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Created April 24, 2020 16:07
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  • Save wei-lee/b3be57cc61497f49d38f9862bf3eb19d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save wei-lee/b3be57cc61497f49d38f9862bf3eb19d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
❯ ./ start
Cloning into 'jcasc'...
warning: redirecting to
remote: Counting objects: 1906, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (786/786), done.
remote: Total 1906 (delta 1100), reused 1849 (delta 1050)
Receiving objects: 100% (1906/1906), 594.35 KiB | 114.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1100/1100), done.
./ info: jcass tool cloned to jcasc
./ info: project synced to jcasc/config
./ info: kubernetes jenkins url and tunnel switched to
./ info: granted administrator permissions to anonymous users
./ info: start local jenkins
Reading config from /Users/weili/work/cicd/ci-cd/jcasc/config, using tools from /Users/weili/work/cicd/ci-cd/jcasc
./jcasc/ line 28: getent: command not found
+ docker build --rm -t local-jcasc-jenkins-2-190-3 -f /tmp/jcasc-dockerroot.3w1/Dockerfile-2-190-3 /tmp/jcasc-dockerroot.3w1 --build-arg JENKINS_URL=http://localhost:8080/ --build-arg JENKINS_OPTS= --build-arg JENKINS_JAVA_OPTS=
Sending build context to Docker daemon 26.62kB
Step 1/24 : FROM
2.190.3: Pulling from ccit/jenkins-2-centos7
7b1c937e0f67: Pull complete
bff3b73cbcc4: Pull complete
be013bd4341b: Pull complete
382ffcde118c: Pull complete
adf6f4e2dd82: Pull complete
4ecf636d8afb: Pull complete
ebf65714bd12: Pull complete
ca3b9a1ca5cd: Pull complete
e30874109d3d: Pull complete
b8ff1f68201f: Pull complete
1476bbbbbc1f: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:d122f66edd9f7b80e808acf1963f79e86a854046de7d486657f067cf05d4eb3e
Status: Downloaded newer image for
---> f4fe2c975a0c
Step 2/24 : USER 1001
---> Running in 8065be9ab5dd
Removing intermediate container 8065be9ab5dd
---> 897e873467ab
Step 3/24 : RUN git config --global "" && git config --global "Jenkins Master" && cp /var/lib/jenkins/.gitconfig /opt/openshift/configuration/
---> Running in a759743f6816
error: failed to write new configuration file /var/lib/jenkins/.gitconfig.lock
The command '/bin/sh -c git config --global "" && git config --global "Jenkins Master" && cp /var/lib/jenkins/.gitconfig /opt/openshift/configuration/' returned a non-zero code: 4
++ s=4
++ echo './jcasc/ Error on line 47: docker build --rm -t "$container_tag" -f "$docker_file" "$docker_root" --build-arg JENKINS_URL=${JENKINS_URL} --build-arg JENKINS_OPTS=${JENKINS_OPTS} --build-arg JENKINS_JAVA_OPTS=${JENKINS_JAVA_OPTS}'
./jcasc/ Error on line 47: docker build --rm -t "$container_tag" -f "$docker_file" "$docker_root" --build-arg JENKINS_URL=${JENKINS_URL} --build-arg JENKINS_OPTS=${JENKINS_OPTS} --build-arg JENKINS_JAVA_OPTS=${JENKINS_JAVA_OPTS}
++ exit 4
+ rm -rf /tmp/jcasc-dockerroot.3w1
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