREE.Uint16Attribute has been removed. Use new THREE.Uint16BufferAttribute() instead.")>]
abstract Uint16Attribute: Uint16AttributeStatic
[<Obsolete("THREE.Int32Attribute has been removed. Use new THREE.Int32BufferAttribute() instead.")>]
abstract Int32Attribute: Int32AttributeStatic
[<Obsolete("THREE.Uint32Attribute has been removed. Use new THREE.Uint32BufferAttribute() instead.")>]
abstract Uint32Attribute: Uint32AttributeStatic
[<Obsolete("THREE.Float32Attribute has been removed. Use new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute() instead.")>]
abstract Float32Attribute: Float32AttributeStatic
[<Obsolete("THREE.Float64Attribute has been removed. Use new THREE.Float64BufferAttribute() instead.")>]
abstract Float64Attribute: Float64AttributeStatic
abstract Int8BufferAttribute: Int8BufferAttributeStatic
abstract Uint8BufferAttribute: Uint8BufferAttributeStatic
abstract Uint8ClampedBufferAttribute: Uint8ClampedBufferAttributeStatic
abstract Int16BufferAttribute: Int16BufferAttributeStatic
abstract Uint16BufferAttribute: Uint16BufferAttributeStatic
abstract Int32BufferAttribute: Int32BufferAttributeStatic
abstract Uint32BufferAttribute: Uint32BufferAttributeStatic
abstract Float16BufferAttribute: Float16BufferAttributeStatic
abstract Float32BufferAttribute: Float32BufferAttributeStatic
abstract Float64BufferAttribute: Float64BufferAttributeStatic
/// <summary>see <see href="">src/core/BufferAttribute.js</see></summary>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] BufferAttribute =
/// <default>''</default>
abstract name: string with get, set
abstract array: ArrayLike<float> with get, set
abstract itemSize: float with get, set
/// <default>THREE.StaticDrawUsage</default>
abstract usage: Usage with get, set
/// <default>{ offset: number; count: number }</default>
abstract updateRange: {| offset: float; count: float |} with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract version: float with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract normalized: bool with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract count: float with get, set
abstract needsUpdate: bool with set
abstract isBufferAttribute: bool
abstract onUploadCallback: (unit -> unit) with get, set
abstract onUpload: callback: (unit -> unit) -> BufferAttribute
abstract setUsage: usage: Usage -> BufferAttribute
abstract clone: unit -> BufferAttribute
abstract copy: source: BufferAttribute -> BufferAttribute
abstract copyAt: index1: float * attribute: BufferAttribute * index2: float -> BufferAttribute
abstract copyArray: array: ArrayLike<float> -> BufferAttribute
abstract copyColorsArray: colors: Array<{| r: float; g: float; b: float |}> -> BufferAttribute
abstract copyVector2sArray: vectors: Array<{| x: float; y: float |}> -> BufferAttribute
abstract copyVector3sArray: vectors: Array<{| x: float; y: float; z: float |}> -> BufferAttribute
abstract copyVector4sArray: vectors: Array<{| x: float; y: float; z: float; w: float |}> -> BufferAttribute
abstract applyMatrix3: m: Matrix3 -> BufferAttribute
abstract applyMatrix4: m: Matrix4 -> BufferAttribute
abstract applyNormalMatrix: m: Matrix3 -> BufferAttribute
abstract transformDirection: m: Matrix4 -> BufferAttribute
abstract set: value: U2<ArrayLike<float>, ArrayBufferView> * ?offset: float -> BufferAttribute
abstract getX: index: float -> float
abstract setX: index: float * x: float -> BufferAttribute
abstract getY: index: float -> float
abstract setY: index: float * y: float -> BufferAttribute
abstract getZ: index: float -> float
abstract setZ: index: float * z: float -> BufferAttribute
abstract getW: index: float -> float
abstract setW: index: float * z: float -> BufferAttribute
abstract setXY: index: float * x: float * y: float -> BufferAttribute
abstract setXYZ: index: float * x: float * y: float * z: float -> BufferAttribute
abstract setXYZW: index: float * x: float * y: float * z: float * w: float -> BufferAttribute
abstract toJSON: unit -> {| itemSize: float; ``type``: string; array: ResizeArray<float>; normalized: bool |}
/// <summary>see <see href="">src/core/BufferAttribute.js</see></summary>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] BufferAttributeStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: array: ArrayLike<float> * itemSize: float * ?normalized: bool -> BufferAttribute
[<Obsolete("THREE.Int8Attribute has been removed. Use new THREE.Int8BufferAttribute() instead.")>]
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Int8Attribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
[<Obsolete("THREE.Int8Attribute has been removed. Use new THREE.Int8BufferAttribute() instead.")>]
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Int8AttributeStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: array: obj option * itemSize: float -> Int8Attribute
[<Obsolete("THREE.Uint8Attribute has been removed. Use new THREE.Uint8BufferAttribute() instead.")>]
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Uint8Attribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
[<Obsolete("THREE.Uint8Attribute has been removed. Use new THREE.Uint8BufferAttribute() instead.")>]
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Uint8AttributeStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: array: obj option * itemSize: float -> Uint8Attribute
[<Obsolete("THREE.Uint8ClampedAttribute has been removed. Use new THREE.Uint8ClampedBufferAttribute() instead.")>]
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Uint8ClampedAttribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
[<Obsolete("THREE.Uint8ClampedAttribute has been removed. Use new THREE.Uint8ClampedBufferAttribute() instead.")>]
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Uint8ClampedAttributeStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: array: obj option * itemSize: float -> Uint8ClampedAttribute
[<Obsolete("THREE.Int16Attribute has been removed. Use new THREE.Int16BufferAttribute() instead.")>]
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Int16Attribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
[<Obsolete("THREE.Int16Attribute has been removed. Use new THREE.Int16BufferAttribute() instead.")>]
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Int16AttributeStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: array: obj option * itemSize: float -> Int16Attribute
[<Obsolete("THREE.Uint16Attribute has been removed. Use new THREE.Uint16BufferAttribute() instead.")>]
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Uint16Attribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
[<Obsolete("THREE.Uint16Attribute has been removed. Use new THREE.Uint16BufferAttribute() instead.")>]
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Uint16AttributeStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: array: obj option * itemSize: float -> Uint16Attribute
[<Obsolete("THREE.Int32Attribute has been removed. Use new THREE.Int32BufferAttribute() instead.")>]
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Int32Attribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
[<Obsolete("THREE.Int32Attribute has been removed. Use new THREE.Int32BufferAttribute() instead.")>]
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Int32AttributeStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: array: obj option * itemSize: float -> Int32Attribute
[<Obsolete("THREE.Uint32Attribute has been removed. Use new THREE.Uint32BufferAttribute() instead.")>]
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Uint32Attribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
[<Obsolete("THREE.Uint32Attribute has been removed. Use new THREE.Uint32BufferAttribute() instead.")>]
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Uint32AttributeStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: array: obj option * itemSize: float -> Uint32Attribute
[<Obsolete("THREE.Float32Attribute has been removed. Use new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute() instead.")>]
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Float32Attribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
[<Obsolete("THREE.Float32Attribute has been removed. Use new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute() instead.")>]
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Float32AttributeStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: array: obj option * itemSize: float -> Float32Attribute
[<Obsolete("THREE.Float64Attribute has been removed. Use new THREE.Float64BufferAttribute() instead.")>]
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Float64Attribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
[<Obsolete("THREE.Float64Attribute has been removed. Use new THREE.Float64BufferAttribute() instead.")>]
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Float64AttributeStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: array: obj option * itemSize: float -> Float64Attribute
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Int8BufferAttribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Int8BufferAttributeStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: array: U4<Iterable<float>, ArrayLike<float>, ArrayBuffer, float> * itemSize: float * ?normalized: bool -> Int8BufferAttribute
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Uint8BufferAttribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Uint8BufferAttributeStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: array: U4<Iterable<float>, ArrayLike<float>, ArrayBuffer, float> * itemSize: float * ?normalized: bool -> Uint8BufferAttribute
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Uint8ClampedBufferAttribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Uint8ClampedBufferAttributeStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: array: U4<Iterable<float>, ArrayLike<float>, ArrayBuffer, float> * itemSize: float * ?normalized: bool -> Uint8ClampedBufferAttribute
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Int16BufferAttribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Int16BufferAttributeStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: array: U4<Iterable<float>, ArrayLike<float>, ArrayBuffer, float> * itemSize: float * ?normalized: bool -> Int16BufferAttribute
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Uint16BufferAttribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Uint16BufferAttributeStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: array: U4<Iterable<float>, ArrayLike<float>, ArrayBuffer, float> * itemSize: float * ?normalized: bool -> Uint16BufferAttribute
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Int32BufferAttribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Int32BufferAttributeStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: array: U4<Iterable<float>, ArrayLike<float>, ArrayBuffer, float> * itemSize: float * ?normalized: bool -> Int32BufferAttribute
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Uint32BufferAttribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Uint32BufferAttributeStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: array: U4<Iterable<float>, ArrayLike<float>, ArrayBuffer, float> * itemSize: float * ?normalized: bool -> Uint32BufferAttribute
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Float16BufferAttribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Float16BufferAttributeStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: array: U4<Iterable<float>, ArrayLike<float>, ArrayBuffer, float> * itemSize: float * ?normalized: bool -> Float16BufferAttribute
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Float32BufferAttribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Float32BufferAttributeStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: array: U4<Iterable<float>, ArrayLike<float>, ArrayBuffer, float> * itemSize: float * ?normalized: bool -> Float32BufferAttribute
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Float64BufferAttribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Float64BufferAttributeStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: array: U4<Iterable<float>, ArrayLike<float>, ArrayBuffer, float> * itemSize: float * ?normalized: bool -> Float64BufferAttribute
module __core_BufferGeometry =
type BufferAttribute = __core_BufferAttribute.BufferAttribute
type Box3 = __math_Box3.Box3
type Sphere = __math_Sphere.Sphere
type Matrix4 = __math_Matrix4.Matrix4
type Quaternion = __math_Quaternion.Quaternion
type Vector2 = __math_Vector2.Vector2
type Vector3 = __math_Vector3.Vector3
type EventDispatcher = __core_EventDispatcher.EventDispatcher
type InterleavedBufferAttribute = __core_InterleavedBufferAttribute.InterleavedBufferAttribute
type BuiltinShaderAttributeName = Constants.BuiltinShaderAttributeName
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// <summary>
/// This is a superefficent class for geometries because it saves all data in buffers.
/// It reduces memory costs and cpu cycles. But it is not as easy to work with because of all the necessary buffer calculations.
/// It is mainly interesting when working with static objects.
/// see <see href="">src/core/BufferGeometry.js</see>
/// </summary>
abstract BufferGeometry: BufferGeometryStatic
/// <summary>
/// This is a superefficent class for geometries because it saves all data in buffers.
/// It reduces memory costs and cpu cycles. But it is not as easy to work with because of all the necessary buffer calculations.
/// It is mainly interesting when working with static objects.
/// see <see href="">src/core/BufferGeometry.js</see>
/// </summary>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] BufferGeometry =
inherit EventDispatcher
/// Unique number of this buffergeometry instance
abstract id: float with get, set
abstract uuid: string with get, set
/// <default>''</default>
abstract name: string with get, set
/// <default>'BufferGeometry'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract index: BufferAttribute option with get, set
/// <default>{}</default>
abstract attributes: BufferGeometryAttributes with get, set
/// <default>{}</default>
abstract morphAttributes: BufferGeometryMorphAttributes with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract morphTargetsRelative: bool with get, set
/// <default>[]</default>
abstract groups: Array<{| start: float; count: float; materialIndex: float option |}> with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract boundingBox: Box3 option with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract boundingSphere: Sphere option with get, set
/// <default>{ start: 0, count: Infinity }</default>
abstract drawRange: {| start: float; count: float |} with get, set
/// <default>{}</default>
abstract userData: BufferGeometryUserData with get, set
abstract isBufferGeometry: bool
abstract getIndex: unit -> BufferAttribute option
abstract setIndex: index: U2<BufferAttribute, ResizeArray<float>> option -> BufferGeometry
abstract setAttribute: name: U2<BuiltinShaderAttributeName, obj> * attribute: U2<BufferAttribute, InterleavedBufferAttribute> -> BufferGeometry
abstract getAttribute: name: U2<BuiltinShaderAttributeName, obj> -> U2<BufferAttribute, InterleavedBufferAttribute>
abstract deleteAttribute: name: U2<BuiltinShaderAttributeName, obj> -> BufferGeometry
abstract hasAttribute: name: U2<BuiltinShaderAttributeName, obj> -> bool
abstract addGroup: start: float * count: float * ?materialIndex: float -> unit
abstract clearGroups: unit -> unit
abstract setDrawRange: start: float * count: float -> unit
/// Bakes matrix transform directly into vertex coordinates.
abstract applyMatrix4: matrix: Matrix4 -> BufferGeometry
abstract applyQuaternion: q: Quaternion -> BufferGeometry
abstract rotateX: angle: float -> BufferGeometry
abstract rotateY: angle: float -> BufferGeometry
abstract rotateZ: angle: float -> BufferGeometry
abstract translate: x: float * y: float * z: float -> BufferGeometry
abstract scale: x: float * y: float * z: float -> BufferGeometry
abstract lookAt: v: Vector3 -> unit
abstract center: unit -> BufferGeometry
abstract setFromPoints: points: U2<ResizeArray<Vector3>, ResizeArray<Vector2>> -> BufferGeometry
/// Computes bounding box of the geometry, updating Geometry.boundingBox attribute.
/// Bounding boxes aren't computed by default. They need to be explicitly computed, otherwise they are null.
abstract computeBoundingBox: unit -> unit
/// Computes bounding sphere of the geometry, updating Geometry.boundingSphere attribute.
/// Bounding spheres aren't' computed by default. They need to be explicitly computed, otherwise they are null.
abstract computeBoundingSphere: unit -> unit
/// Computes and adds tangent attribute to this geometry.
abstract computeTangents: unit -> unit
/// Computes vertex normals by averaging face normals.
abstract computeVertexNormals: unit -> unit
abstract merge: geometry: BufferGeometry * ?offset: float -> BufferGeometry
abstract normalizeNormals: unit -> unit
abstract toNonIndexed: unit -> BufferGeometry
abstract toJSON: unit -> obj option
abstract clone: unit -> BufferGeometry
abstract copy: source: BufferGeometry -> BufferGeometry
/// Disposes the object from memory.
/// You need to call this when you want the bufferGeometry removed while the application is running.
abstract dispose: unit -> unit
[<Obsolete("Use {@link BufferGeometry#groups .groups} instead.")>]
abstract drawcalls: obj option with get, set
[<Obsolete("Use {@link BufferGeometry#groups .groups} instead.")>]
abstract offsets: obj option with get, set
[<Obsolete("Use {@link BufferGeometry#setIndex .setIndex()} instead.")>]
abstract addIndex: index: obj option -> unit
[<Obsolete("Use {@link BufferGeometry#addGroup .addGroup()} instead.")>]
abstract addDrawCall: start: obj option * count: obj option * ?indexOffset: obj -> unit
[<Obsolete("Use {@link BufferGeometry#clearGroups .clearGroups()} instead.")>]
abstract clearDrawCalls: unit -> unit
[<Obsolete("Use {@link BufferGeometry#setAttribute .setAttribute()} instead.")>]
abstract addAttribute: name: string * attribute: U2<BufferAttribute, InterleavedBufferAttribute> -> BufferGeometry
abstract addAttribute: name: obj option * array: obj option * itemSize: obj option -> obj option
[<Obsolete("Use {@link BufferGeometry#deleteAttribute .deleteAttribute()} instead.")>]
abstract removeAttribute: name: string -> BufferGeometry
/// <summary>
/// This is a superefficent class for geometries because it saves all data in buffers.
/// It reduces memory costs and cpu cycles. But it is not as easy to work with because of all the necessary buffer calculations.
/// It is mainly interesting when working with static objects.
/// see <see href="">src/core/BufferGeometry.js</see>
/// </summary>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] BufferGeometryStatic =
/// This creates a new BufferGeometry. It also sets several properties to an default value.
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: unit -> BufferGeometry
abstract MaxIndex: float with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] BufferGeometryAttributes =
[<EmitIndexer>] abstract Item: name: string -> U2<BufferAttribute, InterleavedBufferAttribute> with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] BufferGeometryMorphAttributes =
[<EmitIndexer>] abstract Item: name: string -> Array<U2<BufferAttribute, InterleavedBufferAttribute>> with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] BufferGeometryUserData =
[<EmitIndexer>] abstract Item: key: string -> obj option with get, set
module __core_Clock =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// <summary>
/// Object for keeping track of time.
/// see <see href="">src/core/Clock.js</see>
/// </summary>
abstract Clock: ClockStatic
/// <summary>
/// Object for keeping track of time.
/// see <see href="">src/core/Clock.js</see>
/// </summary>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Clock =
/// <summary>If set, starts the clock automatically when the first update is called.</summary>
/// <default>true</default>
abstract autoStart: bool with get, set
/// <summary>
/// When the clock is running, It holds the starttime of the clock.
/// This counted from the number of milliseconds elapsed since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC.
/// </summary>
/// <default>0</default>
abstract startTime: float with get, set
/// <summary>
/// When the clock is running, It holds the previous time from a update.
/// This counted from the number of milliseconds elapsed since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC.
/// </summary>
/// <default>0</default>
abstract oldTime: float with get, set
/// <summary>
/// When the clock is running, It holds the time elapsed between the start of the clock to the previous update.
/// This parameter is in seconds of three decimal places.
/// </summary>
/// <default>0</default>
abstract elapsedTime: float with get, set
/// <summary>This property keeps track whether the clock is running or not.</summary>
/// <default>false</default>
abstract running: bool with get, set
/// Starts clock.
abstract start: unit -> unit
/// Stops clock.
abstract stop: unit -> unit
/// Get the seconds passed since the clock started.
abstract getElapsedTime: unit -> float
/// Get the seconds passed since the last call to this method.
abstract getDelta: unit -> float
/// <summary>
/// Object for keeping track of time.
/// see <see href="">src/core/Clock.js</see>
/// </summary>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] ClockStatic =
/// <param name="autoStart">Automatically start the clock.</param>
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?autoStart: bool -> Clock
module __core_EventDispatcher =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// <summary>JavaScript events for custom objects</summary>
abstract EventDispatcher: EventDispatcherStatic
/// Event object.
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Event =
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract target: obj option with get, set
[<EmitIndexer>] abstract Item: attachment: string -> obj option with get, set
/// <summary>JavaScript events for custom objects</summary>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] EventDispatcher =
/// <summary>Adds a listener to an event type.</summary>
/// <param name="type">The type of event to listen to.</param>
/// <param name="listener">The function that gets called when the event is fired.</param>
abstract addEventListener: ``type``: string * listener: (Event -> unit) -> unit
/// <summary>Checks if listener is added to an event type.</summary>
/// <param name="type">The type of event to listen to.</param>
/// <param name="listener">The function that gets called when the event is fired.</param>
abstract hasEventListener: ``type``: string * listener: (Event -> unit) -> bool
/// <summary>Removes a listener from an event type.</summary>
/// <param name="type">The type of the listener that gets removed.</param>
/// <param name="listener">The listener function that gets removed.</param>
abstract removeEventListener: ``type``: string * listener: (Event -> unit) -> unit
/// <summary>Fire an event type.</summary>
/// <param name="type">The type of event that gets fired.</param>
abstract dispatchEvent: ``event``: EventDispatcherDispatchEventEvent -> unit
/// <summary>
/// Typescript interface contains an <see href="">index signature</see> (like <c>{ [key:string]: string }</c>).
/// Unlike an indexer in F#, index signatures index over a type's members.
/// As such an index signature cannot be implemented via regular F# Indexer (<c>Item</c> property),
/// but instead by just specifying fields.
/// Easiest way to declare such a type is with an Anonymous Record and force it into the function.
/// For example:
/// <code lang="fsharp">
/// type I =
/// [&lt;EmitIndexer&gt;]
/// abstract Item: string -&gt; string
/// let f (i: I) = jsNative
/// let t = {| Value1 = "foo"; Value2 = "bar" |}
/// f (!! t)
/// </code>
/// </summary>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] EventDispatcherDispatchEventEvent =
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
[<EmitIndexer>] abstract Item: attachment: string -> obj option with get, set
/// <summary>JavaScript events for custom objects</summary>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] EventDispatcherStatic =
/// Creates eventDispatcher object. It needs to be call with '.call' to add the functionality to an object.
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: unit -> EventDispatcher
module __core_GLBufferAttribute =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// <summary>see <see href="">src/core/GLBufferAttribute.js</see></summary>
abstract GLBufferAttribute: GLBufferAttributeStatic
/// <summary>see <see href="">src/core/GLBufferAttribute.js</see></summary>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] GLBufferAttribute =
abstract buffer: WebGLBuffer with get, set
abstract ``type``: float with get, set
abstract itemSize: float with get, set
abstract elementSize: GLBufferAttributeElementSize with get, set
abstract count: float with get, set
abstract version: float with get, set
abstract isGLBufferAttribute: bool
abstract needsUpdate: bool with set
abstract setBuffer: buffer: WebGLBuffer -> GLBufferAttribute
abstract setType: ``type``: float * elementSize: GLBufferAttributeElementSize -> GLBufferAttribute
abstract setItemSize: itemSize: float -> GLBufferAttribute
abstract setCount: count: float -> GLBufferAttribute
/// <summary>see <see href="">src/core/GLBufferAttribute.js</see></summary>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] GLBufferAttributeStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: buffer: WebGLBuffer * ``type``: float * itemSize: float * elementSize: GLBufferAttributeElementSize * count: float -> GLBufferAttribute
type [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] GLBufferAttributeElementSize =
| N1 = 1
| N2 = 2
| N4 = 4
module __core_InstancedBufferAttribute =
type BufferGeometry = __core_BufferGeometry.BufferGeometry
type BufferAttribute = __core_BufferAttribute.BufferAttribute
/// <summary>see <see href="">examples/jsm/utils/BufferGeometryUtils.js</see></summary>
let [<Import("BufferGeometryUtils","three/core/InstancedBufferAttribute")>] bufferGeometryUtils: BufferGeometryUtils.IExports = jsNative
let [<Import("GeometryUtils","three/core/InstancedBufferAttribute")>] geometryUtils: GeometryUtils.IExports = jsNative
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// <summary>see <see href="">src/core/InstancedBufferAttribute.js</see></summary>
abstract InstancedBufferAttribute: InstancedBufferAttributeStatic
/// <summary>see <see href="">examples/jsm/utils/BufferGeometryUtils.js</see></summary>
module BufferGeometryUtils =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract mergeBufferGeometries: geometries: ResizeArray<BufferGeometry> -> BufferGeometry
abstract computeTangents: geometry: BufferGeometry -> obj
abstract mergeBufferAttributes: attributes: ResizeArray<BufferAttribute> -> BufferAttribute
module GeometryUtils =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Geometry#merge geometry.merge( geometry2, matrix, materialIndexOffset )} instead.")>]
abstract merge: geometry1: obj option * geometry2: obj option * ?materialIndexOffset: obj -> obj option
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Geometry#center} instead.")>]
abstract center: geometry: obj option -> obj option
/// <summary>see <see href="">src/core/InstancedBufferAttribute.js</see></summary>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] InstancedBufferAttribute =
inherit BufferAttribute
/// <default>1</default>
abstract meshPerAttribute: float with get, set
/// <summary>see <see href="">src/core/InstancedBufferAttribute.js</see></summary>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] InstancedBufferAttributeStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: array: ArrayLike<float> * itemSize: float * ?normalized: bool * ?meshPerAttribute: float -> InstancedBufferAttribute
module __core_InstancedBufferGeometry =
type BufferGeometry = __core_BufferGeometry.BufferGeometry
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// <summary>see <see href="">src/core/InstancedBufferGeometry.js</see></summary>
abstract InstancedBufferGeometry: InstancedBufferGeometryStatic
/// <summary>see <see href="">src/core/InstancedBufferGeometry.js</see></summary>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] InstancedBufferGeometry =
inherit BufferGeometry
/// <default>'InstancedBufferGeometry</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract isInstancedBufferGeometry: bool with get, set
abstract groups: Array<{| start: float; count: float; instances: float |}> with get, set
/// <default>Infinity</default>
abstract instanceCount: float with get, set
abstract addGroup: start: float * count: float * instances: float -> unit
/// <summary>see <see href="">src/core/InstancedBufferGeometry.js</see></summary>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] InstancedBufferGeometryStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: unit -> InstancedBufferGeometry
module __core_InstancedInterleavedBuffer =
type InterleavedBuffer = __core_InterleavedBuffer.InterleavedBuffer
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// <summary>see <see href="">src/core/InstancedInterleavedBuffer.js</see></summary>
abstract InstancedInterleavedBuffer: InstancedInterleavedBufferStatic
/// <summary>see <see href="">src/core/InstancedInterleavedBuffer.js</see></summary>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] InstancedInterleavedBuffer =
inherit InterleavedBuffer
/// <default>1</default>
abstract meshPerAttribute: float with get, set
/// <summary>see <see href="">src/core/InstancedInterleavedBuffer.js</see></summary>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] InstancedInterleavedBufferStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: array: ArrayLike<float> * stride: float * ?meshPerAttribute: float -> InstancedInterleavedBuffer
module __core_InterleavedBuffer =
type InterleavedBufferAttribute = __core_InterleavedBufferAttribute.InterleavedBufferAttribute
type Usage = Constants.Usage
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// <summary>see <see href="">src/core/InterleavedBuffer.js</see></summary>
abstract InterleavedBuffer: InterleavedBufferStatic
/// <summary>see <see href="">src/core/InterleavedBuffer.js</see></summary>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] InterleavedBuffer =
abstract array: ArrayLike<float> with get, set
abstract stride: float with get, set
/// <default>THREE.StaticDrawUsage</default>
abstract usage: Usage with get, set
/// <default>{ offset: number; count: number }</default>
abstract updateRange: {| offset: float; count: float |} with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract version: float with get, set
abstract length: float with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract count: float with get, set
abstract needsUpdate: bool with get, set
abstract uuid: string with get, set
abstract setUsage: usage: Usage -> InterleavedBuffer
abstract clone: data: obj -> InterleavedBuffer
abstract copy: source: InterleavedBuffer -> InterleavedBuffer
abstract copyAt: index1: float * attribute: InterleavedBufferAttribute * index2: float -> InterleavedBuffer
abstract set: value: ArrayLike<float> * index: float -> InterleavedBuffer
abstract toJSON: data: obj -> {| uuid: string; buffer: string; ``type``: string; stride: float |}
/// <summary>see <see href="">src/core/InterleavedBuffer.js</see></summary>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] InterleavedBufferStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: array: ArrayLike<float> * stride: float -> InterleavedBuffer
module __core_InterleavedBufferAttribute =
type BufferAttribute = __core_BufferAttribute.BufferAttribute
type InterleavedBuffer = __core_InterleavedBuffer.InterleavedBuffer
type Matrix4 = __math_Matrix4.Matrix4
type Matrix = __math_Matrix3.Matrix
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// <summary>see <see href="">src/core/InterleavedBufferAttribute.js</see></summary>
abstract InterleavedBufferAttribute: InterleavedBufferAttributeStatic
/// <summary>see <see href="">src/core/InterleavedBufferAttribute.js</see></summary>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] InterleavedBufferAttribute =
/// <default>''</default>
abstract name: string with get, set
abstract data: InterleavedBuffer with get, set
abstract itemSize: float with get, set
abstract offset: float with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract normalized: bool with get, set
abstract count: float
abstract array: ArrayLike<float>
abstract needsUpdate: bool with set
abstract isInterleavedBufferAttribute: bool
abstract applyMatrix4: m: Matrix4 -> InterleavedBufferAttribute
abstract clone: ?data: obj -> BufferAttribute
abstract getX: index: float -> float
abstract setX: index: float * x: float -> InterleavedBufferAttribute
abstract getY: index: float -> float
abstract setY: index: float * y: float -> InterleavedBufferAttribute
abstract getZ: index: float -> float
abstract setZ: index: float * z: float -> InterleavedBufferAttribute
abstract getW: index: float -> float
abstract setW: index: float * z: float -> InterleavedBufferAttribute
abstract setXY: index: float * x: float * y: float -> InterleavedBufferAttribute
abstract setXYZ: index: float * x: float * y: float * z: float -> InterleavedBufferAttribute
abstract setXYZW: index: float * x: float * y: float * z: float * w: float -> InterleavedBufferAttribute
abstract toJSON: ?data: obj -> InterleavedBufferAttributeToJSONReturn
abstract applyNormalMatrix: matrix: Matrix -> InterleavedBufferAttribute
abstract transformDirection: matrix: Matrix -> InterleavedBufferAttribute
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] InterleavedBufferAttributeToJSONReturn =
abstract isInterleavedBufferAttribute: bool with get, set
abstract itemSize: float with get, set
abstract data: string with get, set
abstract offset: float with get, set
abstract normalized: bool with get, set
/// <summary>see <see href="">src/core/InterleavedBufferAttribute.js</see></summary>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] InterleavedBufferAttributeStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: interleavedBuffer: InterleavedBuffer * itemSize: float * offset: float * ?normalized: bool -> InterleavedBufferAttribute
module __core_Layers =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract Layers: LayersStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Layers =
/// <default>1 | 0</default>
abstract mask: float with get, set
abstract set: channel: float -> unit
abstract enable: channel: float -> unit
abstract enableAll: unit -> unit
abstract toggle: channel: float -> unit
abstract disable: channel: float -> unit
abstract disableAll: unit -> unit
abstract test: layers: Layers -> bool
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] LayersStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: unit -> Layers
module __core_Object3D =
type Vector3 = __math_Vector3.Vector3
type Euler = __math_Euler.Euler
type Quaternion = __math_Quaternion.Quaternion
type Matrix4 = __math_Matrix4.Matrix4
type Matrix3 = __math_Matrix3.Matrix3
type Layers = __core_Layers.Layers
type WebGLRenderer = __renderers_WebGLRenderer.WebGLRenderer
type Scene = __scenes_Scene.Scene
type Camera = __cameras_Camera.Camera
type Material = __materials_Material.Material
type Group = __objects_Group.Group
type Intersection = __core_Raycaster.Intersection
type Raycaster = __core_Raycaster.Raycaster
type EventDispatcher = __core_EventDispatcher.EventDispatcher
type BufferGeometry = __core_BufferGeometry.BufferGeometry
type AnimationClip = __animation_AnimationClip.AnimationClip
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// Base class for scene graph objects
abstract Object3D: Object3DStatic
/// Base class for scene graph objects
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Object3D =
inherit EventDispatcher
/// Unique number of this object instance.
abstract id: float with get, set
abstract uuid: string with get, set
/// <summary>Optional name of the object (doesn't need to be unique).</summary>
/// <default>''</default>
abstract name: string with get, set
/// <default>'Object3D'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// <summary>Object's parent in the scene graph.</summary>
/// <default>null</default>
abstract parent: Object3D option with get, set
/// <summary>Array with object's children.</summary>
/// <default>[]</default>
abstract children: ResizeArray<Object3D> with get, set
/// <summary>Up direction.</summary>
/// <default>THREE.Object3D.DefaultUp.clone()</default>
abstract up: Vector3 with get, set
/// <summary>Object's local position.</summary>
/// <default>new THREE.Vector3()</default>
abstract position: Vector3
/// <summary>Object's local rotation (Euler angles), in radians.</summary>
/// <default>new THREE.Euler()</default>
abstract rotation: Euler
/// <summary>Object's local rotation as a Quaternion.</summary>
/// <default>new THREE.Quaternion()</default>
abstract quaternion: Quaternion
/// <summary>Object's local scale.</summary>
/// <default>new THREE.Vector3()</default>
abstract scale: Vector3
/// <default>new THREE.Matrix4()</default>
abstract modelViewMatrix: Matrix4
/// <default>new THREE.Matrix3()</default>
abstract normalMatrix: Matrix3
/// <summary>Local transform.</summary>
/// <default>new THREE.Matrix4()</default>
abstract matrix: Matrix4 with get, set
/// <summary>The global transform of the object. If the Object3d has no parent, then it's identical to the local transform.</summary>
/// <default>new THREE.Matrix4()</default>
abstract matrixWorld: Matrix4 with get, set
/// <summary>
/// When this is set, it calculates the matrix of position, (rotation or quaternion) and scale every frame and also
/// recalculates the matrixWorld property.
/// </summary>
/// <default>THREE.Object3D.DefaultMatrixAutoUpdate</default>
abstract matrixAutoUpdate: bool with get, set
/// <summary>When this is set, it calculates the matrixWorld in that frame and resets this property to false.</summary>
/// <default>false</default>
abstract matrixWorldNeedsUpdate: bool with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.Layers()</default>
abstract layers: Layers with get, set
/// <summary>Object gets rendered if true.</summary>
/// <default>true</default>
abstract visible: bool with get, set
/// <summary>Gets rendered into shadow map.</summary>
/// <default>false</default>
abstract castShadow: bool with get, set
/// <summary>Material gets baked in shadow receiving.</summary>
/// <default>false</default>
abstract receiveShadow: bool with get, set
/// <summary>
/// When this is set, it checks every frame if the object is in the frustum of the camera before rendering the object.
/// If set to false the object gets rendered every frame even if it is not in the frustum of the camera.
/// </summary>
/// <default>true</default>
abstract frustumCulled: bool with get, set
/// <summary>
/// Overrides the default rendering order of scene graph objects, from lowest to highest renderOrder.
/// Opaque and transparent objects remain sorted independently though.
/// When this property is set for an instance of Group, all descendants objects will be sorted and rendered together.
/// </summary>
/// <default>0</default>
abstract renderOrder: float with get, set
/// <summary>Array with animation clips.</summary>
/// <default>[]</default>
abstract animations: ResizeArray<AnimationClip> with get, set
/// <summary>An object that can be used to store custom data about the Object3d. It should not hold references to functions as these will not be cloned.</summary>
/// <default>{}</default>
abstract userData: Object3DUserData with get, set
/// Custom depth material to be used when rendering to the depth map. Can only be used in context of meshes.
/// When shadow-casting with a DirectionalLight or SpotLight, if you are (a) modifying vertex positions in
/// the vertex shader, (b) using a displacement map, (c) using an alpha map with alphaTest, or (d) using a
/// transparent texture with alphaTest, you must specify a customDepthMaterial for proper shadows.
abstract customDepthMaterial: Material with get, set
/// Same as customDepthMaterial, but used with PointLight.
abstract customDistanceMaterial: Material with get, set
/// Used to check whether this or derived classes are Object3Ds. Default is true.
/// You should not change this, as it is used internally for optimisation.
abstract isObject3D: bool
/// Calls before rendering object
abstract onBeforeRender: (WebGLRenderer -> Scene -> Camera -> BufferGeometry -> Material -> Group -> unit) with get, set
/// Calls after rendering object
abstract onAfterRender: (WebGLRenderer -> Scene -> Camera -> BufferGeometry -> Material -> Group -> unit) with get, set
/// This updates the position, rotation and scale with the matrix.
abstract applyMatrix4: matrix: Matrix4 -> unit
abstract applyQuaternion: quaternion: Quaternion -> Object3D
abstract setRotationFromAxisAngle: axis: Vector3 * angle: float -> unit
abstract setRotationFromEuler: euler: Euler -> unit
abstract setRotationFromMatrix: m: Matrix4 -> unit
abstract setRotationFromQuaternion: q: Quaternion -> unit
/// <summary>Rotate an object along an axis in object space. The axis is assumed to be normalized.</summary>
/// <param name="axis">A normalized vector in object space.</param>
/// <param name="angle">The angle in radians.</param>
abstract rotateOnAxis: axis: Vector3 * angle: float -> Object3D
/// <summary>Rotate an object along an axis in world space. The axis is assumed to be normalized. Method Assumes no rotated parent.</summary>
/// <param name="axis">A normalized vector in object space.</param>
/// <param name="angle">The angle in radians.</param>
abstract rotateOnWorldAxis: axis: Vector3 * angle: float -> Object3D
/// <param name="angle" />
abstract rotateX: angle: float -> Object3D
/// <param name="angle" />
abstract rotateY: angle: float -> Object3D
/// <param name="angle" />
abstract rotateZ: angle: float -> Object3D
/// <param name="axis">A normalized vector in object space.</param>
/// <param name="distance">The distance to translate.</param>
abstract translateOnAxis: axis: Vector3 * distance: float -> Object3D
/// <summary>Translates object along x axis by distance.</summary>
/// <param name="distance">Distance.</param>
abstract translateX: distance: float -> Object3D
/// <summary>Translates object along y axis by distance.</summary>
/// <param name="distance">Distance.</param>
abstract translateY: distance: float -> Object3D
/// <summary>Translates object along z axis by distance.</summary>
/// <param name="distance">Distance.</param>
abstract translateZ: distance: float -> Object3D
/// <summary>Updates the vector from local space to world space.</summary>
/// <param name="vector">A local vector.</param>
abstract localToWorld: vector: Vector3 -> Vector3
/// <summary>Updates the vector from world space to local space.</summary>
/// <param name="vector">A world vector.</param>
abstract worldToLocal: vector: Vector3 -> Vector3
/// <summary>Rotates object to face point in space.</summary>
/// <param name="vector">A world vector to look at.</param>
abstract lookAt: vector: U2<Vector3, float> * ?y: float * ?z: float -> unit
/// Adds object as child of this object.
abstract add: [<ParamArray>] object: Object3D[] -> Object3D
/// Removes object as child of this object.
abstract remove: [<ParamArray>] object: Object3D[] -> Object3D
/// Removes this object from its current parent.
abstract removeFromParent: unit -> Object3D
/// Removes all child objects.
abstract clear: unit -> Object3D
/// Adds object as a child of this, while maintaining the object's world transform.
abstract attach: object: Object3D -> Object3D
/// <summary>Searches through the object's children and returns the first with a matching id.</summary>
/// <param name="id">Unique number of the object instance</param>
abstract getObjectById: id: float -> Object3D option
/// <summary>Searches through the object's children and returns the first with a matching name.</summary>
/// <param name="name">String to match to the children's property.</param>
abstract getObjectByName: name: string -> Object3D option
abstract getObjectByProperty: name: string * value: string -> Object3D option
abstract getWorldPosition: target: Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract getWorldQuaternion: target: Quaternion -> Quaternion
abstract getWorldScale: target: Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract getWorldDirection: target: Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract raycast: raycaster: Raycaster * intersects: ResizeArray<Intersection> -> unit
abstract traverse: callback: (Object3D -> obj option) -> unit
abstract traverseVisible: callback: (Object3D -> obj option) -> unit
abstract traverseAncestors: callback: (Object3D -> obj option) -> unit
/// Updates local transform.
abstract updateMatrix: unit -> unit
/// Updates global transform of the object and its children.
abstract updateMatrixWorld: ?force: bool -> unit
abstract updateWorldMatrix: updateParents: bool * updateChildren: bool -> unit
abstract toJSON: ?meta: {| geometries: obj option; materials: obj option; textures: obj option; images: obj option |} -> obj option
abstract clone: ?recursive: bool -> Object3D
/// <param name="object" />
/// <param name="recursive" />
abstract copy: source: Object3D * ?recursive: bool -> Object3D
/// Base class for scene graph objects
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Object3DStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: unit -> Object3D
abstract DefaultUp: Vector3 with get, set
abstract DefaultMatrixAutoUpdate: bool with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Object3DUserData =
[<EmitIndexer>] abstract Item: key: string -> obj option with get, set
module __core_Raycaster =
type Vector3 = __math_Vector3.Vector3
type Object3D = __core_Object3D.Object3D
type Vector2 = __math_Vector2.Vector2
type Ray = __math_Ray.Ray
type Camera = __cameras_Camera.Camera
type Layers = __core_Layers.Layers
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract Raycaster: RaycasterStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Face =
abstract a: float with get, set
abstract b: float with get, set
abstract c: float with get, set
abstract normal: Vector3 with get, set
abstract materialIndex: float with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Intersection =
abstract distance: float with get, set
abstract distanceToRay: float option with get, set
abstract point: Vector3 with get, set
abstract index: float option with get, set
abstract face: Face option with get, set
abstract faceIndex: float option with get, set
abstract object: Object3D with get, set
abstract uv: Vector2 option with get, set
abstract instanceId: float option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] RaycasterParameters =
abstract Mesh: obj option with get, set
abstract Line: {| threshold: float |} option with get, set
abstract LOD: obj option with get, set
abstract Points: {| threshold: float |} option with get, set
abstract Sprite: obj option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Raycaster =
/// The Ray used for the raycasting.
abstract ray: Ray with get, set
/// <summary>
/// The near factor of the raycaster. This value indicates which objects can be discarded based on the
/// distance. This value shouldn't be negative and should be smaller than the far property.
/// </summary>
/// <default>0</default>
abstract near: float with get, set
/// <summary>
/// The far factor of the raycaster. This value indicates which objects can be discarded based on the
/// distance. This value shouldn't be negative and should be larger than the near property.
/// </summary>
/// <default>Infinity</default>
abstract far: float with get, set
/// The camera to use when raycasting against view-dependent objects such as billboarded objects like Sprites. This field
/// can be set manually or is set when calling "setFromCamera".
abstract camera: Camera with get, set
/// <summary>Used by Raycaster to selectively ignore 3D objects when performing intersection tests.</summary>
/// <default>new THREE.Layers()</default>
abstract layers: Layers with get, set
/// <default>{ Mesh: {}, Line: { threshold: 1 }, LOD: {}, Points: { threshold: 1 }, Sprite: {} }</default>
abstract ``params``: RaycasterParameters with get, set
/// <summary>Updates the ray with a new origin and direction.</summary>
/// <param name="origin">The origin vector where the ray casts from.</param>
/// <param name="direction">The normalized direction vector that gives direction to the ray.</param>
abstract set: origin: Vector3 * direction: Vector3 -> unit
/// <summary>Updates the ray with a new origin and direction.</summary>
/// <param name="coords">2D coordinates of the mouse, in normalized device coordinates (NDC)---X and Y components should be between -1 and 1.</param>
/// <param name="camera">camera from which the ray should originate</param>
abstract setFromCamera: coords: {| x: float; y: float |} * camera: Camera -> unit
/// <summary>Checks all intersection between the ray and the object with or without the descendants. Intersections are returned sorted by distance, closest first.</summary>
/// <param name="object">The object to check for intersection with the ray.</param>
/// <param name="recursive">If true, it also checks all descendants. Otherwise it only checks intersecton with the object. Default is false.</param>
/// <param name="optionalTarget">(optional) target to set the result. Otherwise a new Array is instantiated. If set, you must clear this array prior to each call (i.e., array.length = 0;).</param>
abstract intersectObject: object: Object3D * ?recursive: bool * ?optionalTarget: ResizeArray<Intersection> -> ResizeArray<Intersection>
/// <summary>
/// Checks all intersection between the ray and the objects with or without the descendants.
/// Intersections are returned sorted by distance, closest first.
/// Intersections are of the same form as those returned by .intersectObject.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="objects">The objects to check for intersection with the ray.</param>
/// <param name="recursive">If true, it also checks all descendants of the objects. Otherwise it only checks intersecton with the objects. Default is false.</param>
/// <param name="optionalTarget">(optional) target to set the result. Otherwise a new Array is instantiated. If set, you must clear this array prior to each call (i.e., array.length = 0;).</param>
abstract intersectObjects: objects: ResizeArray<Object3D> * ?recursive: bool * ?optionalTarget: ResizeArray<Intersection> -> ResizeArray<Intersection>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] RaycasterStatic =
/// <summary>This creates a new raycaster object.</summary>
/// <param name="origin">The origin vector where the ray casts from.</param>
/// <param name="direction">The direction vector that gives direction to the ray. Should be normalized.</param>
/// <param name="near">All results returned are further away than near. Near can't be negative. Default value is 0.</param>
/// <param name="far">All results returned are closer then far. Far can't be lower then near . Default value is Infinity.</param>
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?origin: Vector3 * ?direction: Vector3 * ?near: float * ?far: float -> Raycaster
module __math_Box2 =
type Vector2 = __math_Vector2.Vector2
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract Box2: Box2Static
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Box2 =
/// <default>new THREE.Vector2( + Infinity, + Infinity )</default>
abstract min: Vector2 with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.Vector2( - Infinity, - Infinity )</default>
abstract max: Vector2 with get, set
abstract set: min: Vector2 * max: Vector2 -> Box2
abstract setFromPoints: points: ResizeArray<Vector2> -> Box2
abstract setFromCenterAndSize: center: Vector2 * size: Vector2 -> Box2
abstract clone: unit -> Box2
abstract copy: box: Box2 -> Box2
abstract makeEmpty: unit -> Box2
abstract isEmpty: unit -> bool
abstract getCenter: target: Vector2 -> Vector2
abstract getSize: target: Vector2 -> Vector2
abstract expandByPoint: point: Vector2 -> Box2
abstract expandByVector: vector: Vector2 -> Box2
abstract expandByScalar: scalar: float -> Box2
abstract containsPoint: point: Vector2 -> bool
abstract containsBox: box: Box2 -> bool
abstract getParameter: point: Vector2 * target: Vector2 -> Vector2
abstract intersectsBox: box: Box2 -> bool
abstract clampPoint: point: Vector2 * target: Vector2 -> Vector2
abstract distanceToPoint: point: Vector2 -> float
abstract intersect: box: Box2 -> Box2
abstract union: box: Box2 -> Box2
abstract translate: offset: Vector2 -> Box2
abstract equals: box: Box2 -> bool
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Box2#isEmpty .isEmpty()} instead.")>]
abstract empty: unit -> obj option
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Box2#intersectsBox .intersectsBox()} instead.")>]
abstract isIntersectionBox: b: obj option -> obj option
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Box2Static =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?min: Vector2 * ?max: Vector2 -> Box2
module __math_Box3 =
type BufferAttribute = __core_BufferAttribute.BufferAttribute
type Vector3 = __math_Vector3.Vector3
type Object3D = __core_Object3D.Object3D
type Sphere = __math_Sphere.Sphere
type Plane = __math_Plane.Plane
type Matrix4 = __math_Matrix4.Matrix4
type Triangle = __math_Triangle.Triangle
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract Box3: Box3Static
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Box3 =
/// <default>new THREE.Vector3( + Infinity, + Infinity, + Infinity )</default>
abstract min: Vector3 with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.Vector3( - Infinity, - Infinity, - Infinity )</default>
abstract max: Vector3 with get, set
abstract isBox3: bool
abstract set: min: Vector3 * max: Vector3 -> Box3
abstract setFromArray: array: ArrayLike<float> -> Box3
abstract setFromBufferAttribute: bufferAttribute: BufferAttribute -> Box3
abstract setFromPoints: points: ResizeArray<Vector3> -> Box3
abstract setFromCenterAndSize: center: Vector3 * size: Vector3 -> Box3
abstract setFromObject: object: Object3D -> Box3
abstract clone: unit -> Box3
abstract copy: box: Box3 -> Box3
abstract makeEmpty: unit -> Box3
abstract isEmpty: unit -> bool
abstract getCenter: target: Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract getSize: target: Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract expandByPoint: point: Vector3 -> Box3
abstract expandByVector: vector: Vector3 -> Box3
abstract expandByScalar: scalar: float -> Box3
abstract expandByObject: object: Object3D -> Box3
abstract containsPoint: point: Vector3 -> bool
abstract containsBox: box: Box3 -> bool
abstract getParameter: point: Vector3 * target: Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract intersectsBox: box: Box3 -> bool
abstract intersectsSphere: sphere: Sphere -> bool
abstract intersectsPlane: plane: Plane -> bool
abstract intersectsTriangle: triangle: Triangle -> bool
abstract clampPoint: point: Vector3 * target: Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract distanceToPoint: point: Vector3 -> float
abstract getBoundingSphere: target: Sphere -> Sphere
abstract intersect: box: Box3 -> Box3
abstract union: box: Box3 -> Box3
abstract applyMatrix4: matrix: Matrix4 -> Box3
abstract translate: offset: Vector3 -> Box3
abstract equals: box: Box3 -> bool
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Box3#isEmpty .isEmpty()} instead.")>]
abstract empty: unit -> obj option
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Box3#intersectsBox .intersectsBox()} instead.")>]
abstract isIntersectionBox: b: obj option -> obj option
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Box3#intersectsSphere .intersectsSphere()} instead.")>]
abstract isIntersectionSphere: s: obj option -> obj option
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Box3Static =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?min: Vector3 * ?max: Vector3 -> Box3
module __math_Color =
type ColorRepresentation = Utils.ColorRepresentation
type BufferAttribute = __core_BufferAttribute.BufferAttribute
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// <summary>
/// Represents a color. See also <see cref="ColorUtils" />.
/// see <see href="">src/math/Color.js</see>
/// </summary>
/// <example>const color = new THREE.Color( 0xff0000 );</example>
abstract Color: ColorStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] HSL =
abstract h: float with get, set
abstract s: float with get, set
abstract l: float with get, set
/// <summary>
/// Represents a color. See also <see cref="ColorUtils" />.
/// see <see href="">src/math/Color.js</see>
/// </summary>
/// <example>const color = new THREE.Color( 0xff0000 );</example>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Color =
abstract isColor: bool
/// <summary>Red channel value between 0 and 1. Default is 1.</summary>
/// <default>1</default>
abstract r: float with get, set
/// <summary>Green channel value between 0 and 1. Default is 1.</summary>
/// <default>1</default>
abstract g: float with get, set
/// <summary>Blue channel value between 0 and 1. Default is 1.</summary>
/// <default>1</default>
abstract b: float with get, set
abstract set: color: ColorRepresentation -> Color
abstract setScalar: scalar: float -> Color
abstract setHex: hex: float -> Color
/// <summary>Sets this color from RGB values.</summary>
/// <param name="r">Red channel value between 0 and 1.</param>
/// <param name="g">Green channel value between 0 and 1.</param>
/// <param name="b">Blue channel value between 0 and 1.</param>
abstract setRGB: r: float * g: float * b: float -> Color
/// <summary>
/// Sets this color from HSL values.
/// Based on MochiKit implementation by Bob Ippolito.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="h">Hue channel value between 0 and 1.</param>
/// <param name="s">Saturation value channel between 0 and 1.</param>
/// <param name="l">Value channel value between 0 and 1.</param>
abstract setHSL: h: float * s: float * l: float -> Color
/// <summary>Sets this color from a CSS context style string.</summary>
/// <param name="contextStyle">Color in CSS context style format.</param>
abstract setStyle: style: string -> Color
/// <summary>
/// Sets this color from a color name.
/// Faster than <see cref="Color.setStyle">.setStyle()</see> method if you don't need the other CSS-style formats.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="style">Color name in X11 format.</param>
abstract setColorName: style: string -> Color
/// Clones this color.
abstract clone: unit -> Color
/// <summary>Copies given color.</summary>
/// <param name="color">Color to copy.</param>
abstract copy: color: Color -> Color
/// <summary>Copies given color making conversion from gamma to linear space.</summary>
/// <param name="color">Color to copy.</param>
abstract copyGammaToLinear: color: Color * ?gammaFactor: float -> Color
/// <summary>Copies given color making conversion from linear to gamma space.</summary>
/// <param name="color">Color to copy.</param>
abstract copyLinearToGamma: color: Color * ?gammaFactor: float -> Color
/// Converts this color from gamma to linear space.
abstract convertGammaToLinear: ?gammaFactor: float -> Color
/// Converts this color from linear to gamma space.
abstract convertLinearToGamma: ?gammaFactor: float -> Color
/// <summary>Copies given color making conversion from sRGB to linear space.</summary>
/// <param name="color">Color to copy.</param>
abstract copySRGBToLinear: color: Color -> Color
/// <summary>Copies given color making conversion from linear to sRGB space.</summary>
/// <param name="color">Color to copy.</param>
abstract copyLinearToSRGB: color: Color -> Color
/// Converts this color from sRGB to linear space.
abstract convertSRGBToLinear: unit -> Color
/// Converts this color from linear to sRGB space.
abstract convertLinearToSRGB: unit -> Color
/// Returns the hexadecimal value of this color.
abstract getHex: unit -> float
/// Returns the string formated hexadecimal value of this color.
abstract getHexString: unit -> string
abstract getHSL: target: HSL -> HSL
/// Returns the value of this color in CSS context style.
/// Example: rgb(r, g, b)
abstract getStyle: unit -> string
abstract offsetHSL: h: float * s: float * l: float -> Color
abstract add: color: Color -> Color
abstract addColors: color1: Color * color2: Color -> Color
abstract addScalar: s: float -> Color
abstract sub: color: Color -> Color
abstract multiply: color: Color -> Color
abstract multiplyScalar: s: float -> Color
abstract lerp: color: Color * alpha: float -> Color
abstract lerpColors: color1: Color * color2: Color * alpha: float -> Color
abstract lerpHSL: color: Color * alpha: float -> Color
abstract equals: color: Color -> bool
/// <summary>Sets this color's red, green and blue value from the provided array or array-like.</summary>
/// <param name="array">the source array or array-like.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) offset into the array-like. Default is 0.</param>
abstract fromArray: array: U2<ResizeArray<float>, ArrayLike<float>> * ?offset: float -> Color
/// <summary>Returns an array [red, green, blue], or copies red, green and blue into the provided array.</summary>
/// <param name="array">(optional) array to store the color to. If this is not provided, a new array will be created.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) optional offset into the array.</param>
/// <returns>The created or provided array.</returns>
abstract toArray: ?array: ResizeArray<float> * ?offset: float -> ResizeArray<float>
/// <summary>Copies red, green and blue into the provided array-like.</summary>
/// <param name="array">array-like to store the color to.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) optional offset into the array-like.</param>
/// <returns>The provided array-like.</returns>
abstract toArray: xyz: ArrayLike<float> * ?offset: float -> ArrayLike<float>
abstract fromBufferAttribute: attribute: BufferAttribute * index: float -> Color
/// <summary>
/// Represents a color. See also <see cref="ColorUtils" />.
/// see <see href="">src/math/Color.js</see>
/// </summary>
/// <example>const color = new THREE.Color( 0xff0000 );</example>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] ColorStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?color: ColorRepresentation -> Color
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: r: float * g: float * b: float -> Color
/// List of X11 color names.
// abstract NAMES: Record<string, float> with get, set
abstract NAMES: obj with get, set
module __math_Cylindrical =
type Vector3 = __math_Vector3.Vector3
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract Cylindrical: CylindricalStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Cylindrical =
/// <default>1</default>
abstract radius: float with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract theta: float with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract y: float with get, set
abstract clone: unit -> Cylindrical
abstract copy: other: Cylindrical -> Cylindrical
abstract set: radius: float * theta: float * y: float -> Cylindrical
abstract setFromVector3: vec3: Vector3 -> Cylindrical
abstract setFromCartesianCoords: x: float * y: float * z: float -> Cylindrical
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] CylindricalStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?radius: float * ?theta: float * ?y: float -> Cylindrical
module __math_Euler =
type Matrix4 = __math_Matrix4.Matrix4
type Quaternion = __math_Quaternion.Quaternion
type Vector3 = __math_Vector3.Vector3
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract Euler: EulerStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Euler =
/// <default>0</default>
abstract x: float with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract y: float with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract z: float with get, set
/// <default>THREE.Euler.DefaultOrder</default>
abstract order: string with get, set
abstract isEuler: bool
abstract _onChangeCallback: (unit -> unit) with get, set
abstract set: x: float * y: float * z: float * ?order: string -> Euler
abstract clone: unit -> Euler
abstract copy: euler: Euler -> Euler
abstract setFromRotationMatrix: m: Matrix4 * ?order: string * ?update: bool -> Euler
abstract setFromQuaternion: q: Quaternion * ?order: string * ?update: bool -> Euler
abstract setFromVector3: v: Vector3 * ?order: string -> Euler
abstract reorder: newOrder: string -> Euler
abstract equals: euler: Euler -> bool
abstract fromArray: xyzo: ResizeArray<obj option> -> Euler
abstract toArray: ?array: ResizeArray<float> * ?offset: float -> ResizeArray<float>
abstract toVector3: ?optionalResult: Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract _onChange: callback: (unit -> unit) -> Euler
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] EulerStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?x: float * ?y: float * ?z: float * ?order: string -> Euler
abstract RotationOrders: ResizeArray<string> with get, set
abstract DefaultOrder: string with get, set
module __math_Frustum =
type Plane = __math_Plane.Plane
type Matrix4 = __math_Matrix4.Matrix4
type Object3D = __core_Object3D.Object3D
type Sprite = __objects_Sprite.Sprite
type Sphere = __math_Sphere.Sphere
type Box3 = __math_Box3.Box3
type Vector3 = __math_Vector3.Vector3
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// Frustums are used to determine what is inside the camera's field of view. They help speed up the rendering process.
abstract Frustum: FrustumStatic
/// Frustums are used to determine what is inside the camera's field of view. They help speed up the rendering process.
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Frustum =
/// Array of 6 vectors.
abstract planes: ResizeArray<Plane> with get, set
abstract set: p0: Plane * p1: Plane * p2: Plane * p3: Plane * p4: Plane * p5: Plane -> Frustum
abstract clone: unit -> Frustum
abstract copy: frustum: Frustum -> Frustum
abstract setFromProjectionMatrix: m: Matrix4 -> Frustum
abstract intersectsObject: object: Object3D -> bool
abstract intersectsSprite: sprite: Sprite -> bool
abstract intersectsSphere: sphere: Sphere -> bool
abstract intersectsBox: box: Box3 -> bool
abstract containsPoint: point: Vector3 -> bool
/// Frustums are used to determine what is inside the camera's field of view. They help speed up the rendering process.
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] FrustumStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?p0: Plane * ?p1: Plane * ?p2: Plane * ?p3: Plane * ?p4: Plane * ?p5: Plane -> Frustum
module __math_Interpolant =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract Interpolant: InterpolantStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Interpolant =
abstract parameterPositions: obj option with get, set
abstract sampleValues: obj option with get, set
abstract valueSize: float with get, set
abstract resultBuffer: obj option with get, set
abstract evaluate: time: float -> obj option
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] InterpolantStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: parameterPositions: obj option * sampleValues: obj option * sampleSize: float * ?resultBuffer: obj -> Interpolant
module __math_Line3 =
type Vector3 = __math_Vector3.Vector3
type Matrix4 = __math_Matrix4.Matrix4
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract Line3: Line3Static
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Line3 =
/// <default>new THREE.Vector3()</default>
abstract start: Vector3 with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.Vector3()</default>
abstract ``end``: Vector3 with get, set
abstract set: ?start: Vector3 * ?``end``: Vector3 -> Line3
abstract clone: unit -> Line3
abstract copy: line: Line3 -> Line3
abstract getCenter: target: Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract delta: target: Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract distanceSq: unit -> float
abstract distance: unit -> float
abstract at: t: float * target: Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract closestPointToPointParameter: point: Vector3 * ?clampToLine: bool -> float
abstract closestPointToPoint: point: Vector3 * clampToLine: bool * target: Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract applyMatrix4: matrix: Matrix4 -> Line3
abstract equals: line: Line3 -> bool
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Line3Static =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?start: Vector3 * ?``end``: Vector3 -> Line3
module __math_MathUtils =
type Quaternion = __math_Quaternion.Quaternion
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// <seealso href="">src/math/MathUtils.js</seealso>
abstract DEG2RAD: float
abstract RAD2DEG: float
abstract generateUUID: unit -> string
/// <summary>Clamps the x to be between a and b.</summary>
/// <param name="value">Value to be clamped.</param>
/// <param name="min">Minimum value</param>
/// <param name="max">Maximum value.</param>
abstract clamp: value: float * min: float * max: float -> float
abstract euclideanModulo: n: float * m: float -> float
/// <summary>Linear mapping of x from range [a1, a2] to range [b1, b2].</summary>
/// <param name="x">Value to be mapped.</param>
/// <param name="a1">Minimum value for range A.</param>
/// <param name="a2">Maximum value for range A.</param>
/// <param name="b1">Minimum value for range B.</param>
/// <param name="b2">Maximum value for range B.</param>
abstract mapLinear: x: float * a1: float * a2: float * b1: float * b2: float -> float
abstract smoothstep: x: float * min: float * max: float -> float
abstract smootherstep: x: float * min: float * max: float -> float
/// Random float from 0 to 1 with 16 bits of randomness.
/// Standard Math.random() creates repetitive patterns when applied over larger space.
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Math#random Math.random()}")>]
abstract random16: unit -> float
/// Random integer from low to high interval.
abstract randInt: low: float * high: float -> float
/// Random float from low to high interval.
abstract randFloat: low: float * high: float -> float
/// Random float from - range / 2 to range / 2 interval.
abstract randFloatSpread: range: float -> float
/// Deterministic pseudo-random float in the interval [ 0, 1 ].
abstract seededRandom: ?seed: float -> float
abstract degToRad: degrees: float -> float
abstract radToDeg: radians: float -> float
abstract isPowerOfTwo: value: float -> bool
abstract inverseLerp: x: float * y: float * t: float -> float
/// <summary>
/// Returns a value linearly interpolated from two known points based
/// on the given interval - t = 0 will return x and t = 1 will return y.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">Start point.</param>
/// <param name="y">End point.</param>
/// <param name="t">interpolation factor in the closed interval [0, 1]</param>
abstract lerp: x: float * y: float * t: float -> float
/// <summary>
/// Smoothly interpolate a number from x toward y in a spring-like
/// manner using the dt to maintain frame rate independent movement.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">Current point.</param>
/// <param name="y">Target point.</param>
/// <param name="lambda">A higher lambda value will make the movement more sudden, and a lower value will make the movement more gradual.</param>
/// <param name="dt">Delta time in seconds.</param>
abstract damp: x: float * y: float * lambda: float * dt: float -> float
/// <summary>Returns a value that alternates between 0 and length.</summary>
/// <param name="x">The value to pingpong.</param>
/// <param name="length">The positive value the export function will pingpong to. Default is 1.</param>
abstract pingpong: x: float * ?length: float -> float
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Math#floorPowerOfTwo .floorPowerOfTwo()}")>]
abstract nearestPowerOfTwo: value: float -> float
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Math#ceilPowerOfTwo .ceilPowerOfTwo()}")>]
abstract nextPowerOfTwo: value: float -> float
abstract floorPowerOfTwo: value: float -> float
abstract ceilPowerOfTwo: value: float -> float
abstract setQuaternionFromProperEuler: q: Quaternion * a: float * b: float * c: float * order: string -> unit
module __math_Matrix3 =
type Matrix4 = __math_Matrix4.Matrix4
type Vector3 = __math_Vector3.Vector3
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// ( class Matrix3 implements Matrix<Matrix3> )
abstract Matrix3: Matrix3Static
type Matrix3Tuple =
float * float * float * float * float * float * float * float * float
/// ( interface Matrix<T> )
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Matrix =
/// Array with matrix values.
abstract elements: ResizeArray<float> with get, set
/// identity():T;
abstract identity: unit -> Matrix
/// copy(m:T):T;
abstract copy: m: Matrix -> Matrix
/// multiplyScalar(s:number):T;
abstract multiplyScalar: s: float -> Matrix
abstract determinant: unit -> float
/// transpose():T;
abstract transpose: unit -> Matrix
/// invert():T;
abstract invert: unit -> Matrix
/// clone():T;
abstract clone: unit -> Matrix
/// ( class Matrix3 implements Matrix<Matrix3> )
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Matrix3 =
inherit Matrix
/// <summary>Array with matrix values.</summary>
/// <default>[1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]</default>
abstract elements: ResizeArray<float> with get, set
abstract set: n11: float * n12: float * n13: float * n21: float * n22: float * n23: float * n31: float * n32: float * n33: float -> Matrix3
/// identity():T;
abstract identity: unit -> Matrix3
/// clone():T;
abstract clone: unit -> Matrix3
/// copy(m:T):T;
abstract copy: m: Matrix3 -> Matrix3
abstract extractBasis: xAxis: Vector3 * yAxis: Vector3 * zAxis: Vector3 -> Matrix3
abstract setFromMatrix4: m: Matrix4 -> Matrix3
/// multiplyScalar(s:number):T;
abstract multiplyScalar: s: float -> Matrix3
abstract determinant: unit -> float
/// Inverts this matrix in place.
abstract invert: unit -> Matrix3
/// Transposes this matrix in place.
abstract transpose: unit -> Matrix3
abstract getNormalMatrix: matrix4: Matrix4 -> Matrix3
/// Transposes this matrix into the supplied array r, and returns itself.
abstract transposeIntoArray: r: ResizeArray<float> -> Matrix3
abstract setUvTransform: tx: float * ty: float * sx: float * sy: float * rotation: float * cx: float * cy: float -> Matrix3
abstract scale: sx: float * sy: float -> Matrix3
abstract rotate: theta: float -> Matrix3
abstract translate: tx: float * ty: float -> Matrix3
abstract equals: matrix: Matrix3 -> bool
/// <summary>Sets the values of this matrix from the provided array or array-like.</summary>
/// <param name="array">the source array or array-like.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) offset into the array-like. Default is 0.</param>
abstract fromArray: array: U2<ResizeArray<float>, ArrayLike<float>> * ?offset: float -> Matrix3
/// <summary>Returns an array with the values of this matrix, or copies them into the provided array.</summary>
/// <param name="array">(optional) array to store the matrix to. If this is not provided, a new array will be created.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) optional offset into the array.</param>
/// <returns>The created or provided array.</returns>
abstract toArray: ?array: ResizeArray<float> * ?offset: float -> ResizeArray<float>
abstract toArray: ?array: Matrix3Tuple * ?offset: int -> Matrix3Tuple
/// <summary>Copies he values of this matrix into the provided array-like.</summary>
/// <param name="array">array-like to store the matrix to.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) optional offset into the array-like.</param>
/// <returns>The provided array-like.</returns>
abstract toArray: ?array: ArrayLike<float> * ?offset: float -> ArrayLike<float>
/// Multiplies this matrix by m.
abstract multiply: m: Matrix3 -> Matrix3
abstract premultiply: m: Matrix3 -> Matrix3
/// Sets this matrix to a x b.
abstract multiplyMatrices: a: Matrix3 * b: Matrix3 -> Matrix3
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Vector3.applyMatrix3 vector.applyMatrix3( matrix )} instead.")>]
abstract multiplyVector3: vector: Vector3 -> obj option
[<Obsolete("This method has been removed completely.")>]
abstract multiplyVector3Array: a: obj option -> obj option
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Matrix3#invert .invert()} instead.")>]
abstract getInverse: matrix: Matrix4 * ?throwOnDegenerate: bool -> Matrix3
abstract getInverse: matrix: Matrix -> Matrix
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Matrix3#toArray .toArray()} instead.")>]
abstract flattenToArrayOffset: array: ResizeArray<float> * offset: float -> ResizeArray<float>
/// ( class Matrix3 implements Matrix<Matrix3> )
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Matrix3Static =
/// Creates an identity matrix.
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: unit -> Matrix3
module __math_Matrix4 =
type Vector3 = __math_Vector3.Vector3
type Euler = __math_Euler.Euler
type Quaternion = __math_Quaternion.Quaternion
type Matrix = __math_Matrix3.Matrix
type Matrix3 = __math_Matrix3.Matrix3
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// <summary>A 4x4 Matrix.</summary>
/// <example>
/// // Simple rig for rotating around 3 axes
/// const m = new THREE.Matrix4();
/// const m1 = new THREE.Matrix4();
/// const m2 = new THREE.Matrix4();
/// const m3 = new THREE.Matrix4();
/// const alpha = 0;
/// const beta = Math.PI;
/// const gamma = Math.PI/2;
/// m1.makeRotationX( alpha );
/// m2.makeRotationY( beta );
/// m3.makeRotationZ( gamma );
/// m.multiplyMatrices( m1, m2 );
/// m.multiply( m3 );
/// </example>
abstract Matrix4: Matrix4Static
type Matrix4Tuple =
float * float * float * float * float * float * float * float * float * float * float * float * float * float * float * float
/// <summary>A 4x4 Matrix.</summary>
/// <example>
/// // Simple rig for rotating around 3 axes
/// const m = new THREE.Matrix4();
/// const m1 = new THREE.Matrix4();
/// const m2 = new THREE.Matrix4();
/// const m3 = new THREE.Matrix4();
/// const alpha = 0;
/// const beta = Math.PI;
/// const gamma = Math.PI/2;
/// m1.makeRotationX( alpha );
/// m2.makeRotationY( beta );
/// m3.makeRotationZ( gamma );
/// m.multiplyMatrices( m1, m2 );
/// m.multiply( m3 );
/// </example>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Matrix4 =
inherit Matrix
/// <summary>Array with matrix values.</summary>
/// <default>[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]</default>
abstract elements: ResizeArray<float> with get, set
/// Sets all fields of this matrix.
abstract set: n11: float * n12: float * n13: float * n14: float * n21: float * n22: float * n23: float * n24: float * n31: float * n32: float * n33: float * n34: float * n41: float * n42: float * n43: float * n44: float -> Matrix4
/// Resets this matrix to identity.
abstract identity: unit -> Matrix4
/// clone():T;
abstract clone: unit -> Matrix4
/// copy(m:T):T;
abstract copy: m: Matrix4 -> Matrix4
abstract copyPosition: m: Matrix4 -> Matrix4
abstract extractBasis: xAxis: Vector3 * yAxis: Vector3 * zAxis: Vector3 -> Matrix4
abstract makeBasis: xAxis: Vector3 * yAxis: Vector3 * zAxis: Vector3 -> Matrix4
/// Copies the rotation component of the supplied matrix m into this matrix rotation component.
abstract extractRotation: m: Matrix4 -> Matrix4
abstract makeRotationFromEuler: euler: Euler -> Matrix4
abstract makeRotationFromQuaternion: q: Quaternion -> Matrix4
/// Constructs a rotation matrix, looking from eye towards center with defined up vector.
abstract lookAt: eye: Vector3 * target: Vector3 * up: Vector3 -> Matrix4
/// Multiplies this matrix by m.
abstract multiply: m: Matrix4 -> Matrix4
abstract premultiply: m: Matrix4 -> Matrix4
/// Sets this matrix to a x b.
abstract multiplyMatrices: a: Matrix4 * b: Matrix4 -> Matrix4
/// Sets this matrix to a x b and stores the result into the flat array r.
/// r can be either a regular Array or a TypedArray.
[<Obsolete("This method has been removed completely.")>]
abstract multiplyToArray: a: Matrix4 * b: Matrix4 * r: ResizeArray<float> -> Matrix4
/// Multiplies this matrix by s.
abstract multiplyScalar: s: float -> Matrix4
/// <summary>
/// Computes determinant of this matrix.
/// Based on <see href="" />
/// </summary>
abstract determinant: unit -> float
/// Transposes this matrix.
abstract transpose: unit -> Matrix4
/// Sets the position component for this matrix from vector v.
abstract setPosition: v: U2<Vector3, float> * ?y: float * ?z: float -> Matrix4
/// Inverts this matrix.
abstract invert: unit -> Matrix4
/// Multiplies the columns of this matrix by vector v.
abstract scale: v: Vector3 -> Matrix4
abstract getMaxScaleOnAxis: unit -> float
/// Sets this matrix as translation transform.
abstract makeTranslation: x: float * y: float * z: float -> Matrix4
/// <summary>Sets this matrix as rotation transform around x axis by theta radians.</summary>
/// <param name="theta">Rotation angle in radians.</param>
abstract makeRotationX: theta: float -> Matrix4
/// <summary>Sets this matrix as rotation transform around y axis by theta radians.</summary>
/// <param name="theta">Rotation angle in radians.</param>
abstract makeRotationY: theta: float -> Matrix4
/// <summary>Sets this matrix as rotation transform around z axis by theta radians.</summary>
/// <param name="theta">Rotation angle in radians.</param>
abstract makeRotationZ: theta: float -> Matrix4
/// <summary>
/// Sets this matrix as rotation transform around axis by angle radians.
/// Based on <see href="" />
/// </summary>
/// <param name="axis">Rotation axis.</param>
/// <param name="theta">Rotation angle in radians.</param>
abstract makeRotationAxis: axis: Vector3 * angle: float -> Matrix4
/// Sets this matrix as scale transform.
abstract makeScale: x: float * y: float * z: float -> Matrix4
/// Sets this matrix as shear transform.
abstract makeShear: xy: float * xz: float * yx: float * yz: float * zx: float * zy: float -> Matrix4
/// Sets this matrix to the transformation composed of translation, rotation and scale.
abstract compose: translation: Vector3 * rotation: Quaternion * scale: Vector3 -> Matrix4
/// Decomposes this matrix into it's position, quaternion and scale components.
abstract decompose: translation: Vector3 * rotation: Quaternion * scale: Vector3 -> Matrix4
/// Creates a frustum matrix.
abstract makePerspective: left: float * right: float * bottom: float * top: float * near: float * far: float -> Matrix4
/// Creates a perspective projection matrix.
abstract makePerspective: fov: float * aspect: float * near: float * far: float -> Matrix4
/// Creates an orthographic projection matrix.
abstract makeOrthographic: left: float * right: float * top: float * bottom: float * near: float * far: float -> Matrix4
abstract equals: matrix: Matrix4 -> bool
/// <summary>Sets the values of this matrix from the provided array or array-like.</summary>
/// <param name="array">the source array or array-like.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) offset into the array-like. Default is 0.</param>
abstract fromArray: array: U2<ResizeArray<float>, ArrayLike<float>> * ?offset: float -> Matrix4
/// <summary>Returns an array with the values of this matrix, or copies them into the provided array.</summary>
/// <param name="array">(optional) array to store the matrix to. If this is not provided, a new array will be created.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) optional offset into the array.</param>
/// <returns>The created or provided array.</returns>
abstract toArray: ?array: ResizeArray<float> * ?offset: float -> ResizeArray<float>
abstract toArray: ?array: Matrix4Tuple * ?offset: int -> Matrix4Tuple
/// <summary>Copies he values of this matrix into the provided array-like.</summary>
/// <param name="array">array-like to store the matrix to.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) optional offset into the array-like.</param>
/// <returns>The provided array-like.</returns>
abstract toArray: ?array: ArrayLike<float> * ?offset: float -> ArrayLike<float>
/// Set the upper 3x3 elements of this matrix to the values of the Matrix3 m.
abstract setFromMatrix3: m: Matrix3 -> Matrix4
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Matrix4#copyPosition .copyPosition()} instead.")>]
abstract extractPosition: m: Matrix4 -> Matrix4
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Matrix4#makeRotationFromQuaternion .makeRotationFromQuaternion()} instead.")>]
abstract setRotationFromQuaternion: q: Quaternion -> Matrix4
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Vector3#applyMatrix4 vector.applyMatrix4( matrix )} instead.")>]
abstract multiplyVector3: v: obj option -> obj option
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Vector4#applyMatrix4 vector.applyMatrix4( matrix )} instead.")>]
abstract multiplyVector4: v: obj option -> obj option
[<Obsolete("This method has been removed completely.")>]
abstract multiplyVector3Array: array: ResizeArray<float> -> ResizeArray<float>
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Vector3#transformDirection Vector3.transformDirection( matrix )} instead.")>]
abstract rotateAxis: v: obj option -> unit
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Vector3#applyMatrix4 vector.applyMatrix4( matrix )} instead.")>]
abstract crossVector: v: obj option -> unit
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Matrix4#toArray .toArray()} instead.")>]
abstract flattenToArrayOffset: array: ResizeArray<float> * offset: float -> ResizeArray<float>
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Matrix4#invert .invert()} instead.")>]
abstract getInverse: matrix: Matrix -> Matrix
/// <summary>A 4x4 Matrix.</summary>
/// <example>
/// // Simple rig for rotating around 3 axes
/// const m = new THREE.Matrix4();
/// const m1 = new THREE.Matrix4();
/// const m2 = new THREE.Matrix4();
/// const m3 = new THREE.Matrix4();
/// const alpha = 0;
/// const beta = Math.PI;
/// const gamma = Math.PI/2;
/// m1.makeRotationX( alpha );
/// m2.makeRotationY( beta );
/// m3.makeRotationZ( gamma );
/// m.multiplyMatrices( m1, m2 );
/// m.multiply( m3 );
/// </example>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Matrix4Static =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: unit -> Matrix4
module __math_Plane =
type Vector3 = __math_Vector3.Vector3
type Sphere = __math_Sphere.Sphere
type Line3 = __math_Line3.Line3
type Box3 = __math_Box3.Box3
type Matrix4 = __math_Matrix4.Matrix4
type Matrix3 = __math_Matrix3.Matrix3
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract Plane: PlaneStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Plane =
/// <default>new THREE.Vector3( 1, 0, 0 )</default>
abstract normal: Vector3 with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract constant: float with get, set
abstract isPlane: bool
abstract set: normal: Vector3 * constant: float -> Plane
abstract setComponents: x: float * y: float * z: float * w: float -> Plane
abstract setFromNormalAndCoplanarPoint: normal: Vector3 * point: Vector3 -> Plane
abstract setFromCoplanarPoints: a: Vector3 * b: Vector3 * c: Vector3 -> Plane
abstract clone: unit -> Plane
abstract copy: plane: Plane -> Plane
abstract normalize: unit -> Plane
abstract negate: unit -> Plane
abstract distanceToPoint: point: Vector3 -> float
abstract distanceToSphere: sphere: Sphere -> float
abstract projectPoint: point: Vector3 * target: Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract orthoPoint: point: Vector3 * target: Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract intersectLine: line: Line3 * target: Vector3 -> Vector3 option
abstract intersectsLine: line: Line3 -> bool
abstract intersectsBox: box: Box3 -> bool
abstract intersectsSphere: sphere: Sphere -> bool
abstract coplanarPoint: target: Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract applyMatrix4: matrix: Matrix4 * ?optionalNormalMatrix: Matrix3 -> Plane
abstract translate: offset: Vector3 -> Plane
abstract equals: plane: Plane -> bool
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Plane#intersectsLine .intersectsLine()} instead.")>]
abstract isIntersectionLine: l: obj option -> obj option
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] PlaneStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?normal: Vector3 * ?constant: float -> Plane
module __math_Quaternion =
type Euler = __math_Euler.Euler
type Vector3 = __math_Vector3.Vector3
type Matrix4 = __math_Matrix4.Matrix4
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// <summary>Implementation of a quaternion. This is used for rotating things without incurring in the dreaded gimbal lock issue, amongst other advantages.</summary>
/// <example>
/// const quaternion = new THREE.Quaternion();
/// quaternion.setFromAxisAngle( new THREE.Vector3( 0, 1, 0 ), Math.PI / 2 );
/// const vector = new THREE.Vector3( 1, 0, 0 );
/// vector.applyQuaternion( quaternion );
/// </example>
abstract Quaternion: QuaternionStatic
/// <summary>Implementation of a quaternion. This is used for rotating things without incurring in the dreaded gimbal lock issue, amongst other advantages.</summary>
/// <example>
/// const quaternion = new THREE.Quaternion();
/// quaternion.setFromAxisAngle( new THREE.Vector3( 0, 1, 0 ), Math.PI / 2 );
/// const vector = new THREE.Vector3( 1, 0, 0 );
/// vector.applyQuaternion( quaternion );
/// </example>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Quaternion =
/// <default>0</default>
abstract x: float with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract y: float with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract z: float with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract w: float with get, set
abstract isQuaternion: bool
/// Sets values of this quaternion.
abstract set: x: float * y: float * z: float * w: float -> Quaternion
/// Clones this quaternion.
abstract clone: unit -> Quaternion
/// Copies values of q to this quaternion.
abstract copy: q: Quaternion -> Quaternion
/// Sets this quaternion from rotation specified by Euler angles.
abstract setFromEuler: euler: Euler * ?update: bool -> Quaternion
/// <summary>
/// Sets this quaternion from rotation specified by axis and angle.
/// Adapted from <see href="" />
/// Axis have to be normalized, angle is in radians.
/// </summary>
abstract setFromAxisAngle: axis: Vector3 * angle: float -> Quaternion
/// <summary>Sets this quaternion from rotation component of m. Adapted from <see href="" /></summary>
abstract setFromRotationMatrix: m: Matrix4 -> Quaternion
abstract setFromUnitVectors: vFrom: Vector3 * vTo: Vector3 -> Quaternion
abstract angleTo: q: Quaternion -> float
abstract rotateTowards: q: Quaternion * step: float -> Quaternion
abstract identity: unit -> Quaternion
/// Inverts this quaternion.
abstract invert: unit -> Quaternion
abstract conjugate: unit -> Quaternion
abstract dot: v: Quaternion -> float
abstract lengthSq: unit -> float
/// Computes length of this quaternion.
abstract length: unit -> float
/// Normalizes this quaternion.
abstract normalize: unit -> Quaternion
/// Multiplies this quaternion by b.
abstract multiply: q: Quaternion -> Quaternion
abstract premultiply: q: Quaternion -> Quaternion
/// <summary>
/// Sets this quaternion to a x b
/// Adapted from <see href="" />
/// </summary>
abstract multiplyQuaternions: a: Quaternion * b: Quaternion -> Quaternion
abstract slerp: qb: Quaternion * t: float -> Quaternion
abstract slerpQuaternions: qa: Quaternion * qb: Quaternion * t: float -> Quaternion
abstract equals: v: Quaternion -> bool
/// <summary>Sets this quaternion's x, y, z and w value from the provided array or array-like.</summary>
/// <param name="array">the source array or array-like.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) offset into the array. Default is 0.</param>
abstract fromArray: array: U2<ResizeArray<float>, ArrayLike<float>> * ?offset: float -> Quaternion
/// <summary>Returns an array [x, y, z, w], or copies x, y, z and w into the provided array.</summary>
/// <param name="array">(optional) array to store the quaternion to. If this is not provided, a new array will be created.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) optional offset into the array.</param>
/// <returns>The created or provided array.</returns>
abstract toArray: ?array: ResizeArray<float> * ?offset: float -> ResizeArray<float>
/// <summary>Copies x, y, z and w into the provided array-like.</summary>
/// <param name="array">array-like to store the quaternion to.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) optional offset into the array.</param>
/// <returns>The provided array-like.</returns>
abstract toArray: array: ArrayLike<float> * ?offset: float -> ArrayLike<float>
abstract _onChange: callback: (unit -> unit) -> Quaternion
abstract _onChangeCallback: (unit -> unit) with get, set
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Vector#applyQuaternion vector.applyQuaternion( quaternion )} instead.")>]
abstract multiplyVector3: v: obj option -> obj option
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Quaternion#invert .invert()} instead.")>]
abstract inverse: unit -> Quaternion
/// <summary>Implementation of a quaternion. This is used for rotating things without incurring in the dreaded gimbal lock issue, amongst other advantages.</summary>
/// <example>
/// const quaternion = new THREE.Quaternion();
/// quaternion.setFromAxisAngle( new THREE.Vector3( 0, 1, 0 ), Math.PI / 2 );
/// const vector = new THREE.Vector3( 1, 0, 0 );
/// vector.applyQuaternion( quaternion );
/// </example>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] QuaternionStatic =
/// <param name="x">x coordinate</param>
/// <param name="y">y coordinate</param>
/// <param name="z">z coordinate</param>
/// <param name="w">w coordinate</param>
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?x: float * ?y: float * ?z: float * ?w: float -> Quaternion
abstract slerpFlat: dst: ResizeArray<float> * dstOffset: float * src0: ResizeArray<float> * srcOffset: float * src1: ResizeArray<float> * stcOffset1: float * t: float -> Quaternion
abstract multiplyQuaternionsFlat: dst: ResizeArray<float> * dstOffset: float * src0: ResizeArray<float> * srcOffset: float * src1: ResizeArray<float> * stcOffset1: float -> ResizeArray<float>
[<Obsolete("Use qm.slerpQuaternions( qa, qb, t ) instead..")>]
abstract slerp: qa: Quaternion * qb: Quaternion * qm: Quaternion * t: float -> float
module __math_Ray =
type Vector3 = __math_Vector3.Vector3
type Sphere = __math_Sphere.Sphere
type Plane = __math_Plane.Plane
type Box3 = __math_Box3.Box3
type Matrix4 = __math_Matrix4.Matrix4
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract Ray: RayStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Ray =
/// <default>new THREE.Vector3()</default>
abstract origin: Vector3 with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.Vector3( 0, 0, - 1 )</default>
abstract direction: Vector3 with get, set
abstract set: origin: Vector3 * direction: Vector3 -> Ray
abstract clone: unit -> Ray
abstract copy: ray: Ray -> Ray
abstract at: t: float * target: Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract lookAt: v: Vector3 -> Ray
abstract recast: t: float -> Ray
abstract closestPointToPoint: point: Vector3 * target: Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract distanceToPoint: point: Vector3 -> float
abstract distanceSqToPoint: point: Vector3 -> float
abstract distanceSqToSegment: v0: Vector3 * v1: Vector3 * ?optionalPointOnRay: Vector3 * ?optionalPointOnSegment: Vector3 -> float
abstract intersectSphere: sphere: Sphere * target: Vector3 -> Vector3 option
abstract intersectsSphere: sphere: Sphere -> bool
abstract distanceToPlane: plane: Plane -> float
abstract intersectPlane: plane: Plane * target: Vector3 -> Vector3 option
abstract intersectsPlane: plane: Plane -> bool
abstract intersectBox: box: Box3 * target: Vector3 -> Vector3 option
abstract intersectsBox: box: Box3 -> bool
abstract intersectTriangle: a: Vector3 * b: Vector3 * c: Vector3 * backfaceCulling: bool * target: Vector3 -> Vector3 option
abstract applyMatrix4: matrix4: Matrix4 -> Ray
abstract equals: ray: Ray -> bool
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Ray#intersectsBox .intersectsBox()} instead.")>]
abstract isIntersectionBox: b: obj option -> obj option
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Ray#intersectsPlane .intersectsPlane()} instead.")>]
abstract isIntersectionPlane: p: obj option -> obj option
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Ray#intersectsSphere .intersectsSphere()} instead.")>]
abstract isIntersectionSphere: s: obj option -> obj option
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] RayStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?origin: Vector3 * ?direction: Vector3 -> Ray
module __math_Sphere =
type Vector3 = __math_Vector3.Vector3
type Box3 = __math_Box3.Box3
type Plane = __math_Plane.Plane
type Matrix4 = __math_Matrix4.Matrix4
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract Sphere: SphereStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Sphere =
/// <default>new Vector3()</default>
abstract center: Vector3 with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract radius: float with get, set
abstract set: center: Vector3 * radius: float -> Sphere
abstract setFromPoints: points: ResizeArray<Vector3> * ?optionalCenter: Vector3 -> Sphere
abstract clone: unit -> Sphere
abstract copy: sphere: Sphere -> Sphere
abstract expandByPoint: point: Vector3 -> Sphere
abstract isEmpty: unit -> bool
abstract makeEmpty: unit -> Sphere
abstract containsPoint: point: Vector3 -> bool
abstract distanceToPoint: point: Vector3 -> float
abstract intersectsSphere: sphere: Sphere -> bool
abstract intersectsBox: box: Box3 -> bool
abstract intersectsPlane: plane: Plane -> bool
abstract clampPoint: point: Vector3 * target: Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract getBoundingBox: target: Box3 -> Box3
abstract applyMatrix4: matrix: Matrix4 -> Sphere
abstract translate: offset: Vector3 -> Sphere
abstract equals: sphere: Sphere -> bool
abstract union: sphere: Sphere -> Sphere
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Sphere#isEmpty .isEmpty()} instead.")>]
abstract empty: unit -> obj option
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] SphereStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?center: Vector3 * ?radius: float -> Sphere
module __math_Spherical =
type Vector3 = __math_Vector3.Vector3
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract Spherical: SphericalStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Spherical =
/// <default>1</default>
abstract radius: float with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract phi: float with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract theta: float with get, set
abstract set: radius: float * phi: float * theta: float -> Spherical
abstract clone: unit -> Spherical
abstract copy: other: Spherical -> Spherical
abstract makeSafe: unit -> Spherical
abstract setFromVector3: v: Vector3 -> Spherical
abstract setFromCartesianCoords: x: float * y: float * z: float -> Spherical
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] SphericalStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?radius: float * ?phi: float * ?theta: float -> Spherical
module __math_SphericalHarmonics3 =
type Vector3 = __math_Vector3.Vector3
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract SphericalHarmonics3: SphericalHarmonics3Static
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] SphericalHarmonics3 =
/// <default>
/// [new THREE.Vector3(), new THREE.Vector3(), new THREE.Vector3(), new THREE.Vector3(),
/// new THREE.Vector3(), new THREE.Vector3(), new THREE.Vector3(), new THREE.Vector3(), new THREE.Vector3()]
/// </default>
abstract coefficients: ResizeArray<Vector3> with get, set
abstract isSphericalHarmonics3: bool
abstract set: coefficients: ResizeArray<Vector3> -> SphericalHarmonics3
abstract zero: unit -> SphericalHarmonics3
abstract add: sh: SphericalHarmonics3 -> SphericalHarmonics3
abstract addScaledSH: sh: SphericalHarmonics3 * s: float -> SphericalHarmonics3
abstract scale: s: float -> SphericalHarmonics3
abstract lerp: sh: SphericalHarmonics3 * alpha: float -> SphericalHarmonics3
abstract equals: sh: SphericalHarmonics3 -> bool
abstract copy: sh: SphericalHarmonics3 -> SphericalHarmonics3
abstract clone: unit -> SphericalHarmonics3
/// <summary>Sets the values of this spherical harmonics from the provided array or array-like.</summary>
/// <param name="array">the source array or array-like.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) offset into the array. Default is 0.</param>
abstract fromArray: array: U2<ResizeArray<float>, ArrayLike<float>> * ?offset: float -> SphericalHarmonics3
/// <summary>Returns an array with the values of this spherical harmonics, or copies them into the provided array.</summary>
/// <param name="array">(optional) array to store the spherical harmonics to. If this is not provided, a new array will be created.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) optional offset into the array.</param>
/// <returns>The created or provided array.</returns>
abstract toArray: ?array: ResizeArray<float> * ?offset: float -> ResizeArray<float>
/// <summary>Returns an array with the values of this spherical harmonics, or copies them into the provided array-like.</summary>
/// <param name="array">array-like to store the spherical harmonics to.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) optional offset into the array-like.</param>
/// <returns>The provided array-like.</returns>
abstract toArray: array: ArrayLike<float> * ?offset: float -> ArrayLike<float>
abstract getAt: normal: Vector3 * target: Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract getIrradianceAt: normal: Vector3 * target: Vector3 -> Vector3
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] SphericalHarmonics3Static =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: unit -> SphericalHarmonics3
abstract getBasisAt: normal: Vector3 * shBasis: ResizeArray<float> -> unit
module __math_Triangle =
type Vector2 = __math_Vector2.Vector2
type Vector3 = __math_Vector3.Vector3
type Plane = __math_Plane.Plane
type Box3 = __math_Box3.Box3
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract Triangle: TriangleStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Triangle =
/// <default>new THREE.Vector3()</default>
abstract a: Vector3 with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.Vector3()</default>
abstract b: Vector3 with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.Vector3()</default>
abstract c: Vector3 with get, set
abstract set: a: Vector3 * b: Vector3 * c: Vector3 -> Triangle
abstract setFromPointsAndIndices: points: ResizeArray<Vector3> * i0: float * i1: float * i2: float -> Triangle
abstract clone: unit -> Triangle
abstract copy: triangle: Triangle -> Triangle
abstract getArea: unit -> float
abstract getMidpoint: target: Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract getNormal: target: Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract getPlane: target: Plane -> Plane
abstract getBarycoord: point: Vector3 * target: Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract getUV: point: Vector3 * uv1: Vector2 * uv2: Vector2 * uv3: Vector2 * target: Vector2 -> Vector2
abstract containsPoint: point: Vector3 -> bool
abstract intersectsBox: box: Box3 -> bool
abstract isFrontFacing: direction: Vector3 -> bool
abstract closestPointToPoint: point: Vector3 * target: Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract equals: triangle: Triangle -> bool
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] TriangleStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?a: Vector3 * ?b: Vector3 * ?c: Vector3 -> Triangle
abstract getNormal: a: Vector3 * b: Vector3 * c: Vector3 * target: Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract getBarycoord: point: Vector3 * a: Vector3 * b: Vector3 * c: Vector3 * target: Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract containsPoint: point: Vector3 * a: Vector3 * b: Vector3 * c: Vector3 -> bool
abstract getUV: point: Vector3 * p1: Vector3 * p2: Vector3 * p3: Vector3 * uv1: Vector2 * uv2: Vector2 * uv3: Vector2 * target: Vector2 -> Vector2
abstract isFrontFacing: a: Vector3 * b: Vector3 * c: Vector3 * direction: Vector3 -> bool
module __math_Vector2 =
type Matrix3 = __math_Matrix3.Matrix3
type BufferAttribute = __core_BufferAttribute.BufferAttribute
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// 2D vector.
/// ( class Vector2 implements Vector<Vector2> )
abstract Vector2: Vector2Static
type Vector2Tuple =
float * float
/// <summary>
/// ( interface Vector&lt;T&gt; )
/// Abstract interface of <see href="">Vector2</see>,
/// <see href="">Vector3</see>
/// and <see href="">Vector4</see>.
/// Currently the members of Vector is NOT type safe because it accepts different typed vectors.
/// Those definitions will be changed when TypeScript innovates Generics to be type safe.
/// </summary>
/// <example>
/// const v:THREE.Vector = new THREE.Vector3();
/// v.addVectors(new THREE.Vector2(0, 1), new THREE.Vector2(2, 3)); // invalid but compiled successfully
/// </example>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Vector =
abstract setComponent: index: float * value: float -> Vector
abstract getComponent: index: float -> float
abstract set: [<ParamArray>] args: float[] -> Vector
abstract setScalar: scalar: float -> Vector
/// copy(v:T):T;
abstract copy: v: Vector -> Vector
/// NOTE: The second argument is deprecated.
/// add(v:T):T;
abstract add: v: Vector -> Vector
/// addVectors(a:T, b:T):T;
abstract addVectors: a: Vector * b: Vector -> Vector
abstract addScaledVector: vector: Vector * scale: float -> Vector
/// Adds the scalar value s to this vector's values.
abstract addScalar: scalar: float -> Vector
/// sub(v:T):T;
abstract sub: v: Vector -> Vector
/// subVectors(a:T, b:T):T;
abstract subVectors: a: Vector * b: Vector -> Vector
/// multiplyScalar(s:number):T;
abstract multiplyScalar: s: float -> Vector
/// divideScalar(s:number):T;
abstract divideScalar: s: float -> Vector
/// negate():T;
abstract negate: unit -> Vector
/// dot(v:T):T;
abstract dot: v: Vector -> float
/// lengthSq():number;
abstract lengthSq: unit -> float
/// length():number;
abstract length: unit -> float
/// normalize():T;
abstract normalize: unit -> Vector
/// NOTE: Vector4 doesn't have the property.
/// distanceTo(v:T):number;
abstract distanceTo: v: Vector -> float
/// NOTE: Vector4 doesn't have the property.
/// distanceToSquared(v:T):number;
abstract distanceToSquared: v: Vector -> float
/// setLength(l:number):T;
abstract setLength: l: float -> Vector
/// lerp(v:T, alpha:number):T;
abstract lerp: v: Vector * alpha: float -> Vector
/// equals(v:T):boolean;
abstract equals: v: Vector -> bool
/// clone():T;
abstract clone: unit -> Vector
/// 2D vector.
/// ( class Vector2 implements Vector<Vector2> )
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Vector2 =
inherit Vector
/// <default>0</default>
abstract x: float with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract y: float with get, set
abstract width: float with get, set
abstract height: float with get, set
abstract isVector2: bool
/// Sets value of this vector.
abstract set: x: float * y: float -> Vector2
/// Sets the x and y values of this vector both equal to scalar.
abstract setScalar: scalar: float -> Vector2
/// Sets X component of this vector.
abstract setX: x: float -> Vector2
/// Sets Y component of this vector.
abstract setY: y: float -> Vector2
/// Sets a component of this vector.
abstract setComponent: index: float * value: float -> Vector2
/// Gets a component of this vector.
abstract getComponent: index: float -> float
/// <summary>Returns a new Vector2 instance with the same <c>x</c> and <c>y</c> values.</summary>
abstract clone: unit -> Vector2
/// Copies value of v to this vector.
abstract copy: v: Vector2 -> Vector2
/// Adds v to this vector.
abstract add: v: Vector2 * ?w: Vector2 -> Vector2
/// Adds the scalar value s to this vector's x and y values.
abstract addScalar: s: float -> Vector2
/// Sets this vector to a + b.
abstract addVectors: a: Vector2 * b: Vector2 -> Vector2
/// Adds the multiple of v and s to this vector.
abstract addScaledVector: v: Vector2 * s: float -> Vector2
/// Subtracts v from this vector.
abstract sub: v: Vector2 -> Vector2
/// Subtracts s from this vector's x and y components.
abstract subScalar: s: float -> Vector2
/// Sets this vector to a - b.
abstract subVectors: a: Vector2 * b: Vector2 -> Vector2
/// Multiplies this vector by v.
abstract multiply: v: Vector2 -> Vector2
/// Multiplies this vector by scalar s.
abstract multiplyScalar: scalar: float -> Vector2
/// Divides this vector by v.
abstract divide: v: Vector2 -> Vector2
/// Divides this vector by scalar s.
/// Set vector to ( 0, 0 ) if s == 0.
abstract divideScalar: s: float -> Vector2
/// Multiplies this vector (with an implicit 1 as the 3rd component) by m.
abstract applyMatrix3: m: Matrix3 -> Vector2
/// If this vector's x or y value is greater than v's x or y value, replace that value with the corresponding min value.
abstract min: v: Vector2 -> Vector2
/// If this vector's x or y value is less than v's x or y value, replace that value with the corresponding max value.
abstract max: v: Vector2 -> Vector2
/// <summary>
/// If this vector's x or y value is greater than the max vector's x or y value, it is replaced by the corresponding value.
/// If this vector's x or y value is less than the min vector's x or y value, it is replaced by the corresponding value.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="min">the minimum x and y values.</param>
/// <param name="max">the maximum x and y values in the desired range.</param>
abstract clamp: min: Vector2 * max: Vector2 -> Vector2
/// <summary>
/// If this vector's x or y values are greater than the max value, they are replaced by the max value.
/// If this vector's x or y values are less than the min value, they are replaced by the min value.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="min">the minimum value the components will be clamped to.</param>
/// <param name="max">the maximum value the components will be clamped to.</param>
abstract clampScalar: min: float * max: float -> Vector2
/// <summary>
/// If this vector's length is greater than the max value, it is replaced by the max value.
/// If this vector's length is less than the min value, it is replaced by the min value.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="min">the minimum value the length will be clamped to.</param>
/// <param name="max">the maximum value the length will be clamped to.</param>
abstract clampLength: min: float * max: float -> Vector2
/// The components of the vector are rounded down to the nearest integer value.
abstract floor: unit -> Vector2
/// The x and y components of the vector are rounded up to the nearest integer value.
abstract ceil: unit -> Vector2
/// The components of the vector are rounded to the nearest integer value.
abstract round: unit -> Vector2
/// The components of the vector are rounded towards zero (up if negative, down if positive) to an integer value.
abstract roundToZero: unit -> Vector2
/// Inverts this vector.
abstract negate: unit -> Vector2
/// Computes dot product of this vector and v.
abstract dot: v: Vector2 -> float
/// Computes cross product of this vector and v.
abstract cross: v: Vector2 -> float
/// Computes squared length of this vector.
abstract lengthSq: unit -> float
/// Computes length of this vector.
abstract length: unit -> float
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Vector2#manhattanLength .manhattanLength()} instead.")>]
abstract lengthManhattan: unit -> float
/// <summary>
/// Computes the Manhattan length of this vector.
/// see <see href="">Wikipedia: Taxicab Geometry</see>
/// </summary>
abstract manhattanLength: unit -> float
/// Normalizes this vector.
abstract normalize: unit -> Vector2
/// computes the angle in radians with respect to the positive x-axis
abstract angle: unit -> float
/// Computes distance of this vector to v.
abstract distanceTo: v: Vector2 -> float
/// Computes squared distance of this vector to v.
abstract distanceToSquared: v: Vector2 -> float
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Vector2#manhattanDistanceTo .manhattanDistanceTo()} instead.")>]
abstract distanceToManhattan: v: Vector2 -> float
/// <summary>
/// Computes the Manhattan length (distance) from this vector to the given vector v
/// see <see href="">Wikipedia: Taxicab Geometry</see>
/// </summary>
abstract manhattanDistanceTo: v: Vector2 -> float
/// Normalizes this vector and multiplies it by l.
abstract setLength: length: float -> Vector2
/// <summary>Linearly interpolates between this vector and v, where alpha is the distance along the line - alpha = 0 will be this vector, and alpha = 1 will be v.</summary>
/// <param name="v">vector to interpolate towards.</param>
/// <param name="alpha">interpolation factor in the closed interval [0, 1].</param>
abstract lerp: v: Vector2 * alpha: float -> Vector2
/// <summary>Sets this vector to be the vector linearly interpolated between v1 and v2 where alpha is the distance along the line connecting the two vectors - alpha = 0 will be v1, and alpha = 1 will be v2.</summary>
/// <param name="v1">the starting vector.</param>
/// <param name="v2">vector to interpolate towards.</param>
/// <param name="alpha">interpolation factor in the closed interval [0, 1].</param>
abstract lerpVectors: v1: Vector2 * v2: Vector2 * alpha: float -> Vector2
/// Checks for strict equality of this vector and v.
abstract equals: v: Vector2 -> bool
/// <summary>Sets this vector's x and y value from the provided array or array-like.</summary>
/// <param name="array">the source array or array-like.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) offset into the array. Default is 0.</param>
abstract fromArray: array: U2<ResizeArray<float>, ArrayLike<float>> * ?offset: float -> Vector2
/// <summary>Returns an array [x, y], or copies x and y into the provided array.</summary>
/// <param name="array">(optional) array to store the vector to. If this is not provided, a new array will be created.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) optional offset into the array.</param>
/// <returns>The created or provided array.</returns>
abstract toArray: ?array: ResizeArray<float> * ?offset: float -> ResizeArray<float>
abstract toArray: ?array: Vector2Tuple * ?offset: int -> Vector2Tuple
/// <summary>Copies x and y into the provided array-like.</summary>
/// <param name="array">array-like to store the vector to.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) optional offset into the array.</param>
/// <returns>The provided array-like.</returns>
abstract toArray: array: ArrayLike<float> * ?offset: float -> ArrayLike<float>
/// <summary>Sets this vector's x and y values from the attribute.</summary>
/// <param name="attribute">the source attribute.</param>
/// <param name="index">index in the attribute.</param>
abstract fromBufferAttribute: attribute: BufferAttribute * index: float -> Vector2
/// <summary>Rotates the vector around center by angle radians.</summary>
/// <param name="center">the point around which to rotate.</param>
/// <param name="angle">the angle to rotate, in radians.</param>
abstract rotateAround: center: Vector2 * angle: float -> Vector2
/// Sets this vector's x and y from Math.random
abstract random: unit -> Vector2
/// 2D vector.
/// ( class Vector2 implements Vector<Vector2> )
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Vector2Static =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?x: float * ?y: float -> Vector2
module __math_Vector3 =
type Euler = __math_Euler.Euler
type Matrix3 = __math_Matrix3.Matrix3
type Matrix4 = __math_Matrix4.Matrix4
type Quaternion = __math_Quaternion.Quaternion
type Camera = __cameras_Camera.Camera
type Spherical = __math_Spherical.Spherical
type Cylindrical = __math_Cylindrical.Cylindrical
type BufferAttribute = __core_BufferAttribute.BufferAttribute
type InterleavedBufferAttribute = __core_InterleavedBufferAttribute.InterleavedBufferAttribute
type Vector = __math_Vector2.Vector
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// <summary>
/// 3D vector. ( class Vector3 implements Vector&lt;Vector3&gt; )
/// see <see href="" />
/// </summary>
/// <example>
/// const a = new THREE.Vector3( 1, 0, 0 );
/// const b = new THREE.Vector3( 0, 1, 0 );
/// const c = new THREE.Vector3();
/// c.crossVectors( a, b );
/// </example>
abstract Vector3: Vector3Static
type Vector3Tuple =
float * float * float
/// <summary>
/// 3D vector. ( class Vector3 implements Vector&lt;Vector3&gt; )
/// see <see href="" />
/// </summary>
/// <example>
/// const a = new THREE.Vector3( 1, 0, 0 );
/// const b = new THREE.Vector3( 0, 1, 0 );
/// const c = new THREE.Vector3();
/// c.crossVectors( a, b );
/// </example>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Vector3 =
inherit Vector
/// <default>0</default>
abstract x: float with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract y: float with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract z: float with get, set
abstract isVector3: bool
/// Sets value of this vector.
abstract set: x: float * y: float * z: float -> Vector3
/// Sets all values of this vector.
abstract setScalar: scalar: float -> Vector3
/// Sets x value of this vector.
abstract setX: x: float -> Vector3
/// Sets y value of this vector.
abstract setY: y: float -> Vector3
/// Sets z value of this vector.
abstract setZ: z: float -> Vector3
abstract setComponent: index: float * value: float -> Vector3
abstract getComponent: index: float -> float
/// Clones this vector.
abstract clone: unit -> Vector3
/// Copies value of v to this vector.
abstract copy: v: Vector3 -> Vector3
/// Adds v to this vector.
abstract add: v: Vector3 -> Vector3
/// Adds the scalar value s to this vector's values.
abstract addScalar: s: float -> Vector3
abstract addScaledVector: v: Vector3 * s: float -> Vector3
/// Sets this vector to a + b.
abstract addVectors: a: Vector3 * b: Vector3 -> Vector3
/// Subtracts v from this vector.
abstract sub: a: Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract subScalar: s: float -> Vector3
/// Sets this vector to a - b.
abstract subVectors: a: Vector3 * b: Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract multiply: v: Vector3 -> Vector3
/// Multiplies this vector by scalar s.
abstract multiplyScalar: s: float -> Vector3
abstract multiplyVectors: a: Vector3 * b: Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract applyEuler: euler: Euler -> Vector3
abstract applyAxisAngle: axis: Vector3 * angle: float -> Vector3
abstract applyMatrix3: m: Matrix3 -> Vector3
abstract applyNormalMatrix: m: Matrix3 -> Vector3
abstract applyMatrix4: m: Matrix4 -> Vector3
abstract applyQuaternion: q: Quaternion -> Vector3
abstract project: camera: Camera -> Vector3
abstract unproject: camera: Camera -> Vector3
abstract transformDirection: m: Matrix4 -> Vector3
abstract divide: v: Vector3 -> Vector3
/// Divides this vector by scalar s.
/// Set vector to ( 0, 0, 0 ) if s == 0.
abstract divideScalar: s: float -> Vector3
abstract min: v: Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract max: v: Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract clamp: min: Vector3 * max: Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract clampScalar: min: float * max: float -> Vector3
abstract clampLength: min: float * max: float -> Vector3
abstract floor: unit -> Vector3
abstract ceil: unit -> Vector3
abstract round: unit -> Vector3
abstract roundToZero: unit -> Vector3
/// Inverts this vector.
abstract negate: unit -> Vector3
/// Computes dot product of this vector and v.
abstract dot: v: Vector3 -> float
/// Computes squared length of this vector.
abstract lengthSq: unit -> float
/// Computes length of this vector.
abstract length: unit -> float
/// <summary>
/// Computes Manhattan length of this vector.
/// <see href="" />
/// </summary>
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Vector3#manhattanLength .manhattanLength()} instead.")>]
abstract lengthManhattan: unit -> float
/// <summary>
/// Computes the Manhattan length of this vector.
/// see <see href="">Wikipedia: Taxicab Geometry</see>
/// </summary>
abstract manhattanLength: unit -> float
/// <summary>
/// Computes the Manhattan length (distance) from this vector to the given vector v
/// see <see href="">Wikipedia: Taxicab Geometry</see>
/// </summary>
abstract manhattanDistanceTo: v: Vector3 -> float
/// Normalizes this vector.
abstract normalize: unit -> Vector3
/// Normalizes this vector and multiplies it by l.
abstract setLength: l: float -> Vector3
/// lerp(v:T, alpha:number):T;
abstract lerp: v: Vector3 * alpha: float -> Vector3
abstract lerpVectors: v1: Vector3 * v2: Vector3 * alpha: float -> Vector3
/// Sets this vector to cross product of itself and v.
abstract cross: a: Vector3 -> Vector3
/// Sets this vector to cross product of a and b.
abstract crossVectors: a: Vector3 * b: Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract projectOnVector: v: Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract projectOnPlane: planeNormal: Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract reflect: vector: Vector3 -> Vector3
abstract angleTo: v: Vector3 -> float
/// Computes distance of this vector to v.
abstract distanceTo: v: Vector3 -> float
/// Computes squared distance of this vector to v.
abstract distanceToSquared: v: Vector3 -> float
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Vector3#manhattanDistanceTo .manhattanDistanceTo()} instead.")>]
abstract distanceToManhattan: v: Vector3 -> float
abstract setFromSpherical: s: Spherical -> Vector3
abstract setFromSphericalCoords: r: float * phi: float * theta: float -> Vector3
abstract setFromCylindrical: s: Cylindrical -> Vector3
abstract setFromCylindricalCoords: radius: float * theta: float * y: float -> Vector3
abstract setFromMatrixPosition: m: Matrix4 -> Vector3
abstract setFromMatrixScale: m: Matrix4 -> Vector3
abstract setFromMatrixColumn: matrix: Matrix4 * index: float -> Vector3
abstract setFromMatrix3Column: matrix: Matrix3 * index: float -> Vector3
/// Checks for strict equality of this vector and v.
abstract equals: v: Vector3 -> bool
/// <summary>Sets this vector's x, y and z value from the provided array or array-like.</summary>
/// <param name="array">the source array or array-like.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) offset into the array. Default is 0.</param>
abstract fromArray: array: U2<ResizeArray<float>, ArrayLike<float>> * ?offset: float -> Vector3
/// <summary>Returns an array [x, y, z], or copies x, y and z into the provided array.</summary>
/// <param name="array">(optional) array to store the vector to. If this is not provided, a new array will be created.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) optional offset into the array.</param>
/// <returns>The created or provided array.</returns>
abstract toArray: ?array: ResizeArray<float> * ?offset: float -> ResizeArray<float>
abstract toArray: ?array: Vector3Tuple * ?offset: int -> Vector3Tuple
/// <summary>Copies x, y and z into the provided array-like.</summary>
/// <param name="array">array-like to store the vector to.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) optional offset into the array-like.</param>
/// <returns>The provided array-like.</returns>
abstract toArray: array: ArrayLike<float> * ?offset: float -> ArrayLike<float>
abstract fromBufferAttribute: attribute: U2<BufferAttribute, InterleavedBufferAttribute> * index: float -> Vector3
/// Sets this vector's x, y and z from Math.random
abstract random: unit -> Vector3
/// <summary>
/// 3D vector. ( class Vector3 implements Vector&lt;Vector3&gt; )
/// see <see href="" />
/// </summary>
/// <example>
/// const a = new THREE.Vector3( 1, 0, 0 );
/// const b = new THREE.Vector3( 0, 1, 0 );
/// const c = new THREE.Vector3();
/// c.crossVectors( a, b );
/// </example>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Vector3Static =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?x: float * ?y: float * ?z: float -> Vector3
module __math_Vector4 =
type Matrix4 = __math_Matrix4.Matrix4
type Quaternion = __math_Quaternion.Quaternion
type BufferAttribute = __core_BufferAttribute.BufferAttribute
type Vector = __math_Vector2.Vector
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// 4D vector.
/// ( class Vector4 implements Vector<Vector4> )
abstract Vector4: Vector4Static
type Vector4Tuple =
float * float * float * float
/// 4D vector.
/// ( class Vector4 implements Vector<Vector4> )
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Vector4 =
inherit Vector
/// <default>0</default>
abstract x: float with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract y: float with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract z: float with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract w: float with get, set
abstract width: float with get, set
abstract height: float with get, set
abstract isVector4: bool
/// Sets value of this vector.
abstract set: x: float * y: float * z: float * w: float -> Vector4
/// Sets all values of this vector.
abstract setScalar: scalar: float -> Vector4
/// Sets X component of this vector.
abstract setX: x: float -> Vector4
/// Sets Y component of this vector.
abstract setY: y: float -> Vector4
/// Sets Z component of this vector.
abstract setZ: z: float -> Vector4
/// Sets w component of this vector.
abstract setW: w: float -> Vector4
abstract setComponent: index: float * value: float -> Vector4
abstract getComponent: index: float -> float
/// Clones this vector.
abstract clone: unit -> Vector4
/// Copies value of v to this vector.
abstract copy: v: Vector4 -> Vector4
/// Adds v to this vector.
abstract add: v: Vector4 -> Vector4
/// Adds the scalar value s to this vector's values.
abstract addScalar: scalar: float -> Vector4
/// Sets this vector to a + b.
abstract addVectors: a: Vector4 * b: Vector4 -> Vector4
abstract addScaledVector: v: Vector4 * s: float -> Vector4
/// Subtracts v from this vector.
abstract sub: v: Vector4 -> Vector4
abstract subScalar: s: float -> Vector4
/// Sets this vector to a - b.
abstract subVectors: a: Vector4 * b: Vector4 -> Vector4
abstract multiply: v: Vector4 -> Vector4
/// Multiplies this vector by scalar s.
abstract multiplyScalar: s: float -> Vector4
abstract applyMatrix4: m: Matrix4 -> Vector4
/// Divides this vector by scalar s.
/// Set vector to ( 0, 0, 0 ) if s == 0.
abstract divideScalar: s: float -> Vector4
/// <summary><see href="" /></summary>
/// <param name="q">is assumed to be normalized</param>
abstract setAxisAngleFromQuaternion: q: Quaternion -> Vector4
/// <summary><see href="" /></summary>
/// <param name="m">assumes the upper 3x3 of m is a pure rotation matrix (i.e, unscaled)</param>
abstract setAxisAngleFromRotationMatrix: m: Matrix4 -> Vector4
abstract min: v: Vector4 -> Vector4
abstract max: v: Vector4 -> Vector4
abstract clamp: min: Vector4 * max: Vector4 -> Vector4
abstract clampScalar: min: float * max: float -> Vector4
abstract floor: unit -> Vector4
abstract ceil: unit -> Vector4
abstract round: unit -> Vector4
abstract roundToZero: unit -> Vector4
/// Inverts this vector.
abstract negate: unit -> Vector4
/// Computes dot product of this vector and v.
abstract dot: v: Vector4 -> float
/// Computes squared length of this vector.
abstract lengthSq: unit -> float
/// Computes length of this vector.
abstract length: unit -> float
/// <summary>
/// Computes the Manhattan length of this vector.
/// see <see href="">Wikipedia: Taxicab Geometry</see>
/// </summary>
abstract manhattanLength: unit -> float
/// Normalizes this vector.
abstract normalize: unit -> Vector4
/// Normalizes this vector and multiplies it by l.
abstract setLength: length: float -> Vector4
/// Linearly interpolate between this vector and v with alpha factor.
abstract lerp: v: Vector4 * alpha: float -> Vector4
abstract lerpVectors: v1: Vector4 * v2: Vector4 * alpha: float -> Vector4
/// Checks for strict equality of this vector and v.
abstract equals: v: Vector4 -> bool
/// <summary>Sets this vector's x, y, z and w value from the provided array or array-like.</summary>
/// <param name="array">the source array or array-like.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) offset into the array. Default is 0.</param>
abstract fromArray: array: U2<ResizeArray<float>, ArrayLike<float>> * ?offset: float -> Vector4
/// <summary>Returns an array [x, y, z, w], or copies x, y, z and w into the provided array.</summary>
/// <param name="array">(optional) array to store the vector to. If this is not provided, a new array will be created.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) optional offset into the array.</param>
/// <returns>The created or provided array.</returns>
abstract toArray: ?array: ResizeArray<float> * ?offset: float -> ResizeArray<float>
abstract toArray: ?array: Vector4Tuple * ?offset: int -> Vector4Tuple
/// <summary>Copies x, y, z and w into the provided array-like.</summary>
/// <param name="array">array-like to store the vector to.</param>
/// <param name="offset">(optional) optional offset into the array-like.</param>
/// <returns>The provided array-like.</returns>
abstract toArray: array: ArrayLike<float> * ?offset: float -> ArrayLike<float>
abstract fromBufferAttribute: attribute: BufferAttribute * index: float -> Vector4
/// Sets this vector's x, y, z and w from Math.random
abstract random: unit -> Vector4
/// 4D vector.
/// ( class Vector4 implements Vector<Vector4> )
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Vector4Static =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?x: float * ?y: float * ?z: float * ?w: float -> Vector4
module __math_interpolants_CubicInterpolant =
type Interpolant = __math_Interpolant.Interpolant
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract CubicInterpolant: CubicInterpolantStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] CubicInterpolant =
inherit Interpolant
abstract interpolate_: i1: float * t0: float * t: float * t1: float -> obj option
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] CubicInterpolantStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: parameterPositions: obj option * samplesValues: obj option * sampleSize: float * ?resultBuffer: obj -> CubicInterpolant
module __math_interpolants_DiscreteInterpolant =
type Interpolant = __math_Interpolant.Interpolant
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract DiscreteInterpolant: DiscreteInterpolantStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] DiscreteInterpolant =
inherit Interpolant
abstract interpolate_: i1: float * t0: float * t: float * t1: float -> obj option
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] DiscreteInterpolantStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: parameterPositions: obj option * samplesValues: obj option * sampleSize: float * ?resultBuffer: obj -> DiscreteInterpolant
module __math_interpolants_LinearInterpolant =
type Interpolant = __math_Interpolant.Interpolant
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract LinearInterpolant: LinearInterpolantStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] LinearInterpolant =
inherit Interpolant
abstract interpolate_: i1: float * t0: float * t: float * t1: float -> obj option
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] LinearInterpolantStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: parameterPositions: obj option * samplesValues: obj option * sampleSize: float * ?resultBuffer: obj -> LinearInterpolant
module __math_interpolants_QuaternionLinearInterpolant =
type Interpolant = __math_Interpolant.Interpolant
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract QuaternionLinearInterpolant: QuaternionLinearInterpolantStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] QuaternionLinearInterpolant =
inherit Interpolant
abstract interpolate_: i1: float * t0: float * t: float * t1: float -> obj option
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] QuaternionLinearInterpolantStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: parameterPositions: obj option * samplesValues: obj option * sampleSize: float * ?resultBuffer: obj -> QuaternionLinearInterpolant
module __scenes_Fog =
type ColorRepresentation = Utils.ColorRepresentation
type Color = __math_Color.Color
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// This class contains the parameters that define linear fog, i.e., that grows linearly denser with the distance.
abstract Fog: FogStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] FogBase =
abstract name: string with get, set
abstract color: Color with get, set
abstract clone: unit -> FogBase
abstract toJSON: unit -> obj option
/// This class contains the parameters that define linear fog, i.e., that grows linearly denser with the distance.
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Fog =
inherit FogBase
/// <default>''</default>
abstract name: string with get, set
/// Fog color.
abstract color: Color with get, set
/// <summary>The minimum distance to start applying fog. Objects that are less than 'near' units from the active camera won't be affected by fog.</summary>
/// <default>1</default>
abstract near: float with get, set
/// <summary>The maximum distance at which fog stops being calculated and applied. Objects that are more than 'far' units away from the active camera won't be affected by fog.</summary>
/// <default>1000</default>
abstract far: float with get, set
abstract isFog: bool
abstract clone: unit -> Fog
abstract toJSON: unit -> obj option
/// This class contains the parameters that define linear fog, i.e., that grows linearly denser with the distance.
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] FogStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: color: ColorRepresentation * ?near: float * ?far: float -> Fog
module __scenes_FogExp2 =
type Color = __math_Color.Color
type FogBase = __scenes_Fog.FogBase
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// This class contains the parameters that define linear fog, i.e., that grows exponentially denser with the distance.
abstract FogExp2: FogExp2Static
/// This class contains the parameters that define linear fog, i.e., that grows exponentially denser with the distance.
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] FogExp2 =
inherit FogBase
/// <default>''</default>
abstract name: string with get, set
abstract color: Color with get, set
/// <summary>Defines how fast the fog will grow dense.</summary>
/// <default>0.00025</default>
abstract density: float with get, set
abstract isFogExp2: bool
abstract clone: unit -> FogExp2
abstract toJSON: unit -> obj option
/// This class contains the parameters that define linear fog, i.e., that grows exponentially denser with the distance.
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] FogExp2Static =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: hex: U2<float, string> * ?density: float -> FogExp2
module __scenes_Scene =
type FogBase = __scenes_Fog.FogBase
type Material = __materials_Material.Material
type Object3D = __core_Object3D.Object3D
type Color = __math_Color.Color
type Texture = __textures_Texture.Texture
type WebGLRenderer = __renderers_WebGLRenderer.WebGLRenderer
type Camera = __cameras_Camera.Camera
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// Scenes allow you to set up what and where is to be rendered by three.js. This is where you place objects, lights and cameras.
abstract Scene: SceneStatic
/// Scenes allow you to set up what and where is to be rendered by three.js. This is where you place objects, lights and cameras.
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Scene =
inherit Object3D
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// <summary>A fog instance defining the type of fog that affects everything rendered in the scene. Default is null.</summary>
/// <default>null</default>
abstract fog: FogBase option with get, set
/// <summary>If not null, it will force everything in the scene to be rendered with that material. Default is null.</summary>
/// <default>null</default>
abstract overrideMaterial: Material option with get, set
/// <default>true</default>
abstract autoUpdate: bool with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract background: U2<Color, Texture> option with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract environment: Texture option with get, set
abstract isScene: bool
/// Calls before rendering scene
abstract onBeforeRender: (WebGLRenderer -> Scene -> Camera -> obj option -> unit) with get, set
/// Calls after rendering scene
abstract onAfterRender: (WebGLRenderer -> Scene -> Camera -> unit) with get, set
abstract toJSON: ?meta: obj -> obj option
/// Scenes allow you to set up what and where is to be rendered by three.js. This is where you place objects, lights and cameras.
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] SceneStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: unit -> Scene
module __objects_Bone =
type Object3D = __core_Object3D.Object3D
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract Bone: BoneStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Bone =
inherit Object3D
abstract isBone: bool
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] BoneStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: unit -> Bone
module __objects_Group =
type Object3D = __core_Object3D.Object3D
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract Group: GroupStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Group =
inherit Object3D
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract isGroup: bool
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] GroupStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: unit -> Group
module __objects_InstancedMesh =
open __objects_Mesh
type BufferGeometry = __core_BufferGeometry.BufferGeometry
type Material = __materials_Material.Material
type BufferAttribute = __core_BufferAttribute.BufferAttribute
type Matrix4 = __math_Matrix4.Matrix4
type Color = __math_Color.Color
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract InstancedMesh: InstancedMeshStatic
// { Attributes = [] Comments = [] Name = InstancedMesh FullName = "/home/dave/back-up/code/FableGame/node_modules/@types/three/src/objects/InstancedMesh".InstancedMesh Type = Generic ({ Type = Mapped ({ Name = InstancedMesh FullName = InstancedMesh Declarations = [object Object] }) TypeParameters = [Mapped ({ Name = BufferGeometry FullName = BufferGeometry Declarations = [object Object] }); Union ({ Option = false Types = [Mapped ({ Name = Material FullName = Material Declarations = [object Object] }); Array (Mapped ({ Name = Material FullName = Material Declarations = [object Object] }))] })] }) TypeParameters = [] }
// { Attributes = [] Comments = [] Name = InstancedMesh FullName = "/home/dave/back-up/code/FableGame/node_modules/@types/three/src/objects/InstancedMesh".InstancedMesh Type = Generic ({ Type = Mapped ({ Name = InstancedMesh FullName = InstancedMesh Declarations = [object Object] }) TypeParameters = [GenericTypeParameter ({ Name = 'TGeometry Constraint = Mapped ({ Name = BufferGeometry FullName = BufferGeometry Declarations = [object Object] }) Default = undefined }); Union ({ Option = false Types = [Mapped ({ Name = Material FullName = Material Declarations = [object Object] }); Array (Mapped ({ Name = Material FullName = Material Declarations = [object Object] }))] })] }) TypeParameters = [GenericTypeParameter ({ Name = 'TGeometry Constraint = Mapped ({ Name = BufferGeometry FullName = BufferGeometry Declarations = [object Object] }) Default = undefined })] }
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] InstancedMesh<'TGeometry, 'TMaterial when 'TGeometry :> BufferGeometry> =
inherit Mesh<'TGeometry, 'TMaterial>
abstract count: float with get, set
abstract instanceColor: BufferAttribute option with get, set
abstract instanceMatrix: BufferAttribute with get, set
abstract isInstancedMesh: bool
abstract getColorAt: index: float * color: Color -> unit
abstract getMatrixAt: index: float * matrix: Matrix4 -> unit
abstract setColorAt: index: float * color: Color -> unit
abstract setMatrixAt: index: float * matrix: Matrix4 -> unit
abstract dispose: unit -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] InstancedMeshStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: geometry: 'TGeometry option * material: 'TMaterial option * count: float -> InstancedMesh<'TGeometry, 'TMaterial>
module __objects_LOD =
type Object3D = __core_Object3D.Object3D
type Raycaster = __core_Raycaster.Raycaster
type Camera = __cameras_Camera.Camera
type Intersection = __core_Raycaster.Intersection
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract LOD: LODStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] LOD =
inherit Object3D
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract levels: Array<{| distance: float; object: Object3D |}> with get, set
abstract autoUpdate: bool with get, set
abstract isLOD: bool
abstract addLevel: object: Object3D * ?distance: float -> LOD
abstract getCurrentLevel: unit -> float
abstract getObjectForDistance: distance: float -> Object3D option
abstract raycast: raycaster: Raycaster * intersects: ResizeArray<Intersection> -> unit
abstract update: camera: Camera -> unit
abstract toJSON: meta: obj option -> obj option
[<Obsolete("Use {@link LOD#levels .levels} instead.")>]
abstract objects: ResizeArray<obj option> with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] LODStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: unit -> LOD
module __objects_Line =
type Material = __materials_Material.Material
type Raycaster = __core_Raycaster.Raycaster
type Object3D = __core_Object3D.Object3D
type BufferGeometry = __core_BufferGeometry.BufferGeometry
type Intersection = __core_Raycaster.Intersection
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract Line: LineStatic
// { Attributes = [] Comments = [] Name = Line FullName = "/home/dave/back-up/code/FableGame/node_modules/@types/three/src/objects/Line".Line Type = Generic ({ Type = Mapped ({ Name = Line FullName = Line Declarations = [object Object] }) TypeParameters = [Mapped ({ Name = BufferGeometry FullName = BufferGeometry Declarations = [object Object] }); Union ({ Option = false Types = [Mapped ({ Name = Material FullName = Material Declarations = [object Object] }); Array (Mapped ({ Name = Material FullName = Material Declarations = [object Object] }))] })] }) TypeParameters = [] }
// { Attributes = [] Comments = [] Name = Line FullName = "/home/dave/back-up/code/FableGame/node_modules/@types/three/src/objects/Line".Line Type = Generic ({ Type = Mapped ({ Name = Line FullName = Line Declarations = [object Object] }) TypeParameters = [GenericTypeParameter ({ Name = 'TGeometry Constraint = Mapped ({ Name = BufferGeometry FullName = BufferGeometry Declarations = [object Object] }) Default = undefined }); Union ({ Option = false Types = [Mapped ({ Name = Material FullName = Material Declarations = [object Object] }); Array (Mapped ({ Name = Material FullName = Material Declarations = [object Object] }))] })] }) TypeParameters = [GenericTypeParameter ({ Name = 'TGeometry Constraint = Mapped ({ Name = BufferGeometry FullName = BufferGeometry Declarations = [object Object] }) Default = undefined })] }
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Line<'TGeometry, 'TMaterial when 'TGeometry :> BufferGeometry> =
inherit Object3D
abstract geometry: 'TGeometry with get, set
abstract material: 'TMaterial with get, set
abstract ``type``: U2<string, string> with get, set
abstract isLine: bool
abstract morphTargetInfluences: ResizeArray<float> option with get, set
abstract morphTargetDictionary: LineMorphTargetDictionary option with get, set
abstract computeLineDistances: unit -> Line<'TGeometry, 'TMaterial>
abstract raycast: raycaster: Raycaster * intersects: ResizeArray<Intersection> -> unit
abstract updateMorphTargets: unit -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] LineStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?geometry: 'TGeometry * ?material: 'TMaterial -> Line<'TGeometry, 'TMaterial>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] LineMorphTargetDictionary =
[<EmitIndexer>] abstract Item: key: string -> float with get, set
module __objects_LineLoop =
open __objects_Line
type Material = __materials_Material.Material
type BufferGeometry = __core_BufferGeometry.BufferGeometry
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract LineLoop: LineLoopStatic
// { Attributes = [] Comments = [] Name = LineLoop FullName = "/home/dave/back-up/code/FableGame/node_modules/@types/three/src/objects/LineLoop".LineLoop Type = Generic ({ Type = Mapped ({ Name = LineLoop FullName = LineLoop Declarations = [object Object] }) TypeParameters = [Mapped ({ Name = BufferGeometry FullName = BufferGeometry Declarations = [object Object] }); Union ({ Option = false Types = [Mapped ({ Name = Material FullName = Material Declarations = [object Object] }); Array (Mapped ({ Name = Material FullName = Material Declarations = [object Object] }))] })] }) TypeParameters = [] }
// { Attributes = [] Comments = [] Name = LineLoop FullName = "/home/dave/back-up/code/FableGame/node_modules/@types/three/src/objects/LineLoop".LineLoop Type = Generic ({ Type = Mapped ({ Name = LineLoop FullName = LineLoop Declarations = [object Object] }) TypeParameters = [GenericTypeParameter ({ Name = 'TGeometry Constraint = Mapped ({ Name = BufferGeometry FullName = BufferGeometry Declarations = [object Object] }) Default = undefined }); Union ({ Option = false Types = [Mapped ({ Name = Material FullName = Material Declarations = [object Object] }); Array (Mapped ({ Name = Material FullName = Material Declarations = [object Object] }))] })] }) TypeParameters = [GenericTypeParameter ({ Name = 'TGeometry Constraint = Mapped ({ Name = BufferGeometry FullName = BufferGeometry Declarations = [object Object] }) Default = undefined })] }
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] LineLoop<'TGeometry, 'TMaterial when 'TGeometry :> BufferGeometry> =
inherit Line<'TGeometry, 'TMaterial>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract isLineLoop: bool
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] LineLoopStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?geometry: 'TGeometry * ?material: 'TMaterial -> LineLoop<'TGeometry, 'TMaterial>
module __objects_LineSegments =
open __objects_Line
type Material = __materials_Material.Material
type BufferGeometry = __core_BufferGeometry.BufferGeometry
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract LineStrip: float
abstract LinePieces: float
abstract LineSegments: LineSegmentsStatic
// { Attributes = [] Comments = [] Name = LineSegments FullName = "/home/dave/back-up/code/FableGame/node_modules/@types/three/src/objects/LineSegments".LineSegments Type = Generic ({ Type = Mapped ({ Name = LineSegments FullName = LineSegments Declarations = [object Object] }) TypeParameters = [Mapped ({ Name = BufferGeometry FullName = BufferGeometry Declarations = [object Object] }); Union ({ Option = false Types = [Mapped ({ Name = Material FullName = Material Declarations = [object Object] }); Array (Mapped ({ Name = Material FullName = Material Declarations = [object Object] }))] })] }) TypeParameters = [] }
// { Attributes = [] Comments = [] Name = LineSegments FullName = "/home/dave/back-up/code/FableGame/node_modules/@types/three/src/objects/LineSegments".LineSegments Type = Generic ({ Type = Mapped ({ Name = LineSegments FullName = LineSegments Declarations = [object Object] }) TypeParameters = [GenericTypeParameter ({ Name = 'TGeometry Constraint = Mapped ({ Name = BufferGeometry FullName = BufferGeometry Declarations = [object Object] }) Default = undefined }); Union ({ Option = false Types = [Mapped ({ Name = Material FullName = Material Declarations = [object Object] }); Array (Mapped ({ Name = Material FullName = Material Declarations = [object Object] }))] })] }) TypeParameters = [GenericTypeParameter ({ Name = 'TGeometry Constraint = Mapped ({ Name = BufferGeometry FullName = BufferGeometry Declarations = [object Object] }) Default = undefined })] }
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] LineSegments<'TGeometry, 'TMaterial when 'TGeometry :> BufferGeometry> =
inherit Line<'TGeometry, 'TMaterial>
/// <default>'LineSegments'</default>
abstract ``type``: U2<string, string> with get, set
abstract isLineSegments: bool
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] LineSegmentsStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?geometry: 'TGeometry * ?material: 'TMaterial -> LineSegments<'TGeometry, 'TMaterial>
module __objects_Mesh =
type Material = __materials_Material.Material
type Raycaster = __core_Raycaster.Raycaster
type Object3D = __core_Object3D.Object3D
type BufferGeometry = __core_BufferGeometry.BufferGeometry
type Intersection = __core_Raycaster.Intersection
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract Mesh: MeshStatic
// { Attributes = [] Comments = [] Name = Mesh FullName = "/home/dave/back-up/code/FableGame/node_modules/@types/three/src/objects/Mesh".Mesh Type = Generic ({ Type = Mapped ({ Name = Mesh FullName = Mesh Declarations = [object Object] }) TypeParameters = [Mapped ({ Name = BufferGeometry FullName = BufferGeometry Declarations = [object Object] }); Union ({ Option = false Types = [Mapped ({ Name = Material FullName = Material Declarations = [object Object] }); Array (Mapped ({ Name = Material FullName = Material Declarations = [object Object] }))] })] }) TypeParameters = [] }
// { Attributes = [] Comments = [] Name = Mesh FullName = "/home/dave/back-up/code/FableGame/node_modules/@types/three/src/objects/Mesh".Mesh Type = Generic ({ Type = Mapped ({ Name = Mesh FullName = Mesh Declarations = [object Object] }) TypeParameters = [GenericTypeParameter ({ Name = 'TGeometry Constraint = Mapped ({ Name = BufferGeometry FullName = BufferGeometry Declarations = [object Object] }) Default = undefined }); Union ({ Option = false Types = [Mapped ({ Name = Material FullName = Material Declarations = [object Object] }); Array (Mapped ({ Name = Material FullName = Material Declarations = [object Object] }))] })] }) TypeParameters = [GenericTypeParameter ({ Name = 'TGeometry Constraint = Mapped ({ Name = BufferGeometry FullName = BufferGeometry Declarations = [object Object] }) Default = undefined })] }
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Mesh<'TGeometry, 'TMaterial when 'TGeometry :> BufferGeometry> =
inherit Object3D
abstract geometry: 'TGeometry with get, set
abstract material: 'TMaterial with get, set
abstract morphTargetInfluences: ResizeArray<float> option with get, set
abstract morphTargetDictionary: MeshMorphTargetDictionary option with get, set
abstract isMesh: bool
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract updateMorphTargets: unit -> unit
abstract raycast: raycaster: Raycaster * intersects: ResizeArray<Intersection> -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MeshStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?geometry: 'TGeometry * ?material: 'TMaterial -> Mesh<'TGeometry, 'TMaterial>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MeshMorphTargetDictionary =
[<EmitIndexer>] abstract Item: key: string -> float with get, set
module __objects_Points =
type Material = __materials_Material.Material
type Raycaster = __core_Raycaster.Raycaster
type Object3D = __core_Object3D.Object3D
type BufferGeometry = __core_BufferGeometry.BufferGeometry
type Intersection = __core_Raycaster.Intersection
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// A class for displaying points. The points are rendered by the WebGLRenderer using gl.POINTS.
abstract Points: PointsStatic
// { Attributes = [] Comments = [Summary ([A class for displaying points. The points are rendered by the WebGLRenderer using gl.POINTS.])] Name = Points FullName = "/home/dave/back-up/code/FableGame/node_modules/@types/three/src/objects/Points".Points Type = Generic ({ Type = Mapped ({ Name = Points FullName = Points Declarations = [object Object] }) TypeParameters = [Mapped ({ Name = BufferGeometry FullName = BufferGeometry Declarations = [object Object] }); Union ({ Option = false Types = [Mapped ({ Name = Material FullName = Material Declarations = [object Object] }); Array (Mapped ({ Name = Material FullName = Material Declarations = [object Object] }))] })] }) TypeParameters = [] }
// { Attributes = [] Comments = [Summary ([A class for displaying points. The points are rendered by the WebGLRenderer using gl.POINTS.])] Name = Points FullName = "/home/dave/back-up/code/FableGame/node_modules/@types/three/src/objects/Points".Points Type = Generic ({ Type = Mapped ({ Name = Points FullName = Points Declarations = [object Object] }) TypeParameters = [GenericTypeParameter ({ Name = 'TGeometry Constraint = Mapped ({ Name = BufferGeometry FullName = BufferGeometry Declarations = [object Object] }) Default = undefined }); Union ({ Option = false Types = [Mapped ({ Name = Material FullName = Material Declarations = [object Object] }); Array (Mapped ({ Name = Material FullName = Material Declarations = [object Object] }))] })] }) TypeParameters = [GenericTypeParameter ({ Name = 'TGeometry Constraint = Mapped ({ Name = BufferGeometry FullName = BufferGeometry Declarations = [object Object] }) Default = undefined })] }
/// A class for displaying points. The points are rendered by the WebGLRenderer using gl.POINTS.
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Points<'TGeometry, 'TMaterial when 'TGeometry :> BufferGeometry> =
inherit Object3D
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract morphTargetInfluences: ResizeArray<float> option with get, set
abstract morphTargetDictionary: PointsMorphTargetDictionary option with get, set
abstract isPoints: bool
/// An instance of BufferGeometry, where each vertex designates the position of a particle in the system.
abstract geometry: 'TGeometry with get, set
/// An instance of Material, defining the object's appearance. Default is a PointsMaterial with randomised colour.
abstract material: 'TMaterial with get, set
abstract raycast: raycaster: Raycaster * intersects: ResizeArray<Intersection> -> unit
abstract updateMorphTargets: unit -> unit
/// A class for displaying points. The points are rendered by the WebGLRenderer using gl.POINTS.
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] PointsStatic =
/// <param name="geometry">An instance of BufferGeometry.</param>
/// <param name="material">An instance of Material (optional).</param>
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?geometry: 'TGeometry * ?material: 'TMaterial -> Points<'TGeometry, 'TMaterial>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] PointsMorphTargetDictionary =
[<EmitIndexer>] abstract Item: key: string -> float with get, set
module __objects_Skeleton =
type Bone = __objects_Bone.Bone
type Matrix4 = __math_Matrix4.Matrix4
type DataTexture = __textures_DataTexture.DataTexture
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract Skeleton: SkeletonStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Skeleton =
abstract uuid: string with get, set
abstract bones: ResizeArray<Bone> with get, set
abstract boneInverses: ResizeArray<Matrix4> with get, set
abstract boneMatrices: Float32Array with get, set
abstract boneTexture: DataTexture option with get, set
abstract boneTextureSize: float with get, set
abstract frame: float with get, set
abstract init: unit -> unit
abstract calculateInverses: unit -> unit
abstract computeBoneTexture: unit -> Skeleton
abstract pose: unit -> unit
abstract update: unit -> unit
abstract clone: unit -> Skeleton
abstract getBoneByName: name: string -> Bone option
abstract dispose: unit -> unit
[<Obsolete("This property has been removed completely.")>]
abstract useVertexTexture: bool with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] SkeletonStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: bones: ResizeArray<Bone> * ?boneInverses: ResizeArray<Matrix4> -> Skeleton
module __objects_SkinnedMesh =
open __objects_Mesh
type Material = __materials_Material.Material
type Matrix4 = __math_Matrix4.Matrix4
type Vector3 = __math_Vector3.Vector3
type Skeleton = __objects_Skeleton.Skeleton
type BufferGeometry = __core_BufferGeometry.BufferGeometry
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract SkinnedMesh: SkinnedMeshStatic
// { Attributes = [] Comments = [] Name = SkinnedMesh FullName = "/home/dave/back-up/code/FableGame/node_modules/@types/three/src/objects/SkinnedMesh".SkinnedMesh Type = Generic ({ Type = Mapped ({ Name = SkinnedMesh FullName = SkinnedMesh Declarations = [object Object] }) TypeParameters = [Mapped ({ Name = BufferGeometry FullName = BufferGeometry Declarations = [object Object] }); Union ({ Option = false Types = [Mapped ({ Name = Material FullName = Material Declarations = [object Object] }); Array (Mapped ({ Name = Material FullName = Material Declarations = [object Object] }))] })] }) TypeParameters = [] }
// { Attributes = [] Comments = [] Name = SkinnedMesh FullName = "/home/dave/back-up/code/FableGame/node_modules/@types/three/src/objects/SkinnedMesh".SkinnedMesh Type = Generic ({ Type = Mapped ({ Name = SkinnedMesh FullName = SkinnedMesh Declarations = [object Object] }) TypeParameters = [GenericTypeParameter ({ Name = 'TGeometry Constraint = Mapped ({ Name = BufferGeometry FullName = BufferGeometry Declarations = [object Object] }) Default = undefined }); Union ({ Option = false Types = [Mapped ({ Name = Material FullName = Material Declarations = [object Object] }); Array (Mapped ({ Name = Material FullName = Material Declarations = [object Object] }))] })] }) TypeParameters = [GenericTypeParameter ({ Name = 'TGeometry Constraint = Mapped ({ Name = BufferGeometry FullName = BufferGeometry Declarations = [object Object] }) Default = undefined })] }
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] SkinnedMesh<'TGeometry, 'TMaterial when 'TGeometry :> BufferGeometry> =
inherit Mesh<'TGeometry, 'TMaterial>
abstract bindMode: string with get, set
abstract bindMatrix: Matrix4 with get, set
abstract bindMatrixInverse: Matrix4 with get, set
abstract skeleton: Skeleton with get, set
abstract isSkinnedMesh: bool
abstract bind: skeleton: Skeleton * ?bindMatrix: Matrix4 -> unit
abstract pose: unit -> unit
abstract normalizeSkinWeights: unit -> unit
abstract updateMatrixWorld: ?force: bool -> unit
abstract boneTransform: index: float * target: Vector3 -> Vector3
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] SkinnedMeshStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?geometry: 'TGeometry * ?material: 'TMaterial * ?useVertexTexture: bool -> SkinnedMesh<'TGeometry, 'TMaterial>
module __objects_Sprite =
type Vector2 = __math_Vector2.Vector2
type Raycaster = __core_Raycaster.Raycaster
type Object3D = __core_Object3D.Object3D
type Intersection = __core_Raycaster.Intersection
// type SpriteMaterial = __materials_Materials.SpriteMaterial
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] SpriteMaterial = interface end
type BufferGeometry = __core_BufferGeometry.BufferGeometry
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract Sprite: SpriteStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Sprite =
inherit Object3D
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract isSprite: bool
abstract geometry: BufferGeometry with get, set
abstract material: SpriteMaterial with get, set
abstract center: Vector2 with get, set
abstract raycast: raycaster: Raycaster * intersects: ResizeArray<Intersection> -> unit
abstract copy: source: Sprite -> Sprite
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] SpriteStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?material: SpriteMaterial -> Sprite
module __materials_LineBasicMaterial =
type ColorRepresentation = Utils.ColorRepresentation
type Color = __math_Color.Color
type MaterialParameters = __materials_Material.MaterialParameters
type Material = __materials_Material.Material
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract LineBasicMaterial: LineBasicMaterialStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] LineBasicMaterialParameters =
inherit MaterialParameters
abstract color: ColorRepresentation option with get, set
abstract linewidth: float option with get, set
abstract linecap: string option with get, set
abstract linejoin: string option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] LineBasicMaterial =
inherit Material
/// <summary>Value is the string 'Material'. This shouldn't be changed, and can be used to find all objects of this type in a scene.</summary>
/// <default>'LineBasicMaterial'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// <default>0xffffff</default>
abstract color: Color with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract linewidth: float with get, set
/// <default>'round'</default>
abstract linecap: string with get, set
/// <default>'round'</default>
abstract linejoin: string with get, set
/// Sets the properties based on the values.
abstract setValues: parameters: LineBasicMaterialParameters -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] LineBasicMaterialStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?parameters: LineBasicMaterialParameters -> LineBasicMaterial
module __materials_LineDashedMaterial =
type LineBasicMaterial = __materials_LineBasicMaterial.LineBasicMaterial
type LineBasicMaterialParameters = __materials_LineBasicMaterial.LineBasicMaterialParameters
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract LineDashedMaterial: LineDashedMaterialStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] LineDashedMaterialParameters =
inherit LineBasicMaterialParameters
abstract scale: float option with get, set
abstract dashSize: float option with get, set
abstract gapSize: float option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] LineDashedMaterial =
inherit LineBasicMaterial
/// <summary>Value is the string 'Material'. This shouldn't be changed, and can be used to find all objects of this type in a scene.</summary>
/// <default>'LineDashedMaterial'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract scale: float with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract dashSize: float with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract gapSize: float with get, set
abstract isLineDashedMaterial: bool
/// Sets the properties based on the values.
abstract setValues: parameters: LineDashedMaterialParameters -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] LineDashedMaterialStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?parameters: LineDashedMaterialParameters -> LineDashedMaterial
module __materials_Material =
type Plane = __math_Plane.Plane
type EventDispatcher = __core_EventDispatcher.EventDispatcher
type WebGLRenderer = __renderers_WebGLRenderer.WebGLRenderer
type Shader = __renderers_shaders_ShaderLib.Shader
type BlendingDstFactor = Constants.BlendingDstFactor
type BlendingEquation = Constants.BlendingEquation
type Blending = Constants.Blending
type BlendingSrcFactor = Constants.BlendingSrcFactor
type DepthModes = Constants.DepthModes
type Side = Constants.Side
type StencilFunc = Constants.StencilFunc
type StencilOp = Constants.StencilOp
type ColorRepresentation = Utils.ColorRepresentation
type Color = __math_Color.Color
type Texture = __textures_Texture.Texture
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// Materials describe the appearance of objects. They are defined in a (mostly) renderer-independent way, so you don't have to rewrite materials if you decide to use a different renderer.
abstract Material: MaterialStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MaterialParameters =
abstract alphaTest: float option with get, set
abstract alphaToCoverage: bool option with get, set
abstract blendDst: BlendingDstFactor option with get, set
abstract blendDstAlpha: float option with get, set
abstract blendEquation: BlendingEquation option with get, set
abstract blendEquationAlpha: float option with get, set
abstract blending: Blending option with get, set
abstract blendSrc: U2<BlendingSrcFactor, BlendingDstFactor> option with get, set
abstract blendSrcAlpha: float option with get, set
abstract clipIntersection: bool option with get, set
abstract clippingPlanes: ResizeArray<Plane> option with get, set
abstract clipShadows: bool option with get, set
abstract colorWrite: bool option with get, set
abstract defines: obj option with get, set
abstract depthFunc: DepthModes option with get, set
abstract depthTest: bool option with get, set
abstract depthWrite: bool option with get, set
abstract fog: bool option with get, set
abstract name: string option with get, set
abstract opacity: float option with get, set
abstract polygonOffset: bool option with get, set
abstract polygonOffsetFactor: float option with get, set
abstract polygonOffsetUnits: float option with get, set
abstract precision: MaterialParametersPrecision option with get, set
abstract premultipliedAlpha: bool option with get, set
abstract dithering: bool option with get, set
abstract side: Side option with get, set
abstract shadowSide: Side option with get, set
abstract toneMapped: bool option with get, set
abstract transparent: bool option with get, set
abstract vertexColors: bool option with get, set
abstract visible: bool option with get, set
abstract stencilWrite: bool option with get, set
abstract stencilFunc: StencilFunc option with get, set
abstract stencilRef: float option with get, set
abstract stencilWriteMask: float option with get, set
abstract stencilFuncMask: float option with get, set
abstract stencilFail: StencilOp option with get, set
abstract stencilZFail: StencilOp option with get, set
abstract stencilZPass: StencilOp option with get, set
abstract userData: obj option with get, set
/// Materials describe the appearance of objects. They are defined in a (mostly) renderer-independent way, so you don't have to rewrite materials if you decide to use a different renderer.
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Material =
inherit EventDispatcher
/// <summary>Sets the alpha value to be used when running an alpha test. Default is 0.</summary>
/// <default>0</default>
abstract alphaTest: float with get, set
/// <summary>Enables alpha to coverage. Can only be used with MSAA-enabled rendering contexts.</summary>
/// <default>false</default>
abstract alphaToCoverage: bool with get, set
/// <summary>Blending destination. It's one of the blending mode constants defined in Three.js. Default is <see cref="OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor" />.</summary>
/// <default>THREE.OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor</default>
abstract blendDst: BlendingDstFactor with get, set
/// <summary>The tranparency of the .blendDst. Default is null.</summary>
/// <default>null</default>
abstract blendDstAlpha: float option with get, set
/// <summary>Blending equation to use when applying blending. It's one of the constants defined in Three.js. Default is <see cref="AddEquation" />.</summary>
/// <default>THREE.AddEquation</default>
abstract blendEquation: BlendingEquation with get, set
/// <summary>The tranparency of the .blendEquation. Default is null.</summary>
/// <default>null</default>
abstract blendEquationAlpha: float option with get, set
/// <summary>Which blending to use when displaying objects with this material. Default is <see cref="NormalBlending" />.</summary>
/// <default>THREE.NormalBlending</default>
abstract blending: Blending with get, set
/// <summary>Blending source. It's one of the blending mode constants defined in Three.js. Default is <see cref="SrcAlphaFactor" />.</summary>
/// <default>THREE.SrcAlphaFactor</default>
abstract blendSrc: U2<BlendingSrcFactor, BlendingDstFactor> with get, set
/// <summary>The tranparency of the .blendSrc. Default is null.</summary>
/// <default>null</default>
abstract blendSrcAlpha: float option with get, set
/// <summary>Changes the behavior of clipping planes so that only their intersection is clipped, rather than their union. Default is false.</summary>
/// <default>false</default>
abstract clipIntersection: bool with get, set
/// <summary>
/// User-defined clipping planes specified as THREE.Plane objects in world space.
/// These planes apply to the objects this material is attached to.
/// Points in space whose signed distance to the plane is negative are clipped (not rendered).
/// See the WebGL / clipping /intersection example. Default is null.
/// </summary>
/// <default>null</default>
abstract clippingPlanes: obj option with get, set
/// <summary>Defines whether to clip shadows according to the clipping planes specified on this material. Default is false.</summary>
/// <default>false</default>
abstract clipShadows: bool with get, set
/// <summary>Whether to render the material's color. This can be used in conjunction with a mesh's .renderOrder property to create invisible objects that occlude other objects. Default is true.</summary>
/// <default>true</default>
abstract colorWrite: bool with get, set
/// <summary>
/// Custom defines to be injected into the shader. These are passed in form of an object literal, with key/value pairs. { MY_CUSTOM_DEFINE: '' , PI2: Math.PI * 2 }.
/// The pairs are defined in both vertex and fragment shaders. Default is undefined.
/// </summary>
/// <default>undefined</default>
abstract defines: MaterialDefines option with get, set
/// <summary>Which depth function to use. Default is <see cref="LessEqualDepth" />. See the depth mode constants for all possible values.</summary>
/// <default>THREE.LessEqualDepth</default>
abstract depthFunc: DepthModes with get, set
/// <summary>Whether to have depth test enabled when rendering this material. Default is true.</summary>
/// <default>true</default>
abstract depthTest: bool with get, set
/// <summary>
/// Whether rendering this material has any effect on the depth buffer. Default is true.
/// When drawing 2D overlays it can be useful to disable the depth writing in order to layer several things together without creating z-index artifacts.
/// </summary>
/// <default>true</default>
abstract depthWrite: bool with get, set
/// <summary>Whether the material is affected by fog. Default is true.</summary>
/// <default>fog</default>
abstract fog: bool with get, set
/// Unique number of this material instance.
abstract id: float with get, set
/// <summary>Whether rendering this material has any effect on the stencil buffer. Default is *false*.</summary>
/// <default>false</default>
abstract stencilWrite: bool with get, set
/// <summary>The stencil comparison function to use. Default is <see cref="AlwaysStencilFunc" />. See stencil operation constants for all possible values.</summary>
/// <default>THREE.AlwaysStencilFunc</default>
abstract stencilFunc: StencilFunc with get, set
/// <summary>The value to use when performing stencil comparisons or stencil operations. Default is *0*.</summary>
/// <default>0</default>
abstract stencilRef: float with get, set
/// <summary>The bit mask to use when writing to the stencil buffer. Default is *0xFF*.</summary>
/// <default>0xff</default>
abstract stencilWriteMask: float with get, set
/// <summary>The bit mask to use when comparing against the stencil buffer. Default is *0xFF*.</summary>
/// <default>0xff</default>
abstract stencilFuncMask: float with get, set
/// <summary>Which stencil operation to perform when the comparison function returns false. Default is <see cref="KeepStencilOp" />. See the stencil operation constants for all possible values.</summary>
/// <default>THREE.KeepStencilOp</default>
abstract stencilFail: StencilOp with get, set
/// <summary>
/// Which stencil operation to perform when the comparison function returns true but the depth test fails.
/// Default is <see cref="KeepStencilOp" />.
/// See the stencil operation constants for all possible values.
/// </summary>
/// <default>THREE.KeepStencilOp</default>
abstract stencilZFail: StencilOp with get, set
/// <summary>
/// Which stencil operation to perform when the comparison function returns true and the depth test passes.
/// Default is <see cref="KeepStencilOp" />.
/// See the stencil operation constants for all possible values.
/// </summary>
/// <default>THREE.KeepStencilOp</default>
abstract stencilZPass: StencilOp with get, set
/// Used to check whether this or derived classes are materials. Default is true.
/// You should not change this, as it used internally for optimisation.
abstract isMaterial: bool
/// <summary>Material name. Default is an empty string.</summary>
/// <default>''</default>
abstract name: string with get, set
/// <summary>
/// Specifies that the material needs to be updated, WebGL wise. Set it to true if you made changes that need to be reflected in WebGL.
/// This property is automatically set to true when instancing a new material.
/// </summary>
/// <default>false</default>
abstract needsUpdate: bool with get, set
/// <summary>Opacity. Default is 1.</summary>
/// <default>1</default>
abstract opacity: float with get, set
/// <summary>Whether to use polygon offset. Default is false. This corresponds to the POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL WebGL feature.</summary>
/// <default>false</default>
abstract polygonOffset: bool with get, set
/// <summary>Sets the polygon offset factor. Default is 0.</summary>
/// <default>0</default>
abstract polygonOffsetFactor: float with get, set
/// <summary>Sets the polygon offset units. Default is 0.</summary>
/// <default>0</default>
abstract polygonOffsetUnits: float with get, set
/// <summary>Override the renderer's default precision for this material. Can be "highp", "mediump" or "lowp". Defaults is null.</summary>
/// <default>null</default>
abstract precision: MaterialParametersPrecision with get, set
/// <summary>Whether to premultiply the alpha (transparency) value. See WebGL / Materials / Transparency for an example of the difference. Default is false.</summary>
/// <default>false</default>
abstract premultipliedAlpha: bool with get, set
/// <summary>Whether to apply dithering to the color to remove the appearance of banding. Default is false.</summary>
/// <default>false</default>
abstract dithering: bool with get, set
/// <summary>
/// Defines which of the face sides will be rendered - front, back or both.
/// Default is THREE.FrontSide. Other options are THREE.BackSide and THREE.DoubleSide.
/// </summary>
/// <default>THREE.FrontSide</default>
abstract side: Side with get, set
/// <summary>
/// Defines which of the face sides will cast shadows. Default is *null*.
/// If *null*, the value is opposite that of side, above.
/// </summary>
/// <default>null</default>
abstract shadowSide: Side with get, set
/// <summary>
/// Defines whether this material is tone mapped according to the renderer's toneMapping setting.
/// Default is true.
/// </summary>
/// <default>true</default>
abstract toneMapped: bool with get, set
/// <summary>
/// Defines whether this material is transparent. This has an effect on rendering as transparent objects need special treatment and are rendered after non-transparent objects.
/// When set to true, the extent to which the material is transparent is controlled by setting it's .opacity property.
/// Default is false.
/// </summary>
/// <default>false</default>
abstract transparent: bool with get, set
/// <summary>Value is the string 'Material'. This shouldn't be changed, and can be used to find all objects of this type in a scene.</summary>
/// <default>'Material'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// UUID of this material instance. This gets automatically assigned, so this shouldn't be edited.
abstract uuid: string with get, set
/// <summary>Defines whether vertex coloring is used. Default is false.</summary>
/// <default>false</default>
abstract vertexColors: bool with get, set
/// <summary>Defines whether this material is visible. Default is true.</summary>
/// <default>true</default>
abstract visible: bool with get, set
/// <summary>An object that can be used to store custom data about the Material. It should not hold references to functions as these will not be cloned.</summary>
/// <default>{}</default>
abstract userData: obj option with get, set
/// <summary>This starts at 0 and counts how many times .needsUpdate is set to true.</summary>
/// <default>0</default>
abstract version: float with get, set
/// Return a new material with the same parameters as this material.
abstract clone: unit -> Material
/// <summary>Copy the parameters from the passed material into this material.</summary>
/// <param name="material" />
abstract copy: material: Material -> Material
/// <summary>This disposes the material. Textures of a material don't get disposed. These needs to be disposed by <see cref="Texture" />.</summary>
abstract dispose: unit -> unit
/// <summary>
/// An optional callback that is executed immediately before the shader program is compiled.
/// This function is called with the shader source code as a parameter.
/// Useful for the modification of built-in materials.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shader">Source code of the shader</param>
/// <param name="renderer">WebGLRenderer Context that is initializing the material</param>
abstract onBeforeCompile: shader: Shader * renderer: WebGLRenderer -> unit
/// In case onBeforeCompile is used, this callback can be used to identify values of settings used in onBeforeCompile, so three.js can reuse a cached shader or recompile the shader as needed.
abstract customProgramCacheKey: unit -> string
/// <summary>Sets the properties based on the values.</summary>
/// <param name="values">A container with parameters.</param>
abstract setValues: values: MaterialParameters -> unit
/// <summary>Convert the material to three.js JSON format.</summary>
/// <param name="meta">Object containing metadata such as textures or images for the material.</param>
abstract toJSON: ?meta: obj -> obj option
/// Materials describe the appearance of objects. They are defined in a (mostly) renderer-independent way, so you don't have to rewrite materials if you decide to use a different renderer.
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MaterialStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: unit -> Material
type [<StringEnum>] [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] MaterialParametersPrecision =
| Highp
| Mediump
| Lowp
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MaterialDefines =
[<EmitIndexer>] abstract Item: key: string -> obj option with get, set
module __materials_MeshBasicMaterial =
type Color = __math_Color.Color
type Texture = __textures_Texture.Texture
type MaterialParameters = __materials_Material.MaterialParameters
type Material = __materials_Material.Material
type Combine = Constants.Combine
type ColorRepresentation = Utils.ColorRepresentation
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract MeshBasicMaterial: MeshBasicMaterialStatic
/// parameters is an object with one or more properties defining the material's appearance.
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MeshBasicMaterialParameters =
inherit MaterialParameters
abstract color: ColorRepresentation option with get, set
abstract opacity: float option with get, set
abstract map: Texture option with get, set
abstract lightMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract lightMapIntensity: float option with get, set
abstract aoMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract aoMapIntensity: float option with get, set
abstract specularMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract alphaMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract envMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract combine: Combine option with get, set
abstract reflectivity: float option with get, set
abstract refractionRatio: float option with get, set
abstract wireframe: bool option with get, set
abstract wireframeLinewidth: float option with get, set
abstract wireframeLinecap: string option with get, set
abstract wireframeLinejoin: string option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MeshBasicMaterial =
inherit Material
/// <summary>Value is the string 'Material'. This shouldn't be changed, and can be used to find all objects of this type in a scene.</summary>
/// <default>'MeshBasicMaterial'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.Color( 0xffffff )</default>
abstract color: Color with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract map: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract lightMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract lightMapIntensity: float with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract aoMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract aoMapIntensity: float with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract specularMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract alphaMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract envMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>THREE.MultiplyOperation</default>
abstract combine: Combine with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract reflectivity: float with get, set
/// <default>0.98</default>
abstract refractionRatio: float with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract wireframe: bool with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract wireframeLinewidth: float with get, set
/// <default>'round'</default>
abstract wireframeLinecap: string with get, set
/// <default>'round'</default>
abstract wireframeLinejoin: string with get, set
/// Sets the properties based on the values.
abstract setValues: parameters: MeshBasicMaterialParameters -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MeshBasicMaterialStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?parameters: MeshBasicMaterialParameters -> MeshBasicMaterial
module __materials_MeshDepthMaterial =
type DepthPackingStrategies = Constants.DepthPackingStrategies
type MaterialParameters = __materials_Material.MaterialParameters
type Material = __materials_Material.Material
type Texture = __textures_Texture.Texture
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract MeshDepthMaterial: MeshDepthMaterialStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MeshDepthMaterialParameters =
inherit MaterialParameters
abstract map: Texture option with get, set
abstract alphaMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract depthPacking: DepthPackingStrategies option with get, set
abstract displacementMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract displacementScale: float option with get, set
abstract displacementBias: float option with get, set
abstract wireframe: bool option with get, set
abstract wireframeLinewidth: float option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MeshDepthMaterial =
inherit Material
/// <summary>Value is the string 'Material'. This shouldn't be changed, and can be used to find all objects of this type in a scene.</summary>
/// <default>'MeshDepthMaterial'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract map: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract alphaMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>THREE.BasicDepthPacking</default>
abstract depthPacking: DepthPackingStrategies with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract displacementMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract displacementScale: float with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract displacementBias: float with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract wireframe: bool with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract wireframeLinewidth: float with get, set
/// <summary>Whether the material is affected by fog. Default is true.</summary>
/// <default>false</default>
abstract fog: bool with get, set
/// Sets the properties based on the values.
abstract setValues: parameters: MeshDepthMaterialParameters -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MeshDepthMaterialStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?parameters: MeshDepthMaterialParameters -> MeshDepthMaterial
module __materials_MeshDistanceMaterial =
type MaterialParameters = __materials_Material.MaterialParameters
type Material = __materials_Material.Material
type Vector3 = __math_Vector3.Vector3
type Texture = __textures_Texture.Texture
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract MeshDistanceMaterial: MeshDistanceMaterialStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MeshDistanceMaterialParameters =
inherit MaterialParameters
abstract map: Texture option with get, set
abstract alphaMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract displacementMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract displacementScale: float option with get, set
abstract displacementBias: float option with get, set
abstract farDistance: float option with get, set
abstract nearDistance: float option with get, set
abstract referencePosition: Vector3 option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MeshDistanceMaterial =
inherit Material
/// <summary>Value is the string 'Material'. This shouldn't be changed, and can be used to find all objects of this type in a scene.</summary>
/// <default>'MeshDistanceMaterial'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract map: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract alphaMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract displacementMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract displacementScale: float with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract displacementBias: float with get, set
/// <default>1000</default>
abstract farDistance: float with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract nearDistance: float with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.Vector3()</default>
abstract referencePosition: Vector3 with get, set
/// <summary>Whether the material is affected by fog. Default is true.</summary>
/// <default>false</default>
abstract fog: bool with get, set
/// Sets the properties based on the values.
abstract setValues: parameters: MeshDistanceMaterialParameters -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MeshDistanceMaterialStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?parameters: MeshDistanceMaterialParameters -> MeshDistanceMaterial
module __materials_MeshLambertMaterial =
type Color = __math_Color.Color
type Texture = __textures_Texture.Texture
type MaterialParameters = __materials_Material.MaterialParameters
type Material = __materials_Material.Material
type Combine = Constants.Combine
type ColorRepresentation = Utils.ColorRepresentation
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract MeshLambertMaterial: MeshLambertMaterialStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MeshLambertMaterialParameters =
inherit MaterialParameters
abstract color: ColorRepresentation option with get, set
abstract emissive: ColorRepresentation option with get, set
abstract emissiveIntensity: float option with get, set
abstract emissiveMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract map: Texture option with get, set
abstract lightMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract lightMapIntensity: float option with get, set
abstract aoMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract aoMapIntensity: float option with get, set
abstract specularMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract alphaMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract envMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract combine: Combine option with get, set
abstract reflectivity: float option with get, set
abstract refractionRatio: float option with get, set
abstract wireframe: bool option with get, set
abstract wireframeLinewidth: float option with get, set
abstract wireframeLinecap: string option with get, set
abstract wireframeLinejoin: string option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MeshLambertMaterial =
inherit Material
/// <summary>Value is the string 'Material'. This shouldn't be changed, and can be used to find all objects of this type in a scene.</summary>
/// <default>'MeshLambertMaterial'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.Color( 0xffffff )</default>
abstract color: Color with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.Color( 0x000000 )</default>
abstract emissive: Color with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract emissiveIntensity: float with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract emissiveMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract map: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract lightMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract lightMapIntensity: float with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract aoMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract aoMapIntensity: float with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract specularMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract alphaMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract envMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>THREE.MultiplyOperation</default>
abstract combine: Combine with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract reflectivity: float with get, set
/// <default>0.98</default>
abstract refractionRatio: float with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract wireframe: bool with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract wireframeLinewidth: float with get, set
/// <default>'round'</default>
abstract wireframeLinecap: string with get, set
/// <default>'round'</default>
abstract wireframeLinejoin: string with get, set
/// Sets the properties based on the values.
abstract setValues: parameters: MeshLambertMaterialParameters -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MeshLambertMaterialStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?parameters: MeshLambertMaterialParameters -> MeshLambertMaterial
module __materials_MeshMatcapMaterial =
type Color = __math_Color.Color
type Texture = __textures_Texture.Texture
type Vector2 = __math_Vector2.Vector2
type MaterialParameters = __materials_Material.MaterialParameters
type Material = __materials_Material.Material
type NormalMapTypes = Constants.NormalMapTypes
type ColorRepresentation = Utils.ColorRepresentation
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract MeshMatcapMaterial: MeshMatcapMaterialStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MeshMatcapMaterialParameters =
inherit MaterialParameters
abstract color: ColorRepresentation option with get, set
abstract matcap: Texture option with get, set
abstract map: Texture option with get, set
abstract bumpMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract bumpScale: float option with get, set
abstract normalMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract normalMapType: NormalMapTypes option with get, set
abstract normalScale: Vector2 option with get, set
abstract displacementMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract displacementScale: float option with get, set
abstract displacementBias: float option with get, set
abstract alphaMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract flatShading: bool option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MeshMatcapMaterial =
inherit Material
/// <summary>Value is the string 'Material'. This shouldn't be changed, and can be used to find all objects of this type in a scene.</summary>
/// <default>'MeshMatcapMaterial'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// <summary>
/// Custom defines to be injected into the shader. These are passed in form of an object literal, with key/value pairs. { MY_CUSTOM_DEFINE: '' , PI2: Math.PI * 2 }.
/// The pairs are defined in both vertex and fragment shaders. Default is undefined.
/// </summary>
/// <default>{ 'MATCAP': '' }</default>
abstract defines: MeshMatcapMaterialDefines with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.Color( 0xffffff )</default>
abstract color: Color with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract matcap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract map: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract bumpMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract bumpScale: float with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract normalMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>THREE.TangentSpaceNormalMap</default>
abstract normalMapType: NormalMapTypes with get, set
/// <default>new Vector2( 1, 1 )</default>
abstract normalScale: Vector2 with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract displacementMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract displacementScale: float with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract displacementBias: float with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract alphaMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <summary>Define whether the material is rendered with flat shading. Default is false.</summary>
/// <default>false</default>
abstract flatShading: bool with get, set
/// Sets the properties based on the values.
abstract setValues: parameters: MeshMatcapMaterialParameters -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MeshMatcapMaterialStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?parameters: MeshMatcapMaterialParameters -> MeshMatcapMaterial
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MeshMatcapMaterialDefines =
[<EmitIndexer>] abstract Item: key: string -> obj option with get, set
module __materials_MeshNormalMaterial =
type MaterialParameters = __materials_Material.MaterialParameters
type Material = __materials_Material.Material
type Texture = __textures_Texture.Texture
type Vector2 = __math_Vector2.Vector2
type NormalMapTypes = Constants.NormalMapTypes
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract MeshNormalMaterial: MeshNormalMaterialStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MeshNormalMaterialParameters =
inherit MaterialParameters
abstract bumpMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract bumpScale: float option with get, set
abstract normalMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract normalMapType: NormalMapTypes option with get, set
abstract normalScale: Vector2 option with get, set
abstract displacementMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract displacementScale: float option with get, set
abstract displacementBias: float option with get, set
abstract wireframe: bool option with get, set
abstract wireframeLinewidth: float option with get, set
abstract flatShading: bool option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MeshNormalMaterial =
inherit Material
/// <summary>Value is the string 'Material'. This shouldn't be changed, and can be used to find all objects of this type in a scene.</summary>
/// <default>'MeshNormalMaterial'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract bumpMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract bumpScale: float with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract normalMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>THREE.TangentSpaceNormalMap</default>
abstract normalMapType: NormalMapTypes with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.Vector2( 1, 1 )</default>
abstract normalScale: Vector2 with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract displacementMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract displacementScale: float with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract displacementBias: float with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract wireframe: bool with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract wireframeLinewidth: float with get, set
/// <summary>Define whether the material is rendered with flat shading. Default is false.</summary>
/// <default>false</default>
abstract flatShading: bool with get, set
/// Sets the properties based on the values.
abstract setValues: parameters: MeshNormalMaterialParameters -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MeshNormalMaterialStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?parameters: MeshNormalMaterialParameters -> MeshNormalMaterial
module __materials_MeshPhongMaterial =
type Color = __math_Color.Color
type Texture = __textures_Texture.Texture
type Vector2 = __math_Vector2.Vector2
type MaterialParameters = __materials_Material.MaterialParameters
type Material = __materials_Material.Material
type Combine = Constants.Combine
type NormalMapTypes = Constants.NormalMapTypes
type ColorRepresentation = Utils.ColorRepresentation
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract MeshPhongMaterial: MeshPhongMaterialStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MeshPhongMaterialParameters =
inherit MaterialParameters
/// geometry color in hexadecimal. Default is 0xffffff.
abstract color: ColorRepresentation option with get, set
abstract specular: ColorRepresentation option with get, set
abstract shininess: float option with get, set
abstract opacity: float option with get, set
abstract map: Texture option with get, set
abstract lightMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract lightMapIntensity: float option with get, set
abstract aoMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract aoMapIntensity: float option with get, set
abstract emissive: ColorRepresentation option with get, set
abstract emissiveIntensity: float option with get, set
abstract emissiveMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract bumpMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract bumpScale: float option with get, set
abstract normalMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract normalMapType: NormalMapTypes option with get, set
abstract normalScale: Vector2 option with get, set
abstract displacementMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract displacementScale: float option with get, set
abstract displacementBias: float option with get, set
abstract specularMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract alphaMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract envMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract combine: Combine option with get, set
abstract reflectivity: float option with get, set
abstract refractionRatio: float option with get, set
abstract wireframe: bool option with get, set
abstract wireframeLinewidth: float option with get, set
abstract wireframeLinecap: string option with get, set
abstract wireframeLinejoin: string option with get, set
abstract flatShading: bool option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MeshPhongMaterial =
inherit Material
/// <summary>Value is the string 'Material'. This shouldn't be changed, and can be used to find all objects of this type in a scene.</summary>
/// <default>'MeshNormalMaterial'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.Color( 0xffffff )</default>
abstract color: Color with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.Color( 0x111111 )</default>
abstract specular: Color with get, set
/// <default>30</default>
abstract shininess: float with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract map: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract lightMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract lightMapIntensity: float with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract aoMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract aoMapIntensity: float with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.Color( 0x000000 )</default>
abstract emissive: Color with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract emissiveIntensity: float with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract emissiveMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract bumpMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract bumpScale: float with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract normalMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>THREE.TangentSpaceNormalMap</default>
abstract normalMapType: NormalMapTypes with get, set
/// <default>new Vector2( 1, 1 )</default>
abstract normalScale: Vector2 with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract displacementMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract displacementScale: float with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract displacementBias: float with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract specularMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract alphaMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract envMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>THREE.MultiplyOperation</default>
abstract combine: Combine with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract reflectivity: float with get, set
/// <default>0.98</default>
abstract refractionRatio: float with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract wireframe: bool with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract wireframeLinewidth: float with get, set
/// <default>'round'</default>
abstract wireframeLinecap: string with get, set
/// <default>'round'</default>
abstract wireframeLinejoin: string with get, set
/// <summary>Define whether the material is rendered with flat shading. Default is false.</summary>
/// <default>false</default>
abstract flatShading: bool with get, set
[<Obsolete("Use {@link MeshStandardMaterial THREE.MeshStandardMaterial} instead.")>]
abstract metal: bool with get, set
/// Sets the properties based on the values.
abstract setValues: parameters: MeshPhongMaterialParameters -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MeshPhongMaterialStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?parameters: MeshPhongMaterialParameters -> MeshPhongMaterial
module __materials_MeshPhysicalMaterial =
type Texture = __textures_Texture.Texture
type Vector2 = __math_Vector2.Vector2
type MeshStandardMaterialParameters = __materials_MeshStandardMaterial.MeshStandardMaterialParameters
type MeshStandardMaterial = __materials_MeshStandardMaterial.MeshStandardMaterial
type Color = __math_Color.Color
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract MeshPhysicalMaterial: MeshPhysicalMaterialStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MeshPhysicalMaterialParameters =
inherit MeshStandardMaterialParameters
abstract clearcoat: float option with get, set
abstract clearcoatMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract clearcoatRoughness: float option with get, set
abstract clearcoatRoughnessMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract clearcoatNormalScale: Vector2 option with get, set
abstract clearcoatNormalMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract reflectivity: float option with get, set
abstract ior: float option with get, set
abstract sheen: Color option with get, set
abstract transmission: float option with get, set
abstract transmissionMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract attenuationDistance: float option with get, set
abstract attenuationTint: Color option with get, set
abstract specularIntensity: float option with get, set
abstract specularTint: Color option with get, set
abstract specularIntensityMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract specularTintMap: Texture option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MeshPhysicalMaterial =
inherit MeshStandardMaterial
/// <summary>Value is the string 'Material'. This shouldn't be changed, and can be used to find all objects of this type in a scene.</summary>
/// <default>'MeshPhysicalMaterial'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// <summary>
/// Custom defines to be injected into the shader. These are passed in form of an object literal, with key/value pairs. { MY_CUSTOM_DEFINE: '' , PI2: Math.PI * 2 }.
/// The pairs are defined in both vertex and fragment shaders. Default is undefined.
/// </summary>
/// <default>{ 'STANDARD': '', 'PHYSICAL': '' }</default>
abstract defines: MeshPhysicalMaterialDefines with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract clearcoat: float with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract clearcoatMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract clearcoatRoughness: float with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract clearcoatRoughnessMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.Vector2( 1, 1 )</default>
abstract clearcoatNormalScale: Vector2 with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract clearcoatNormalMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>0.5</default>
abstract reflectivity: float with get, set
/// <default>1.5</default>
abstract ior: float with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract sheen: Color option with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract transmission: float with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract transmissionMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>0.01</default>
abstract thickness: float with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract thicknessMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>0.0</default>
abstract attenuationDistance: float with get, set
/// <default>Color( 1, 1, 1 )</default>
abstract attenuationColor: Color with get, set
/// <default>1.0</default>
abstract specularIntensity: float with get, set
/// <default>Color(1, 1, 1)</default>
abstract specularTint: Color with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract specularIntensityMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract specularTintMap: Texture option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MeshPhysicalMaterialStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?parameters: MeshPhysicalMaterialParameters -> MeshPhysicalMaterial
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MeshPhysicalMaterialDefines =
[<EmitIndexer>] abstract Item: key: string -> obj option with get, set
module __materials_MeshStandardMaterial =
type Color = __math_Color.Color
type Texture = __textures_Texture.Texture
type Vector2 = __math_Vector2.Vector2
type MaterialParameters = __materials_Material.MaterialParameters
type Material = __materials_Material.Material
type NormalMapTypes = Constants.NormalMapTypes
type ColorRepresentation = Utils.ColorRepresentation
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract MeshStandardMaterial: MeshStandardMaterialStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MeshStandardMaterialParameters =
inherit MaterialParameters
abstract color: ColorRepresentation option with get, set
abstract roughness: float option with get, set
abstract metalness: float option with get, set
abstract map: Texture option with get, set
abstract lightMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract lightMapIntensity: float option with get, set
abstract aoMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract aoMapIntensity: float option with get, set
abstract emissive: ColorRepresentation option with get, set
abstract emissiveIntensity: float option with get, set
abstract emissiveMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract bumpMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract bumpScale: float option with get, set
abstract normalMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract normalMapType: NormalMapTypes option with get, set
abstract normalScale: Vector2 option with get, set
abstract displacementMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract displacementScale: float option with get, set
abstract displacementBias: float option with get, set
abstract roughnessMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract metalnessMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract alphaMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract envMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract envMapIntensity: float option with get, set
abstract refractionRatio: float option with get, set
abstract wireframe: bool option with get, set
abstract wireframeLinewidth: float option with get, set
abstract flatShading: bool option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MeshStandardMaterial =
inherit Material
/// <summary>Value is the string 'Material'. This shouldn't be changed, and can be used to find all objects of this type in a scene.</summary>
/// <default>'MeshStandardMaterial'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// <summary>
/// Custom defines to be injected into the shader. These are passed in form of an object literal, with key/value pairs. { MY_CUSTOM_DEFINE: '' , PI2: Math.PI * 2 }.
/// The pairs are defined in both vertex and fragment shaders. Default is undefined.
/// </summary>
/// <default>{ 'STANDARD': '' }</default>
abstract defines: MeshStandardMaterialDefines with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.Color( 0xffffff )</default>
abstract color: Color with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract roughness: float with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract metalness: float with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract map: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract lightMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract lightMapIntensity: float with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract aoMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract aoMapIntensity: float with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.Color( 0x000000 )</default>
abstract emissive: Color with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract emissiveIntensity: float with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract emissiveMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract bumpMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract bumpScale: float with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract normalMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>THREE.TangentSpaceNormalMap</default>
abstract normalMapType: NormalMapTypes with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.Vector2( 1, 1 )</default>
abstract normalScale: Vector2 with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract displacementMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract displacementScale: float with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract displacementBias: float with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract roughnessMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract metalnessMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract alphaMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract envMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract envMapIntensity: float with get, set
/// <default>0.98</default>
abstract refractionRatio: float with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract wireframe: bool with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract wireframeLinewidth: float with get, set
/// <default>'round'</default>
abstract wireframeLinecap: string with get, set
/// <default>'round'</default>
abstract wireframeLinejoin: string with get, set
/// <summary>Define whether the material is rendered with flat shading. Default is false.</summary>
/// <default>false</default>
abstract flatShading: bool with get, set
abstract isMeshStandardMaterial: bool with get, set
/// Sets the properties based on the values.
abstract setValues: parameters: MeshStandardMaterialParameters -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MeshStandardMaterialStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?parameters: MeshStandardMaterialParameters -> MeshStandardMaterial
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MeshStandardMaterialDefines =
[<EmitIndexer>] abstract Item: key: string -> obj option with get, set
module __materials_MeshToonMaterial =
type Color = __math_Color.Color
type Texture = __textures_Texture.Texture
type Vector2 = __math_Vector2.Vector2
type MaterialParameters = __materials_Material.MaterialParameters
type Material = __materials_Material.Material
type NormalMapTypes = Constants.NormalMapTypes
type ColorRepresentation = Utils.ColorRepresentation
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract MeshToonMaterial: MeshToonMaterialStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MeshToonMaterialParameters =
inherit MaterialParameters
/// geometry color in hexadecimal. Default is 0xffffff.
abstract color: ColorRepresentation option with get, set
abstract opacity: float option with get, set
abstract gradientMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract map: Texture option with get, set
abstract lightMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract lightMapIntensity: float option with get, set
abstract aoMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract aoMapIntensity: float option with get, set
abstract emissive: ColorRepresentation option with get, set
abstract emissiveIntensity: float option with get, set
abstract emissiveMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract bumpMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract bumpScale: float option with get, set
abstract normalMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract normalMapType: NormalMapTypes option with get, set
abstract normalScale: Vector2 option with get, set
abstract displacementMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract displacementScale: float option with get, set
abstract displacementBias: float option with get, set
abstract alphaMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract wireframe: bool option with get, set
abstract wireframeLinewidth: float option with get, set
abstract wireframeLinecap: string option with get, set
abstract wireframeLinejoin: string option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MeshToonMaterial =
inherit Material
/// <summary>Value is the string 'Material'. This shouldn't be changed, and can be used to find all objects of this type in a scene.</summary>
/// <default>'MeshToonMaterial'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// <summary>
/// Custom defines to be injected into the shader. These are passed in form of an object literal, with key/value pairs. { MY_CUSTOM_DEFINE: '' , PI2: Math.PI * 2 }.
/// The pairs are defined in both vertex and fragment shaders. Default is undefined.
/// </summary>
/// <default>{ 'TOON': '' }</default>
abstract defines: MeshToonMaterialDefines with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.Color( 0xffffff )</default>
abstract color: Color with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract gradientMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract map: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract lightMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract lightMapIntensity: float with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract aoMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract aoMapIntensity: float with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.Color( 0x000000 )</default>
abstract emissive: Color with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract emissiveIntensity: float with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract emissiveMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract bumpMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract bumpScale: float with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract normalMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>THREE.TangentSpaceNormalMap</default>
abstract normalMapType: NormalMapTypes with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.Vector2( 1, 1 )</default>
abstract normalScale: Vector2 with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract displacementMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract displacementScale: float with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract displacementBias: float with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract alphaMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract wireframe: bool with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract wireframeLinewidth: float with get, set
/// <default>'round'</default>
abstract wireframeLinecap: string with get, set
/// <default>'round'</default>
abstract wireframeLinejoin: string with get, set
/// Sets the properties based on the values.
abstract setValues: parameters: MeshToonMaterialParameters -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MeshToonMaterialStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?parameters: MeshToonMaterialParameters -> MeshToonMaterial
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MeshToonMaterialDefines =
[<EmitIndexer>] abstract Item: key: string -> obj option with get, set
module __materials_PointsMaterial =
type Material = __materials_Material.Material
type MaterialParameters = __materials_Material.MaterialParameters
type Color = __math_Color.Color
type Texture = __textures_Texture.Texture
type ColorRepresentation = Utils.ColorRepresentation
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract PointsMaterial: PointsMaterialStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] PointsMaterialParameters =
inherit MaterialParameters
abstract color: ColorRepresentation option with get, set
abstract map: Texture option with get, set
abstract alphaMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract size: float option with get, set
abstract sizeAttenuation: bool option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] PointsMaterial =
inherit Material
/// <summary>Value is the string 'Material'. This shouldn't be changed, and can be used to find all objects of this type in a scene.</summary>
/// <default>'PointsMaterial'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.Color( 0xffffff )</default>
abstract color: Color with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract map: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract alphaMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract size: float with get, set
/// <default>true</default>
abstract sizeAttenuation: bool with get, set
/// Sets the properties based on the values.
abstract setValues: parameters: PointsMaterialParameters -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] PointsMaterialStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?parameters: PointsMaterialParameters -> PointsMaterial
module __materials_RawShaderMaterial =
type ShaderMaterialParameters = __materials_ShaderMaterial.ShaderMaterialParameters
type ShaderMaterial = __materials_ShaderMaterial.ShaderMaterial
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract RawShaderMaterial: RawShaderMaterialStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] RawShaderMaterial =
inherit ShaderMaterial
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] RawShaderMaterialStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?parameters: ShaderMaterialParameters -> RawShaderMaterial
module __materials_ShaderMaterial =
type MaterialParameters = __materials_Material.MaterialParameters
type Material = __materials_Material.Material
type GLSLVersion = Constants.GLSLVersion
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract ShaderMaterial: ShaderMaterialStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] ShaderMaterialParameters =
inherit MaterialParameters
abstract uniforms: ShaderMaterialParametersUniforms option with get, set
abstract vertexShader: string option with get, set
abstract fragmentShader: string option with get, set
abstract linewidth: float option with get, set
abstract wireframe: bool option with get, set
abstract wireframeLinewidth: float option with get, set
abstract lights: bool option with get, set
abstract clipping: bool option with get, set
abstract extensions: {| derivatives: bool option; fragDepth: bool option; drawBuffers: bool option; shaderTextureLOD: bool option |} option with get, set
abstract glslVersion: GLSLVersion option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] ShaderMaterial =
inherit Material
/// <summary>Value is the string 'Material'. This shouldn't be changed, and can be used to find all objects of this type in a scene.</summary>
/// <default>'ShaderMaterial'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// <summary>
/// Custom defines to be injected into the shader. These are passed in form of an object literal, with key/value pairs. { MY_CUSTOM_DEFINE: '' , PI2: Math.PI * 2 }.
/// The pairs are defined in both vertex and fragment shaders. Default is undefined.
/// </summary>
/// <default>{}</default>
abstract defines: ShaderMaterialDefines with get, set
/// <default>{}</default>
abstract uniforms: ShaderMaterialParametersUniforms with get, set
abstract vertexShader: string with get, set
abstract fragmentShader: string with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract linewidth: float with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract wireframe: bool with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract wireframeLinewidth: float with get, set
/// <summary>Whether the material is affected by fog. Default is true.</summary>
/// <default>false</default>
abstract fog: bool with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract lights: bool with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract clipping: bool with get, set
[<Obsolete("Use {@link ShaderMaterial#extensions.derivatives extensions.derivatives} instead.")>]
abstract derivatives: obj option with get, set
/// <default>{ derivatives: false, fragDepth: false, drawBuffers: false, shaderTextureLOD: false }</default>
abstract extensions: {| derivatives: bool; fragDepth: bool; drawBuffers: bool; shaderTextureLOD: bool |} with get, set
/// <default>{ 'color': [ 1, 1, 1 ], 'uv': [ 0, 0 ], 'uv2': [ 0, 0 ] }</default>
abstract defaultAttributeValues: obj option with get, set
/// <default>undefined</default>
abstract index0AttributeName: string option with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract uniformsNeedUpdate: bool with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract glslVersion: GLSLVersion option with get, set
abstract isShaderMaterial: bool with get, set
/// Sets the properties based on the values.
abstract setValues: parameters: ShaderMaterialParameters -> unit
/// Convert the material to three.js JSON format.
abstract toJSON: meta: obj option -> obj option
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] ShaderMaterialStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?parameters: ShaderMaterialParameters -> ShaderMaterial
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] ShaderMaterialParametersUniforms =
[<EmitIndexer>] abstract Item: uniform: string -> IUniform with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] ShaderMaterialDefines =
[<EmitIndexer>] abstract Item: key: string -> obj option with get, set
module __materials_ShadowMaterial =
type ColorRepresentation = Utils.ColorRepresentation
type Color = __math_Color.Color
type MaterialParameters = __materials_Material.MaterialParameters
type Material = __materials_Material.Material
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract ShadowMaterial: ShadowMaterialStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] ShadowMaterialParameters =
inherit MaterialParameters
abstract color: ColorRepresentation option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] ShadowMaterial =
inherit Material
/// <summary>Value is the string 'Material'. This shouldn't be changed, and can be used to find all objects of this type in a scene.</summary>
/// <default>'ShadowMaterial'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.Color( 0x000000 )</default>
abstract color: Color with get, set
/// <summary>
/// Defines whether this material is transparent. This has an effect on rendering as transparent objects need special treatment and are rendered after non-transparent objects.
/// When set to true, the extent to which the material is transparent is controlled by setting it's .opacity property.
/// Default is false.
/// </summary>
/// <default>true</default>
abstract transparent: bool with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] ShadowMaterialStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?parameters: ShadowMaterialParameters -> ShadowMaterial
module __materials_SpriteMaterial =
type ColorRepresentation = Utils.ColorRepresentation
type Color = __math_Color.Color
type Texture = __textures_Texture.Texture
type MaterialParameters = __materials_Material.MaterialParameters
type Material = __materials_Material.Material
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract SpriteMaterial: SpriteMaterialStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] SpriteMaterialParameters =
inherit MaterialParameters
abstract color: ColorRepresentation option with get, set
abstract map: Texture option with get, set
abstract alphaMap: Texture option with get, set
abstract rotation: float option with get, set
abstract sizeAttenuation: bool option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] SpriteMaterial =
inherit Material
/// <summary>Value is the string 'Material'. This shouldn't be changed, and can be used to find all objects of this type in a scene.</summary>
/// <default>'SpriteMaterial'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.Color( 0xffffff )</default>
abstract color: Color with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract map: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract alphaMap: Texture option with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract rotation: float with get, set
/// <default>true</default>
abstract sizeAttenuation: bool with get, set
/// <summary>
/// Defines whether this material is transparent. This has an effect on rendering as transparent objects need special treatment and are rendered after non-transparent objects.
/// When set to true, the extent to which the material is transparent is controlled by setting it's .opacity property.
/// Default is false.
/// </summary>
/// <default>true</default>
abstract transparent: bool with get, set
abstract isSpriteMaterial: bool
/// Sets the properties based on the values.
abstract setValues: parameters: SpriteMaterialParameters -> unit
/// Copy the parameters from the passed material into this material.
abstract copy: source: SpriteMaterial -> SpriteMaterial
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] SpriteMaterialStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?parameters: SpriteMaterialParameters -> SpriteMaterial
module __textures_CanvasTexture =
type Texture = __textures_Texture.Texture
type Mapping = Constants.Mapping
type Wrapping = Constants.Wrapping
type TextureFilter = Constants.TextureFilter
type PixelFormat = Constants.PixelFormat
type TextureDataType = Constants.TextureDataType
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract CanvasTexture: CanvasTextureStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] CanvasTexture =
inherit Texture
abstract isCanvasTexture: bool
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] CanvasTextureStatic =
/// <param name="canvas" />
/// <param name="format" />
/// <param name="type" />
/// <param name="mapping" />
/// <param name="wrapS" />
/// <param name="wrapT" />
/// <param name="magFilter" />
/// <param name="minFilter" />
/// <param name="anisotropy" />
/// <param name="encoding" />
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: canvas: U4<HTMLImageElement, HTMLCanvasElement, HTMLVideoElement, ImageBitmap> * ?mapping: Mapping * ?wrapS: Wrapping * ?wrapT: Wrapping * ?magFilter: TextureFilter * ?minFilter: TextureFilter * ?format: PixelFormat * ?``type``: TextureDataType * ?anisotropy: float -> CanvasTexture
module __textures_CompressedTexture =
type Texture = __textures_Texture.Texture
type Mapping = Constants.Mapping
type Wrapping = Constants.Wrapping
type TextureFilter = Constants.TextureFilter
type CompressedPixelFormat = Constants.CompressedPixelFormat
type TextureDataType = Constants.TextureDataType
type TextureEncoding = Constants.TextureEncoding
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract CompressedTexture: CompressedTextureStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] CompressedTexture =
inherit Texture
abstract image: {| width: float; height: float |} with get, set
abstract mipmaps: ResizeArray<ImageData> with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract flipY: bool with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract generateMipmaps: bool with get, set
abstract isCompressedTexture: bool
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] CompressedTextureStatic =
/// <param name="mipmaps" />
/// <param name="width" />
/// <param name="height" />
/// <param name="format" />
/// <param name="type" />
/// <param name="mapping" />
/// <param name="wrapS" />
/// <param name="wrapT" />
/// <param name="magFilter" />
/// <param name="minFilter" />
/// <param name="anisotropy" />
/// <param name="encoding" />
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: mipmaps: ResizeArray<ImageData> * width: float * height: float * ?format: CompressedPixelFormat * ?``type``: TextureDataType * ?mapping: Mapping * ?wrapS: Wrapping * ?wrapT: Wrapping * ?magFilter: TextureFilter * ?minFilter: TextureFilter * ?anisotropy: float * ?encoding: TextureEncoding -> CompressedTexture
module __textures_CubeTexture =
type Texture = __textures_Texture.Texture
type Mapping = Constants.Mapping
type Wrapping = Constants.Wrapping
type TextureFilter = Constants.TextureFilter
type PixelFormat = Constants.PixelFormat
type TextureDataType = Constants.TextureDataType
type TextureEncoding = Constants.TextureEncoding
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract CubeTexture: CubeTextureStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] CubeTexture =
inherit Texture
abstract images: obj option with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract flipY: bool with get, set
abstract isCubeTexture: bool
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] CubeTextureStatic =
/// <param name="images" />
/// <param name="mapping" />
/// <param name="wrapS" />
/// <param name="wrapT" />
/// <param name="magFilter" />
/// <param name="minFilter" />
/// <param name="format" />
/// <param name="type" />
/// <param name="anisotropy" />
/// <param name="encoding" />
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?images: ResizeArray<obj option> * ?mapping: Mapping * ?wrapS: Wrapping * ?wrapT: Wrapping * ?magFilter: TextureFilter * ?minFilter: TextureFilter * ?format: PixelFormat * ?``type``: TextureDataType * ?anisotropy: float * ?encoding: TextureEncoding -> CubeTexture
module __textures_DataTexture =
type Texture = __textures_Texture.Texture
type Mapping = Constants.Mapping
type Wrapping = Constants.Wrapping
type TextureFilter = Constants.TextureFilter
type PixelFormat = Constants.PixelFormat
type TextureDataType = Constants.TextureDataType
type TextureEncoding = Constants.TextureEncoding
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract DataTexture: DataTextureStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] DataTexture =
inherit Texture
abstract image: ImageData with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract flipY: bool with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract generateMipmaps: bool with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract unpackAlignment: float with get, set
/// <default>THREE.DepthFormat</default>
abstract format: PixelFormat with get, set
abstract isDataTexture: bool
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] DataTextureStatic =
/// <param name="data" />
/// <param name="width" />
/// <param name="height" />
/// <param name="format" />
/// <param name="type" />
/// <param name="mapping" />
/// <param name="wrapS" />
/// <param name="wrapT" />
/// <param name="magFilter" />
/// <param name="minFilter" />
/// <param name="anisotropy" />
/// <param name="encoding" />
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: data: BufferSource * width: float * height: float * ?format: PixelFormat * ?``type``: TextureDataType * ?mapping: Mapping * ?wrapS: Wrapping * ?wrapT: Wrapping * ?magFilter: TextureFilter * ?minFilter: TextureFilter * ?anisotropy: float * ?encoding: TextureEncoding -> DataTexture
module __textures_DataTexture2DArray =
type Texture = __textures_Texture.Texture
type TextureFilter = Constants.TextureFilter
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract DataTexture2DArray: DataTexture2DArrayStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] DataTexture2DArray =
inherit Texture
/// <default>THREE.NearestFilter</default>
abstract magFilter: TextureFilter with get, set
/// <default>THREE.NearestFilter</default>
abstract minFilter: TextureFilter with get, set
/// <default>THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping</default>
abstract wrapR: bool with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract flipY: bool with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract generateMipmaps: bool with get, set
abstract isDataTexture2DArray: bool
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] DataTexture2DArrayStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?data: BufferSource * ?width: float * ?height: float * ?depth: float -> DataTexture2DArray
module __textures_DataTexture3D =
type Texture = __textures_Texture.Texture
type TextureFilter = Constants.TextureFilter
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract DataTexture3D: DataTexture3DStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] DataTexture3D =
inherit Texture
/// <default>THREE.NearestFilter</default>
abstract magFilter: TextureFilter with get, set
/// <default>THREE.NearestFilter</default>
abstract minFilter: TextureFilter with get, set
/// <default>THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping</default>
abstract wrapR: bool with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract flipY: bool with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract generateMipmaps: bool with get, set
abstract isDataTexture3D: bool
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] DataTexture3DStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: data: BufferSource * width: float * height: float * depth: float -> DataTexture3D
module __textures_DepthTexture =
type Texture = __textures_Texture.Texture
type Mapping = Constants.Mapping
type Wrapping = Constants.Wrapping
type TextureFilter = Constants.TextureFilter
type TextureDataType = Constants.TextureDataType
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract DepthTexture: DepthTextureStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] DepthTexture =
inherit Texture
abstract image: {| width: float; height: float |} with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract flipY: bool with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract generateMipmaps: bool with get, set
abstract isDepthTexture: bool
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] DepthTextureStatic =
/// <param name="width" />
/// <param name="height" />
/// <param name="type" />
/// <param name="mapping" />
/// <param name="wrapS" />
/// <param name="wrapT" />
/// <param name="magFilter" />
/// <param name="minFilter" />
/// <param name="anisotropy" />
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: width: float * height: float * ?``type``: TextureDataType * ?mapping: Mapping * ?wrapS: Wrapping * ?wrapT: Wrapping * ?magFilter: TextureFilter * ?minFilter: TextureFilter * ?anisotropy: float -> DepthTexture
module __textures_Texture =
type Vector2 = __math_Vector2.Vector2
type Matrix3 = __math_Matrix3.Matrix3
type EventDispatcher = __core_EventDispatcher.EventDispatcher
type Mapping = Constants.Mapping
type Wrapping = Constants.Wrapping
type TextureFilter = Constants.TextureFilter
type PixelFormat = Constants.PixelFormat
type PixelFormatGPU = Constants.PixelFormatGPU
type TextureDataType = Constants.TextureDataType
type TextureEncoding = Constants.TextureEncoding
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract Texture: TextureStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Texture =
inherit EventDispatcher
abstract id: float with get, set
abstract uuid: string with get, set
/// <default>''</default>
abstract name: string with get, set
abstract sourceFile: string with get, set
/// <default>THREE.Texture.DEFAULT_IMAGE</default>
abstract image: obj option with get, set
/// <default>[]</default>
abstract mipmaps: ResizeArray<obj option> with get, set
/// <default>THREE.Texture.DEFAULT_MAPPING</default>
abstract mapping: Mapping with get, set
/// <default>THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping</default>
abstract wrapS: Wrapping with get, set
/// <default>THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping</default>
abstract wrapT: Wrapping with get, set
/// <default>THREE.LinearFilter</default>
abstract magFilter: TextureFilter with get, set
/// <default>THREE.LinearMipmapLinearFilter</default>
abstract minFilter: TextureFilter with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract anisotropy: float with get, set
/// <default>THREE.RGBAFormat</default>
abstract format: PixelFormat with get, set
abstract internalFormat: PixelFormatGPU option with get, set
/// <default>THREE.UnsignedByteType</default>
abstract ``type``: TextureDataType with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.Matrix3()</default>
abstract matrix: Matrix3 with get, set
/// <default>true</default>
abstract matrixAutoUpdate: bool with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.Vector2( 0, 0 )</default>
abstract offset: Vector2 with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.Vector2( 1, 1 )</default>
abstract repeat: Vector2 with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.Vector2( 0, 0 )</default>
abstract center: Vector2 with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract rotation: float with get, set
/// <default>true</default>
abstract generateMipmaps: bool with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract premultiplyAlpha: bool with get, set
/// <default>true</default>
abstract flipY: bool with get, set
/// <default>4</default>
abstract unpackAlignment: float with get, set
/// <default>THREE.LinearEncoding</default>
abstract encoding: TextureEncoding with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract isRenderTargetTexture: bool with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract version: float with get, set
abstract needsUpdate: bool with get, set
abstract isTexture: bool
abstract onUpdate: (unit -> unit) with get, set
abstract clone: unit -> Texture
abstract copy: source: Texture -> Texture
abstract toJSON: meta: obj option -> obj option
abstract dispose: unit -> unit
abstract transformUv: uv: Vector2 -> Vector2
abstract updateMatrix: unit -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] TextureStatic =
/// <param name="image" />
/// <param name="mapping" />
/// <param name="wrapS" />
/// <param name="wrapT" />
/// <param name="magFilter" />
/// <param name="minFilter" />
/// <param name="format" />
/// <param name="type" />
/// <param name="anisotropy" />
/// <param name="encoding" />
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?image: U3<HTMLImageElement, HTMLCanvasElement, HTMLVideoElement> * ?mapping: Mapping * ?wrapS: Wrapping * ?wrapT: Wrapping * ?magFilter: TextureFilter * ?minFilter: TextureFilter * ?format: PixelFormat * ?``type``: TextureDataType * ?anisotropy: float * ?encoding: TextureEncoding -> Texture
abstract DEFAULT_IMAGE: obj option with get, set
abstract DEFAULT_MAPPING: obj option with get, set
module __textures_VideoTexture =
type Texture = __textures_Texture.Texture
type Mapping = Constants.Mapping
type Wrapping = Constants.Wrapping
type TextureFilter = Constants.TextureFilter
type PixelFormat = Constants.PixelFormat
type TextureDataType = Constants.TextureDataType
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract VideoTexture: VideoTextureStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] VideoTexture =
inherit Texture
abstract isVideoTexture: bool
/// <default>false</default>
abstract generateMipmaps: bool with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] VideoTextureStatic =
/// <param name="video" />
/// <param name="mapping" />
/// <param name="wrapS" />
/// <param name="wrapT" />
/// <param name="magFilter" />
/// <param name="minFilter" />
/// <param name="format" />
/// <param name="type" />
/// <param name="anisotropy" />
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: video: HTMLVideoElement * ?mapping: Mapping * ?wrapS: Wrapping * ?wrapT: Wrapping * ?magFilter: TextureFilter * ?minFilter: TextureFilter * ?format: PixelFormat * ?``type``: TextureDataType * ?anisotropy: float -> VideoTexture
module __renderers_WebGL1Renderer =
type WebGLRenderer = __renderers_WebGLRenderer.WebGLRenderer
type WebGLRendererParameters = __renderers_WebGLRenderer.WebGLRendererParameters
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract WebGL1Renderer: WebGL1RendererStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGL1Renderer =
inherit WebGLRenderer
abstract isWebGL1Renderer: bool
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGL1RendererStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?parameters: WebGLRendererParameters -> WebGL1Renderer
module __renderers_WebGLCubeRenderTarget =
type WebGLRenderTargetOptions = __renderers_WebGLRenderTarget.WebGLRenderTargetOptions
type WebGLRenderTarget = __renderers_WebGLRenderTarget.WebGLRenderTarget
type WebGLRenderer = __renderers_WebGLRenderer.WebGLRenderer
type Texture = __textures_Texture.Texture
type CubeTexture = __textures_CubeTexture.CubeTexture
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract WebGLCubeRenderTarget: WebGLCubeRenderTargetStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLCubeRenderTarget =
inherit WebGLRenderTarget
abstract texture: CubeTexture with get, set
abstract fromEquirectangularTexture: renderer: WebGLRenderer * texture: Texture -> WebGLCubeRenderTarget
abstract clear: renderer: WebGLRenderer * color: bool * depth: bool * stencil: bool -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLCubeRenderTargetStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: size: float * ?options: WebGLRenderTargetOptions -> WebGLCubeRenderTarget
module __renderers_WebGLMultipleRenderTargets =
type EventDispatcher = __core_EventDispatcher.EventDispatcher
type Texture = __textures_Texture.Texture
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// This class originall extended WebGLMultipleRenderTarget
/// However, there are some issues with this method as documented below
abstract WebGLMultipleRenderTargets: WebGLMultipleRenderTargetsStatic
/// This class originall extended WebGLMultipleRenderTarget
/// However, there are some issues with this method as documented below
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLMultipleRenderTargets =
inherit EventDispatcher
abstract texture: ResizeArray<Texture> with get, set
abstract isWebGLMultipleRenderTargets: obj
abstract setSize: width: float * height: float * ?depth: float -> WebGLMultipleRenderTargets
abstract copy: source: WebGLMultipleRenderTargets -> WebGLMultipleRenderTargets
abstract clone: unit -> WebGLMultipleRenderTargets
abstract dispose: unit -> unit
abstract setTexture: texture: Texture -> unit
/// This class originall extended WebGLMultipleRenderTarget
/// However, there are some issues with this method as documented below
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLMultipleRenderTargetsStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: width: float * height: float * count: float -> WebGLMultipleRenderTargets
module __renderers_WebGLMultisampleRenderTarget =
type WebGLRenderTarget = __renderers_WebGLRenderTarget.WebGLRenderTarget
type WebGLRenderTargetOptions = __renderers_WebGLRenderTarget.WebGLRenderTargetOptions
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract WebGLMultisampleRenderTarget: WebGLMultisampleRenderTargetStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLMultisampleRenderTarget =
inherit WebGLRenderTarget
abstract isWebGLMultisampleRenderTarget: bool
/// <summary>Specifies the number of samples to be used for the renderbuffer storage.However, the maximum supported size for multisampling is platform dependent and defined via gl.MAX_SAMPLES.</summary>
/// <default>4</default>
abstract samples: float with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLMultisampleRenderTargetStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: width: float * height: float * ?options: WebGLRenderTargetOptions -> WebGLMultisampleRenderTarget
module __renderers_WebGLRenderTarget =
type Vector4 = __math_Vector4.Vector4
type Texture = __textures_Texture.Texture
type DepthTexture = __textures_DepthTexture.DepthTexture
type EventDispatcher = __core_EventDispatcher.EventDispatcher
type Wrapping = Constants.Wrapping
type TextureFilter = Constants.TextureFilter
type TextureDataType = Constants.TextureDataType
type TextureEncoding = Constants.TextureEncoding
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract WebGLRenderTarget: WebGLRenderTargetStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLRenderTargetOptions =
abstract wrapS: Wrapping option with get, set
abstract wrapT: Wrapping option with get, set
abstract magFilter: TextureFilter option with get, set
abstract minFilter: TextureFilter option with get, set
abstract format: float option with get, set
abstract ``type``: TextureDataType option with get, set
abstract anisotropy: float option with get, set
abstract depthBuffer: bool option with get, set
abstract stencilBuffer: bool option with get, set
abstract generateMipmaps: bool option with get, set
abstract depthTexture: DepthTexture option with get, set
abstract encoding: TextureEncoding option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLRenderTarget =
inherit EventDispatcher
abstract uuid: string with get, set
abstract width: float with get, set
abstract height: float with get, set
abstract depth: float with get, set
abstract scissor: Vector4 with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract scissorTest: bool with get, set
abstract viewport: Vector4 with get, set
abstract texture: Texture with get, set
/// <default>true</default>
abstract depthBuffer: bool with get, set
/// <default>true</default>
abstract stencilBuffer: bool with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract depthTexture: DepthTexture with get, set
abstract isWebGLRenderTarget: bool
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Texture#wrapS texture.wrapS} instead.")>]
abstract wrapS: obj option with get, set
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Texture#wrapT texture.wrapT} instead.")>]
abstract wrapT: obj option with get, set
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Texture#magFilter texture.magFilter} instead.")>]
abstract magFilter: obj option with get, set
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Texture#minFilter texture.minFilter} instead.")>]
abstract minFilter: obj option with get, set
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Texture#anisotropy texture.anisotropy} instead.")>]
abstract anisotropy: obj option with get, set
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Texture#offset texture.offset} instead.")>]
abstract offset: obj option with get, set
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Texture#repeat texture.repeat} instead.")>]
abstract repeat: obj option with get, set
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Texture#format texture.format} instead.")>]
abstract format: obj option with get, set
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Texture#type texture.type} instead.")>]
abstract ``type``: obj option with get, set
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Texture#generateMipmaps texture.generateMipmaps} instead.")>]
abstract generateMipmaps: obj option with get, set
abstract setTexture: texture: Texture -> unit
abstract setSize: width: float * height: float * ?depth: float -> unit
abstract clone: unit -> WebGLRenderTarget
abstract copy: source: WebGLRenderTarget -> WebGLRenderTarget
abstract dispose: unit -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLRenderTargetStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: width: float * height: float * ?options: WebGLRenderTargetOptions -> WebGLRenderTarget
module __renderers_WebGLRenderer =
type Scene = __scenes_Scene.Scene
type Camera = __cameras_Camera.Camera
type WebGLExtensions = __renderers_webgl_WebGLExtensions.WebGLExtensions
type WebGLInfo = __renderers_webgl_WebGLInfo.WebGLInfo
type WebGLShadowMap = __renderers_webgl_WebGLShadowMap.WebGLShadowMap
type WebGLCapabilities = __renderers_webgl_WebGLCapabilities.WebGLCapabilities
type WebGLProperties = __renderers_webgl_WebGLProperties.WebGLProperties
type WebGLProgram = __renderers_webgl_WebGLProgram.WebGLProgram
type RenderTarget = __renderers_webgl_WebGLRenderLists.RenderTarget
type WebGLRenderLists = __renderers_webgl_WebGLRenderLists.WebGLRenderLists
type WebGLState = __renderers_webgl_WebGLState.WebGLState
type Vector2 = __math_Vector2.Vector2
type Vector4 = __math_Vector4.Vector4
type Color = __math_Color.Color
type WebGLRenderTarget = __renderers_WebGLRenderTarget.WebGLRenderTarget
type Object3D = __core_Object3D.Object3D
type Material = __materials_Material.Material
type ToneMapping = Constants.ToneMapping
type ShadowMapType = Constants.ShadowMapType
type CullFace = Constants.CullFace
type TextureEncoding = Constants.TextureEncoding
type WebXRManager = __renderers_webxr_WebXRManager.WebXRManager
type BufferGeometry = __core_BufferGeometry.BufferGeometry
type Texture = __textures_Texture.Texture
type DataTexture3D = __textures_DataTexture3D.DataTexture3D
type XRAnimationLoopCallback = __renderers_webxr_WebXR.XRAnimationLoopCallback
type Vector3 = __math_Vector3.Vector3
type Box3 = __math_Box3.Box3
type DataTexture2DArray = __textures_DataTexture2DArray.DataTexture2DArray
type ColorRepresentation = Utils.ColorRepresentation
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// <summary>
/// The WebGL renderer displays your beautifully crafted scenes using WebGL, if your device supports it.
/// This renderer has way better performance than CanvasRenderer.
/// see <see href="">src/renderers/WebGLRenderer.js</see>
/// </summary>
abstract WebGLRenderer: WebGLRendererStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Renderer =
abstract domElement: HTMLCanvasElement with get, set
abstract render: scene: Object3D * camera: Camera -> unit
abstract setSize: width: float * height: float * ?updateStyle: bool -> unit
/// This is only available in worker JS contexts, not the DOM.
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] OffscreenCanvas =
inherit EventTarget
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLRendererParameters =
/// A Canvas where the renderer draws its output.
abstract canvas: U2<HTMLCanvasElement, OffscreenCanvas> option with get, set
/// <summary>
/// A WebGL Rendering Context.
/// (<see href="" />
/// Default is null
/// </summary>
abstract context: WebGLRenderingContext option with get, set
/// shader precision. Can be "highp", "mediump" or "lowp".
abstract precision: string option with get, set
/// default is false.
abstract alpha: bool option with get, set
/// default is true.
abstract premultipliedAlpha: bool option with get, set
/// default is false.
abstract antialias: bool option with get, set
/// default is true.
abstract stencil: bool option with get, set
/// default is false.
abstract preserveDrawingBuffer: bool option with get, set
/// Can be "high-performance", "low-power" or "default"
abstract powerPreference: string option with get, set
/// default is true.
abstract depth: bool option with get, set
/// default is false.
abstract logarithmicDepthBuffer: bool option with get, set
/// default is false.
abstract failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat: bool option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLDebug =
/// Enables error checking and reporting when shader programs are being compiled.
abstract checkShaderErrors: bool with get, set
/// <summary>
/// The WebGL renderer displays your beautifully crafted scenes using WebGL, if your device supports it.
/// This renderer has way better performance than CanvasRenderer.
/// see <see href="">src/renderers/WebGLRenderer.js</see>
/// </summary>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLRenderer =
inherit Renderer
/// <summary>
/// A Canvas where the renderer draws its output.
/// This is automatically created by the renderer in the constructor (if not provided already); you just need to add it to your page.
/// </summary>
/// <default>document.createElementNS( '<see href="'," /> 'canvas' )</default>
abstract domElement: HTMLCanvasElement with get, set
/// The HTML5 Canvas's 'webgl' context obtained from the canvas where the renderer will draw.
abstract context: WebGLRenderingContext with get, set
/// <summary>Defines whether the renderer should automatically clear its output before rendering.</summary>
/// <default>true</default>
abstract autoClear: bool with get, set
/// <summary>If autoClear is true, defines whether the renderer should clear the color buffer. Default is true.</summary>
/// <default>true</default>
abstract autoClearColor: bool with get, set
/// <summary>If autoClear is true, defines whether the renderer should clear the depth buffer. Default is true.</summary>
/// <default>true</default>
abstract autoClearDepth: bool with get, set
/// <summary>If autoClear is true, defines whether the renderer should clear the stencil buffer. Default is true.</summary>
/// <default>true</default>
abstract autoClearStencil: bool with get, set
/// <summary>Debug configurations.</summary>
/// <default>{ checkShaderErrors: true }</default>
abstract debug: WebGLDebug with get, set
/// <summary>Defines whether the renderer should sort objects. Default is true.</summary>
/// <default>true</default>
abstract sortObjects: bool with get, set
/// <default>[]</default>
abstract clippingPlanes: ResizeArray<obj option> with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract localClippingEnabled: bool with get, set
abstract extensions: WebGLExtensions with get, set
/// <summary>Default is LinearEncoding.</summary>
/// <default>THREE.LinearEncoding</default>
abstract outputEncoding: TextureEncoding with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract physicallyCorrectLights: bool with get, set
/// <default>THREE.NoToneMapping</default>
abstract toneMapping: ToneMapping with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract toneMappingExposure: float with get, set
abstract info: WebGLInfo with get, set
abstract shadowMap: WebGLShadowMap with get, set
abstract pixelRatio: float with get, set
abstract capabilities: WebGLCapabilities with get, set
abstract properties: WebGLProperties with get, set
abstract renderLists: WebGLRenderLists with get, set
abstract state: WebGLState with get, set
abstract xr: WebXRManager with get, set
/// Return the WebGL context.
abstract getContext: unit -> WebGLRenderingContext
abstract getContextAttributes: unit -> obj option
abstract forceContextLoss: unit -> unit
[<Obsolete("Use {@link WebGLCapabilities#getMaxAnisotropy .capabilities.getMaxAnisotropy()} instead.")>]
abstract getMaxAnisotropy: unit -> float
[<Obsolete("Use {@link WebGLCapabilities#precision .capabilities.precision} instead.")>]
abstract getPrecision: unit -> string
abstract getPixelRatio: unit -> float
abstract setPixelRatio: value: float -> unit
abstract getDrawingBufferSize: target: Vector2 -> Vector2
abstract setDrawingBufferSize: width: float * height: float * pixelRatio: float -> unit
abstract getSize: target: Vector2 -> Vector2
/// Resizes the output canvas to (width, height), and also sets the viewport to fit that size, starting in (0, 0).
abstract setSize: width: float * height: float * ?updateStyle: bool -> unit
abstract getCurrentViewport: target: Vector4 -> Vector4
/// Copies the viewport into target.
abstract getViewport: target: Vector4 -> Vector4
/// Sets the viewport to render from (x, y) to (x + width, y + height).
/// (x, y) is the lower-left corner of the region.
abstract setViewport: x: U2<Vector4, float> * ?y: float * ?width: float * ?height: float -> unit
/// Copies the scissor area into target.
abstract getScissor: target: Vector4 -> Vector4
/// Sets the scissor area from (x, y) to (x + width, y + height).
abstract setScissor: x: U2<Vector4, float> * ?y: float * ?width: float * ?height: float -> unit
/// Returns true if scissor test is enabled; returns false otherwise.
abstract getScissorTest: unit -> bool
/// Enable the scissor test. When this is enabled, only the pixels within the defined scissor area will be affected by further renderer actions.
abstract setScissorTest: enable: bool -> unit
/// Sets the custom opaque sort function for the WebGLRenderLists. Pass null to use the default painterSortStable function.
abstract setOpaqueSort: method: (obj option -> obj option -> float) -> unit
/// Sets the custom transparent sort function for the WebGLRenderLists. Pass null to use the default reversePainterSortStable function.
abstract setTransparentSort: method: (obj option -> obj option -> float) -> unit
/// Returns a THREE.Color instance with the current clear color.
abstract getClearColor: target: Color -> Color
/// Sets the clear color, using color for the color and alpha for the opacity.
abstract setClearColor: color: ColorRepresentation * ?alpha: float -> unit
/// Returns a float with the current clear alpha. Ranges from 0 to 1.
abstract getClearAlpha: unit -> float
abstract setClearAlpha: alpha: float -> unit
/// Tells the renderer to clear its color, depth or stencil drawing buffer(s).
/// Arguments default to true
abstract clear: ?color: bool * ?depth: bool * ?stencil: bool -> unit
abstract clearColor: unit -> unit
abstract clearDepth: unit -> unit
abstract clearStencil: unit -> unit
abstract clearTarget: renderTarget: WebGLRenderTarget * color: bool * depth: bool * stencil: bool -> unit
[<Obsolete("Use {@link WebGLState#reset .state.reset()} instead.")>]
abstract resetGLState: unit -> unit
abstract dispose: unit -> unit
abstract renderBufferImmediate: object: Object3D * program: WebGLProgram -> unit
abstract renderBufferDirect: camera: Camera * scene: Scene * geometry: BufferGeometry * material: Material * object: Object3D * geometryGroup: obj option -> unit
/// <summary>A build in function that can be used instead of requestAnimationFrame. For WebXR projects this function must be used.</summary>
/// <param name="callback">The function will be called every available frame. If <c>null</c> is passed it will stop any already ongoing animation.</param>
abstract setAnimationLoop: callback: XRAnimationLoopCallback option -> unit
[<Obsolete("Use {@link WebGLRenderer#setAnimationLoop .setAnimationLoop()} instead.")>]
abstract animate: callback: (unit -> unit) -> unit
/// Compiles all materials in the scene with the camera. This is useful to precompile shaders before the first rendering.
abstract compile: scene: Object3D * camera: Camera -> unit
/// <summary>
/// Render a scene or an object using a camera.
/// The render is done to a previously specified <see cref="WebGLRenderTarget.renderTarget">.renderTarget</see> set by calling
/// <see cref="WebGLRenderer.setRenderTarget">.setRenderTarget</see> or to the canvas as usual.
/// By default render buffers are cleared before rendering but you can prevent this by setting the property
/// <see cref="WebGLRenderer.autoClear">autoClear</see> to false. If you want to prevent only certain buffers being cleared
/// you can set either the <see cref="WebGLRenderer.autoClearColor">autoClearColor</see>,
/// <see cref="WebGLRenderer.autoClearStencil">autoClearStencil</see> or <see cref="WebGLRenderer.autoClearDepth">autoClearDepth</see>
/// properties to false. To forcibly clear one ore more buffers call <see cref="WebGLRenderer.clear">.clear</see>.
/// </summary>
abstract render: scene: Object3D * camera: Camera -> unit
/// Returns the current active cube face.
abstract getActiveCubeFace: unit -> float
/// Returns the current active mipmap level.
abstract getActiveMipmapLevel: unit -> float
/// Returns the current render target. If no render target is set, null is returned.
abstract getRenderTarget: unit -> RenderTarget option
[<Obsolete("Use {@link WebGLRenderer#getRenderTarget .getRenderTarget()} instead.")>]
abstract getCurrentRenderTarget: unit -> RenderTarget option
/// <summary>Sets the active render target.</summary>
/// <param name="renderTarget">The <see cref="WebGLRenderTarget">renderTarget</see> that needs to be activated. When <c>null</c> is given, the canvas is set as the active render target instead.</param>
/// <param name="activeCubeFace">Specifies the active cube side (PX 0, NX 1, PY 2, NY 3, PZ 4, NZ 5) of <see cref="WebGLCubeRenderTarget" />.</param>
/// <param name="activeMipmapLevel">Specifies the active mipmap level.</param>
abstract setRenderTarget: renderTarget: RenderTarget option * ?activeCubeFace: float * ?activeMipmapLevel: float -> unit
abstract readRenderTargetPixels: renderTarget: RenderTarget * x: float * y: float * width: float * height: float * buffer: obj option * ?activeCubeFaceIndex: float -> unit
/// <summary>
/// Copies a region of the currently bound framebuffer into the selected mipmap level of the selected texture.
/// This region is defined by the size of the destination texture's mip level, offset by the input position.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="position">Specifies the pixel offset from which to copy out of the framebuffer.</param>
/// <param name="texture">Specifies the destination texture.</param>
/// <param name="level">Specifies the destination mipmap level of the texture.</param>
abstract copyFramebufferToTexture: position: Vector2 * texture: Texture * ?level: float -> unit
/// <summary>Copies srcTexture to the specified level of dstTexture, offset by the input position.</summary>
/// <param name="position">Specifies the pixel offset into the dstTexture where the copy will occur.</param>
/// <param name="srcTexture">Specifies the source texture.</param>
/// <param name="dstTexture">Specifies the destination texture.</param>
/// <param name="level">Specifies the destination mipmap level of the texture.</param>
abstract copyTextureToTexture: position: Vector2 * srcTexture: Texture * dstTexture: Texture * ?level: float -> unit
/// <summary>Copies the pixels of a texture in the bounds sourceBox in the desination texture starting from the given position.</summary>
/// <param name="sourceBox">Specifies the bounds</param>
/// <param name="position">Specifies the pixel offset into the dstTexture where the copy will occur.</param>
/// <param name="srcTexture">Specifies the source texture.</param>
/// <param name="dstTexture">Specifies the destination texture.</param>
/// <param name="level">Specifies the destination mipmap level of the texture.</param>
abstract copyTextureToTexture3D: sourceBox: Box3 * position: Vector3 * srcTexture: Texture * dstTexture: U2<DataTexture3D, DataTexture2DArray> * ?level: float -> unit
/// <summary>Initializes the given texture. Can be used to preload a texture rather than waiting until first render (which can cause noticeable lags due to decode and GPU upload overhead).</summary>
/// <param name="texture">The texture to Initialize.</param>
abstract initTexture: texture: Texture -> unit
/// Can be used to reset the internal WebGL state.
abstract resetState: unit -> unit
abstract gammaFactor: float with get, set
[<Obsolete("Use {@link WebGLRenderer#xr .xr} instead.")>]
abstract vr: bool with get, set
[<Obsolete("Use {@link WebGLShadowMap#enabled .shadowMap.enabled} instead.")>]
abstract shadowMapEnabled: bool with get, set
[<Obsolete("Use {@link WebGLShadowMap#type .shadowMap.type} instead.")>]
abstract shadowMapType: ShadowMapType with get, set
[<Obsolete("Use {@link WebGLShadowMap#cullFace .shadowMap.cullFace} instead.")>]
abstract shadowMapCullFace: CullFace with get, set
[<Obsolete("Use {@link WebGLExtensions#get .extensions.get( 'OES_texture_float' )} instead.")>]
abstract supportsFloatTextures: unit -> obj option
[<Obsolete("Use {@link WebGLExtensions#get .extensions.get( 'OES_texture_half_float' )} instead.")>]
abstract supportsHalfFloatTextures: unit -> obj option
[<Obsolete("Use {@link WebGLExtensions#get .extensions.get( 'OES_standard_derivatives' )} instead.")>]
abstract supportsStandardDerivatives: unit -> obj option
[<Obsolete("Use {@link WebGLExtensions#get .extensions.get( 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc' )} instead.")>]
abstract supportsCompressedTextureS3TC: unit -> obj option
[<Obsolete("Use {@link WebGLExtensions#get .extensions.get( 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc' )} instead.")>]
abstract supportsCompressedTexturePVRTC: unit -> obj option
[<Obsolete("Use {@link WebGLExtensions#get .extensions.get( 'EXT_blend_minmax' )} instead.")>]
abstract supportsBlendMinMax: unit -> obj option
[<Obsolete("Use {@link WebGLCapabilities#vertexTextures .capabilities.vertexTextures} instead.")>]
abstract supportsVertexTextures: unit -> obj option
[<Obsolete("Use {@link WebGLExtensions#get .extensions.get( 'ANGLE_instanced_arrays' )} instead.")>]
abstract supportsInstancedArrays: unit -> obj option
[<Obsolete("Use {@link WebGLRenderer#setScissorTest .setScissorTest()} instead.")>]
abstract enableScissorTest: boolean: obj option -> obj option
/// <summary>
/// The WebGL renderer displays your beautifully crafted scenes using WebGL, if your device supports it.
/// This renderer has way better performance than CanvasRenderer.
/// see <see href="">src/renderers/WebGLRenderer.js</see>
/// </summary>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLRendererStatic =
/// parameters is an optional object with properties defining the renderer's behaviour.
/// The constructor also accepts no parameters at all.
/// In all cases, it will assume sane defaults when parameters are missing.
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?parameters: WebGLRendererParameters -> WebGLRenderer
module __renderers_shaders_ShaderChunk =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract ShaderChunk: IExportsShaderChunk with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExportsShaderChunk =
[<EmitIndexer>] abstract Item: name: string -> string with get, set
abstract alphamap_fragment: string with get, set
abstract alphamap_pars_fragment: string with get, set
abstract alphatest_fragment: string with get, set
abstract aomap_fragment: string with get, set
abstract aomap_pars_fragment: string with get, set
abstract begin_vertex: string with get, set
abstract beginnormal_vertex: string with get, set
abstract bsdfs: string with get, set
abstract bumpmap_pars_fragment: string with get, set
abstract clipping_planes_fragment: string with get, set
abstract clipping_planes_pars_fragment: string with get, set
abstract clipping_planes_pars_vertex: string with get, set
abstract clipping_planes_vertex: string with get, set
abstract color_fragment: string with get, set
abstract color_pars_fragment: string with get, set
abstract color_pars_vertex: string with get, set
abstract color_vertex: string with get, set
abstract common: string with get, set
abstract cube_frag: string with get, set
abstract cube_vert: string with get, set
abstract cube_uv_reflection_fragment: string with get, set
abstract defaultnormal_vertex: string with get, set
abstract depth_frag: string with get, set
abstract depth_vert: string with get, set
abstract distanceRGBA_frag: string with get, set
abstract distanceRGBA_vert: string with get, set
abstract displacementmap_vertex: string with get, set
abstract displacementmap_pars_vertex: string with get, set
abstract emissivemap_fragment: string with get, set
abstract emissivemap_pars_fragment: string with get, set
abstract encodings_pars_fragment: string with get, set
abstract encodings_fragment: string with get, set
abstract envmap_fragment: string with get, set
abstract envmap_common_pars_fragment: string with get, set
abstract envmap_pars_fragment: string with get, set
abstract envmap_pars_vertex: string with get, set
abstract envmap_vertex: string with get, set
abstract equirect_frag: string with get, set
abstract equirect_vert: string with get, set
abstract fog_fragment: string with get, set
abstract fog_pars_fragment: string with get, set
abstract linedashed_frag: string with get, set
abstract linedashed_vert: string with get, set
abstract lightmap_fragment: string with get, set
abstract lightmap_pars_fragment: string with get, set
abstract lights_lambert_vertex: string with get, set
abstract lights_pars_begin: string with get, set
abstract envmap_physical_pars_fragment: string with get, set
abstract lights_pars_map: string with get, set
abstract lights_phong_fragment: string with get, set
abstract lights_phong_pars_fragment: string with get, set
abstract lights_physical_fragment: string with get, set
abstract lights_physical_pars_fragment: string with get, set
abstract lights_fragment_begin: string with get, set
abstract lights_fragment_maps: string with get, set
abstract lights_fragment_end: string with get, set
abstract logdepthbuf_fragment: string with get, set
abstract logdepthbuf_pars_fragment: string with get, set
abstract logdepthbuf_pars_vertex: string with get, set
abstract logdepthbuf_vertex: string with get, set
abstract map_fragment: string with get, set
abstract map_pars_fragment: string with get, set
abstract map_particle_fragment: string with get, set
abstract map_particle_pars_fragment: string with get, set
abstract meshbasic_frag: string with get, set
abstract meshbasic_vert: string with get, set
abstract meshlambert_frag: string with get, set
abstract meshlambert_vert: string with get, set
abstract meshphong_frag: string with get, set
abstract meshphong_vert: string with get, set
abstract meshphysical_frag: string with get, set
abstract meshphysical_vert: string with get, set
abstract metalnessmap_fragment: string with get, set
abstract metalnessmap_pars_fragment: string with get, set
abstract morphnormal_vertex: string with get, set
abstract morphtarget_pars_vertex: string with get, set
abstract morphtarget_vertex: string with get, set
abstract normal_flip: string with get, set
abstract normal_frag: string with get, set
abstract normal_fragment_begin: string with get, set
abstract normal_fragment_maps: string with get, set
abstract normal_vert: string with get, set
abstract normalmap_pars_fragment: string with get, set
abstract clearcoat_normal_fragment_begin: string with get, set
abstract clearcoat_normal_fragment_maps: string with get, set
abstract clearcoat_pars_fragment: string with get, set
abstract packing: string with get, set
abstract points_frag: string with get, set
abstract points_vert: string with get, set
abstract shadow_frag: string with get, set
abstract shadow_vert: string with get, set
abstract premultiplied_alpha_fragment: string with get, set
abstract project_vertex: string with get, set
abstract roughnessmap_fragment: string with get, set
abstract roughnessmap_pars_fragment: string with get, set
abstract shadowmap_pars_fragment: string with get, set
abstract shadowmap_pars_vertex: string with get, set
abstract shadowmap_vertex: string with get, set
abstract shadowmask_pars_fragment: string with get, set
abstract skinbase_vertex: string with get, set
abstract skinning_pars_vertex: string with get, set
abstract skinning_vertex: string with get, set
abstract skinnormal_vertex: string with get, set
abstract specularmap_fragment: string with get, set
abstract specularmap_pars_fragment: string with get, set
abstract tonemapping_fragment: string with get, set
abstract tonemapping_pars_fragment: string with get, set
abstract uv2_pars_fragment: string with get, set
abstract uv2_pars_vertex: string with get, set
abstract uv2_vertex: string with get, set
abstract uv_pars_fragment: string with get, set
abstract uv_pars_vertex: string with get, set
abstract uv_vertex: string with get, set
abstract worldpos_vertex: string with get, set
module __renderers_shaders_ShaderLib =
open __renderers_shaders_UniformsLib
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract ShaderLib: IExportsShaderLib with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Shader =
abstract uniforms: ShaderUniforms with get, set
abstract vertexShader: string with get, set
abstract fragmentShader: string with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExportsShaderLib =
[<EmitIndexer>] abstract Item: name: string -> Shader with get, set
abstract basic: Shader with get, set
abstract lambert: Shader with get, set
abstract phong: Shader with get, set
abstract standard: Shader with get, set
abstract matcap: Shader with get, set
abstract points: Shader with get, set
abstract dashed: Shader with get, set
abstract depth: Shader with get, set
abstract normal: Shader with get, set
abstract sprite: Shader with get, set
abstract background: Shader with get, set
abstract cube: Shader with get, set
abstract equirect: Shader with get, set
abstract distanceRGBA: Shader with get, set
abstract shadow: Shader with get, set
abstract physical: Shader with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] ShaderUniforms =
[<EmitIndexer>] abstract Item: uniform: string -> IUniform with get, set
module __renderers_shaders_UniformsLib =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract UniformsLib: IExportsUniformsLib with get, set
// { Attributes = [] Comments = [] Name = IUniform FullName = "/home/dave/back-up/code/FableGame/node_modules/@types/three/src/renderers/shaders/UniformsLib".IUniform Type = Generic ({ Type = Mapped ({ Name = IUniform FullName = IUniform Declarations = [object Object] }) TypeParameters = [Union ({ Option = true Types = [Mapped ({ Name = obj FullName = obj Declarations = [object Object] })] })] }) TypeParameters = [] }
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IUniform<'TValue> =
abstract value: 'TValue with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExportsUniformsLibCommon =
abstract diffuse: IUniform with get, set
abstract opacity: IUniform with get, set
abstract map: IUniform with get, set
abstract uvTransform: IUniform with get, set
abstract uv2Transform: IUniform with get, set
abstract alphaMap: IUniform with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExportsUniformsLibEnvmap =
abstract envMap: IUniform with get, set
abstract flipEnvMap: IUniform with get, set
abstract reflectivity: IUniform with get, set
abstract refractionRatio: IUniform with get, set
abstract maxMipLevel: IUniform with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExportsUniformsLibLightsDirectionalLightsPropertiesDirection =
interface end
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExportsUniformsLibLightsSpotLightsProperties =
abstract color: IExportsUniformsLibLightsDirectionalLightsPropertiesDirection with get, set
abstract position: IExportsUniformsLibLightsDirectionalLightsPropertiesDirection with get, set
abstract direction: IExportsUniformsLibLightsDirectionalLightsPropertiesDirection with get, set
abstract distance: IExportsUniformsLibLightsDirectionalLightsPropertiesDirection with get, set
abstract coneCos: IExportsUniformsLibLightsDirectionalLightsPropertiesDirection with get, set
abstract penumbraCos: IExportsUniformsLibLightsDirectionalLightsPropertiesDirection with get, set
abstract decay: IExportsUniformsLibLightsDirectionalLightsPropertiesDirection with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExportsUniformsLibLights =
abstract ambientLightColor: IUniform with get, set
abstract directionalLights: {| value: ResizeArray<obj option>; properties: {| direction: IExportsUniformsLibLightsDirectionalLightsPropertiesDirection; color: IExportsUniformsLibLightsDirectionalLightsPropertiesDirection |} |} with get, set
abstract directionalLightShadows: {| value: ResizeArray<obj option>; properties: {| shadowBias: IExportsUniformsLibLightsDirectionalLightsPropertiesDirection; shadowNormalBias: IExportsUniformsLibLightsDirectionalLightsPropertiesDirection; shadowRadius: IExportsUniformsLibLightsDirectionalLightsPropertiesDirection; shadowMapSize: IExportsUniformsLibLightsDirectionalLightsPropertiesDirection |} |} with get, set
abstract directionalShadowMap: IUniform with get, set
abstract directionalShadowMatrix: IUniform with get, set
abstract spotLights: {| value: ResizeArray<obj option>; properties: IExportsUniformsLibLightsSpotLightsProperties |} with get, set
abstract spotLightShadows: {| value: ResizeArray<obj option>; properties: {| shadowBias: IExportsUniformsLibLightsDirectionalLightsPropertiesDirection; shadowNormalBias: IExportsUniformsLibLightsDirectionalLightsPropertiesDirection; shadowRadius: IExportsUniformsLibLightsDirectionalLightsPropertiesDirection; shadowMapSize: IExportsUniformsLibLightsDirectionalLightsPropertiesDirection |} |} with get, set
abstract spotShadowMap: IUniform with get, set
abstract spotShadowMatrix: IUniform with get, set
abstract pointLights: {| value: ResizeArray<obj option>; properties: {| color: IExportsUniformsLibLightsDirectionalLightsPropertiesDirection; position: IExportsUniformsLibLightsDirectionalLightsPropertiesDirection; decay: IExportsUniformsLibLightsDirectionalLightsPropertiesDirection; distance: IExportsUniformsLibLightsDirectionalLightsPropertiesDirection |} |} with get, set
abstract pointLightShadows: {| value: ResizeArray<obj option>; properties: {| shadowBias: IExportsUniformsLibLightsDirectionalLightsPropertiesDirection; shadowNormalBias: IExportsUniformsLibLightsDirectionalLightsPropertiesDirection; shadowRadius: IExportsUniformsLibLightsDirectionalLightsPropertiesDirection; shadowMapSize: IExportsUniformsLibLightsDirectionalLightsPropertiesDirection |} |} with get, set
abstract pointShadowMap: IUniform with get, set
abstract pointShadowMatrix: IUniform with get, set
abstract hemisphereLights: {| value: ResizeArray<obj option>; properties: {| direction: IExportsUniformsLibLightsDirectionalLightsPropertiesDirection; skycolor: IExportsUniformsLibLightsDirectionalLightsPropertiesDirection; groundColor: IExportsUniformsLibLightsDirectionalLightsPropertiesDirection |} |} with get, set
abstract rectAreaLights: {| value: ResizeArray<obj option>; properties: {| color: IExportsUniformsLibLightsDirectionalLightsPropertiesDirection; position: IExportsUniformsLibLightsDirectionalLightsPropertiesDirection; width: IExportsUniformsLibLightsDirectionalLightsPropertiesDirection; height: IExportsUniformsLibLightsDirectionalLightsPropertiesDirection |} |} with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExportsUniformsLibPoints =
abstract diffuse: IUniform with get, set
abstract opacity: IUniform with get, set
abstract size: IUniform with get, set
abstract scale: IUniform with get, set
abstract map: IUniform with get, set
abstract uvTransform: IUniform with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExportsUniformsLib =
abstract common: IExportsUniformsLibCommon with get, set
abstract specularmap: {| specularMap: IUniform |} with get, set
abstract envmap: IExportsUniformsLibEnvmap with get, set
abstract aomap: {| aoMap: IUniform; aoMapIntensity: IUniform |} with get, set
abstract lightmap: {| lightMap: IUniform; lightMapIntensity: IUniform |} with get, set
abstract emissivemap: {| emissiveMap: IUniform |} with get, set
abstract bumpmap: {| bumpMap: IUniform; bumpScale: IUniform |} with get, set
abstract normalmap: {| normalMap: IUniform; normalScale: IUniform |} with get, set
abstract displacementmap: {| displacementMap: IUniform; displacementScale: IUniform; displacementBias: IUniform |} with get, set
abstract roughnessmap: {| roughnessMap: IUniform |} with get, set
abstract metalnessmap: {| metalnessMap: IUniform |} with get, set
abstract gradientmap: {| gradientMap: IUniform |} with get, set
abstract fog: {| fogDensity: IUniform; fogNear: IUniform; fogFar: IUniform; fogColor: IUniform |} with get, set
abstract lights: IExportsUniformsLibLights with get, set
abstract points: IExportsUniformsLibPoints with get, set
module __renderers_shaders_UniformsUtils =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract cloneUniforms: uniforms_src: obj option -> obj option
abstract mergeUniforms: uniforms: ResizeArray<obj option> -> obj option
module __renderers_webgl_WebGLAttributes =
type WebGLCapabilities = __renderers_webgl_WebGLCapabilities.WebGLCapabilities
type BufferAttribute = __core_BufferAttribute.BufferAttribute
type InterleavedBufferAttribute = __core_InterleavedBufferAttribute.InterleavedBufferAttribute
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract WebGLAttributes: WebGLAttributesStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLAttributes =
abstract get: attribute: U2<BufferAttribute, InterleavedBufferAttribute> -> {| buffer: WebGLBuffer; ``type``: float; bytesPerElement: float; version: float |}
abstract remove: attribute: U2<BufferAttribute, InterleavedBufferAttribute> -> unit
abstract update: attribute: U2<BufferAttribute, InterleavedBufferAttribute> * bufferType: float -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLAttributesStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: gl: U2<WebGLRenderingContext, WebGL2RenderingContext> * capabilities: WebGLCapabilities -> WebGLAttributes
module __renderers_webgl_WebGLBindingStates =
type WebGLExtensions = __renderers_webgl_WebGLExtensions.WebGLExtensions
type WebGLAttributes = __renderers_webgl_WebGLAttributes.WebGLAttributes
type WebGLProgram = __renderers_webgl_WebGLProgram.WebGLProgram
type WebGLCapabilities = __renderers_webgl_WebGLCapabilities.WebGLCapabilities
type Object3D = __core_Object3D.Object3D
type BufferGeometry = __core_BufferGeometry.BufferGeometry
type BufferAttribute = __core_BufferAttribute.BufferAttribute
type Material = __materials_Material.Material
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract WebGLBindingStates: WebGLBindingStatesStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLBindingStates =
abstract setup: object: Object3D * material: Material * program: WebGLProgram * geometry: BufferGeometry * index: BufferAttribute -> unit
abstract reset: unit -> unit
abstract resetDefaultState: unit -> unit
abstract dispose: unit -> unit
abstract releaseStatesOfGeometry: unit -> unit
abstract releaseStatesOfProgram: unit -> unit
abstract initAttributes: unit -> unit
abstract enableAttribute: attribute: float -> unit
abstract disableUnusedAttributes: unit -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLBindingStatesStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: gl: WebGLRenderingContext * extensions: WebGLExtensions * attributes: WebGLAttributes * capabilities: WebGLCapabilities -> WebGLBindingStates
module __renderers_webgl_WebGLBufferRenderer =
type WebGLExtensions = __renderers_webgl_WebGLExtensions.WebGLExtensions
type WebGLInfo = __renderers_webgl_WebGLInfo.WebGLInfo
type WebGLCapabilities = __renderers_webgl_WebGLCapabilities.WebGLCapabilities
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract WebGLBufferRenderer: WebGLBufferRendererStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLBufferRenderer =
abstract setMode: value: obj option -> unit
abstract render: start: obj option * count: float -> unit
abstract renderInstances: start: obj option * count: float * primcount: float -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLBufferRendererStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: gl: WebGLRenderingContext * extensions: WebGLExtensions * info: WebGLInfo * capabilities: WebGLCapabilities -> WebGLBufferRenderer
module __renderers_webgl_WebGLCapabilities =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract WebGLCapabilities: WebGLCapabilitiesStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLCapabilitiesParameters =
abstract precision: string option with get, set
abstract logarithmicDepthBuffer: bool option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLCapabilities =
abstract isWebGL2: bool
abstract precision: string with get, set
abstract logarithmicDepthBuffer: bool with get, set
abstract maxTextures: float with get, set
abstract maxVertexTextures: float with get, set
abstract maxTextureSize: float with get, set
abstract maxCubemapSize: float with get, set
abstract maxAttributes: float with get, set
abstract maxVertexUniforms: float with get, set
abstract maxVaryings: float with get, set
abstract maxFragmentUniforms: float with get, set
abstract vertexTextures: bool with get, set
abstract floatFragmentTextures: bool with get, set
abstract floatVertexTextures: bool with get, set
abstract getMaxAnisotropy: unit -> float
abstract getMaxPrecision: precision: string -> string
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLCapabilitiesStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: gl: WebGLRenderingContext * extensions: obj option * parameters: WebGLCapabilitiesParameters -> WebGLCapabilities
module __renderers_webgl_WebGLClipping =
type Camera = __cameras_Camera.Camera
type Material = __materials_Material.Material
type WebGLProperties = __renderers_webgl_WebGLProperties.WebGLProperties
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract WebGLClipping: WebGLClippingStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLClipping =
abstract uniform: {| value: obj option; needsUpdate: bool |} with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract numPlanes: float with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract numIntersection: float with get, set
abstract init: planes: ResizeArray<obj option> * enableLocalClipping: bool * camera: Camera -> bool
abstract beginShadows: unit -> unit
abstract endShadows: unit -> unit
abstract setState: material: Material * camera: Camera * useCache: bool -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLClippingStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: properties: WebGLProperties -> WebGLClipping
module __renderers_webgl_WebGLCubeMaps =
type WebGLRenderer = __renderers_WebGLRenderer.WebGLRenderer
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract WebGLCubeMaps: WebGLCubeMapsStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLCubeMaps =
abstract get: texture: obj option -> obj option
abstract dispose: unit -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLCubeMapsStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: renderer: WebGLRenderer -> WebGLCubeMaps
module __renderers_webgl_WebGLCubeUVMaps =
type WebGLRenderer = WebGLRenderer
type Texture = Texture
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract WebGLCubeUVMaps: WebGLCubeUVMapsStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLCubeUVMaps =
abstract get: texture: 'T -> obj
abstract dispose: unit -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLCubeUVMapsStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: renderer: WebGLRenderer -> WebGLCubeUVMaps
module __renderers_webgl_WebGLExtensions =
type WebGLCapabilities = __renderers_webgl_WebGLCapabilities.WebGLCapabilities
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract WebGLExtensions: WebGLExtensionsStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLExtensions =
abstract has: name: string -> bool
abstract init: capabilities: WebGLCapabilities -> unit
abstract get: name: string -> obj option
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLExtensionsStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: gl: WebGLRenderingContext -> WebGLExtensions
module __renderers_webgl_WebGLGeometries =
type WebGLAttributes = __renderers_webgl_WebGLAttributes.WebGLAttributes
type WebGLInfo = __renderers_webgl_WebGLInfo.WebGLInfo
type BufferAttribute = __core_BufferAttribute.BufferAttribute
type BufferGeometry = __core_BufferGeometry.BufferGeometry
type Object3D = __core_Object3D.Object3D
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract WebGLGeometries: WebGLGeometriesStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLGeometries =
abstract get: object: Object3D * geometry: BufferGeometry -> BufferGeometry
abstract update: geometry: BufferGeometry -> unit
abstract getWireframeAttribute: geometry: BufferGeometry -> BufferAttribute
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLGeometriesStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: gl: WebGLRenderingContext * attributes: WebGLAttributes * info: WebGLInfo -> WebGLGeometries
module __renderers_webgl_WebGLIndexedBufferRenderer =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract WebGLIndexedBufferRenderer: WebGLIndexedBufferRendererStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLIndexedBufferRenderer =
abstract setMode: value: obj option -> unit
abstract setIndex: index: obj option -> unit
abstract render: start: obj option * count: float -> unit
abstract renderInstances: start: obj option * count: float * primcount: float -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLIndexedBufferRendererStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: gl: WebGLRenderingContext * extensions: obj option * info: obj option * capabilities: obj option -> WebGLIndexedBufferRenderer
module __renderers_webgl_WebGLInfo =
type WebGLProgram = __renderers_webgl_WebGLProgram.WebGLProgram
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// An object with a series of statistical information about the graphics board memory and the rendering process.
abstract WebGLInfo: WebGLInfoStatic
/// An object with a series of statistical information about the graphics board memory and the rendering process.
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLInfo =
/// <default>true</default>
abstract autoReset: bool with get, set
/// <default>{ geometries: 0, textures: 0 }</default>
abstract memory: {| geometries: float; textures: float |} with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract programs: ResizeArray<WebGLProgram> option with get, set
/// <default>{ frame: 0, calls: 0, triangles: 0, points: 0, lines: 0 }</default>
abstract render: WebGLInfoRender with get, set
abstract update: count: float * mode: float * instanceCount: float -> unit
abstract reset: unit -> unit
/// An object with a series of statistical information about the graphics board memory and the rendering process.
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLInfoStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: gl: WebGLRenderingContext -> WebGLInfo
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLInfoRender =
abstract calls: float with get, set
abstract frame: float with get, set
abstract lines: float with get, set
abstract points: float with get, set
abstract triangles: float with get, set
module __renderers_webgl_WebGLLights =
type WebGLExtensions = __renderers_webgl_WebGLExtensions.WebGLExtensions
type WebGLCapabilities = __renderers_webgl_WebGLCapabilities.WebGLCapabilities
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract WebGLLights: WebGLLightsStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLLights =
abstract state: WebGLLightsState with get, set
abstract get: light: obj option -> obj option
abstract setup: lights: obj option -> unit
abstract setupView: lights: obj option * camera: obj option -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLLightsStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: extensions: WebGLExtensions * capabilities: WebGLCapabilities -> WebGLLights
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLLightsStateHash =
abstract directionalLength: float with get, set
abstract pointLength: float with get, set
abstract spotLength: float with get, set
abstract rectAreaLength: float with get, set
abstract hemiLength: float with get, set
abstract numDirectionalShadows: float with get, set
abstract numPointShadows: float with get, set
abstract numSpotShadows: float with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLLightsState =
abstract version: float with get, set
abstract hash: WebGLLightsStateHash with get, set
abstract ambient: ResizeArray<float> with get, set
abstract probe: ResizeArray<obj option> with get, set
abstract directional: ResizeArray<obj option> with get, set
abstract directionalShadow: ResizeArray<obj option> with get, set
abstract directionalShadowMap: ResizeArray<obj option> with get, set
abstract directionalShadowMatrix: ResizeArray<obj option> with get, set
abstract spot: ResizeArray<obj option> with get, set
abstract spotShadow: ResizeArray<obj option> with get, set
abstract spotShadowMap: ResizeArray<obj option> with get, set
abstract spotShadowMatrix: ResizeArray<obj option> with get, set
abstract rectArea: ResizeArray<obj option> with get, set
abstract point: ResizeArray<obj option> with get, set
abstract pointShadow: ResizeArray<obj option> with get, set
abstract pointShadowMap: ResizeArray<obj option> with get, set
abstract pointShadowMatrix: ResizeArray<obj option> with get, set
abstract hemi: ResizeArray<obj option> with get, set
module __renderers_webgl_WebGLObjects =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract WebGLObjects: WebGLObjectsStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLObjects =
abstract update: object: obj option -> obj option
abstract dispose: unit -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLObjectsStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: gl: WebGLRenderingContext * geometries: obj option * attributes: obj option * info: obj option -> WebGLObjects
module __renderers_webgl_WebGLProgram =
type WebGLRenderer = __renderers_WebGLRenderer.WebGLRenderer
// type WebGLShader = __renderers_webgl_WebGLShader.WebGLShader
type WebGLUniforms = __renderers_webgl_WebGLUniforms.WebGLUniforms
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract WebGLProgram: WebGLProgramStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLProgram =
abstract name: string with get, set
abstract id: float with get, set
abstract cacheKey: string with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract usedTimes: float with get, set
abstract program: obj option with get, set
abstract vertexShader: WebGLShader with get, set
abstract fragmentShader: WebGLShader with get, set
[<Obsolete("Use {@link WebGLProgram#getUniforms getUniforms()} instead.")>]
abstract uniforms: obj option with get, set
[<Obsolete("Use {@link WebGLProgram#getAttributes getAttributes()} instead.")>]
abstract attributes: obj option with get, set
abstract getUniforms: unit -> WebGLUniforms
abstract getAttributes: unit -> obj option
abstract destroy: unit -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLProgramStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: renderer: WebGLRenderer * cacheKey: string * parameters: obj -> WebGLProgram
module __renderers_webgl_WebGLPrograms =
type WebGLRenderer = __renderers_WebGLRenderer.WebGLRenderer
type WebGLProgram = __renderers_webgl_WebGLProgram.WebGLProgram
type WebGLCapabilities = __renderers_webgl_WebGLCapabilities.WebGLCapabilities
type WebGLCubeMaps = __renderers_webgl_WebGLCubeMaps.WebGLCubeMaps
type WebGLExtensions = __renderers_webgl_WebGLExtensions.WebGLExtensions
type WebGLClipping = __renderers_webgl_WebGLClipping.WebGLClipping
type WebGLBindingStates = __renderers_webgl_WebGLBindingStates.WebGLBindingStates
type Material = __materials_Material.Material
type Scene = __scenes_Scene.Scene
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract WebGLPrograms: WebGLProgramsStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLPrograms =
abstract programs: ResizeArray<WebGLProgram> with get, set
abstract getParameters: material: Material * lights: obj option * shadows: ResizeArray<obj> * scene: Scene * object: obj option -> obj option
abstract getProgramCacheKey: parameters: obj option -> string
abstract getUniforms: material: Material -> obj
abstract acquireProgram: parameters: obj option * cacheKey: string -> WebGLProgram
abstract releaseProgram: program: WebGLProgram -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLProgramsStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: renderer: WebGLRenderer * cubemaps: WebGLCubeMaps * extensions: WebGLExtensions * capabilities: WebGLCapabilities * bindingStates: WebGLBindingStates * clipping: WebGLClipping -> WebGLPrograms
module __renderers_webgl_WebGLProperties =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract WebGLProperties: WebGLPropertiesStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLProperties =
abstract get: object: obj option -> obj option
abstract remove: object: obj option -> unit
abstract update: object: obj option * key: obj option * value: obj option -> obj option
abstract dispose: unit -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLPropertiesStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: unit -> WebGLProperties
module __renderers_webgl_WebGLRenderLists =
type Object3D = __core_Object3D.Object3D
type Material = __materials_Material.Material
type WebGLProgram = __renderers_webgl_WebGLProgram.WebGLProgram
type Group = __objects_Group.Group
type Scene = __scenes_Scene.Scene
type Camera = __cameras_Camera.Camera
type BufferGeometry = __core_BufferGeometry.BufferGeometry
type WebGLProperties = __renderers_webgl_WebGLProperties.WebGLProperties
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract WebGLRenderList: WebGLRenderListStatic
abstract WebGLRenderLists: WebGLRenderListsStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] RenderTarget =
interface end
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] RenderItem =
abstract id: float with get, set
abstract object: Object3D with get, set
abstract geometry: BufferGeometry option with get, set
abstract material: Material with get, set
abstract program: WebGLProgram with get, set
abstract groupOrder: float with get, set
abstract renderOrder: float with get, set
abstract z: float with get, set
abstract group: Group option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLRenderList =
/// <default>[]</default>
abstract opaque: ResizeArray<RenderItem> with get, set
/// <default>[]</default>
abstract transparent: ResizeArray<RenderItem> with get, set
abstract init: unit -> unit
abstract push: object: Object3D * geometry: BufferGeometry option * material: Material * groupOrder: float * z: float * group: Group option -> unit
abstract unshift: object: Object3D * geometry: BufferGeometry option * material: Material * groupOrder: float * z: float * group: Group option -> unit
abstract sort: opaqueSort: (obj option -> obj option -> float) * transparentSort: (obj option -> obj option -> float) -> unit
abstract finish: unit -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLRenderListStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: properties: WebGLProperties -> WebGLRenderList
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLRenderLists =
abstract dispose: unit -> unit
abstract get: scene: Scene * camera: Camera -> WebGLRenderList
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLRenderListsStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: properties: WebGLProperties -> WebGLRenderLists
module __renderers_webgl_WebGLShader =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract WebGLShader: gl: WebGLRenderingContext * ``type``: string * string: string -> WebGLShader
module __renderers_webgl_WebGLShadowMap =
type WebGLCapabilities = __renderers_webgl_WebGLCapabilities.WebGLCapabilities
type Scene = __scenes_Scene.Scene
type Camera = __cameras_Camera.Camera
type WebGLRenderer = __renderers_WebGLRenderer.WebGLRenderer
type ShadowMapType = Constants.ShadowMapType
type WebGLObjects = __renderers_webgl_WebGLObjects.WebGLObjects
type Light = __lights_Light.Light
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract WebGLShadowMap: WebGLShadowMapStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLShadowMap =
/// <default>false</default>
abstract enabled: bool with get, set
/// <default>true</default>
abstract autoUpdate: bool with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract needsUpdate: bool with get, set
/// <default>THREE.PCFShadowMap</default>
abstract ``type``: ShadowMapType with get, set
abstract render: shadowsArray: ResizeArray<Light> * scene: Scene * camera: Camera -> unit
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Material#shadowSide} instead.")>]
abstract cullFace: obj option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLShadowMapStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: _renderer: WebGLRenderer * _objects: WebGLObjects * _capabilities: WebGLCapabilities -> WebGLShadowMap
module __renderers_webgl_WebGLState =
type CullFace = Constants.CullFace
type Blending = Constants.Blending
type BlendingEquation = Constants.BlendingEquation
type BlendingSrcFactor = Constants.BlendingSrcFactor
type BlendingDstFactor = Constants.BlendingDstFactor
type DepthModes = Constants.DepthModes
type WebGLCapabilities = __renderers_webgl_WebGLCapabilities.WebGLCapabilities
type WebGLExtensions = __renderers_webgl_WebGLExtensions.WebGLExtensions
type Material = __materials_Material.Material
type Vector4 = __math_Vector4.Vector4
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract WebGLColorBuffer: WebGLColorBufferStatic
abstract WebGLDepthBuffer: WebGLDepthBufferStatic
abstract WebGLStencilBuffer: WebGLStencilBufferStatic
abstract WebGLState: WebGLStateStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLColorBuffer =
abstract setMask: colorMask: bool -> unit
abstract setLocked: lock: bool -> unit
abstract setClear: r: float * g: float * b: float * a: float * premultipliedAlpha: bool -> unit
abstract reset: unit -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLColorBufferStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: unit -> WebGLColorBuffer
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLDepthBuffer =
abstract setTest: depthTest: bool -> unit
abstract setMask: depthMask: bool -> unit
abstract setFunc: depthFunc: DepthModes -> unit
abstract setLocked: lock: bool -> unit
abstract setClear: depth: float -> unit
abstract reset: unit -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLDepthBufferStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: unit -> WebGLDepthBuffer
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLStencilBuffer =
abstract setTest: stencilTest: bool -> unit
abstract setMask: stencilMask: float -> unit
abstract setFunc: stencilFunc: float * stencilRef: float * stencilMask: float -> unit
abstract setOp: stencilFail: float * stencilZFail: float * stencilZPass: float -> unit
abstract setLocked: lock: bool -> unit
abstract setClear: stencil: float -> unit
abstract reset: unit -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLStencilBufferStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: unit -> WebGLStencilBuffer
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLState =
abstract buffers: {| color: WebGLColorBuffer; depth: WebGLDepthBuffer; stencil: WebGLStencilBuffer |} with get, set
abstract initAttributes: unit -> unit
abstract enableAttribute: attribute: float -> unit
abstract enableAttributeAndDivisor: attribute: float * meshPerAttribute: float -> unit
abstract disableUnusedAttributes: unit -> unit
abstract vertexAttribPointer: index: float * size: float * ``type``: float * normalized: bool * stride: float * offset: float -> unit
abstract enable: id: float -> unit
abstract disable: id: float -> unit
abstract bindFramebuffer: target: float * framebuffer: WebGLFramebuffer option -> unit
abstract bindXRFramebuffer: framebuffer: WebGLFramebuffer option -> unit
abstract useProgram: program: obj option -> bool
abstract setBlending: blending: Blending * ?blendEquation: BlendingEquation * ?blendSrc: BlendingSrcFactor * ?blendDst: BlendingDstFactor * ?blendEquationAlpha: BlendingEquation * ?blendSrcAlpha: BlendingSrcFactor * ?blendDstAlpha: BlendingDstFactor * ?premultiplyAlpha: bool -> unit
abstract setMaterial: material: Material * frontFaceCW: bool -> unit
abstract setFlipSided: flipSided: bool -> unit
abstract setCullFace: cullFace: CullFace -> unit
abstract setLineWidth: width: float -> unit
abstract setPolygonOffset: polygonoffset: bool * ?factor: float * ?units: float -> unit
abstract setScissorTest: scissorTest: bool -> unit
abstract activeTexture: webglSlot: float -> unit
abstract bindTexture: webglType: float * webglTexture: obj option -> unit
abstract unbindTexture: unit -> unit
abstract compressedTexImage2D: target: float * level: float * internalformat: float * width: float * height: float * border: float * data: ArrayBufferView -> unit
abstract texImage2D: target: float * level: float * internalformat: float * width: float * height: float * border: float * format: float * ``type``: float * pixels: ArrayBufferView option -> unit
abstract texImage2D: target: float * level: float * internalformat: float * format: float * ``type``: float * source: obj option -> unit
abstract texImage3D: target: float * level: float * internalformat: float * width: float * height: float * depth: float * border: float * format: float * ``type``: float * pixels: obj option -> unit
abstract scissor: scissor: Vector4 -> unit
abstract viewport: viewport: Vector4 -> unit
abstract reset: unit -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLStateStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: gl: WebGLRenderingContext * extensions: WebGLExtensions * capabilities: WebGLCapabilities -> WebGLState
module __renderers_webgl_WebGLTextures =
type WebGLExtensions = __renderers_webgl_WebGLExtensions.WebGLExtensions
type WebGLState = __renderers_webgl_WebGLState.WebGLState
type WebGLProperties = __renderers_webgl_WebGLProperties.WebGLProperties
type WebGLCapabilities = __renderers_webgl_WebGLCapabilities.WebGLCapabilities
type WebGLUtils = __renderers_webgl_WebGLUtils.WebGLUtils
type WebGLInfo = __renderers_webgl_WebGLInfo.WebGLInfo
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract WebGLTextures: WebGLTexturesStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLTextures =
abstract allocateTextureUnit: unit -> unit
abstract resetTextureUnits: unit -> unit
abstract setTexture2D: texture: obj option * slot: float -> unit
abstract setTexture2DArray: texture: obj option * slot: float -> unit
abstract setTexture3D: texture: obj option * slot: float -> unit
abstract setTextureCube: texture: obj option * slot: float -> unit
abstract setupRenderTarget: renderTarget: obj option -> unit
abstract updateRenderTargetMipmap: renderTarget: obj option -> unit
abstract updateMultisampleRenderTarget: renderTarget: obj option -> unit
abstract safeSetTexture2D: texture: obj option * slot: float -> unit
abstract safeSetTextureCube: texture: obj option * slot: float -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLTexturesStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: gl: WebGLRenderingContext * extensions: WebGLExtensions * state: WebGLState * properties: WebGLProperties * capabilities: WebGLCapabilities * utils: WebGLUtils * info: WebGLInfo -> WebGLTextures
module __renderers_webgl_WebGLUniforms =
type WebGLProgram = __renderers_webgl_WebGLProgram.WebGLProgram
type WebGLTextures = __renderers_webgl_WebGLTextures.WebGLTextures
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract WebGLUniforms: WebGLUniformsStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLUniforms =
abstract setValue: gl: WebGLRenderingContext * name: string * value: obj option * textures: WebGLTextures -> unit
abstract setOptional: gl: WebGLRenderingContext * object: obj option * name: string -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLUniformsStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: gl: WebGLRenderingContext * program: WebGLProgram -> WebGLUniforms
abstract upload: gl: WebGLRenderingContext * seq: obj option * values: ResizeArray<obj option> * textures: WebGLTextures -> unit
abstract seqWithValue: seq: obj option * values: ResizeArray<obj option> -> ResizeArray<obj option>
module __renderers_webgl_WebGLUtils =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract WebGLUtils: WebGLUtilsStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLUtils =
abstract convert: p: obj option -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLUtilsStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: gl: U2<WebGLRenderingContext, WebGL2RenderingContext> * extensions: obj option * capabilities: obj option -> WebGLUtils
module __renderers_webxr_WebXR =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract XRWebGLLayer: XRWebGLLayerStatic
abstract XRRigidTransform: XRRigidTransformStatic
abstract XRRay: XRRayStatic
abstract Constructor: ConstructorStatic
type [<StringEnum>] [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] XRSessionMode =
| Inline
| [<CompiledName("immersive-vr")>] ImmersiveVr
| [<CompiledName("immersive-ar")>] ImmersiveAr
type [<StringEnum>] [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] XRReferenceSpaceType =
| Viewer
| Local
| [<CompiledName("local-floor")>] LocalFloor
| [<CompiledName("bounded-floor")>] BoundedFloor
| Unbounded
type [<StringEnum>] [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] XREnvironmentBlendMode =
| Opaque
| Additive
| [<CompiledName("alpha-blend")>] AlphaBlend
type [<StringEnum>] [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] XRVisibilityState =
| Visible
| [<CompiledName("visible-blurred")>] VisibleBlurred
| Hidden
type [<StringEnum>] [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] XRHandedness =
| None
| Left
| Right
type [<StringEnum>] [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] XRTargetRayMode =
| Gaze
| [<CompiledName("tracked-pointer")>] TrackedPointer
| Screen
type [<StringEnum>] [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] XREye =
| None
| Left
| Right
type [<StringEnum>] [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] XREventType =
| End
| Select
| Selectstart
| Selectend
| Squeeze
| Squeezestart
| Squeezeend
| Inputsourceschange
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRAnimationLoopCallback =
[<Emit("$0($1...)")>] abstract Invoke: time: float * ?frame: XRFrame -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRFrameRequestCallback =
[<Emit("$0($1...)")>] abstract Invoke: time: float * frame: XRFrame -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XR =
inherit EventTarget
abstract requestSession: mode: XRSessionMode * ?options: XRSessionInit -> Promise<XRSession>
abstract isSessionSupported: mode: XRSessionMode -> Promise<bool>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Window =
abstract XRSession: Constructor<XRSession> option with get, set
abstract XR: Constructor<XR> option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Navigator =
abstract xr: XR option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRReferenceSpace =
inherit EventTarget
abstract getOffsetReferenceSpace: originOffset: XRRigidTransform -> XRReferenceSpace
abstract onreset: obj option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRHitTestOptionsInit =
abstract space: EventTarget with get, set
abstract entityTypes: ResizeArray<XRHitTestTrackableType> option with get, set
abstract offsetRay: XRRay option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRTransientInputHitTestOptionsInit =
abstract profile: string with get, set
abstract entityTypes: ResizeArray<XRHitTestTrackableType> option with get, set
abstract offsetRay: XRRay option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRViewport =
abstract x: float
abstract y: float
abstract width: float
abstract height: float
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLRenderingContext =
abstract makeXRCompatible: unit -> Promise<unit>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRRenderState =
abstract depthNear: float
abstract depthFar: float
abstract inlineVerticalFieldOfView: float option
abstract baseLayer: XRWebGLLayer option
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRRenderStateInit =
abstract depthNear: float option with get, set
abstract depthFar: float option with get, set
abstract inlineVerticalFieldOfView: float option with get, set
abstract baseLayer: XRWebGLLayer option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRGamepad =
abstract id: string
abstract index: float
abstract connected: bool
abstract timestamp: DOMHighResTimeStamp
abstract mapping: GamepadMappingType
abstract axes: Float32Array
abstract buttons: ResizeArray<GamepadButton>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRInputSource =
abstract handedness: XRHandedness
abstract targetRayMode: XRTargetRayMode
abstract targetRaySpace: EventTarget
abstract gripSpace: EventTarget option
abstract profiles: ResizeArray<string>
abstract gamepad: XRGamepad
abstract hand: XRHand option
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRSessionInit =
abstract optionalFeatures: ResizeArray<string> option with get, set
abstract requiredFeatures: ResizeArray<string> option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRSession =
inherit EventTarget
abstract requestReferenceSpace: ``type``: XRReferenceSpaceType -> Promise<XRReferenceSpace>
abstract updateRenderState: renderStateInit: XRRenderStateInit -> Promise<unit>
abstract requestAnimationFrame: callback: XRFrameRequestCallback -> float
abstract cancelAnimationFrame: id: float -> unit
abstract ``end``: unit -> Promise<unit>
abstract renderState: XRRenderState with get, set
abstract inputSources: ResizeArray<XRInputSource> with get, set
abstract environmentBlendMode: XREnvironmentBlendMode with get, set
abstract visibilityState: XRVisibilityState with get, set
abstract requestHitTestSource: options: XRHitTestOptionsInit -> Promise<XRHitTestSource>
abstract requestHitTestSourceForTransientInput: options: XRTransientInputHitTestOptionsInit -> Promise<XRTransientInputHitTestSource>
abstract requestHitTest: ray: XRRay * referenceSpace: XRReferenceSpace -> Promise<ResizeArray<XRHitResult>>
abstract updateWorldTrackingState: options: {| planeDetectionState: {| enabled: bool |} option |} -> unit
// { Attributes = [] Comments = [] Name = XRPlaneSet FullName = "/home/dave/back-up/code/FableGame/node_modules/@types/three/src/renderers/webxr/WebXR".XRPlaneSet Type = Generic ({ Type = Mapped ({ Name = Set FullName = Declarations = [object Object] }) TypeParameters = [Mapped ({ Name = XRPlane FullName = "/home/dave/back-up/code/FableGame/node_modules/@types/three/src/renderers/webxr/WebXR".XRPlane Declarations = [object Object] })] }) TypeParameters = [] }
// { Attributes = [] Comments = [] Name = XRAnchorSet FullName = "/home/dave/back-up/code/FableGame/node_modules/@types/three/src/renderers/webxr/WebXR".XRAnchorSet Type = Generic ({ Type = Mapped ({ Name = Set FullName = Declarations = [object Object] }) TypeParameters = [Mapped ({ Name = XRAnchor FullName = "/home/dave/back-up/code/FableGame/node_modules/@types/three/src/renderers/webxr/WebXR".XRAnchor Declarations = [object Object] })] }) TypeParameters = [] }
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRFrame =
abstract session: XRSession
abstract getViewerPose: referenceSpace: XRReferenceSpace -> XRViewerPose option
abstract getPose: space: EventTarget * baseSpace: EventTarget -> XRPose option
abstract getHitTestResults: hitTestSource: XRHitTestSource -> ResizeArray<XRHitTestResult>
abstract getHitTestResultsForTransientInput: hitTestSource: XRTransientInputHitTestSource -> ResizeArray<XRTransientInputHitTestResult>
abstract trackedAnchors: XRAnchorSet option with get, set
abstract createAnchor: pose: XRRigidTransform * space: EventTarget -> Promise<XRAnchor>
abstract worldInformation: {| detectedPlanes: XRPlaneSet option |} with get, set
abstract getJointPose: joint: XRJointSpace * baseSpace: EventTarget -> XRJointPose
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRViewerPose =
abstract transform: XRRigidTransform
abstract views: ResizeArray<XRView>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRPose =
abstract emulatedPosition: bool
abstract transform: XRRigidTransform
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRWebGLLayerInit =
abstract antialias: bool option with get, set
abstract depth: bool option with get, set
abstract stencil: bool option with get, set
abstract alpha: bool option with get, set
abstract ignoreDepthValues: bool option with get, set
abstract framebufferScaleFactor: float option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRWebGLLayer =
abstract framebuffer: WebGLFramebuffer with get, set
abstract framebufferWidth: float with get, set
abstract framebufferHeight: float with get, set
abstract getViewport: view: XRView -> XRViewport
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRWebGLLayerStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: session: XRSession * gl: WebGLRenderingContext option * ?options: XRWebGLLayerInit -> XRWebGLLayer
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] DOMPointInit =
abstract w: float option with get, set
abstract x: float option with get, set
abstract y: float option with get, set
abstract z: float option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRRigidTransform =
abstract position: DOMPointReadOnly with get, set
abstract orientation: DOMPointReadOnly with get, set
abstract matrix: Float32Array with get, set
abstract inverse: XRRigidTransform with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRRigidTransformStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: matrix: U2<Float32Array, DOMPointInit> * ?direction: DOMPointInit -> XRRigidTransform
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRView =
abstract eye: XREye
abstract projectionMatrix: Float32Array
abstract viewMatrix: Float32Array
abstract transform: XRRigidTransform
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRRayDirectionInit =
abstract x: float option with get, set
abstract y: float option with get, set
abstract z: float option with get, set
abstract w: float option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRRay =
abstract origin: DOMPointReadOnly
abstract direction: XRRayDirectionInit
abstract matrix: Float32Array with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRRayStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: transformOrOrigin: U2<XRRigidTransform, DOMPointInit> * ?direction: XRRayDirectionInit -> XRRay
type [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] XRHitTestTrackableType =
| Point = 0
| Plane = 1
| Mesh = 2
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRHitResult =
abstract hitMatrix: Float32Array with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRTransientInputHitTestResult =
abstract inputSource: XRInputSource
abstract results: ResizeArray<XRHitTestResult>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRHitTestResult =
abstract getPose: baseSpace: EventTarget -> XRPose option
abstract createAnchor: pose: XRRigidTransform -> Promise<XRAnchor>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRHitTestSource =
abstract cancel: unit -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRTransientInputHitTestSource =
abstract cancel: unit -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRAnchor =
abstract anchorSpace: EventTarget with get, set
abstract delete: unit -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRPlane =
abstract orientation: XRPlaneOrientation with get, set
abstract planeSpace: EventTarget with get, set
abstract polygon: ResizeArray<DOMPointReadOnly> with get, set
abstract lastChangedTime: float with get, set
type [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] XRHandJoint =
| Wrist = 0
| ThumbMetacarpal = 1
| ThumbPhalanxProximal = 2
| ThumbPhalanxDistal = 3
| ThumbTip = 4
| IndexFingerMetacarpal = 5
| IndexFingerPhalanxProximal = 6
| IndexFingerPhalanxIntermediate = 7
| IndexFingerPhalanxDistal = 8
| IndexFingerTip = 9
| MiddleFingerMetacarpal = 10
| MiddleFingerPhalanxProximal = 11
| MiddleFingerPhalanxIntermediate = 12
| MiddleFingerPhalanxDistal = 13
| MiddleFingerTip = 14
| RingFingerMetacarpal = 15
| RingFingerPhalanxProximal = 16
| RingFingerPhalanxIntermediate = 17
| RingFingerPhalanxDistal = 18
| RingFingerTip = 19
| PinkyFingerMetacarpal = 20
| PinkyFingerPhalanxProximal = 21
| PinkyFingerPhalanxIntermediate = 22
| PinkyFingerPhalanxDistal = 23
| PinkyFingerTip = 24
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRJointSpace =
inherit EventTarget
abstract jointName: XRHandJoint
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRJointPose =
inherit XRPose
abstract radius: float option
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRHand =
inherit Map<XRHandJoint, XRJointSpace>
abstract size: float
// { Attributes = [] Comments = [] Name = Constructor FullName = "/home/dave/back-up/code/FableGame/node_modules/@types/three/src/renderers/webxr/WebXR".Constructor Type = Generic ({ Type = Mapped ({ Name = Constructor FullName = Constructor Declarations = [object Object] }) TypeParameters = [Mapped ({ Name = obj FullName = obj Declarations = [object Object] })] }) TypeParameters = [] }
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Constructor<'T> =
abstract prototype: 'T with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] ConstructorStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: [<ParamArray>] args: obj option[] -> Constructor<'T>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRInputSourceChangeEvent =
abstract session: XRSession with get, set
abstract removed: ResizeArray<XRInputSource> with get, set
abstract added: ResizeArray<XRInputSource> with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] XRInputSourceEvent =
inherit Event
abstract frame: XRFrame
abstract inputSource: XRInputSource
type [<StringEnum>] [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] XRPlaneOrientation =
| [<CompiledName("Horizontal")>] Horizontal
| [<CompiledName("Vertical")>] Vertical
module __renderers_webxr_WebXRController =
type Group = __objects_Group.Group
type XREventType = __renderers_webxr_WebXR.XREventType
type XRFrame = __renderers_webxr_WebXR.XRFrame
type XRInputSource = __renderers_webxr_WebXR.XRInputSource
type XRReferenceSpace = __renderers_webxr_WebXR.XRReferenceSpace
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract WebXRController: WebXRControllerStatic
type XRControllerEventType =
U2<XREventType, string>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebXRController =
abstract getTargetRaySpace: unit -> Group
abstract getGripSpace: unit -> Group
abstract dispatchEvent: ``event``: {| ``type``: XRControllerEventType; data: XRInputSource option |} -> WebXRController
abstract disconnect: inputSource: XRInputSource -> WebXRController
abstract update: inputSource: XRInputSource * frame: XRFrame * referenceSpace: XRReferenceSpace -> WebXRController
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebXRControllerStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: unit -> WebXRController
module __renderers_webxr_WebXRManager =
type Group = __objects_Group.Group
type Camera = __cameras_Camera.Camera
type EventDispatcher = __core_EventDispatcher.EventDispatcher
type XRFrameRequestCallback = __renderers_webxr_WebXR.XRFrameRequestCallback
type XRReferenceSpace = __renderers_webxr_WebXR.XRReferenceSpace
type XRReferenceSpaceType = __renderers_webxr_WebXR.XRReferenceSpaceType
type XRSession = __renderers_webxr_WebXR.XRSession
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract WebXRManager: WebXRManagerStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebXRManager =
inherit EventDispatcher
/// <default>false</default>
abstract enabled: bool with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract isPresenting: bool with get, set
abstract getController: index: float -> Group
abstract getControllerGrip: index: float -> Group
abstract getHand: index: float -> Group
abstract setFramebufferScaleFactor: value: float -> unit
abstract setReferenceSpaceType: value: XRReferenceSpaceType -> unit
abstract getReferenceSpace: unit -> XRReferenceSpace option
abstract getSession: unit -> XRSession option
abstract setSession: value: XRSession -> Promise<unit>
abstract getCamera: camera: Camera -> Camera
abstract setAnimationLoop: callback: XRFrameRequestCallback -> unit
abstract getFoveation: unit -> float option
abstract setFoveation: foveation: float -> unit
abstract dispose: unit -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebXRManagerStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: renderer: obj option * gl: WebGLRenderingContext -> WebXRManager
module __lights_AmbientLight =
type ColorRepresentation = Utils.ColorRepresentation
type Light = __lights_Light.Light
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// <summary>This light's color gets applied to all the objects in the scene globally.</summary>
abstract AmbientLight: AmbientLightStatic
/// <summary>This light's color gets applied to all the objects in the scene globally.</summary>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] AmbientLight =
inherit Light
/// <default>'AmbientLight'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract isAmbientLight: bool
/// <summary>This light's color gets applied to all the objects in the scene globally.</summary>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] AmbientLightStatic =
/// <summary>This creates a Ambientlight with a color.</summary>
/// <param name="color">Numeric value of the RGB component of the color or a Color instance.</param>
/// <param name="intensity" />
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?color: ColorRepresentation * ?intensity: float -> AmbientLight
module __lights_AmbientLightProbe =
type ColorRepresentation = Utils.ColorRepresentation
type LightProbe = __lights_LightProbe.LightProbe
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract AmbientLightProbe: AmbientLightProbeStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] AmbientLightProbe =
inherit LightProbe
abstract isAmbientLightProbe: bool
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] AmbientLightProbeStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?color: ColorRepresentation * ?intensity: float -> AmbientLightProbe
module __lights_DirectionalLight =
type Object3D = __core_Object3D.Object3D
type DirectionalLightShadow = __lights_DirectionalLightShadow.DirectionalLightShadow
type Light = __lights_Light.Light
type Vector3 = __math_Vector3.Vector3
type ColorRepresentation = Utils.ColorRepresentation
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// <summary>see <see href="">src/lights/DirectionalLight.js</see></summary>
/// <example>
/// // White directional light at half intensity shining from the top.
/// const directionalLight = new THREE.DirectionalLight( 0xffffff, 0.5 );
/// directionalLight.position.set( 0, 1, 0 );
/// scene.add( directionalLight );
/// </example>
abstract DirectionalLight: DirectionalLightStatic
/// <summary>see <see href="">src/lights/DirectionalLight.js</see></summary>
/// <example>
/// // White directional light at half intensity shining from the top.
/// const directionalLight = new THREE.DirectionalLight( 0xffffff, 0.5 );
/// directionalLight.position.set( 0, 1, 0 );
/// scene.add( directionalLight );
/// </example>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] DirectionalLight =
inherit Light
/// <default>'DirectionalLight'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// <default>THREE.Object3D.DefaultUp</default>
abstract position: Vector3 with get, set
/// <summary>Target used for shadow camera orientation.</summary>
/// <default>new THREE.Object3D()</default>
abstract target: Object3D with get, set
/// <summary>Light's intensity.</summary>
/// <default>1</default>
abstract intensity: float with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.DirectionalLightShadow()</default>
abstract shadow: DirectionalLightShadow with get, set
abstract isDirectionalLight: bool
/// <summary>see <see href="">src/lights/DirectionalLight.js</see></summary>
/// <example>
/// // White directional light at half intensity shining from the top.
/// const directionalLight = new THREE.DirectionalLight( 0xffffff, 0.5 );
/// directionalLight.position.set( 0, 1, 0 );
/// scene.add( directionalLight );
/// </example>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] DirectionalLightStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?color: ColorRepresentation * ?intensity: float -> DirectionalLight
module __lights_DirectionalLightShadow =
type OrthographicCamera = __cameras_OrthographicCamera.OrthographicCamera
type LightShadow = __lights_LightShadow.LightShadow
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract DirectionalLightShadow: DirectionalLightShadowStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] DirectionalLightShadow =
inherit LightShadow
abstract camera: OrthographicCamera with get, set
abstract isDirectionalLightShadow: bool
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] DirectionalLightShadowStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: unit -> DirectionalLightShadow
module __lights_HemisphereLight =
type Color = __math_Color.Color
type Vector3 = __math_Vector3.Vector3
type Light = __lights_Light.Light
type ColorRepresentation = Utils.ColorRepresentation
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract HemisphereLight: HemisphereLightStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] HemisphereLight =
inherit Light
/// <default>'HemisphereLight'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// <default>THREE.Object3D.DefaultUp</default>
abstract position: Vector3 with get, set
abstract groundColor: Color with get, set
abstract isHemisphereLight: bool
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] HemisphereLightStatic =
/// <param name="skyColor" />
/// <param name="groundColor" />
/// <param name="intensity" />
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?skyColor: ColorRepresentation * ?groundColor: ColorRepresentation * ?intensity: float -> HemisphereLight
module __lights_HemisphereLightProbe =
type ColorRepresentation = Utils.ColorRepresentation
type LightProbe = __lights_LightProbe.LightProbe
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract HemisphereLightProbe: HemisphereLightProbeStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] HemisphereLightProbe =
inherit LightProbe
abstract isHemisphereLightProbe: bool
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] HemisphereLightProbeStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?skyColor: ColorRepresentation * ?groundColor: ColorRepresentation * ?intensity: float -> HemisphereLightProbe
module __lights_Light =
type Color = __math_Color.Color
type LightShadow = __lights_LightShadow.LightShadow
type Object3D = __core_Object3D.Object3D
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// Abstract base class for lights.
abstract Light: LightStatic
/// Abstract base class for lights.
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Light =
inherit Object3D
/// <default>'Light'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract color: Color with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract intensity: float with get, set
abstract isLight: bool
abstract shadow: LightShadow with get, set
[<Obsolete("Use instead.")>]
abstract shadowCameraFov: obj option with get, set
[<Obsolete("Use instead.")>]
abstract shadowCameraLeft: obj option with get, set
[<Obsolete("Use instead.")>]
abstract shadowCameraRight: obj option with get, set
[<Obsolete("Use instead.")>]
abstract shadowCameraTop: obj option with get, set
[<Obsolete("Use instead.")>]
abstract shadowCameraBottom: obj option with get, set
[<Obsolete("Use instead.")>]
abstract shadowCameraNear: obj option with get, set
[<Obsolete("Use instead.")>]
abstract shadowCameraFar: obj option with get, set
[<Obsolete("Use shadow.bias instead.")>]
abstract shadowBias: obj option with get, set
[<Obsolete("Use shadow.mapSize.width instead.")>]
abstract shadowMapWidth: obj option with get, set
[<Obsolete("Use shadow.mapSize.height instead.")>]
abstract shadowMapHeight: obj option with get, set
abstract dispose: unit -> unit
/// Abstract base class for lights.
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] LightStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?hex: U2<float, string> * ?intensity: float -> Light
module __lights_LightProbe =
type SphericalHarmonics3 = __math_SphericalHarmonics3.SphericalHarmonics3
type Light = __lights_Light.Light
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract LightProbe: LightProbeStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] LightProbe =
inherit Light
/// <default>'LightProbe'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract isLightProbe: bool
/// <default>new THREE.SphericalHarmonics3()</default>
abstract sh: SphericalHarmonics3 with get, set
abstract fromJSON: json: obj -> LightProbe
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] LightProbeStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?sh: SphericalHarmonics3 * ?intensity: float -> LightProbe
module __lights_LightShadow =
type Camera = __cameras_Camera.Camera
type Light = __lights_Light.Light
type Vector2 = __math_Vector2.Vector2
type Vector4 = __math_Vector4.Vector4
type Matrix4 = __math_Matrix4.Matrix4
type RenderTarget = __renderers_webgl_WebGLRenderLists.RenderTarget
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract LightShadow: LightShadowStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] LightShadow =
abstract camera: Camera with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract bias: float with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract normalBias: float with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract radius: float with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.Vector2( 512, 512 )</default>
abstract mapSize: Vector2 with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract map: RenderTarget with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract mapPass: RenderTarget with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.Matrix4()</default>
abstract matrix: Matrix4 with get, set
/// <default>true</default>
abstract autoUpdate: bool with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract needsUpdate: bool with get, set
abstract copy: source: LightShadow -> LightShadow
abstract clone: ?recursive: bool -> LightShadow
abstract toJSON: unit -> obj option
abstract getFrustum: unit -> float
abstract updateMatrices: light: Light * ?viewportIndex: float -> unit
abstract getViewport: viewportIndex: float -> Vector4
abstract getFrameExtents: unit -> Vector2
abstract dispose: unit -> unit
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] LightShadowStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: camera: Camera -> LightShadow
module __lights_PointLight =
type ColorRepresentation = Utils.ColorRepresentation
type Light = __lights_Light.Light
type PointLightShadow = __lights_PointLightShadow.PointLightShadow
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// <example>
/// const light = new THREE.PointLight( 0xff0000, 1, 100 );
/// light.position.set( 50, 50, 50 );
/// scene.add( light );
/// </example>
abstract PointLight: PointLightStatic
/// <example>
/// const light = new THREE.PointLight( 0xff0000, 1, 100 );
/// light.position.set( 50, 50, 50 );
/// scene.add( light );
/// </example>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] PointLight =
inherit Light
/// <default>'PointLight'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// <summary>Light's intensity.</summary>
/// <default>1</default>
abstract intensity: float with get, set
/// <summary>If non-zero, light will attenuate linearly from maximum intensity at light position down to zero at distance.</summary>
/// <default>0</default>
abstract distance: float with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract decay: float with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.PointLightShadow()</default>
abstract shadow: PointLightShadow with get, set
abstract power: float with get, set
/// <example>
/// const light = new THREE.PointLight( 0xff0000, 1, 100 );
/// light.position.set( 50, 50, 50 );
/// scene.add( light );
/// </example>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] PointLightStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?color: ColorRepresentation * ?intensity: float * ?distance: float * ?decay: float -> PointLight
module __lights_PointLightShadow =
type PerspectiveCamera = __cameras_PerspectiveCamera.PerspectiveCamera
type LightShadow = __lights_LightShadow.LightShadow
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract PointLightShadow: PointLightShadowStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] PointLightShadow =
inherit LightShadow
abstract camera: PerspectiveCamera with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] PointLightShadowStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: unit -> PointLightShadow
module __lights_RectAreaLight =
type Light = __lights_Light.Light
type ColorRepresentation = Utils.ColorRepresentation
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract RectAreaLight: RectAreaLightStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] RectAreaLight =
inherit Light
/// <default>'RectAreaLight'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// <default>10</default>
abstract width: float with get, set
/// <default>10</default>
abstract height: float with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract intensity: float with get, set
abstract isRectAreaLight: bool
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] RectAreaLightStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?color: ColorRepresentation * ?intensity: float * ?width: float * ?height: float -> RectAreaLight
module __lights_SpotLight =
type Color = __math_Color.Color
type Vector3 = __math_Vector3.Vector3
type Object3D = __core_Object3D.Object3D
type SpotLightShadow = __lights_SpotLightShadow.SpotLightShadow
type Light = __lights_Light.Light
type ColorRepresentation = Utils.ColorRepresentation
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// A point light that can cast shadow in one direction.
abstract SpotLight: SpotLightStatic
/// A point light that can cast shadow in one direction.
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] SpotLight =
inherit Light
/// <default>'SpotLight'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// <default>THREE.Object3D.DefaultUp</default>
abstract position: Vector3 with get, set
/// <summary>Spotlight focus points at target.position.</summary>
/// <default>new THREE.Object3D()</default>
abstract target: Object3D with get, set
/// <summary>Light's intensity.</summary>
/// <default>1</default>
abstract intensity: float with get, set
/// <summary>If non-zero, light will attenuate linearly from maximum intensity at light position down to zero at distance.</summary>
/// <default>0</default>
abstract distance: float with get, set
/// <summary>Maximum extent of the spotlight, in radians, from its direction.</summary>
/// <default>Math.PI / 3.</default>
abstract angle: float with get, set
/// <default>1</default>
abstract decay: float with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.SpotLightShadow()</default>
abstract shadow: SpotLightShadow with get, set
abstract power: float with get, set
/// <default>0</default>
abstract penumbra: float with get, set
abstract isSpotLight: bool
/// A point light that can cast shadow in one direction.
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] SpotLightStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?color: ColorRepresentation * ?intensity: float * ?distance: float * ?angle: float * ?penumbra: float * ?decay: float -> SpotLight
module __lights_SpotLightShadow =
type PerspectiveCamera = __cameras_PerspectiveCamera.PerspectiveCamera
type LightShadow = __lights_LightShadow.LightShadow
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract SpotLightShadow: SpotLightShadowStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] SpotLightShadow =
inherit LightShadow
abstract camera: PerspectiveCamera with get, set
abstract isSpotLightShadow: bool
/// <default>1</default>
abstract focus: float with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] SpotLightShadowStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: unit -> SpotLightShadow
module __extras_core_Curve =
type Vector = __math_Vector2.Vector
type Vector3 = __math_Vector3.Vector3
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// An extensible curve object which contains methods for interpolation
/// class Curve<T extends Vector>
abstract Curve: CurveStatic
/// An extensible curve object which contains methods for interpolation
/// class Curve<T extends Vector>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Curve<'T when 'T :> Vector> =
/// <default>'Curve'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// <summary>
/// This value determines the amount of divisions when calculating the cumulative segment lengths of a curve via .getLengths.
/// To ensure precision when using methods like .getSpacedPoints, it is recommended to increase .arcLengthDivisions if the curve is very large.
/// </summary>
/// <default>200</default>
abstract arcLengthDivisions: float with get, set
/// Returns a vector for point t of the curve where t is between 0 and 1
/// getPoint(t: number, optionalTarget?: T): T;
abstract getPoint: t: float * ?optionalTarget: 'T -> 'T
/// Returns a vector for point at relative position in curve according to arc length
/// getPointAt(u: number, optionalTarget?: T): T;
abstract getPointAt: u: float * ?optionalTarget: 'T -> 'T
/// Get sequence of points using getPoint( t )
/// getPoints(divisions?: number): T[];
abstract getPoints: ?divisions: float -> ResizeArray<'T>
/// Get sequence of equi-spaced points using getPointAt( u )
/// getSpacedPoints(divisions?: number): T[];
abstract getSpacedPoints: ?divisions: float -> ResizeArray<'T>
/// Get total curve arc length
abstract getLength: unit -> float
/// Get list of cumulative segment lengths
abstract getLengths: ?divisions: float -> ResizeArray<float>
/// Update the cumlative segment distance cache
abstract updateArcLengths: unit -> unit
/// Given u ( 0 .. 1 ), get a t to find p. This gives you points which are equi distance
abstract getUtoTmapping: u: float * distance: float -> float
/// Returns a unit vector tangent at t. If the subclassed curve do not implement its tangent derivation, 2 points a
/// small delta apart will be used to find its gradient which seems to give a reasonable approximation
/// getTangent(t: number, optionalTarget?: T): T;
abstract getTangent: t: float * ?optionalTarget: 'T -> 'T
/// Returns tangent at equidistance point u on the curve
/// getTangentAt(u: number, optionalTarget?: T): T;
abstract getTangentAt: u: float * ?optionalTarget: 'T -> 'T
/// Generate Frenet frames of the curve
abstract computeFrenetFrames: segments: float * ?closed: bool -> {| tangents: ResizeArray<Vector3>; normals: ResizeArray<Vector3>; binormals: ResizeArray<Vector3> |}
abstract clone: unit -> Curve<'T>
abstract copy: source: Curve<'T> -> Curve<'T>
abstract toJSON: unit -> obj
abstract fromJSON: json: obj -> Curve<'T>
/// An extensible curve object which contains methods for interpolation
/// class Curve<T extends Vector>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] CurveStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: unit -> Curve<'T> when 'T :> Vector
[<Obsolete("since r84.")>]
abstract create: constructorFunc: (unit -> unit) * getPointFunc: (unit -> unit) -> (unit -> unit)
module __extras_core_CurvePath =
open __extras_core_Curve
type Vector = __math_Vector2.Vector
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract CurvePath: CurvePathStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] CurvePath<'T when 'T :> Vector> =
inherit Curve<'T>
/// <default>'CurvePath'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// <default>[]</default>
abstract curves: Array<Curve<'T>> with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract autoClose: bool with get, set
// abstract add: curve: Curve<'T> -> unit
abstract closePath: unit -> unit
/// Returns a vector for point t of the curve where t is between 0 and 1
/// getPoint(t: number, optionalTarget?: T): T;
abstract getPoint: t: float -> 'T
abstract getCurveLengths: unit -> ResizeArray<float>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] CurvePathStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: unit -> CurvePath<'T>
module __extras_core_Font =
type Shape = __extras_core_Shape.Shape
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract Font: FontStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Font =
/// <default>'Font'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract data: string with get, set
abstract generateShapes: text: string * size: float -> ResizeArray<Shape>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] FontStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: jsondata: obj option -> Font
module __extras_core_Path =
open __extras_core_CurvePath
type Vector2 = __math_Vector2.Vector2
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// a 2d path representation, comprising of points, lines, and cubes, similar to the html5 2d canvas api. It extends CurvePath.
abstract Path: PathStatic
/// a 2d path representation, comprising of points, lines, and cubes, similar to the html5 2d canvas api. It extends CurvePath.
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Path =
inherit CurvePath<Vector2>
/// <default>'Path'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.Vector2()</default>
abstract currentPoint: Vector2 with get, set
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Path#setFromPoints .setFromPoints()} instead.")>]
abstract fromPoints: vectors: ResizeArray<Vector2> -> Path
abstract setFromPoints: vectors: ResizeArray<Vector2> -> Path
abstract moveTo: x: float * y: float -> Path
abstract lineTo: x: float * y: float -> Path
abstract quadraticCurveTo: aCPx: float * aCPy: float * aX: float * aY: float -> Path
abstract bezierCurveTo: aCP1x: float * aCP1y: float * aCP2x: float * aCP2y: float * aX: float * aY: float -> Path
abstract splineThru: pts: ResizeArray<Vector2> -> Path
abstract arc: aX: float * aY: float * aRadius: float * aStartAngle: float * aEndAngle: float * aClockwise: bool -> Path
abstract absarc: aX: float * aY: float * aRadius: float * aStartAngle: float * aEndAngle: float * aClockwise: bool -> Path
abstract ellipse: aX: float * aY: float * xRadius: float * yRadius: float * aStartAngle: float * aEndAngle: float * aClockwise: bool * aRotation: float -> Path
abstract absellipse: aX: float * aY: float * xRadius: float * yRadius: float * aStartAngle: float * aEndAngle: float * aClockwise: bool * aRotation: float -> Path
/// a 2d path representation, comprising of points, lines, and cubes, similar to the html5 2d canvas api. It extends CurvePath.
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] PathStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?points: ResizeArray<Vector2> -> Path
module __extras_core_Shape =
open __extras_core_CurvePath
type Vector2 = __math_Vector2.Vector2
type Path = __extras_core_Path.Path
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// Defines a 2d shape plane using paths.
abstract Shape: ShapeStatic
/// Defines a 2d shape plane using paths.
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Shape =
// inherit Path
inherit Path
/// <default>'Shape'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract uuid: string with get, set
/// <default>[]</default>
abstract holes: ResizeArray<Path> with get, set
abstract getPointsHoles: divisions: float -> ResizeArray<ResizeArray<Vector2>>
abstract extractPoints: divisions: float -> {| shape: ResizeArray<Vector2>; holes: ResizeArray<ResizeArray<Vector2>> |}
/// Defines a 2d shape plane using paths.
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] ShapeStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?points: ResizeArray<Vector2> -> Shape
module __extras_core_ShapePath =
type Vector2 = __math_Vector2.Vector2
type Shape = __extras_core_Shape.Shape
type Color = __math_Color.Color
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract ShapePath: ShapePathStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] ShapePath =
/// <default>'ShapePath'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.Color()</default>
abstract color: Color with get, set
/// <default>[]</default>
abstract subPaths: ResizeArray<obj option> with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract currentPath: obj option with get, set
abstract moveTo: x: float * y: float -> ShapePath
abstract lineTo: x: float * y: float -> ShapePath
abstract quadraticCurveTo: aCPx: float * aCPy: float * aX: float * aY: float -> ShapePath
abstract bezierCurveTo: aCP1x: float * aCP1y: float * aCP2x: float * aCP2y: float * aX: float * aY: float -> ShapePath
abstract splineThru: pts: ResizeArray<Vector2> -> ShapePath
abstract toShapes: isCCW: bool * ?noHoles: bool -> ResizeArray<Shape>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] ShapePathStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: unit -> ShapePath
module __extras_core_Curve =
type Vector = __math_Vector2.Vector
type Vector3 = __math_Vector3.Vector3
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// An extensible curve object which contains methods for interpolation
/// class Curve<T extends Vector>
abstract Curve: CurveStatic
/// An extensible curve object which contains methods for interpolation
/// class Curve<T extends Vector>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Curve<'T when 'T :> Vector> =
/// <default>'Curve'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// <summary>
/// This value determines the amount of divisions when calculating the cumulative segment lengths of a curve via .getLengths.
/// To ensure precision when using methods like .getSpacedPoints, it is recommended to increase .arcLengthDivisions if the curve is very large.
/// </summary>
/// <default>200</default>
abstract arcLengthDivisions: float with get, set
/// Returns a vector for point t of the curve where t is between 0 and 1
/// getPoint(t: number, optionalTarget?: T): T;
abstract getPoint: t: float * ?optionalTarget: 'T -> 'T
/// Returns a vector for point at relative position in curve according to arc length
/// getPointAt(u: number, optionalTarget?: T): T;
abstract getPointAt: u: float * ?optionalTarget: 'T -> 'T
/// Get sequence of points using getPoint( t )
/// getPoints(divisions?: number): T[];
abstract getPoints: ?divisions: float -> ResizeArray<'T>
/// Get sequence of equi-spaced points using getPointAt( u )
/// getSpacedPoints(divisions?: number): T[];
abstract getSpacedPoints: ?divisions: float -> ResizeArray<'T>
/// Get total curve arc length
abstract getLength: unit -> float
/// Get list of cumulative segment lengths
abstract getLengths: ?divisions: float -> ResizeArray<float>
/// Update the cumlative segment distance cache
abstract updateArcLengths: unit -> unit
/// Given u ( 0 .. 1 ), get a t to find p. This gives you points which are equi distance
abstract getUtoTmapping: u: float * distance: float -> float
/// Returns a unit vector tangent at t. If the subclassed curve do not implement its tangent derivation, 2 points a
/// small delta apart will be used to find its gradient which seems to give a reasonable approximation
/// getTangent(t: number, optionalTarget?: T): T;
abstract getTangent: t: float * ?optionalTarget: 'T -> 'T
/// Returns tangent at equidistance point u on the curve
/// getTangentAt(u: number, optionalTarget?: T): T;
abstract getTangentAt: u: float * ?optionalTarget: 'T -> 'T
/// Generate Frenet frames of the curve
abstract computeFrenetFrames: segments: float * ?closed: bool -> {| tangents: ResizeArray<Vector3>; normals: ResizeArray<Vector3>; binormals: ResizeArray<Vector3> |}
abstract clone: unit -> Curve<'T>
abstract copy: source: Curve<'T> -> Curve<'T>
abstract toJSON: unit -> obj
abstract fromJSON: json: obj -> Curve<'T>
/// An extensible curve object which contains methods for interpolation
/// class Curve<T extends Vector>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] CurveStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: unit -> Curve<'T> when 'T :> Vector
[<Obsolete("since r84.")>]
abstract create: constructorFunc: (unit -> unit) * getPointFunc: (unit -> unit) -> (unit -> unit)
module __extras_core_CurvePath =
open __extras_core_Curve
type Vector = __math_Vector2.Vector
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract CurvePath: CurvePathStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] CurvePath<'T when 'T :> Vector> =
inherit Curve<'T>
/// <default>'CurvePath'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// <default>[]</default>
abstract curves: Array<Curve<'T>> with get, set
/// <default>false</default>
abstract autoClose: bool with get, set
abstract add: curve: Curve<'T> -> unit
abstract closePath: unit -> unit
/// Returns a vector for point t of the curve where t is between 0 and 1
/// getPoint(t: number, optionalTarget?: T): T;
abstract getPoint: t: float -> 'T
abstract getCurveLengths: unit -> ResizeArray<float>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] CurvePathStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: unit -> CurvePath<'T>
module __extras_core_Font =
type Shape = __extras_core_Shape.Shape
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract Font: FontStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Font =
/// <default>'Font'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract data: string with get, set
abstract generateShapes: text: string * size: float -> ResizeArray<Shape>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] FontStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: jsondata: obj option -> Font
module __extras_core_Path =
open __extras_core_CurvePath
type Vector2 = __math_Vector2.Vector2
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// a 2d path representation, comprising of points, lines, and cubes, similar to the html5 2d canvas api. It extends CurvePath.
abstract Path: PathStatic
/// a 2d path representation, comprising of points, lines, and cubes, similar to the html5 2d canvas api. It extends CurvePath.
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Path =
inherit CurvePath<Vector2>
/// <default>'Path'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.Vector2()</default>
abstract currentPoint: Vector2 with get, set
[<Obsolete("Use {@link Path#setFromPoints .setFromPoints()} instead.")>]
abstract fromPoints: vectors: ResizeArray<Vector2> -> Path
abstract setFromPoints: vectors: ResizeArray<Vector2> -> Path
abstract moveTo: x: float * y: float -> Path
abstract lineTo: x: float * y: float -> Path
abstract quadraticCurveTo: aCPx: float * aCPy: float * aX: float * aY: float -> Path
abstract bezierCurveTo: aCP1x: float * aCP1y: float * aCP2x: float * aCP2y: float * aX: float * aY: float -> Path
abstract splineThru: pts: ResizeArray<Vector2> -> Path
abstract arc: aX: float * aY: float * aRadius: float * aStartAngle: float * aEndAngle: float * aClockwise: bool -> Path
abstract absarc: aX: float * aY: float * aRadius: float * aStartAngle: float * aEndAngle: float * aClockwise: bool -> Path
abstract ellipse: aX: float * aY: float * xRadius: float * yRadius: float * aStartAngle: float * aEndAngle: float * aClockwise: bool * aRotation: float -> Path
abstract absellipse: aX: float * aY: float * xRadius: float * yRadius: float * aStartAngle: float * aEndAngle: float * aClockwise: bool * aRotation: float -> Path
/// a 2d path representation, comprising of points, lines, and cubes, similar to the html5 2d canvas api. It extends CurvePath.
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] PathStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?points: ResizeArray<Vector2> -> Path
module __extras_core_Shape =
open __extras_core_CurvePath
type Vector2 = __math_Vector2.Vector2
type Path = __extras_core_Path.Path
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// Defines a 2d shape plane using paths.
abstract Shape: ShapeStatic
/// Defines a 2d shape plane using paths.
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Shape =
// inherit Path
inherit Path
/// <default>'Shape'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract uuid: string with get, set
/// <default>[]</default>
abstract holes: ResizeArray<Path> with get, set
abstract getPointsHoles: divisions: float -> ResizeArray<ResizeArray<Vector2>>
abstract extractPoints: divisions: float -> {| shape: ResizeArray<Vector2>; holes: ResizeArray<ResizeArray<Vector2>> |}
/// Defines a 2d shape plane using paths.
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] ShapeStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?points: ResizeArray<Vector2> -> Shape
module __extras_core_ShapePath =
type Vector2 = __math_Vector2.Vector2
type Shape = __extras_core_Shape.Shape
type Color = __math_Color.Color
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract ShapePath: ShapePathStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] ShapePath =
/// <default>'ShapePath'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
/// <default>new THREE.Color()</default>
abstract color: Color with get, set
/// <default>[]</default>
abstract subPaths: ResizeArray<obj option> with get, set
/// <default>null</default>
abstract currentPath: obj option with get, set
abstract moveTo: x: float * y: float -> ShapePath
abstract lineTo: x: float * y: float -> ShapePath
abstract quadraticCurveTo: aCPx: float * aCPy: float * aX: float * aY: float -> ShapePath
abstract bezierCurveTo: aCP1x: float * aCP1y: float * aCP2x: float * aCP2y: float * aX: float * aY: float -> ShapePath
abstract splineThru: pts: ResizeArray<Vector2> -> ShapePath
abstract toShapes: isCCW: bool * ?noHoles: bool -> ResizeArray<Shape>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] ShapePathStatic =
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: unit -> ShapePath
module __audio_AudioContext =
/// <summary>see <see href="">src/audio/AudioContext.js</see></summary>
let [<Import("AudioContext","three/audio/AudioContext")>] audioContext: AudioContext.IExports = jsNative
type AudioContext = interface end
/// <summary>see <see href="">src/audio/AudioContext.js</see></summary>
module AudioContext =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract getContext: unit -> AudioContext
abstract setContext: unit -> unit
module __geometries_BoxGeometry =
type BufferGeometry = __core_BufferGeometry.BufferGeometry
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
abstract BoxGeometry: BoxGeometryStatic
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] BoxGeometry =
inherit BufferGeometry
/// <default>'BoxGeometry'</default>
abstract ``type``: string with get, set
abstract parameters: BoxGeometryParameters with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] BoxGeometryStatic =
/// <param name="width">— Width of the sides on the X axis.</param>
/// <param name="height">— Height of the sides on the Y axis.</param>
/// <param name="depth">— Depth of the sides on the Z axis.</param>
/// <param name="widthSegments">— Number of segmented faces along the width of the sides.</param>
/// <param name="heightSegments">— Number of segmented faces along the height of the sides.</param>
/// <param name="depthSegments">— Number of segmented faces along the depth of the sides.</param>
[<EmitConstructor>] abstract Create: ?width: float * ?height: float * ?depth: float * ?widthSegments: float * ?heightSegments: float * ?depthSegments: float -> BoxGeometry
abstract fromJSON: data: obj option -> BoxGeometry
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] BoxGeometryParameters =
abstract width: float with get, set
abstract height: float with get, set
abstract depth: float with get, set
abstract widthSegments: float with get, set
abstract heightSegments: float with get, set
abstract depthSegments: float with get, set
type IExports =
* Animation
// abstract member VectorKeyframeTrack: animation_tracks_VectorKeyframeTrack.VectorKeyframeTrackStatic
// abstract member StringKeyframeTrack: __animation_tracks_StringKeyframeTrack.StringKeyframeTrackStatic
// abstract member QuaternionKeyframeTrack: __animation_tracks_QuaternionKeyframeTrack.QuaternionKeyframeTrackStatic
// abstract member NumberKeyframeTrack: __animation_tracks_NumberKeyframeTrack.NumberKeyframeTrackStatic
// abstract member ColorKeyframeTrack: __animation_tracks_ColorKeyframeTrack.ColorKeyframeTrackStatic
// abstract member BooleanKeyframeTrack: __animation_tracks_BooleanKeyframeTrack.BooleanKeyframeTrackStatic
// abstract member PropertyMixer: __animation_PropertyMixer.PropertyMixerStatic
// abstract member PropertyBinding: __animation_PropertyBinding.PropertyBindingStatic
abstract member KeyframeTrack: __animation_KeyframeTrack.KeyframeTrackStatic
// abstract member AnimationUtils: __animation_AnimationUtils.AnimationUtilsStatic
abstract member AnimationObjectGroup: __animation_AnimationObjectGroup.AnimationObjectGroupStatic
abstract member AnimationMixer: __animation_AnimationMixer.AnimationMixerStatic
abstract member AnimationClip: __animation_AnimationClip.AnimationClipStatic
abstract member AnimationAction: __animation_AnimationAction.AnimationActionStatic
* Audio
// abstract member AudioListener: __audio_AudioListener.AudioListenerStatic
// abstract member PositionalAudio: __audio_PositionalAudio.PositionalAudioStatic
// abstract member AudioContext: __audio_AudioContext.AudioContextStatic
// abstract member AudioAnalyser: __audio_AudioAnalyser.AudioAnalyserStatic
// abstract member Audio: __audio_Audio.AudioStatic
* Cameras
abstract member StereoCamera: __cameras_StereoCamera.StereoCameraStatic
abstract member PerspectiveCamera: __cameras_PerspectiveCamera.PerspectiveCameraStatic
abstract member OrthographicCamera: __cameras_OrthographicCamera.OrthographicCameraStatic
abstract member CubeCamera: __cameras_CubeCamera.CubeCameraStatic
abstract member ArrayCamera: __cameras_ArrayCamera.ArrayCameraStatic
abstract member Camera: __cameras_Camera.CameraStatic
* Core
// abstract member Uniform: __core_Uniform.UniformStatic
abstract member InstancedBufferGeometry: __core_InstancedBufferGeometry.InstancedBufferGeometryStatic
abstract member BufferGeometry: __core_BufferGeometry.BufferGeometryStatic
abstract member InterleavedBufferAttribute: __core_InterleavedBufferAttribute.InterleavedBufferAttributeStatic
abstract member InstancedInterleavedBuffer: __core_InstancedInterleavedBuffer.InstancedInterleavedBufferStatic
abstract member InterleavedBuffer: __core_InterleavedBuffer.InterleavedBufferStatic
abstract member InstancedBufferAttribute: __core_InstancedBufferAttribute.InstancedBufferAttributeStatic
abstract member GLBufferAttribute: __core_GLBufferAttribute.GLBufferAttributeStatic
abstract member BufferAttribute: __core_BufferAttribute.BufferAttributeStatic
abstract member Object3D: __core_Object3D.Object3DStatic
abstract member Raycaster: __core_Raycaster.RaycasterStatic
abstract member Layers: __core_Layers.LayersStatic
abstract member EventDispatcher: __core_EventDispatcher.EventDispatcherStatic
abstract member Clock: __core_Clock.ClockStatic
* Extras
// abstract member ImmediateRenderObject: __extras_objects_ImmediateRenderObject.ImmediateRenderObjectStatic
// abstract member Curves: __extras_curves_Curves.CurvesStatic
// abstract member Shape: __extras_core_Shape.ShapeStatic
// abstract member Path: __extras_core_Path.PathStatic
// abstract member ShapePath: __extras_core_ShapePath.ShapePathStatic
// abstract member Font: __extras_core_Font.FontStatic
// abstract member CurvePath: __extras_core_CurvePath.CurvePathStatic
// abstract member Curve: __extras_core_Curve.CurveStatic
// abstract member DataUtils: __extras_DataUtils.DataUtilsStatic
// abstract member ImageUtils: __extras_ImageUtils.ImageUtilsStatic
// abstract member ShapeUtils: __extras_ShapeUtils.ShapeUtilsStatic
// abstract member PMREMGenerator: __extras_PMREMGenerator.PMREMGeneratorStatic
* Geometries
// abstract member Geometries: __geometries_Geometries.GeometriesStatic
* Helpers
// abstract member SpotLightHelper: __helpers_SpotLightHelper.SpotLightHelperStatic
// abstract member SkeletonHelper: __helpers_SkeletonHelper.SkeletonHelperStatic
// abstract member PointLightHelper: __helpers_PointLightHelper.PointLightHelperStatic
// abstract member HemisphereLightHelper: __helpers_HemisphereLightHelper.HemisphereLightHelperStatic
// abstract member GridHelper: __helpers_GridHelper.GridHelperStatic
// abstract member PolarGridHelper: __helpers_PolarGridHelper.PolarGridHelperStatic
// abstract member DirectionalLightHelper: __helpers_DirectionalLightHelper.DirectionalLightHelperStatic
// abstract member CameraHelper: __helpers_CameraHelper.CameraHelperStatic
// abstract member BoxHelper: __helpers_BoxHelper.BoxHelperStatic
// abstract member Box3Helper: __helpers_Box3Helper.Box3HelperStatic
// abstract member PlaneHelper: __helpers_PlaneHelper.PlaneHelperStatic
// abstract member ArrowHelper: __helpers_ArrowHelper.ArrowHelperStatic
// abstract member AxesHelper: __helpers_AxesHelper.AxesHelperStatic
* Lights
abstract member SpotLightShadow: __lights_SpotLightShadow.SpotLightShadowStatic
abstract member SpotLight: __lights_SpotLight.SpotLightStatic
abstract member PointLight: __lights_PointLight.PointLightStatic
abstract member PointLightShadow: __lights_PointLightShadow.PointLightShadowStatic
abstract member RectAreaLight: __lights_RectAreaLight.RectAreaLightStatic
abstract member HemisphereLight: __lights_HemisphereLight.HemisphereLightStatic
abstract member DirectionalLightShadow: __lights_DirectionalLightShadow.DirectionalLightShadowStatic
abstract member DirectionalLight: __lights_DirectionalLight.DirectionalLightStatic
abstract member AmbientLight: __lights_AmbientLight.AmbientLightStatic
abstract member LightShadow: __lights_LightShadow.LightShadowStatic
abstract member Light: __lights_Light.LightStatic
abstract member AmbientLightProbe: __lights_AmbientLightProbe.AmbientLightProbeStatic
abstract member HemisphereLightProbe: __lights_HemisphereLightProbe.HemisphereLightProbeStatic
abstract member LightProbe: __lights_LightProbe.LightProbeStatic
* Loaders
// abstract member AnimationLoader: __loaders_AnimationLoader.AnimationLoaderStatic
// abstract member CompressedTextureLoader: __loaders_CompressedTextureLoader.CompressedTextureLoaderStatic
// abstract member DataTextureLoader: __loaders_DataTextureLoader.DataTextureLoaderStatic
// abstract member CubeTextureLoader: __loaders_CubeTextureLoader.CubeTextureLoaderStatic
// abstract member TextureLoader: __loaders_TextureLoader.TextureLoaderStatic
// abstract member ObjectLoader: __loaders_ObjectLoader.ObjectLoaderStatic
// abstract member MaterialLoader: __loaders_MaterialLoader.MaterialLoaderStatic
// abstract member BufferGeometryLoader: __loaders_BufferGeometryLoader.BufferGeometryLoaderStatic
// abstract member LoadingManager: __loaders_LoadingManager.LoadingManagerStatic
// abstract member ImageLoader: __loaders_ImageLoader.ImageLoaderStatic
// abstract member ImageBitmapLoader: __loaders_ImageBitmapLoader.ImageBitmapLoaderStatic
// abstract member FontLoader: __loaders_FontLoader.FontLoaderStatic
// abstract member FileLoader: __loaders_FileLoader.FileLoaderStatic
// abstract member Loader: __loaders_Loader.LoaderStatic
// abstract member LoaderUtils: __loaders_LoaderUtils.LoaderUtilsStatic
// abstract member Cache: __loaders_Cache.CacheStatic
// abstract member AudioLoader: __loaders_AudioLoader.AudioLoaderStatic
* Materials
// abstract member Materials: __materials_Materials.MaterialsStatic
* Math
abstract member QuaternionLinearInterpolant: __math_interpolants_QuaternionLinearInterpolant.QuaternionLinearInterpolantStatic
abstract member LinearInterpolant: __math_interpolants_LinearInterpolant.LinearInterpolantStatic
abstract member DiscreteInterpolant: __math_interpolants_DiscreteInterpolant.DiscreteInterpolantStatic
abstract member CubicInterpolant: __math_interpolants_CubicInterpolant.CubicInterpolantStatic
abstract member Interpolant: __math_Interpolant.InterpolantStatic
abstract member Triangle: __math_Triangle.TriangleStatic
abstract member Spherical: __math_Spherical.SphericalStatic
abstract member Cylindrical: __math_Cylindrical.CylindricalStatic
abstract member Plane: __math_Plane.PlaneStatic
abstract member Frustum: __math_Frustum.FrustumStatic
abstract member Sphere: __math_Sphere.SphereStatic
abstract member Ray: __math_Ray.RayStatic
abstract member Matrix4: __math_Matrix4.Matrix4Static
abstract member Matrix3: __math_Matrix3.Matrix3Static
abstract member Box3: __math_Box3.Box3Static
abstract member Box2: __math_Box2.Box2Static
abstract member Line3: __math_Line3.Line3Static
abstract member Euler: __math_Euler.EulerStatic
abstract member Vector4: __math_Vector4.Vector4Static
abstract member Vector3: __math_Vector3.Vector3Static
abstract member Vector2: __math_Vector2.Vector2Static
abstract member Quaternion: __math_Quaternion.QuaternionStatic
abstract member Color: __math_Color.ColorStatic
abstract member SphericalHarmonics3: __math_SphericalHarmonics3.SphericalHarmonics3Static
* Objects
abstract member Sprite: __objects_Sprite.SpriteStatic
abstract member LOD: __objects_LOD.LODStatic
abstract member InstancedMesh: __objects_InstancedMesh.InstancedMeshStatic
abstract member SkinnedMesh: __objects_SkinnedMesh.SkinnedMeshStatic
abstract member Skeleton: __objects_Skeleton.SkeletonStatic
abstract member Bone: __objects_Bone.BoneStatic
abstract member Mesh: __objects_Mesh.MeshStatic
abstract member LineSegments: __objects_LineSegments.LineSegmentsStatic
abstract member LineLoop: __objects_LineLoop.LineLoopStatic
abstract member Line: __objects_Line.LineStatic
abstract member Points: __objects_Points.PointsStatic
abstract member Group: __objects_Group.GroupStatic
abstract member BoxGeometry: __geometries_BoxGeometry.BoxGeometryStatic
abstract member MeshBasicMaterial: __materials_MeshBasicMaterial.MeshBasicMaterialStatic
* Renderers
abstract member WebGLMultisampleRenderTarget: __renderers_WebGLMultisampleRenderTarget.WebGLMultisampleRenderTargetStatic
abstract member WebGLCubeRenderTarget: __renderers_WebGLCubeRenderTarget.WebGLCubeRenderTargetStatic
abstract member WebGLMultipleRenderTargets: __renderers_WebGLMultipleRenderTargets.WebGLMultipleRenderTargetsStatic
abstract member WebGLRenderTarget: __renderers_WebGLRenderTarget.WebGLRenderTargetStatic
abstract member WebGLRenderer: __renderers_WebGLRenderer.WebGLRendererStatic
abstract member WebGL1Renderer: __renderers_WebGL1Renderer.WebGL1RendererStatic
// abstract member ShaderLib: __renderers_shaders_ShaderLib.ShaderLibStatic
// abstract member UniformsLib: __renderers_shaders_UniformsLib.UniformsLibStatic
// abstract member UniformsUtils: __renderers_shaders_UniformsUtils.UniformsUtilsStatic
// abstract member ShaderChunk: __renderers_shaders_ShaderChunk.ShaderChunkStatic
abstract member WebGLBufferRenderer: __renderers_webgl_WebGLBufferRenderer.WebGLBufferRendererStatic
abstract member WebGLCapabilities: __renderers_webgl_WebGLCapabilities.WebGLCapabilitiesStatic
abstract member WebGLClipping: __renderers_webgl_WebGLClipping.WebGLClippingStatic
abstract member WebGLCubeUVMaps: __renderers_webgl_WebGLCubeUVMaps.WebGLCubeUVMapsStatic
abstract member WebGLExtensions: __renderers_webgl_WebGLExtensions.WebGLExtensionsStatic
abstract member WebGLGeometries: __renderers_webgl_WebGLGeometries.WebGLGeometriesStatic
abstract member WebGLIndexedBufferRenderer: __renderers_webgl_WebGLIndexedBufferRenderer.WebGLIndexedBufferRendererStatic
abstract member WebGLInfo: __renderers_webgl_WebGLInfo.WebGLInfoStatic
abstract member WebGLLights: __renderers_webgl_WebGLLights.WebGLLightsStatic
abstract member WebGLObjects: __renderers_webgl_WebGLObjects.WebGLObjectsStatic
abstract member WebGLProgram: __renderers_webgl_WebGLProgram.WebGLProgramStatic
abstract member WebGLPrograms: __renderers_webgl_WebGLPrograms.WebGLProgramsStatic
abstract member WebGLProperties: __renderers_webgl_WebGLProperties.WebGLPropertiesStatic
abstract member WebGLRenderLists: __renderers_webgl_WebGLRenderLists.WebGLRenderListsStatic
// abstract member WebGLShader: __renderers_webgl_WebGLShader.WebGLShaderStatic
abstract member WebGLShadowMap: __renderers_webgl_WebGLShadowMap.WebGLShadowMapStatic
abstract member WebGLState: __renderers_webgl_WebGLState.WebGLStateStatic
abstract member WebGLTextures: __renderers_webgl_WebGLTextures.WebGLTexturesStatic
abstract member WebGLUniforms: __renderers_webgl_WebGLUniforms.WebGLUniformsStatic
// abstract member WebXR: __renderers_webxr_WebXR.WebXRStatic
abstract member WebXRController: __renderers_webxr_WebXRController.WebXRControllerStatic
abstract member WebXRManager: __renderers_webxr_WebXRManager.WebXRManagerStatic
* Scenes
abstract member FogExp2: __scenes_FogExp2.FogExp2Static
abstract member Fog: __scenes_Fog.FogStatic
abstract member Scene: __scenes_Scene.SceneStatic
* Textures
abstract member VideoTexture: __textures_VideoTexture.VideoTextureStatic
abstract member DataTexture: __textures_DataTexture.DataTextureStatic
abstract member DataTexture2DArray: __textures_DataTexture2DArray.DataTexture2DArrayStatic
abstract member DataTexture3D: __textures_DataTexture3D.DataTexture3DStatic
abstract member CompressedTexture: __textures_CompressedTexture.CompressedTextureStatic
abstract member CubeTexture: __textures_CubeTexture.CubeTextureStatic
abstract member CanvasTexture: __textures_CanvasTexture.CanvasTextureStatic
abstract member DepthTexture: __textures_DepthTexture.DepthTextureStatic
abstract member Texture: __textures_Texture.TextureStatic
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