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Created November 10, 2019 13:43
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Docker log when running "quorumengineering/cakeshop" image
Defaulting to spring profile: local
Extracting binaries to /opt/cakeshop/data/bin
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[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:12:08.879 [main] SpringBootApplication - Starting SpringBootApplication v0.11.0 on ff61641855cd with PID 6 (/opt/cakeshop/cakeshop.war started by cakeshop in /opt/cakeshop)
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:12:08.917 [main] SpringBootApplication - The following profiles are active: container,spring-boot,local
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:12:18.806 [main] AppConfig - eth.config.dir=/opt/cakeshop/data/local
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:12:18.814 [main] AppConfig - Initializing new config from file:/opt/cakeshop/cakeshop.war!/WEB-INF/classes!/config/
[WARN ] 2019-11-10 13:12:18.816 [main] AppConfig - Authentication disabled.
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:12:18.853 [main] AppConfig - Loading config from /opt/cakeshop/data/local/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:12:27.128 [main] ProcessUtils - testing /opt/cakeshop/data/bin/nodejs/linux/node exists: true
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:12:27.174 [main] ProcessUtils - testing /opt/cakeshop/data/bin/solc/node_modules/solc-cakeshop-cli/bin/solc exists: true
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:12:27.275 [main] ProcessUtils - testing /opt/cakeshop/data/bin/quorum/linux/geth exists: true
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:12:35.301 [main] WebConfig - async task pool thread core 250
Running pre-flight checks...
Testing ethereum data dir path
Testing db path
Testing geth server binary
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:12:43.300 [main] ProcessUtils - testing /opt/cakeshop/data/bin/quorum/linux/geth exists: true
Testing solc compiler binary
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:12:44.081 [main] ProcessUtils - testing /opt/cakeshop/data/bin/nodejs/linux/node exists: true
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:00.933 [main] AppStartup - Autostarting geth node
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:01.226 [main] GethRunner - generating nodekey as /opt/cakeshop/data/bin/quorum/linux/bootnode -genkey /opt/cakeshop/data/local/ethereum/geth/nodekey
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:01.535 [main] GethRunner - generating local address as /opt/cakeshop/data/bin/quorum/linux/bootnode -nodekey /opt/cakeshop/data/local/ethereum/geth/nodekey -writeaddress
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:01.823 [main] GethRunner - updated static-nodes.json at /opt/cakeshop/data/local/ethereum
WARN [11-10|13:13:02.261] Sanitizing cache to Go's GC limits provided=1024 updated=1001
INFO [11-10|13:13:02.283] Maximum peer count ETH=25 LES=0 total=25
INFO [11-10|13:13:02.298] Allocated cache and file handles database=/opt/cakeshop/data/local/ethereum/geth/chaindata cache=16 handles=16
INFO [11-10|13:13:02.375] Writing custom genesis block
INFO [11-10|13:13:02.384] Persisted trie from memory database nodes=6 size=726.00B time=2.209836ms gcnodes=0 gcsize=0.00B gctime=0s livenodes=1 livesize=0.00B
INFO [11-10|13:13:02.400] Successfully wrote genesis state database=chaindata hash=8a3377…3645b0
INFO [11-10|13:13:02.401] Allocated cache and file handles database=/opt/cakeshop/data/local/ethereum/geth/lightchaindata cache=16 handles=16
INFO [11-10|13:13:02.442] Writing custom genesis block
INFO [11-10|13:13:02.444] Persisted trie from memory database nodes=6 size=726.00B time=417.248µs gcnodes=0 gcsize=0.00B gctime=0s livenodes=1 livesize=0.00B
INFO [11-10|13:13:02.447] Successfully wrote genesis state database=lightchaindata hash=8a3377…3645b0
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:02.495 [main] GethRunner - Single node found in static-nodes.json, deleting any existing raft folders to fix a leader election bug in raft
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:02.500 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Embedded quorum, additional params: []
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:02.505 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Transaction Manager enabled
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:02.512 [main] TransactionManagerRunner - keygen command: java -jar /opt/cakeshop/data/bin/tessera/tessera-app-0.9.2-app.jar -keygen -filename /opt/cakeshop/data/local/tessera/tm
Enter a password if you want to lock the private key or leave blank
Please re-enter the password (or lack of) to confirm
13:13:04.676 [main] INFO com.quorum.tessera.nacl.jnacl.Jnacl - Generating new keypair...
13:13:04.738 [main] INFO com.quorum.tessera.nacl.jnacl.Jnacl - Generated public key PublicKey[RwZG/DYMw3+tTHx+9pEk0A9Odd/pO7X2afv8mNVfBHM=] and private key REDACTED
13:13:06.123 [main] INFO c.q.t.k.generation.FileKeyGenerator - Saved public key to /opt/cakeshop/data/local/tessera/
13:13:06.124 [main] INFO c.q.t.k.generation.FileKeyGenerator - Saved private key to /opt/cakeshop/data/local/tessera/tm.key
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:06.435 [main] TransactionManagerRunner - Transaction manager transactionManagerType: tessera
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:09.405 [main] TransactionManagerRunner - created tessera config at /opt/cakeshop/data/local/tessera/tm.json
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:09.426 [main] TransactionManagerRunner - Transaction Manager started as java -jar /opt/cakeshop/data/bin/tessera/tessera-app-0.9.2-app.jar -configfile /opt/cakeshop/data/local/tessera/tm.json
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:09.431 [main] ProcessUtils - Creating pid file: /opt/cakeshop/data/local/tessera/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:09.446 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Waiting for tm ipc file to be created: /opt/cakeshop/data/local/tessera/tm.ipc
[DEBUG] 2019-11-10 13:13:18.940 [StreamLogAdapter] tm - 13:13:18.931 [main] INFO eclipselink.logging.all - EclipseLink, version: Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.7.3.v20180807-4be1041
[DEBUG] 2019-11-10 13:13:18.943 [StreamLogAdapter] tm - 13:13:18.943 [main] INFO com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource - HikariPool-1 - Starting...
[DEBUG] 2019-11-10 13:13:19.397 [StreamLogAdapter] tm - 13:13:19.396 [main] INFO com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource - HikariPool-1 - Start completed.
[DEBUG] 2019-11-10 13:13:19.499 [StreamLogAdapter] tm - 13:13:19.498 [main] INFO eclipselink.logging.connection - tessera login successful
[DEBUG] 2019-11-10 13:13:19.638 [StreamLogAdapter] tm - 13:13:19.638 [main] WARN eclipselink.logging.ddl - Removing UNIQUE constraint definition from [ENCRYPTED_TRANSACTION.HASH] because it is also a primary key.
[DEBUG] 2019-11-10 13:13:19.673 [StreamLogAdapter] tm - 13:13:19.673 [main] WARN eclipselink.logging.ddl - Removing UNIQUE constraint definition from [ENCRYPTED_RAW_TRANSACTION.HASH] because it is also a primary key.
[DEBUG] 2019-11-10 13:13:19.682 [StreamLogAdapter] tm - 13:13:19.682 [main] INFO o.s.o.j.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean - Initialized JPA EntityManagerFactory for persistence unit 'tessera'
[DEBUG] 2019-11-10 13:13:20.224 [StreamLogAdapter] tm - 13:13:20.223 [main] INFO c.q.t.t.TesseraScheduledExecutor - Starting PartyInfoPoller
[DEBUG] 2019-11-10 13:13:20.227 [StreamLogAdapter] tm - 13:13:20.226 [main] INFO c.q.t.t.TesseraScheduledExecutor - Started PartyInfoPoller
[DEBUG] 2019-11-10 13:13:20.708 [StreamLogAdapter] tm - 13:13:20.708 [main] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.util.log - Logging initialized @11240ms to org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog
[DEBUG] 2019-11-10 13:13:20.931 [StreamLogAdapter] tm - 13:13:20.931 [main] INFO c.quorum.tessera.server.JerseyServer - Starting unix:/opt/cakeshop/data/local/tessera/tm.ipc
[DEBUG] 2019-11-10 13:13:20.939 [StreamLogAdapter] tm - 13:13:20.939 [main] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server - jetty-9.4.z-SNAPSHOT; built: 2018-11-14T21:20:31.478Z; git: c4550056e785fb5665914545889f21dc136ad9e6; jvm 1.8.0_212-b04
[DEBUG] 2019-11-10 13:13:22.348 [StreamLogAdapter] tm - 13:13:22.347 [main] WARN o.g.jersey.internal.inject.Providers - A provider com.quorum.tessera.api.common.VersionResource registered in SERVER runtime does not implement any provider interfaces applicable in the SERVER runtime. Due to constraint configuration problems the provider com.quorum.tessera.api.common.VersionResource will be ignored.
[DEBUG] 2019-11-10 13:13:22.349 [StreamLogAdapter] tm - 13:13:22.349 [main] WARN o.g.jersey.internal.inject.Providers - A provider com.quorum.tessera.q2t.Q2TRestApp registered in SERVER runtime does not implement any provider interfaces applicable in the SERVER runtime. Due to constraint configuration problems the provider com.quorum.tessera.q2t.Q2TRestApp will be ignored.
[DEBUG] 2019-11-10 13:13:22.358 [StreamLogAdapter] tm - 13:13:22.358 [main] WARN o.g.jersey.internal.inject.Providers - A provider com.quorum.tessera.q2t.TransactionResource registered in SERVER runtime does not implement any provider interfaces applicable in the SERVER runtime. Due to constraint configuration problems the provider com.quorum.tessera.q2t.TransactionResource will be ignored.
[DEBUG] 2019-11-10 13:13:22.364 [StreamLogAdapter] tm - 13:13:22.364 [main] WARN o.g.jersey.internal.inject.Providers - A provider com.quorum.tessera.api.common.UpCheckResource registered in SERVER runtime does not implement any provider interfaces applicable in the SERVER runtime. Due to constraint configuration problems the provider com.quorum.tessera.api.common.UpCheckResource will be ignored.
[DEBUG] 2019-11-10 13:13:23.033 [StreamLogAdapter] tm - 13:13:23.031 [main] INFO o.e.j.server.handler.ContextHandler - Started o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler@1f736d00{/,null,AVAILABLE}
[DEBUG] 2019-11-10 13:13:23.967 [StreamLogAdapter] tm - 13:13:23.966 [main] WARN o.e.j.unixsocket.UnixSocketConnector - cannot bind /opt/cakeshop/data/local/tessera/tm.ipc exists=false writable=false
[DEBUG] 2019-11-10 13:13:23.971 [StreamLogAdapter] tm - Operation not permitted
[DEBUG] 2019-11-10 13:13:24.067 [StreamLogAdapter] tm - 13:13:24.065 [Thread-2] INFO c.quorum.tessera.server.JerseyServer - Stopping Jersey server at unix:/opt/cakeshop/data/local/tessera/tm.ipc
[DEBUG] 2019-11-10 13:13:24.084 [StreamLogAdapter] tm - 13:13:24.084 [Thread-2] INFO o.e.jetty.server.AbstractConnector - Stopped UnixSocketConnector@6968e060{HTTP/1.1,[http/1.1]}{/opt/cakeshop/data/local/tessera/tm.ipc}
[DEBUG] 2019-11-10 13:13:24.149 [StreamLogAdapter] tm - 13:13:24.148 [Thread-2] INFO o.e.j.server.handler.ContextHandler - Stopped o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler@1f736d00{/,null,UNAVAILABLE}
[DEBUG] 2019-11-10 13:13:24.156 [StreamLogAdapter] tm - 13:13:24.156 [Thread-2] INFO c.quorum.tessera.server.JerseyServer - Stopped Jersey server at unix:/opt/cakeshop/data/local/tessera/tm.ipc
[DEBUG] 2019-11-10 13:13:24.157 [StreamLogAdapter] tm - 13:13:24.157 [Thread-2] INFO c.quorum.tessera.server.JerseyServer - Stopping Jersey server at
[DEBUG] 2019-11-10 13:13:24.158 [StreamLogAdapter] tm - 13:13:24.158 [Thread-2] INFO c.quorum.tessera.server.JerseyServer - Stopped Jersey server at
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:29.448 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Setting env variable PRIVATE_CONFIG to: /opt/cakeshop/data/local/tessera/tm.ipc
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:29.449 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - geth command: /opt/cakeshop/data/bin/quorum/linux/geth --datadir /opt/cakeshop/data/local/ethereum --nodiscover --rpc --rpcaddr --rpcapi txpool,shh,debug,eth,web3,raft,admin,personal,net,db,miner --rpcport 8102 --port 30303 --nat none --raft --raftport 50401 --raftblocktime 100 --unlock 0,1,2 --password /opt/cakeshop/data/bin/genesis/geth_pass.txt --networkid 1006 --verbosity 3 --mine --minerthreads 1 --identity cakeshop
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:29.469 [main] ProcessUtils - Creating pid file: /opt/cakeshop/data/local/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:29.478 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:29.802 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:29.860 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:29.864 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:29.916 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:29.921 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:29.972 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:29.976 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[DEBUG] 2019-11-10 13:13:29.997 [StreamLogAdapter] geth - panic: MustNew: Failed to connect to Constellation (/opt/cakeshop/data/local/tessera/tm.ipc): lstat /opt/cakeshop/data/local/tessera/tm.ipc: no such file or directory
[DEBUG] 2019-11-10 13:13:29.999 [StreamLogAdapter] geth -
[DEBUG] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.001 [StreamLogAdapter] geth - goroutine 1 [running]:
[DEBUG] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.005 [StreamLogAdapter] geth -, 0x27, 0xc00003e00f)
[DEBUG] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.005 [StreamLogAdapter] geth - /home/travis/gopath/src/ +0x1de
[DEBUG] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.006 [StreamLogAdapter] geth -, 0xe, 0xc0001c97e0, 0xc0001c97c0)
[DEBUG] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.007 [StreamLogAdapter] geth - /home/travis/gopath/src/ +0x64
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.033 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.037 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.088 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.093 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.143 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.146 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.197 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.204 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.255 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.258 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.309 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.316 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.368 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.371 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.424 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.429 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.482 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.485 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.537 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.540 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.591 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.604 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.655 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.659 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.711 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.715 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.766 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.769 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.821 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.827 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.878 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.882 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.933 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.936 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.987 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:30.994 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:31.045 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:31.053 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:31.104 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:31.107 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:31.158 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:31.160 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:31.212 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:31.219 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:31.270 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:31.274 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:31.325 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:31.327 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:31.378 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:31.381 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:31.432 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:31.435 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:31.486 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:31.494 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:31.546 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:31.552 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:31.603 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:31.610 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:31.661 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:31.664 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:31.719 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:31.726 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:31.777 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:31.780 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:31.831 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:31.833 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:31.885 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:31.888 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:31.939 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:31.943 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:31.995 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:31.999 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:32.050 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:32.056 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:32.107 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:32.110 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:32.161 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:32.169 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:32.221 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:32.226 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:32.277 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:32.280 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:32.331 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:32.333 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:32.384 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:32.386 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:32.437 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:32.439 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:32.491 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:32.494 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:32.545 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:32.548 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:32.599 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:32.601 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:32.652 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:32.660 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:32.712 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:32.715 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:32.766 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:32.773 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:32.824 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:32.827 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:32.878 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:32.880 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:32.931 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:32.937 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:32.988 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:32.991 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:33.042 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:33.045 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:33.096 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:33.102 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:33.153 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:33.155 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:33.206 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:33.209 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:33.259 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:33.267 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:33.319 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:33.325 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:33.377 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:33.384 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:33.435 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:33.439 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:33.495 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:33.498 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:33.549 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:33.553 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:33.604 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:33.607 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:33.658 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:33.661 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:33.712 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:33.714 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:33.765 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:33.768 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:33.819 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:33.824 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:33.875 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:33.898 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:33.950 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:33.952 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.003 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.005 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.056 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.064 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.115 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.118 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.169 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.171 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.222 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.226 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.277 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.280 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.332 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.335 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.387 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.394 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.446 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.450 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.502 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.508 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.558 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.562 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.614 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.619 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.670 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.673 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.724 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.726 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.777 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.781 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.832 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.836 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.887 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.890 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.941 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.944 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:34.995 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:35.001 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:35.053 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:35.057 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:35.108 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:35.114 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:35.166 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:35.168 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:35.220 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:35.228 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:35.280 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:35.283 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:35.333 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:35.336 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:35.387 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:35.390 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:35.442 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:35.445 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:35.497 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:35.501 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:35.552 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:35.559 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:35.611 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:35.613 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:35.664 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:35.667 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:35.726 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:35.729 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:35.780 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:35.783 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:35.834 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:35.840 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:35.891 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:35.894 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:35.944 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:35.948 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:35.999 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:36.001 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:36.052 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:36.055 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:36.106 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:36.110 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:36.161 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:36.164 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:36.215 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:36.217 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:36.268 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:36.271 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:36.322 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:36.324 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:36.375 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:36.382 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:36.439 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:36.444 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:36.496 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:36.499 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:36.550 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:36.553 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:36.605 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:36.609 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:36.660 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:36.664 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:36.723 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:36.726 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:36.777 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:36.781 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:36.832 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:36.840 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:36.892 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:36.908 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:36.960 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:36.964 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:37.016 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:37.019 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:37.073 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:37.076 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:37.128 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:37.131 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:37.183 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:37.186 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:37.237 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:37.240 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:37.292 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:37.295 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:37.346 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:37.350 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:37.401 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:37.405 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:37.457 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:37.459 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:37.511 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:37.514 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:37.566 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:37.570 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:37.622 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:37.625 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:37.678 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:37.681 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:37.732 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:37.735 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:37.787 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:37.790 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:37.842 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:37.845 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:37.896 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:37.902 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:37.954 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:37.960 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:38.011 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:38.014 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:38.065 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:38.068 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:38.120 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:38.123 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:38.181 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:38.184 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:38.235 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:38.238 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:38.292 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:38.295 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:38.346 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:38.348 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:38.399 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:38.403 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:38.455 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:38.458 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:38.511 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:38.516 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:38.567 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:38.570 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:38.622 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:38.625 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:38.677 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:38.682 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:38.733 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:38.741 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:38.797 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:38.800 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:38.853 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:38.856 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:38.907 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:38.913 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:38.965 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:38.968 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:39.020 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:39.027 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:39.078 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:39.083 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:39.149 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:39.152 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:39.214 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:39.219 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:39.271 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:39.276 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:39.328 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:39.335 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:39.388 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:39.391 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:39.442 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:39.445 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:39.496 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth call: admin_nodeInfo
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:39.500 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - RPC call failed - ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:39.501 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Geth RPC did not start within 10000ms
[ERROR] 2019-11-10 13:13:39.555 [main] GethHttpServiceImpl - Ethereum failed to start
org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.context.AnnotationConfigServletWebServerApplicationContext@23348b5d: startup date [Sun Nov 10 13:12:10 UTC 2019]; root of context hierarchy
java.vendor: Oracle Corporation
java.version: 1.8.0_212
java.home: /usr/local/openjdk-8/jre /tmp
cakeshop.version: 0.11.0 100b6f8f31e2b4e4fa52e28ac7d60b9a5329ba3c 2019-06-20T09:37:45.752-0400 Linux
os.version: 4.14.141-boot2docker
os.arch: amd64
Linux release info:PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="9 (stretch)"
Linux version 4.14.141-boot2docker (root@ff9920b99614) (gcc version 6.3.0 20170516 (Debian 6.3.0-18+deb9u1)) #1 SMP Wed Sep 4 19:02:58 UTC 2019
user.dir: /opt/cakeshop
user.home: /opt/cakeshop
app.root: file:/opt/cakeshop/cakeshop.war!/WEB-INF/classes!
eth.env: null
eth.config.dir: /opt/cakeshop/data/local
geth.path: /opt/cakeshop/data/bin/quorum/linux/geth /opt/cakeshop/data/local/ethereum
geth.version: 1.8.18-stable
solc.path: /opt/cakeshop/data/bin/solc/node_modules/solc-cakeshop-cli/bin/solc
solc.version: 0.5.9+commit.e560f70d.Emscripten.clang
[2019-11-10T13:13:39,555] Geth RPC did not start within 10000ms
[2019-11-10T13:13:39,556] Ethereum failed to start
[2019-11-10T13:13:39,556] GETH FAILED TO START
[INFO ] 2019-11-10 13:13:39.856 [main] SpringBootApplication - Started SpringBootApplication in 93.002 seconds (JVM running for 128.122)
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