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Created July 13, 2023 14:01
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(function() {
Copyright The Closure Library Authors.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
var g;
function aaa(a) {
var b = 0;
return function() {
return b < a.length ? {
done: !1,
value: a[b++]
} : {
done: !0
var aa = "function" == typeof Object.defineProperties ? Object.defineProperty : function(a, b, c) {
if (a == Array.prototype || a == Object.prototype)
return a;
a[b] = c.value;
return a
function baa(a) {
a = ["object" == typeof globalThis && globalThis, a, "object" == typeof window && window, "object" == typeof self && self, "object" == typeof global && global];
for (var b = 0; b < a.length; ++b) {
var c = a[b];
if (c && c.Math == Math)
return c
throw Error("Cannot find global object");
var ca = baa(this);
function da(a, b) {
if (b)
a: {
var c = ca;
a = a.split(".");
for (var d = 0; d < a.length - 1; d++) {
var e = a[d];
if (!(e in c))
break a;
c = c[e]
a = a[a.length - 1];
d = c[a];
b = b(d);
b != d && null != b && aa(c, a, {
configurable: !0,
writable: !0,
value: b
da("Symbol", function(a) {
function b(f) {
if (this instanceof b)
throw new TypeError("Symbol is not a constructor");
return new c(d + (f || "") + "_" + e++,f)
function c(f, h) {
this.$jscomp$symbol$id_ = f;
aa(this, "description", {
configurable: !0,
writable: !0,
value: h
if (a)
return a;
c.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.$jscomp$symbol$id_
var d = "jscomp_symbol_" + (1E9 * Math.random() >>> 0) + "_"
, e = 0;
return b
da("Symbol.iterator", function(a) {
if (a)
return a;
a = Symbol("Symbol.iterator");
for (var b = "Array Int8Array Uint8Array Uint8ClampedArray Int16Array Uint16Array Int32Array Uint32Array Float32Array Float64Array".split(" "), c = 0; c < b.length; c++) {
var d = ca[b[c]];
"function" === typeof d && "function" != typeof d.prototype[a] && aa(d.prototype, a, {
configurable: !0,
writable: !0,
value: function() {
return caa(aaa(this))
return a
da("Symbol.asyncIterator", function(a) {
return a ? a : Symbol("Symbol.asyncIterator")
function caa(a) {
a = {
next: a
a[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
return this
return a
function r(a) {
return a.raw = a
function ea(a, b) {
a.raw = b;
return a
function u(a) {
var b = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator && a[Symbol.iterator];
if (b)
if ("number" == typeof a.length)
return {
next: aaa(a)
throw Error(String(a) + " is not an iterable or ArrayLike");
function fa(a) {
for (var b, c = []; !(b =; )
return c
function ha(a) {
return a instanceof Array ? a : fa(u(a))
function ja(a, b) {
return, b)
var daa = "function" == typeof Object.assign ? Object.assign : function(a, b) {
for (var c = 1; c < arguments.length; c++) {
var d = arguments[c];
if (d)
for (var e in d)
ja(d, e) && (a[e] = d[e])
return a
da("Object.assign", function(a) {
return a || daa
var eaa = "function" == typeof Object.create ? Object.create : function(a) {
function b() {}
b.prototype = a;
return new b
, faa = function() {
function a() {
function c() {}
new c;
Reflect.construct(c, [], function() {});
return new c instanceof c
if ("undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.construct) {
if (a())
return Reflect.construct;
var b = Reflect.construct;
return function(c, d, e) {
c = b(c, d);
e && Reflect.setPrototypeOf(c, e.prototype);
return c
return function(c, d, e) {
void 0 === e && (e = c);
e = eaa(e.prototype || Object.prototype);
return, e, d) || e
}(), ka;
if ("function" == typeof Object.setPrototypeOf)
ka = Object.setPrototypeOf;
else {
var la;
a: {
var gaa = {
a: !0
, haa = {};
try {
haa.__proto__ = gaa;
la = haa.a;
break a
} catch (a) {}
la = !1
ka = la ? function(a, b) {
a.__proto__ = b;
if (a.__proto__ !== b)
throw new TypeError(a + " is not extensible");
return a
: null
var ma = ka;
function v(a, b) {
a.prototype = eaa(b.prototype);
a.prototype.constructor = a;
if (ma)
ma(a, b);
for (var c in b)
if ("prototype" != c)
if (Object.defineProperties) {
var d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(b, c);
d && Object.defineProperty(a, c, d)
} else
a[c] = b[c];
a.superClass_ = b.prototype
function iaa(a) {
if (!(a instanceof Object))
throw new TypeError("Iterator result " + a + " is not an object");
function jaa() {
this.isRunning_ = !1;
this.yieldAllIterator_ = null;
this.yieldResult = void 0;
this.nextAddress = 1;
this.finallyAddress_ = this.catchAddress_ = 0;
this.finallyContexts_ = this.abruptCompletion_ = null
g = jaa.prototype;
g.start_ = function() {
if (this.isRunning_)
throw new TypeError("Generator is already running");
this.isRunning_ = !0
g.stop_ = function() {
this.isRunning_ = !1
g.next_ = function(a) {
this.yieldResult = a
g.throw_ = function(a) {
this.abruptCompletion_ = {
exception: a,
isException: !0
this.nextAddress = this.catchAddress_ || this.finallyAddress_
g.return = function(a) {
this.abruptCompletion_ = {
return: a
this.nextAddress = this.finallyAddress_
g.yield = function(a, b) {
this.nextAddress = b;
return {
value: a
g.jumpTo = function(a) {
this.nextAddress = a
function w(a) {
a.nextAddress = 0
function x(a, b, c) {
a.catchAddress_ = b;
void 0 != c && (a.finallyAddress_ = c)
function na(a, b) {
a.catchAddress_ = 0;
a.finallyAddress_ = b || 0
function oa(a, b, c) {
a.nextAddress = b;
a.catchAddress_ = c || 0
function y(a, b) {
a.catchAddress_ = b || 0;
b = a.abruptCompletion_.exception;
a.abruptCompletion_ = null;
return b
function pa(a, b, c, d) {
d ? a.finallyContexts_[d] = a.abruptCompletion_ : a.finallyContexts_ = [a.abruptCompletion_];
a.catchAddress_ = b || 0;
a.finallyAddress_ = c || 0
function ta(a, b, c) {
c = a.finallyContexts_.splice(c || 0)[0];
(c = a.abruptCompletion_ = a.abruptCompletion_ || c) ? c.isException ? a.nextAddress = a.catchAddress_ || a.finallyAddress_ : void 0 != c.jumpTo && a.finallyAddress_ < c.jumpTo ? (a.nextAddress = c.jumpTo,
a.abruptCompletion_ = null) : a.nextAddress = a.finallyAddress_ : a.nextAddress = b
function ua(a) {
this.context_ = new jaa;
this.program_ = a
ua.prototype.next_ = function(a) {
if (this.context_.yieldAllIterator_)
return va(this,, a, this.context_.next_);
return xa(this)
function kaa(a, b) {
var c = a.context_.yieldAllIterator_;
if (c)
return va(a, "return"in c ? c["return"] : function(d) {
return {
value: d,
done: !0
, b, a.context_.return);
return xa(a)
ua.prototype.throw_ = function(a) {
if (this.context_.yieldAllIterator_)
return va(this, this.context_.yieldAllIterator_["throw"], a, this.context_.next_);
return xa(this)
function va(a, b, c, d) {
try {
var e =, c);
if (!e.done)
return a.context_.stop_(),
var f = e.value
} catch (h) {
return a.context_.yieldAllIterator_ = null,
a.context_.yieldAllIterator_ = null;, f);
return xa(a)
function xa(a) {
for (; a.context_.nextAddress; )
try {
var b = a.program_(a.context_);
if (b)
return a.context_.stop_(),
value: b.value,
done: !1
} catch (c) {
a.context_.yieldResult = void 0,
if (a.context_.abruptCompletion_) {
b = a.context_.abruptCompletion_;
a.context_.abruptCompletion_ = null;
if (b.isException)
throw b.exception;
return {
value: b.return,
done: !0
return {
value: void 0,
done: !0
function laa(a) { = function(b) {
return a.next_(b)
this.throw = function(b) {
return a.throw_(b)
this.return = function(b) {
return kaa(a, b)
this[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
return this
function za(a, b) {
b = new laa(new ua(b));
ma && a.prototype && ma(b, a.prototype);
return b
function maa(a) {
function b(d) {
function c(d) {
return a.throw(d)
return new Promise(function(d, e) {
function f(h) {
h.done ? d(h.value) : Promise.resolve(h.value).then(b, c).then(f, e)
function z(a) {
return maa(new laa(new ua(a)))
function Aa(a) {
var b = a[Symbol.asyncIterator];
return void 0 !== b ? : new naa(u(a))
function naa(a) {
this[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function() {
return this
this[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
return a
; = function(b) {
return Promise.resolve(
void 0 !== a["throw"] && (this["throw"] = function(b) {
return Promise.resolve(a["throw"](b))
void 0 !== a["return"] && (this["return"] = function(b) {
return Promise.resolve(a["return"](b))
function Ba(a, b) {
this.action = a;
this.value = b
function oaa(a, b, c, d) {
this.method = a;
this.param = b;
this.resolve = c;
this.reject = d
function paa(a) {
this.frame = a; = null
function Ca() {
this.tail_ = this.head_ = null
Ca.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
return null === this.head_
Ca.prototype.first = function() {
if (this.head_)
return this.head_.frame;
throw Error("no frames in executionQueue");
function Da(a) {
a.head_ && (a.head_ =,
a.head_ || (a.tail_ = null))
Ca.prototype.enqueue = function(a) {
a = new paa(a);
this.tail_ ? = a : this.head_ = a;
this.tail_ = a
function Ea(a) {
this.generator_ = a;
this.delegate_ = null;
this.executionQueue_ = new Ca;
this[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function() {
return this
var b = this;
this.boundHandleDelegateResult_ = function(c) {
var d = b.executionQueue_.first();
!0 === c.done ? (b.delegate_ = null,
d.method = "next",
d.param = c.value) : (d.resolve({
value: c.value,
done: !1
this.boundHandleDelegateError_ = function(c) {
qaa(b, c)
this.boundRejectAndClose_ = function(c) {
raa(b, c)
function Ga(a, b, c) {
return new Promise(function(d, e) {
var f = a.executionQueue_.isEmpty();
a.executionQueue_.enqueue(new oaa(b,c,d,e));
f && Fa(a)
} = function(a) {
return Ga(this, "next", a)
Ea.prototype.return = function(a) {
return Ga(this, "return", new Ba(0,a))
Ea.prototype.throw = function(a) {
return Ga(this, "throw", a)
function Fa(a) {
if (!a.executionQueue_.isEmpty())
try {
if (a.delegate_) {
if (!a.delegate_)
throw Error("no delegate to perform execution");
var b = a.executionQueue_.first();
if (b.method in a.delegate_)
try {
a.delegate_[b.method](b.param).then(a.boundHandleDelegateResult_, a.boundHandleDelegateError_).catch(a.boundRejectAndClose_)
} catch (c) {
qaa(a, c)
a.delegate_ = null,
} else
} catch (c) {
raa(a, c)
function saa(a) {
var b = a.executionQueue_.first();
try {
var c = a.generator_[b.method](b.param);
if (c.value instanceof Ba)
switch (c.value.action) {
case 0:
Promise.resolve(c.value.value).then(function(d) {
value: d,
done: c.done
}, function(d) {
case 1:
a.delegate_ = Aa(c.value.value);
b.method = "next";
b.param = void 0;
case 2:
Promise.resolve(c.value.value).then(function(d) {
b.method = "next";
b.param = d;
}, function(d) {
b.method = "throw";
b.param = d;
throw Error("Unrecognized AsyncGeneratorWrapper$ActionEnum");
} catch (d) {
function qaa(a, b) {
var c = a.executionQueue_.first();
a.delegate_ = null;
c.method = "throw";
c.param = b;
function raa(a, b) {
a.executionQueue_.isEmpty() || (a.executionQueue_.first().reject(b),
a.delegate_ && "return"in a.delegate_ && (a.delegate_["return"](void 0),
a.delegate_ = null);
a.generator_["return"](void 0);
function Ha() {
for (var a = Number(this), b = [], c = a; c < arguments.length; c++)
b[c - a] = arguments[c];
return b
da("Reflect", function(a) {
return a ? a : {}
da("Reflect.construct", function() {
return faa
da("Reflect.setPrototypeOf", function(a) {
return a ? a : ma ? function(b, c) {
try {
return ma(b, c),
} catch (d) {
return !1
: null
da("Promise", function(a) {
function b(h) {
this.state_ = 0;
this.result_ = void 0;
this.onSettledCallbacks_ = [];
this.isRejectionHandled_ = !1;
var k = this.createResolveAndReject_();
try {
h(k.resolve, k.reject)
} catch (l) {
function c() {
this.batch_ = null
function d(h) {
return h instanceof b ? h : new b(function(k) {
if (a)
return a;
c.prototype.asyncExecute = function(h) {
if (null == this.batch_) {
this.batch_ = [];
var k = this;
this.asyncExecuteFunction(function() {
var e = ca.setTimeout;
c.prototype.asyncExecuteFunction = function(h) {
e(h, 0)
c.prototype.executeBatch_ = function() {
for (; this.batch_ && this.batch_.length; ) {
var h = this.batch_;
this.batch_ = [];
for (var k = 0; k < h.length; ++k) {
var l = h[k];
h[k] = null;
try {
} catch (m) {
this.batch_ = null
c.prototype.asyncThrow_ = function(h) {
this.asyncExecuteFunction(function() {
throw h;
b.prototype.createResolveAndReject_ = function() {
function h(m) {
return function(n) {
l || (l = !0,, n))
var k = this
, l = !1;
return {
resolve: h(this.resolveTo_),
reject: h(this.reject_)
b.prototype.resolveTo_ = function(h) {
if (h === this)
this.reject_(new TypeError("A Promise cannot resolve to itself"));
else if (h instanceof b)
else {
a: switch (typeof h) {
case "object":
var k = null != h;
break a;
case "function":
k = !0;
break a;
k = !1
k ? this.resolveToNonPromiseObj_(h) : this.fulfill_(h)
b.prototype.resolveToNonPromiseObj_ = function(h) {
var k = void 0;
try {
k = h.then
} catch (l) {
"function" == typeof k ? this.settleSameAsThenable_(k, h) : this.fulfill_(h)
b.prototype.reject_ = function(h) {
this.settle_(2, h)
b.prototype.fulfill_ = function(h) {
this.settle_(1, h)
b.prototype.settle_ = function(h, k) {
if (0 != this.state_)
throw Error("Cannot settle(" + h + ", " + k + "): Promise already settled in state" + this.state_);
this.state_ = h;
this.result_ = k;
2 === this.state_ && this.scheduleUnhandledRejectionCheck_();
b.prototype.scheduleUnhandledRejectionCheck_ = function() {
var h = this;
e(function() {
if (h.notifyUnhandledRejection_()) {
var k = ca.console;
"undefined" !== typeof k && k.error(h.result_)
}, 1)
b.prototype.notifyUnhandledRejection_ = function() {
if (this.isRejectionHandled_)
return !1;
var h = ca.CustomEvent
, k = ca.Event
, l = ca.dispatchEvent;
if ("undefined" === typeof l)
return !0;
"function" === typeof h ? h = new h("unhandledrejection",{
cancelable: !0
}) : "function" === typeof k ? h = new k("unhandledrejection",{
cancelable: !0
}) : (h = ca.document.createEvent("CustomEvent"),
h.initCustomEvent("unhandledrejection", !1, !0, h));
h.promise = this;
h.reason = this.result_;
return l(h)
b.prototype.executeOnSettledCallbacks_ = function() {
if (null != this.onSettledCallbacks_) {
for (var h = 0; h < this.onSettledCallbacks_.length; ++h)
this.onSettledCallbacks_ = null
var f = new c;
b.prototype.settleSameAsPromise_ = function(h) {
var k = this.createResolveAndReject_();
h.callWhenSettled_(k.resolve, k.reject)
b.prototype.settleSameAsThenable_ = function(h, k) {
var l = this.createResolveAndReject_();
try {, l.resolve, l.reject)
} catch (m) {
b.prototype.then = function(h, k) {
function l(q, t) {
return "function" == typeof q ? function(A) {
try {
} catch (B) {
: t
var m, n, p = new b(function(q, t) {
m = q;
n = t
this.callWhenSettled_(l(h, m), l(k, n));
return p
b.prototype.catch = function(h) {
return this.then(void 0, h)
b.prototype.callWhenSettled_ = function(h, k) {
function l() {
switch (m.state_) {
case 1:
case 2:
throw Error("Unexpected state: " + m.state_);
var m = this;
null == this.onSettledCallbacks_ ? f.asyncExecute(l) : this.onSettledCallbacks_.push(l);
this.isRejectionHandled_ = !0
b.resolve = d;
b.reject = function(h) {
return new b(function(k, l) {
b.race = function(h) {
return new b(function(k, l) {
for (var m = u(h), n =; !n.done; n =
d(n.value).callWhenSettled_(k, l)
b.all = function(h) {
var k = u(h)
, l =;
return l.done ? d([]) : new b(function(m, n) {
function p(A) {
return function(B) {
q[A] = B;
0 == t && m(q)
var q = []
, t = 0;
q.push(void 0),
d(l.value).callWhenSettled_(p(q.length - 1), n),
l =;
while (!l.done)
return b
da("Object.setPrototypeOf", function(a) {
return a || ma
da("WeakMap", function(a) {
function b(l) {
this.id_ = (k += Math.random() + 1).toString();
if (l) {
l = u(l);
for (var m; !(m =; )
m = m.value,
this.set(m[0], m[1])
function c() {}
function d(l) {
var m = typeof l;
return "object" === m && null !== l || "function" === m
function e(l) {
if (!ja(l, h)) {
var m = new c;
aa(l, h, {
value: m
function f(l) {
var m = Object[l];
m && (Object[l] = function(n) {
if (n instanceof c)
return n;
Object.isExtensible(n) && e(n);
return m(n)
if (function() {
if (!a || !Object.seal)
return !1;
try {
var l = Object.seal({})
, m = Object.seal({})
, n = new a([[l, 2], [m, 3]]);
if (2 != n.get(l) || 3 != n.get(m))
return !1;
n.set(m, 4);
return !n.has(l) && 4 == n.get(m)
} catch (p) {
return !1
return a;
var h = "$jscomp_hidden_" + Math.random();
var k = 0;
b.prototype.set = function(l, m) {
if (!d(l))
throw Error("Invalid WeakMap key");
if (!ja(l, h))
throw Error("WeakMap key fail: " + l);
l[h][this.id_] = m;
return this
b.prototype.get = function(l) {
return d(l) && ja(l, h) ? l[h][this.id_] : void 0
b.prototype.has = function(l) {
return d(l) && ja(l, h) && ja(l[h], this.id_)
b.prototype.delete = function(l) {
return d(l) && ja(l, h) && ja(l[h], this.id_) ? delete l[h][this.id_] : !1
return b
da("Map", function(a) {
function b() {
var k = {};
return k.previous = = k.head = k
function c(k, l) {
var m = k[1];
return caa(function() {
if (m) {
for (; m.head != k[1]; )
m = m.previous;
for (; != m.head; )
return m =,
done: !1,
value: l(m)
m = null
return {
done: !0,
value: void 0
function d(k, l) {
var m = l && typeof l;
"object" == m || "function" == m ? f.has(l) ? m = f.get(l) : (m = "" + ++h,
f.set(l, m)) : m = "p_" + l;
var n = k[0][m];
if (n && ja(k[0], m))
for (k = 0; k < n.length; k++) {
var p = n[k];
if (l !== l && p.key !== p.key || l === p.key)
return {
id: m,
list: n,
index: k,
entry: p
return {
id: m,
list: n,
index: -1,
entry: void 0
function e(k) {
this[0] = {};
this[1] = b();
this.size = 0;
if (k) {
k = u(k);
for (var l; !(l =; )
l = l.value,
this.set(l[0], l[1])
if (function() {
if (!a || "function" != typeof a || !a.prototype.entries || "function" != typeof Object.seal)
return !1;
try {
var k = Object.seal({
x: 4
, l = new a(u([[k, "s"]]));
if ("s" != l.get(k) || 1 != l.size || l.get({
x: 4
}) || l.set({
x: 4
}, "t") != l || 2 != l.size)
return !1;
var m = l.entries()
, n =;
if (n.done || n.value[0] != k || "s" != n.value[1])
return !1;
n =;
return n.done || 4 != n.value[0].x || "t" != n.value[1] || ! ? !1 : !0
} catch (p) {
return !1
return a;
var f = new WeakMap;
e.prototype.set = function(k, l) {
k = 0 === k ? 0 : k;
var m = d(this, k);
m.list || (m.list = this[0][] = []);
m.entry ? m.entry.value = l : (m.entry = {
next: this[1],
previous: this[1].previous,
head: this[1],
key: k,
value: l
this[1] = m.entry,
this[1].previous = m.entry,
return this
e.prototype.delete = function(k) {
k = d(this, k);
return k.entry && k.list ? (k.list.splice(k.index, 1),
k.list.length || delete this[0][], =, = k.entry.previous,
k.entry.head = null,
!0) : !1
e.prototype.clear = function() {
this[0] = {};
this[1] = this[1].previous = b();
this.size = 0
e.prototype.has = function(k) {
return !!d(this, k).entry
e.prototype.get = function(k) {
return (k = d(this, k).entry) && k.value
e.prototype.entries = function() {
return c(this, function(k) {
return [k.key, k.value]
e.prototype.keys = function() {
return c(this, function(k) {
return k.key
e.prototype.values = function() {
return c(this, function(k) {
return k.value
e.prototype.forEach = function(k, l) {
for (var m = this.entries(), n; !(n =; )
n = n.value,, n[1], n[0], this)
e.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = e.prototype.entries;
var h = 0;
return e
function Ia(a, b) {
a instanceof String && (a += "");
var c = 0
, d = !1
, e = {
next: function() {
if (!d && c < a.length) {
var f = c++;
return {
value: b(f, a[f]),
done: !1
d = !0;
return {
done: !0,
value: void 0
e[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
return e
return e
da("Array.prototype.entries", function(a) {
return a ? a : function() {
return Ia(this, function(b, c) {
return [b, c]
da("Array.prototype.keys", function(a) {
return a ? a : function() {
return Ia(this, function(b) {
return b
function Ja(a, b, c) {
if (null == a)
throw new TypeError("The 'this' value for String.prototype." + c + " must not be null or undefined");
if (b instanceof RegExp)
throw new TypeError("First argument to String.prototype." + c + " must not be a regular expression");
return a + ""
da("String.prototype.endsWith", function(a) {
return a ? a : function(b, c) {
var d = Ja(this, b, "endsWith");
b += "";
void 0 === c && (c = d.length);
c = Math.max(0, Math.min(c | 0, d.length));
for (var e = b.length; 0 < e && 0 < c; )
if (d[--c] != b[--e])
return !1;
return 0 >= e
function taa(a, b, c) {
a instanceof String && (a = String(a));
for (var d = a.length, e = 0; e < d; e++) {
var f = a[e];
if (, f, e, a))
return {
i: e,
v: f
return {
i: -1,
v: void 0
da("Array.prototype.find", function(a) {
return a ? a : function(b, c) {
return taa(this, b, c).v
da("Set", function(a) {
function b(c) {
this.map_ = new Map;
if (c) {
c = u(c);
for (var d; !(d =; )
this.size = this.map_.size
if (function() {
if (!a || "function" != typeof a || !a.prototype.entries || "function" != typeof Object.seal)
return !1;
try {
var c = Object.seal({
x: 4
, d = new a(u([c]));
if (!d.has(c) || 1 != d.size || d.add(c) != d || 1 != d.size || d.add({
x: 4
}) != d || 2 != d.size)
return !1;
var e = d.entries()
, f =;
if (f.done || f.value[0] != c || f.value[1] != c)
return !1;
f =;
return f.done || f.value[0] == c || 4 != f.value[0].x || f.value[1] != f.value[0] ? !1 :
} catch (h) {
return !1
return a;
b.prototype.add = function(c) {
c = 0 === c ? 0 : c;
this.map_.set(c, c);
this.size = this.map_.size;
return this
b.prototype.delete = function(c) {
c = this.map_.delete(c);
this.size = this.map_.size;
return c
b.prototype.clear = function() {
this.size = 0
b.prototype.has = function(c) {
return this.map_.has(c)
b.prototype.entries = function() {
return this.map_.entries()
b.prototype.values = function() {
return this.map_.values()
b.prototype.keys = b.prototype.values;
b.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = b.prototype.values;
b.prototype.forEach = function(c, d) {
var e = this;
this.map_.forEach(function(f) {
return, f, f, e)
return b
da("String.prototype.startsWith", function(a) {
return a ? a : function(b, c) {
var d = Ja(this, b, "startsWith");
b += "";
var e = d.length
, f = b.length;
c = Math.max(0, Math.min(c | 0, d.length));
for (var h = 0; h < f && c < e; )
if (d[c++] != b[h++])
return !1;
return h >= f
da("Number.isFinite", function(a) {
return a ? a : function(b) {
return "number" !== typeof b ? !1 : !isNaN(b) && Infinity !== b && -Infinity !== b
da("String.prototype.repeat", function(a) {
return a ? a : function(b) {
var c = Ja(this, null, "repeat");
if (0 > b || 1342177279 < b)
throw new RangeError("Invalid count value");
b |= 0;
for (var d = ""; b; )
if (b & 1 && (d += c),
b >>>= 1)
c += c;
return d
da("Object.values", function(a) {
return a ? a : function(b) {
var c = [], d;
for (d in b)
ja(b, d) && c.push(b[d]);
return c
da("", function(a) {
return a ? a : function(b, c) {
return b === c ? 0 !== b || 1 / b === 1 / c : b !== b && c !== c
da("Array.prototype.includes", function(a) {
return a ? a : function(b, c) {
var d = this;
d instanceof String && (d = String(d));
var e = d.length;
c = c || 0;
for (0 > c && (c = Math.max(c + e, 0)); c < e; c++) {
var f = d[c];
if (f === b ||, b))
return !0
return !1
da("String.prototype.includes", function(a) {
return a ? a : function(b, c) {
return -1 !== Ja(this, b, "includes").indexOf(b, c || 0)
da("Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER", function() {
return 9007199254740991
da("Number.isNaN", function(a) {
return a ? a : function(b) {
return "number" === typeof b && isNaN(b)
da("Number.isInteger", function(a) {
return a ? a : function(b) {
return Number.isFinite(b) ? b === Math.floor(b) : !1
da("Number.isSafeInteger", function(a) {
return a ? a : function(b) {
return Number.isInteger(b) && Math.abs(b) <= Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
da("Array.from", function(a) {
return a ? a : function(b, c, d) {
c = null != c ? c : function(k) {
return k
var e = []
, f = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator && b[Symbol.iterator];
if ("function" == typeof f) {
b =;
for (var h = 0; !(f =; )
e.push(, f.value, h++))
} else
for (f = b.length,
h = 0; h < f; h++)
e.push(, b[h], h));
return e
da("Array.prototype.values", function(a) {
return a ? a : function() {
return Ia(this, function(b, c) {
return c
da("Array.prototype.fill", function(a) {
return a ? a : function(b, c, d) {
var e = this.length || 0;
0 > c && (c = Math.max(0, e + c));
if (null == d || d > e)
d = e;
d = Number(d);
0 > d && (d = Math.max(0, e + d));
for (c = Number(c || 0); c < d; c++)
this[c] = b;
return this
function Ka(a) {
return a ? a : Array.prototype.fill
da("Int8Array.prototype.fill", Ka);
da("Uint8Array.prototype.fill", Ka);
da("Uint8ClampedArray.prototype.fill", Ka);
da("Int16Array.prototype.fill", Ka);
da("Uint16Array.prototype.fill", Ka);
da("Int32Array.prototype.fill", Ka);
da("Uint32Array.prototype.fill", Ka);
da("Float32Array.prototype.fill", Ka);
da("Float64Array.prototype.fill", Ka);
da("Object.entries", function(a) {
return a ? a : function(b) {
var c = [], d;
for (d in b)
ja(b, d) && c.push([d, b[d]]);
return c
da("String.prototype.trimLeft", function(a) {
function b() {
return this.replace(/^[\s\xa0]+/, "")
return a || b
da("String.prototype.trimStart", function(a) {
return a || String.prototype.trimLeft
da("Math.sign", function(a) {
return a ? a : function(b) {
b = Number(b);
return 0 === b || isNaN(b) ? b : 0 < b ? 1 : -1
da("Array.prototype.findIndex", function(a) {
return a ? a : function(b, c) {
return taa(this, b, c).i
da("Array.prototype.flat", function(a) {
return a ? a : function(b) {
b = void 0 === b ? 1 : b;
var c = [];, function(d) {
Array.isArray(d) && 0 < b ? (d =, b - 1),
c.push.apply(c, d)) : c.push(d)
return c
da("String.prototype.replaceAll", function(a) {
return a ? a : function(b, c) {
if (b instanceof RegExp && !
throw new TypeError("String.prototype.replaceAll called with a non-global RegExp argument.");
return b instanceof RegExp ? this.replace(b, c) : this.replace(new RegExp(String(b).replace(/([-()\[\]{}+?*.$\^|,:#<!\\])/g, "\\$1").replace(/\x08/g, "\\x08"),"g"), c)
da("Array.prototype.flatMap", function(a) {
return a ? a : function(b, c) {
var d = [];, function(e, f) {
e =, e, f, this);
Array.isArray(e) ? d.push.apply(d, e) : d.push(e)
return d
da("String.prototype.trimRight", function(a) {
function b() {
return this.replace(/[\s\xa0]+$/, "")
return a || b
da("String.prototype.trimEnd", function(a) {
return a || String.prototype.trimRight
da("String.prototype.padStart", function(a) {
return a ? a : function(b, c) {
var d = Ja(this, null, "padStart");
b -= d.length;
c = void 0 !== c ? String(c) : " ";
return (0 < b && c ? c.repeat(Math.ceil(b / c.length)).substring(0, b) : "") + d
da("String.prototype.codePointAt", function(a) {
return a ? a : function(b) {
var c = Ja(this, null, "codePointAt")
, d = c.length;
b = Number(b) || 0;
if (0 <= b && b < d) {
b |= 0;
var e = c.charCodeAt(b);
if (55296 > e || 56319 < e || b + 1 === d)
return e;
b = c.charCodeAt(b + 1);
return 56320 > b || 57343 < b ? e : 1024 * (e - 55296) + b + 9216
da("Promise.prototype.finally", function(a) {
return a ? a : function(b) {
return this.then(function(c) {
return Promise.resolve(b()).then(function() {
return c
}, function(c) {
return Promise.resolve(b()).then(function() {
throw c;
da("String.raw", function(a) {
return a ? a : function(b, c) {
if (null == b)
throw new TypeError("Cannot convert undefined or null to object");
for (var d = b.raw, e = d.length, f = "", h = 0; h < e; ++h)
f += d[h],
h + 1 < e && h + 1 < arguments.length && (f += String(arguments[h + 1]));
return f
da("String.fromCodePoint", function(a) {
return a ? a : function(b) {
for (var c = "", d = 0; d < arguments.length; d++) {
var e = Number(arguments[d]);
if (0 > e || 1114111 < e || e !== Math.floor(e))
throw new RangeError("invalid_code_point " + e);
65535 >= e ? c += String.fromCharCode(e) : (e -= 65536,
c += String.fromCharCode(e >>> 10 & 1023 | 55296),
c += String.fromCharCode(e & 1023 | 56320))
return c
da("Array.prototype.copyWithin", function(a) {
function b(c) {
c = Number(c);
return Infinity === c || -Infinity === c ? c : c | 0
return a ? a : function(c, d, e) {
var f = this.length;
c = b(c);
d = b(d);
e = void 0 === e ? f : b(e);
c = 0 > c ? Math.max(f + c, 0) : Math.min(c, f);
d = 0 > d ? Math.max(f + d, 0) : Math.min(d, f);
e = 0 > e ? Math.max(f + e, 0) : Math.min(e, f);
if (c < d)
for (; d < e; )
d in this ? this[c++] = this[d++] : (delete this[c++],
for (e = Math.min(e, f + d - c),
c += e - d; e > d; )
--e in this ? this[--c] = this[e] : delete this[--c];
return this
function La(a) {
return a ? a : Array.prototype.copyWithin
da("Int8Array.prototype.copyWithin", La);
da("Uint8Array.prototype.copyWithin", La);
da("Uint8ClampedArray.prototype.copyWithin", La);
da("Int16Array.prototype.copyWithin", La);
da("Uint16Array.prototype.copyWithin", La);
da("Int32Array.prototype.copyWithin", La);
da("Uint32Array.prototype.copyWithin", La);
da("Float32Array.prototype.copyWithin", La);
da("Float64Array.prototype.copyWithin", La);
da("String.prototype.matchAll", function(a) {
return a ? a : function(b) {
if (b instanceof RegExp && !
throw new TypeError("RegExp passed into String.prototype.matchAll() must have global tag.");
var c = new RegExp(b,b instanceof RegExp ? void 0 : "g")
, d = this
, e = !1
, f = {
next: function() {
if (e)
return {
value: void 0,
done: !0
var h = c.exec(d);
if (!h)
return e = !0,
value: void 0,
done: !0
"" === h[0] && (c.lastIndex += 1);
return {
value: h,
done: !1
f[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
return f
return f
var Ma = Ma || {}
, Na = this || self;
function Oa(a, b) {
var c = Pa("CLOSURE_FLAGS");
a = c && c[a];
return null != a ? a : b
function Pa(a, b) {
a = a.split(".");
b = b || Na;
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++)
if (b = b[a[c]],
null == b)
return null;
return b
function Qa(a) {
a.instance_ = void 0;
a.getInstance = function() {
return a.instance_ ? a.instance_ : a.instance_ = new a
function Ra(a) {
var b = typeof a;
return "object" != b ? b : a ? Array.isArray(a) ? "array" : b : "null"
function Sa(a) {
var b = Ra(a);
return "array" == b || "object" == b && "number" == typeof a.length
function Ta(a) {
var b = typeof a;
return "object" == b && null != a || "function" == b
function Va(a) {
return, Wa) && a[Wa] || (a[Wa] = ++uaa)
var Wa = "closure_uid_" + (1E9 * Math.random() >>> 0)
, uaa = 0;
function vaa(a, b, c) {
return, arguments)
function waa(a, b, c) {
if (!a)
throw Error();
if (2 < arguments.length) {
var d =, 2);
return function() {
var e =;
Array.prototype.unshift.apply(e, d);
return a.apply(b, e)
return function() {
return a.apply(b, arguments)
function Xa(a, b, c) {
Xa = Function.prototype.bind && -1 != Function.prototype.bind.toString().indexOf("native code") ? vaa : waa;
return Xa.apply(null, arguments)
function Ya(a, b) {
var c =, 1);
return function() {
var d = c.slice();
d.push.apply(d, arguments);
return a.apply(this, d)
function $a() {
function ab(a, b) {
a = a.split(".");
var c = Na;
a[0]in c || "undefined" == typeof c.execScript || c.execScript("var " + a[0]);
for (var d; a.length && (d = a.shift()); )
a.length || void 0 === b ? c = c[d] && c[d] !== Object.prototype[d] ? c[d] : c[d] = {} : c[d] = b
function bb(a, b) {
function c() {}
c.prototype = b.prototype;
a.superClass_ = b.prototype;
a.prototype = new c;
a.prototype.constructor = a;
a.base = function(d, e, f) {
for (var h = Array(arguments.length - 2), k = 2; k < arguments.length; k++)
h[k - 2] = arguments[k];
return b.prototype[e].apply(d, h)
function cb(a) {
return a
;function E(a, b, c, d) {
var e = arguments.length, f = 3 > e ? b : null === d ? d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(b, c) : d, h;
if ("object" === typeof Reflect && Reflect && "function" === typeof Reflect.decorate)
f = Reflect.decorate(a, b, c, d);
for (var k = a.length - 1; 0 <= k; k--)
if (h = a[k])
f = (3 > e ? h(f) : 3 < e ? h(b, c, f) : h(b, c)) || f;
return 3 < e && f && Object.defineProperty(b, c, f),
function db(a, b) {
return function(c, d) {
b(c, d, a)
function F(a, b) {
if ("object" === typeof Reflect && Reflect && "function" === typeof Reflect.metadata)
return Reflect.metadata(a, b)
;function eb(a, b) {
throw Error(void 0 === b ? "unexpected value " + a + "!" : b);
Copyright (c) 2017 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at
The complete set of authors may be found at
The complete set of contributors may be found at
Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also
subject to an additional IP rights grant found at
window.JSCompiler_renameProperty = function(a) {
return a
var xaa = /(url\()([^)]*)(\))/g, yaa = /(^\/[^\/])|(^#)|(^[\w-\d]*:)/, fb, gb;
function hb(a, b) {
if (a && yaa.test(a) || "//" === a)
return a;
if (void 0 === fb) {
fb = !1;
try {
var c = new URL("b","http://a");
c.pathname = "c%20d";
fb = "http://a/c%20d" === c.href
} catch (d) {}
b || (b = document.baseURI || window.location.href);
if (fb)
try {
return (new URL(a,b)).href
} catch (d) {
return a
gb || (gb = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument("temp"),
gb.base = gb.createElement("base"),
gb.anchor = gb.createElement("a"),
gb.base.href = b;
gb.anchor.href = a;
return gb.anchor.href || a
function ib(a, b) {
return a.replace(xaa, function(c, d, e, f) {
return d + "'" + hb(e.replace(/["']/g, ""), b) + "'" + f
function jb(a) {
return a.substring(0, a.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)
;var kb = !window.ShadyDOM || !window.ShadyDOM.inUse, lb;
if (lb = kb && "adoptedStyleSheets"in Document.prototype && "replaceSync"in CSSStyleSheet.prototype)
try {
var mb = new CSSStyleSheet;
var nb = document.createElement("div");
mode: "open"
nb.shadowRoot.adoptedStyleSheets = [mb];
lb = nb.shadowRoot.adoptedStyleSheets[0] === mb
} catch (a) {
lb = !1
var zaa = lb
, Aaa = window.Polymer && window.Polymer.rootPath || jb(document.baseURI || window.location.href)
, ob = window.Polymer && window.Polymer.sanitizeDOMValue || void 0
, Baa = window.Polymer && window.Polymer.setPassiveTouchGestures || !1
, pb = window.Polymer && window.Polymer.strictTemplatePolicy || !1
, Caa = window.Polymer && window.Polymer.allowTemplateFromDomModule || !1
, qb = window.Polymer && window.Polymer.legacyOptimizations || !1
, Daa = window.Polymer && window.Polymer.legacyWarnings || !1
, Eaa = window.Polymer && window.Polymer.syncInitialRender || !1
, rb = window.Polymer && window.Polymer.legacyUndefined || !1
, Faa = window.Polymer && window.Polymer.orderedComputed || !1
, Gaa = window.Polymer && window.Polymer.removeNestedTemplates || !1
, Haa = window.Polymer && window.Polymer.fastDomIf || !1
, sb = window.Polymer && window.Polymer.suppressTemplateNotifications || !1
, tb = window.Polymer && window.Polymer.legacyNoObservedAttributes || !1
, Iaa = window.Polymer && window.Polymer.useAdoptedStyleSheetsWithBuiltCSS || !1;
function ub(a, b) {
if (Error.captureStackTrace)
Error.captureStackTrace(this, ub);
else {
var c = Error().stack;
c && (this.stack = c)
a && (this.message = String(a));
void 0 !== b && (this.cause = b)
bb(ub, Error); = "CustomError";
var Jaa;
function vb(a, b) {
var c =;
a = a.split("%s");
for (var d = "", e = a.length - 1, f = 0; f < e; f++)
d += a[f] + (f < b.length ? b[f] : "%s");, this, d + a[e])
bb(vb, ub); = "AssertionError";
function wb(a, b) {
this.stringConstValueWithSecurityContract__googStringSecurityPrivate_ = a === Kaa && b || "";
wb.prototype.implementsGoogStringTypedString = !0;
wb.prototype.getTypedStringValue = function() {
return this.stringConstValueWithSecurityContract__googStringSecurityPrivate_
function xb(a) {
return a instanceof wb && a.constructor === wb && a.STRING_CONST_TYPE_MARKER__GOOG_STRING_SECURITY_PRIVATE_ === Laa ? a.stringConstValueWithSecurityContract__googStringSecurityPrivate_ : "type_error:Const"
function yb(a) {
return new wb(Kaa,a)
var Laa = {}
, Kaa = {};
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
var Maa = {};
function Naa() {}
function zb(a) {
this.privateDoNotAccessOrElseWrappedAttrPrefix = a
v(zb, Naa);
zb.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.privateDoNotAccessOrElseWrappedAttrPrefix
(function() {
return ""
var Oaa = Array.prototype.indexOf ? function(a, b) {
return, b, void 0)
: function(a, b) {
if ("string" === typeof a)
return "string" !== typeof b || 1 != b.length ? -1 : a.indexOf(b, 0);
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++)
if (c in a && a[c] === b)
return c;
return -1
, Ab = Array.prototype.forEach ? function(a, b, c) {, b, c)
: function(a, b, c) {
for (var d = a.length, e = "string" === typeof a ? a.split("") : a, f = 0; f < d; f++)
f in e &&, e[f], f, a)
function Bb(a, b) {
var c = a.length
, d = "string" === typeof a ? a.split("") : a;
for (--c; 0 <= c; --c)
c in d && 0, d[c], c, a)
var Paa = ? function(a, b) {
return, b, void 0)
: function(a, b) {
for (var c = a.length, d = Array(c), e = "string" === typeof a ? a.split("") : a, f = 0; f < c; f++)
f in e && (d[f] = 0, e[f], f, a));
return d
function Qaa(a, b) {
a: {
for (var c = a.length, d = "string" === typeof a ? a.split("") : a, e = 0; e < c; e++)
if (e in d && 0, d[e], e, a)) {
b = e;
break a
b = -1
return 0 > b ? null : "string" === typeof a ? a.charAt(b) : a[b]
function Raa(a, b) {
b = Cb(a, b);
return 0 > b ? null : "string" === typeof a ? a.charAt(b) : a[b]
function Cb(a, b) {
var c = a.length
, d = "string" === typeof a ? a.split("") : a;
for (--c; 0 <= c; c--)
if (c in d && 0, d[c], c, a))
return c;
return -1
function Db(a, b) {
return 0 <= Oaa(a, b)
function Eb(a, b) {
b = Oaa(a, b);
var c;
(c = 0 <= b) &&, b, 1);
return c
function Saa(a) {
return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], arguments)
function Fb(a) {
var b = a.length;
if (0 < b) {
for (var c = Array(b), d = 0; d < b; d++)
c[d] = a[d];
return c
return []
function Taa(a, b) {
for (var c = 1; c < arguments.length; c++) {
var d = arguments[c];
if (Sa(d)) {
var e = a.length || 0
, f = d.length || 0;
a.length = e + f;
for (var h = 0; h < f; h++)
a[e + h] = d[h]
} else
function Uaa(a, b, c, d) {
Array.prototype.splice.apply(a, Vaa(arguments, 1))
function Vaa(a, b, c) {
return 2 >= arguments.length ?, b) :, b, c)
function Waa(a) {
for (var b = 0, c = 0, d = {}; c < a.length; ) {
var e = a[c++]
, f = Ta(e) ? "o" + Va(e) : (typeof e).charAt(0) + e;, f) || (d[f] = !0,
a[b++] = e)
a.length = b
function Gb(a, b, c) {
for (var d = 0, e = a.length, f; d < e; ) {
var h = d + (e - d >>> 1);
var k = b(c, a[h]);
0 < k ? d = h + 1 : (e = h,
f = !k)
return f ? d : -d - 1
function Hb(a, b, c) {
if (!Sa(a) || !Sa(b) || a.length != b.length)
return !1;
var d = a.length;
c = c || Xaa;
for (var e = 0; e < d; e++)
if (!c(a[e], b[e]))
return !1;
return !0
function Ib(a, b) {
return a > b ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : 0
function Xaa(a, b) {
return a === b
function Yaa(a) {
for (var b = [], c = 0; c < arguments.length; c++) {
var d = arguments[c];
if (Array.isArray(d))
for (var e = 0; e < d.length; e += 8192) {
var f = Vaa(d, e, e + 8192);
f = Yaa.apply(null, f);
for (var h = 0; h < f.length; h++)
return b
function Zaa(a, b, c) {
b =, b, 1);, c, 0, b[0])
function Jb(a) {
for (var b = Math.random, c = a.length - 1; 0 < c; c--) {
var d = Math.floor(b() * (c + 1))
, e = a[c];
a[c] = a[d];
a[d] = e
function $aa(a, b) {
return Saa.apply([], Paa(a, b))
;function Kb(a) {
var b = Error();
if (Error.captureStackTrace)
Error.captureStackTrace(b, a || Kb),
b = String(b.stack);
else {
try {
throw b;
} catch (c) {
b = c
b = (b = b.stack) ? String(b) : null
b || (b = aba(a || arguments.callee.caller, []));
return b
function aba(a, b) {
var c = [];
if (Db(b, a))
c.push("[...circular reference...]");
else if (a && 50 > b.length) {
c.push(bba(a) + "(");
for (var d = a.arguments, e = 0; d && e < d.length; e++) {
0 < e && c.push(", ");
var f = d[e];
switch (typeof f) {
case "object":
f = f ? "object" : "null";
case "string":
case "number":
f = String(f);
case "boolean":
f = f ? "true" : "false";
case "function":
f = (f = bba(f)) ? f : "[fn]";
f = typeof f
40 < f.length && (f = f.slice(0, 40) + "...");
try {
c.push(aba(a.caller, b))
} catch (h) {
c.push("[exception trying to get caller]\n")
} else
a ? c.push("[...long stack...]") : c.push("[end]");
return c.join("")
function bba(a) {
if (Lb[a])
return Lb[a];
a = String(a);
if (!Lb[a]) {
var b = /function\s+([^\(]+)/m.exec(a);
Lb[a] = b ? b[1] : "[Anonymous]"
return Lb[a]
var Lb = {};
function Mb(a, b) { = a;
this.value = b
Mb.prototype.toString = function() {
var cba = new Mb("SEVERE",1E3)
, dba = new Mb("WARNING",900)
, eba = new Mb("CONFIG",700);
function Nb(a) {
return {
valueOf: a
;function Ob(a, b, c) {
for (var d in a), a[d], d, a)
function Qb(a) {
var b = fba, c = {}, d;
for (d in a) 0, a[d], d, a) && (c[d] = a[d]);
return c
function gba(a, b) {
var c = {}, d;
for (d in a)
c[d] = 0, a[d], d, a);
return c
function hba(a, b) {
for (var c in a)
if ( 0, a[c], c, a))
return !0;
return !1
function Rb(a) {
var b = [], c = 0, d;
for (d in a)
b[c++] = a[d];
return b
function Sb(a) {
var b = [], c = 0, d;
for (d in a)
b[c++] = d;
return b
function iba(a, b) {
for (var c in a)
if (a[c] == b)
return !0;
return !1
function jba(a) {
var b = kba;
a: {
for (var c in b)
if ( 0, b[c], c, b)) {
a = c;
break a
a = void 0
return a && b[a]
function Tb(a) {
for (var b in a)
return !1;
return !0
function Ub(a, b) {
b in a && delete a[b]
function lba(a, b, c) {
if (null !== a && b in a)
throw Error('The object already contains the key "' + b + '"');
a[b] = c
function mba(a, b) {
return null !== a && b in a ? a[b] : void 0
function Vb(a, b) {
for (var c in a)
if (!(c in b) || a[c] !== b[c])
return !1;
for (var d in b)
if (!(d in a))
return !1;
return !0
function Wb(a) {
var b = {}, c;
for (c in a)
b[c] = a[c];
return b
function nba(a) {
var b = {}, c;
for (c in a)
b[a[c]] = c;
return b
var oba = "constructor hasOwnProperty isPrototypeOf propertyIsEnumerable toLocaleString toString valueOf".split(" ");
function Xb(a, b) {
for (var c, d, e = 1; e < arguments.length; e++) {
d = arguments[e];
for (c in d)
a[c] = d[c];
for (var f = 0; f < oba.length; f++)
c = oba[f],, c) && (a[c] = d[c])
function pba(a) {
var b = arguments.length;
if (1 == b && Array.isArray(arguments[0]))
return pba.apply(null, arguments[0]);
for (var c = {}, d = 0; d < b; d++)
c[arguments[d]] = !0;
return c
;var qba = {
area: !0,
base: !0,
br: !0,
col: !0,
command: !0,
embed: !0,
hr: !0,
img: !0,
input: !0,
keygen: !0,
link: !0,
meta: !0,
param: !0,
source: !0,
track: !0,
wbr: !0
var Yb;
function Zb() {
if (void 0 === Yb) {
var a = null
, b = Na.trustedTypes;
if (b && b.createPolicy)
try {
a = b.createPolicy("goog#html", {
createHTML: cb,
createScript: cb,
createScriptURL: cb
} catch (c) {
Na.console && Na.console.error(c.message)
Yb = a
return Yb
;var rba = {};
function $b(a) {
this.privateDoNotAccessOrElseSafeScriptWrappedValue_ = a;
this.implementsGoogStringTypedString = !0
$b.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.privateDoNotAccessOrElseSafeScriptWrappedValue_.toString()
$b.prototype.getTypedStringValue = function() {
return this.privateDoNotAccessOrElseSafeScriptWrappedValue_.toString()
function sba(a) {
if (a instanceof $b && a.constructor === $b)
return a.privateDoNotAccessOrElseSafeScriptWrappedValue_;
return "type_error:SafeScript"
;function ac(a) {
this.privateDoNotAccessOrElseTrustedResourceUrlWrappedValue_ = a
ac.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.privateDoNotAccessOrElseTrustedResourceUrlWrappedValue_ + ""
ac.prototype.implementsGoogStringTypedString = !0;
ac.prototype.getTypedStringValue = function() {
return this.privateDoNotAccessOrElseTrustedResourceUrlWrappedValue_.toString()
function bc(a) {
return cc(a).toString()
function cc(a) {
if (a instanceof ac && a.constructor === ac)
return a.privateDoNotAccessOrElseTrustedResourceUrlWrappedValue_;
return "type_error:TrustedResourceUrl"
function dc(a, b) {
var c = xb(a);
if (!tba.test(c))
throw Error("Invalid TrustedResourceUrl format: " + c);
a = c.replace(uba, function(d, e) {
if (!, e))
throw Error('Found marker, "' + e + '", in format string, "' + c + '", but no valid label mapping found in args: ' + JSON.stringify(b));
d = b[e];
return d instanceof wb ? xb(d) : encodeURIComponent(String(d))
return ec(a)
var uba = /%{(\w+)}/g
, tba = RegExp("^((https:)?//[0-9a-z.:[\\]-]+/|/[^/\\\\]|[^:/\\\\%]+/|[^:/\\\\%]*[?#]|about:blank#)", "i")
, vba = /^([^?#]*)(\?[^#]*)?(#[\s\S]*)?/;
function fc(a) {
return ec(xb(a))
function hc(a) {
for (var b = "", c = 0; c < a.length; c++)
b += xb(a[c]);
return ec(b)
var wba = {};
function ec(a) {
var b = Zb();
a = b ? b.createScriptURL(a) : a;
return new ac(a,wba)
function xba(a, b, c) {
if (null == c)
return b;
if ("string" === typeof c)
return c ? a + encodeURIComponent(c) : "";
for (var d in c)
if (, d)) {
var e = c[d];
e = Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e];
for (var f = 0; f < e.length; f++) {
var h = e[f];
null != h && (b || (b = a),
b += (b.length > a.length ? "&" : "") + encodeURIComponent(d) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(String(h)))
return b
;function ic(a, b) {
return 0 == a.lastIndexOf(b, 0)
function jc(a) {
return /^[\s\xa0]*$/.test(a)
var kc = String.prototype.trim ? function(a) {
return a.trim()
: function(a) {
return /^[\s\xa0]*([\s\S]*?)[\s\xa0]*$/.exec(a)[1]
function lc(a) {
if (!yba.test(a))
return a;
-1 != a.indexOf("&") && (a = a.replace(zba, "&amp;"));
-1 != a.indexOf("<") && (a = a.replace(Aba, "&lt;"));
-1 != a.indexOf(">") && (a = a.replace(Bba, "&gt;"));
-1 != a.indexOf('"') && (a = a.replace(Cba, "&quot;"));
-1 != a.indexOf("'") && (a = a.replace(Dba, "&#39;"));
-1 != a.indexOf("\x00") && (a = a.replace(Eba, "&#0;"));
return a
var zba = /&/g
, Aba = /</g
, Bba = />/g
, Cba = /"/g
, Dba = /'/g
, Eba = /\x00/g
, yba = /[\x00&<>"']/;
function mc(a, b) {
return -1 != a.indexOf(b)
function nc(a, b) {
return mc(a.toLowerCase(), b.toLowerCase())
function oc(a, b) {
var c = 0;
a = kc(String(a)).split(".");
b = kc(String(b)).split(".");
for (var d = Math.max(a.length, b.length), e = 0; 0 == c && e < d; e++) {
var f = a[e] || ""
, h = b[e] || "";
do {
f = /(\d*)(\D*)(.*)/.exec(f) || ["", "", "", ""];
h = /(\d*)(\D*)(.*)/.exec(h) || ["", "", "", ""];
if (0 == f[0].length && 0 == h[0].length)
c = pc(0 == f[1].length ? 0 : parseInt(f[1], 10), 0 == h[1].length ? 0 : parseInt(h[1], 10)) || pc(0 == f[2].length, 0 == h[2].length) || pc(f[2], h[2]);
f = f[3];
h = h[3]
} while (0 == c)
return c
function pc(a, b) {
return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0
;function qc(a) {
this.privateDoNotAccessOrElseSafeUrlWrappedValue_ = a
qc.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.privateDoNotAccessOrElseSafeUrlWrappedValue_.toString()
qc.prototype.implementsGoogStringTypedString = !0;
qc.prototype.getTypedStringValue = function() {
return this.privateDoNotAccessOrElseSafeUrlWrappedValue_.toString()
function rc(a) {
if (a instanceof qc && a.constructor === qc)
return a.privateDoNotAccessOrElseSafeUrlWrappedValue_;
return "type_error:SafeUrl"
var Fba = RegExp('^(?:audio/(?:3gpp2|3gpp|aac|L16|midi|mp3|mp4|mpeg|oga|ogg|opus|x-m4a|x-matroska|x-wav|wav|webm)|font/\\w+|image/(?:bmp|gif|jpeg|jpg|png|tiff|webp|x-icon|heic|heif)|video/(?:mpeg|mp4|ogg|webm|quicktime|x-matroska))(?:;\\w+=(?:\\w+|"[\\w;,= ]+"))*$', "i")
, Gba = /^data:(.*);base64,[a-z0-9+\/]+=*$/i;
function Hba(a) {
a = String(a);
a = a.replace(/(%0A|%0D)/g, "");
return a.match(Gba) ? sc(a) : null
var Iba = /^(?:(?:https?|mailto|ftp):|[^:/?#]*(?:[/?#]|$))/i;
function tc(a) {
a instanceof qc || (a = "object" == typeof a && a.implementsGoogStringTypedString ? a.getTypedStringValue() : String(a),
a = Iba.test(a) ? sc(a) : Hba(a));
return a || uc
function wc(a) {
if (a instanceof qc)
return a;
a = "object" == typeof a && a.implementsGoogStringTypedString ? a.getTypedStringValue() : String(a);
Iba.test(a) || (a = "about:invalid#zClosurez");
return sc(a)
var xc;
try {
new URL("s://g"),
xc = !0
} catch (a) {
xc = !1
var Jba = xc;
function yc(a) {
if (a instanceof qc)
return a;
a = "object" == typeof a && a.implementsGoogStringTypedString ? a.getTypedStringValue() : String(a);
a: {
var b = a;
if (Jba) {
try {
var c = new URL(b)
} catch (d) {
b = "https:";
break a
b = c.protocol
} else
b: {
c = document.createElement("a");
try {
c.href = b
} catch (d) {
b = void 0;
break b
b = c.protocol;
b = ":" === b || "" === b ? "https:" : b
"javascript:" === b && (a = "about:invalid#zClosurez");
return sc(a)
var Kba = {};
function sc(a) {
return new qc(a,Kba)
var uc = sc("about:invalid#zClosurez")
, Lba = sc("about:blank");
var zc = {};
function Ac(a) {
this.privateDoNotAccessOrElseSafeStyleWrappedValue_ = a;
this.implementsGoogStringTypedString = !0
Ac.prototype.getTypedStringValue = function() {
return this.privateDoNotAccessOrElseSafeStyleWrappedValue_
Ac.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.privateDoNotAccessOrElseSafeStyleWrappedValue_.toString()
function Bc(a) {
if (a instanceof Ac && a.constructor === Ac)
return a.privateDoNotAccessOrElseSafeStyleWrappedValue_;
return "type_error:SafeStyle"
function Cc(a) {
var b = "", c;
for (c in a)
if (, c)) {
if (!/^[-_a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(c))
throw Error("Name allows only [-_a-zA-Z0-9], got: " + c);
var d = a[c];
null != d && (d = Array.isArray(d) ?" ") : Mba(d),
b += c + ":" + d + ";")
return b ? new Ac(b,zc) : Dc
function Nba(a) {
function b(d) {
Array.isArray(d) ? d.forEach(b) : c += Bc(d)
var c = "";, b);
return c ? new Ac(c,zc) : Dc
var Dc = new Ac("",zc);
function Mba(a) {
if (a instanceof qc)
return 'url("' + rc(a).replace(/</g, "%3c").replace(/[\\"]/g, "\\$&") + '")';
if (a instanceof wb)
a = xb(a);
else {
a = String(a);
var b = a.replace(Oba, "$1").replace(Oba, "$1").replace(Pba, "url");
if (Qba.test(b)) {
if (b = !Rba.test(a)) {
for (var c = b = !0, d = 0; d < a.length; d++) {
var e = a.charAt(d);
"'" == e && c ? b = !b : '"' == e && b && (c = !c)
b = b && c && Sba(a)
a = b ? Tba(a) : "zClosurez"
} else
a = "zClosurez"
if (/[{;}]/.test(a))
throw new vb("Value does not allow [{;}], got: %s.",[a]);
return a
function Sba(a) {
for (var b = !0, c = /^[-_a-zA-Z0-9]$/, d = 0; d < a.length; d++) {
var e = a.charAt(d);
if ("]" == e) {
if (b)
return !1;
b = !0
} else if ("[" == e) {
if (!b)
return !1;
b = !1
} else if (!b && !c.test(e))
return !1
return b
var Qba = RegExp("^[-+,.\"'%_!#/ a-zA-Z0-9\\[\\]]+$")
, Pba = RegExp("\\b(url\\([ \t\n]*)('[ -&(-\\[\\]-~]*'|\"[ !#-\\[\\]-~]*\"|[!#-&*-\\[\\]-~]*)([ \t\n]*\\))", "g")
, Oba = RegExp("\\b(calc|cubic-bezier|fit-content|hsl|hsla|linear-gradient|matrix|minmax|radial-gradient|repeat|rgb|rgba|(rotate|scale|translate)(X|Y|Z|3d)?|steps|var)\\([-+*/0-9a-zA-Z.%#\\[\\], ]+\\)", "g")
, Rba = /\/\*/;
function Tba(a) {
return a.replace(Pba, function(b, c, d, e) {
var f = "";
d = d.replace(/^(['"])(.*)\1$/, function(h, k, l) {
f = k;
return l
b = tc(d).getTypedStringValue();
return c + f + b + f + e
;var Ec = {};
function Fc(a) {
this.privateDoNotAccessOrElseSafeStyleSheetWrappedValue_ = a;
this.implementsGoogStringTypedString = !0
Fc.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.privateDoNotAccessOrElseSafeStyleSheetWrappedValue_.toString()
function Gc(a, b) {
if (mc(a, "<"))
throw Error("Selector does not allow '<', got: " + a);
var c = a.replace(/('|")((?!\1)[^\r\n\f\\]|\\[\s\S])*\1/g, "");
if (!/^[-_a-zA-Z0-9#.:* ,>+~[\]()=\\^$|]+$/.test(c))
throw Error("Selector allows only [-_a-zA-Z0-9#.:* ,>+~[\\]()=\\^$|] and strings, got: " + a);
a: {
for (var d = {
"(": ")",
"[": "]"
}, e = [], f = 0; f < c.length; f++) {
var h = c[f];
if (d[h])
else if (iba(d, h) && e.pop() != h) {
c = !1;
break a
c = 0 == e.length
if (!c)
throw Error("() and [] in selector must be balanced, got: " + a);
b instanceof Ac || (b = Cc(b));
a = a + "{" + Bc(b).replace(/</g, "\\3C ") + "}";
return new Fc(a,Ec)
function Hc(a) {
function b(d) {
Array.isArray(d) ? d.forEach(b) : c += Ic(d)
var c = "";, b);
return new Fc(c,Ec)
Fc.prototype.getTypedStringValue = function() {
return this.privateDoNotAccessOrElseSafeStyleSheetWrappedValue_
function Ic(a) {
if (a instanceof Fc && a.constructor === Fc)
return a.privateDoNotAccessOrElseSafeStyleSheetWrappedValue_;
return "type_error:SafeStyleSheet"
var Uba = new Fc("",Ec);
var Vba = Oa(1, !0)
, Jc = Oa(610401301, !1);
Oa(899588437, !1);
Oa(533565600, !1);
Oa(2147483644, !1);
Oa(2147483645, !1);
Oa(2147483646, Vba);
Oa(2147483647, !0);
function Kc() {
var a = Na.navigator;
return a && (a = a.userAgent) ? a : ""
var Lc, Wba = Na.navigator;
Lc = Wba ? Wba.userAgentData || null : null;
function Mc(a) {
return Jc ? Lc ? Lc.brands.some(function(b) {
return (b = b.brand) && mc(b, a)
}) : !1 : !1
function Nc(a) {
return mc(Kc(), a)
;function Oc() {
return Jc ? !!Lc && 0 < Lc.brands.length : !1
function Pc() {
return Oc() ? !1 : Nc("Opera")
function Qc() {
return Oc() ? !1 : Nc("Trident") || Nc("MSIE")
function Rc() {
return Oc() ? !1 : Nc("Edge")
function Xba() {
return Oc() ? Mc("Microsoft Edge") : Nc("Edg/")
function Sc() {
return Nc("Firefox") || Nc("FxiOS")
function Tc() {
return Nc("Safari") && !(Uc() || (Oc() ? 0 : Nc("Coast")) || Pc() || Rc() || Xba() || (Oc() ? Mc("Opera") : Nc("OPR")) || Sc() || Nc("Silk") || Nc("Android"))
function Uc() {
return Oc() ? Mc("Chromium") : (Nc("Chrome") || Nc("CriOS")) && !Rc() || Nc("Silk")
function Vc() {
return Nc("Android") && !(Uc() || Sc() || Pc() || Nc("Silk"))
function Yba(a) {
var b = {};
a.forEach(function(c) {
b[c[0]] = c[1]
return function(c) {
return b[c.find(function(d) {
return d in b
})] || ""
function Zba(a) {
var b = Kc();
if ("Internet Explorer" === a) {
if (Qc())
if ((a = /rv: *([\d\.]*)/.exec(b)) && a[1])
b = a[1];
else {
a = "";
var c = /MSIE +([\d\.]+)/.exec(b);
if (c && c[1])
if (b = /Trident\/(\d.\d)/.exec(b),
"7.0" == c[1])
if (b && b[1])
switch (b[1]) {
case "4.0":
a = "8.0";
case "5.0":
a = "9.0";
case "6.0":
a = "10.0";
case "7.0":
a = "11.0"
a = "7.0";
a = c[1];
b = a
b = "";
return b
var d = RegExp("([A-Z][\\w ]+)/([^\\s]+)\\s*(?:\\((.*?)\\))?", "g");
c = [];
for (var e; e = d.exec(b); )
c.push([e[1], e[2], e[3] || void 0]);
b = Yba(c);
switch (a) {
case "Opera":
if (Pc())
return b(["Version", "Opera"]);
if (Oc() ? Mc("Opera") : Nc("OPR"))
return b(["OPR"]);
case "Microsoft Edge":
if (Rc())
return b(["Edge"]);
if (Xba())
return b(["Edg"]);
case "Chromium":
if (Uc())
return b(["Chrome", "CriOS", "HeadlessChrome"])
return "Firefox" === a && Sc() || "Safari" === a && Tc() || "Android Browser" === a && Vc() || "Silk" === a && Nc("Silk") ? (b = c[2]) && b[1] || "" : ""
function Wc(a) {
if (Oc() && "Silk" !== a) {
var b = Lc.brands.find(function(c) {
return c.brand === a
if (!b || !b.version)
return NaN;
b = b.version.split(".")
} else {
b = Zba(a);
if ("" === b)
return NaN;
b = b.split(".")
return 0 === b.length ? NaN : Number(b[0])
;var $ba = {};
function Xc(a) {
this.privateDoNotAccessOrElseSafeHtmlWrappedValue_ = a;
this.implementsGoogStringTypedString = !0
Xc.prototype.getTypedStringValue = function() {
return this.privateDoNotAccessOrElseSafeHtmlWrappedValue_.toString()
Xc.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.privateDoNotAccessOrElseSafeHtmlWrappedValue_.toString()
function Yc(a) {
return Zc(a).toString()
function Zc(a) {
if (a instanceof Xc && a.constructor === Xc)
return a.privateDoNotAccessOrElseSafeHtmlWrappedValue_;
return "type_error:SafeHtml"
function $c(a) {
return a instanceof Xc ? a : ad(lc("object" == typeof a && a.implementsGoogStringTypedString ? a.getTypedStringValue() : String(a)))
function bd(a, b, c) {
a = String(a);
b = "<" + a + aca(b);
null == c ? c = [] : Array.isArray(c) || (c = [c]);
!0 === qba[a.toLowerCase()] ? b += ">" : (c = dd(c),
b += ">" + Yc(c) + "</" + a + ">");
return ad(b)
function cd(a) {
if (!bca.test(a))
throw Error("");
if (a.toUpperCase()in cca)
throw Error("");
function dca(a) {
function b(e) {
Array.isArray(e) ? e.forEach(b) : (e = $c(e),
var c = $c(ed)
, d = [];
return ad(d.join(Yc(c)))
function dd(a) {
return dca(
function ad(a) {
var b = Zb();
a = b ? b.createHTML(a) : a;
return new Xc(a,$ba)
function aca(a) {
var b = "";
if (a)
for (var c in a)
if (, c)) {
if (!bca.test(c))
throw Error("");
var d = a[c];
if (null != d) {
var e = c;
if (d instanceof wb)
d = xb(d);
else if ("style" == e.toLowerCase()) {
if (!Ta(d))
throw Error("");
d instanceof Ac || (d = Cc(d));
d = Bc(d)
} else {
if (/^on/i.test(e))
throw Error("");
if (e.toLowerCase()in eca)
if (d instanceof ac)
d = bc(d);
else if (d instanceof qc)
d = rc(d);
else if ("string" === typeof d)
d = tc(d).getTypedStringValue();
throw Error("");
d.implementsGoogStringTypedString && (d = d.getTypedStringValue());
e = e + '="' + lc(String(d)) + '"';
b += " " + e
return b
var bca = /^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$/
, eca = {
action: !0,
cite: !0,
data: !0,
formaction: !0,
href: !0,
manifest: !0,
poster: !0,
src: !0
, cca = {
BASE: !0,
EMBED: !0,
LINK: !0,
MATH: !0,
META: !0,
STYLE: !0,
SVG: !0,
, ed = new Xc(Na.trustedTypes && Na.trustedTypes.emptyHTML || "",$ba)
, fca = ad("<br>");
var gca = Nb(function() {
try {
return new URL("s://g"),
} catch (a) {
return !1
function hca(a) {
if (!gca) {
a: {
var b = document.createElement("a");
try {
b.href = a
} catch (c) {
a = void 0;
break a
a = b.protocol;
a = ":" === a || "" === a ? "https:" : a
return a
try {
b = new URL(a)
} catch (c) {
return "https:"
return b.protocol
var ica = ["data:", "http:", "https:", "mailto:", "ftp:"];
function fd(a) {
a = a instanceof qc ? rc(a) : "javascript:" !== hca(a) ? a : void 0;
return a
;function gd(a) {
var b = void 0 === b ? {} : b;
if (a instanceof Xc)
return a;
a = a.replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;").replace(/"/g, "&quot;").replace(/'/g, "&apos;");
b.preserveSpaces && (a = a.replace(/(^|[\r\n\t ]) /g, "$1&#160;"));
b.preserveNewlines && (a = a.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/g, "<br>"));
b.preserveTabs && (a = a.replace(/(\t+)/g, '<span style="white-space:pre">$1</span>'));
return ad(a)
;function jca(a) {
var b = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument("").createRange();
a = ad(a);
return b.createContextualFragment(Zc(a))
;function kca(a) {
a = a.nodeName;
return "string" === typeof a ? a : "FORM"
function lca(a) {
a = a.nodeType;
return 1 === a || "number" !== typeof a
;function mca(a, b, c) {
c = a.elementPolicies.get(c);
return (null == c ? 0 : c.has(b)) ? c.get(b) : a.allowedGlobalAttributes.has(b) ? {
policyAction: 1
} : (c = a.globalAttributePolicies.get(b)) ? c : a.globallyAllowedAttributePrefixes && [].concat(ha(a.globallyAllowedAttributePrefixes)).some(function(d) {
return 0 === b.indexOf(d)
}) ? {
policyAction: 1
} : {
policyAction: 0
;var nca = new function(a) {
var b = new Map([["A", new Map([["href", {
policyAction: 2
}]])], ["AREA", new Map([["href", {
policyAction: 2
}]])], ["LINK", new Map([["href", {
policyAction: 2,
conditions: new Map([["rel", new Set("alternate author bookmark canonical cite help icon license next prefetch dns-prefetch prerender preconnect preload prev search subresource".split(" "))]])
}]])], ["SOURCE", new Map([["src", {
policyAction: 1
}]])], ["IMG", new Map([["src", {
policyAction: 1
}]])], ["VIDEO", new Map([["src", {
policyAction: 1
}]])], ["AUDIO", new Map([["src", {
policyAction: 1
, c = new Set("title aria-atomic aria-autocomplete aria-busy aria-checked aria-current aria-disabled aria-dropeffect aria-expanded aria-haspopup aria-hidden aria-invalid aria-label aria-level aria-live aria-multiline aria-multiselectable aria-orientation aria-posinset aria-pressed aria-readonly aria-relevant aria-required aria-selected aria-setsize aria-sort aria-valuemax aria-valuemin aria-valuenow aria-valuetext alt align autocapitalize autocomplete autocorrect autofocus autoplay bgcolor border cellpadding cellspacing checked color cols colspan controls datetime disabled download draggable enctype face formenctype frameborder height hreflang hidden ismap label lang loop max maxlength media minlength min multiple muted nonce open placeholder preload rel required reversed role rows rowspan selected shape size sizes slot span spellcheck start step summary translate type valign value width wrap itemscope itemtype itemid itemprop itemref".split(" "));
this.elementPolicies = b;
this.allowedGlobalAttributes = c;
this.globalAttributePolicies = a;
this.globallyAllowedAttributePrefixes = void 0
(new Map([["dir", {
policyAction: 3,
conditions: Nb(function() {
return new Map([["dir", new Set(["auto", "ltr", "rtl"])]])
}], ["async", {
policyAction: 3,
conditions: Nb(function() {
return new Map([["async", new Set(["async"])]])
}], ["cite", {
policyAction: 2
}], ["loading", {
policyAction: 3,
conditions: Nb(function() {
return new Map([["loading", new Set(["eager", "lazy"])]])
}], ["poster", {
policyAction: 2
}], ["target", {
policyAction: 3,
conditions: Nb(function() {
return new Map([["target", new Set(["_self", "_blank"])]])
function oca() {
this.sanitizerTable = nca;
this.changes = []
oca.prototype.sanitize = function(a) {
var b = document.createElement("span");
b.appendChild(pca(this, a));
a = (new XMLSerializer).serializeToString(b);
a = a.slice(a.indexOf(">") + 1, a.lastIndexOf("</"));
return ad(a)
function pca(a, b) {
b = jca(b);
b = document.createTreeWalker(b, 5, function(h) {
return qca(a, h)
}, !1);
for (var c = b.nextNode(), d = document.createDocumentFragment(), e = d; null !== c; ) {
var f = void 0;
if (3 === c.nodeType)
f = document.createTextNode(;
else if (lca(c))
f = rca(a, c);
throw Error("");
if (c = b.firstChild())
e = f;
for (; !(c = b.nextSibling()) && (c = b.parentNode()); )
e = e.parentNode
return d
function rca(a, b) {
var c = kca(b)
, d = document.createElement(c);
b = b.attributes;
for (var e = u(b), f =; !f.done; f = {
var h = f.value;
f =;
h = h.value;
var k = mca(a.sanitizerTable, f, c), l;
a: {
if (l = k.conditions) {
l = u(l);
for (var m =; !m.done; m = {
var n = u(m.value);
m =;
n =;
var p = void 0;
if ((m = null == (p = b.getNamedItem(m)) ? void 0 : p.value) && !n.has(m)) {
l = !1;
break a
l = !0
if (l)
switch (k.policyAction) {
case 1:
hd(d, f, h);
case 2:
k = hca(h);
k = void 0 !== k && -1 !== ica.indexOf(k.toLowerCase()) ? h : "about:invalid#zClosurez";
k !== h && jd(a);
hd(d, f, k);
case 3:
hd(d, f, h.toLowerCase());
case 4:
hd(d, f, h);
case 0:
return d
function qca(a, b) {
if (3 === b.nodeType)
return 1;
if (!lca(b))
return 2;
b = kca(b);
if (null === b)
return jd(a),
var c = a.sanitizerTable;
if ("FORM" !== b && (c.allowedElements.has(b) || c.elementPolicies.has(b)))
return 1;
return 2
function jd(a) {
0 === a.changes.length && a.changes.push("")
function hd(a, b, c) {
a.setAttribute(b, c)
var sca = Nb(function() {
return new oca
function tca(a) {
var b = Ha.apply(1, arguments);
if (0 === b.length)
return ec(a[0]);
for (var c = a[0], d = 0; d < b.length; d++)
c += encodeURIComponent(b[d]) + a[d + 1];
return ec(c)
function uca(a) {
var b = cc(vca).toString();
if (/#/.test(b))
throw Error("");
var c = /\?/.test(b) ? "&" : "?";
a.forEach(function(d, e) {
d = d instanceof Array ? d : [d];
for (var f = 0; f < d.length; f++) {
var h = d[f];
null !== h && void 0 !== h && (b += c + encodeURIComponent(e) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(String(h)),
c = "&")
return ec(b)
;function kd(a) {
this.isValid = a
function ld(a) {
return new kd(function(b) {
return b.substr(0, a.length + 1).toLowerCase() === a + ":"
var wca = [ld("data"), ld("http"), ld("https"), ld("mailto"), ld("ftp"), new kd(function(a) {
return /^[^:]*([/?#]|$)/.test(a)
function md(a, b) {
b = void 0 === b ? wca : b;
for (var c = 0; c < b.length; ++c) {
var d = b[c];
if (d instanceof kd && d.isValid(a))
return sc(a)
function xca(a) {
var b = void 0 === b ? wca : b;
return md(a, b) || uc
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
function yca(a) {
return a && a.implementsGoogStringTypedString ? a.getTypedStringValue() : a
var zca = /^(?!javascript:)(?:[a-z0-9+.-]+:|[^&:\/?#]*(?:[\/?#]|$))/i
, Aca = {
isUnwrappable: function(a) {
return a instanceof wb
unwrap: xb
isUnwrappable: function(a) {
return a instanceof $b
unwrap: function(a) {
return sba(a)
isUnwrappable: function(a) {
return a instanceof Xc
unwrap: function(a) {
return Zc(a)
isUnwrappable: function(a) {
return a instanceof ac
unwrap: function(a) {
return cc(a)
isUnwrappable: function(a) {
return a instanceof Object
unwrap: yca
isUnwrappable: function(a) {
return a instanceof Ac
unwrap: function(a) {
return Bc(a)
URL: {
isUnwrappable: function(a) {
return a instanceof qc
unwrap: function(a) {
return rc(a)
function nd(a, b) {
return b
var Bca = {
HTML: function(a) {
return Zc(gd(a))
STRING: String,
STYLE: nd,
URL: function(a, b) {
a = zca.test(a) ? a : void 0;
return void 0 === a ? b : a
function Cca(a, b, c) {
var d = Aca[b];
return d.isUnwrappable(a) && (d = d.unwrap(a, c),
d !== c) ? d : (0,
Bca[b])(String(yca(a)), c)
;function Dca() {
return null
function od() {}
function Eca(a) {
var b = !1, c;
return function() {
b || (c = a(),
b = !0);
return c
function Fca(a) {
var b = a;
return function() {
if (b) {
var c = b;
b = null;
function pd(a, b, c) {
var d = 0;
return function(e) {
var f = arguments;
d = Na.setTimeout(function() {
a.apply(c, f)
}, b)
;var Gca = Eca(function() {
var a = document.createElement("div")
, b = document.createElement("div");
b = a.firstChild.firstChild;
a.innerHTML = Zc(ed);
return !b.parentElement
function qd(a, b) {
if (Gca())
for (; a.lastChild; )
a.innerHTML = Zc(b)
function rd(a, b) {
b = b instanceof qc ? b : yc(b);
a.href = rc(b)
function sd(a, b) {
b = b instanceof qc ? b : yc(b);
a.href = rc(b)
function td(a, b, c, d) {
a = a instanceof qc ? a : yc(a);
b = b || Na;
c = c instanceof wb ? xb(c) : c || "";
return void 0 !== d ?, c, d) :, c)
function ud(a) {
return Hca("script[nonce]", a)
var Ica = /^[\w+/_-]+[=]{0,2}$/;
function Hca(a, b) {
b = (b || Na).document;
return b.querySelector ? (a = b.querySelector(a)) && (a = a.nonce || a.getAttribute("nonce")) && Ica.test(a) ? a : "" : ""
;function Jca(a) {
return a.replace(/[\s\xa0]+/g, " ").replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "")
function Kca(a) {
return a.replace(/[\t\r\n ]+/g, " ").replace(/^[\t\r\n ]+|[\t\r\n ]+$/g, "")
function vd(a) {
return encodeURIComponent(String(a))
function wd(a) {
return decodeURIComponent(a.replace(/\+/g, " "))
function xd(a) {
return a = lc(a)
function Lca(a) {
return mc(a, "&") ? "document"in Na ? Mca(a) : Nca(a) : a
function Mca(a) {
var b = {
"&amp;": "&",
"&lt;": "<",
"&gt;": ">",
"&quot;": '"'
var c = Na.document.createElement("div");
return a.replace(Oca, function(d, e) {
var f = b[d];
if (f)
return f;
"#" == e.charAt(0) && (e = Number("0" + e.slice(1)),
isNaN(e) || (f = String.fromCharCode(e)));
f || (f = ad(d + " "),
qd(c, f),
f = c.firstChild.nodeValue.slice(0, -1));
return b[d] = f
function Nca(a) {
return a.replace(/&([^;]+);/g, function(b, c) {
switch (c) {
case "amp":
return "&";
case "lt":
return "<";
case "gt":
return ">";
case "quot":
return '"';
return "#" != c.charAt(0) || (c = Number("0" + c.slice(1)),
isNaN(c)) ? b : String.fromCharCode(c)
var Oca = /&([^;\s<&]+);?/g;
function yd(a, b) {
for (var c = b.length, d = 0; d < c; d++) {
var e = 1 == c ? b : b.charAt(d);
if (a.charAt(0) == e && a.charAt(a.length - 1) == e)
return a.substring(1, a.length - 1)
return a
function Pca(a, b) {
a.length > b && (a = a.substring(0, b - 3) + "...");
return a
var zd = {
"\x00": "\\0",
"\b": "\\b",
"\f": "\\f",
"\n": "\\n",
"\r": "\\r",
"\t": "\\t",
"\v": "\\x0B",
'"': '\\"',
"\\": "\\\\",
"<": "\\u003C"
, Ad = {
"'": "\\'"
function Bd(a) {
a = String(a);
for (var b = ['"'], c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
var d = a.charAt(c), e = d.charCodeAt(0), f = c + 1, h;
if (!(h = zd[d])) {
if (!(31 < e && 127 > e))
if (d in Ad)
d = Ad[d];
else if (d in zd)
d = Ad[d] = zd[d];
else {
h = d.charCodeAt(0);
if (31 < h && 127 > h)
e = d;
else {
if (256 > h) {
if (e = "\\x",
16 > h || 256 < h)
e += "0"
} else
e = "\\u",
4096 > h && (e += "0");
e += h.toString(16).toUpperCase()
d = Ad[d] = e
h = d
b[f] = h
return b.join("")
function Cd(a, b) {
return a && b ? a.split(b).length - 1 : 0
function Qca(a, b, c) {
b = new RegExp(Dd(b),"g");
return a.replace(b, c.replace(/\$/g, "$$$$"))
function Dd(a) {
return String(a).replace(/([-()\[\]{}+?*.$\^|,:#<!\\])/g, "\\$1").replace(/\x08/g, "\\x08")
var Ed = String.prototype.repeat ? function(a, b) {
return a.repeat(b)
: function(a, b) {
return Array(b + 1).join(a)
function Fd(a, b) {
if (!Number.isFinite(a))
return String(a);
a = String(a);
var c = a.indexOf(".");
-1 === c && (c = a.length);
var d = "-" === a[0] ? "-" : "";
d && (a = a.substring(1));
return d + Ed("0", Math.max(0, b - c)) + a
function Gd() {
return Math.floor(2147483648 * Math.random()).toString(36) + Math.abs(Math.floor(2147483648 * Math.random()) ^ $a()).toString(36)
function Rca(a) {
for (var b = 0, c = 0; c < a.length; ++c)
b = 31 * b + a.charCodeAt(c) >>> 0;
return b
function Hd(a) {
var b = Number(a);
return 0 == b && jc(a) ? NaN : b
function Id(a) {
return String(a).replace(/\-([a-z])/g, function(b, c) {
return c.toUpperCase()
function Jd(a) {
return a.replace(RegExp("(^|[\\s]+)([a-z])", "g"), function(b, c, d) {
return c + d.toUpperCase()
function Sca(a) {
var b = 1;
a = a.split(":");
for (var c = []; 0 < b && a.length; )
a.length && c.push(a.join(":"));
return c
Copyright 2017 Google LLC
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
function Tca(a, b, c) {
if (, a) && (a = Uca[a],, b) && (a = a[b],
a instanceof Array))) {
for (var d = null, e = !1, f = 0, h = a.length; f < h; ++f) {
var k = a[f]
, l = k.contingentAttribute;
if (!l)
return k.contract;
null === d && (d = {});
l =, l) ? d[l] : d[l] = c(l);
if (l === k.requiredValue)
return k.contract;
null == l && (e = !0)
if (e)
return null
b = Vca[b];
return "number" === typeof b ? b : null
var Vca = {
align: 1,
alt: 1,
"aria-activedescendant": 10,
"aria-atomic": 1,
"aria-autocomplete": 1,
"aria-busy": 1,
"aria-checked": 1,
"aria-controls": 10,
"aria-current": 1,
"aria-disabled": 1,
"aria-dropeffect": 1,
"aria-expanded": 1,
"aria-haspopup": 1,
"aria-hidden": 1,
"aria-invalid": 1,
"aria-label": 1,
"aria-labelledby": 10,
"aria-level": 1,
"aria-live": 1,
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"aria-orientation": 1,
"aria-owns": 10,
"aria-posinset": 1,
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"aria-readonly": 1,
"aria-relevant": 1,
"aria-required": 1,
"aria-selected": 1,
"aria-setsize": 1,
"aria-sort": 1,
"aria-valuemax": 1,
"aria-valuemin": 1,
"aria-valuenow": 1,
"aria-valuetext": 1,
async: 8,
autocapitalize: 1,
autocomplete: 1,
autocorrect: 1,
autofocus: 1,
autoplay: 1,
bgcolor: 1,
border: 1,
cellpadding: 1,
cellspacing: 1,
checked: 1,
cite: 3,
"class": 1,
color: 1,
cols: 1,
colspan: 1,
contenteditable: 1,
controls: 1,
datetime: 1,
dir: 8,
disabled: 1,
download: 1,
draggable: 1,
enctype: 1,
face: 1,
"for": 10,
formenctype: 1,
frameborder: 1,
height: 1,
hidden: 1,
href: 4,
hreflang: 1,
id: 10,
ismap: 1,
itemid: 1,
itemprop: 1,
itemref: 1,
itemscope: 1,
itemtype: 1,
label: 1,
lang: 1,
list: 10,
loading: 8,
loop: 1,
max: 1,
maxlength: 1,
media: 1,
min: 1,
minlength: 1,
multiple: 1,
muted: 1,
name: 10,
nonce: 1,
open: 1,
placeholder: 1,
poster: 3,
preload: 1,
rel: 1,
required: 1,
reversed: 1,
role: 1,
rows: 1,
rowspan: 1,
selected: 1,
shape: 1,
size: 1,
sizes: 1,
slot: 1,
span: 1,
spellcheck: 1,
src: 4,
srcset: 11,
start: 1,
step: 1,
style: 5,
summary: 1,
tabindex: 1,
target: 8,
title: 1,
translate: 1,
type: 1,
valign: 1,
value: 1,
width: 1,
wrap: 1
, Uca = {
a: {
href: [{
contract: 3
area: {
href: [{
contract: 3
audio: {
src: [{
contract: 3
button: {
formaction: [{
contract: 3
formmethod: [{
contract: 1
form: {
action: [{
contract: 3
method: [{
contract: 1
iframe: {
srcdoc: [{
contract: 2
img: {
src: [{
contract: 3
input: {
accept: [{
contract: 1
formaction: [{
contract: 3
formmethod: [{
contract: 1
pattern: [{
contract: 1
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contract: 1
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contract: 3
link: {
href: [{
contract: 3,
contingentAttribute: "rel",
requiredValue: "alternate"
}, {
contract: 3,
contingentAttribute: "rel",
requiredValue: "author"
}, {
contract: 3,
contingentAttribute: "rel",
requiredValue: "bookmark"
}, {
contract: 3,
contingentAttribute: "rel",
requiredValue: "canonical"
}, {
contract: 3,
contingentAttribute: "rel",
requiredValue: "cite"
}, {
contract: 3,
contingentAttribute: "rel",
requiredValue: "help"
}, {
contract: 3,
contingentAttribute: "rel",
requiredValue: "icon"
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contract: 3,
contingentAttribute: "rel",
requiredValue: "license"
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contract: 3,
contingentAttribute: "rel",
requiredValue: "next"
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contract: 3,
contingentAttribute: "rel",
requiredValue: "prefetch"
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contract: 3,
contingentAttribute: "rel",
requiredValue: "dns-prefetch"
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contract: 3,
contingentAttribute: "rel",
requiredValue: "prerender"
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contract: 3,
contingentAttribute: "rel",
requiredValue: "preconnect"
}, {
contract: 3,
contingentAttribute: "rel",
requiredValue: "preload"
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contract: 3,
contingentAttribute: "rel",
requiredValue: "prev"
}, {
contract: 3,
contingentAttribute: "rel",
requiredValue: "search"
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contract: 3,
contingentAttribute: "rel",
requiredValue: "subresource"
script: {
defer: [{
contract: 1
source: {
src: [{
contract: 3
textarea: {
readonly: [{
contract: 1
video: {
src: [{
contract: 3
, Wca = {
a: 1,
abbr: 1,
address: 1,
applet: 4,
area: 5,
article: 1,
aside: 1,
audio: 1,
b: 1,
base: 4,
bdi: 1,
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i: 1,
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s: 1,
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, Xca = [{
auto: !0,
ltr: !0,
rtl: !0
}, {
async: !0
}, {
eager: !0,
lazy: !0
}, {
_self: !0,
_blank: !0
, Yca = {
"*": {
async: 1,
dir: 0,
loading: 2,
target: 3
function Zca(a) {
var b = $ca;
b || (b = Kd(),
b = $ca = nba(b));
b = b[a];
return "string" === typeof b ? b : String(a).replace(/([A-Z])/g, "-$1").toLowerCase()
function ada(a) {
a = String(a).toLowerCase();
var b = Kd()[a];
return "string" === typeof b ? b : Id(a)
function bda(a) {
a = a.toLowerCase();
a = Kd()[a];
return "string" === typeof a ? a : null
function Kd() {
if (!Ld) {
for (var a = Object.assign({}, cda), b = u(dda), c =; !c.done; c =
c = c.value,
a[c.toLowerCase()] = c;
Ld = a
return Ld
var dda = "aLink accessKey allowFullscreen bgColor cellPadding cellSpacing codeBase codeType contentEditable crossOrigin dateTime dirName formAction formEnctype formMethod formNoValidate formTarget frameBorder innerHTML innerText inputMode isMap longDesc marginHeight marginWidth maxLength mediaGroup minLength noHref noResize noShade noValidate noWrap nodeValue outerHTML outerText readOnly tabIndex textContent trueSpeed useMap vAlign vLink valueAsDate valueAsNumber valueType".split(" ")
, cda = {
accept_charset: "acceptCharset",
"char": "ch",
charoff: "chOff",
checked: "defaultChecked",
"class": "className",
"for": "htmlFor",
http_equiv: "httpEquiv",
muted: "defaultMuted",
selected: "defaultSelected",
value: "defaultValue"
, Ld = null
, $ca = null;
Copyright 2017 Google LLC
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
var eda = {}
, fda = RegExp("^(?!(?:annotation-xml|color-profile|font-face|font-face(?:-(?:src|uri|format|name))?|missing-glyph)$)[a-z][a-z.0-9_\u00b7\u00c0-\u00d6\u00d8-\u00f6\u00f8-\u037d\u200c\u200d\u203f-\u2040\u2070-\u218f\u2c00-\u2fef\u3001-\udfff\uf900-\ufdcf\ufdf0-\ufffd]*-[\\-a-z.0-9_\u00b7\u00c0-\u00d6\u00d8-\u00f6\u00f8-\u037d\u200c\u200d\u203f-\u2040\u2070-\u218f\u2c00-\u2fef\u3001-\udfff\uf900-\ufdcf\ufdf0-\ufffd]*$");
function Md(a, b) {
var c = window.customElements;
return c && c.get(a) || !0 === eda[a] ? 2 : "HTMLUnknownElement" === ? 1 : "HTMLElement" === && fda.test(a) ? 3 : 0
Copyright 2020 Google LLC
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
function gda(a, b) {
switch (b) {
case "innerHTML":
return 1 === hda(a) ? 2 : null;
case "textContent":
return a = hda(a),
1 === a || 6 === a ? 1 : null;
var c, d;
return null != (d = null == (c = ida[a.localName]) ? void 0 : c[b]) ? d : null
function hda(a) {
var b = a.localName
, c = Md(b, a.constructor);
switch (c) {
case 0:
case 1:
return jda(b, a);
case 3:
case 2:
return 1;
eb(c, "got an unknown element classification")
function jda(a, b) {
var c =, a) ? Wca[a] : null;
return null !== c ? c :, a) && b instanceof SVGElement ? kda[a] : null
var kda = {
text: 1
, ida = {
audio: {
currentTime: 1,
srcObject: 1
video: {
currentTime: 1,
srcObject: 1
var lda = /(?!,)([^\t\n\f\r ]+)(?:[\t\n\f\r ]+([.0-9+\-]+[a-z]?))?/gi
, mda = /[\t\n\f\r ]+/
, Nd = /[\t\n\f\r ,]+/g;
function nda(a) {
return (a = a.split(mda, 2)) ? {
url: a[0],
metadata: a[1]
} : null
function oda(a) {
var b = String(a.url).replace(Nd, encodeURIComponent);
if (a = a.metadata) {
Nd.lastIndex = 0;
if (Nd.test(a))
return null;
b += " " + a
return b
function pda(a, b, c) {
return c
var Od = {};
function qda(a) {
function b(m) {
var n = m.localName;
if (!m.getAttribute("is") && 2 === Md(n, m.constructor)) {
var p;
return null != (p = l) ? p : l = document.createElement("polyresinuncustomized")
(m = k[n]) || (m = k[n] = document.createElement(n));
return m
var c = a.reportHandler || void 0
, d = a.safeTypesBridge || pda
, e = /^$/;
if (a = a.allowedIdentifierPrefixes) {
a = u(a);
for (var f =; !f.done; f =
e = new RegExp(e.source + "|^" + Dd(f.value))
c && c(!1, "initResin", null);
var h = rda(e, d, c)
, k = {}
, l = null;
return function(m, n, p) {
var q = m.nodeType;
if (q !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
if (q === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
n = m.parentElement;
p = !n;
if (n && n.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
q = n.localName;
var t = Md(q, n.constructor);
switch (t) {
case 0:
case 1:
n = jda(q, n);
p = 1 === n || 6 === n;
case 3:
case 2:
p = !0;
eb(t, "got an unknown element classification")
if (p)
return function(D) {
return "" + d(D, "STRING", D)
return function(D) {
if (!D && D !== document.all)
return D;
c && c(!0, "Failed to sanitize " + (m.parentElement && m.parentElement.nodeName) + " #text node to value " + D, m.parentElement);
return Pd
var A = m.localName;
q = b(m);
var B = null;
switch (p) {
case "attribute":
if (ada(n)in q)
return function(D) {
return D
case "property":
if (n in q) {
B = gda(q, n);
if ((t = bda(n)) && t in q)
return function(D) {
return D
eb(p, "got an unknown resin type, expected either 'property' or 'attribute'")
var C = "attribute" === p ? n.toLowerCase() : Zca(n);
B || (B = Tca(A, C, function(D) {
var M = m.getAttribute(D);
return !M || /[\[\{]/.test(D) ? null : M
return function(D) {
var M = Od
, X = null;
if (!D && D !== document.all)
return D;
if (null != B) {
var V = h[B]
, ba = V.safeType;
X = V.safeReplacement;
ba && (M = d(D, ba, Od));
M === Od && (V.filterString ? (M = String(d(D, "STRING", D)),
M = V.filterString(A, C, M)) : V.filterRaw && (M = V.filterRaw(A, C, D, m)),
M === X && (M = Od))
M === Od && (M = X || Pd,
c && c(!0, "Failed to sanitize attribute of <" + A + ">: <" + A + " " + C + '="' + D + '">', m));
return M
function rda(a, b, c) {
return [, {
filterRaw: function(d, e, f) {
return f
filterString: void 0,
safeReplacement: void 0,
safeType: void 0
}, {
filterRaw: void 0,
filterString: void 0,
safeReplacement: void 0,
safeType: "HTML"
}, {
filterRaw: void 0,
filterString: void 0,
safeReplacement: Qd,
safeType: "URL"
}, {
filterRaw: void 0,
filterString: void 0,
safeReplacement: Qd,
safeType: "RESOURCE_URL"
}, {
filterRaw: void 0,
filterString: void 0,
safeReplacement: Pd,
safeType: "STYLE"
}, , {
filterRaw: void 0,
filterString: void 0,
safeReplacement: sda,
safeType: "JAVASCRIPT"
}, {
filterRaw: void 0,
filterString: function(d, e, f) {
f = String(f).toLowerCase();
a: {
var h = null;
(d = Yca[d]) && (h = d[e]);
if ("number" !== typeof h && ((d = Yca["*"]) && (h = d[e]),
"number" !== typeof h)) {
e = !1;
break a
e = !0 === Xca[h][String(f).toLowerCase()]
return e ? f : Pd
safeReplacement: Pd,
safeType: void 0
}, , {
filterRaw: void 0,
filterString: function(d, e, f) {
return a.test(f) ? f : Pd
safeReplacement: Pd,
safeType: "CONSTANT"
}, {
filterRaw: function(d, e, f, h) {
if ("string" === typeof f)
var k = (k = f.match(lda)) ? : [];
else if (Array.isArray(f))
k = f;
return Qd;
var l = k;
k = [];
var m = []
, n = {};
if (Array.isArray(l))
for (var p = 0, q = l.length; p < q; ++p) {
var t = l[p]
, A = t && t.url;
if (A) {
var B = b(A, "URL", n);
if (B) {
var C = B !== n;
(C ? k : m).push({
url: C ? B : A,
metadata: t.metadata
l = m.length ? JSON.stringify(m) : null;
m = Od;
if (k.length) {
if (!Array.isArray(k))
throw Error();
m =" , ") || Od
l && c && c(!0, "Failed to sanitize attribute value of <" + d + ">: <" + d + " " + e + '="' + f + '">: ' + l, h);
return m === Od ? Qd : m
filterString: void 0,
safeReplacement: void 0,
safeType: void 0
var Rd = function() {
var a = function() {
var d = {
createHTML: function() {
return "zClosurez"
createScript: function() {
return " /*zClosurez*/ "
createScriptURL: function() {
return "about:invalid#zClosurez"
return "undefined" !== typeof trustedTypes ? trustedTypes.createPolicy("polymer_resin", d) : d
, b = a.createHTML("")
, c = a.createScript("");
a = a.createScriptURL("");
return {
function tda(a) {
var b = qda(a);
return function(c, d, e, f) {
return f || f === document.all ? b(c, d, e)(f) : f
;var uda = function(a) {
var b = tda(a);
return function(c, d, e, f) {
return f ? b(f, d, e, c) : Pd
allowedIdentifierPrefixes: [""],
reportHandler: function(a, b, c) {
a ? console.warn(b, c) : console.log(b)
safeTypesBridge: Cca
if (void 0 !== ob)
throw Error("Attempted to install Polymer Resin on top of an existing policy.");
ob = uda;
if (ob !== uda)
throw Error("Cannot install sanitizeDOMValue. Is Polymer frozen?");
Baa = pb = !0;
function Sd(a, b) {
if (a)
throw Error("Invalid UTF8");
function vda(a, b) {
b = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, b);
return null == a ? b : a + b
var Td = void 0, Ud, wda, xda = "undefined" !== typeof TextDecoder, yda, zda = "undefined" !== typeof TextEncoder;
function Vd(a) {
Na.setTimeout(function() {
throw a;
}, 0)
;function Ada(a) {
for (var b = [], c = 0, d = 0; d < a.length; d++) {
var e = a.charCodeAt(d);
255 < e && (b[c++] = e & 255,
e >>= 8);
b[c++] = e
return b
function Bda(a) {
return, function(b) {
b = b.toString(16);
return 1 < b.length ? b : "0" + b
;function Wd() {
return Jc ? !!Lc && !!Lc.platform : !1
function Xd() {
return Wd() ? "Android" === Lc.platform : Nc("Android")
function Yd() {
return Nc("iPhone") && !Nc("iPod") && !Nc("iPad")
function Zd() {
return Yd() || Nc("iPad") || Nc("iPod")
function $d() {
return Wd() ? "macOS" === Lc.platform : Nc("Macintosh")
function Cda() {
return Wd() ? "Windows" === Lc.platform : Nc("Windows")
function ae() {
return Wd() ? "Chrome OS" === Lc.platform : Nc("CrOS")
function Dda() {
var a = Kc()
, b = "";
Cda() ? (b = /Windows (?:NT|Phone) ([0-9.]+)/,
b = (a = b.exec(a)) ? a[1] : "0.0") : Zd() ? (b = /(?:iPhone|iPod|iPad|CPU)\s+OS\s+(\S+)/,
b = (a = b.exec(a)) && a[1].replace(/_/g, ".")) : $d() ? (b = /Mac OS X ([0-9_.]+)/,
b = (a = b.exec(a)) ? a[1].replace(/_/g, ".") : "10") : nc(Kc(), "KaiOS") ? (b = /(?:KaiOS)\/(\S+)/i,
b = (a = b.exec(a)) && a[1]) : Xd() ? (b = /Android\s+([^\);]+)(\)|;)/,
b = (a = b.exec(a)) && a[1]) : ae() && (b = /(?:CrOS\s+(?:i686|x86_64)\s+([0-9.]+))/,
b = (a = b.exec(a)) && a[1]);
return b || ""
;function be(a) {
be[" "](a);
return a
be[" "] = function() {}
function Eda(a, b) {
try {
return be(a[b]),
} catch (c) {}
return !1
function Fda(a, b, c, d) {
d = d ? d(b) : b;
return, d) ? a[d] : a[d] = c(b)
;var Gda = Pc()
, ce = Qc()
, de = Nc("Edge")
, ee = de || ce
, fe = Nc("Gecko") && !(nc(Kc(), "WebKit") && !Nc("Edge")) && !(Nc("Trident") || Nc("MSIE")) && !Nc("Edge")
, ge = nc(Kc(), "WebKit") && !Nc("Edge")
, Hda = ge && Nc("Mobile")
, he = $d()
, Ida = Cda();
(Wd() ? "Linux" === Lc.platform : Nc("Linux")) || ae();
var Jda = Na.navigator || null;
Jda && mc(Jda.appVersion || "", "X11");
var Kda = Xd()
, Lda = Yd()
, Mda = Nc("iPad")
, Nda = Nc("iPod")
, Oda = Zd();
nc(Kc(), "KaiOS");
function Pda() {
var a = Na.document;
return a ? a.documentMode : void 0
var ie;
a: {
var je = ""
, ke = function() {
var a = Kc();
if (fe)
return /rv:([^\);]+)(\)|;)/.exec(a);
if (de)
return /Edge\/([\d\.]+)/.exec(a);
if (ce)
return /\b(?:MSIE|rv)[: ]([^\);]+)(\)|;)/.exec(a);
if (ge)
return /WebKit\/(\S+)/.exec(a);
if (Gda)
return /(?:Version)[ \/]?(\S+)/.exec(a)
ke && (je = ke ? ke[1] : "");
if (ce) {
var le = Pda();
if (null != le && le > parseFloat(je)) {
ie = String(le);
break a
ie = je
var me = ie
, Qda = {};
function ne(a) {
return Fda(Qda, a, function() {
return 0 <= oc(me, a)
function oe(a) {
return Number(Rda) >= a
var pe;
if (Na.document && ce) {
var Sda = Pda();
pe = Sda ? Sda : parseInt(me, 10) || void 0
} else
pe = void 0;
var Rda = pe;
var Tda = Sc()
, Uda = Yd() || Nc("iPod")
, Vda = Nc("iPad")
, Wda = Vc()
, Xda = Uc()
, qe = Tc() && !Zd();
var Yda = {}
, re = null
, Zda = fe || ge
, $da = Zda || "function" == typeof Na.btoa
, aea = Zda || !qe && !ce && "function" == typeof Na.atob;
function se(a, b) {
void 0 === b && (b = 0);
b = Yda[b];
for (var c = Array(Math.floor(a.length / 3)), d = b[64] || "", e = 0, f = 0; e < a.length - 2; e += 3) {
var h = a[e]
, k = a[e + 1]
, l = a[e + 2]
, m = b[h >> 2];
h = b[(h & 3) << 4 | k >> 4];
k = b[(k & 15) << 2 | l >> 6];
l = b[l & 63];
c[f++] = "" + m + h + k + l
m = 0;
l = d;
switch (a.length - e) {
case 2:
m = a[e + 1],
l = b[(m & 15) << 2] || d;
case 1:
a = a[e],
c[f] = "" + b[a >> 2] + b[(a & 3) << 4 | m >> 4] + l + d
return c.join("")
function cea(a, b) {
return $da && !b ? Na.btoa(a) : se(Ada(a), b)
function te(a, b) {
if (aea && !b)
return Na.atob(a);
var c = "";
dea(a, function(d) {
c += String.fromCharCode(d)
return c
function ue(a) {
var b = a.length
, c = 3 * b / 4;
c % 3 ? c = Math.floor(c) : mc("=.", a[b - 1]) && (c = mc("=.", a[b - 2]) ? c - 2 : c - 1);
var d = new Uint8Array(c)
, e = 0;
dea(a, function(f) {
d[e++] = f
return e !== c ? d.subarray(0, e) : d
function dea(a, b) {
function c(l) {
for (; d < a.length; ) {
var m = a.charAt(d++)
, n = re[m];
if (null != n)
return n;
if (!jc(m))
throw Error("Unknown base64 encoding at char: " + m);
return l
for (var d = 0; ; ) {
var e = c(-1)
, f = c(0)
, h = c(64)
, k = c(64);
if (64 === k && -1 === e)
b(e << 2 | f >> 4);
64 != h && (b(f << 4 & 240 | h >> 2),
64 != k && b(h << 6 & 192 | k))
function bea() {
if (!re) {
re = {};
for (var a = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789".split(""), b = ["+/=", "+/", "-_=", "-_.", "-_"], c = 0; 5 > c; c++) {
var d = a.concat(b[c].split(""));
Yda[c] = d;
for (var e = 0; e < d.length; e++) {
var f = d[e];
void 0 === re[f] && (re[f] = e)
;var eea = "undefined" !== typeof Uint8Array
, fea = !ce && "function" === typeof btoa;
function ve(a) {
if (!fea)
return se(a);
for (var b = "", c = 0, d = a.length - 10240; c < d; )
b += String.fromCharCode.apply(null, a.subarray(c, c += 10240));
b += String.fromCharCode.apply(null, c ? a.subarray(c) : a);
return btoa(b)
var gea = /[-_.]/g
, hea = {
"-": "+",
_: "/",
".": "="
function iea(a) {
return hea[a] || ""
function we(a) {
if (!fea)
return ue(a);
gea.test(a) && (a = a.replace(gea, iea));
a = atob(a);
for (var b = new Uint8Array(a.length), c = 0; c < a.length; c++)
b[c] = a.charCodeAt(c);
return b
function xe(a) {
return eea && null != a && a instanceof Uint8Array
var jea;
function ye() {
return jea || (jea = new Uint8Array(0))
function kea(a, b) {
var c = a.length;
if (c !== b.length)
return !1;
for (var d = 0; d < c; d++)
if (a[d] !== b[d])
return !1;
return !0
var ze = {};
var lea;
function mea(a) {
if (a !== ze)
throw Error("illegal external caller");
function Ae(a, b) {
this.value_ = a;
if (null != a && 0 === a.length)
throw Error("ByteString should be constructed with non-empty values");
function Be() {
return lea || (lea = new Ae(null,ze))
function Ce(a) {
var b = a.value_;
return null == b ? "" : "string" === typeof b ? b : a.value_ = ve(b)
Ae.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
return null == this.value_
Ae.prototype.sizeBytes = function() {
var a = Ee(this);
return a ? a.length : 0
function nea(a, b) {
if (!a.value_ || !b.value_ || a.value_ === b.value_)
return a.value_ === b.value_;
if ("string" === typeof a.value_ && "string" === typeof b.value_) {
var c = a.value_
, d = b.value_;
b.value_.length > a.value_.length && (d = a.value_,
c = b.value_);
if (0 !== c.lastIndexOf(d, 0))
return !1;
for (b = d.length; b < c.length; b++)
if ("=" !== c[b])
return !1;
return !0
c = Ee(a);
b = Ee(b);
return kea(c, b)
function Ee(a) {
var b = a.value_;
null == b || xe(b) || ("string" === typeof b ? b = we(b) : (Ra(b),
b = null));
return null == b ? b : a.value_ = b
function oea(a, b, c, d) {
var e = pea;
if ("string" === typeof b)
b = b ? new Ae(b,ze) : Be(),
e(c, d, b);
else if (b instanceof Uint8Array)
b = b.length ? new Ae(new Uint8Array(b),ze) : Be(),
e(c, d, b);
else if (!(b instanceof Ae))
return !1;
return nea(a, b)
;function qea(a, b) {
return Error("Invalid wire type: " + a + " (at position " + b + ")")
function Fe() {
return Error("Failed to read varint, encoding is invalid.")
function rea(a, b) {
return Error("Tried to read past the end of the data " + b + " > " + a)
;function sea(a) {
return 0 == a.length ? Be() : new Ae(a,ze)
;function tea(a) {
if ("string" === typeof a)
return {
buffer: we(a),
isImmutable: !1
if (Array.isArray(a))
return {
buffer: new Uint8Array(a),
isImmutable: !1
if (a.constructor === Uint8Array)
return {
buffer: a,
isImmutable: !1
if (a.constructor === ArrayBuffer)
return {
buffer: new Uint8Array(a),
isImmutable: !1
if (a.constructor === Ae)
return {
buffer: Ee(a) || ye(),
isImmutable: !0
if (a instanceof Uint8Array)
return {
buffer: new Uint8Array(a.buffer,a.byteOffset,a.byteLength),
isImmutable: !1
throw Error("Type not convertible to a Uint8Array, expected a Uint8Array, an ArrayBuffer, a base64 encoded string, a ByteString or an Array of numbers");
;var uea = "function" === typeof Uint8Array.prototype.slice
, Ge = 0
, He = 0;
function Ie(a) {
var b = 0 > a;
a = Math.abs(a);
var c = a >>> 0;
a = Math.floor((a - c) / 4294967296);
b && (c = u(vea(c, a)),
b =,
a =,
c = b);
Ge = c >>> 0;
He = a >>> 0
function Je(a, b) {
return 4294967296 * b + (a >>> 0)
function wea(a, b) {
var c = b & 2147483648;
c && (a = ~a + 1 >>> 0,
b = ~b >>> 0,
0 == a && (b = b + 1 >>> 0));
a = Je(a, b);
return c ? -a : a
var xea = "function" === typeof BigInt;
function yea(a, b) {
b >>>= 0;
a >>>= 0;
if (2097151 >= b)
var c = "" + (4294967296 * b + a);
xea ? c = "" + (BigInt(b) << BigInt(32) | BigInt(a)) : (c = (a >>> 24 | b << 8) & 16777215,
b = b >> 16 & 65535,
a = (a & 16777215) + 6777216 * c + 6710656 * b,
c += 8147497 * b,
b *= 2,
1E7 <= a && (c += Math.floor(a / 1E7),
a %= 1E7),
1E7 <= c && (b += Math.floor(c / 1E7),
c %= 1E7),
c = b + zea(c) + zea(a));
return c
function zea(a) {
a = String(a);
return "0000000".slice(a.length) + a
function Aea(a) {
if (16 > a.length)
else if (xea)
a = BigInt(a),
Ge = Number(a & BigInt(4294967295)) >>> 0,
He = Number(a >> BigInt(32) & BigInt(4294967295));
else {
var b = +("-" === a[0]);
He = Ge = 0;
for (var c = a.length, d = 0 + b, e = (c - b) % 6 + b; e <= c; d = e,
e += 6)
d = Number(a.slice(d, e)),
He *= 1E6,
Ge = 1E6 * Ge + d,
4294967296 <= Ge && (He += Ge / 4294967296 | 0,
Ge %= 4294967296);
b && (b = u(vea(Ge, He)),
a =,
b =,
Ge = a,
He = b)
function vea(a, b) {
b = ~b;
a ? a = ~a + 1 : b += 1;
return [a, b]
;function Ke(a, b) {
this.bytes_ = null;
this.bytesAreImmutable_ = !1;
this.cursor_ = this.end_ = this.start_ = 0;
this.init(a, void 0, void 0, b)
g = Ke.prototype;
g.init = function(a, b, c, d) {
d = void 0 === d ? {} : d;
this.aliasBytesFields = void 0 === d.aliasBytesFields ? !1 : d.aliasBytesFields;
a && (a = tea(a),
this.bytes_ = a.buffer,
this.bytesAreImmutable_ = a.isImmutable,
this.start_ = b || 0,
this.end_ = void 0 !== c ? this.start_ + c : this.bytes_.length,
this.cursor_ = this.start_)
; = function() {
100 > Le.length && Le.push(this)
g.clear = function() {
this.bytes_ = null;
this.bytesAreImmutable_ = !1;
this.cursor_ = this.end_ = this.start_ = 0;
this.aliasBytesFields = !1
g.getEnd = function() {
return this.end_
g.setEnd = function(a) {
this.end_ = a
g.reset = function() {
this.cursor_ = this.start_
g.getCursor = function() {
return this.cursor_
g.setCursor = function(a) {
this.cursor_ = a
g.advance = function(a) {
Me(this, this.cursor_ + a)
g.readSplitVarint64 = function(a) {
var b = 0
, c = 0
, d = 0
, e = this.bytes_
, f = this.cursor_;
do {
var h = e[f++];
b |= (h & 127) << d;
d += 7
} while (32 > d && h & 128);
32 < d && (c |= (h & 127) >> 4);
for (d = 3; 32 > d && h & 128; d += 7)
h = e[f++],
c |= (h & 127) << d;
Me(this, f);
if (128 > h)
return a(b >>> 0, c >>> 0);
throw Fe();
function Me(a, b) {
a.cursor_ = b;
if (b > a.end_)
throw rea(a.end_, b);
g.readSignedVarint32 = function() {
var a = this.bytes_
, b = this.cursor_
, c = a[b++]
, d = c & 127;
if (c & 128 && (c = a[b++],
d |= (c & 127) << 7,
c & 128 && (c = a[b++],
d |= (c & 127) << 14,
c & 128 && (c = a[b++],
d |= (c & 127) << 21,
c & 128 && (c = a[b++],
d |= c << 28,
c & 128 && a[b++] & 128 && a[b++] & 128 && a[b++] & 128 && a[b++] & 128 && a[b++] & 128)))))
throw Fe();
Me(this, b);
return d
g.readUint8 = function() {
var a = this.bytes_[this.cursor_ + 0];
return a
g.readUint32 = function() {
var a = this.bytes_
, b = this.cursor_
, c = a[b + 0]
, d = a[b + 1]
, e = a[b + 2];
a = a[b + 3];
return (c << 0 | d << 8 | e << 16 | a << 24) >>> 0
g.readUint64 = function() {
var a = this.readUint32()
, b = this.readUint32();
return Je(a, b)
g.readUint64String = function() {
var a = this.readUint32()
, b = this.readUint32();
return yea(a, b)
g.readInt8 = function() {
var a = this.bytes_[this.cursor_ + 0];
return a << 24 >> 24
g.readInt32 = function() {
var a = this.bytes_
, b = this.cursor_
, c = a[b + 0]
, d = a[b + 1]
, e = a[b + 2];
a = a[b + 3];
return c << 0 | d << 8 | e << 16 | a << 24
g.readInt64 = function() {
var a = this.readUint32()
, b = this.readUint32();
return wea(a, b)
g.readDouble = function() {
var a = this.readUint32()
, b = this.readUint32()
, c = 2 * (b >> 31) + 1
, d = b >>> 20 & 2047;
a = 4294967296 * (b & 1048575) + a;
return 2047 == d ? a ? NaN : Infinity * c : 0 == d ? c * Math.pow(2, -1074) * a : c * Math.pow(2, d - 1075) * (a + 4503599627370496)
g.readBool = function() {
for (var a = 0, b = this.cursor_, c = b + 10, d = this.bytes_; b < c; ) {
var e = d[b++];
a |= e;
if (0 === (e & 128))
return Me(this, b),
!!(a & 127)
throw Fe();
function Bea(a, b) {
if (0 > b)
throw Error("Tried to read a negative byte length: " + b);
var c = a.cursor_
, d = c + b;
if (d > a.end_)
throw rea(b, a.end_ - c);
a.cursor_ = d;
return c
g.readString = function(a, b) {
var c = Bea(this, a)
, d = this.bytes_;
if (xda) {
var e;
b ? (e = Ud) || (e = Ud = new TextDecoder("utf-8",{
fatal: !0
})) : (e = wda) || (e = wda = new TextDecoder("utf-8",{
fatal: !1
var f = c + a;
d = 0 === c && f === d.length ? d : d.subarray(c, f);
try {
var h = e.decode(d)
} catch (n) {
if (b) {
if (void 0 === Td) {
try {
e.decode(new Uint8Array([128]))
} catch (p) {}
try {
e.decode(new Uint8Array([97])),
Td = !0
} catch (p) {
Td = !1
b = !Td
b && (Ud = void 0);
throw n;
} else {
a = c + a;
h = [];
for (var k = null, l, m; c < a; )
l = d[c++],
128 > l ? h.push(l) : 224 > l ? c >= a ? Sd(b, h) : (m = d[c++],
194 > l || 128 !== (m & 192) ? (c--,
Sd(b, h)) : h.push((l & 31) << 6 | m & 63)) : 240 > l ? c >= a - 1 ? Sd(b, h) : (m = d[c++],
128 !== (m & 192) || 224 === l && 160 > m || 237 === l && 160 <= m || 128 !== ((e = d[c++]) & 192) ? (c--,
Sd(b, h)) : h.push((l & 15) << 12 | (m & 63) << 6 | e & 63)) : 244 >= l ? c >= a - 2 ? Sd(b, h) : (m = d[c++],
128 !== (m & 192) || 0 !== (l << 28) + (m - 144) >> 30 || 128 !== ((e = d[c++]) & 192) || 128 !== ((f = d[c++]) & 192) ? (c--,
Sd(b, h)) : (l = (l & 7) << 18 | (m & 63) << 12 | (e & 63) << 6 | f & 63,
l -= 65536,
h.push((l >> 10 & 1023) + 55296, (l & 1023) + 56320))) : Sd(b, h),
8192 <= h.length && (k = vda(k, h),
h.length = 0);
h = vda(k, h)
return h
g.readByteString = function(a) {
if (0 == a)
return Be();
var b = Bea(this, a);
if (this.aliasBytesFields && this.bytesAreImmutable_)
b = this.bytes_.subarray(b, b + a);
else {
var c = this.bytes_;
a = b + a;
b = b === a ? ye() : uea ? c.slice(b, a) : new Uint8Array(c.subarray(b, a))
return sea(b)
var Le = [];
function Cea(a, b) {
if (Le.length) {
var c = Le.pop();
c.init(a, void 0, void 0, b);
a = c
} else
a = new Ke(a,b);
this.decoder_ = a;
this.fieldCursor_ = this.decoder_.getCursor();
this.nextWireType_ = this.nextTag_ = this.nextField_ = -1;
g = Cea.prototype;
g.setOptions = function(a) {
a = void 0 === a ? {} : a;
this.discardUnknownFields = void 0 === a.discardUnknownFields ? !1 : a.discardUnknownFields
; = function() {
this.nextWireType_ = this.nextField_ = this.nextTag_ = -1;
100 > Ne.length && Ne.push(this)
g.getCursor = function() {
return this.decoder_.getCursor()
g.getTag = function() {
return this.nextTag_
g.reset = function() {
this.fieldCursor_ = this.decoder_.getCursor();
this.nextWireType_ = this.nextField_ = this.nextTag_ = -1
g.advance = function(a) {
function Dea(a) {
var b = a.decoder_;
if (b.cursor_ == b.end_)
return !1;
a.fieldCursor_ = a.decoder_.getCursor();
b = a.decoder_.readSignedVarint32() >>> 0;
var c = b >>> 3
, d = b & 7;
if (!(0 <= d && 5 >= d))
throw qea(d, a.fieldCursor_);
if (1 > c)
throw Error("Invalid field number: " + c + " (at position " + a.fieldCursor_ + ")");
a.nextTag_ = b;
a.nextField_ = c;
a.nextWireType_ = d;
return !0
function Oe(a) {
switch (a.nextWireType_) {
case 0:
0 != a.nextWireType_ ? Oe(a) : a.decoder_.readBool();
case 1:
case 2:
if (2 != a.nextWireType_)
else {
var b = a.decoder_.readSignedVarint32() >>> 0;
case 5:
case 3:
b = a.nextField_;
do {
if (!Dea(a))
throw Error("Unmatched start-group tag: stream EOF");
if (4 == a.nextWireType_) {
if (a.nextField_ != b)
throw Error("Unmatched end-group tag");
} while (1);
throw qea(a.nextWireType_, a.fieldCursor_);
function Eea(a, b, c) {
var d = a.decoder_.getEnd()
, e = a.decoder_.readSignedVarint32() >>> 0
, f = a.decoder_.getCursor() + e
, h = f - d;
0 >= h && (a.decoder_.setEnd(f),
c(b, a, void 0, void 0, void 0),
h = f - a.decoder_.getCursor());
if (h)
throw Error("Message parsing ended unexpectedly. Expected to read " + (e + " bytes, instead read " + (e - h) + " bytes, either the data ended unexpectedly or the message misreported its own length"));
g.readInt32 = function() {
return this.decoder_.readSignedVarint32()
g.readInt64 = function() {
return this.decoder_.readSplitVarint64(wea)
g.readUint32 = function() {
return this.decoder_.readSignedVarint32() >>> 0
g.readUint64 = function() {
return this.decoder_.readSplitVarint64(Je)
g.readUint64String = function() {
return this.decoder_.readSplitVarint64(yea)
g.readDouble = function() {
return this.decoder_.readDouble()
g.readBool = function() {
return this.decoder_.readBool()
g.readString = function() {
return Fea(this)
function Fea(a) {
var b = a.decoder_.readSignedVarint32() >>> 0;
return a.decoder_.readString(b, !0)
g.readByteString = function() {
var a = this.decoder_.readSignedVarint32() >>> 0;
return this.decoder_.readByteString(a)
g.readSplitVarint64 = function(a) {
return this.decoder_.readSplitVarint64(a)
var Ne = [];
function Gea(a, b) {
this.lo = a >>> 0;
this.hi = b >>> 0
function Pe(a) {
if (!a)
return Hea || (Hea = new Gea(0,0));
if (!/^\d+$/.test(a))
return null;
return new Gea(Ge,He)
var Hea;
function Iea(a, b) {
this.lo = a >>> 0;
this.hi = b >>> 0
function Jea(a) {
if (!a)
return Kea || (Kea = new Iea(0,0));
if (!/^-?\d+$/.test(a))
return null;
return new Iea(Ge,He)
var Kea;
function Lea() {
this.buffer_ = []
g = Lea.prototype;
g.length = function() {
return this.buffer_.length
g.end = function() {
var a = this.buffer_;
this.buffer_ = [];
return a
g.writeSplitVarint64 = function(a, b) {
for (; 0 < b || 127 < a; )
this.buffer_.push(a & 127 | 128),
a = (a >>> 7 | b << 25) >>> 0,
b >>>= 7;
g.writeSplitFixed64 = function(a, b) {
function Qe(a, b) {
for (; 127 < b; )
a.buffer_.push(b & 127 | 128),
b >>>= 7;
function Mea(a, b) {
if (0 <= b)
Qe(a, b);
else {
for (var c = 0; 9 > c; c++)
a.buffer_.push(b & 127 | 128),
b >>= 7;
g.writeUint8 = function(a) {
this.buffer_.push(a >>> 0 & 255)
g.writeUint32 = function(a) {
this.buffer_.push(a >>> 0 & 255);
this.buffer_.push(a >>> 8 & 255);
this.buffer_.push(a >>> 16 & 255);
this.buffer_.push(a >>> 24 & 255)
g.writeUint64 = function(a) {
var b = a >>> 0;
a = Math.floor((a - b) / 4294967296) >>> 0;
Ge = b;
He = a;
g.writeInt8 = function(a) {
this.buffer_.push(a >>> 0 & 255)
g.writeInt32 = function(a) {
this.buffer_.push(a >>> 0 & 255);
this.buffer_.push(a >>> 8 & 255);
this.buffer_.push(a >>> 16 & 255);
this.buffer_.push(a >>> 24 & 255)
g.writeInt64 = function(a) {
this.writeSplitFixed64(Ge, He)
g.writeDouble = function(a) {
var b = +a;
if (0 === b)
He = 0 < 1 / b ? 0 : 2147483648,
Ge = 0;
else if (isNaN(b))
He = 2147483647,
Ge = 4294967295;
else if (b = (a = 0 > b ? -2147483648 : 0) ? -b : b,
1.7976931348623157E308 < b)
He = (a | 2146435072) >>> 0,
Ge = 0;
else if (2.2250738585072014E-308 > b) {
var c = b / Math.pow(2, -1074);
He = (a | c / 4294967296) >>> 0;
Ge = c >>> 0
} else {
var d = b;
c = 0;
if (2 <= d)
for (; 2 <= d && 1023 > c; )
d /= 2;
for (; 1 > d && -1022 < c; )
d *= 2,
b *= Math.pow(2, -c);
He = (a | c + 1023 << 20 | 1048576 * b & 1048575) >>> 0;
Ge = 4503599627370496 * b >>> 0
g.writeBool = function(a) {
this.buffer_.push(a ? 1 : 0)
g.writeBytes = function(a) {
for (; 8192 < a.length; )
Array.prototype.push.apply(this.buffer_, a.subarray(0, 8192)),
a = a.subarray(8192);
Array.prototype.push.apply(this.buffer_, a)
function Nea() {
this.blocks_ = [];
this.totalLength_ = 0;
this.encoder_ = new Lea
function Re(a, b) {
0 !== b.length && (a.blocks_.push(b),
a.totalLength_ += b.length)
function Oea(a, b) {
Se(a, b, 2);
b = a.encoder_.end();
Re(a, b);
return b
function Pea(a, b) {
var c = b.pop();
for (c = a.totalLength_ + a.encoder_.length() - c; 127 < c; )
b.push(c & 127 | 128),
c >>>= 7,
function Se(a, b, c) {
Qe(a.encoder_, 8 * b + c)
g = Nea.prototype;
g.writeInt32 = function(a, b) {
null != b && null != b && (Se(this, a, 0),
Mea(this.encoder_, b))
g.writeInt64 = function(a, b) {
null != b && ("string" === typeof b && Jea(b),
null != b && (Se(this, a, 0),
"number" === typeof b ? (a = this.encoder_,
a.writeSplitVarint64(Ge, He)) : (b = Jea(b),
this.encoder_.writeSplitVarint64(b.lo, b.hi))))
g.writeUint32 = function(a, b) {
null != b && null != b && (Se(this, a, 0),
Qe(this.encoder_, b))
g.writeUint64 = function(a, b) {
null != b && ("string" === typeof b && Pe(b),
null != b && (Se(this, a, 0),
"number" === typeof b ? (a = this.encoder_,
a.writeSplitVarint64(Ge, He)) : (b = Pe(b),
this.encoder_.writeSplitVarint64(b.lo, b.hi))))
g.writeDouble = function(a, b) {
null != b && (Se(this, a, 1),
g.writeBool = function(a, b) {
null != b && (Se(this, a, 0),
g.writeBytes = function(a, b) {
null != b && Qea(this, a, tea(b).buffer)
function Qea(a, b, c) {
Se(a, b, 2);
Qe(a.encoder_, c.length);
Re(a, a.encoder_.end());
Re(a, c)
g.writeSplitFixed64 = function(a, b) {
Se(this, a, 1);
g.writeSplitVarint64 = function(a, b) {
Se(this, a, 0);
function Rea(a, b) {
this.$$binaryReaderFn = a;
this.$$binaryWriterFn = b
;function Te(a) {
;var Ue = "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol() ? Symbol() : void 0
, Ve = Ue ? function(a, b) {
a[Ue] |= b
: function(a, b) {
void 0 !== a.internalArrayState ? a.internalArrayState |= b : Object.defineProperties(a, {
internalArrayState: {
value: b,
configurable: !0,
writable: !0,
enumerable: !1
function We(a) {
var b = Xe(a);
1 !== (b & 1) && (Object.isFrozen(a) && (a = Te(a)),
Ye(a, b | 1));
return a
var Ze = Ue ? function(a, b) {
a[Ue] &= ~b
: function(a, b) {
void 0 !== a.internalArrayState && (a.internalArrayState &= ~b)
, Xe = Ue ? function(a) {
return a[Ue] | 0
: function(a) {
return a.internalArrayState | 0
, $e = Ue ? function(a) {
return a[Ue]
: function(a) {
return a.internalArrayState
, Ye = Ue ? function(a, b) {
a[Ue] = b
: function(a, b) {
void 0 !== a.internalArrayState ? a.internalArrayState = b : Object.defineProperties(a, {
internalArrayState: {
value: b,
configurable: !0,
writable: !0,
enumerable: !1
function Sea(a, b) {
Object.isFrozen(a) && (a = Te(a));
Ye(a, b);
return a
function af(a) {
Ve(a, 1);
return a
function bf(a) {
Ve(a, 18);
return a
function cf(a) {
Ve(a, 16);
return a
function Tea(a, b) {
Ye(b, (a | 0) & -51)
function df(a, b) {
Ye(b, (a | 18) & -41)
function ef(a) {
a = a >> 10 & 1023;
return 0 === a ? 536870912 : a
function ff(a) {
return (a >> 8 & 1) - 1
;var gf = {};
function hf(a) {
return null !== a && "object" === typeof a && !Array.isArray(a) && a.constructor === Object
var jf;
function kf(a, b, c) {
if (null != a)
if ("string" === typeof a)
a = a ? new Ae(a,ze) : Be();
else if (a.constructor !== Ae)
if (xe(a))
a = c ? sea(a) : a.length ? new Ae(new Uint8Array(a),ze) : Be();
else {
if (!b)
throw Error();
a = void 0
return a
function lf(a, b, c) {
if (!Array.isArray(a) || a.length)
return !1;
var d = Xe(a);
if (d & 1)
return !0;
if (!b || !b.includes(c))
return !1;
Ye(a, d | 1);
return !0
var mf, Uea = [];
Ye(Uea, 23);
mf = Object.freeze(Uea);
function nf(a) {
if (a & 2)
throw Error();
function of(a, b) {
if ("number" !== typeof b || 0 > b || b >= a.length)
throw Error();
function Vea(a, b) {
if ("number" !== typeof b || 0 > b || b > a.length)
throw Error();
function pf(a, b, c) {
this.idx_ = 0;
this.arr_ = a;
this.mapper = b;
this.thisArg = c
} = function() {
if (this.idx_ < this.arr_.length) {
var a = this.arr_[this.idx_++];
return {
done: !1,
value: this.mapper ?, a) : a
return {
done: !0,
value: void 0
pf.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
return new pf(this.arr_,this.mapper,this.thisArg)
var Wea = {}, qf;
function rf(a) {
if (null != a && "number" !== typeof a)
throw Error("Value of float/double field must be a number|null|undefined, found " + typeof a + ": " + a);
return a
function Xea(a) {
return a.displayName || || "unknown type name"
function sf(a) {
if ("boolean" !== typeof a)
throw Error("Expected boolean but got " + Ra(a) + ": " + a);
return !!a
function Yea(a) {
if (null == a)
return a;
switch (typeof a) {
case "string":
return +a;
case "number":
return a
function tf(a) {
if (null == a)
return a;
switch (typeof a) {
case "string":
return +a;
case "number":
return a
function uf(a) {
return a
function Zea(a) {
return a
function vf(a) {
return a
function $ea(a) {
return a
function afa(a) {
return a
function bfa(a) {
return a
function wf(a) {
if ("string" !== typeof a)
throw Error();
return a
function xf(a) {
if (null != a && "string" !== typeof a)
throw Error();
return a
function cfa(a) {
return null == a || "string" === typeof a ? a : void 0
function yf(a, b) {
if (!(a instanceof b))
throw Error("Expected instanceof " + Xea(b) + " but got " + (a && Xea(a.constructor)));
return a
function zf(a, b, c, d) {
var e = !1;
if (null != a && "object" === typeof a && !(e = Array.isArray(a)) && a.messagePrototypeMarker === gf)
return a;
if (!e)
return c ? d & 2 ? dfa(b) : new b : void 0;
e = c = Xe(a);
0 === e && (e |= d & 16);
e |= d & 2;
e !== c && Ye(a, e);
return new b(a)
var efa = "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol() ? Symbol() : "di";
function dfa(a) {
var b = a[efa];
if (b)
return b;
b = new a;
return a[efa] = b
function Af(a) {
return a
function ffa(a, b, c) {
return "string" === typeof a ? a : c ? "" : void 0
;function gfa(a, b, c) {
a = a || {};
b = b || {};
var d = {}, e;
for (e in a)
d[e] = 0;
for (var f in b)
d[f] = 0;
for (var h in d)
if (!isNaN(h) && !Bf(a, h, a[h], b, h, b[h], c, 0))
return !1;
return !0
function pea(a, b, c) {
null != a && (a instanceof Map ? a.set(b, c) : a[b] = c);
return c
function hfa(a, b) {
if ("string" === typeof b)
try {
b = we(b)
} catch (c) {
return !1
return xe(b) && kea(a, b)
function ifa(a, b) {
var c = void 0;
if (a.messagePrototypeMarker === gf) {
var d = a.constructor.repeatedFields_;
a = a.internalArray_;
c = ff($e(a))
b.messagePrototypeMarker === gf && (d = d || b.constructor.repeatedFields_,
b = b.internalArray_,
c = null == c ? ff($e(b)) : c);
return Bf(void 0, void 0, a, void 0, void 0, b, d, c)
function Bf(a, b, c, d, e, f, h, k) {
k = void 0 === k ? 9999 : k;
if (c === f || null == c && null == f)
return !0;
if (c instanceof Cf)
return jfa(c, f);
if (f instanceof Cf)
return jfa(f, c);
if (null == c)
return lf(f, h, +b - k);
if (null == f)
return lf(c, h, +e - k);
if (c instanceof Ae)
return oea(c, f, d, e);
if (f instanceof Ae)
return oea(f, c, a, b);
if (xe(c))
return hfa(c, f);
if (xe(f))
return hfa(f, c);
a = typeof c;
b = typeof f;
if ("object" !== a || "object" !== b)
return Number.isNaN(c) || Number.isNaN(f) ? String(c) === String(f) : "string" === a && "number" === b || "number" === a && "string" === b ? +c === +f : "boolean" === a && "number" === b || "number" === a && "boolean" === b ? !c === !f : !1;
if (c.messagePrototypeMarker === gf || f.messagePrototypeMarker === gf)
return ifa(c, f);
if (c.constructor != f.constructor)
return !1;
if (c.constructor === Array) {
b = a = void 0;
d = c.length;
e = f.length;
for (var l = Math.max(d, e), m = 0; m < l; m++) {
var n = m >= d ? void 0 : c[m]
, p = m >= e ? void 0 : f[m];
n && m == d - 1 && hf(n) && (a = n,
n = void 0);
p && m == e - 1 && hf(p) && (b = p,
p = void 0);
null == p && lf(n, h, m - k) && (n = void 0);
null == n && lf(p, h, m - k) && (p = void 0);
if (!Bf(c, m, n, f, m, p))
return !1
return a || b ? gfa(a, b, h) : !0
if (c.constructor === Object)
return gfa(c, f);
throw Error();
;function Cf(a, b, c, d) {
c = void 0 === c ? Af : c;
d = void 0 === d ? Af : d;
var e = faa(Map, [], this.constructor);
var f = Xe(a);
f |= 32;
Ye(a, f);
e.arrayState = f;
e.valueCtor = b;
e.keyToApi = c || Af;
e.valueToApi = e.valueCtor ? kfa : d || Af;
for (var h = 0; h < a.length; h++) {
var k = a[h]
, l = c(k[0], !1, !0)
, m = k[1];
b || (m = d(k[1], !1, !0, void 0, void 0, f));
null != l &&, l, m)
return e
v(Cf, Map);
function Df(a) {
if (a.arrayState & 2)
throw Error("Cannot mutate an immutable Map");
function lfa(a, b) {
b = void 0 === b ? mfa : b;
return Ef(a, b)
function Ef(a, b) {
b = void 0 === b ? mfa : b;
var c = [];
a =;
for (var d; !(d =; )
d = d.value,
d[0] = b(d[0]),
d[1] = b(d[1]),
return c
g = Cf.prototype;
g.getLength = function() {
return this.size
g.clear = function() {
g.delete = function(a) {
return, this.keyToApi(a, !0, !1))
g.del = function(a) {
return this.delete(a)
g.entries = function() {
var a = Array.from(;
return new pf(a,nfa,this)
g.keys = function() {
g.values = function() {
var a = Array.from(;
return new pf(a,Cf.prototype.get,this)
g.forEach = function(a, b) {
var c = this;, function(d, e) {, c.get(e), e, c)
g.set = function(a, b) {
a = this.keyToApi(a, !0, !1);
return null == a ? this : null == b ? (, a),
this) :, a, this.valueToApi(b, !0, !0, this.valueCtor, !1, this.arrayState))
g.get = function(a) {
a = this.keyToApi(a, !1, !1);
var b =, a);
if (void 0 !== b) {
var c = this.arrayState
, d = this.valueCtor;
return d ? (Array.isArray(b) && c & 16 && cf(b),
c = this.valueToApi(b, !1, !0, d, this.callToMutableOnAccess, c),
c !== b &&, a, c),
c) : b
function jfa(a, b) {
return b instanceof Cf ? ofa(a, b) : pfa(a, b)
Cf.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
return this.entries()
function kfa(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
b && yf(a, d);
a = zf(a, d, c, f);
e && (a = Ff(a));
return a
function mfa(a) {
return a
function ofa(a, b) {
if (a.size != b.size)
return !1;
var c = !0;
a.forEach(function(d, e) {
Bf(a, e, d, b, e, b.get(e)) || (c = !1)
return c
function qfa(a, b) {
if (!Array.isArray(a) || !Array.isArray(b))
return 0;
a = a[0];
b = b[0];
return a === b ? 0 : a < b ? -1 : 1
function pfa(a, b) {
if (null == b)
return 0 === a.size;
if (!Array.isArray(b) || a.size > b.length)
return !1;
b =;
for (var c = 0, d = void 0, e = b.length - 1; 0 <= e; e--) {
var f = b[e];
if (!f || !Array.isArray(f) || 2 !== f.length)
return !1;
var h = f[0];
if (h !== d) {
if (!Bf(a, h, a.get(h), f, 1, f[1]))
return !1;
d = h;
return c === a.size
function nfa(a) {
return [a, this.get(a)]
;function G(a, b) {
a = a.internalArray_;
return Gf(a, $e(a), b)
function Gf(a, b, c, d) {
if (-1 === c)
return null;
if (c >= ef(b)) {
if (b & 128)
return a[a.length - 1][c]
} else {
var e = a.length;
if (d && b & 128 && (d = a[e - 1][c],
null != d))
return d;
b = c + ff(b);
if (b < e)
return a[b]
function H(a, b, c, d) {
var e = a.internalArray_
, f = $e(e);
Hf(e, f, b, c, d);
return a
function Hf(a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = ef(b);
if (c >= f || e) {
e = b;
if (b & 128)
f = a[a.length - 1];
else {
if (null == d)
f = a[f + ff(b)] = {};
e |= 128
f[c] = d;
e &= -513;
e !== b && Ye(a, e)
} else
a[c + ff(b)] = d,
b & 128 && (d = a[a.length - 1],
c in d && delete d[c]),
b & 512 && Ye(a, b & -513)
function If(a, b, c, d) {
return void 0 !== Jf(a, b, c, void 0 === d ? !1 : d)
function Kf(a, b, c, d) {
return void 0 !== Jf(a, b, Lf(a, d, c))
function Mf(a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = b & 2
, h = Gf(a, b, c, e);
Array.isArray(h) || (h = mf);
var k = Xe(h);
k & 1 || af(h);
if (f)
k & 2 || bf(h),
d & 1 || Object.freeze(h);
else {
f = !(d & 2);
var l = k & 2;
d & 1 || !l ? f && k & 16 && !l && Ze(h, 16) : (h = af(Te(h)),
Hf(a, b, c, h, e))
return h
function Nf(a, b, c, d, e) {
Of(a, b, c, e, d, !1, 1);
return a
function Pf(a, b) {
a = a.internalArray_;
var c = $e(a)
, d = Gf(a, c, b);
var e = null == d ? d : "number" === typeof d || "NaN" === d || "Infinity" === d || "-Infinity" === d ? Number(d) : void 0;
null != e && e !== d && Hf(a, c, b, e);
return e
function I(a, b) {
a = G(a, b);
return null == a ? a : "boolean" !== typeof a && "number" !== typeof a ? void 0 : !!a
function Qf(a, b) {
a = a.internalArray_;
var c = $e(a)
, d = Gf(a, c, b)
, e = kf(d, !0, !!(c & 18));
null != e && e !== d && Hf(a, c, b, e);
return e
function Sf(a, b, c, d, e) {
a = a.internalArray_;
var f = $e(a)
, h = f & 2
, k = Mf(a, f, b, e || 1, d)
, l = Xe(k);
if (!(l & 4)) {
Object.isFrozen(k) && (k = af(Te(k)),
Hf(a, f, b, k, d));
for (var m = 0, n = 0; m < k.length; m++) {
var p = c(k[m]);
null != p && (k[n++] = p)
n < m && (k.length = n);
l |= 5;
h && (l |= 18);
Ye(k, l);
l & 2 && Object.freeze(k)
if (2 === e)
return k;
!h && (l & 2 || Object.isFrozen(k)) && (k = Te(k),
Ve(k, 5),
Hf(a, f, b, k, d));
return k
function rfa(a) {
return kf(a, !0, !0)
function sfa(a) {
return kf(a, !0, !1)
var tfa;
function ufa() {
var a;
return null != (a = tfa) ? a : tfa = new Cf(bf([]),void 0,void 0,void 0,Wea)
function vfa(a, b, c) {
var d = b & 2
, e = !1;
if (null == c) {
if (d)
return ufa();
c = []
} else if (c.constructor === Cf) {
if (0 == (c.arrayState & 2) || d)
return c;
c = Ef(c)
} else
Array.isArray(c) ? e = !!(Xe(c) & 2) : c = [];
if (d) {
if (!c.length)
return ufa();
e || (e = !0,
} else if (e)
for (e = !1,
c = Te(c),
d = 0; d < c.length; d++) {
var f = c[d] = Te(c[d]);
Array.isArray(f[1]) && (f[1] = bf(f[1]))
e || (Xe(c) & 32 ? Ze(c, 16) : 16 & b && cf(c));
e = new Cf(c,void 0,ffa,ffa);
Hf(a, b, 3, e, !1);
return e
function Tf(a, b, c, d) {
var e = a.internalArray_
, f = $e(e);
if (null == c)
return Hf(e, f, b),
var h = Xe(c);
if (!(h & 4)) {
if (h & 2 || Object.isFrozen(c))
c = Te(c);
for (var k = 0; k < c.length; k++)
c[k] = d(c[k]);
Ye(c, h | 5)
Hf(e, f, b, c);
return a
function Uf(a, b, c) {
return Tf(a, b, c, wf)
function Vf(a, b) {
return H(a, b, void 0, !1)
function Wf(a, b, c, d) {
var e = a.internalArray_
, f = $e(e);
Hf(e, f, b, c !== d ? c : void 0);
return a
function Xf(a, b, c) {
var d = a.internalArray_
, e = $e(d);
Mf(d, e, b, 2, !1).push(c);
e & 512 && Ye(d, e & -513);
return a
function Yf(a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = a.internalArray_
, h = $e(f);
b = e(a, b, !1, 2);
Vea(b, c);
b[c] = d;
h & 512 && Ye(f, h & -513);
return a
function Zf(a, b, c, d) {
var e = a.internalArray_
, f = $e(e);
(c = $f(e, f, c)) && c !== b && null != d && Hf(e, f, c);
Hf(e, f, b, d);
return a
function Lf(a, b, c) {
a = a.internalArray_;
return $f(a, $e(a), b) === c ? c : -1
function ag(a, b) {
a = a.internalArray_;
return $f(a, $e(a), b)
function $f(a, b, c) {
for (var d = 0, e = 0; e < c.length; e++) {
var f = c[e];
null != Gf(a, b, f) && (0 !== d && Hf(a, b, d),
d = f)
return d
function bg(a, b, c) {
a = a.internalArray_;
var d = $e(a);
var e = Gf(a, d, c);
b = Ff(zf(e, b, !0, d));
e !== b && Hf(a, d, c, b);
return b
function Jf(a, b, c, d) {
a = a.internalArray_;
var e = $e(a)
, f = Gf(a, e, c, d);
b = zf(f, b, !1, e);
b !== f && null != b && Hf(a, e, c, b, d);
return b
function J(a, b, c, d) {
d = void 0 === d ? !1 : d;
b = Jf(a, b, c, d);
if (null == b)
return b;
a = a.internalArray_;
var e = $e(a);
if (!(e & 2)) {
var f = Ff(b);
f !== b && (b = f,
Hf(a, e, c, b, d))
return b
function cg(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
var h = !!(b & 2)
, k = Mf(a, b, d, 1, e);
if (k === mf || !(Xe(k) & 4)) {
var l = k;
k = !!(b & 2);
var m = !!(Xe(l) & 2);
h = l;
!k && m && (l = Te(l));
var n = b | (m ? 2 : 0);
m = m || void 0;
for (var p = 0, q = 0; p < l.length; p++) {
var t = zf(l[p], c, !1, n);
void 0 !== t && (m = m || $e(t.internalArray_) & 2,
l[q++] = t)
q < p && (l.length = q);
c = l;
l = Xe(c);
n = l | 5;
m = m ? n & -9 : n | 8;
l != m && (c = Sea(c, m));
l = c;
h !== l && Hf(a, b, d, l, e);
(k && 2 !== f || 1 === f) && Object.freeze(l);
return l
if (3 === f)
return k;
h || (h = Object.isFrozen(k),
1 === f ? h || Object.freeze(k) : (f = Xe(k),
c = f & -19,
h && (k = Te(k),
f = 0,
Hf(a, b, d, k, e)),
f !== c && Ye(k, c)));
return k
function wfa(a, b, c) {
c = Lf(a, dg, c);
return (a = Jf(a, b, c, !1)) ? a : dfa(b)
function eg(a, b, c) {
var d = a.internalArray_
, e = $e(d);
a = !!(e & 2);
b = cg(d, e, b, c, void 0, a ? 1 : 2);
if (!(a || Xe(b) & 8)) {
for (c = 0; c < b.length; c++)
a = b[c],
d = Ff(a),
a !== d && (b[c] = d);
Ve(b, 8)
return b
function fg(a, b, c, d, e) {
null != d ? yf(d, b) : d = void 0;
return H(a, c, d, e)
function gg(a, b, c, d, e) {
null != e ? yf(e, b) : e = void 0;
return Zf(a, c, d, e)
function hg(a, b, c, d) {
var e = a.internalArray_
, f = $e(e);
if (null != d) {
for (var h = !!d.length, k = 0; k < d.length; k++) {
var l = d[k];
yf(l, b);
h = h && !(Xe(l.internalArray_) & 2)
b = Xe(d);
k = b | 1;
k = (h ? k | 8 : k & -9) | 4;
k != b && (d = Sea(d, k))
null == d && (d = void 0);
Hf(e, f, c, d);
return a
function Of(a, b, c, d, e, f, h) {
a = a.internalArray_;
var k = $e(a);
b = cg(a, k, c, b, f, 2);
f = null != d ? yf(d, c) : new c;
h && (Vea(b, e),
yf(d, c));
void 0 != e ? b.splice(e, h, f) : b.push(f);
f.isImmutable() && Ze(b, 8);
k & 512 && Ye(a, k & -513);
return f
function ig(a, b, c, d, e) {
Of(a, b, c, d, e);
return a
function K(a, b) {
return Yea(G(a, b))
function jg(a, b) {
return G(a, b)
function kg(a, b, c, d) {
return Sf(a, b, Yea, c, d)
function lg(a, b, c) {
return H(a, b, null == c ? c : sf(c))
function mg(a, b, c) {
return Wf(a, b, null == c ? c : sf(c), !1)
function ng(a, b, c) {
return Zf(a, 3, b, null == c ? c : sf(c))
function L(a, b) {
return cfa(G(a, b))
function og(a, b, c, d) {
return Sf(a, b, cfa, c, d)
function pg(a, b, c) {
return H(a, b, xf(c))
function qg(a, b, c, d) {
return Zf(a, b, c, xf(d))
function rg(a, b, c) {
return Wf(a, b, xf(c), "")
function sg(a, b) {
return G(a, b)
function tg(a, b, c, d) {
return Sf(a, b, Zea, c, d)
function ug(a, b) {
return null != a ? a : b
function N(a, b, c) {
c = void 0 === c ? !1 : c;
return ug(I(a, b), c)
function vg(a, b, c) {
c = void 0 === c ? 0 : c;
return ug(K(a, b), c)
function wg(a, b, c) {
c = void 0 === c ? 0 : c;
return ug(tf(G(a, b)), c)
function xg(a, b, c) {
c = void 0 === c ? 0 : c;
return ug(G(a, b), c)
function xfa(a) {
var b = "-1";
b = void 0 === b ? "0" : b;
return ug(G(a, 1), b)
function yg(a, b, c) {
c = void 0 === c ? 0 : c;
return ug(Pf(a, b), c)
function zg(a, b, c) {
c = void 0 === c ? "" : c;
return ug(L(a, b), c)
function Ag(a, b, c) {
c = void 0 === c ? 0 : c;
return ug(G(a, b), c)
function Bg(a, b) {
a = kg(a, b, void 0, 2);
return a[void 0]
function Cg(a, b, c) {
a = og(a, b, void 0, 2);
of(a, c);
return a[c]
function yfa(a) {
a = tg(a, 3, void 0, 2);
return a[void 0]
function Dg(a, b, c) {
return L(a, Lf(a, c, b))
function Eg(a, b, c, d) {
return J(a, b, Lf(a, d, c))
function Hg(a, b) {
return Ig(a, Lf(a, Jg, b))
function Kg(a, b) {
a = K(a, b);
return null == a ? void 0 : a
function Ig(a, b) {
a = G(a, b);
return null == a ? void 0 : a
function Lg(a, b) {
a = L(a, b);
return null == a ? void 0 : a
function Mg(a, b) {
a = G(a, b);
return null == a ? void 0 : a
function Ng(a, b) {
return null != K(a, b)
function Og(a, b) {
return null != L(a, b)
function Pg(a, b) {
return null != G(a, b)
;var Qg;
function zfa(a, b) {
Qg = b;
a = new a(b);
Qg = void 0;
return a
function O(a, b, c) {
null == a && (a = Qg);
Qg = void 0;
if (null == a) {
var d = 48;
c ? (a = [c],
d |= 256) : a = [];
b && (d = d & -1047553 | (b & 1023) << 10)
} else {
if (!Array.isArray(a))
throw Error();
d = Xe(a);
if (d & 32)
return a;
d |= 32;
if (c && (d |= 256,
c !== a[0]))
throw Error();
a: {
c = a;
var e = c.length;
if (e) {
var f = e - 1
, h = c[f];
if (hf(h)) {
d |= 128;
b = ff(d);
e = f - b;
1024 <= e && (Afa(c, b, h),
e = 1023);
d = d & -1047553 | (e & 1023) << 10;
break a
b && (h = ff(d),
b = Math.max(b, e - h),
1024 < b && (Afa(c, h, {}),
d |= 128,
b = 1023),
d = d & -1047553 | (b & 1023) << 10)
Ye(a, d);
return a
function Afa(a, b, c) {
for (var d = 1023 + b, e = a.length, f = d; f < e; f++) {
var h = a[f];
null != h && h !== c && (c[f - b] = h)
a.length = d + 1;
a[d] = c
;function Bfa(a, b) {
return Cfa(b)
function Cfa(a) {
switch (typeof a) {
case "number":
return isFinite(a) ? a : String(a);
case "boolean":
return a ? 1 : 0;
case "object":
if (a && !Array.isArray(a)) {
if (xe(a))
return ve(a);
if (a instanceof Ae)
return Ce(a);
if (a instanceof Cf)
return lfa(a)
return a
;function Dfa(a, b, c) {
var d = Te(a)
, e = d.length
, f = b & 128 ? d[e - 1] : void 0;
e += f ? -1 : 0;
for (b = b & 256 ? 1 : 0; b < e; b++)
d[b] = c(d[b]);
if (f) {
b = d[b] = {};
for (var h in f)
b[h] = c(f[h])
(a = qf ? a[qf] : void 0) && (d[qf] = Te(a));
return d
function Rg(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
if (null != a) {
if (Array.isArray(a))
a = e && 0 == a.length && Xe(a) & 1 ? void 0 : f && Xe(a) & 2 ? a : Sg(a, b, c, void 0 !== d, e, f);
else if (hf(a)) {
var h = {}, k;
for (k in a)
h[k] = Rg(a[k], b, c, d, e, f);
a = h
} else
a = b(a, d);
return a
function Sg(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
var h = d || c ? Xe(a) : 0;
d = d ? !!(h & 16) : void 0;
a = Te(a);
for (var k = 0; k < a.length; k++)
a[k] = Rg(a[k], b, c, d, e, f);
c && c(h, a);
return a
function Efa(a) {
return Rg(a, Ffa, void 0, void 0, !1, !1)
function Ffa(a) {
return a.messagePrototypeMarker === gf ? a.toJSON() : a instanceof Cf ? lfa(a, Efa) : Cfa(a)
function Tg(a) {
return Sg(a, Ffa, void 0, void 0, !1, !1)
;function Ug(a, b, c) {
c = void 0 === c ? df : c;
if (null != a) {
if (eea && a instanceof Uint8Array)
return b ? a : new Uint8Array(a);
if (Array.isArray(a)) {
var d = Xe(a);
if (d & 2)
return a;
if (b && !(d & 32) && (d & 16 || 0 === d))
return Ye(a, d | 18),
a = Sg(a, Ug, d & 4 ? df : c, !0, !1, !0);
b = Xe(a);
b & 4 && b & 2 && Object.freeze(a);
return a
a.messagePrototypeMarker === gf ? (b = a.internalArray_,
c = $e(b),
a = c & 2 ? a : Vg(a, b, c, !0)) : a instanceof Cf && (b = bf(Ef(a, Ug)),
a = new Cf(b,a.valueCtor,a.keyToApi,a.valueToApi));
return a
function Vg(a, b, c, d) {
var e = d || c & 2 ? df : Tea
, f = !!(c & 16);
b = Dfa(b, c, function(h) {
return Ug(h, f, e)
Ve(b, 16 | (d ? 2 : 0));
return zfa(a.constructor, b)
function Ff(a) {
var b = a.internalArray_
, c = $e(b);
if (!(c & 2))
return a;
b = Vg(a, b, c, !1);
b.internalCachedImmutable_ = a;
Ve(b.internalArray_, 512);
return b
;function P(a, b, c) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a, b, c)
g = P.prototype;
g.toJSON = function() {
return jf ? Wg(this, this.internalArray_, !1) : Wg(this, Tg(this.internalArray_), !0)
g.serialize = function() {
jf = !0;
try {
return JSON.stringify(this.toJSON(), Bfa)
} finally {
jf = !1
function Gfa(a, b) {
if (null == b || "" == b)
return new a;
b = JSON.parse(b);
if (!Array.isArray(b))
throw Error(void 0);
return zfa(a, cf(b))
g.getExtension = function(a) {
return a.ctor ? a.getExtensionFn(this, a.ctor, a.fieldIndex, !0) : a.isRepeated ? a.getExtensionFn(this, a.fieldIndex, !0) : a.getExtensionFn(this, a.fieldIndex, a.defaultValue, !0)
function Xg(a, b) {
a = b.ctor ? b.getExtensionFn(a, b.ctor, b.fieldIndex, !0) : b.getExtensionFn(a, b.fieldIndex, null, !0);
return null === a ? void 0 : a
g.hasExtension = function(a) {
return a.ctor ? If(this, a.ctor, a.fieldIndex, !0) : void 0 !== Xg(this, a)
g.clone = function() {
var a = this.internalArray_;
return Vg(this, a, $e(a), !1)
g.isMutable = function() {
return !(Xe(this.internalArray_) & 2)
g.isImmutable = function() {
return !!(Xe(this.internalArray_) & 2)
function Yg(a, b, c) {
b.ctor ? b.setExtensionFn(a, b.ctor, b.fieldIndex, c, !0) : b.setExtensionFn(a, b.fieldIndex, c, !0)
g.messagePrototypeMarker = gf;
g.toString = function() {
return Wg(this, this.internalArray_, !1).toString()
function Wg(a, b, c) {
var d = a.constructor.repeatedFields_
, e = ef($e(c ? a.internalArray_ : b))
, f = !1;
if (d) {
if (!c) {
b = Te(b);
var h;
if (b.length && hf(h = b[b.length - 1]))
for (f = 0; f < d.length; f++)
if (d[f] >= e) {
Object.assign(b[b.length - 1] = {}, h);
f = !0
e = b;
c = !c;
h = $e(a.internalArray_);
a = ef(h);
h = ff(h);
for (var k, l, m = 0; m < d.length; m++)
if (l = d[m],
l < a) {
l += h;
var n = e[l];
null == n ? e[l] = c ? mf : af([]) : c && n !== mf && We(n)
} else
k || (n = void 0,
e.length && hf(n = e[e.length - 1]) ? k = n : e.push(k = {})),
n = k[l],
null == k[l] ? k[l] = c ? mf : af([]) : c && n !== mf && We(n)
d = b.length;
if (!d)
return b;
var p;
if (hf(k = b[d - 1])) {
a: {
var q = k;
e = {};
c = !1;
for (var t in q)
a = q[t],
Array.isArray(a) && a != a && (c = !0),
null != a ? e[t] = a : c = !0;
if (c) {
for (var A in e) {
q = e;
break a
q = null
q != k && (p = !0);
for (; 0 < d; d--) {
k = b[d - 1];
if (null != k)
var B = !0
if (!p && !B)
return b;
b = f ? b :, 0, d);
f && (b.length = d);
q && b.push(q);
return b
;var Hfa = Symbol();
function Zg(a) {
var b = a[Hfa];
if (!b) {
var c = $g(a)
, d = c.messageSetReader;
b = d ? function(e, f) {
return d(e, f, c)
: function(e, f) {
for (; Dea(f) && 4 != f.nextWireType_; ) {
var h = f.nextField_
, k = c[h];
if (!k) {
var l = c.extensions;
l && (l = l[h]) && (k = c[h] = Ifa(l))
if (!k || !k(f, e, h)) {
h = e.internalArray_;
k = f;
l = k.fieldCursor_;
if (k.discardUnknownFields)
k = void 0;
else {
var m = k.decoder_.getCursor() - l;
k = k.decoder_.readByteString(m)
k && (qf || (qf = Symbol()),
(l = h[qf]) ? l.push(k) : h[qf] = [k])
return e
a[Hfa] = b
return b
function Jfa(a) {
if (a = a.binaryFieldsInitializer)
return Zg(a)
function Ifa(a) {
var b = Jfa(a)
, c = a.readerWriterSelector.$$binaryReaderFn;
if (b) {
var d = $g(a.binaryFieldsInitializer).ctor;
return function(e, f, h) {
return c(e, f, h, d, b)
return function(e, f, h) {
return c(e, f, h)
function Kfa(a, b) {
var c = a[b];
"function" == typeof c && 0 === c.length && (c = c(),
a[b] = c);
return Array.isArray(c) && (ah in c || bh in c || 0 < c.length && "function" == typeof c[0]) ? c : void 0
function Lfa(a, b, c, d) {
b.ctor = a[0];
var e = 1;
if (a.length > e && "number" !== typeof a[e]) {
var f = a[e++];
if (Array.isArray(f))
return b.messageSetReader = f[0],
b.extensions = f[1],
b.extensions = f
for (; e < a.length; ) {
f = a[e++];
for (var h = e + 1; h < a.length && "number" !== typeof a[h]; )
var k = a[e++];
h -= e;
switch (h) {
case 0:
b[f] = c(k);
case 1:
(h = Kfa(a, e)) ? (e++,
b[f] = d(k, h)) : b[f] = c(k, a[e++]);
case 2:
h = e++;
h = Kfa(a, h);
b[f] = d(k, h, a[e++]);
throw Error("unexpected number of binary field arguments: " + h);
return b
var Mfa = Symbol();
function Nfa(a) {
var b = a[Mfa];
if (!b) {
var c = ch(a);
b = function(d, e) {
return Ofa(d, e, c)
a[Mfa] = b
return b
var bh = Symbol();
function Pfa(a) {
return a.$$binaryWriterFn
function Qfa(a, b) {
var c = Nfa(b)
, d = ch(b).ctor
, e = a.$$binaryWriterFn;
return function(f, h, k) {
return e(f, h, k, d, c)
function ch(a) {
var b = a[bh];
if (b)
return b;
b = Lfa(a, a[bh] = {}, Pfa, Qfa);
ah in a && bh in a && (a.length = 0);
return b
var ah = Symbol();
function Rfa(a, b) {
var c = a.$$binaryReaderFn;
return b ? function(d, e, f) {
return c(d, e, f, b)
: c
function Sfa(a, b, c) {
var d = a.$$binaryReaderFn
, e = Zg(b)
, f = $g(b).ctor;
return function(h, k, l) {
return d(h, k, l, f, e, c)
function $g(a) {
var b = a[ah];
if (b)
return b;
b = Lfa(a, a[ah] = {}, Rfa, Sfa);
ah in a && bh in a && (a.length = 0);
return b
function Tfa(a, b) {
var c = a[b];
if (c)
return c;
if (c = a.extensions)
if (c = c[b]) {
var d = c.binaryFieldsInitializer
, e = c.readerWriterSelector.$$binaryWriterFn;
if (d) {
var f = Nfa(d)
, h = ch(d).ctor;
c = function(k, l, m) {
return e(k, l, m, h, f)
} else
c = e;
return a[b] = c
function Ofa(a, b, c) {
for (var d = a.internalArray_, e = $e(d), f = ff(e), h = d.length, k = h + (e & 128 ? -1 : 0), l = e & 256 ? 1 : 0; l < k; l++)
if (null != d[l]) {
var m = l - f
, n = Tfa(c, m);
n && n(b, a, m)
if (e & 128) {
e = d[h - 1];
for (var p in e)
f = +p,
Number.isNaN(f) || null == e[p] || (h = Tfa(c, f)) && h(b, a, f)
if (a = qf ? d[qf] : void 0)
for (Re(b, b.encoder_.end()),
c = 0; c < a.length; c++)
Re(b, Ee(a[c]) || ye())
function dh(a, b) {
return new Rea(a,b)
function eh(a, b, c) {
a = a.internalArray_;
Hf(a, $e(a), b, c)
var Vfa = dh(Ufa, function(a, b, c) {
var d = G(b, c);
if (null != d) {
if (d instanceof P) {
(b = b.serializeBinaryFnForAnyProto_) && a.writeBytes(c, b(d));
if (Array.isArray(d))
a.writeBytes(c, Qf(b, c))
function Wfa(a, b, c) {
a.writeInt32(c, K(b, c))
function Ufa(a, b, c) {
if (2 !== a.nextWireType_)
return !1;
a = a.readByteString();
eh(b, c, a === Be() ? void 0 : a);
return !0
var Xfa = dh(function(a, b, c) {
if (0 !== a.nextWireType_)
return !1;
eh(b, c, a.readInt64());
return !0
}, function(a, b, c) {
a.writeInt64(c, G(b, c))
, fh = dh(function(a, b, c) {
if (0 !== a.nextWireType_)
return !1;
eh(b, c, a.readInt32());
return !0
}, Wfa)
, Yfa = dh(function(a, b, c) {
if (0 !== a.nextWireType_ && 2 !== a.nextWireType_)
return !1;
b = b.internalArray_;
c = Mf(b, $e(b), c, 0, !1);
if (2 == a.nextWireType_) {
b = Ke.prototype.readSignedVarint32;
var d = a.decoder_.readSignedVarint32() >>> 0;
for (d = a.decoder_.getCursor() + d; a.decoder_.getCursor() < d; )
} else
return !0
}, function(a, b, c) {
b = kg(b, c);
if (null != b)
for (var d = 0; d < b.length; d++) {
var e = a
, f = b[d];
null != f && (Se(e, c, 0),
Mea(e.encoder_, f))
, Zfa = dh(function(a, b, c) {
if (0 !== a.nextWireType_)
return !1;
a = a.readInt32();
eh(b, c, 0 === a ? void 0 : a);
return !0
}, Wfa)
, $fa = dh(function(a, b, c) {
if (1 !== a.nextWireType_)
return !1;
eh(b, c, a.decoder_.readUint64String());
return !0
}, function(a, b, c) {
b = G(b, c);
null != b && ("string" === typeof b && Pe(b),
Se(a, c, 1),
"number" === typeof b ? a.encoder_.writeUint64(b) : (c = Pe(b),
a.encoder_.writeSplitFixed64(c.lo, c.hi)))
, aga = dh(function(a, b, c) {
if (5 !== a.nextWireType_)
return !1;
eh(b, c, a.decoder_.readUint32());
return !0
}, function(a, b, c) {
b = tf(G(b, c));
null != b && (Se(a, c, 5),
, bga = dh(function(a, b, c) {
if (0 !== a.nextWireType_)
return !1;
eh(b, c, a.readBool());
return !0
}, function(a, b, c) {
a.writeBool(c, I(b, c))
, cga = dh(function(a, b, c) {
if (2 !== a.nextWireType_)
return !1;
a = Fea(a);
eh(b, c, "" === a ? void 0 : a);
return !0
}, function(a, b, c) {
b = L(b, c);
if (null != b) {
var d = !1;
d = void 0 === d ? !1 : d;
if (zda) {
if (d && /(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])/.test(b))
throw Error("Found an unpaired surrogate");
b = (yda || (yda = new TextEncoder)).encode(b)
} else {
for (var e = 0, f = new Uint8Array(3 * b.length), h = 0; h < b.length; h++) {
var k = b.charCodeAt(h);
if (128 > k)
f[e++] = k;
else {
if (2048 > k)
f[e++] = k >> 6 | 192;
else {
if (55296 <= k && 57343 >= k) {
if (56319 >= k && h < b.length) {
var l = b.charCodeAt(++h);
if (56320 <= l && 57343 >= l) {
k = 1024 * (k - 55296) + l - 56320 + 65536;
f[e++] = k >> 18 | 240;
f[e++] = k >> 12 & 63 | 128;
f[e++] = k >> 6 & 63 | 128;
f[e++] = k & 63 | 128;
} else
if (d)
throw Error("Found an unpaired surrogate");
k = 65533
f[e++] = k >> 12 | 224;
f[e++] = k >> 6 & 63 | 128
f[e++] = k & 63 | 128
b = e === f.length ? f : f.subarray(0, e)
Qea(a, c, b)
, gh = dh(function(a, b, c, d, e) {
if (2 !== a.nextWireType_)
return !1;
Eea(a, bg(b, d, c), e);
return !0
}, function(a, b, c, d, e) {
b = Jf(b, d, c);
null != b && (c = Oea(a, c),
e(b, a),
Pea(a, c))
, dga = dh(function(a, b, c, d, e) {
if (2 !== a.nextWireType_)
return !1;
b = Of(b, c, d);
Eea(a, b, e);
return !0
}, function(a, b, c, d, e) {
b = b.internalArray_;
d = cg(b, $e(b), d, c, void 0, 1);
if (null != d)
for (b = 0; b < d.length; b++) {
var f = Oea(a, c);
e(d[b], a);
Pea(a, f)
function ega(a, b, c, d) {
this.fieldIndex = a;
this.fieldName = b;
this.ctor = c;
this.toObjectFn = d;
this.isRepeated = 0;
this.getExtensionFn = J;
this.setExtensionFn = fg;
this.defaultValue = void 0
;function hh(a, b, c, d) {
return new ega(a,b,c,d)
;function ih(a, b) {
for (var c = [], d = 0; d < a.length; d++)
return c
function jh(a, b, c) {
for (var d in c) {
var e = c[d]
, f = e.isRepeated ? a.getExtension(e) : Xg(a, e);
if (null != f) {
var h = void 0;
for (h in e.fieldName)
if (e.fieldName.hasOwnProperty(h))
var k = e.toObjectFn;
b[h] = k ? e.isRepeated ? ih(f, k) : k(f) : f
function fga(a) {
null != a && (a = a.value_ || "",
a = "string" === typeof a ? a : new Uint8Array(a));
return a
function gga(a) {
var b = [];
a.forEach(function(c, d) {
b.push([d, c])
return b
function Q(a) {
return null === a ? void 0 : a
function kh(a) {
return null == a ? void 0 : Array.isArray(a) ? {
return Ce(b)
}) : Ce(a)
function hga(a) {
a = G(a, 2);
if (null == a)
return "";
if ("string" === typeof a)
return a;
if (xe(a))
return ve(a);
if (Array.isArray(a))
return Tg(a);
if (a instanceof Ae)
return Ce(a);
if (a instanceof P)
return a.toJSON();
throw Error("invalid value in Any.value field: " + a);
function R(a) {
if (Xe(a.internalArray_) & 2)
throw Error("message must be mutable");
function iga(a) {
return function(b, c) {
a: {
if (Ne.length) {
var d = Ne.pop();
d.decoder_.init(b, void 0, void 0, c);
b = d
} else
b = new Cea(b,c);
try {
var e = $g(a).ctor;
var f = Zg(a)(new e, b);
break a
} finally {
f = void 0
return f
function lh(a) {
return function(b) {
b = JSON.parse(b);
if (!Array.isArray(b))
throw Error("Expected jspb data to be an array, got " + Ra(b) + ": " + b);
return new a(b)
function mh(a) {
return function(b) {
return Gfa(a, b)
;function nh(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(nh, P);
nh.prototype.getId = function() {
return L(this, 1)
nh.prototype.setId = function(a) {
return pg(this, 1, a)
nh.prototype.setResourceKey = function(a) {
return pg(this, 2, a)
nh.prototype.toObject = function() {
if (null != this) {
var a = {
id: Q(L(this, 1)),
resourceKey: Q(L(this, 2))
} else
a = void 0;
return a
function oh(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(oh, P);
oh.prototype.getCustomerId = function() {
return L(this, 1)
oh.prototype.toObject = function() {
return jga(this)
function jga(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
customerId: Q(L(a, 1))
;function ph(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(ph, P);
ph.prototype.toObject = function() {
return kga(this)
function kga(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
;function qh(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(qh, P);
qh.prototype.getCustomerId = function() {
return J(this, oh, 1)
qh.prototype.toObject = function() {
return lga(this)
function lga(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
customerId: jga(a.getCustomerId())
;function rh(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(rh, P);
rh.prototype.getTypeCase = function() {
return ag(this, sh)
var sh = [1, 2];
rh.prototype.toObject = function() {
return mga(this)
function mga(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
consumerInfo: kga(Eg(a, ph, 1, sh)),
customerInfo: lga(Eg(a, qh, 2, sh))
;function th(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(th, P);
th.prototype.toObject = function() {
return nga(this)
function nga(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
membershipCount: Q(K(a, 1)),
memberType: Q(G(a, 2)),
membershipState: Q(G(a, 3))
;function uh(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(uh, P);
uh.prototype.getValueList = function() {
return eg(this, th, 1)
uh.prototype.setValue = function(a, b) {
return Nf(this, 1, th, a, b)
uh.repeatedFields_ = [1];
uh.prototype.toObject = function() {
return oga(this)
function oga(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
valueList: ih(a.getValueList(), nga)
;function pga(a) {
this.cellValue_ = a
;function vh(a, b, c) {
this.metricName_ = a;
this.cellType_ = b;
this.fields_ = c || [];
this.cellMap_ = new Map
g = vh.prototype;
g.addCell = function(a) {
var b = Ha.apply(1, arguments)
, c = this.getCells(b);
c ? c.push(new pga(a)) : this.setCell(a, b)
g.setCell = function(a) {
var b = this.getKey_(Ha.apply(1, arguments));
this.cellMap_.set(b, [new pga(a)])
g.getCells = function() {
var a = this.getKey_(Ha.apply(0, arguments));
return this.cellMap_.has(a) ? this.cellMap_.get(a) : void 0
g.getCell = function() {
var a = this.getCells(Ha.apply(0, arguments));
return a && a.length ? a[0] : void 0
g.clear = function() {
g.getKey_ = function() {
var a = Ha.apply(0, arguments);
return a ? a.join(",") : "key"
function wh(a, b) {, a, 3, b)
v(wh, vh);
wh.prototype.incrementCounter = function() {
this.incrementCounterBy(1, Ha.apply(0, arguments))
wh.prototype.incrementCounterBy = function(a) {
var b = Ha.apply(1, arguments)
, c = 0
, d = this.getCell(b);
d && (c = d.cellValue_);
this.setCell(c + a, b)
function xh(a) {
a && "function" == typeof a.dispose && a.dispose()
;function yh() {
this.disposed_ = this.disposed_;
this.onDisposeCallbacks_ = this.onDisposeCallbacks_
yh.prototype.disposed_ = !1;
yh.prototype.isDisposed = function() {
return this.disposed_
yh.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.disposed_ || (this.disposed_ = !0,
function zh(a, b) {
b = Ya(xh, b);
a.disposed_ ? b() : (a.onDisposeCallbacks_ || (a.onDisposeCallbacks_ = []),
yh.prototype.disposeInternal = function() {
if (this.onDisposeCallbacks_)
for (; this.onDisposeCallbacks_.length; )
function Ah(a, b) {
this.type = a;
this.currentTarget = = b;
this.defaultPrevented = this.propagationStopped_ = !1
Ah.prototype.stopPropagation = function() {
this.propagationStopped_ = !0
Ah.prototype.preventDefault = function() {
this.defaultPrevented = !0
function qga(a) {
;var Bh = "PointerEvent"in Na
, rga = function() {
if (!Na.addEventListener || !Object.defineProperty)
return !1;
var a = !1
, b = Object.defineProperty({}, "passive", {
get: function() {
a = !0
try {
var c = function() {};
Na.addEventListener("test", c, b);
Na.removeEventListener("test", c, b)
} catch (d) {}
return a
function Ch(a, b) {, a ? a.type : "");
this.relatedTarget = this.currentTarget = = null;
this.button = this.screenY = this.screenX = this.clientY = this.clientX = this.offsetY = this.offsetX = 0;
this.key = "";
this.charCode = this.keyCode = 0;
this.metaKey = this.shiftKey = this.altKey = this.ctrlKey = !1;
this.state = null;
this.platformModifierKey = !1;
this.pointerId = 0;
this.pointerType = "";
this.event_ = null;
a && this.init(a, b)
bb(Ch, Ah);
var sga = {
2: "touch",
3: "pen",
4: "mouse"
Ch.prototype.init = function(a, b) {
var c = this.type = a.type
, d = a.changedTouches && a.changedTouches.length ? a.changedTouches[0] : null; = || a.srcElement;
this.currentTarget = b;
(b = a.relatedTarget) ? fe && (Eda(b, "nodeName") || (b = null)) : "mouseover" == c ? b = a.fromElement : "mouseout" == c && (b = a.toElement);
this.relatedTarget = b;
d ? (this.clientX = void 0 !== d.clientX ? d.clientX : d.pageX,
this.clientY = void 0 !== d.clientY ? d.clientY : d.pageY,
this.screenX = d.screenX || 0,
this.screenY = d.screenY || 0) : (this.offsetX = ge || void 0 !== a.offsetX ? a.offsetX : a.layerX,
this.offsetY = ge || void 0 !== a.offsetY ? a.offsetY : a.layerY,
this.clientX = void 0 !== a.clientX ? a.clientX : a.pageX,
this.clientY = void 0 !== a.clientY ? a.clientY : a.pageY,
this.screenX = a.screenX || 0,
this.screenY = a.screenY || 0);
this.button = a.button;
this.keyCode = a.keyCode || 0;
this.key = a.key || "";
this.charCode = a.charCode || ("keypress" == c ? a.keyCode : 0);
this.ctrlKey = a.ctrlKey;
this.altKey = a.altKey;
this.shiftKey = a.shiftKey;
this.metaKey = a.metaKey;
this.platformModifierKey = he ? a.metaKey : a.ctrlKey;
this.pointerId = a.pointerId || 0;
this.pointerType = "string" === typeof a.pointerType ? a.pointerType : sga[a.pointerType] || "";
this.state = a.state;
this.event_ = a;
a.defaultPrevented &&
Ch.prototype.stopPropagation = function() {;
this.event_.stopPropagation ? this.event_.stopPropagation() : this.event_.cancelBubble = !0
Ch.prototype.preventDefault = function() {;
var a = this.event_;
a.preventDefault ? a.preventDefault() : a.returnValue = !1
var tga = "closure_listenable_" + (1E6 * Math.random() | 0);
function Dh(a) {
return !(!a || !a[tga])
;var uga = 0;
function vga(a, b, c, d, e) {
this.listener = a;
this.proxy = null;
this.src = b;
this.type = c;
this.capture = !!d;
this.handler = e;
this.key = ++uga;
this.removed = this.callOnce = !1
function Eh(a) {
a.removed = !0;
a.listener = null;
a.proxy = null;
a.src = null;
a.handler = null
;function Fh(a) {
this.src = a;
this.listeners = {};
this.typeCount_ = 0
g = Fh.prototype;
g.add = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = a.toString();
a = this.listeners[f];
a || (a = this.listeners[f] = [],
var h = Gh(a, b, d, e);
-1 < h ? (b = a[h],
c || (b.callOnce = !1)) : (b = new vga(b,this.src,f,!!d,e),
b.callOnce = c,
return b
g.remove = function(a, b, c, d) {
a = a.toString();
if (!(a in this.listeners))
return !1;
var e = this.listeners[a];
b = Gh(e, b, c, d);
return -1 < b ? (Eh(e[b]),, b, 1),
0 == e.length && (delete this.listeners[a],
!0) : !1
function Hh(a, b) {
var c = b.type;
c in a.listeners && Eb(a.listeners[c], b) && (Eh(b),
0 == a.listeners[c].length && (delete a.listeners[c],
g.removeAll = function(a) {
a = a && a.toString();
var b = 0, c;
for (c in this.listeners)
if (!a || c == a) {
for (var d = this.listeners[c], e = 0; e < d.length; e++)
delete this.listeners[c];
return b
g.getListener = function(a, b, c, d) {
a = this.listeners[a.toString()];
var e = -1;
a && (e = Gh(a, b, c, d));
return -1 < e ? a[e] : null
g.hasListener = function(a, b) {
var c = void 0 !== a
, d = c ? a.toString() : ""
, e = void 0 !== b;
return hba(this.listeners, function(f) {
for (var h = 0; h < f.length; ++h)
if (!(c && f[h].type != d || e && f[h].capture != b))
return !0;
return !1
function Gh(a, b, c, d) {
for (var e = 0; e < a.length; ++e) {
var f = a[e];
if (!f.removed && f.listener == b && f.capture == !!c && f.handler == d)
return e
return -1
;var Ih = "closure_lm_" + (1E6 * Math.random() | 0)
, Jh = {}
, wga = 0;
function Kh(a, b, c, d, e) {
if (d && d.once)
return Lh(a, b, c, d, e);
if (Array.isArray(b)) {
for (var f = 0; f < b.length; f++)
Kh(a, b[f], c, d, e);
return null
c = Mh(c);
return Dh(a) ? a.listen(b, c, Ta(d) ? !!d.capture : !!d, e) : xga(a, b, c, !1, d, e)
function xga(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
if (!b)
throw Error("Invalid event type");
var h = Ta(e) ? !!e.capture : !!e
, k = Nh(a);
k || (a[Ih] = k = new Fh(a));
c = k.add(b, c, d, h, f);
if (c.proxy)
return c;
d = yga();
c.proxy = d;
d.src = a;
d.listener = c;
if (a.addEventListener)
rga || (e = h),
void 0 === e && (e = !1),
a.addEventListener(b.toString(), d, e);
else if (a.attachEvent)
a.attachEvent(zga(b.toString()), d);
else if (a.addListener && a.removeListener)
throw Error("addEventListener and attachEvent are unavailable.");
return c
function yga() {
function a(c) {
return, a.listener, c)
var b = Aga;
return a
function Lh(a, b, c, d, e) {
if (Array.isArray(b)) {
for (var f = 0; f < b.length; f++)
Lh(a, b[f], c, d, e);
return null
c = Mh(c);
return Dh(a) ? a.listenOnce(b, c, Ta(d) ? !!d.capture : !!d, e) : xga(a, b, c, !0, d, e)
function Oh(a, b, c, d, e) {
if (Array.isArray(b))
for (var f = 0; f < b.length; f++)
Oh(a, b[f], c, d, e);
d = Ta(d) ? !!d.capture : !!d,
c = Mh(c),
Dh(a) ? a.unlisten(b, c, d, e) : a && (a = Nh(a)) && (b = a.getListener(b, c, d, e)) && Ph(b)
function Ph(a) {
if ("number" !== typeof a && a && !a.removed) {
var b = a.src;
if (Dh(b))
Hh(b.eventTargetListeners_, a);
else {
var c = a.type
, d = a.proxy;
b.removeEventListener ? b.removeEventListener(c, d, a.capture) : b.detachEvent ? b.detachEvent(zga(c), d) : b.addListener && b.removeListener && b.removeListener(d);
(c = Nh(b)) ? (Hh(c, a),
0 == c.typeCount_ && (c.src = null,
b[Ih] = null)) : Eh(a)
function zga(a) {
return a in Jh ? Jh[a] : Jh[a] = "on" + a
function Bga(a, b) {
var c = a.listener
, d = a.handler || a.src;
a.callOnce && Ph(a);
return, b)
function Aga(a, b) {
return a.removed ? !0 : Bga(a, new Ch(b,this))
function Nh(a) {
a = a[Ih];
return a instanceof Fh ? a : null
var Qh = "__closure_events_fn_" + (1E9 * Math.random() >>> 0);
function Mh(a) {
if ("function" === typeof a)
return a;
a[Qh] || (a[Qh] = function(b) {
return a.handleEvent(b)
return a[Qh]
;function Rh() {;
this.eventTargetListeners_ = new Fh(this);
this.actualEventTarget_ = this;
this.parentEventTarget_ = null
bb(Rh, yh);
Rh.prototype[tga] = !0;
g = Rh.prototype;
g.getParentEventTarget = function() {
return this.parentEventTarget_
g.setParentEventTarget = function(a) {
this.parentEventTarget_ = a
g.addEventListener = function(a, b, c, d) {
Kh(this, a, b, c, d)
g.removeEventListener = function(a, b, c, d) {
Oh(this, a, b, c, d)
g.dispatchEvent = function(a) {
var b, c = this.getParentEventTarget();
if (c)
for (b = []; c; c = c.getParentEventTarget())
c = this.actualEventTarget_;
var d = a.type || a;
if ("string" === typeof a)
a = new Ah(a,c);
else if (a instanceof Ah) = || c;
else {
var e = a;
a = new Ah(d,c);
Xb(a, e)
e = !0;
if (b)
for (var f = b.length - 1; !a.propagationStopped_ && 0 <= f; f--) {
var h = a.currentTarget = b[f];
e = Sh(h, d, !0, a) && e
a.propagationStopped_ || (h = a.currentTarget = c,
e = Sh(h, d, !0, a) && e,
a.propagationStopped_ || (e = Sh(h, d, !1, a) && e));
if (b)
for (f = 0; !a.propagationStopped_ && f < b.length; f++)
h = a.currentTarget = b[f],
e = Sh(h, d, !1, a) && e;
return e
g.disposeInternal = function() {;
this.parentEventTarget_ = null
g.listen = function(a, b, c, d) {
return this.eventTargetListeners_.add(String(a), b, !1, c, d)
g.listenOnce = function(a, b, c, d) {
return this.eventTargetListeners_.add(String(a), b, !0, c, d)
g.unlisten = function(a, b, c, d) {
return this.eventTargetListeners_.remove(String(a), b, c, d)
g.removeAllListeners = function(a) {
return this.eventTargetListeners_ ? this.eventTargetListeners_.removeAll(a) : 0
function Sh(a, b, c, d) {
b = a.eventTargetListeners_.listeners[String(b)];
if (!b)
return !0;
b = b.concat();
for (var e = !0, f = 0; f < b.length; ++f) {
var h = b[f];
if (h && !h.removed && h.capture == c) {
var k = h.listener
, l = h.handler || h.src;
h.callOnce && Hh(a.eventTargetListeners_, h);
e = !1 !==, d) && e
return e && !d.defaultPrevented
g.getListener = function(a, b, c, d) {
return this.eventTargetListeners_.getListener(String(a), b, c, d)
g.hasListener = function(a, b) {
return this.eventTargetListeners_.hasListener(void 0 !== a ? String(a) : void 0, b)
function Th(a, b) {
this.limit_ = 100;
this.create_ = a;
this.reset_ = b;
this.occupants_ = 0;
this.head_ = null
Th.prototype.get = function() {
if (0 < this.occupants_) {
var a = this.head_;
this.head_ =; = null
} else
a = this.create_();
return a
Th.prototype.put = function(a) {
this.occupants_ < this.limit_ && (this.occupants_++, = this.head_,
this.head_ = a)
try {
(new self.OffscreenCanvas(0,0)).getContext("2d")
} catch (a) {}
var Cga = ce || ge;
function Dga(a, b) {
return a + Math.random() * (b - a)
;function Uh(a, b) {
this.x = void 0 !== a ? a : 0;
this.y = void 0 !== b ? b : 0
g = Uh.prototype;
g.clone = function() {
return new Uh(this.x,this.y)
g.equals = function(a) {
return a instanceof Uh && Ega(this, a)
function Ega(a, b) {
return a == b ? !0 : a && b ? a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y : !1
function Vh(a, b) {
return new Uh(a.x - b.x,a.y - b.y)
g.ceil = function() {
this.x = Math.ceil(this.x);
this.y = Math.ceil(this.y);
return this
g.floor = function() {
this.x = Math.floor(this.x);
this.y = Math.floor(this.y);
return this
g.round = function() {
this.x = Math.round(this.x);
this.y = Math.round(this.y);
return this
g.translate = function(a, b) {
a instanceof Uh ? (this.x += a.x,
this.y += a.y) : (this.x += Number(a),
"number" === typeof b && (this.y += b));
return this
g.scale = function(a, b) {
this.x *= a;
this.y *= "number" === typeof b ? b : a;
return this
function Wh(a, b) {
this.width = a;
this.height = b
function Fga(a, b) {
return a == b ? !0 : a && b ? a.width == b.width && a.height == b.height : !1
g = Wh.prototype;
g.clone = function() {
return new Wh(this.width,this.height)
g.aspectRatio = function() {
return this.width / this.height
g.isEmpty = function() {
return !(this.width * this.height)
g.ceil = function() {
this.width = Math.ceil(this.width);
this.height = Math.ceil(this.height);
return this
g.floor = function() {
this.width = Math.floor(this.width);
this.height = Math.floor(this.height);
return this
g.round = function() {
this.width = Math.round(this.width);
this.height = Math.round(this.height);
return this
g.scale = function(a, b) {
this.width *= a;
this.height *= "number" === typeof b ? b : a;
return this
function Xh(a) {
return a ? new Yh(Zh(a)) : Jaa || (Jaa = new Yh)
function Gga(a, b) {
return "string" === typeof b ? a.getElementById(b) : b
function $h(a, b) {
var c = b || document;
if (c.getElementsByClassName)
a = c.getElementsByClassName(a)[0];
else {
c = document;
var d = b || c;
a = d.querySelectorAll && d.querySelector && a ? d.querySelector(a ? "." + a : "") : ai(c, "*", a, b)[0] || null
return a || null
function ai(a, b, c, d) {
a = d || a;
b = b && "*" != b ? String(b).toUpperCase() : "";
if (a.querySelectorAll && a.querySelector && (b || c))
return a.querySelectorAll(b + (c ? "." + c : ""));
if (c && a.getElementsByClassName) {
a = a.getElementsByClassName(c);
if (b) {
d = {};
for (var e = 0, f = 0, h; h = a[f]; f++)
b == h.nodeName && (d[e++] = h);
d.length = e;
return d
return a
a = a.getElementsByTagName(b || "*");
if (c) {
d = {};
for (f = e = 0; h = a[f]; f++)
b = h.className,
"function" == typeof b.split && Db(b.split(/\s+/), c) && (d[e++] = h);
d.length = e;
return d
return a
function bi(a, b) {
Ob(b, function(c, d) {
c && "object" == typeof c && c.implementsGoogStringTypedString && (c = c.getTypedStringValue());
"style" == d ? = c : "class" == d ? a.className = c : "for" == d ? a.htmlFor = c : Hga.hasOwnProperty(d) ? a.setAttribute(Hga[d], c) : ic(d, "aria-") || ic(d, "data-") ? a.setAttribute(d, c) : a[d] = c
var Hga = {
cellpadding: "cellPadding",
cellspacing: "cellSpacing",
colspan: "colSpan",
frameborder: "frameBorder",
height: "height",
maxlength: "maxLength",
nonce: "nonce",
role: "role",
rowspan: "rowSpan",
type: "type",
usemap: "useMap",
valign: "vAlign",
width: "width"
function ci(a) {
a = (a || window).document;
a = di(a) ? a.documentElement : a.body;
return new Wh(a.clientWidth,a.clientHeight)
function ei(a) {
var b = fi(a);
a = a.parentWindow || a.defaultView;
return ce && a.pageYOffset != b.scrollTop ? new Uh(b.scrollLeft,b.scrollTop) : new Uh(a.pageXOffset || b.scrollLeft,a.pageYOffset || b.scrollTop)
function fi(a) {
return a.scrollingElement ? a.scrollingElement : !ge && di(a) ? a.documentElement : a.body || a.documentElement
function gi(a) {
return a ? a.parentWindow || a.defaultView : window
function hi(a, b, c) {
return Iga(document, arguments)
function Iga(a, b) {
var c = b[1]
, d = ii(a, String(b[0]));
c && ("string" === typeof c ? d.className = c : Array.isArray(c) ? d.className = c.join(" ") : bi(d, c));
2 < b.length && Jga(a, d, b, 2);
return d
function Jga(a, b, c, d) {
function e(k) {
k && b.appendChild("string" === typeof k ? a.createTextNode(k) : k)
for (; d < c.length; d++) {
var f = c[d];
if (!Sa(f) || Ta(f) && 0 < f.nodeType)
else {
a: {
if (f && "number" == typeof f.length) {
if (Ta(f)) {
var h = "function" == typeof f.item || "string" == typeof f.item;
break a
if ("function" === typeof f) {
h = "function" == typeof f.item;
break a
h = !1
Ab(h ? Fb(f) : f, e)
function ji(a) {
return ii(document, a)
function ii(a, b) {
b = String(b);
"application/xhtml+xml" === a.contentType && (b = b.toLowerCase());
return a.createElement(b)
function ki(a, b) {
var c = ii(a, "DIV");
ce ? (b = dd(fca, b),
qd(c, b),
c.removeChild(c.firstChild)) : qd(c, b);
if (1 == c.childNodes.length)
c = c.removeChild(c.firstChild);
else {
for (a = a.createDocumentFragment(); c.firstChild; )
c = a
return c
function di(a) {
return "CSS1Compat" == a.compatMode
function Kga(a, b) {
Jga(Zh(a), a, arguments, 1)
function li(a) {
for (var b; b = a.firstChild; )
function mi(a, b) {
b.parentNode && b.parentNode.insertBefore(a, b)
function ni(a, b) {
b.parentNode && b.parentNode.insertBefore(a, b.nextSibling)
function oi(a) {
return a && a.parentNode ? a.parentNode.removeChild(a) : null
function pi(a, b) {
var c = b.parentNode;
c && c.replaceChild(a, b)
function qi(a) {
return void 0 !== a.firstElementChild ? a.firstElementChild : Lga(a.firstChild)
function Lga(a) {
for (; a && 1 != a.nodeType; )
a = a.nextSibling;
return a
function ri(a) {
return Ta(a) && 1 == a.nodeType
function si(a, b) {
if (!a || !b)
return !1;
if (a.contains && 1 == b.nodeType)
return a == b || a.contains(b);
if ("undefined" != typeof a.compareDocumentPosition)
return a == b || !!(a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 16);
for (; b && a != b; )
b = b.parentNode;
return b == a
function Zh(a) {
return 9 == a.nodeType ? a : a.ownerDocument || a.document
function ti(a, b) {
if ("textContent"in a)
a.textContent = b;
else if (3 == a.nodeType) = String(b);
else if (a.firstChild && 3 == a.firstChild.nodeType) {
for (; a.lastChild != a.firstChild; )
a.removeChild(a.lastChild); = String(b)
} else
var Mga = {
HEAD: 1,
, Nga = {
IMG: " ",
BR: "\n"
function ui(a) {
return a.hasAttribute("tabindex") && Oga(a)
function vi(a, b) {
b ? a.tabIndex = 0 : (a.tabIndex = -1,
function Pga(a) {
var b;
(b = "A" == a.tagName && a.hasAttribute("href") || "INPUT" == a.tagName || "TEXTAREA" == a.tagName || "SELECT" == a.tagName || "BUTTON" == a.tagName ? !a.disabled && (!a.hasAttribute("tabindex") || Oga(a)) : ui(a)) && ce ? (a = "function" !== typeof a.getBoundingClientRect || ce && null == a.parentElement ? {
height: a.offsetHeight,
width: a.offsetWidth
} : a.getBoundingClientRect(),
a = null != a && 0 < a.height && 0 < a.width) : a = b;
return a
function Oga(a) {
a = a.tabIndex;
return "number" === typeof a && 0 <= a && 32768 > a
function wi(a) {
var b = [];
xi(a, b, !0);
a = b.join("");
a = a.replace(/ \xAD /g, " ").replace(/\xAD/g, "");
a = a.replace(/\u200B/g, "");
a = a.replace(/ +/g, " ");
" " != a && (a = a.replace(/^\s*/, ""));
return a
function Qga(a) {
var b = [];
xi(a, b, !1);
return b.join("")
function xi(a, b, c) {
if (!(a.nodeName in Mga))
if (3 == a.nodeType)
c ? b.push(String(a.nodeValue).replace(/(\r\n|\r|\n)/g, "")) : b.push(a.nodeValue);
else if (a.nodeName in Nga)
for (a = a.firstChild; a; )
xi(a, b, c),
a = a.nextSibling
function yi(a, b, c) {
if (!b && !c)
return null;
var d = b ? String(b).toUpperCase() : null;
return zi(a, function(e) {
return (!d || e.nodeName == d) && (!c || "string" === typeof e.className && Db(e.className.split(/\s+/), c))
}, !0)
function Ai(a, b) {
return yi(a, null, b)
function zi(a, b, c) {
a && !c && (a = a.parentNode);
for (c = 0; a; ) {
if (b(a))
return a;
a = a.parentNode;
return null
function Rga() {
var a = gi();
return void 0 !== a.devicePixelRatio ? a.devicePixelRatio : a.matchMedia ? Bi(3) || Bi(2) || Bi(1.5) || Bi(1) || .75 : 1
function Bi(a) {
return gi().matchMedia("(min-resolution: " + a + "dppx),(min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: " + a + "),(min-resolution: " + 96 * a + "dpi)").matches ? a : 0
function Yh(a) {
this.document_ = a || Na.document || document
g = Yh.prototype;
g.getDomHelper = Xh;
g.getElement = function(a) {
return Gga(this.document_, a)
g.$ = Yh.prototype.getElement;
g.getElementsByTagName = function(a, b) {
return (b || this.document_).getElementsByTagName(String(a))
g.getElementsByTagNameAndClass = function(a, b, c) {
return ai(this.document_, a, b, c)
g.getElementByClass = function(a, b) {
return $h(a, b || this.document_)
g.getRequiredElementByClass = function(a) {
return $h(a, this.document_)
g.$$ = Yh.prototype.getElementsByTagNameAndClass;
g.setProperties = bi;
g.createDom = function(a, b, c) {
return Iga(this.document_, arguments)
g.createElement = function(a) {
return ii(this.document_, a)
g.createTextNode = function(a) {
return this.document_.createTextNode(String(a))
g.getWindow = function() {
var a = this.document_;
return a.parentWindow || a.defaultView
g.appendChild = function(a, b) {
g.append = Kga;
g.canHaveChildren = function(a) {
if (1 != a.nodeType)
return !1;
switch (a.tagName) {
case "APPLET":
case "AREA":
case "BASE":
case "BR":
case "COL":
case "COMMAND":
case "EMBED":
case "FRAME":
case "HR":
case "IMG":
case "INPUT":
case "IFRAME":
case "ISINDEX":
case "KEYGEN":
case "LINK":
case "NOFRAMES":
case "NOSCRIPT":
case "META":
case "OBJECT":
case "PARAM":
case "SCRIPT":
case "SOURCE":
case "STYLE":
case "TRACK":
case "WBR":
return !1
return !0
g.removeChildren = li;
g.insertSiblingBefore = mi;
g.removeNode = oi;
function Sga(a) {
return void 0 != a.children ? a.children :, function(b) {
return 1 == b.nodeType
g.getFirstElementChild = qi;
g.contains = si;
g.getOwnerDocument = Zh;
g.isFocusable = Pga;
g.getTextContent = wi;
var Ci;
function Tga() {
var a = Na.MessageChannel;
"undefined" === typeof a && "undefined" !== typeof window && window.postMessage && window.addEventListener && !Nc("Presto") && (a = function() {
var e = ji("IFRAME"); = "none";
var f = e.contentWindow;
e = f.document;;
var h = "callImmediate" + Math.random()
, k = "file:" == f.location.protocol ? "*" : f.location.protocol + "//" +;
e = Xa(function(l) {
if (("*" == k || l.origin == k) && == h)
}, this);
f.addEventListener("message", e, !1);
this.port1 = {};
this.port2 = {
postMessage: function() {
f.postMessage(h, k)
if ("undefined" !== typeof a && !Qc()) {
var b = new a
, c = {}
, d = c;
b.port1.onmessage = function() {
if (void 0 !== {
c =;
var e = c.cb;
c.cb = null;
return function(e) { = {
cb: e
d =;
return function(e) {
Na.setTimeout(e, 0)
;function Di() {
this.workTail_ = this.workHead_ = null
Di.prototype.add = function(a, b) {
var c = Uga.get();
c.set(a, b);
this.workTail_ ? = c : this.workHead_ = c;
this.workTail_ = c
Di.prototype.remove = function() {
var a = null;
this.workHead_ && (a = this.workHead_,
this.workHead_ =,
this.workHead_ || (this.workTail_ = null), = null);
return a
var Uga = new Th(function() {
return new Ei
,function(a) {
return a.reset()
function Ei() { = this.scope = this.fn = null
Ei.prototype.set = function(a, b) {
this.fn = a;
this.scope = b; = null
Ei.prototype.reset = function() { = this.scope = this.fn = null
var Fi, Gi = !1, Vga = new Di;
function Hi(a, b) {
Fi || Wga();
Gi || (Fi(),
Gi = !0);
Vga.add(a, b)
function Wga() {
if (Na.Promise && Na.Promise.resolve) {
var a = Na.Promise.resolve(void 0);
Fi = function() {
} else
Fi = function() {
var b = Xga;
"function" !== typeof Na.setImmediate || Na.Window && Na.Window.prototype && !Rc() && Na.Window.prototype.setImmediate == Na.setImmediate ? (Ci || (Ci = Tga()),
Ci(b)) : Na.setImmediate(b)
function Xga() {
for (var a; a = Vga.remove(); ) {
try {
} catch (b) {
Gi = !1
;function Ii(a) {
this.state_ = 0;
this.result_ = void 0;
this.callbackEntriesTail_ = this.callbackEntries_ = this.parent_ = null;
this.hadUnhandledRejection_ = this.executing_ = !1;
if (a != od)
try {
var b = this; 0, function(c) {
Ji(b, 2, c)
}, function(c) {
Ji(b, 3, c)
} catch (c) {
Ji(this, 3, c)
function Yga() { = this.context = this.onRejected = this.onFulfilled = this.child = null;
this.always = !1
Yga.prototype.reset = function() {
this.context = this.onRejected = this.onFulfilled = this.child = null;
this.always = !1
var Zga = new Th(function() {
return new Yga
,function(a) {
function Ki(a, b, c) {
var d = Zga.get();
d.onFulfilled = a;
d.onRejected = b;
d.context = c;
return d
function Li(a) {
if (a instanceof Ii)
return a;
var b = new Ii(od);
Ji(b, 2, a);
return b
function $ga() {
var a = new Mi;
return new Ii(function(b, c) {
function Oi(a, b, c) {
aha(a, b, c, null) || Hi(Ya(b, a))
function bha(a) {
return new Ii(function(b, c) {
a.length || b(void 0);
for (var d = 0, e; d < a.length; d++)
e = a[d],
Oi(e, b, c)
function Pi(a) {
return new Ii(function(b, c) {
var d = a.length
, e = [];
if (d)
for (var f = function(m, n) {
e[m] = n;
0 == d && b(e)
}, h = function(m) {
}, k = 0, l; k < a.length; k++)
l = a[k],
Oi(l, Ya(f, k), h);
function cha(a) {
return new Ii(function(b) {
var c = a.length
, d = [];
if (c)
for (var e = function(k, l, m) {
d[k] = l ? {
fulfilled: !0,
value: m
} : {
fulfilled: !1,
reason: m
0 == c && b(d)
}, f = 0, h; f < a.length; f++)
h = a[f],
Oi(h, Ya(e, f, !0), Ya(e, f, !1));
Ii.prototype.then = function(a, b, c) {
return dha(this, "function" === typeof a ? a : null, "function" === typeof b ? b : null, c)
Ii.prototype.$goog_Thenable = !0;
function eha(a, b) {
b = Ki(b, b);
b.always = !0;
Qi(a, b);
return a
g = Ii.prototype;
g.thenCatch = function(a, b) {
return dha(this, null, a, b)
g.catch = Ii.prototype.thenCatch;
g.cancel = function(a) {
if (0 == this.state_) {
var b = new Mi(a);
Hi(function() {
fha(this, b)
}, this)
function fha(a, b) {
if (0 == a.state_)
if (a.parent_) {
var c = a.parent_;
if (c.callbackEntries_) {
for (var d = 0, e = null, f = null, h = c.callbackEntries_; h && (h.always || (d++,
h.child == a && (e = h),
!(e && 1 < d))); h =
e || (f = h);
e && (0 == c.state_ && 1 == d ? fha(c, b) : (f ? (d = f, == c.callbackEntriesTail_ && (c.callbackEntriesTail_ = d), = : gha(c),
hha(c, e, 3, b)))
a.parent_ = null
} else
Ji(a, 3, b)
function Qi(a, b) {
a.callbackEntries_ || 2 != a.state_ && 3 != a.state_ || iha(a);
a.callbackEntriesTail_ ? = b : a.callbackEntries_ = b;
a.callbackEntriesTail_ = b
function dha(a, b, c, d) {
var e = Ki(null, null, null);
e.child = new Ii(function(f, h) {
e.onFulfilled = b ? function(k) {
try {
var l =, k);
} catch (m) {
: f;
e.onRejected = c ? function(k) {
try {
var l =, k);
void 0 === l && k instanceof Mi ? h(k) : f(l)
} catch (m) {
: h
e.child.parent_ = a;
Qi(a, e);
return e.child
g.unblockAndFulfill_ = function(a) {
this.state_ = 0;
Ji(this, 2, a)
g.unblockAndReject_ = function(a) {
this.state_ = 0;
Ji(this, 3, a)
function Ji(a, b, c) {
0 == a.state_ && (a === c && (b = 3,
c = new TypeError("Promise cannot resolve to itself")),
a.state_ = 1,
aha(c, a.unblockAndFulfill_, a.unblockAndReject_, a) || (a.result_ = c,
a.state_ = b,
a.parent_ = null,
3 != b || c instanceof Mi || jha(a, c)))
function aha(a, b, c, d) {
if (a instanceof Ii)
return Qi(a, Ki(b || od, c || null, d)),
if (a)
try {
var e = !!a.$goog_Thenable
} catch (h) {
e = !1
e = !1;
if (e)
return a.then(b, c, d),
if (Ta(a))
try {
var f = a.then;
if ("function" === typeof f)
return kha(a, f, b, c, d),
} catch (h) {
return, h),
return !1
function kha(a, b, c, d, e) {
function f(l) {
k || (k = !0,, l))
function h(l) {
k || (k = !0,, l))
var k = !1;
try {, h, f)
} catch (l) {
function iha(a) {
a.executing_ || (a.executing_ = !0,
Hi(a.executeCallbacks_, a))
function gha(a) {
var b = null;
a.callbackEntries_ && (b = a.callbackEntries_,
a.callbackEntries_ =, = null);
a.callbackEntries_ || (a.callbackEntriesTail_ = null);
return b
g.executeCallbacks_ = function() {
for (var a; a = gha(this); )
hha(this, a, this.state_, this.result_);
this.executing_ = !1
function hha(a, b, c, d) {
if (3 == c && b.onRejected && !b.always)
for (; a && a.hadUnhandledRejection_; a = a.parent_)
a.hadUnhandledRejection_ = !1;
if (b.child)
b.child.parent_ = null,
lha(b, c, d);
try {
b.always ? : lha(b, c, d)
} catch (e) {, e)
function lha(a, b, c) {
2 == b ?, c) : a.onRejected &&, c)
function jha(a, b) {
a.hadUnhandledRejection_ = !0;
Hi(function() {
a.hadUnhandledRejection_ &&, b)
var mha = Vd;
function Mi(a) {, a)
bb(Mi, ub); = "cancel";
function Ri(a, b) {;
this.interval_ = a || 1;
this.timerObject_ = b || Na;
this.boundTick_ = Xa(this.tick_, this);
this.last_ = $a()
bb(Ri, Rh);
g = Ri.prototype;
g.enabled = !1;
g.timer_ = null;
g.setInterval = function(a) {
this.interval_ = a;
this.timer_ && this.enabled ? (this.stop(),
this.start()) : this.timer_ && this.stop()
g.tick_ = function() {
if (this.enabled) {
var a = $a() - this.last_;
0 < a && a < .8 * this.interval_ ? this.timer_ = this.timerObject_.setTimeout(this.boundTick_, this.interval_ - a) : (this.timer_ && (this.timerObject_.clearTimeout(this.timer_),
this.timer_ = null),
this.enabled && (this.stop(),
g.start = function() {
this.enabled = !0;
this.timer_ || (this.timer_ = this.timerObject_.setTimeout(this.boundTick_, this.interval_),
this.last_ = $a())
g.stop = function() {
this.enabled = !1;
this.timer_ && (this.timerObject_.clearTimeout(this.timer_),
this.timer_ = null)
g.disposeInternal = function() {;
delete this.timerObject_
function Si(a, b, c) {
if ("function" === typeof a)
c && (a = Xa(a, c));
else if (a && "function" == typeof a.handleEvent)
a = Xa(a.handleEvent, a);
throw Error("Invalid listener argument");
return 2147483647 < Number(b) ? -1 : Na.setTimeout(a, b || 0)
function Ti(a) {
function Ui(a, b) {
var c = null;
return (new Ii(function(d, e) {
c = Si(function() {
}, a);
-1 == c && e(Error("Failed to schedule timer."))
)).thenCatch(function(d) {
throw d;
;function Vi(a) {;
this.streamzLogger_ = a;
this.metricMap = new Map;
this.disabledMetrics_ = new Set;
this.invocationCount = 0;
this.invocationLimit = 100;
this.flushInterval = 3E4;
this.flushTimer = new Ri(this.flushInterval);
this.flushTimer.listen("tick", this.snapshotAndFlush, !1, this);
zh(this, this.flushTimer);
this.sendIsolatedPayload_ = !1
v(Vi, yh);
g = Vi.prototype;
g.snapshotAndFlush = function() {
var a = this.metricMap.values();
a = [].concat(ha(a)).filter(function(b) {
return b.cellMap_.size
a.length && this.streamzLogger_.flush(a, this.sendIsolatedPayload_);
this.invocationCount = 0;
this.flushTimer.enabled && this.flushTimer.stop()
g.addNewCounter = function(a) {
var b = Ha.apply(1, arguments);
this.metricMap.has(a) || this.metricMap.set(a, new wh(a,b))
g.getMetric = function(a) {
return this.disabledMetrics_.has(a) ? void 0 : this.metricMap.get(a)
g.incrementCounter = function(a) {
this.incrementCounterBy.apply(this, [a, 1].concat(ha(Ha.apply(1, arguments))))
g.incrementCounterBy = function(a, b) {
var c = Ha.apply(2, arguments)
, d = this.getMetric(a);
d && d instanceof wh && (d.incrementCounterBy(b, c),
this.flushTimer.enabled || this.flushTimer.start(),
this.invocationCount >= this.invocationLimit && this.snapshotAndFlush())
g.record = function(a) {
function nha(a) {
for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++)
;function Wi(a) {
this.metricName_ = "/client_streamz/drive_sharing/share_client/command/count";
this.streamzService_ = a;
this.streamzService_.addNewCounter(this.metricName_, {
field_type: 3,
field_name: "foreign_service"
}, {
field_type: 3,
field_name: "command"
}, {
field_type: 3,
field_name: "error_reason"
}, {
field_type: 1,
field_name: "success"
Wi.prototype.increment = function(a, b, c, d) {
this.streamzService_.incrementCounter(this.metricName_, a, b, c, d)
Wi.prototype.getMetric = function() {
return this.streamzService_.getMetric(this.metricName_)
function Xi(a) {
this.metricName_ = "/client_streamz/drive_sharing/share_client/init/send_init_command/count";
this.streamzService_ = a;
this.streamzService_.addNewCounter(this.metricName_, {
field_type: 3,
field_name: "foreign_service"
}, {
field_type: 3,
field_name: "path"
}, {
field_type: 3,
field_name: "status"
}, {
field_type: 1,
field_name: "is_first_call"
}, {
field_type: 1,
field_name: "is_waiting_for_init"
}, {
field_type: 1,
field_name: "is_iframe_null"
Xi.prototype.increment = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
this.streamzService_.incrementCounter(this.metricName_, a, b, c, d, e, f)
Xi.prototype.getMetric = function() {
return this.streamzService_.getMetric(this.metricName_)
function Yi(a) {
this.metricName_ = "/client_streamz/drive_sharing/share_client/init/set_client_model/count";
this.streamzService_ = a;
this.streamzService_.addNewCounter(this.metricName_, {
field_type: 3,
field_name: "foreign_service"
}, {
field_type: 3,
field_name: "path"
}, {
field_type: 3,
field_name: "status"
}, {
field_type: 1,
field_name: "is_first_call"
}, {
field_type: 1,
field_name: "is_waiting_for_init"
}, {
field_type: 1,
field_name: "is_iframe_null"
Yi.prototype.increment = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
this.streamzService_.incrementCounter(this.metricName_, a, b, c, d, e, f)
Yi.prototype.getMetric = function() {
return this.streamzService_.getMetric(this.metricName_)
function Zi(a) {
this.metricName_ = "/client_streamz/drive_sharing/share_client/init/init_command_complete/count";
this.streamzService_ = a;
this.streamzService_.addNewCounter(this.metricName_, {
field_type: 3,
field_name: "foreign_service"
}, {
field_type: 3,
field_name: "path"
}, {
field_type: 3,
field_name: "status"
}, {
field_type: 1,
field_name: "is_first_call"
}, {
field_type: 1,
field_name: "is_waiting_for_init"
}, {
field_type: 1,
field_name: "is_iframe_null"
Zi.prototype.increment = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
this.streamzService_.incrementCounter(this.metricName_, a, b, c, d, e, f)
Zi.prototype.getMetric = function() {
return this.streamzService_.getMetric(this.metricName_)
function $i(a) {
this.metricName_ = "/client_streamz/drive_sharing/share_client/init/check_cancel_init_command_timeout/count";
this.streamzService_ = a;
this.streamzService_.addNewCounter(this.metricName_, {
field_type: 3,
field_name: "foreign_service"
}, {
field_type: 3,
field_name: "path"
}, {
field_type: 3,
field_name: "status"
}, {
field_type: 1,
field_name: "is_first_call"
}, {
field_type: 1,
field_name: "is_waiting_for_init"
}, {
field_type: 1,
field_name: "is_iframe_null"
$i.prototype.increment = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
this.streamzService_.incrementCounter(this.metricName_, a, b, c, d, e, f)
$i.prototype.getMetric = function() {
return this.streamzService_.getMetric(this.metricName_)
function aj(a) {
this.metricName_ = "/client_streamz/drive_sharing/share_client/init/capture_path/unset";
this.streamzService_ = a;
this.streamzService_.addNewCounter(this.metricName_, {
field_type: 3,
field_name: "callsite"
}, {
field_type: 3,
field_name: "foreign_service"
}, {
field_type: 3,
field_name: "resolved_path"
}, {
field_type: 3,
field_name: "path_resolution_status"
aj.prototype.increment = function(a, b, c, d) {
this.streamzService_.incrementCounter(this.metricName_, a, b, c, d)
aj.prototype.getMetric = function() {
return this.streamzService_.getMetric(this.metricName_)
function bj(a) {
this.metricName_ = "/client_streamz/drive_sharing/share_client/init/capture_path/already_set";
this.streamzService_ = a;
this.streamzService_.addNewCounter(this.metricName_, {
field_type: 3,
field_name: "callsite"
}, {
field_type: 3,
field_name: "foreign_service"
}, {
field_type: 3,
field_name: "current_path"
}, {
field_type: 3,
field_name: "resolved_path"
}, {
field_type: 3,
field_name: "path_resolution_status"
bj.prototype.increment = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
this.streamzService_.incrementCounter(this.metricName_, a, b, c, d, e)
bj.prototype.getMetric = function() {
return this.streamzService_.getMetric(this.metricName_)
function oha(a, b) {
b = fd(b);
void 0 !== b && (a.href = b)
;function pha(a, b, c, d) {
if (0 === a.length)
throw Error("");
a = {
if (f instanceof zb)
f = f.privateDoNotAccessOrElseWrappedAttrPrefix;
throw Error("");
return f
var e = c.toLowerCase();
if (a.every(function(f) {
return 0 !== e.indexOf(f)
throw Error('Attribute "' + c + '" does not match any of the allowed prefixes.');
b.setAttribute(c, d)
;function cj(a, b) {
a.src = cc(b).toString()
var qha = {
function rha(a, b) {
var c =, a + " cannot be used with intent " + qha[b]);
this.message = c.message;
"stack"in c && (this.stack = c.stack);
this.type = a;
this.intent = b; = "TypeCannotBeUsedWithIntentError"
v(rha, Error);
function sha(a) {
var b, c, d = null == (c = (b = (a.ownerDocument && a.ownerDocument.defaultView || window).document).querySelector) ? void 0 :, "script[nonce]");
(b = d ? d.nonce || d.getAttribute("nonce") || "" : "") && a.setAttribute("nonce", b)
function dj(a, b) {
a.src = cc(b);
;function tha(a) {
var b = document;
a = String(a);
var c = void 0;
"inserthtml" === a.toLowerCase() && (c = Zc());
b.execCommand(a, !1, c)
;function ej(a, b, c, d) {
b = fd(b);
return void 0 !== b ?, c, d) : null
;function uha(a) {
this.servicePromise_ = a;
a.then(Xa(function() {}, this), function() {}, this)
function fj(a, b, c) {
return a.servicePromise_.then(function(d) {
var e = d[b];
if (!e)
throw Error("Method not found: " + b);
return e.apply(d, c)
function vha(a, b, c) {
for (var d = Array(arguments.length - 2), e = 2; e < arguments.length; e++)
d[e - 2] = arguments[e];
e = wha(a, b).then(function(f) {
return f.apply(null, d)
return new uha(e)
var xha = {};
function wha(a, b) {
var c = xha[b];
if (c)
return c;
c = (c = Pa(b)) ? Li(c) : (new Ii(function(d, e) {
var f = (new Yh(document)).createElement("SCRIPT");
f.async = !0;
dj(f, fc(a));
f.onload = f.onreadystatechange = function() {
f.readyState && "loaded" != f.readyState && "complete" != f.readyState || d()
f.onerror = e;
(document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]).appendChild(f)
)).then(function() {
var d = Pa(b);
if (!d)
throw Error("Failed to load " + b + " from " + a);
return d
return xha[b] = c
;function gj(a) {
this.loader_ = a
gj.prototype.startHelp = function(a) {
fj(this.loader_, "startHelp", arguments)
gj.prototype.loadChatSupport = function(a) {
fj(this.loader_, "loadChatSupport", arguments)
gj.prototype.requestSurvey = function(a) {
fj(this.loader_, "requestSurvey", arguments).thenCatch(function() {}, this)
gj.prototype.presentSurvey = function(a) {
fj(this.loader_, "presentSurvey", arguments).thenCatch(function() {}, this)
var yha = yb("");
wha(yha, "help.service.Lazy.create").thenCatch(function() {});
function zha(a) {
a = a || {};
a = vha(yha, "help.service.Lazy.create", "" + hj.LISTNR_PRODUCT_ID, {
apiKey: a.apiKey || a.apiKey,
environment: a.environment || a.environment,
helpCenterPath: a.helpCenterPath || a.helpCenterPath,
locale: a.locale || a.locale || "en".replace(/-/g, "_"),
nonce: a.nonce || a.nonce,
productData: a.productData || a.productData,
receiverUri: a.receiverUri || a.receiverUri,
renderApiUri: a.renderApiUri || a.renderApiUri,
theme: a.theme || a.theme,
window: a.window || a.window
return new gj(a)
;function ij(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(ij, P);
ij.prototype.getDetail = function() {
return zg(this, 1)
ij.prototype.getDescription = function() {
return zg(this, 2)
ij.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Aha(this)
function Aha(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
detail: Q(L(a, 1)),
description: Q(L(a, 2))
;function jj(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(jj, P);
jj.prototype.getLine = function() {
return vg(this, 1)
jj.prototype.setLine = function(a) {
return Wf(this, 1, a, 0)
jj.prototype.clearLine = function() {
return Vf(this, 1)
jj.prototype.toObject = function() {
return kj(this)
function kj(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
line: vg(a, 1),
character: vg(a, 2)
;function lj(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(lj, P);
g = lj.prototype;
g.getStart = function() {
return J(this, jj, 1)
g.setStart = function(a) {
return fg(this, jj, 1, a)
g.getEnd = function() {
return J(this, jj, 2)
g.setEnd = function(a) {
return fg(this, jj, 2, a)
g.toObject = function() {
return mj(this)
function mj(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
start: kj(a.getStart()),
end: kj(a.getEnd())
;function nj(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(nj, P);
g = nj.prototype;
g.getNewText = function() {
return zg(this, 1)
g.getInsert = function() {
return J(this, lj, 2)
g.setInsert = function(a) {
return fg(this, lj, 2, a)
g.hasInsert = function() {
return If(this, lj, 2)
g.toObject = function() {
return Bha(this)
function Bha(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
newText: zg(a, 1),
insert: mj(a.getInsert()),
replace: mj(J(a, lj, 3))
;function oj(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(oj, P);
oj.prototype.getValue = function() {
return zg(this, 2)
oj.prototype.setValue = function(a) {
return rg(this, 2, a)
oj.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Cha(this)
function Cha(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
kind: Ag(a, 1, 0),
value: zg(a, 2)
;function pj(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(pj, P);
g = pj.prototype;
g.getRange = function() {
return J(this, lj, 1)
g.setRange = function(a) {
fg(this, lj, 1, a)
g.clearRange = function() {
return Vf(this, 1)
g.getNewText = function() {
return zg(this, 2)
g.toObject = function() {
return qj(this)
function qj(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
range: mj(a.getRange()),
newText: zg(a, 2),
annotationId: zg(a, 3)
;function rj(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(rj, P);
rj.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Dha(this)
function Dha(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
privateDoNotAccessOrElseSafeHtmlWrappedValue: Q(L(a, 2))
;function sj(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(sj, P);
g = sj.prototype;
g.getLabel = function() {
return zg(this, 1)
g.setLabel = function(a) {
return rg(this, 1, a)
g.getDetail = function() {
return zg(this, 3)
g.getData = function() {
return zg(this, 10)
g.setData = function(a) {
return rg(this, 10, a)
g.clearData = function() {
return Vf(this, 10)
g.getScore = function() {
return yg(this, 13)
g.getAttributes = function(a) {
return Cg(this, 25, a)
sj.repeatedFields_ = [9, 16, 21, 25];
sj.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Eha(this)
function Eha(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
label: zg(a, 1),
labelDetails: Aha(J(a, ij, 26)),
kind: Ag(a, 2, 0),
detail: zg(a, 3),
dependency: zg(a, 19),
dependencyLink: zg(a, 20),
markupDocumentation: Cha(J(a, oj, 24)),
preselect: N(a, 27),
sortText: zg(a, 5),
filterText: zg(a, 6),
insertText: zg(a, 7),
insertTextFormat: Ag(a, 14, 0),
insertTextMode: Ag(a, 28, 0),
textEdit: qj(J(a, pj, 8)),
insertReplaceEdit: Bha(J(a, nj, 29)),
additionalTextEditsList: ih(eg(a, pj, 9), qj),
data: zg(a, 10),
visibility: Ag(a, 11, 0),
score: yg(a, 13),
commitCharactersList: Q(og(a, 16)),
producersList: Q(og(a, 21)),
debugInfo: zg(a, 22),
deprecated: N(a, 23),
attributesList: Q(og(a, 25)),
documentation: zg(a, 4),
htmlDocumentation: Dha(J(a, rj, 15))
;function tj(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(tj, P);
tj.prototype.setItems = function(a, b) {
Nf(this, 2, sj, a, b)
tj.repeatedFields_ = [2, 3, 6];
tj.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Fha(this)
function Fha(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
isIncomplete: N(a, 1),
itemsList: ih(eg(a, sj, 2), Eha),
usedDepotPathsList: Q(og(a, 3)),
prefixStart: kj(J(a, jj, 4)),
positionTagsList: Q(og(a, 6))
;function uj(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(uj, P);
uj.prototype.getUri = function() {
return zg(this, 1)
uj.prototype.setUri = function(a) {
return rg(this, 1, a)
uj.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Gha(this)
function Gha(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
uri: zg(a, 1)
;function vj(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(vj, P);
vj.prototype.getPosition = function() {
return J(this, jj, 2)
vj.prototype.setPosition = function(a) {
return fg(this, jj, 2, a)
vj.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Hha(this)
function Hha(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
textDocument: Gha(J(a, uj, 1)),
position: kj(a.getPosition())
;function wj(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(wj, P);
wj.prototype.getCount = function() {
return vg(this, 2)
wj.prototype.setCount = function(a) {
Wf(this, 2, a, 0)
wj.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Iha(this)
function Iha(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
activityType: zg(a, 1),
count: vg(a, 2),
walltimeUsec: xg(a, 3),
totalDurationUsec: xg(a, 4),
totalBytes: xg(a, 5)
;function xj(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(xj, P);
xj.prototype.getExperiments = function() {
return Cg(this, 1)
xj.prototype.setExperiments = function(a) {
Yf(this, 1, a, wf(void 0), og)
xj.repeatedFields_ = [1];
xj.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Jha(this)
function Jha(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
experimentsList: Q(og(a, 1))
;function yj(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(yj, P);
yj.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Kha(this)
function Kha(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
triggerKind: Ag(a, 1, 0),
triggerCharacter: zg(a, 2)
;function zj(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(zj, P);
zj.prototype.getTypeName = function() {
return zg(this, 1).split("/").pop()
zj.prototype.getValue = function() {
var a = G(this, 2);
if (Array.isArray(a) || a instanceof P)
throw Error("Cannot access the Any.value field on Any protos encoded using the jspb format, call unpackJspb instead");
a = Qf(this, 2);
return null == a ? Be() : a
zj.prototype.setValue = function(a) {
if (null == a)
var b = this;
else if (Array.isArray(a))
b = H(this, 2, Tg(a));
else if ("string" === typeof a || a instanceof Ae || xe(a)) {
b = this.internalArray_;
var c = $e(b);
a = kf(a, !1, !1);
Hf(b, c, 2, null == a || a.isEmpty() ? void 0 : a);
b = this
} else
throw Error("invalid value in Any.value field: " + a + " expected a ByteString, a base64 encoded string, a Uint8Array or a jspb array");
return b
zj.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Aj(this)
function Aj(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
typeUrl: zg(a, 1),
value: hga(a)
var Lha = [zj, 1, cga, 2, Vfa];
function Bj(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Bj, P);
g = Bj.prototype;
g.getSettings = function(a) {
return Cg(this, 2, a)
g.getRequestId = function() {
return zg(this, 3)
g.setRequestId = function(a) {
return rg(this, 3, a)
g.getUsername = function() {
return zg(this, 6)
g.setUsername = function(a) {
rg(this, 6, a)
g.getLanguage = function() {
return Ag(this, 13, 0)
g.clearLanguage = function() {
return Vf(this, 13)
g.getSessionId = function() {
return zg(this, 15)
Bj.repeatedFields_ = [2, 9, 17];
Bj.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Mha(this)
function Mha(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
isForwarded: N(a, 1),
cellLocal: N(a, 14),
forwardedVia: zg(a, 7),
settingsList: Q(og(a, 2)),
tabSize: vg(a, 10),
requestId: zg(a, 3),
toolTag: zg(a, 4),
userIp: zg(a, 5),
username: zg(a, 6),
isWarmup: N(a, 8),
extensionsList: ih(eg(a, zj, 9), Aj),
interactionId: wg(a, 11),
clientVersion: zg(a, 12),
language: Ag(a, 13, 0),
sessionId: zg(a, 15),
documentVersion: vg(a, 16),
mendelExperimentIdsList: Q(kg(a, 17)),
documentGeneration: wg(a, 18)
;function Cj(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Cj, P);
function Nha(a) {
a = a.internalArray_;
var b = $e(a)
, c = Gf(a, b, 3);
return vfa(a, b, c)
Cj.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Oha(this)
function Oha(a) {
if (null != a) {
var b = zg(a, 4);
var c = void 0 === c ? 0 : c;
c = ug(G(a, 2), c);
return {
citcWorkspaceId: b,
citcSnapshotVersion: c,
dirtyBuffersMap: gga(Nha(a)),
workspaceAlias: zg(a, 7)
;function Dj(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Dj, P);
g = Dj.prototype;
g.getCursor = function() {
return J(this, vj, 1)
g.setCursor = function(a) {
return fg(this, vj, 1, a)
g.getTarget = function() {
return zg(this, 3)
g.setTarget = function(a) {
rg(this, 3, a)
g.getOptions = function() {
return J(this, Bj, 4)
g.setOptions = function(a) {
return fg(this, Bj, 4, a)
g.hasOptions = function() {
return If(this, Bj, 4)
g.setMaxResults = function(a) {
Wf(this, 5, a, 0)
g.toObject = function() {
if (null != this) {
var a = {
cursor: Hha(this.getCursor()),
workspaceState: Oha(J(this, Cj, 2)),
target: zg(this, 3),
options: Mha(this.getOptions()),
maxResults: vg(this, 5),
completionContext: Kha(J(this, yj, 6))
} else
a = void 0;
return a
function Ej(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Ej, P);
Ej.prototype.getCode = function() {
return Ag(this, 2, 0)
Ej.prototype.setCode = function(a) {
return Wf(this, 2, a, 0)
Ej.prototype.getDetail = function() {
return zg(this, 3)
Ej.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Pha(this)
function Pha(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
backend: zg(a, 1),
code: Ag(a, 2, 0),
detail: zg(a, 3)
;function Fj(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Fj, P);
Fj.prototype.addEntries = function(a, b) {
return ig(this, 1, Ej, a, b)
Fj.repeatedFields_ = [1];
Fj.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Qha(this)
function Qha(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
entriesList: ih(eg(a, Ej, 1), Pha)
;function Gj(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Gj, P);
Gj.prototype.getRequestId = function() {
return zg(this, 5)
Gj.prototype.setRequestId = function(a) {
return rg(this, 5, a)
Gj.prototype.getStatus = function() {
return J(this, Fj, 6)
Gj.prototype.setStatus = function(a) {
fg(this, Fj, 6, a)
Gj.repeatedFields_ = [8, 12];
Gj.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Rha(this)
function Rha(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
statusMessage: zg(a, 1),
statusSeverity: Ag(a, 2, 0),
stalenessMillis: vg(a, 3),
latencyMillis: vg(a, 4),
requestId: zg(a, 5),
status: Qha(a.getStatus()),
servingCell: zg(a, 7),
activitiesList: ih(eg(a, wj, 8), Iha),
latencyDetails: zg(a, 9),
traceId: zg(a, 10),
spanId: zg(a, 11),
requestLogList: Q(og(a, 12))
;function Hj(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a, 0, Hj.messageId)
v(Hj, P);
Hj.prototype.getStats = function() {
return J(this, Gj, 3)
Hj.prototype.getExperiments = function() {
return J(this, xj, 4)
Hj.prototype.setExperiments = function(a) {
fg(this, xj, 4, a)
Hj.prototype.hasExperiments = function() {
return If(this, xj, 4)
var Sha = mh(Hj);
Hj.prototype.toObject = function() {
if (null != this) {
var a = {
completions: Fha(J(this, tj, 1)),
statusMessage: zg(this, 2),
stats: Rha(this.getStats()),
experiments: Jha(this.getExperiments())
} else
a = void 0;
return a
Hj.messageId = "CompletionResponse";
function Ij(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Ij, P);
Ij.repeatedFields_ = [1, 2, 3, 4];
Ij.prototype.toObject = function() {
if (null != this) {
var a = {
byGaiaList: Q(kg(this, 1)),
byPseudonymousList: Q(kg(this, 2)),
alwaysList: Q(kg(this, 3)),
byOtherList: Q(kg(this, 4))
} else
a = void 0;
return a
function Jj(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Jj, P);
Jj.repeatedFields_ = [2];
Jj.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Tha(this)
function Tha(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
clearBlob: kh(Qf(a, 1)),
clearBlobJs: Q(L(a, 4)),
encryptedBlobList: kh(Sf(a, 2, $e(a.internalArray_) & 18 ? rfa : sfa)),
usersMatch: Q(I(a, 3))
;function Kj(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Kj, P);
g = Kj.prototype;
g.getSeconds = function() {
return xg(this, 1)
g.setSeconds = function(a) {
return Wf(this, 1, a, 0)
g.getNanos = function() {
return vg(this, 2)
g.toDate = function() {
var a = this.getSeconds()
, b = this.getNanos();
return new Date(1E3 * a + b / 1E6)
g.toObject = function() {
return Uha(this)
function Uha(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
seconds: xg(a, 1),
nanos: vg(a, 2)
;function Lj(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Lj, P);
Lj.prototype.getDescription = function() {
return L(this, 6)
Lj.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Vha(this)
function Vha(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
entityType: Q(G(a, 4)),
presence: Q(G(a, 1)),
memberCount: Q(G(a, 2)),
avatarUrl: Q(L(a, 3)),
developerName: Q(L(a, 5)),
description: Q(L(a, 6)),
dndState: Q(G(a, 7)),
organizationInfo: mga(J(a, rh, 8)),
segmentedMembershipCounts: oga(J(a, uh, 9)),
isMembershipVisibleToCaller: Q(I(a, 10))
;function Mj(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Mj, P);
Mj.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Wha(this)
function Wha(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
actorId: Q(L(a, 1)),
subtitle: Q(L(a, 2))
;function Nj(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Nj, P);
g = Nj.prototype;
g.getIdCase = function() {
return ag(this, Oj)
g.getProfileId = function() {
return zg(this, Lf(this, Oj, 1))
g.setProfileId = function(a) {
return qg(this, 1, Oj, a)
g.hasProfileId = function() {
return null != Dg(this, 1, Oj)
g.getEmail = function() {
return zg(this, Lf(this, Oj, 2))
g.setEmail = function(a) {
return qg(this, 2, Oj, a)
g.hasEmail = function() {
return null != Dg(this, 2, Oj)
g.getPhone = function() {
return zg(this, Lf(this, Oj, 3))
g.setPhone = function(a) {
return qg(this, 3, Oj, a)
var Oj = [1, 2, 3];
Nj.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Pj(this)
function Pj(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
profileId: Q(Dg(a, 1, Oj)),
email: Q(Dg(a, 2, Oj)),
phone: Q(Dg(a, 3, Oj))
;function Qj(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Qj, P);
Qj.repeatedFields_ = [3];
Qj.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Xha(this)
function Xha(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
hideType: Q(G(a, 1)),
hiddenKeysList: ih(eg(a, Nj, 3), Pj),
familyStatus: Q(G(a, 2))
;function Rj(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Rj, P);
Rj.repeatedFields_ = [3];
Rj.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Sj(this)
function Sj(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
hideType: Q(G(a, 1)),
hiddenKeysList: ih(eg(a, Nj, 3), Pj),
familyStatus: Q(G(a, 2)),
birthdayStatus: Q(G(a, 4))
;function Tj(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Tj, P);
g = Tj.prototype;
g.getState = function() {
return G(this, 2)
g.getState_legacyNullable = function() {
return G(this, 2)
g.setState = function(a) {
H(this, 2, a)
g.hasState = function() {
return Pg(this, 2)
g.toObject = function() {
return Yha(this)
function Yha(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
contextType: Q(G(a, 1)),
state: Q(G(a, 2))
;function Uj(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Uj, P);
Uj.prototype.getApplication = function() {
return Ag(this, 1, 0)
Uj.prototype.setApplication = function(a) {
return H(this, 1, a)
Uj.prototype.getApplicationOrUndefined = function() {
return Mg(this, 1)
Uj.repeatedFields_ = [2];
Uj.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Zha(this)
function Zha(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
application: Ag(a, 1, 0),
stateStatusList: ih(eg(a, Tj, 2), Yha)
;function Vj(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Vj, P);
Vj.prototype.getCode = function() {
return vg(this, 1)
Vj.prototype.setCode = function(a) {
return Wf(this, 1, a, 0)
Vj.prototype.getMessage = function() {
return zg(this, 2)
Vj.prototype.setMessage = function(a) {
return rg(this, 2, a)
var $ha = mh(Vj);
Vj.repeatedFields_ = [3];
Vj.prototype.toObject = function() {
if (null != this) {
var a = {
code: vg(this, 1),
message: zg(this, 2),
detailsList: ih(eg(this, zj, 3), Aj)
} else
a = void 0;
return a
var aia = iga([Vj, 1, Zfa, 2, cga, 3, dga, Lha]);
function Wj(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Wj, P);
Wj.prototype.toObject = function() {
return bia(this)
function bia(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
featureType: Ag(a, 1, 0),
weight: yg(a, 2, 0),
exponent: yg(a, 3, 1)
;function Xj(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Xj, P);
Xj.prototype.getAffinityVersion = function() {
return K(this, 1)
Xj.prototype.setAffinityVersion = function(a) {
H(this, 1, a)
Xj.prototype.getAffinityVersionOrUndefined = function() {
return Kg(this, 1)
Xj.prototype.setAffinityType = function(a) {
return pg(this, 4, a)
Xj.repeatedFields_ = [3];
Xj.prototype.toObject = function() {
return cia(this)
function cia(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
affinityVersion: Q(K(a, 1)),
affinityThreshold: Q(Pf(a, 2)),
featureList: ih(eg(a, Wj, 3), bia),
affinityType: Q(L(a, 4))
;function Yj(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Yj, P);
Yj.prototype.getSeconds = function() {
return xg(this, 1)
Yj.prototype.setSeconds = function(a) {
return Wf(this, 1, a, 0)
Yj.prototype.getNanos = function() {
return vg(this, 2)
Yj.prototype.toObject = function() {
return dia(this)
function dia(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
seconds: xg(a, 1),
nanos: vg(a, 2)
;function Zj(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Zj, P);
Zj.prototype.toObject = function() {
if (null != this) {
var a = {}
} else
a = void 0;
return a
function eia(a) {
if (!a)
return "";
if (/^about:(?:blank|srcdoc)$/.test(a))
return window.origin || "";
a.startsWith("blob:") && (a = a.substring(5));
a = a.split("#")[0].split("?")[0];
a = a.toLowerCase();
0 == a.indexOf("//") && (a = window.location.protocol + a);
/^[\w\-]*:\/\//.test(a) || (a = window.location.href);
var b = a.substring(a.indexOf("://") + 3)
, c = b.indexOf("/");
-1 != c && (b = b.substring(0, c));
c = a.substring(0, a.indexOf("://"));
if (!c)
throw Error("URI is missing protocol: " + a);
if ("http" !== c && "https" !== c && "chrome-extension" !== c && "moz-extension" !== c && "file" !== c && "android-app" !== c && "chrome-search" !== c && "chrome-untrusted" !== c && "chrome" !== c && "app" !== c && "devtools" !== c)
throw Error("Invalid URI scheme in origin: " + c);
a = "";
var d = b.indexOf(":");
if (-1 != d) {
var e = b.substring(d + 1);
b = b.substring(0, d);
if ("http" === c && "80" !== e || "https" === c && "443" !== e)
a = ":" + e
return c + "://" + b + a
;function fia(a) {
if (a.getValues && "function" == typeof a.getValues)
return a.getValues();
if ("undefined" !== typeof Map && a instanceof Map || "undefined" !== typeof Set && a instanceof Set)
return Array.from(a.values());
if ("string" === typeof a)
return a.split("");
if (Sa(a)) {
for (var b = [], c = a.length, d = 0; d < c; d++)
return b
return Rb(a)
function gia(a) {
if (a.getKeys && "function" == typeof a.getKeys)
return a.getKeys();
if (!a.getValues || "function" != typeof a.getValues) {
if ("undefined" !== typeof Map && a instanceof Map)
return Array.from(a.keys());
if (!("undefined" !== typeof Set && a instanceof Set)) {
if (Sa(a) || "string" === typeof a) {
var b = [];
a = a.length;
for (var c = 0; c < a; c++)
return b
return Sb(a)
function ak(a, b, c) {
if (a.forEach && "function" == typeof a.forEach)
a.forEach(b, c);
else if (Sa(a) || "string" === typeof a), b, c);
for (var d = gia(a), e = fia(a), f = e.length, h = 0; h < f; h++), e[h], d && d[h], a)
;var hia = RegExp("^(?:([^:/?#.]+):)?(?://(?:([^\\\\/?#]*)@)?([^\\\\/?#]*?)(?::([0-9]+))?(?=[\\\\/?#]|$))?([^?#]+)?(?:\\?([^#]*))?(?:#([\\s\\S]*))?$");
function iia(a) {
a = a.match(hia)[1] || null;
!a && Na.self && Na.self.location && (a = Na.self.location.protocol.slice(0, -1));
return a ? a.toLowerCase() : ""
function jia(a, b) {
if (a) {
a = a.split("&");
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
var d = a[c].indexOf("=")
, e = null;
if (0 <= d) {
var f = a[c].substring(0, d);
e = a[c].substring(d + 1)
} else
f = a[c];
b(f, e ? wd(e) : "")
function kia(a, b) {
if (!b)
return a;
var c = a.indexOf("#");
0 > c && (c = a.length);
var d = a.indexOf("?");
if (0 > d || d > c) {
d = c;
var e = ""
} else
e = a.substring(d + 1, c);
a = [a.slice(0, d), e, a.slice(c)];
c = a[1];
a[1] = b ? c ? c + "&" + b : b : c;
return a[0] + (a[1] ? "?" + a[1] : "") + a[2]
function bk(a, b, c) {
if (Array.isArray(b))
for (var d = 0; d < b.length; d++)
bk(a, String(b[d]), c);
null != b && c.push(a + ("" === b ? "" : "=" + vd(b)))
function lia(a, b) {
var c = [];
for (b = b || 0; b < a.length; b += 2)
bk(a[b], a[b + 1], c);
return c.join("&")
function ck(a, b) {
var c = 2 == arguments.length ? lia(arguments[1], 0) : lia(arguments, 1);
return kia(a, c)
function dk(a, b, c) {
c = null != c ? "=" + vd(c) : "";
return kia(a, b + c)
function mia(a, b, c, d) {
for (var e = c.length; 0 <= (b = a.indexOf(c, b)) && b < d; ) {
var f = a.charCodeAt(b - 1);
if (38 == f || 63 == f)
if (f = a.charCodeAt(b + e),
!f || 61 == f || 38 == f || 35 == f)
return b;
b += e + 1
return -1
var nia = /#|$/;
function oia() {
var a = window.location.href
, b =
, c = mia(a, 0, "ved", b);
if (0 > c)
return null;
var d = a.indexOf("&", c);
if (0 > d || d > b)
d = b;
return wd(a.slice(c + 4, -1 !== d ? d : 0))
var pia = /[?&]($|#)/;
function qia(a, b) {
for (var c =, d = 0, e, f = []; 0 <= (e = mia(a, d, b, c)); )
f.push(a.substring(d, e)),
d = Math.min(a.indexOf("&", e) + 1 || c, c);
return f.join("").replace(pia, "$1")
function ria(a) {
var b = Gd();
return dk(qia(a, "zx"), "zx", b)
;function ek(a, b) {
this.domain_ = this.userInfo_ = this.scheme_ = "";
this.port_ = null;
this.fragment_ = this.path_ = "";
this.ignoreCase_ = this.isReadOnly_ = !1;
if (a instanceof ek) {
this.ignoreCase_ = void 0 !== b ? b : a.ignoreCase_;
fk(this, a.scheme_);
var c = a.getUserInfo();
this.userInfo_ = c;
hk(this, a.getDomain());
ik(this, a.getPort());
jk(this, a.queryData_.clone());
kk(this, a.fragment_)
} else
a && (c = String(a).match(hia)) ? (this.ignoreCase_ = !!b,
fk(this, c[1] || "", !0),
a = c[2] || "",
this.userInfo_ = lk(a),
hk(this, c[3] || "", !0),
ik(this, c[4]),
this.setPath(c[5] || "", !0),
jk(this, c[6] || "", !0),
kk(this, c[7] || "", !0)) : (this.ignoreCase_ = !!b,
this.queryData_ = new mk(null,this.ignoreCase_))
g = ek.prototype;
g.toString = function() {
var a = []
, b = this.scheme_;
b && a.push(nk(b, sia, !0), ":");
var c = this.getDomain();
if (c || "file" == b)
(b = this.getUserInfo()) && a.push(nk(b, sia, !0), "@"),
a.push(vd(c).replace(/%25([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/g, "%$1")),
c = this.getPort(),
null != c && a.push(":", String(c));
if (c = this.getPath())
this.domain_ && "/" != c.charAt(0) && a.push("/"),
a.push(nk(c, "/" == c.charAt(0) ? tia : uia, !0));
(c = this.queryData_.toString()) && a.push("?", c);
(c = this.fragment_) && a.push("#", nk(c, via));
return a.join("")
g.resolve = function(a) {
var b = this.clone()
, c = !!a.scheme_;
c ? fk(b, a.scheme_) : c = !!a.userInfo_;
if (c) {
var d = a.getUserInfo();
b.userInfo_ = d
} else
c = !!a.domain_;
c ? hk(b, a.getDomain()) : c = null != a.port_;
d = a.getPath();
if (c)
ik(b, a.getPort());
else if (c = !!a.path_) {
if ("/" != d.charAt(0))
if (this.domain_ && !this.path_)
d = "/" + d;
else {
var e = b.getPath().lastIndexOf("/");
-1 != e && (d = b.getPath().slice(0, e + 1) + d)
e = d;
if (".." == e || "." == e)
d = "";
else if (mc(e, "./") || mc(e, "/.")) {
d = ic(e, "/");
e = e.split("/");
for (var f = [], h = 0; h < e.length; ) {
var k = e[h++];
"." == k ? d && h == e.length && f.push("") : ".." == k ? ((1 < f.length || 1 == f.length && "" != f[0]) && f.pop(),
d && h == e.length && f.push("")) : (f.push(k),
d = !0)
d = f.join("/")
} else
d = e
c ? b.setPath(d) : c = a.hasQuery();
c ? jk(b, a.queryData_.clone()) : c = !!a.fragment_;
c && kk(b, a.fragment_);
return b
g.clone = function() {
return new ek(this)
function fk(a, b, c) {
a.scheme_ = c ? lk(b, !0) : b;
a.scheme_ && (a.scheme_ = a.scheme_.replace(/:$/, ""));
return a
g.getUserInfo = function() {
return this.userInfo_
g.getDomain = function() {
return this.domain_
function hk(a, b, c) {
a.domain_ = c ? lk(b, !0) : b
g.getPort = function() {
return this.port_
function ik(a, b) {
if (b) {
b = Number(b);
if (isNaN(b) || 0 > b)
throw Error("Bad port number " + b);
a.port_ = b
} else
a.port_ = null
g.getPath = function() {
return this.path_
g.setPath = function(a, b) {
this.path_ = b ? lk(a, !0) : a;
return this
g.hasQuery = function() {
return "" !== this.queryData_.toString()
function jk(a, b, c) {
b instanceof mk ? (a.queryData_ = b,
a.queryData_.setIgnoreCase(a.ignoreCase_)) : (c || (b = nk(b, wia)),
a.queryData_ = new mk(b,a.ignoreCase_));
return a
g.setQuery = function(a) {
return jk(this, a)
g.getQuery = function() {
return this.queryData_.toString()
function ok(a, b, c) {
a.queryData_.set(b, c);
return a
function pk(a, b) {
return a.queryData_.get(b)
function kk(a, b, c) {
a.fragment_ = c ? lk(b) : b;
return a
function qk(a) {
ok(a, "zx", Gd());
return a
g.removeParameter = function(a) {
return this
g.setReadOnly = function(a) {
this.isReadOnly_ = a
g.isReadOnly = function() {
return this.isReadOnly_
function gk(a) {
if (a.isReadOnly_)
throw Error("Tried to modify a read-only Uri");
g.setIgnoreCase = function(a) {
this.ignoreCase_ = a;
this.queryData_ && this.queryData_.setIgnoreCase(a)
function rk(a, b) {
return a instanceof ek ? a.clone() : new ek(a,b)
function lk(a, b) {
return a ? b ? decodeURI(a.replace(/%25/g, "%2525")) : decodeURIComponent(a) : ""
function nk(a, b, c) {
return "string" === typeof a ? (a = encodeURI(a).replace(b, xia),
c && (a = a.replace(/%25([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/g, "%$1")),
a) : null
function xia(a) {
a = a.charCodeAt(0);
return "%" + (a >> 4 & 15).toString(16) + (a & 15).toString(16)
var sia = /[#\/\?@]/g
, uia = /[#\?:]/g
, tia = /[#\?]/g
, wia = /[#\?@]/g
, via = /#/g;
function mk(a, b) {
this.count_ = this.keyMap_ = null;
this.encodedQuery_ = a || null;
this.ignoreCase_ = !!b
function sk(a) {
a.keyMap_ || (a.keyMap_ = new Map,
a.count_ = 0,
a.encodedQuery_ && jia(a.encodedQuery_, function(b, c) {
a.add(wd(b), c)
g = mk.prototype;
g.getCount = function() {
return this.count_
g.add = function(a, b) {
this.encodedQuery_ = null;
a = tk(this, a);
var c = this.keyMap_.get(a);
c || this.keyMap_.set(a, c = []);
this.count_ += 1;
return this
g.remove = function(a) {
a = tk(this, a);
return this.keyMap_.has(a) ? (this.encodedQuery_ = null,
this.count_ -= this.keyMap_.get(a).length,
this.keyMap_.delete(a)) : !1
g.clear = function() {
this.keyMap_ = this.encodedQuery_ = null;
this.count_ = 0
g.isEmpty = function() {
return 0 == this.count_
g.containsKey = function(a) {
a = tk(this, a);
return this.keyMap_.has(a)
g.forEach = function(a, b) {
this.keyMap_.forEach(function(c, d) {
c.forEach(function(e) {, e, d, this)
}, this)
}, this)
g.getKeys = function() {
for (var a = Array.from(this.keyMap_.values()), b = Array.from(this.keyMap_.keys()), c = [], d = 0; d < b.length; d++)
for (var e = a[d], f = 0; f < e.length; f++)
return c
g.getValues = function(a) {
var b = [];
if ("string" === typeof a)
this.containsKey(a) && (b = b.concat(this.keyMap_.get(tk(this, a))));
else {
a = Array.from(this.keyMap_.values());
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++)
b = b.concat(a[c])
return b
g.set = function(a, b) {
this.encodedQuery_ = null;
a = tk(this, a);
this.containsKey(a) && (this.count_ -= this.keyMap_.get(a).length);
this.keyMap_.set(a, [b]);
this.count_ += 1;
return this
g.get = function(a, b) {
if (!a)
return b;
a = this.getValues(a);
return 0 < a.length ? String(a[0]) : b
g.setValues = function(a, b) {
0 < b.length && (this.encodedQuery_ = null,
this.keyMap_.set(tk(this, a), Fb(b)),
this.count_ += b.length)
g.toString = function() {
if (this.encodedQuery_)
return this.encodedQuery_;
if (!this.keyMap_)
return "";
for (var a = [], b = Array.from(this.keyMap_.keys()), c = 0; c < b.length; c++) {
var d = b[c]
, e = vd(d);
d = this.getValues(d);
for (var f = 0; f < d.length; f++) {
var h = e;
"" !== d[f] && (h += "=" + vd(d[f]));
return this.encodedQuery_ = a.join("&")
g.clone = function() {
var a = new mk;
a.encodedQuery_ = this.encodedQuery_;
this.keyMap_ && (a.keyMap_ = new Map(this.keyMap_),
a.count_ = this.count_);
return a
function tk(a, b) {
b = String(b);
a.ignoreCase_ && (b = b.toLowerCase());
return b
g.setIgnoreCase = function(a) {
a && !this.ignoreCase_ && (sk(this),
this.encodedQuery_ = null,
this.keyMap_.forEach(function(b, c) {
var d = c.toLowerCase();
c != d && (this.remove(c),
this.setValues(d, b))
}, this));
this.ignoreCase_ = a
g.extend = function(a) {
for (var b = 0; b < arguments.length; b++)
ak(arguments[b], function(c, d) {
this.add(d, c)
}, this)
var uk = {}
, vk = {}
, wk = {}
, yia = {}
, zia = {};
function xk() {
throw Error("Do not instantiate directly");
xk.prototype.contentDir = null;
xk.prototype.getContent = function() {
return this.content
xk.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.content
xk.prototype.toSafeHtml = function() {
if (this.contentKind !== uk)
throw Error("Sanitized content was not of kind HTML.");
return ad(this.toString())
function yk() {
bb(yk, xk);
yk.prototype.contentKind = uk;
function zk() {
bb(zk, xk);
zk.prototype.contentKind = vk;
zk.prototype.contentDir = 1;
function Ak(a, b) {
return null != a && a.contentKind === b
;function Aia(a) {
var b = a
, c = Bia;
a = b;
var d = ""
, e = 1;
0 > b && (b = -b);
if (Infinity === b)
a = (Infinity * Math.sign(a)).toString();
else {
for (var f = 0; f < Cia.length; f++) {
var h = Cia[f];
e = c[h];
if (b >= e || 1 >= e && b > .1 * e) {
d = h;
d || (e = 1);
b = Math.pow(10, 2);
a = Math.round(a / e * b) / b + "" + d
return a
var Cia = "Y Z E P T G M K m u n".split(" ")
, Bia = {
"": 1,
n: Math.pow(1024, -3),
u: Math.pow(1024, -2),
m: 1 / 1024,
k: 1024,
K: 1024,
M: Math.pow(1024, 2),
G: Math.pow(1024, 3),
T: Math.pow(1024, 4),
P: Math.pow(1024, 5),
E: Math.pow(1024, 6),
Z: Math.pow(1024, 7),
Y: Math.pow(1024, 8)
function Dia(a) {
if (null != a)
switch (a.contentDir) {
case 1:
return 1;
case -1:
return -1;
case 0:
return 0
return null
function Bk(a) {
return Ak(a, uk) ? a : a instanceof Xc ? Ck(Yc(a)) : a instanceof Xc ? Ck(Zc(a).toString()) : Ck(String(String(a)).replace(Eia, Dk), Dia(a))
var Ck = function(a) {
function b(c) {
this.content = c
b.prototype = a.prototype;
return function(c, d) {
c = new b(String(c));
void 0 !== d && (c.contentDir = d);
return c
function Fia(a) {
if (null == a)
throw Error("unexpected null value");
return a
var Ek = function(a) {
function b(c) {
this.content = c
b.prototype = a.prototype;
return function(c, d) {
c = String(c);
if (!c)
return "";
c = new b(c);
void 0 !== d && (c.contentDir = d);
return c
, Fk = function(a) {
function b(c) {
this.content = c
b.prototype = a.prototype;
return function(c) {
return (c = String(c)) ? new b(c) : ""
function Gk(a) {
return Ak(a, uk) ? a : Ck(Gia(a, Hia), Dia(a))
var Iia = RegExp("^<(?:area|base|br|col|command|embed|hr|img|input|keygen|link|meta|param|source|track|wbr)\\b");
function Gia(a, b) {
if (!b)
return String(a).replace(Jia, "").replace(Kia, "&lt;");
a = String(a).replace(/\[/g, "&#91;");
var c = []
, d = [];
a = a.replace(Jia, function(f, h) {
if (h && (h = h.toLowerCase(),
b.hasOwnProperty(h) && b[h])) {
var k = c.length
, l = "</"
, m = "";
if ("/" != f.charAt(1)) {
l = "<";
for (var n; n = Lia.exec(f); )
if (n[1] && "dir" == n[1].toLowerCase()) {
if (f = n[2]) {
if ("'" == f.charAt(0) || '"' == f.charAt(0))
f = f.substr(1, f.length - 2);
f = f.toLowerCase();
if ("ltr" == f || "rtl" == f || "auto" == f)
m = ' dir="' + f + '"'
Lia.lastIndex = 0
c[k] = l + h + ">";
d[k] = m;
return "[" + k + "]"
return ""
a = Hk(a);
var e = Mia(c);
a = a.replace(/\[(\d+)\]/g, function(f, h) {
return d[h] && c[h] ? c[h].substr(0, c[h].length - 1) + d[h] + ">" : c[h]
return a + e
function Ik(a) {
return a.replace(/<\//g, "<\\/").replace(/\]\]>/g, "]]\\>")
function Mia(a) {
for (var b = [], c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; ++c) {
var e = a[c];
"/" == e.charAt(1) ? (e = b.lastIndexOf(e),
0 > e ? a[c] = "" : (a[c] = b.slice(e).reverse().join(""),
b.length = e)) : "<li>" == e && 0 > b.lastIndexOf("</ol>") && 0 > b.lastIndexOf("</ul>") ? a[c] = "" : Iia.test(e) || b.push("</" + e.substring(1))
return b.reverse().join("")
function S(a) {
return Ak(a, uk) ? Hk(Gia(a.getContent())) : String(a).replace(Eia, Dk)
function Jk(a) {
Ak(a, vk) || Ak(a, wk) ? a = Kk(a) : a instanceof qc ? a = Kk(rc(a)) : a instanceof qc ? a = Kk(rc(a)) : a instanceof ac ? a = Kk(bc(a)) : a instanceof ac ? a = Kk(cc(a).toString()) : (a = String(a),
a = Nia.test(a) ? a.replace(Lk, Mk) : "about:invalid#zSoyz");
return a
function Nk(a) {
Ak(a, vk) || Ak(a, wk) ? a = Kk(a) : a instanceof qc ? a = Kk(rc(a)) : a instanceof qc ? a = Kk(rc(a)) : a instanceof ac ? a = Kk(bc(a)) : a instanceof ac ? a = Kk(cc(a).toString()) : (a = String(a),
a = Oia.test(a) ? a.replace(Lk, Mk) : "about:invalid#zSoyz");
return a
function Ok(a) {
Ak(a, zia) ? a = Ik(a.getContent()) : null == a ? a = "" : a instanceof Ac ? a = Ik(Bc(a)) : a instanceof Ac ? a = Ik(Bc(a)) : a instanceof Fc ? a = Ik(Ic(a)) : a instanceof Fc ? a = Ik(Ic(a)) : (a = String(a),
a = Pia.test(a) ? a : "zSoyz");
return a
var Qia = {
"\x00": "&#0;",
"\t": "&#9;",
"\n": "&#10;",
"\v": "&#11;",
"\f": "&#12;",
"\r": "&#13;",
" ": "&#32;",
'"': "&quot;",
"&": "&amp;",
"'": "&#39;",
"-": "&#45;",
"/": "&#47;",
"<": "&lt;",
"=": "&#61;",
">": "&gt;",
"`": "&#96;",
"\u0085": "&#133;",
"\u00a0": "&#160;",
"\u2028": "&#8232;",
"\u2029": "&#8233;"
function Dk(a) {
return Qia[a]
var Ria = {
"\x00": "%00",
"\u0001": "%01",
"\u0002": "%02",
"\u0003": "%03",
"\u0004": "%04",
"\u0005": "%05",
"\u0006": "%06",
"\u0007": "%07",
"\b": "%08",
"\t": "%09",
"\n": "%0A",
"\v": "%0B",
"\f": "%0C",
"\r": "%0D",
"\u000e": "%0E",
"\u000f": "%0F",
"\u0010": "%10",
"\u0011": "%11",
"\u0012": "%12",
"\u0013": "%13",
"\u0014": "%14",
"\u0015": "%15",
"\u0016": "%16",
"\u0017": "%17",
"\u0018": "%18",
"\u0019": "%19",
"\u001a": "%1A",
"\u001b": "%1B",
"\u001c": "%1C",
"\u001d": "%1D",
"\u001e": "%1E",
"\u001f": "%1F",
" ": "%20",
'"': "%22",
"'": "%27",
"(": "%28",
")": "%29",
"<": "%3C",
">": "%3E",
"\\": "%5C",
"{": "%7B",
"}": "%7D",
"\u007f": "%7F",
"\u0085": "%C2%85",
"\u00a0": "%C2%A0",
"\u2028": "%E2%80%A8",
"\u2029": "%E2%80%A9",
"\uff01": "%EF%BC%81",
"\uff03": "%EF%BC%83",
"\uff04": "%EF%BC%84",
"\uff06": "%EF%BC%86",
"\uff07": "%EF%BC%87",
"\uff08": "%EF%BC%88",
"\uff09": "%EF%BC%89",
"\uff0a": "%EF%BC%8A",
"\uff0b": "%EF%BC%8B",
"\uff0c": "%EF%BC%8C",
"\uff0f": "%EF%BC%8F",
"\uff1a": "%EF%BC%9A",
"\uff1b": "%EF%BC%9B",
"\uff1d": "%EF%BC%9D",
"\uff1f": "%EF%BC%9F",
"\uff20": "%EF%BC%A0",
"\uff3b": "%EF%BC%BB",
"\uff3d": "%EF%BC%BD"
function Mk(a) {
return Ria[a]
var Eia = /[\x00\x22\x26\x27\x3c\x3e]/g
, Sia = /[\x00\x22\x27\x3c\x3e]/g
, Lk = /[\x00- \x22\x27-\x29\x3c\x3e\\\x7b\x7d\x7f\x85\xa0\u2028\u2029\uff01\uff03\uff04\uff06-\uff0c\uff0f\uff1a\uff1b\uff1d\uff1f\uff20\uff3b\uff3d]/g
, Pia = /^(?!-*(?:expression|(?:moz-)?binding))(?:(?:[.#]?-?(?:[_a-z0-9-]+)(?:-[_a-z0-9-]+)*-?|(?:calc|cubic-bezier|hsl|hsla|hue-rotate|invert|linear-gradient|max|min|rgb|rgba|rotate|rotateZ|translate|translate3d|translateX|translateY)\((?:[-\u0020\t,+.!#%_0-9a-zA-Z]|(?:calc|cubic-bezier|hsl|hsla|hue-rotate|invert|linear-gradient|max|min|rgb|rgba|rotate|rotateZ|translate|translate3d|translateX|translateY)\([-\u0020\t,+.!#%_0-9a-zA-Z]+\))+\)|[-+]?(?:[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)(?:e-?[0-9]+)?(?:[a-z]{1,4}|%)?|!important)(?:\s*[,\u0020]\s*|$))*$/i
, Nia = /^(?!javascript:)(?:[a-z0-9+.-]+:|[^&:\/?#]*(?:[\/?#]|$))/i
, Oia = /^[^&:\/?#]*(?:[\/?#]|$)|^https?:|^ftp:|^data:image\/[a-z0-9+]+;base64,[a-z0-9+\/]+=*$|^blob:/i
, Tia = /^(?!on|src|(?:action|archive|background|cite|classid|codebase|content|data|dsync|href|http-equiv|longdesc|style|usemap)\s*$)(?:[a-z0-9_$:-]*)$/i;
function Hk(a) {
return String(a).replace(Sia, Dk)
function Kk(a) {
return String(a).replace(Lk, Mk)
var Jia = /<(?:!|\/?([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9:\-]*))(?:[^>'"]|"[^"]*"|'[^']*')*>/g
, Kia = /</g
, Hia = {
b: !0,
br: !0,
em: !0,
i: !0,
s: !0,
strong: !0,
sub: !0,
sup: !0,
u: !0
, Lia = /([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9:\-]*)[\t\n\r\u0020]*=[\t\n\r\u0020]*("[^"]*"|'[^']*')/g;
function Uia(a) {
function b(n) {
if (h)
return n = $c(n),
n = Yc(n).replace(/(^|[\n\r\t ]) /g, "$1&#160;").replace(/(\t+)/g, '<span style="white-space:pre">$1</span>'),
f && (n = n.replace(/(\r\n|\r|\n)/g, "<br>")),
f ? n instanceof Xc || (n = $c(n),
n = ad(Yc(n).replace(/(\r\n|\r|\n)/g, "<br>"))) : n = $c(n);
return n
var c = {}
, d = Object.assign({}, c)
, e = void 0 === c.attributes ? {} : c.attributes
, f = c.preserveNewlines
, h = c.preserveSpacesAndTabs;
delete d.attributes;
delete d.preserveNewlines;
delete d.preserveSpacesAndTabs;
if (-1 == a.indexOf("@") && -1 == a.indexOf("://") && -1 == a.indexOf("www.") && -1 == a.indexOf("Www.") && -1 == a.indexOf("WWW."))
return b(a);
var k = {}, l;
for (l in e)
k[l] = e[l] ? e[l] : null;
"rel"in k || (k.rel = "nofollow");
"target"in k || ( = "_blank");
var m = [];
a.replace(Via, function(n, p, q, t, A) {
if (!q)
return "";
n = "";
t ? (n = "mailto:",
q = t,
t = "") : (A || (n = "http://"),
t = q.match(Wia),
!t || mc(t[2], ")") && Cd(t[1], "(") > Cd(t[1], ")") || mc(t[2], "}") && Cd(t[1], "{") > Cd(t[1], "}") ? t = "" : (q = t[1],
t = t[2]));
k.href = n + q;
m.push(bd("a", k, q));
return ""
return dd(m)
var Wia = RegExp("^(.*?)([':;,\\.?}\\]\\)!]+)$")
, Via = RegExp("([\\S\\s]*?)(\\b(?:mailto:)?([\\w.!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{|}~]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\.(?:com|org|net|edu|gov|aero|biz|cat|coop|info|int|jobs|mobi|museum|name|pro|travel|arpa|asia|xxx|[a-z][a-z])\\b)|\\b(?:(https?|ftp)://|www\\.)[\\w#-;!=?@\\[\\\\\\]_`{|}~]+|$)", "gi");
var Xia = 0;
var Yia = RegExp("^((http(s)?):)?\\/\\/((((lh[3-6](-tt|-d[a-g,z]|-testonly)?\\.((ggpht)|(googleusercontent)|(google)|(sandbox\\.google)))|(lh7\\-(eu|us)\\.googleusercontent)|((photos|testonly|work)\\.fife\\.usercontent\\.google)|([\\w\\-]+\\.fife\\.usercontent\\.google)|(([1-4]\\.bp\\.blogspot)|(bp[0-3]\\.blogger))|(ccp-lh\\.googleusercontent)|((((cp|ci|gp)[3-6])|(ap[1-2]))\\.(ggpht|googleusercontent))|(gm[1-4]\\.ggpht)|(play-(ti-)?lh\\.googleusercontent)|(gz0\\.googleusercontent)|(((yt[3-4])|(sp[1-3]))\\.(ggpht|googleusercontent)))\\.com)|(dp[3-6]\\.googleusercontent\\.cn)|(lh[3-6]\\.(googleadsserving\\.cn|xn--9kr7l\\.com))|(photos\\-image\\-(dev|qa)(-auth|-cookie)?\\.corp\\.google\\.com)|(photos\\-image\\-dev\\-dl\\-(auth|eu|us)\\.corp\\.google\\.com)|((dev|dev2|dev3|qa|qa2|qa3|qa-red|qa-blue|canary)[-.]lighthouse\\.sandbox\\.google\\.com\\/image)|(image\\-(dev|qa)\\-lighthouse(-auth)?\\.sandbox\\.google\\.com(\\/image)?))\\/", "i")
, Zia = /^(https?:)?\/\/sp[1-4]\.((ggpht)|(googleusercontent))\.com\//i
, $ia = /^(https?:)?\/\/(qa(-red|-blue)?|dev2?|image-dev)(-|\.)lighthouse(-auth)?\.sandbox\.google\.com\//i
, aja = /^(https?:)?\/\/lighthouse-(qa(-red|-blue)?|dev2)\.corp\.google\.com\//i;
function Pk(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Pk, P);
g = Pk.prototype;
g.getSize = function() {
return K(this, 1)
g.setSize = function(a) {
return H(this, 1, a)
g.getWidth = function() {
return K(this, 12)
g.setWidth = function(a) {
return H(this, 12, a)
g.hasWidth = function() {
return Ng(this, 12)
g.getHeight = function() {
return K(this, 13)
g.setHeight = function(a) {
return H(this, 13, a)
g.setStretch = function(a) {
return lg(this, 33, a)
g.setCrop = function(a) {
return lg(this, 2, a)
g.setCircleCrop = function(a) {
return lg(this, 51, a)
g.setImageCrop = function(a) {
return lg(this, 32, a)
g.setSmartCrop = function(a) {
return lg(this, 19, a)
g.setSmartCropNoClip = function(a) {
return lg(this, 52, a)
g.setSmartCropUseFace = function(a) {
return lg(this, 67, a)
g.setDetectFaces = function(a) {
lg(this, 80, a)
g.setCenterCrop = function(a) {
return lg(this, 20, a)
g.setPad = function(a) {
return lg(this, 60, a)
g.setDownload = function(a) {
lg(this, 3, a)
g.setHtml = function(a) {
lg(this, 4, a)
g.setObjectId = function(a) {
H(this, 7, a)
g.setLooseFaceCrop = function(a) {
return lg(this, 65, a)
g.setFaceCropVersion = function(a) {
H(this, 94, a)
g.setFrameId = function(a) {
H(this, 29, a)
g.setTileX = function(a) {
H(this, 9, a)
g.setTileY = function(a) {
H(this, 10, a)
g.setTileZoom = function(a) {
H(this, 11, a)
g.setTileGeneration = function(a) {
lg(this, 14, a)
g.setForceTileGeneration = function(a) {
lg(this, 34, a)
g.setTilePyramidAsProto = function(a) {
lg(this, 72, a)
g.setExpirationTime = function(a) {
H(this, 15, a)
g.setImageFilter = function(a) {
return pg(this, 16, a)
g.setKillAnimation = function(a) {
return lg(this, 17, a)
g.setUnfiltered = function(a) {
lg(this, 18, a)
g.setUnfilteredWithTransforms = function(a) {
lg(this, 45, a)
g.setIncludeMetadata = function(a) {
lg(this, 22, a)
g.setIncludePublicMetadata = function(a) {
lg(this, 54, a)
g.setStripGoogleData = function(a) {
lg(this, 82, a)
g.setPreserveGoogleData = function(a) {
lg(this, 83, a)
g.setStripMetadata = function(a) {
lg(this, 93, a)
g.setStripGeoinfo = function(a) {
lg(this, 95, a)
g.setEsPortraitApprovedOnly = function(a) {
return lg(this, 21, a)
g.setBypassTakedown = function(a) {
lg(this, 23, a)
g.getToken = function() {
return L(this, 24)
g.setToken = function(a) {
return pg(this, 24, a)
g.setVersionedToken = function(a) {
pg(this, 36, a)
g.setSkipRefererCheck = function(a) {
lg(this, 6, a)
g.setRotate = function(a) {
return H(this, 26, a)
g.setHorizontalFlip = function(a) {
lg(this, 30, a)
g.setVerticalFlip = function(a) {
lg(this, 31, a)
g.setOverlay = function(a) {
return lg(this, 27, a)
g.setQueryString = function(a) {
pg(this, 28, a)
g.setRequestJpeg = function(a) {
return lg(this, 57, a)
g.setRequestPng = function(a) {
return lg(this, 58, a)
g.setRequestGif = function(a) {
lg(this, 59, a)
g.setRequestAvif = function(a) {
lg(this, 103, a)
g.setRequestWebp = function(a) {
return lg(this, 35, a)
g.setRequestWebpUnlessMaybeTransparent = function(a) {
lg(this, 41, a)
g.setRequestAnimatedWebp = function(a) {
lg(this, 64, a)
g.setNoWebp = function(a) {
lg(this, 48, a)
g.setRequestH264 = function(a) {
return lg(this, 49, a)
g.setLossy = function(a) {
lg(this, 97, a)
g.setNoOverlay = function(a) {
return lg(this, 37, a)
g.setBorderSize = function(a) {
H(this, 38, a)
g.setBorderRadius = function(a) {
H(this, 86, a)
g.setBorderColor = function(a) {
H(this, 39, a)
g.setBackgroundColor = function(a) {
return H(this, 87, a)
g.setPadColor = function(a) {
H(this, 88, a)
g.setSubstitutionColor = function(a) {
H(this, 89, a)
g.setNoSilhouette = function(a) {
lg(this, 40, a)
g.setFocusBlur = function(a) {
H(this, 42, a)
g.setFocalPlane = function(a) {
H(this, 43, a)
g.setQualityLevel = function(a) {
return H(this, 44, a)
g.setQualityBucket = function(a) {
return H(this, 62, a)
g.setNoUpscale = function(a) {
lg(this, 46, a)
g.setPreserveAspectRatio = function(a) {
lg(this, 61, a)
g.setForceTransformation = function(a) {
lg(this, 50, a)
g.setNoDefaultImage = function(a) {
lg(this, 53, a)
g.setNoCorrectExifOrientation = function(a) {
lg(this, 55, a)
g.setSelectFrameNumber = function(a) {
H(this, 56, a)
g.setVideoFormat = function(a) {
H(this, 63, a)
g.setVideoMultiFormat = function(a) {
pg(this, 81, a)
g.setVideoManifest = function(a) {
lg(this, 98, a)
g.setDownloadVideo = function(a) {
lg(this, 90, a)
g.setVideoBegin = function(a) {
H(this, 68, a)
g.setVideoLength = function(a) {
H(this, 69, a)
g.setMatchVersion = function(a) {
lg(this, 66, a)
g.setImageDigest = function(a) {
lg(this, 70, a)
g.setInternalClient = function(a) {
H(this, 71, a)
g.setMonogram = function(a) {
lg(this, 73, a)
g.setForceMonogram = function(a) {
return lg(this, 84, a)
g.setMonogramDogfood = function(a) {
lg(this, 91, a)
g.setIgnoreLowResProfilePhoto = function(a) {
lg(this, 96, a)
g.setAutoloop = function(a) {
lg(this, 74, a)
g.getImageVersion = function() {
return G(this, 75)
g.setImageVersion = function(a) {
H(this, 75, a)
g.setPitchDegrees = function(a) {
H(this, 76, rf(a))
g.setYawDegrees = function(a) {
H(this, 77, rf(a))
g.setRollDegrees = function(a) {
H(this, 78, rf(a))
g.setFovDegrees = function(a) {
H(this, 79, rf(a))
g.setBadge = function(a) {
H(this, 85, a)
g.setColorProfile = function(a) {
H(this, 92, a)
g.setDeepCrop = function(a) {
pg(this, 99, a)
g.setRequestVideoFast = function(a) {
lg(this, 100, a)
g.setVideoFormatFilters = function(a) {
pg(this, 102, a)
g.setDummyCacheKeyModifier = function(a) {
lg(this, 104, a)
g.setGainMap = function(a) {
lg(this, 105, a)
g.toObject = function() {
if (null != this) {
var a = {
size: Q(K(this, 1)),
width: Q(K(this, 12)),
height: Q(K(this, 13)),
stretch: Q(I(this, 33)),
crop: N(this, 2, !1),
circleCrop: Q(I(this, 51)),
imageCrop: Q(I(this, 32)),
smartCrop: N(this, 19, !1),
smartCropNoClip: N(this, 52, !1),
smartCropUseFace: N(this, 67, !1),
detectFaces: Q(I(this, 80)),
centerCrop: N(this, 20, !1),
pad: Q(I(this, 60)),
download: N(this, 3, !1),
html: N(this, 4, !1),
objectId: Q(G(this, 7)),
looseFaceCrop: Q(I(this, 65)),
faceCropVersion: Q(K(this, 94)),
frameId: Q(G(this, 29)),
imageUrlDomain: vg(this, 8, 0),
tileX: Q(K(this, 9)),
tileY: Q(K(this, 10)),
tileZoom: Q(K(this, 11)),
tileGeneration: N(this, 14, !1),
forceTileGeneration: N(this, 34, !1),
tilePyramidAsProto: N(this, 72, !1),
expirationTime: Q(K(this, 15)),
imageFilter: Q(L(this, 16)),
killAnimation: Q(I(this, 17)),
unfiltered: Q(I(this, 18)),
unfilteredWithTransforms: Q(I(this, 45)),
includeMetadata: Q(I(this, 22)),
includePublicMetadata: Q(I(this, 54)),
stripGoogleData: Q(I(this, 82)),
preserveGoogleData: Q(I(this, 83)),
stripMetadata: Q(I(this, 93)),
stripGeoinfo: Q(I(this, 95)),
esPortraitApprovedOnly: Q(I(this, 21)),
bypassTakedown: N(this, 23, !1),
token: Q(L(this, 24)),
versionedToken: Q(L(this, 36)),
skipRefererCheck: N(this, 6, !1),
rotate: Q(K(this, 26)),
horizontalFlip: Q(I(this, 30)),
verticalFlip: Q(I(this, 31)),
overlay: Q(I(this, 27)),
queryString: Q(L(this, 28)),
requestJpeg: Q(I(this, 57)),
requestPng: Q(I(this, 58)),
requestGif: Q(I(this, 59)),
requestAvif: N(this, 103, !1),
requestWebp: N(this, 35, !1),
requestWebpUnlessMaybeTransparent: N(this, 41, !1),
requestAnimatedWebp: N(this, 64, !1),
noWebp: N(this, 48, !1),
requestH264: N(this, 49, !1),
lossy: Q(I(this, 97)),
noOverlay: N(this, 37, !1),
borderSize: Q(K(this, 38)),
borderRadius: Q(K(this, 86)),
borderColor: Q(K(this, 39)),
backgroundColor: Q(K(this, 87)),
padColor: Q(K(this, 88)),
substitutionColor: Q(K(this, 89)),
noSilhouette: Q(I(this, 40)),
focusBlur: Q(K(this, 42)),
focalPlane: Q(K(this, 43)),
qualityLevel: Q(K(this, 44)),
qualityBucket: Q(K(this, 62)),
noUpscale: Q(I(this, 46)),
preserveAspectRatio: Q(I(this, 61)),
forceTransformation: Q(I(this, 50)),
noDefaultImage: Q(I(this, 53)),
noCorrectExifOrientation: Q(I(this, 55)),
selectFrameNumber: Q(K(this, 56)),
videoFormat: Q(K(this, 63)),
videoMultiFormat: Q(L(this, 81)),
videoManifest: Q(I(this, 98)),
downloadVideo: Q(I(this, 90)),
videoBegin: Q(G(this, 68)),
videoLength: Q(G(this, 69)),
matchVersion: Q(I(this, 66)),
imageDigest: Q(I(this, 70)),
internalClient: Q(K(this, 71)),
monogram: Q(I(this, 73)),
forceMonogram: Q(I(this, 84)),
monogramDogfood: Q(I(this, 91)),
ignoreLowResProfilePhoto: Q(I(this, 96)),
autoloop: Q(I(this, 74)),
imageVersion: Q(G(this, 75)),
pitchDegrees: Q(Pf(this, 76)),
yawDegrees: Q(Pf(this, 77)),
rollDegrees: Q(Pf(this, 78)),
fovDegrees: Q(Pf(this, 79)),
badge: Q(K(this, 85)),
colorProfile: Q(K(this, 92)),
deepCrop: Q(L(this, 99)),
requestVideoFast: Q(I(this, 100)),
videoFormatFilters: Q(L(this, 102)),
dummyCacheKeyModifier: Q(I(this, 104)),
gainMap: Q(I(this, 105))
} else
a = void 0;
return a
function bja(a, b) {
var c =
, d = c.shift();
if ("undefined" == typeof d)
throw Error("[goog.string.format] Template required");
d.replace(/%([0\- \+]*)(\d+)?(\.(\d+))?([%sfdiu])/g, function(e, f, h, k, l, m, n, p) {
if ("%" == m)
return "%";
var q = c.shift();
if ("undefined" == typeof q)
throw Error("[goog.string.format] Not enough arguments");
arguments[0] = q;
return Qk[m].apply(null, arguments)
var Qk = {
s: function(a, b, c) {
return isNaN(c) || "" == c || a.length >= Number(c) ? a : a = -1 < b.indexOf("-", 0) ? a + Ed(" ", Number(c) - a.length) : Ed(" ", Number(c) - a.length) + a
f: function(a, b, c, d, e) {
d = a.toString();
isNaN(e) || "" == e || (d = parseFloat(a).toFixed(e));
var f = 0 > Number(a) ? "-" : 0 <= b.indexOf("+") ? "+" : 0 <= b.indexOf(" ") ? " " : "";
0 <= Number(a) && (d = f + d);
if (isNaN(c) || d.length >= Number(c))
return d;
d = isNaN(e) ? Math.abs(Number(a)).toString() : Math.abs(Number(a)).toFixed(e);
a = Number(c) - d.length - f.length;
0 <= b.indexOf("-", 0) ? d = f + d + Ed(" ", a) : (b = 0 <= b.indexOf("0", 0) ? "0" : " ",
d = f + Ed(b, a) + d);
return d
d: function(a, b, c, d, e, f, h, k) {
return Qk.f(parseInt(a, 10), b, c, d, 0, f, h, k)
Qk.i = Qk.d;
Qk.u = Qk.d;
function Rk(a) {
this.value_ = void 0;
this.childNodes_ = {};
a && this.setAll(a)
g = Rk.prototype;
g.set = function(a, b) {
cja(this, a, b, !1)
g.add = function(a, b) {
cja(this, a, b, !0)
function cja(a, b, c, d) {
for (var e = 0; e < b.length; e++) {
var f = b.charAt(e);
a.childNodes_[f] || (a.childNodes_[f] = new Rk);
a = a.childNodes_[f]
if (d && void 0 !== a.value_)
throw Error('The collection already contains the key "' + b + '"');
a.value_ = c
g.setAll = function(a) {
var b = gia(a);
a = fia(a);
for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++)
this.set(b[c], a[c])
function dja(a, b) {
for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++)
if (a = a.childNodes_[b.charAt(c)],
return a
g.get = function(a) {
return (a = dja(this, a)) ? a.value_ : void 0
g.getValues = function() {
var a = [];
eja(this, a);
return a
function eja(a, b) {
void 0 !== a.value_ && b.push(a.value_);
for (var c in a.childNodes_)
eja(a.childNodes_[c], b)
g.getKeys = function(a) {
var b = [];
if (a) {
for (var c = this, d = 0; d < a.length; d++) {
var e = a.charAt(d);
if (!c.childNodes_[e])
return [];
c = c.childNodes_[e]
Sk(c, a, b)
} else
Sk(this, "", b);
return b
function Sk(a, b, c) {
void 0 !== a.value_ && c.push(b);
for (var d in a.childNodes_)
Sk(a.childNodes_[d], b + d, c)
g.containsKey = function(a) {
return void 0 !== this.get(a)
g.clear = function() {
this.childNodes_ = {};
this.value_ = void 0
g.remove = function(a) {
for (var b = this, c = [], d = 0; d < a.length; d++) {
var e = a.charAt(d);
if (!b.childNodes_[e])
throw Error('The collection does not have the key "' + a + '"');
c.push([b, e]);
b = b.childNodes_[e]
a = b.value_;
for (delete b.value_; 0 < c.length; )
if (e = c.pop(),
b = e[0],
e = e[1],
delete b.childNodes_[e];
return a
g.clone = function() {
return new Rk(this)
g.getCount = function() {
var a = this.getValues();
if (a.getCount && "function" == typeof a.getCount)
a = a.getCount();
else if (Sa(a) || "string" === typeof a)
a = a.length;
else {
var b = 0, c;
for (c in a)
a = b
return a
g.isEmpty = function() {
return void 0 === this.value_ && Tb(this.childNodes_)
function Tk() {
if (!Uk) {
var a = Uk = new Rk, b;
for (b in fja)
a.add(b, fja[b])
var Uk;
function Vk(a, b) {
this.types = a;
this.setters = b
var fja = {
a: new Vk([3, 0],[function(a, b) {
, function(a, b) {
al: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
b: new Vk([3, 0],[function(a, b) {
, function(a, b) {
ba: new Vk([0],[function(a, b) {
bc: new Vk([0],[function(a, b) {
br: new Vk([0],[function(a, b) {
c: new Vk([3, 0],[function(a, b) {
, function(a, b) {
cc: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
ci: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
ckm: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
cp: new Vk([0],[function(a, b) {
cv: new Vk([0],[function(a, b) {
d: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
dc: new Vk([5],[function(a, b) {
df: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
dv: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
e: new Vk([0],[function(a, b) {
f: new Vk([4],[function(a, b) {
fg: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
fh: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
fm: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
fo: new Vk([2],[function(a, b) {
ft: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
fv: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
g: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
gd: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
gm: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
h: new Vk([3, 0],[function(a, b) {
, function(a, b) {
i: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
ic: new Vk([0],[function(a, b) {
id: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
il: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
ip: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
iv: new Vk([0],[function(a, b) {
j: new Vk([1],[function(a, b) {
k: new Vk([3, 0],[function(a, b) {
, function(a, b) {
l: new Vk([0],[function(a, b) {
lf: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
lo: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
m: new Vk([0],[function(a, b) {
md: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
mm: new Vk([4],[function(a, b) {
mo: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
mv: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
n: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
nc: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
nd: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
ng: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
no: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
ns: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
nt0: new Vk([4],[function(a, b) {
nu: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
nw: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
o: new Vk([1, 3],[function(a, b) {
, function(a, b) {
p: new Vk([3, 0],[function(a, b) {
, function(a, b) {
pa: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
pc: new Vk([0],[function(a, b) {
pd: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
pf: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
pg: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
pi: new Vk([2],[function(a, b) {
pp: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
q: new Vk([4],[function(a, b) {
r: new Vk([3, 0],[function(a, b) {
, function(a, b) {
ra: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
rf: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
rg: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
rh: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
rj: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
ro: new Vk([2],[function(a, b) {
rp: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
rw: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
rwa: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
rwu: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
s: new Vk([3, 0],[function(a, b) {
, function(a, b) {
sc: new Vk([0],[function(a, b) {
sg: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
sm: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
t: new Vk([4],[function(a, b) {
u: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
ut: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
v: new Vk([0],[function(a, b) {
vb: new Vk([0],[function(a, b) {
vf: new Vk([4],[function(a, b) {
vl: new Vk([0],[function(a, b) {
vm: new Vk([3],[function(a, b) {
w: new Vk([0],[function(a, b) {
x: new Vk([0],[function(a, b) {
y: new Vk([0],[function(a, b) {
ya: new Vk([2],[function(a, b) {
z: new Vk([0],[function(a, b) {
function Wk(a, b) {
bja("For token '%s': %s", a, b)
g = Tk.prototype;
g.parse = function(a) {
var b = new Pk
, c = new Pk;
if ("" == a)
a = !0;
else {
a = a.split("-");
for (var d = !0, e = 0; e < a.length; e++) {
var f = a[e];
if (0 == f.length)
d = !1;
else {
var h = f
, k = !1;
var l = h;
var m = h.substring(0, 1);
m != m.toLowerCase() && (k = !0,
l = h.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() + h.substring(1));
var n = Uk;
for (m = 1; m <= l.length; ++m) {
var p = n
, q = l.substring(0, m);
if (0 == q.length ? p.isEmpty() : !dja(p, q))
l = 1 == m ? null : (l = n.get(l.substring(0, m - 1))) ? {
option: h.substring(0, m - 1),
value: h.substring(m - 1),
signed: k,
attributes: l
} : null;
if (l) {
h = [];
k = [];
m = !1;
for (n = 0; n < l.attributes.types.length; n++) {
p = l.attributes.types[n];
var t = l.value;
q = e;
if (l.signed && 1 == p)
for (var A = t.length; 12 > A && q < a.length - 1; )
t += "-" + a[q + 1],
A = t.length,
else if (2 == p)
for (; q < a.length - 1 && a[q + 1].match(/^[\d\.]/); )
t += "-" + a[q + 1],
A = l.attributes.setters[n];
t = gja(this, p)(l.option, t, b, c, A);
if (null === t) {
m = !0;
e = q;
} else
if (!m)
for (l = 0; l < k.length; l++)
n = h[l],
t = k[l],
hja(this, n)(f, t);
d = d && m
} else
d = !1
a = d
return new ija(b,c,a)
function Xk(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
e(c, b);
a = a.substring(0, 1);
f = f(a == a.toUpperCase());
e(d, f)
g.parseAndSetIntOption_ = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
if ("" == b)
return 0;
isFinite(b) && (b = String(b));
b = "string" === typeof b ? /^\s*-?0x/i.test(b) ? parseInt(b, 16) : parseInt(b, 10) : NaN;
if (isNaN(b))
return 1;
Xk(a, b, c, d, e, Number);
return null
g.logIntParseError_ = function(a, b) {
switch (b) {
case 1:
Wk(a, "Option value could not be interpreted as an integer.");
case 0:
Wk(a, "Missing value for integer option.")
g.parseAndSetFloatOption_ = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
if ("" == b)
return 0;
b = Hd(b);
if (isNaN(b))
return 1;
Xk(a, b, c, d, e, Number);
return null
g.logFloatParseError_ = function(a, b) {
switch (b) {
case 1:
Wk(a, "Option value could not be interpreted as a float.");
case 0:
Wk(a, "Missing value for float option.")
g.parseAndSetBoolOption_ = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
if ("" != b)
return 2;
Xk(a, !0, c, d, e, Boolean);
return null
g.logBoolParseError_ = function(a, b) {
switch (b) {
case 2:
Wk(a, "Unexpected value specified for boolean option.")
g.parseAndSetStringOption_ = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
if ("" == b)
return 0;
Xk(a, b, c, d, e, function(f) {
return f ? "1" : ""
return null
g.logStringParseError_ = function(a, b) {
switch (b) {
case 0:
Wk(a, "Missing value for string option.")
g.parseAndSetUint64Base64Option_ = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
if ("" == b)
return 0;
Xk(a, b, c, d, e, function(f) {
return f ? 1 : 0
return null
function gja(a, b) {
switch (b) {
case 0:
return Xa(a.parseAndSetIntOption_, a);
case 2:
return Xa(a.parseAndSetFloatOption_, a);
case 3:
return Xa(a.parseAndSetBoolOption_, a);
case 4:
return Xa(a.parseAndSetStringOption_, a);
case 1:
return Xa(a.parseAndSetUint64Base64Option_, a);
return function() {}
function hja(a, b) {
switch (b) {
case 0:
return Xa(a.logIntParseError_, a);
case 2:
return Xa(a.logFloatParseError_, a);
case 3:
return Xa(a.logBoolParseError_, a);
case 4:
case 1:
return Xa(a.logStringParseError_, a);
return function() {}
function ija(a, b, c) {
this.valueProto_ = a;
this.signatureFlagProto_ = b;
this.valid_ = c
ija.prototype.isValid = function() {
return this.valid_
function jja(a, b) {
null != a && this.append.apply(this, arguments)
g = jja.prototype;
g.buffer_ = "";
g.set = function(a) {
this.buffer_ = "" + a
g.append = function(a, b, c) {
this.buffer_ += String(a);
if (null != b)
for (var d = 1; d < arguments.length; d++)
this.buffer_ += arguments[d];
return this
g.clear = function() {
this.buffer_ = ""
g.getLength = function() {
return this.buffer_.length
g.toString = function() {
return this.buffer_
function Yk(a) {
this.parser_ = null;
this.components_ = [];
this.parsedOptions_ = null;
kja(this, a)
g = Yk.prototype;
g.getParsedOptions = function() {
return this.parsedOptions_
function lja(a) {
null == a.parser_ && (a.parser_ = new Tk);
return a.parser_
function kja(a, b) {
a.parsedOptions_ = b ? "string" === typeof b ? lja(a).parse(b) : b : lja(a).parse("")
function Zk(a, b) {
return a == b ? !1 : !0
g.setEsPortraitApprovedOnly = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 21), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 21)) && c.setEsPortraitApprovedOnly(a);
return this
g.setSelectFrameNumber = function(a) {
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, K(c, 56), K(b.signatureFlagProto_, 56)) && c.setSelectFrameNumber(a)
g.setAutoloop = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 74), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 74)) && c.setAutoloop(a)
g.setBypassTakedown = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, N(c, 23, !1), N(b.signatureFlagProto_, 23, !1)) && c.setBypassTakedown(a)
g.setBorderSize = function(a) {
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, K(c, 38), K(b.signatureFlagProto_, 38)) && c.setBorderSize(a)
g.setBadge = function(a) {
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, K(c, 85), K(b.signatureFlagProto_, 85)) && c.setBadge(a)
g.setBackgroundColor = function(a) {
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, K(c, 87), K(b.signatureFlagProto_, 87)) && c.setBackgroundColor(a);
return this
g.setBorderRadius = function(a) {
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, K(c, 86), K(b.signatureFlagProto_, 86)) && c.setBorderRadius(a)
g.setCrop = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, N(c, 2, !1), N(b.signatureFlagProto_, 2, !1)) && c.setCrop(a);
return this
g.setBorderColor = function(a) {
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, K(c, 39), K(b.signatureFlagProto_, 39)) && c.setBorderColor(a)
g.setCircleCrop = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 51), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 51)) && c.setCircleCrop(a);
return this
g.setImageCrop = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 32), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 32)) && c.setImageCrop(a);
return this
g.setDummyCacheKeyModifier = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 104), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 104)) && c.setDummyCacheKeyModifier(a)
g.setColorProfile = function(a) {
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, K(c, 92), K(b.signatureFlagProto_, 92)) && c.setColorProfile(a)
g.setFaceCropVersion = function(a) {
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, K(c, 94), K(b.signatureFlagProto_, 94)) && c.setFaceCropVersion(a)
g.setDownload = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, N(c, 3, !1), N(b.signatureFlagProto_, 3, !1)) && c.setDownload(a)
g.setDeepCrop = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, L(c, 99), L(b.signatureFlagProto_, 99)) && c.setDeepCrop(a)
g.setDetectFaces = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 80), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 80)) && c.setDetectFaces(a)
g.setDownloadVideo = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 90), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 90)) && c.setDownloadVideo(a)
g.setExpirationTime = function(a) {
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, K(c, 15), K(b.signatureFlagProto_, 15)) && c.setExpirationTime(a)
g.setImageFilter = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, L(c, 16), L(b.signatureFlagProto_, 16)) && c.setImageFilter(a);
return this
g.setForceTileGeneration = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, N(c, 34, !1), N(b.signatureFlagProto_, 34, !1)) && c.setForceTileGeneration(a)
g.setHorizontalFlip = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 30), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 30)) && c.setHorizontalFlip(a)
g.setForceMonogram = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 84), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 84)) && c.setForceMonogram(a);
return this
g.setFovDegrees = function(a) {
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, Pf(c, 79), Pf(b.signatureFlagProto_, 79)) && c.setFovDegrees(a)
g.setForceTransformation = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 50), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 50)) && c.setForceTransformation(a)
g.setVerticalFlip = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 31), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 31)) && c.setVerticalFlip(a)
g.setTileGeneration = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, N(c, 14, !1), N(b.signatureFlagProto_, 14, !1)) && c.setTileGeneration(a)
g.setPreserveGoogleData = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 83), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 83)) && c.setPreserveGoogleData(a)
g.setGainMap = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 105), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 105)) && c.setGainMap(a)
g.setHtml = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, N(c, 4, !1), N(b.signatureFlagProto_, 4, !1)) && c.setHtml(a)
g.setHeight = function(a) {
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, c.getHeight(), b.signatureFlagProto_.getHeight()) && c.setHeight(a);
return this
g.setIncludeMetadata = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 22), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 22)) && c.setIncludeMetadata(a)
g.setInternalClient = function(a) {
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, K(c, 71), K(b.signatureFlagProto_, 71)) && c.setInternalClient(a)
g.setImageDigest = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 70), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 70)) && c.setImageDigest(a)
g.setIgnoreLowResProfilePhoto = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 96), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 96)) && c.setIgnoreLowResProfilePhoto(a)
g.setIncludePublicMetadata = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 54), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 54)) && c.setIncludePublicMetadata(a)
g.setImageVersion = function(a) {
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, c.getImageVersion(), b.signatureFlagProto_.getImageVersion()) && c.setImageVersion(a)
g.setFrameId = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, G(c, 29), G(b.signatureFlagProto_, 29)) && c.setFrameId(a)
g.setKillAnimation = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 17), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 17)) && c.setKillAnimation(a);
return this
g.setFocusBlur = function(a) {
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, K(c, 42), K(b.signatureFlagProto_, 42)) && c.setFocusBlur(a)
g.setQualityLevel = function(a) {
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, K(c, 44), K(b.signatureFlagProto_, 44)) && c.setQualityLevel(a);
return this
g.setLooseFaceCrop = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 65), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 65)) && c.setLooseFaceCrop(a);
return this
g.setLossy = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 97), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 97)) && c.setLossy(a)
g.setVideoFormat = function(a) {
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, K(c, 63), K(b.signatureFlagProto_, 63)) && c.setVideoFormat(a)
g.setMonogramDogfood = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 91), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 91)) && c.setMonogramDogfood(a)
g.setVideoMultiFormat = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, L(c, 81), L(b.signatureFlagProto_, 81)) && c.setVideoMultiFormat(a)
g.setMonogram = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 73), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 73)) && c.setMonogram(a)
g.setMatchVersion = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 66), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 66)) && c.setMatchVersion(a)
g.setCenterCrop = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, N(c, 20, !1), N(b.signatureFlagProto_, 20, !1)) && c.setCenterCrop(a);
return this
g.setNoCorrectExifOrientation = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 55), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 55)) && c.setNoCorrectExifOrientation(a)
g.setNoDefaultImage = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 53), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 53)) && c.setNoDefaultImage(a)
g.setStripGeoinfo = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 95), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 95)) && c.setStripGeoinfo(a)
g.setNoOverlay = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, N(c, 37, !1), N(b.signatureFlagProto_, 37, !1)) && c.setNoOverlay(a);
return this
g.setNoSilhouette = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 40), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 40)) && c.setNoSilhouette(a)
g.setVersionedToken = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, L(c, 36), L(b.signatureFlagProto_, 36)) && c.setVersionedToken(a)
g.setNoUpscale = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 46), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 46)) && c.setNoUpscale(a)
g.setNoWebp = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, N(c, 48, !1), N(b.signatureFlagProto_, 48, !1)) && c.setNoWebp(a)
g.setObjectId = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, G(c, 7), G(b.signatureFlagProto_, 7)) && c.setObjectId(a)
g.setOverlay = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 27), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 27)) && c.setOverlay(a);
return this
g.setSmartCrop = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, N(c, 19, !1), N(b.signatureFlagProto_, 19, !1)) && c.setSmartCrop(a);
return this
g.setFocalPlane = function(a) {
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, K(c, 43), K(b.signatureFlagProto_, 43)) && c.setFocalPlane(a)
g.setPreserveAspectRatio = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 61), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 61)) && c.setPreserveAspectRatio(a)
g.setPadColor = function(a) {
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, K(c, 88), K(b.signatureFlagProto_, 88)) && c.setPadColor(a)
g.setPad = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 60), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 60)) && c.setPad(a);
return this
g.setSmartCropUseFace = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, N(c, 67, !1), N(b.signatureFlagProto_, 67, !1)) && c.setSmartCropUseFace(a);
return this
g.setTilePyramidAsProto = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, N(c, 72, !1), N(b.signatureFlagProto_, 72, !1)) && c.setTilePyramidAsProto(a)
g.setPitchDegrees = function(a) {
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, Pf(c, 76), Pf(b.signatureFlagProto_, 76)) && c.setPitchDegrees(a)
g.setSmartCropNoClip = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, N(c, 52, !1), N(b.signatureFlagProto_, 52, !1)) && c.setSmartCropNoClip(a);
return this
g.setQueryString = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, L(c, 28), L(b.signatureFlagProto_, 28)) && c.setQueryString(a)
g.setSkipRefererCheck = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, N(c, 6, !1), N(b.signatureFlagProto_, 6, !1)) && c.setSkipRefererCheck(a)
g.setRotate = function(a) {
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, K(c, 26), K(b.signatureFlagProto_, 26)) && c.setRotate(a);
return this
g.setRequestAvif = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, N(c, 103, !1), N(b.signatureFlagProto_, 103, !1)) && c.setRequestAvif(a)
g.setRequestVideoFast = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 100), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 100)) && c.setRequestVideoFast(a)
g.setRequestGif = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 59), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 59)) && c.setRequestGif(a)
g.setRequestH264 = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, N(c, 49, !1), N(b.signatureFlagProto_, 49, !1)) && c.setRequestH264(a);
return this
g.setRequestJpeg = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 57), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 57)) && c.setRequestJpeg(a);
return this
g.setRollDegrees = function(a) {
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, Pf(c, 78), Pf(b.signatureFlagProto_, 78)) && c.setRollDegrees(a)
g.setRequestPng = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 58), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 58)) && c.setRequestPng(a);
return this
g.setRequestWebp = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, N(c, 35, !1), N(b.signatureFlagProto_, 35, !1)) && c.setRequestWebp(a);
return this
g.setRequestAnimatedWebp = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, N(c, 64, !1), N(b.signatureFlagProto_, 64, !1)) && c.setRequestAnimatedWebp(a)
g.setRequestWebpUnlessMaybeTransparent = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, N(c, 41, !1), N(b.signatureFlagProto_, 41, !1)) && c.setRequestWebpUnlessMaybeTransparent(a)
g.setStretch = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 33), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 33)) && c.setStretch(a);
return this
g.setSize = function(a) {
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, c.getSize(), b.signatureFlagProto_.getSize()) && c.setSize(a);
return this
g.setSubstitutionColor = function(a) {
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, K(c, 89), K(b.signatureFlagProto_, 89)) && c.setSubstitutionColor(a)
g.setStripGoogleData = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 82), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 82)) && c.setStripGoogleData(a)
g.setStripMetadata = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 93), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 93)) && c.setStripMetadata(a)
g.setToken = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, c.getToken(), b.signatureFlagProto_.getToken()) && c.setToken(a);
return this
g.setUnfiltered = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 18), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 18)) && c.setUnfiltered(a)
g.setUnfilteredWithTransforms = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 45), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 45)) && c.setUnfilteredWithTransforms(a)
g.setQualityBucket = function(a) {
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, K(c, 62), K(b.signatureFlagProto_, 62)) && c.setQualityBucket(a);
return this
g.setVideoBegin = function(a) {
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, G(c, 68), G(b.signatureFlagProto_, 68)) && c.setVideoBegin(a)
g.setVideoFormatFilters = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, L(c, 102), L(b.signatureFlagProto_, 102)) && c.setVideoFormatFilters(a)
g.setVideoLength = function(a) {
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, G(c, 69), G(b.signatureFlagProto_, 69)) && c.setVideoLength(a)
g.setVideoManifest = function(a) {
a = a || void 0;
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, I(c, 98), I(b.signatureFlagProto_, 98)) && c.setVideoManifest(a)
g.setWidth = function(a) {
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, c.getWidth(), b.signatureFlagProto_.getWidth()) && c.setWidth(a);
return this
g.setTileX = function(a) {
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, K(c, 9), K(b.signatureFlagProto_, 9)) && c.setTileX(a)
g.setTileY = function(a) {
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, K(c, 10), K(b.signatureFlagProto_, 10)) && c.setTileY(a)
g.setYawDegrees = function(a) {
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, Pf(c, 77), Pf(b.signatureFlagProto_, 77)) && c.setYawDegrees(a)
g.setTileZoom = function(a) {
var b = this.parsedOptions_
, c = b.valueProto_;
Zk(a, K(c, 11), K(b.signatureFlagProto_, 11)) && c.setTileZoom(a)
g.setOptions = function(a) {
kja(this, a);
return this
; = function() {
this.components_.length = 0;
var a = this.parsedOptions_
, b = a.valueProto_;
a = a.signatureFlagProto_;
$k(this, "s", b.getSize(), a.getSize());
$k(this, "w", b.getWidth(), a.getWidth());
al(this, "c", N(b, 2, !1), N(a, 2, !1));
al(this, "d", N(b, 3, !1), N(a, 3, !1));
$k(this, "h", b.getHeight(), a.getHeight());
al(this, "s", I(b, 33), I(a, 33));
al(this, "h", N(b, 4, !1), N(a, 4, !1));
al(this, "p", N(b, 19, !1), N(a, 19, !1));
al(this, "pp", N(b, 52, !1), N(a, 52, !1));
al(this, "pf", N(b, 67, !1), N(a, 67, !1));
al(this, "n", N(b, 20, !1), N(a, 20, !1));
$k(this, "r", K(b, 26), K(a, 26));
al(this, "r", N(b, 6, !1), N(a, 6, !1));
al(this, "o", I(b, 27), I(a, 27));
var c = G(b, 7);
bl(this, "o", c, G(a, 7));
c = G(b, 29);
bl(this, "j", c, G(a, 29));
$k(this, "x", K(b, 9), K(a, 9));
$k(this, "y", K(b, 10), K(a, 10));
$k(this, "z", K(b, 11), K(a, 11));
al(this, "g", N(b, 14, !1), N(a, 14, !1));
$k(this, "e", K(b, 15), K(a, 15));
bl(this, "f", L(b, 16), L(a, 16));
al(this, "k", I(b, 17), I(a, 17));
al(this, "u", I(b, 18), !0);
al(this, "ut", I(b, 45), !0);
al(this, "i", I(b, 22), !0);
al(this, "a", I(b, 21), I(a, 21));
al(this, "b", N(b, 23, !1), N(a, 23, !1));
$k(this, "b", K(b, 38), K(a, 38));
$k(this, "c", K(b, 39), K(a, 39), 16, 8);
bl(this, "q", L(b, 28), L(a, 28));
al(this, "fh", I(b, 30), I(a, 30));
al(this, "fv", I(b, 31), I(a, 31));
al(this, "fg", N(b, 34, !1), N(a, 34, !1));
al(this, "ci", I(b, 32), I(a, 32));
bl(this, "t", b.getToken(), a.getToken());
bl(this, "nt0", L(b, 36), L(a, 36));
al(this, "rw", N(b, 35, !1), N(a, 35, !1));
al(this, "rwu", N(b, 41, !1), N(a, 41, !1));
al(this, "rwa", N(b, 64, !1), N(a, 64, !1));
al(this, "nw", N(b, 48, !1), N(a, 48, !1));
al(this, "rh", N(b, 49, !1), N(a, 49, !1));
al(this, "no", N(b, 37, !1), N(a, 37, !1));
al(this, "ns", I(b, 40), I(a, 40));
$k(this, "k", K(b, 42), K(a, 42));
$k(this, "p", K(b, 43), K(a, 43));
$k(this, "l", K(b, 44), K(a, 44));
$k(this, "v", K(b, 62), K(a, 62));
al(this, "nu", I(b, 46), I(a, 46));
al(this, "ft", I(b, 50), I(a, 50));
al(this, "cc", I(b, 51), I(a, 51));
al(this, "nd", I(b, 53), I(a, 53));
al(this, "ip", I(b, 54), I(a, 54));
al(this, "nc", I(b, 55), I(a, 55));
$k(this, "a", K(b, 56), K(a, 56));
al(this, "rj", I(b, 57), I(a, 57));
al(this, "rp", I(b, 58), I(a, 58));
al(this, "rg", I(b, 59), I(a, 59));
al(this, "pd", I(b, 60), I(a, 60));
al(this, "pa", I(b, 61), I(a, 61));
$k(this, "m", K(b, 63), K(a, 63));
$k(this, "vb", G(b, 68), G(a, 68));
$k(this, "vl", G(b, 69), G(a, 69));
al(this, "lf", I(b, 65), I(a, 65));
al(this, "mv", I(b, 66), I(a, 66));
al(this, "id", I(b, 70), I(a, 70));
$k(this, "ic", K(b, 71), !0);
al(this, "pg", N(b, 72, !1), N(a, 72, !1));
al(this, "mo", I(b, 73), I(a, 73));
al(this, "al", I(b, 74), I(a, 74));
$k(this, "iv", b.getImageVersion(), a.getImageVersion());
$k(this, "pi", Pf(b, 76), Pf(a, 76));
$k(this, "ya", Pf(b, 77), Pf(a, 77));
$k(this, "ro", Pf(b, 78), Pf(a, 78));
$k(this, "fo", Pf(b, 79), Pf(a, 79));
al(this, "df", I(b, 80), I(a, 80));
bl(this, "mm", L(b, 81), L(a, 81));
al(this, "sg", I(b, 82), I(a, 82));
al(this, "gd", I(b, 83), I(a, 83));
al(this, "fm", I(b, 84), I(a, 84));
$k(this, "ba", K(b, 85), K(a, 85));
$k(this, "br", K(b, 86), K(a, 86));
$k(this, "bc", K(b, 87), K(a, 87), 16, 8);
$k(this, "pc", K(b, 88), K(a, 88), 16, 8);
$k(this, "sc", K(b, 89), K(a, 89), 16, 8);
al(this, "dv", I(b, 90), I(a, 90));
al(this, "md", I(b, 91), I(a, 91));
$k(this, "cp", K(b, 92), K(a, 92));
al(this, "sm", I(b, 93), I(a, 93));
$k(this, "cv", K(b, 94), K(a, 94));
al(this, "ng", I(b, 95), I(a, 95));
al(this, "il", I(b, 96), I(a, 96));
al(this, "lo", I(b, 97), I(a, 97));
al(this, "vm", I(b, 98), I(a, 98));
bl(this, "dc", L(b, 99), L(a, 99));
al(this, "rf", I(b, 100), I(a, 100));
bl(this, "vf", L(b, 102), L(a, 102));
al(this, "ra", N(b, 103, !1), N(a, 103, !1));
al(this, "ckm", I(b, 104), I(a, 104));
al(this, "gm", I(b, 105), I(a, 105));
return this.components_.join("-")
function $k(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
if (null != c) {
var h = void 0 == e || 10 != e && 16 != e ? 10 : e;
c = c.toString(h);
e = new jja;
e.append(16 == h ? "0x" : "");
h = e.append;
void 0 == f ? f = "" : (f -= c.length,
f = 0 >= f ? "" : Ed("0", f));, f);
cl(a, b, e.toString(), !!d)
function al(a, b, c, d) {
c && cl(a, b, "", !!d)
function bl(a, b, c, d) {
c && cl(a, b, c, !!d)
function cl(a, b, c, d) {
d && (b = b.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + b.substring(1));
a.components_.push(b + c)
;function dl(a) {, a);
this.smartConstraints_ = !0
bb(dl, Yk);
g = dl.prototype;
g.setCrop = function(a) {
a && el(this);
return, a)
g.setHeight = function(a) {
a = null == a || 0 > a ? void 0 : a;
null != a && this.setSize();
return, a)
g.setStretch = function(a) {
a && el(this);
return, a)
g.setQualityLevel = function(a) {
return, a)
g.setImageFilter = function(a) {
a && (a = a.replace(";", ":"));
return, a)
g.setImageCrop = function(a) {
a && el(this);
return, a)
g.setCircleCrop = function(a) {
a && el(this);
return, a)
g.setSize = function(a) {
Ta(a) && (a = Math.max(a.width, a.height));
a = null == a || 0 > a ? void 0 : a;
null != a && (this.setWidth(),
return, a)
g.setSmartCrop = function(a) {
a && el(this);
return, a)
g.setSmartCropNoClip = function(a) {
a && el(this);
return, a)
g.setSmartCropUseFace = function(a) {
a && el(this);
return, a)
g.setCenterCrop = function(a) {
a && el(this);
return, a)
g.setPad = function(a) {
a && el(this);
return, a)
g.setWidth = function(a) {
a = null == a || 0 > a ? void 0 : a;
null != a && this.setSize();
return, a)
function el(a) {
} = function() {
if (this.smartConstraints_) {
var a = this.getParsedOptions().valueProto_;
I(a, 18) || I(a, 45) ? a.getSize() || this.setSize(0) : (a = this.getParsedOptions().valueProto_,
a.getSize() || a.getWidth() || a.getHeight() || (this.setSize(),
var mja = /^[^\/]*\/\//;
function fl(a, b) {
b = void 0 === b ? !1 : b;
this.original_ = a;
this.originalPrefix_ = "";
(a = this.original_.match(mja)) && a[0] ? (this.originalPrefix_ = a[0],
a = this.originalPrefix_.match(/\w+/) ? this.original_ : "http://" + this.original_.substring(this.originalPrefix_.length)) : a = "http://" + this.original_;
this.uri_ = rk(a, !0);
this.isFreeformUrl_ = b;
this.valid_ = !0;
this.obfuscated_ = !1
function gl(a, b) {
a.pathPrefix_ = a.pathPrefix_ ? a.pathPrefix_ + ("/" + b) : b
function il(a) {
if (void 0 == a.components_) {
var b = a.uri_.getPath().substring(1);
a.pathPrefix_ = null;
if (a.isFreeformUrl_) {
a.components_ = [];
if (1 < (b.match(/=/g) || []).length)
return a.valid_ = !1,
var c = b.indexOf("=");
-1 != c ? (a.components_.push(b.substr(0, c)),
a.components_.push(b.substr(c + 1))) : a.components_.push(b);
return a.components_
a.components_ = b.split("/");
b = a.components_.length;
2 < b && "u" == a.components_[0] && (gl(a, a.components_[0] + "/" + a.components_[1]),
b -= 2);
if (0 == b || 4 == b || 7 < b)
return a.valid_ = !1,
if (2 == b)
gl(a, a.components_[0]);
else if ("image" == a.components_[0])
gl(a, a.components_[0]);
else if (7 == b || 3 == b)
return a.valid_ = !1,
if (3 >= b) {
a.obfuscated_ = !0;
3 == b && (gl(a, a.components_[1]),
c = a.components_[b];
var d = c.indexOf("=");
-1 != d && (a.components_[b] = c.substr(0, d),
a.components_.push(c.substr(d + 1)))
return a.components_
g = fl.prototype;
g.isValid = function() {
return this.valid_
function nja(a) {
return a.obfuscated_
function oja(a) {
return a.isFreeformUrl_
g.getDomain = function() {
var a = this.uri_.getPort();
return this.uri_.getDomain() + (a ? ":" + a : "")
g.getQuery = function() {
return this.uri_.queryData_.toString()
function jl(a) {
void 0 == a.pathPrefix_ && (a.pathPrefix_ = null);
return a.pathPrefix_
g.hasOptions = function() {
switch (il(this).length) {
case 7:
return !0;
case 6:
return null == jl(this);
case 5:
return !1;
case 3:
return !0;
case 2:
return null == jl(this);
case 1:
return !1;
return !1
function kl(a, b) {
if (oja(a))
a: {
switch (b) {
case 7:
b = 0;
case 4:
if (!a.hasOptions()) {
a = null;
break a
b = 1;
a = null;
break a
a = il(a)[b]
else if (nja(a))
a: {
var c = null != jl(a) ? 1 : 0;
switch (b) {
case 6:
b = 0 + c;
case 4:
if (!a.hasOptions()) {
a = null;
break a
b = 1 + c;
a = null;
break a
a = il(a)[b]
a: {
c = null != jl(a) ? 1 : 0;
switch (b) {
case 0:
b = 0 + c;
case 1:
b = 1 + c;
case 2:
b = 2 + c;
case 3:
b = 3 + c;
case 4:
if (!a.hasOptions()) {
a = null;
break a
b = 4 + c;
case 5:
b = a.hasOptions() ? 1 : 0;
b = 4 + c + b;
a = null;
break a
a = il(a)[b]
return a
g.getOriginal = function() {
return this.original_
g.getObfuscatedGaiaId = function() {
void 0 == this.obfuscatedGaiaId_ && (this.obfuscatedGaiaId_ = kl(this, 0));
return this.obfuscatedGaiaId_
g.getImageVersion = function() {
void 0 == this.imageVersion_ && (this.imageVersion_ = kl(this, 2));
return this.imageVersion_
g.getOptions = function() {
void 0 == this.options_ && (this.options_ = kl(this, 4));
return this.options_
function pja() {}
pja.prototype.parse = function(a, b) {
return new ll(a,void 0 === b ? !1 : b)
function ll(a, b) {, a, void 0 === b ? !1 : b)
v(ll, fl);
ll.prototype.getParsedOptions = function() {
if (void 0 == this.parsedOptions_) {
var a = this.getOptions();
a || (a = "");
this.parsedOptions_ = (new Tk).parse(a)
return this.parsedOptions_
function ml(a, b) {
b = void 0 === b ? !1 : b;
this.parsedImageUrl_ = null;
a instanceof ll || (void 0 == nl && (nl = new pja),
a = nl.parse(a.toString(), b));
this.parsedImageUrl_ = a;, this.parsedImageUrl_.getParsedOptions());
this.protocolPrefix_ = this.parsedImageUrl_.originalPrefix_;
this.domain_ = this.parsedImageUrl_.getDomain();
this.query_ = this.parsedImageUrl_.getQuery()
var nl;
bb(ml, dl);
ml.prototype.isValid = function() {
return this.parsedImageUrl_.isValid()
; = function() {
if (!this.parsedImageUrl_.isValid())
return this.parsedImageUrl_.getOriginal();
var a =
, b = [];
null != jl(this.parsedImageUrl_) && b.push(jl(this.parsedImageUrl_));
var c = oja(this.parsedImageUrl_);
if (nja(this.parsedImageUrl_)) {
var d = this.parsedImageUrl_;
void 0 == d.obfuscatedData_ && (d.obfuscatedData_ = kl(d, 6));
b.push(d.obfuscatedData_ + (a ? "=" + a : ""))
} else if (c) {
d = b.push;
var e = this.parsedImageUrl_;
void 0 === e.freeformUrlPath_ && (e.freeformUrlPath_ = kl(e, 7));, e.freeformUrlPath_);
a && b.push(a)
} else
d = b.push,
e = this.parsedImageUrl_,
void 0 == e.photoId_ && (e.photoId_ = kl(e, 1)),, e.photoId_),
d = b.push,
e = this.parsedImageUrl_,
void 0 == e.signature_ && (e.signature_ = kl(e, 3)),, e.signature_),
a && b.push(a),
a = b.push,
d = this.parsedImageUrl_,
void 0 == d.filename_ && (d.filename_ = kl(d, 5)),, d.filename_);
b = c ? b.join("=") : b.join("/");
b = rk(this.protocolPrefix_ + this.domain_ + "/" + b + (this.query_ ? "?" + this.query_ : "")).toString();
b.startsWith("%3a//") && (b = b.replace("%3a//", "://"));
return b
var qja = /\/\/lh[3-6]\./;
function ol(a, b, c, d) {
var e;
(e = !a) || (e = String(a),
e = !(Yia.test(e) || Zia.test(e) || $ia.test(e) || aja.test(e)));
if (e)
return String(a || "");
a = String(a);
void 0 === d && (d = 1);
b = Math.ceil((b || 0) * d);
c = Math.ceil((c || 0) * d);
d = b == c;
a = a.replace(qja, "//lh3.");
return (new ml(a)).setSize(d ? c : void 0).setWidth(d ? void 0 : b).setHeight(d ? void 0 : c).setCrop(!1).setKillAnimation(!1).setEsPortraitApprovedOnly(!1).setSmartCrop(!0).setCenterCrop().setOverlay(!1).setNoOverlay(!1).setRequestWebp().setQualityBucket().setImageFilter().setLooseFaceCrop().setForceMonogram().setRequestPng().setRequestJpeg().setRequestH264().setPad().build()
;function pl(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a, 1)
v(pl, P);
var ql = {};
pl.prototype.toObject = function() {
if (null != this) {
var a = {};
jh(this, a, ql)
} else
a = void 0;
return a
function rl(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a, 5)
v(rl, P);
rl.prototype.getIsPlaceholder = function() {
return N(this, 2)
rl.prototype.setIsPlaceholder = function(a) {
lg(this, 2, a)
rl.prototype.getContactId = function() {
return xg(this, 4)
rl.prototype.setContactId = function(a) {
H(this, 4, a)
var rja = {};
rl.prototype.toObject = function() {
return sl(this)
function sl(a) {
if (null != a) {
var b = {
dynamiteExtendedData: Vha(J(a, Lj, 1)),
isPlaceholder: Q(I(a, 2)),
paisaExtendedData: Wha(J(a, Mj, 3)),
contactId: Q(G(a, 4))
jh(a, b, rja);
return b
;var sja = hh(417869898, {
clientSpecificData: 0
}, rl, sl);
ql[417869898] = sja;
function tl(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(tl, P);
tl.prototype.toObject = function() {
return tja(this)
function tja(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
nationalNumber: Q(L(a, 1)),
internationalNumber: Q(L(a, 2)),
countryCode: Q(K(a, 3)),
regionCode: Q(L(a, 4)),
isValid: Q(I(a, 5)),
validationResult: Q(G(a, 6))
;function ul(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(ul, P);
ul.prototype.toObject = function() {
return uja(this)
function uja(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
e164: Q(L(a, 1)),
i18nData: tja(J(a, tl, 2))
;function vl(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(vl, P);
vl.prototype.getCode = function() {
return zg(this, 1)
vl.prototype.setCode = function(a) {
return pg(this, 1, a)
vl.prototype.toObject = function() {
return vja(this)
function vja(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
code: Q(L(a, 1)),
countryCode: Q(L(a, 2))
;function wl(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(wl, P);
wl.prototype.getType = function() {
return zg(this, 3)
wl.prototype.setType = function(a) {
return pg(this, 3, a)
wl.prototype.toObject = function() {
return wja(this)
function wja(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
phoneNumber: uja(J(a, ul, 1)),
shortCode: vja(J(a, vl, 2)),
type: Q(L(a, 3)),
formattedType: Q(L(a, 4))
;function xl(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(xl, P);
xl.prototype.toObject = function() {
return xja(this)
function xja(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
structuredPhone: wja(J(a, wl, 1))
;function yl(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(yl, P);
yl.prototype.toObject = function() {
return zl(this)
function zl(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
grammaticalGender: Q(G(a, 1)),
phoneExtendedData: xja(J(a, xl, 2))
;var yja = hh(417866180, {
peopleStackFieldData: 0
}, yl, zl);
ql[417866180] = yja;
var Al = hh(417869137, {
peopleStackPersonData: 0
}, Rj, Sj);
ql[417869137] = Al;
function zja(a) {
if (a.altKey && !a.ctrlKey || a.metaKey || 112 <= a.keyCode && 123 >= a.keyCode)
return !1;
if (Bl(a.keyCode))
return !0;
switch (a.keyCode) {
case 18:
case 20:
case 93:
case 17:
case 40:
case 35:
case 27:
case 36:
case 45:
case 37:
case 224:
case 91:
case 144:
case 12:
case 34:
case 33:
case 19:
case 255:
case 44:
case 39:
case 145:
case 16:
case 38:
case 252:
case 224:
case 92:
return !1;
case 0:
return !fe;
return 166 > a.keyCode || 183 < a.keyCode
function Aja(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
if (he && e)
return Bl(a);
if (e && !d)
return !1;
if (!fe) {
"number" === typeof b && (b = Cl(b));
var h = 17 == b || 18 == b || he && 91 == b;
if ((!c || he) && h || he && 16 == b && (d || f))
return !1
if ((ge || de) && d && c)
switch (a) {
case 220:
case 219:
case 221:
case 192:
case 186:
case 189:
case 187:
case 188:
case 190:
case 191:
case 192:
case 222:
return !1
if (ce && d && b == a)
return !1;
switch (a) {
case 13:
return fe ? f || e ? !1 : !(c && d) : !0;
case 27:
return !(ge || de || fe)
return fe && (d || e || f) ? !1 : Bl(a)
function Bl(a) {
if (48 <= a && 57 >= a || 96 <= a && 106 >= a || 65 <= a && 90 >= a || (ge || de) && 0 == a)
return !0;
switch (a) {
case 32:
case 43:
case 63:
case 64:
case 107:
case 109:
case 110:
case 111:
case 186:
case 59:
case 189:
case 187:
case 61:
case 188:
case 190:
case 191:
case 192:
case 222:
case 219:
case 220:
case 221:
case 163:
case 58:
return !0;
case 173:
return fe;
return !1
function Cl(a) {
if (fe)
a = Bja(a);
else if (he && ge)
switch (a) {
case 93:
a = 91
return a
function Bja(a) {
switch (a) {
case 61:
return 187;
case 59:
return 186;
case 173:
return 189;
case 224:
return 91;
case 0:
return 224;
return a
;var Cja = new Ch;
Cja.altKey = !0;
Cja.keyCode = 39;
(new Ch).keyCode = 13;
function Dl() {
v(Dl, yh);
Dl.prototype.init = function() {
this.savedExceptions_ = []
Dl.prototype.errorPrefix_ = "";
var El = new Dl;
function Dja(a, b) {
this.msg = a;
this.e = b;
this.severity = "unknown"
;function Fl(a, b, c, d) { = a;
this.right = b;
this.bottom = c;
this.left = d
g = Fl.prototype;
g.getWidth = function() {
return this.right - this.left
g.getHeight = function() {
return this.bottom -
g.clone = function() {
return new Fl(,this.right,this.bottom,this.left)
g.contains = function(a) {
return this && a ? a instanceof Fl ? a.left >= this.left && a.right <= this.right && >= && a.bottom <= this.bottom : a.x >= this.left && a.x <= this.right && a.y >= && a.y <= this.bottom : !1
g.expand = function(a, b, c, d) {
Ta(a) ? ( -=,
this.right += a.right,
this.bottom += a.bottom,
this.left -= a.left) : ( -= a,
this.right += Number(b),
this.bottom += Number(c),
this.left -= Number(d));
return this
g.ceil = function() { = Math.ceil(;
this.right = Math.ceil(this.right);
this.bottom = Math.ceil(this.bottom);
this.left = Math.ceil(this.left);
return this
g.floor = function() { = Math.floor(;
this.right = Math.floor(this.right);
this.bottom = Math.floor(this.bottom);
this.left = Math.floor(this.left);
return this
g.round = function() { = Math.round(;
this.right = Math.round(this.right);
this.bottom = Math.round(this.bottom);
this.left = Math.round(this.left);
return this
g.translate = function(a, b) {
a instanceof Uh ? (this.left += a.x,
this.right += a.x, += a.y,
this.bottom += a.y) : (this.left += a,
this.right += a,
"number" === typeof b && ( += b,
this.bottom += b));
return this
g.scale = function(a, b) {
b = "number" === typeof b ? b : a;
this.left *= a;
this.right *= a; *= b;
this.bottom *= b;
return this
function Gl(a, b, c, d) {
this.left = a; = b;
this.width = c;
this.height = d
g = Gl.prototype;
g.clone = function() {
return new Gl(this.left,,this.width,this.height)
function Hl(a) {
return new Gl(a.left,,a.right - a.left,a.bottom -
function Eja(a, b) {
return a == b ? !0 : a && b ? a.left == b.left && a.width == b.width && == && a.height == b.height : !1
function Il(a, b) {
var c = Math.max(a.left, b.left)
, d = Math.min(a.left + a.width, b.left + b.width);
if (c <= d) {
var e = Math.max(,;
b = Math.min( + a.height, + b.height);
if (e <= b)
return a.left = c, = e,
a.width = d - c,
a.height = b - e,
return !1
function Fja(a, b) {
var c = Math.max(a.left, b.left)
, d = Math.min(a.left + a.width, b.left + b.width);
if (c <= d) {
var e = Math.max(,;
a = Math.min( + a.height, + b.height);
if (e <= a)
return new Gl(c,e,d - c,a - e)
return null
g.boundingRect = function(a) {
var b = Math.max(this.left + this.width, a.left + a.width)
, c = Math.max( + this.height, + a.height);
this.left = Math.min(this.left, a.left); = Math.min(,;
this.width = b - this.left;
this.height = c -
g.contains = function(a) {
return a instanceof Uh ? a.x >= this.left && a.x <= this.left + this.width && a.y >= && a.y <= + this.height : this.left <= a.left && this.left + this.width >= a.left + a.width && <= && + this.height >= + a.height
g.distance = function(a) {
var b = a.x < this.left ? this.left - a.x : Math.max(a.x - (this.left + this.width), 0);
a = a.y < ? - a.y : Math.max(a.y - ( + this.height), 0);
return Math.sqrt(b * b + a * a)
g.getSize = function() {
return new Wh(this.width,this.height)
g.ceil = function() {
this.left = Math.ceil(this.left); = Math.ceil(;
this.width = Math.ceil(this.width);
this.height = Math.ceil(this.height);
return this
g.floor = function() {
this.left = Math.floor(this.left); = Math.floor(;
this.width = Math.floor(this.width);
this.height = Math.floor(this.height);
return this
g.round = function() {
this.left = Math.round(this.left); = Math.round(;
this.width = Math.round(this.width);
this.height = Math.round(this.height);
return this
g.translate = function(a, b) {
a instanceof Uh ? (this.left += a.x, += a.y) : (this.left += a,
"number" === typeof b && ( += b));
return this
g.scale = function(a, b) {
b = "number" === typeof b ? b : a;
this.left *= a;
this.width *= a; *= b;
this.height *= b;
return this
function Jl() {
return ge ? "Webkit" : fe ? "Moz" : ce ? "ms" : null
function Gja(a, b) {
if (b && a in b)
return a;
var c = Jl();
return c ? (c = c.toLowerCase(),
a = c + Jd(a),
void 0 === b || a in b ? a : null) : null
;function Kl(a, b, c) {
if ("string" === typeof b)
(b = Ll(a, b)) && ([b] = c);
for (var d in b) {
c = a;
var e = b[d]
, f = Ll(c, d);
f && ([f] = e)
var Hja = {};
function Ll(a, b) {
var c = Hja[b];
if (!c) {
var d = Id(b);
c = d;
void 0 ===[d] && (d = Jl() + Jd(d),
void 0 !==[d] && (c = d));
Hja[b] = c
return c
function Ml(a, b) {
var c = Zh(a);
return c.defaultView && c.defaultView.getComputedStyle && (a = c.defaultView.getComputedStyle(a, null)) ? a[b] || a.getPropertyValue(b) || "" : ""
function Nl(a, b) {
return Ml(a, b) || (a.currentStyle ? a.currentStyle[b] : null) || &&[b]
function Ol(a) {
return Nl(a, "position")
function Pl(a, b, c) {
if (b instanceof Uh) {
var d = b.x;
b = b.y
} else
d = b,
b = c; = Ql(d, !1); = Ql(b, !1)
function Ija(a) {
a = a ? Zh(a) : document;
return !ce || oe(9) || di(Xh(a).document_) ? a.documentElement : a.body
function Rl(a) {
try {
return a.getBoundingClientRect()
} catch (b) {
return {
left: 0,
top: 0,
right: 0,
bottom: 0
function Sl(a) {
if (ce && !oe(8))
return a.offsetParent;
var b = Zh(a)
, c = Nl(a, "position")
, d = "fixed" == c || "absolute" == c;
for (a = a.parentNode; a && a != b; a = a.parentNode)
if (11 == a.nodeType && && (a =,
c = Nl(a, "position"),
d = d && "static" == c && a != b.documentElement && a != b.body,
!d && (a.scrollWidth > a.clientWidth || a.scrollHeight > a.clientHeight || "fixed" == c || "absolute" == c || "relative" == c))
return a;
return null
function Tl(a) {
for (var b = new Fl(0,Infinity,Infinity,0), c = Xh(a), d = c.document_.body, e = c.document_.documentElement, f = fi(c.document_); a = Sl(a); )
if (!(ce && 0 == a.clientWidth || ge && 0 == a.clientHeight && a == d) && a != d && a != e && "visible" != Nl(a, "overflow")) {
var h = Ul(a)
, k = new Uh(a.clientLeft,a.clientTop);
h.x += k.x;
h.y += k.y; = Math.max(, h.y);
b.right = Math.min(b.right, h.x + a.clientWidth);
b.bottom = Math.min(b.bottom, h.y + a.clientHeight);
b.left = Math.max(b.left, h.x)
d = f.scrollLeft;
f = f.scrollTop;
b.left = Math.max(b.left, d); = Math.max(, f);
c = ci(c.getWindow());
b.right = Math.min(b.right, d + c.width);
b.bottom = Math.min(b.bottom, f + c.height);
return 0 <= && 0 <= b.left && b.bottom > && b.right > b.left ? b : null
function Jja(a, b) {
b = b || fi(document);
var c = b || fi(document);
var d = Ul(a)
, e = Ul(c)
, f = Vl(c);
if (c == fi(document)) {
var h = d.x - c.scrollLeft;
d = d.y - c.scrollTop;
ce && !oe(10) && (h += f.left,
d +=
} else
h = d.x - e.x - f.left,
d = d.y - e.y -;
a = Kja(a);
f = c.clientHeight - a.height;
e = c.scrollLeft;
var k = c.scrollTop;
e += Math.min(h, Math.max(h - (c.clientWidth - a.width), 0));
k += Math.min(d, Math.max(d - f, 0));
c = new Uh(e,k);
b.scrollLeft = c.x;
b.scrollTop = c.y
function Ul(a) {
var b = Zh(a)
, c = new Uh(0,0)
, d = Ija(b);
if (a == d)
return c;
a = Rl(a);
b = ei(Xh(b).document_);
c.x = a.left + b.x;
c.y = + b.y;
return c
function Lja(a, b, c) {
if (b.document_ != c.document_) {
var d = b.document_.body;
c = c.getWindow();
var e = new Uh(0,0)
, f = gi(Zh(d));
if (Eda(f, "parent")) {
var h = d;
do {
var k = f == c ? Ul(h) : Mja(h);
e.x += k.x;
e.y += k.y
} while (f && f != c && f != f.parent && (h = f.frameElement) && (f = f.parent))
d = Vh(e, Ul(d));
!ce || oe(9) || di(b.document_) || (d = Vh(d, ei(b.document_)));
a.left += d.x; += d.y
function Nja(a, b) {
a = Oja(a);
b = Oja(b);
return new Uh(a.x - b.x,a.y - b.y)
function Mja(a) {
a = Rl(a);
return new Uh(a.left,
function Oja(a) {
if (1 == a.nodeType)
return Mja(a);
a = a.changedTouches ? a.changedTouches[0] : a;
return new Uh(a.clientX,a.clientY)
function Wl(a, b, c) {
if (b instanceof Wh)
c = b.height,
b = b.width;
else if (void 0 == c)
throw Error("missing height argument"); = Ql(b, !0); = Ql(c, !0)
function Ql(a, b) {
"number" == typeof a && (a = (b ? Math.round(a) : a) + "px");
return a
function Xl(a) {
var b = Kja;
if ("none" != Nl(a, "display"))
return b(a);
var c =
, d = c.display
, e = c.visibility
, f = c.position;
c.visibility = "hidden";
c.position = "absolute";
c.display = "inline";
a = b(a);
c.display = d;
c.position = f;
c.visibility = e;
return a
function Kja(a) {
var b = a.offsetWidth
, c = a.offsetHeight
, d = ge && !b && !c;
return (void 0 === b || d) && a.getBoundingClientRect ? (a = Rl(a),
new Wh(a.right - a.left,a.bottom - : new Wh(b,c)
function Yl(a) {
var b = Ul(a);
a = Xl(a);
return new Gl(b.x,b.y,a.width,a.height)
function Zl(a, b) {
a =;
"opacity"in a ? a.opacity = b : "MozOpacity"in a ? a.MozOpacity = b : "filter"in a && (a.filter = "" === b ? "" : "alpha(opacity=" + 100 * Number(b) + ")")
function $l(a, b) { = b ? "" : "none"
function am(a) {
return "none" !=
function bm(a) {
return "rtl" == Nl(a, "direction")
var cm = fe ? "MozUserSelect" : ge || de ? "WebkitUserSelect" : null;
function Pja(a, b, c) {
c = c ? null : a.getElementsByTagName("*");
if (cm) {
if (b = b ? "none" : "", && ([cm] = b),
c) {
a = 0;
for (var d; d = c[a]; a++) && ([cm] = b)
} else if (ce && (b = b ? "on" : "",
a.setAttribute("unselectable", b),
for (a = 0; d = c[a]; a++)
d.setAttribute("unselectable", b)
function Qja(a, b) {
a =;
fe ? a.MozBoxSizing = "border-box" : ge ? a.WebkitBoxSizing = "border-box" : a.boxSizing = "border-box";
a.width = Math.max(b.width, 0) + "px";
a.height = Math.max(b.height, 0) + "px"
function Rja(a, b) {
if (/^\d+px?$/.test(b))
return parseInt(b, 10);
var c =
, d = a.runtimeStyle.left;
a.runtimeStyle.left = a.currentStyle.left; = b;
b =; = c;
a.runtimeStyle.left = d;
return +b
function dm(a, b) {
return (b = a.currentStyle ? a.currentStyle[b] : null) ? Rja(a, b) : 0
function em(a, b) {
if (ce) {
var c = dm(a, b + "Left")
, d = dm(a, b + "Right")
, e = dm(a, b + "Top");
a = dm(a, b + "Bottom");
return new Fl(e,d,a,c)
c = Ml(a, b + "Left");
d = Ml(a, b + "Right");
e = Ml(a, b + "Top");
a = Ml(a, b + "Bottom");
return new Fl(parseFloat(e),parseFloat(d),parseFloat(a),parseFloat(c))
var Sja = {
thin: 2,
medium: 4,
thick: 6
function fm(a, b) {
if ("none" == (a.currentStyle ? a.currentStyle[b + "Style"] : null))
return 0;
b = a.currentStyle ? a.currentStyle[b + "Width"] : null;
return b in Sja ? Sja[b] : Rja(a, b)
function Vl(a) {
if (ce && !oe(9)) {
var b = fm(a, "borderLeft")
, c = fm(a, "borderRight")
, d = fm(a, "borderTop");
a = fm(a, "borderBottom");
return new Fl(d,c,a,b)
b = Ml(a, "borderLeftWidth");
c = Ml(a, "borderRightWidth");
d = Ml(a, "borderTopWidth");
a = Ml(a, "borderBottomWidth");
return new Fl(parseFloat(d),parseFloat(c),parseFloat(a),parseFloat(b))
;var Tja = function() {
if (Ida) {
var a = /Windows NT ([0-9.]+)/;
return (a = a.exec(Kc())) ? a[1] : "0"
return he ? (a = /1[0|1][_.][0-9_.]+/,
(a = a.exec(Kc())) ? a[0].replace(/_/g, ".") : "10") : Kda ? (a = /Android\s+([^\);]+)(\)|;)/,
(a = a.exec(Kc())) ? a[1] : "") : Lda || Mda || Nda ? (a = /(?:iPhone|CPU)\s+OS\s+(\S+)/,
(a = a.exec(Kc())) ? a[1].replace(/_/g, ".") : "") : ""
function gm(a) {
return (a = a.exec(Kc())) ? a[1] : ""
var Uja = function() {
if (Tda)
return gm(/Firefox\/([0-9.]+)/);
if (ce || de || Gda)
return me;
if (Xda) {
if (Zd() || $d()) {
var a = gm(/CriOS\/([0-9.]+)/);
if (a)
return a
return gm(/Chrome\/([0-9.]+)/)
if (qe && !Zd())
return gm(/Version\/([0-9.]+)/);
if (Uda || Vda) {
if (a = /Version\/(\S+).*Mobile\/(\S+)/.exec(Kc()))
return a[1] + "." + a[2]
} else if (Wda)
return (a = gm(/Android\s+([0-9.]+)/)) ? a : gm(/Version\/([0-9.]+)/);
return ""
function hm(a, b, c, d, e, f, h, k, l) {
var m = im(c)
, n = Yl(a)
, p = Tl(a);
p && Il(n, Hl(p));
Lja(n, Xh(a), Xh(c));
a = jm(a, b);
b = n.left;
a & 4 ? b += n.width : a & 2 && (b += n.width / 2);
n = new Uh(b, + (a & 1 ? n.height : 0));
n = Vh(n, m);
e && (n.x += (a & 4 ? -1 : 1) * e.x,
n.y += (a & 1 ? -1 : 1) * e.y);
if (h)
if (l)
var q = l;
else if (q = Tl(c)) -= m.y,
q.right -= m.x,
q.bottom -= m.y,
q.left -= m.x;
return km(n, c, d, f, q, h, k)
function im(a) {
if (a = a.offsetParent) {
var b = "HTML" == a.tagName || "BODY" == a.tagName;
if (!b || "static" != Ol(a)) {
var c = Ul(a);
if (!b) {
b = bm(a);
var d;
if (d = b) {
d = qe && 0 <= oc(Uja, 10);
var e;
if (e = Oda)
e = 0 <= oc(Tja, 10);
var f = Xda && 0 <= oc(Uja, 85);
d = fe || d || e || f
b = d ? -a.scrollLeft : b && !ee && "visible" != Nl(a, "overflowX") ? a.scrollWidth - a.clientWidth - a.scrollLeft : a.scrollLeft;
c = Vh(c, new Uh(b,a.scrollTop))
return c || new Uh
function km(a, b, c, d, e, f, h) {
a = a.clone();
var k = jm(b, c);
c = Xl(b);
h = h ? h.clone() : c.clone();
a = Vja(a, h, k, d, e, f);
if (a.status & 496)
return a.status;
d = a.rect;
Pl(b, new Uh(d.left,;
h = a.rect.getSize();
Fga(c, h) || Qja(b, h);
return a.status
function Vja(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
a = a.clone();
b = b.clone();
var h = 0;
if (d || 0 != c)
c & 4 ? a.x -= b.width + (d ? d.right : 0) : c & 2 ? a.x -= b.width / 2 : d && (a.x += d.left),
c & 1 ? a.y -= b.height + (d ? d.bottom : 0) : d && (a.y +=;
if (f) {
if (e) {
h = a;
c = b;
d = 0;
65 == (f & 65) && (h.x < e.left || h.x >= e.right) && (f &= -2);
132 == (f & 132) && (h.y < || h.y >= e.bottom) && (f &= -5);
h.x < e.left && f & 1 && (h.x = e.left,
d |= 1);
if (f & 16) {
var k = h.x;
h.x < e.left && (h.x = e.left,
d |= 4);
h.x + c.width > e.right && (c.width = Math.min(e.right - h.x, k + c.width - e.left),
c.width = Math.max(c.width, 0),
d |= 4)
h.x + c.width > e.right && f & 1 && (h.x = Math.max(e.right - c.width, e.left),
d |= 1);
f & 2 && (d |= (h.x < e.left ? 16 : 0) | (h.x + c.width > e.right ? 32 : 0));
h.y < && f & 4 && (h.y =,
d |= 2);
f & 32 && (k = h.y,
h.y < && (h.y =,
d |= 8),
h.y + c.height > e.bottom && (c.height = Math.min(e.bottom - h.y, k + c.height -,
c.height = Math.max(c.height, 0),
d |= 8));
h.y + c.height > e.bottom && f & 4 && (h.y = Math.max(e.bottom - c.height,,
d |= 2);
f & 8 && (d |= (h.y < ? 64 : 0) | (h.y + c.height > e.bottom ? 128 : 0));
e = d
} else
e = 256;
h = e
e = new Gl(0,0,0,0);
e.left = a.x; = a.y;
e.width = b.width;
e.height = b.height;
return {
rect: e,
status: h
function jm(a, b) {
return (b & 8 && bm(a) ? b ^ 4 : b) & -9
Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Google, Inc., Netflix, Inc., Microsoft Corp. and contributors
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
(function() {
function a(b) {
this.message = b ? b.length + " errors occurred during unsubscription:\n" +, d) {
return d + 1 + ") " + c.toString()
}).join("\n ") : ""; = "UnsubscriptionError";
this.errors = b;
return this
a.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
return a
(function() {
function a() {
this.message = "object unsubscribed"; = "ObjectUnsubscribedError";
return this
a.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
return a
(function() {
function a() {
this.message = "no elements in sequence"; = "EmptyError";
return this
a.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
return a
(function() {
function a(b) {
this.message = "Timeout has occurred"; = "TimeoutError"; = void 0 === b ? null : b;
return this
a.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
return a
(function() {
function a() {
this.message = "argument out of range"; = "ArgumentOutOfRangeError";
return this
a.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
return a
(function() {
function a(b) {
this.message = b; = "NotFoundError";
return this
a.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
return a
(function() {
function a(b) {
this.message = b; = "SequenceError";
return this
a.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
return a
var Wja = !ce && !Tc();
function lm(a, b) {
if (/-[a-z]/.test(b))
return null;
if (Wja && a.dataset) {
if (Vc() && !(b in a.dataset))
return null;
a = a.dataset[b];
return void 0 === a ? null : a
return a.getAttribute("data-" + String(b).replace(/([A-Z])/g, "-$1").toLowerCase())
;function mm(a) {;
this.handler_ = a;
this.keys_ = {}
bb(mm, yh);
var Xja = [];
g = mm.prototype;
g.listen = function(a, b, c, d) {
return nm(this, a, b, c, d)
function nm(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
Array.isArray(c) || (c && (Xja[0] = c.toString()),
c = Xja);
for (var h = 0; h < c.length; h++) {
var k = Kh(b, c[h], d || a.handleEvent, e || !1, f || a.handler_ || a);
if (!k)
a.keys_[k.key] = k
return a
g.listenOnce = function(a, b, c, d) {
return Yja(this, a, b, c, d)
function Yja(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
if (Array.isArray(c))
for (var h = 0; h < c.length; h++)
Yja(a, b, c[h], d, e, f);
else {
b = Lh(b, c, d || a.handleEvent, e, f || a.handler_ || a);
if (!b)
return a;
a.keys_[b.key] = b
return a
g.unlisten = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
if (Array.isArray(b))
for (var f = 0; f < b.length; f++)
this.unlisten(a, b[f], c, d, e);
c = c || this.handleEvent,
d = Ta(d) ? !!d.capture : !!d,
e = e || this.handler_ || this,
c = Mh(c),
d = !!d,
b = Dh(a) ? a.getListener(b, c, d, e) : a ? (a = Nh(a)) ? a.getListener(b, c, d, e) : null : null,
b && (Ph(b),
delete this.keys_[b.key]);
return this
g.removeAll = function() {
Ob(this.keys_, function(a, b) {
this.keys_.hasOwnProperty(b) && Ph(a)
}, this);
this.keys_ = {}
g.disposeInternal = function() {;
g.handleEvent = function() {
throw Error("EventHandler.handleEvent not implemented");
function Zja(a) {
return /^\s*$/.test(a) ? !1 : /^[\],:{}\s\u2028\u2029]*$/.test(a.replace(/\\["\\\/bfnrtu]/g, "@").replace(/(?:"[^"\\\n\r\u2028\u2029\x00-\x08\x0a-\x1f]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?)[\s\u2028\u2029]*(?=:|,|]|}|$)/g, "]").replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:[\s\u2028\u2029]*\[)+/g, ""))
function $ja(a) {
try {
return Na.JSON.parse(a)
} catch (b) {}
a = String(a);
if (Zja(a))
try {
return eval("(" + a + ")")
} catch (b) {}
throw Error("Invalid JSON string: " + a);
function om(a, b) {
return (new aka(b)).serialize(a)
function aka(a) {
this.replacer_ = a
aka.prototype.serialize = function(a) {
var b = [];
pm(this, a, b);
return b.join("")
function pm(a, b, c) {
if (null == b)
else {
if ("object" == typeof b) {
if (Array.isArray(b)) {
var d = b;
b = d.length;
for (var e = "", f = 0; f < b; f++)
e = d[f],
pm(a, a.replacer_ ?, String(f), e) : e, c),
e = ",";
if (b instanceof String || b instanceof Number || b instanceof Boolean)
b = b.valueOf();
else {
f = "";
for (d in b), d) && (e = b[d],
"function" != typeof e && (c.push(f),
bka(d, c),
pm(a, a.replacer_ ?, d, e) : e, c),
f = ","));
switch (typeof b) {
case "string":
bka(b, c);
case "number":
c.push(isFinite(b) && !isNaN(b) ? String(b) : "null");
case "boolean":
case "function":
throw Error("Unknown type: " + typeof b);
var cka = {
'"': '\\"',
"\\": "\\\\",
"/": "\\/",
"\b": "\\b",
"\f": "\\f",
"\n": "\\n",
"\r": "\\r",
"\t": "\\t",
"\v": "\\u000b"
, dka = /\uffff/.test("\uffff") ? /[\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\uffff]/g : /[\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\xff]/g;
function bka(a, b) {
b.push('"', a.replace(dka, function(c) {
var d = cka[c];
d || (d = "\\u" + (c.charCodeAt(0) | 65536).toString(16).slice(1),
cka[c] = d);
return d
}), '"')
;function qm() {
return Jc && Lc ? ! && (Nc("iPad") || Nc("Android") || Nc("Silk")) : Nc("iPad") || Nc("Android") && !Nc("Mobile") || Nc("Silk")
;function rm(a, b) {
this.childIterator_ = a[Na.Symbol.iterator]();
this.mapFn_ = b
rm.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
return this
; = function() {
var a =;
return {
value: a.done ? void 0 : 0, a.value),
done: a.done
function eka(a, b) {
return new rm(a,b)
;var fka = Na.URL;
try {
new fka("")
} catch (a) {}
;function gka(a) {
Pa("__HM_173584019", a.ownerDocument.defaultView);
return null
;function hka() {
function a() {
e[0] = 1732584193;
e[1] = 4023233417;
e[2] = 2562383102;
e[3] = 271733878;
e[4] = 3285377520;
n = m = 0
function b(p) {
for (var q = h, t = 0; 64 > t; t += 4)
q[t / 4] = p[t] << 24 | p[t + 1] << 16 | p[t + 2] << 8 | p[t + 3];
for (t = 16; 80 > t; t++)
p = q[t - 3] ^ q[t - 8] ^ q[t - 14] ^ q[t - 16],
q[t] = (p << 1 | p >>> 31) & 4294967295;
p = e[0];
var A = e[1]
, B = e[2]
, C = e[3]
, D = e[4];
for (t = 0; 80 > t; t++) {
if (40 > t)
if (20 > t) {
var M = C ^ A & (B ^ C);
var X = 1518500249
} else
M = A ^ B ^ C,
X = 1859775393;
60 > t ? (M = A & B | C & (A | B),
X = 2400959708) : (M = A ^ B ^ C,
X = 3395469782);
M = ((p << 5 | p >>> 27) & 4294967295) + M + D + X + q[t] & 4294967295;
D = C;
C = B;
B = (A << 30 | A >>> 2) & 4294967295;
A = p;
p = M
e[0] = e[0] + p & 4294967295;
e[1] = e[1] + A & 4294967295;
e[2] = e[2] + B & 4294967295;
e[3] = e[3] + C & 4294967295;
e[4] = e[4] + D & 4294967295
function c(p, q) {
if ("string" === typeof p) {
p = unescape(encodeURIComponent(p));
for (var t = [], A = 0, B = p.length; A < B; ++A)
p = t
q || (q = p.length);
t = 0;
if (0 == m)
for (; t + 64 < q; )
b(p.slice(t, t + 64)),
t += 64,
n += 64;
for (; t < q; )
if (f[m++] = p[t++],
64 == m)
for (m = 0,
b(f); t + 64 < q; )
b(p.slice(t, t + 64)),
t += 64,
n += 64
function d() {
var p = []
, q = 8 * n;
56 > m ? c(k, 56 - m) : c(k, 64 - (m - 56));
for (var t = 63; 56 <= t; t--)
f[t] = q & 255,
q >>>= 8;
for (t = q = 0; 5 > t; t++)
for (var A = 24; 0 <= A; A -= 8)
p[q++] = e[t] >> A & 255;
return p
for (var e = [], f = [], h = [], k = [128], l = 1; 64 > l; ++l)
k[l] = 0;
var m, n;
return {
reset: a,
update: c,
digest: d,
digestString: function() {
for (var p = d(), q = "", t = 0; t < p.length; t++)
q += "0123456789ABCDEF".charAt(Math.floor(p[t] / 16)) + "0123456789ABCDEF".charAt(p[t] % 16);
return q
;function ika(a, b, c) {
var d = String(Na.location.href);
return d && a && b ? [b, jka(eia(d), a, c || null)].join(" ") : null
function jka(a, b, c) {
var d = []
, e = [];
if (1 == (Array.isArray(c) ? 2 : 1))
return e = [b, a],
Ab(d, function(k) {
kka(e.join(" "));
var f = []
, h = [];
Ab(c, function(k) {
c = Math.floor((new Date).getTime() / 1E3);
e = 0 == f.length ? [c, b, a] : [f.join(":"), c, b, a];
Ab(d, function(k) {
a = kka(e.join(" "));
a = [c, a];
0 == h.length || a.push(h.join(""));
return a.join("_")
function kka(a) {
var b = hka();
return b.digestString().toLowerCase()
;var lka = {};
function sm() {
this.document_ = document || {
cookie: ""
g = sm.prototype;
g.isEnabled = function() {
if (!Na.navigator.cookieEnabled)
return !1;
if (!this.isEmpty())
return !0;
this.set("TESTCOOKIESENABLED", "1", {
maxAge: 60
if ("1" !== this.get("TESTCOOKIESENABLED"))
return !1;
return !0
g.set = function(a, b, c) {
var d = !1;
if ("object" === typeof c) {
var e = c.sameSite;
d = || !1;
var f = c.domain || void 0;
var h = c.path || void 0;
var k = c.maxAge
if (/[;=\s]/.test(a))
throw Error('Invalid cookie name "' + a + '"');
if (/[;\r\n]/.test(b))
throw Error('Invalid cookie value "' + b + '"');
void 0 === k && (k = -1);
c = f ? ";domain=" + f : "";
h = h ? ";path=" + h : "";
d = d ? ";secure" : "";
k = 0 > k ? "" : 0 == k ? ";expires=" + (new Date(1970,1,1)).toUTCString() : ";expires=" + (new Date( + 1E3 * k)).toUTCString();
this.document_.cookie = a + "=" + b + c + h + k + d + (null != e ? ";samesite=" + e : "")
g.get = function(a, b) {
for (var c = a + "=", d = (this.document_.cookie || "").split(";"), e = 0, f; e < d.length; e++) {
f = kc(d[e]);
if (0 == f.lastIndexOf(c, 0))
return f.slice(c.length);
if (f == a)
return ""
return b
g.remove = function(a, b, c) {
var d = this.containsKey(a);
this.set(a, "", {
maxAge: 0,
path: b,
domain: c
return d
g.getKeys = function() {
return tm(this).keys
g.getValues = function() {
return tm(this).values
g.isEmpty = function() {
return !this.document_.cookie
g.getCount = function() {
return this.document_.cookie ? (this.document_.cookie || "").split(";").length : 0
g.containsKey = function(a) {
return void 0 !== this.get(a)
g.clear = function() {
for (var a = tm(this).keys, b = a.length - 1; 0 <= b; b--)
function tm(a) {
a = (a.document_.cookie || "").split(";");
for (var b = [], c = [], d, e, f = 0; f < a.length; f++)
e = kc(a[f]),
d = e.indexOf("="),
-1 == d ? (b.push(""),
c.push(e)) : (b.push(e.substring(0, d)),
c.push(e.substring(d + 1)));
return {
keys: b,
values: c
;function um(a) {
return !!lka.FPA_SAMESITE_PHASE2_MOD || !(void 0 === a || !a)
function mka(a, b, c, d) {
(a = Na[a]) || "undefined" === typeof document || (a = (new sm).get(b));
return a ? ika(a, c, d) : null
function wm(a, b) {
b = void 0 === b ? !1 : b;
var c = eia(String(Na.location.href))
, d = [];
var e = b;
e = void 0 === e ? !1 : e;
var f = Na.__SAPISID || Na.__APISID || Na.__3PSAPISID || Na.__OVERRIDE_SID;
um(e) && (f = f || Na.__1PSAPISID);
if (f)
e = !0;
else {
if ("undefined" !== typeof document) {
var h = new sm;
f = h.get("SAPISID") || h.get("APISID") || h.get("__Secure-3PAPISID") || h.get("SID") || h.get("OSID");
um(e) && (f = f || h.get("__Secure-1PAPISID"))
e = !!f
e && (e = (c = 0 == c.indexOf("https:") || 0 == c.indexOf("chrome-extension:") || 0 == c.indexOf("moz-extension:")) ? Na.__SAPISID : Na.__APISID,
e || "undefined" === typeof document || (e = new sm,
e = e.get(c ? "SAPISID" : "APISID") || e.get("__Secure-3PAPISID")),
(e = e ? ika(e, c ? "SAPISIDHASH" : "APISIDHASH", a) : null) && d.push(e),
c && um(b) && ((b = mka("__1PSAPISID", "__Secure-1PAPISID", "SAPISID1PHASH", a)) && d.push(b),
(a = mka("__3PSAPISID", "__Secure-3PAPISID", "SAPISID3PHASH", a)) && d.push(a)));
return 0 == d.length ? null : d.join(" ")
;function xm(a) {
this.topicId_ = a
xm.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.topicId_
var nka = new xm("visibility")
, oka = new xm("selection")
, pka = new xm("value")
, qka = new xm("enabled")
, rka = new xm("change");
function ska(a, b, c) { = a;
this.newValue = b;
this.oldValue = c
;function ym(a) {;
this.key_ = 1;
this.pendingKeys_ = [];
this.publishDepth_ = 0;
this.subscriptions_ = [];
this.topics_ = {};
this.async_ = !!a
bb(ym, yh);
g = ym.prototype;
g.subscribe = function(a, b, c) {
var d = this.topics_[a];
d || (d = this.topics_[a] = []);
var e = this.key_;
this.subscriptions_[e] = a;
this.subscriptions_[e + 1] = b;
this.subscriptions_[e + 2] = c;
this.key_ = e + 3;
return e
g.unsubscribe = function(a, b, c) {
if (a = this.topics_[a]) {
var d = this.subscriptions_;
if (a = a.find(function(e) {
return d[e + 1] == b && d[e + 2] == c
return this.unsubscribeByKey(a)
return !1
g.unsubscribeByKey = function(a) {
var b = this.subscriptions_[a];
if (b) {
var c = this.topics_[b];
0 != this.publishDepth_ ? (this.pendingKeys_.push(a),
this.subscriptions_[a + 1] = function() {}
) : (c && Eb(c, a),
delete this.subscriptions_[a],
delete this.subscriptions_[a + 1],
delete this.subscriptions_[a + 2])
return !!b
g.publish = function(a, b) {
var c = this.topics_[a];
if (c) {
for (var d = Array(arguments.length - 1), e = 1, f = arguments.length; e < f; e++)
d[e - 1] = arguments[e];
if (this.async_)
for (e = 0; e < c.length; e++) {
var h = c[e];
tka(this.subscriptions_[h + 1], this.subscriptions_[h + 2], d)
else {
try {
for (e = 0,
f = c.length; e < f && !this.isDisposed(); e++)
h = c[e],
this.subscriptions_[h + 1].apply(this.subscriptions_[h + 2], d)
} finally {
if (this.publishDepth_--,
0 < this.pendingKeys_.length && 0 == this.publishDepth_)
for (; c = this.pendingKeys_.pop(); )
return 0 != e
return !1
function tka(a, b, c) {
Hi(function() {
a.apply(b, c)
g.clear = function(a) {
if (a) {
var b = this.topics_[a];
b && (b.forEach(this.unsubscribeByKey, this),
delete this.topics_[a])
} else
this.subscriptions_.length = 0,
this.topics_ = {}
g.getCount = function(a) {
if (a) {
var b = this.topics_[a];
return b ? b.length : 0
a = 0;
for (b in this.topics_)
a += this.getCount(b);
return a
g.disposeInternal = function() {;
this.pendingKeys_.length = 0
function zm(a) {;
this.pubSub_ = new ym(a);
zh(this, this.pubSub_)
bb(zm, yh);
g = zm.prototype;
g.subscribe = function(a, b, c) {
return this.pubSub_.subscribe(a.toString(), b, c)
g.unsubscribe = function(a, b, c) {
return this.pubSub_.unsubscribe(a.toString(), b, c)
g.unsubscribeByKey = function(a) {
return this.pubSub_.unsubscribeByKey(a)
g.publish = function(a, b) {
return this.pubSub_.publish(a.toString(), b)
g.clear = function(a) {
this.pubSub_.clear(void 0 !== a ? a.toString() : void 0)
g.getCount = function(a) {
return this.pubSub_.getCount(void 0 !== a ? a.toString() : void 0)
function Am(a, b) {;
this.id_ = a;
this.disabledReasons_ = {};
this.values_ = b ? Wb(b) : {};
this.initialValues_ = Wb(this.values_);
this.pubsub_ = new ym;
this.typedPubsub_ = new zm;
bb(Am, yh);
function uka(a) {
void 0 === a.values_["keys-enabled"] && (a.values_["keys-enabled"] = !0);
a.isEnabled() || (a.disabledReasons_["default"] = !0);
void 0 === a.values_["toggle-selected-on-fire"] && (a.values_["toggle-selected-on-fire"] = !0)
g = Am.prototype;
g.disposeInternal = function() {;
this.values_ = {}
g.getId = function() {
return this.id_
g.isEnabled = function() {
return !!this.values_.enabled
g.setEnabled = function(a) {
var b = !0;
if (a) {
delete this.disabledReasons_["default"];
for (var c in this.disabledReasons_) {
b = !1;
} else
this.disabledReasons_["default"] = !0,
b = !1;
this.setProperty("enabled", b)
g.isVisible = function() {
return !!this.values_.visible
g.setVisible = function(a) {
this.setProperty("visible", a)
g.isSelected = function() {
return !!this.values_.selected
g.setSelected = function(a) {
this.setProperty("selected", a)
g.getHint = function() {
return this.values_.hint || ""
g.getLabel = function() {
return this.values_.label || ""
g.getIcon = function() {
return this.values_.icon
g.getKeys = function() {
return this.values_.keys
g.getValue = function() {
return this.values_.value
g.setValue = function(a) {
this.setProperty("value", a)
g.setProperty = function(a, b) {
var c = this.values_[a];
if (b !== c) {
this.values_[a] = b;
this.typedPubsub_.publish(rka, new ska(a,b,c));
var d = vka(a);
d && this.typedPubsub_.publish(d, new ska(a,b,c))
g.subscribe = function(a, b, c) {
return this.pubsub_.subscribe(a, b, c)
g.unsubscribe = function(a, b, c) {
return this.pubsub_.unsubscribe(a, b, c)
g.unsubscribeByKey = function(a) {
return a > this.TYPED_PUBSUB_KEY_BASE_ ? this.typedPubsub_.unsubscribeByKey(a - this.TYPED_PUBSUB_KEY_BASE_) : this.pubsub_.unsubscribeByKey(a)
g.reset = function() {
this.values_ = Wb(this.initialValues_);
this.disabledReasons_ = {};
function vka(a) {
switch (a) {
case "visible":
return nka;
case "selected":
return oka;
case "value":
return pka;
case "enabled":
return qka;
return null
;function Bm(a, b) {
this.namespace_ = a;
this.type_ = b;
this.constructor.allInstances || (this.constructor.allInstances = {});
this.constructor.allInstances[this.toString()] = this
Bm.prototype.serialize = function() {
return this.toString()
Bm.prototype.toString = function() {
this.toString_ || (this.toString_ = this.namespace_.getLongName() + ":" + this.type_);
return this.toString_
Bm.prototype.getType = function() {
return this.type_
function wka(a, b) {, a, b)
bb(wka, Bm);
function xka() {
this.name_ = "fva"
xka.prototype.getLongName = function() {
return this.name_
var yka = [];
function Cm(a) {
var b = b || [];
this.serviceId_ = a;
this.moduleId_ = null;
this.dependencies_ = [];
zka(this, b)
Cm.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.serviceId_
function zka(a, b) {
var c = !1;
c = void 0 === c ? !1 : c;
a.dependencies_ = a.dependencies_.concat(b);
if (c) {
if (!a.moduleId_)
throw Error("A module ID must be set on the Fava ServiceId " + a.serviceId_ + " in order to modify extra edges."); {
return d.moduleId_
}).forEach(function(d) {
yka.push(function(e) {
e.addExtraEdge(a.moduleId_, d)
;new Cm("pVbxBc");
new wka(new xka,1);
var Aka = {
198: "AE",
230: "ae",
306: "IJ",
307: "ij",
338: "AE",
339: "ae"
function Bka(a) {
for (var b = [], c = 0, d = 0; d < a.length; d++) {
var e = a.charCodeAt(d);
if (192 > e || 382 < e)
e = null;
else {
var f = Aka[e];
f ? e = f : (f = "AAAAAA*CEEEEIIIIDNOOOOOx0UUUUYpBaaaaaa*ceeeeiiiionooooo^ouuuuypyAaAaAaCcCcCcCcDdDdEeEeEeEeEeGgGgGgGgHhHhIiIiIiIiIi**JjKkkLlLlLLLlllNnNnNnnNnOoOoOo**RrRrRrSsSsSsSsTtTtttUuUuUuUuUuUuWwYyYZzZzZz"[e - 192],
e = "^" == f ? null : f)
e && (c != d && b.push(a.substr(c, d - c)),
c = d + 1,
return 0 < b.length ? (b.push(a.substr(c)),
b.join("")) : a
;new Cm("P6x1Re");
function Cka() {
this.emailAsAttachmentAction_ = Dm("share-email-attachment", "Email this file");
this.emailCollaboratorsAction_ = Dm("share-email-collaborators", "Email collaborators");
this.shareAction_ = Dm("share-share", "Share");
this.currentUserRequestAccessAction_ = Dm("share-current-user-request-access", "Request edit access");
this.reportSpamOrAbuseAction_ = Dm("docs-report-spam", "Report");
Dm("share-quick-actions-menu", "");
this.sharingQuickActionsCopyLinkAction_ = Dm("share-quick-actions-copy-link", "Copy link");
this.sharingQuickActionsAccessRequestsAction_ = Dm("share-quick-actions-access-requests", "Access requests")
function Dm(a, b) {
var c = {};
c.label = b;
c.visible = !1;
c.hint = b;
return new Am(a,c)
;var Em;
function Gm(a, b) {
b ? a.setAttribute("role", b) : a.removeAttribute("role")
function Hm(a, b, c) {
Array.isArray(c) && (c = c.join(" "));
var d = "aria-" + b;
"" === c || void 0 == c ? (Em || (c = {},
Em = (c.atomic = !1,
c.autocomplete = "none",
c.dropeffect = "none",
c.haspopup = !1, = "off",
c.multiline = !1,
c.multiselectable = !1,
c.orientation = "vertical",
c.readonly = !1,
c.relevant = "additions text",
c.required = !1,
c.sort = "none",
c.busy = !1,
c.disabled = !1,
c.hidden = !1,
c.invalid = "false",
c = Em,
b in c ? a.setAttribute(d, c[b]) : a.removeAttribute(d)) : a.setAttribute(d, c)
function Dka(a, b) {
a = a.getAttribute("aria-" + b);
return null == a || void 0 == a ? "" : String(a)
function Eka(a) {
var b = Dka(a, "activedescendant");
return Zh(a).getElementById(b)
function Im(a, b) {
var c = "";
b && (c =;
Hm(a, "activedescendant", c)
function Jm(a, b) {
Hm(a, "label", b)
;function Fka(a) {
return "string" == typeof a.className ? a.className : a.getAttribute && a.getAttribute("class") || ""
function Km(a) {
return a.classList ? a.classList : Fka(a).match(/\S+/g) || []
function Lm(a, b) {
"string" == typeof a.className ? a.className = b : a.setAttribute && a.setAttribute("class", b)
function Mm(a, b) {
return a.classList ? a.classList.contains(b) : Db(Km(a), b)
function Nm(a, b) {
if (a.classList)
else if (!Mm(a, b)) {
var c = Fka(a);
Lm(a, c + (0 < c.length ? " " + b : b))
function Om(a, b) {
if (a.classList), function(e) {
Nm(a, e)
else {
var c = {};, function(e) {
c[e] = !0
});, function(e) {
c[e] = !0
b = "";
for (var d in c)
b += 0 < b.length ? " " + d : d;
Lm(a, b)
function Pm(a, b) {
a.classList ? a.classList.remove(b) : Mm(a, b) && Lm(a,, function(c) {
return c != b
}).join(" "))
function Gka(a, b) {
a.classList ?, function(c) {
Pm(a, c)
}) : Lm(a,, function(c) {
return !Db(b, c)
}).join(" "))
function Qm(a, b, c) {
c ? Nm(a, b) : Pm(a, b)
;function Rm(a, b, c) {; = a;
this.handle = b || a;
this.limits = c || new Gl(NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN);
this.document_ = Zh(a);
this.eventHandler_ = new mm(this);
zh(this, this.eventHandler_);
this.deltaY = this.deltaX = this.startY = this.startX = this.screenY = this.screenX = this.clientY = this.clientX = 0;
this.enabled_ = !0;
this.dragging_ = !1;
this.preventMouseDown_ = !0;
this.hysteresisDistanceSquared_ = 0;
this.useRightPositioningForRtl_ = this.ieDragStartCancellingOn_ = !1;
Kh(this.handle, ["touchstart", "mousedown"], this.startDrag, !1, this);
this.useSetCapture_ = Hka
bb(Rm, Rh);
var Hka = Na.document && Na.document.documentElement && !!Na.document.documentElement.setCapture && !!Na.document.releaseCapture;
g = Rm.prototype;
g.getHandler = function() {
return this.eventHandler_
function Sm(a, b) {
a.limits = b || new Gl(NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN)
g.setEnabled = function(a) {
this.enabled_ = a
g.disposeInternal = function() {;
Oh(this.handle, ["touchstart", "mousedown"], this.startDrag, !1, this);
this.useSetCapture_ && this.document_.releaseCapture();
this.handle = = null
function Ika(a) {
void 0 === a.rightToLeft_ && (a.rightToLeft_ = bm(;
return a.rightToLeft_
g.startDrag = function(a) {
var b = "mousedown" == a.type;
if (!this.enabled_ || this.dragging_ || b && (0 != a.event_.button || he && a.ctrlKey))
else {
if (0 == this.hysteresisDistanceSquared_)
if (this.dispatchEvent(new Tm("start",this,a.clientX,a.clientY,a)))
this.dragging_ = !0,
this.preventMouseDown_ && b && a.preventDefault();
this.preventMouseDown_ && b && a.preventDefault();
b = this.document_;
var c = b.documentElement
, d = !this.useSetCapture_;
this.eventHandler_.listen(b, ["touchmove", "mousemove"], this.handleMove_, {
capture: d,
passive: !1
this.eventHandler_.listen(b, ["touchend", "mouseup"], this.endDrag, d);
this.useSetCapture_ ? (c.setCapture(!1),
this.eventHandler_.listen(c, "losecapture", this.endDrag)) : this.eventHandler_.listen(gi(b), "blur", this.endDrag);
ce && this.ieDragStartCancellingOn_ && this.eventHandler_.listen(b, "dragstart", qga);
this.scrollTarget_ && this.eventHandler_.listen(this.scrollTarget_, "scroll", this.onScroll_, d);
this.clientX = this.startX = a.clientX;
this.clientY = this.startY = a.clientY;
this.screenX = a.screenX;
this.screenY = a.screenY;
this.useRightPositioningForRtl_ ? (a =,
b = a.offsetLeft,
c = a.offsetParent,
c || "fixed" != Ol(a) || (c = Zh(a).documentElement),
c ? (fe && !ne(58) ? (d = Vl(c),
b += d.left) : oe(8) && !oe(9) && (d = Vl(c),
b -= d.left),
a = bm(c) ? c.clientWidth - (b + a.offsetWidth) : b) : a = b) : a =;
this.deltaX = a;
this.deltaY =;
this.pageScroll = ei(Xh(this.document_).document_)
g.endDrag = function(a, b) {
this.useSetCapture_ && this.document_.releaseCapture();
this.dragging_ ? (this.dragging_ = !1,
this.dispatchEvent(new Tm("end",this,a.clientX,a.clientY,a,Jka(this, this.deltaX),Kka(this, this.deltaY),b || "touchcancel" == a.type))) : this.dispatchEvent("earlycancel")
g.handleMove_ = function(a) {
if (this.enabled_) {
var b = (this.useRightPositioningForRtl_ && Ika(this) ? -1 : 1) * (a.clientX - this.clientX)
, c = a.clientY - this.clientY;
this.clientX = a.clientX;
this.clientY = a.clientY;
this.screenX = a.screenX;
this.screenY = a.screenY;
if (!this.dragging_) {
var d = this.startX - this.clientX
, e = this.startY - this.clientY;
if (d * d + e * e > this.hysteresisDistanceSquared_)
if (this.dispatchEvent(new Tm("start",this,a.clientX,a.clientY,a)))
this.dragging_ = !0;
else {
this.isDisposed() || this.endDrag(a);
c = Lka(this, b, c);
b = c.x;
c = c.y;
this.dragging_ && this.dispatchEvent(new Tm("beforedrag",this,a.clientX,a.clientY,a,b,c)) && (Mka(this, a, b, c),
function Lka(a, b, c) {
var d = ei(Xh(a.document_).document_);
b += d.x - a.pageScroll.x;
c += d.y - a.pageScroll.y;
a.pageScroll = d;
a.deltaX += b;
a.deltaY += c;
return new Uh(Jka(a, a.deltaX),Kka(a, a.deltaY))
g.onScroll_ = function(a) {
var b = Lka(this, 0, 0);
a.clientX = this.clientX;
a.clientY = this.clientY;
Mka(this, a, b.x, b.y)
function Mka(a, b, c, d) {
a.defaultAction(c, d);
a.dispatchEvent(new Tm("drag",a,b.clientX,b.clientY,b,c,d))
function Jka(a, b) {
var c = a.limits;
a = isNaN(c.left) ? null : c.left;
c = isNaN(c.width) ? 0 : c.width;
return Math.min(null != a ? a + c : Infinity, Math.max(null != a ? a : -Infinity, b))
function Kka(a, b) {
var c = a.limits;
a = isNaN( ? null :;
c = isNaN(c.height) ? 0 : c.height;
return Math.min(null != a ? a + c : Infinity, Math.max(null != a ? a : -Infinity, b))
g.defaultAction = function(a, b) {
this.useRightPositioningForRtl_ && Ika(this) ? = a + "px" : = a + "px"; = b + "px"
function Tm(a, b, c, d, e, f, h) {, a);
this.clientX = c;
this.clientY = d;
this.browserEvent = e;
this.left = void 0 !== f ? f : b.deltaX; = void 0 !== h ? h : b.deltaY;
this.dragger = b
bb(Tm, Ah);
function Um(a) {
this.map_ = new Map;
var b = arguments.length;
if (1 < b) {
if (b % 2)
throw Error("Uneven number of arguments");
for (var c = 0; c < b; c += 2)
this.set(arguments[c], arguments[c + 1])
} else
a && this.addAll(a)
g = Um.prototype;
g.getCount = function() {
return this.map_.size
g.getValues = function() {
return Array.from(this.map_.values())
g.getKeys = function() {
return Array.from(this.map_.keys())
g.containsKey = function(a) {
return this.map_.has(a)
g.equals = function(a, b) {
var c = this;
b = void 0 === b ? function(d, e) {
return d === e
: b;
return this === a ? !0 : this.map_.size != a.getCount() ? !1 : this.getKeys().every(function(d) {
return b(c.map_.get(d), a.get(d))
g.isEmpty = function() {
return 0 == this.map_.size
g.clear = function() {
g.remove = function(a) {
return this.map_.delete(a)
g.get = function(a, b) {
return this.map_.has(a) ? this.map_.get(a) : b
g.set = function(a, b) {
this.map_.set(a, b);
return this
g.addAll = function(a) {
if (a instanceof Um) {
a = u(a.map_);
for (var b =; !b.done; b = {
var c = u(b.value);
b =;
c =;
this.map_.set(b, c)
} else if (a)
for (a = u(Object.entries(a)),
b =; !b.done; b =
c = u(b.value),
b =,
c =,
this.map_.set(b, c)
g.forEach = function(a, b) {
var c = this;
b = void 0 === b ? this : b;
this.map_.forEach(function(d, e) {
return, d, e, c)
g.clone = function() {
return new Um(this)
g.toObject = function() {
for (var a = {}, b = u(this.map_), c =; !c.done; c = {
var d = u(c.value);
c =;
d =;
a[c] = d
return a
(function() {
for (var a = ["ms", "moz", "webkit", "o"], b, c = 0; b = a[c] && !Na.requestAnimationFrame; ++c)
Na.requestAnimationFrame = Na[b + "RequestAnimationFrame"],
Na.cancelAnimationFrame = Na[b + "CancelAnimationFrame"] || Na[b + "CancelRequestAnimationFrame"];
if (!Na.requestAnimationFrame) {
var d = 0;
Na.requestAnimationFrame = function(e) {
var f = (new Date).getTime()
, h = Math.max(0, 16 - (f - d));
d = f + h;
return Na.setTimeout(function() {
e(f + h)
}, h)
Na.cancelAnimationFrame || (Na.cancelAnimationFrame = function(e) {
var Nka = [[], []]
, Vm = 0
, Wm = !1
, Oka = 0;
function Pka(a, b) {
var c = Oka++
, d = {
measureTask: {
id: c,
fn: a.measure,
context: b
mutateTask: {
id: c,
fn: a.mutate,
context: b
state: {},
args: void 0,
isScheduled: !1
return function() {
0 < arguments.length ? (d.args || (d.args = []),
d.args.length = 0,
d.args.push.apply(d.args, arguments),
d.args.push(d.state)) : d.args && 0 != d.args.length ? (d.args[0] = d.state,
d.args.length = 1) : d.args = [d.state];
d.isScheduled || (d.isScheduled = !0,
Wm || (Wm = !0,
function Qka() {
Wm = !1;
var a = Nka[Vm]
, b = a.length;
Vm = (Vm + 1) % 2;
for (var c, d = 0; d < b; ++d) {
c = a[d];
var e = c.measureTask;
c.isScheduled = !1;
e.fn && e.fn.apply(e.context, c.args)
for (d = 0; d < b; ++d)
c = a[d],
e = c.mutateTask,
c.isScheduled = !1,
e.fn && e.fn.apply(e.context, c.args),
c.state = {};
a.length = 0
;var Xm = ce ? fc(yb('javascript:""')) : fc(yb("about:blank"))
, Rka = bc(Xm)
, Ska = ce ? fc(yb('javascript:""')) : fc(yb("javascript:undefined"));
function Ym(a) {;
this.element_ = a;
a = ce ? "focusout" : "blur";
this.listenKeyIn_ = Kh(this.element_, ce ? "focusin" : "focus", this, !ce);
this.listenKeyOut_ = Kh(this.element_, a, this, !ce)
bb(Ym, Rh);
Ym.prototype.handleEvent = function(a) {
var b = new Ch(a.event_);
b.type = "focusin" == a.type || "focus" == a.type ? "focusin" : "focusout";
Ym.prototype.disposeInternal = function() {;
delete this.element_
function Zm() {}
Zm.prototype.nextId_ = 0;
Zm.prototype.idPrefix_ = "";
function $m(a) {
return a.idPrefix_ + ":" + (a.nextId_++).toString(36)
;function an(a) {;
this.dom_ = a || Xh();
this.rightToLeft_ = Tka;
this.id_ = null;
this.inDocument_ = !1;
this.element_ = null;
this.googUiComponentHandler_ = void 0;
this.childIndex_ = this.children_ = this.parent_ = this.model_ = null;
this.pointerEventsEnabled_ = this.wasDecorated_ = !1
bb(an, Rh);
an.prototype.idGenerator_ = Zm.getInstance();
var Tka = null;
function Uka(a, b) {
switch (a) {
case 1:
return b ? "disable" : "enable";
case 2:
return b ? "highlight" : "unhighlight";
case 4:
return b ? "activate" : "deactivate";
case 8:
return b ? "select" : "unselect";
case 16:
return b ? "check" : "uncheck";
case 32:
return b ? "focus" : "blur";
case 64:
return b ? "open" : "close"
throw Error("Invalid component state");
g = an.prototype;
g.getId = function() {
return this.id_ || (this.id_ = $m(this.idGenerator_))
g.setId = function(a) {
this.parent_ && this.parent_.childIndex_ && (Ub(this.parent_.childIndex_, this.id_),
lba(this.parent_.childIndex_, a, this));
this.id_ = a
g.getElement = function() {
return this.element_
function Vka(a) {
var b = bn(Wka, {
addACommentMessage: "Add a comment"
a.element_ = b
g.getElementByClass = function(a) {
return this.element_ ? this.dom_.getElementByClass(a, this.element_) : null
g.getRequiredElementByClass = function(a) {
return this.getElementByClass(a)
g.getHandler = function() {
this.googUiComponentHandler_ || (this.googUiComponentHandler_ = new mm(this));
return this.googUiComponentHandler_
g.setParent = function(a) {
if (this == a)
throw Error("Unable to set parent component");
if (a && this.parent_ && this.id_ && cn(this.parent_, this.id_) && this.parent_ != a)
throw Error("Unable to set parent component");
this.parent_ = a;, a)
g.getParent = function() {
return this.parent_
g.setParentEventTarget = function(a) {
if (this.parent_ && this.parent_ != a)
throw Error("Method not supported");, a)
g.getDomHelper = function() {
return this.dom_
g.createDom = function() {
this.element_ = this.dom_.createElement("DIV")
g.render = function(a) {
dn(this, a)
g.renderBefore = function(a) {
dn(this, a.parentNode, a)
function dn(a, b, c) {
if (a.inDocument_)
throw Error("Component already rendered");
a.element_ || a.createDom();
b ? b.insertBefore(a.element_, c || null) : a.dom_.document_.body.appendChild(a.element_);
a.parent_ && !a.parent_.inDocument_ || a.enterDocument()
g.decorate = function(a) {
if (this.inDocument_)
throw Error("Component already rendered");
if (a && this.canDecorate(a)) {
this.wasDecorated_ = !0;
var b = Zh(a);
this.dom_ && this.dom_.document_ == b || (this.dom_ = Xh(a));
} else
throw Error("Invalid element to decorate");
g.canDecorate = function() {
return !0
g.decorateInternal = function(a) {
this.element_ = a
g.enterDocument = function() {
this.inDocument_ = !0;
en(this, function(a) {
!a.inDocument_ && a.getElement() && a.enterDocument()
g.exitDocument = function() {
en(this, function(a) {
a.inDocument_ && a.exitDocument()
this.googUiComponentHandler_ && this.googUiComponentHandler_.removeAll();
this.inDocument_ = !1
g.disposeInternal = function() {
this.inDocument_ && this.exitDocument();
this.googUiComponentHandler_ && (this.googUiComponentHandler_.dispose(),
delete this.googUiComponentHandler_);
en(this, function(a) {
!this.wasDecorated_ && this.element_ && oi(this.element_);
this.parent_ = this.model_ = this.element_ = this.childIndex_ = this.children_ = null;
g.getModel = function() {
return this.model_
g.setModel = function(a) {
this.model_ = a
g.addChild = function(a, b) {
this.addChildAt(a, fn(this), b)
g.addChildAt = function(a, b, c) {
if (a.inDocument_ && (c || !this.inDocument_))
throw Error("Component already rendered");
if (0 > b || b > fn(this))
throw Error("Child component index out of bounds");
this.childIndex_ && this.children_ || (this.childIndex_ = {},
this.children_ = []);
if (a.getParent() == this) {
var d = a.getId();
this.childIndex_[d] = a;
Eb(this.children_, a)
} else
lba(this.childIndex_, a.getId(), a);
Uaa(this.children_, b, 0, a);
a.inDocument_ && this.inDocument_ && a.getParent() == this ? (c = this.getContentElement(),
(c.childNodes[b] || null) != a.getElement() && (a.getElement().parentElement == c && c.removeChild(a.getElement()),
b = c.childNodes[b] || null,
c.insertBefore(a.getElement(), b))) : c ? (this.element_ || this.createDom(),
b = gn(this, b + 1),
dn(a, this.getContentElement(), b ? b.element_ : null)) : this.inDocument_ && !a.inDocument_ && a.element_ && a.element_.parentNode && 1 == a.element_.parentNode.nodeType && a.enterDocument()
g.getContentElement = function() {
return this.element_
g.isRightToLeft = function() {
null == this.rightToLeft_ && (this.rightToLeft_ = bm(this.inDocument_ ? this.element_ : this.dom_.document_.body));
return this.rightToLeft_
g.setRightToLeft = function(a) {
if (this.inDocument_)
throw Error("Component already rendered");
this.rightToLeft_ = a
function fn(a) {
return a.children_ ? a.children_.length : 0
function Xka(a) {
var b = [];
en(a, function(c) {
return b
function cn(a, b) {
return a.childIndex_ && b ? mba(a.childIndex_, b) || null : null
function gn(a, b) {
return a.children_ ? a.children_[b] || null : null
function en(a, b, c) {
a.children_ && a.children_.forEach(b, c)
function hn(a, b) {
return a.children_ && b ? a.children_.indexOf(b) : -1
g.removeChild = function(a, b) {
if (a) {
var c = "string" === typeof a ? a : a.getId();
a = cn(this, c);
c && a && (Ub(this.childIndex_, c),
Eb(this.children_, a),
b && (a.exitDocument(),
a.element_ && oi(a.element_)),
if (!a)
throw Error("Child is not in parent component");
return a
g.removeChildren = function(a) {
for (var b = []; this.children_ && 0 != this.children_.length; )
b.push(this.removeChild(gn(this, 0), a));
return b
function Yka(a, b) {
this.element_ = a;
this.dom_ = b
;function jn(a, b) {, b);
this.useIframeMask_ = !!a;
this.lastFocus_ = null;
this.resizeBackgroundTask_ = Pka({
mutate: this.resizeBackground_
}, this);
this.updateModalAndBackgroundTask_ = Pka({
mutate: this.updateModalAndBackground_
}, this)
bb(jn, an);
g = jn.prototype;
g.focusHandler_ = null;
g.visible_ = !1;
g.bgEl_ = null;
g.bgIframeEl_ = null;
g.tabCatcherElement_ = null;
g.backwardTabWrapInProgress_ = !1;
g.centerInsideParent_ = !1;
g.parentElementResizeObserver_ = null;
g.getCssClass = function() {
return "goog-modalpopup"
g.getBackgroundElement = function() {
return this.bgEl_
g.createDom = function() {;
var a = this.getElement()
, b = kc(this.getCssClass()).split(" ");
Om(a, b);
vi(a, !0);
$l(a, !1);
function Zka(a) {
if (a.useIframeMask_ && !a.bgIframeEl_) {
var b = a.getDomHelper().createDom("IFRAME", {
frameborder: 0,
style: "border:0;vertical-align:bottom;"
b.src = bc(Xm);
a.bgIframeEl_ = b;
a.bgIframeEl_.className = a.getCssClass() + "-bg";
$l(a.bgIframeEl_, !1);
Zl(a.bgIframeEl_, 0)
a.bgEl_ || (a.bgEl_ = a.getDomHelper().createDom("DIV", a.getCssClass() + "-bg"),
$l(a.bgEl_, !1))
function $ka(a) {
a.tabCatcherElement_ || (a.tabCatcherElement_ = a.getDomHelper().createElement("SPAN"),
$l(a.tabCatcherElement_, !1),
vi(a.tabCatcherElement_, !0), = "absolute")
g.resetBackwardTabWrap_ = function() {
this.backwardTabWrapInProgress_ = !1
g.canDecorate = function(a) {
return !!a && "DIV" == a.tagName
g.decorateInternal = function(a) {, a);
a = kc(this.getCssClass()).split(" ");
Om(this.getElement(), a);
vi(this.getElement(), !0);
$l(this.getElement(), !1)
g.enterDocument = function() {
this.bgIframeEl_ && mi(this.bgIframeEl_, this.getElement());
mi(this.bgEl_, this.getElement());;
ni(this.tabCatcherElement_, this.getElement());
this.focusHandler_ = new Ym(this.getDomHelper().document_);
this.getHandler().listen(this.focusHandler_, "focusin", this.onFocus);
kn(this, !1)
g.exitDocument = function() {
this.isVisible() && this.setVisible(!1);
this.parentElementResizeObserver_ && this.parentElementResizeObserver_.disconnect()
g.setVisible = function(a) {
if (a != this.visible_)
if (this.popupShowTransition_ && this.popupShowTransition_.stop(),
this.bgShowTransition_ && this.bgShowTransition_.stop(),
this.popupHideTransition_ && this.popupHideTransition_.stop(),
this.bgHideTransition_ && this.bgHideTransition_.stop(),
this.inDocument_ && kn(this, a),
else if (this.dispatchEvent("beforehide")) {
this.getHandler().unlisten(this.getDomHelper().getWindow(), "resize", this.resizeBackground_).unlisten(this.getDomHelper().getWindow(), "orientationchange", this.resizeBackgroundTask_);
this.visible_ = !1;
if (this.popupHideTransition_ && this.bgHideTransition_)
Lh(this.popupHideTransition_, "end", this.onHide, !1, this),,;
a: {
try {
var b = this.getDomHelper()
, c = b.document_.body
, d = b.document_.activeElement || c;
if (!this.lastFocus_ || this.lastFocus_ == c) {
this.lastFocus_ = null;
break a
(d == c || b.contains(this.getElement(), d)) && this.lastFocus_.focus()
} catch (e) {}
this.lastFocus_ = null
function kn(a, b) {
a.modalAriaVisibilityHelper_ || (a.modalAriaVisibilityHelper_ = new Yka(a.element_,a.dom_));
a = a.modalAriaVisibilityHelper_;
if (b) {
a.hiddenElements_ || (a.hiddenElements_ = []);
b = Sga(a.dom_.document_.body);
for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++) {
var d = b[c];
d == a.element_ || Dka(d, "hidden") || (Hm(d, "hidden", !0),
} else if (a.hiddenElements_) {
for (c = 0; c < a.hiddenElements_.length; c++)
a.hiddenElements_ = null
function ala(a) {
if (a.dispatchEvent("beforeshow")) {
try {
a.lastFocus_ = a.getDomHelper().document_.activeElement
} catch (b) {}
a.centerInsideParent_ && void 0 !== window.ResizeObserver ? (a.parentElementResizeObserver_ = new ResizeObserver(function() {
a.isVisible() && a.updateModalAndBackground_()
a.getHandler().listen(a.getDomHelper().getWindow(), "orientationchange", a.updateModalAndBackgroundTask_)) : a.getHandler().listen(a.getDomHelper().getWindow(), "resize", a.resizeBackground_).listen(a.getDomHelper().getWindow(), "orientationchange", a.resizeBackgroundTask_);
bla(a, !0);
a.visible_ = !0;
if (a.popupShowTransition_ && a.bgShowTransition_)
Lh(a.popupShowTransition_, "end", a.onShow, !1, a),,;
g.updateModalAndBackground_ = function() {
function bla(a, b) {
a.bgIframeEl_ && $l(a.bgIframeEl_, b);
a.bgEl_ && $l(a.bgEl_, b);
$l(a.getElement(), b);
$l(a.tabCatcherElement_, b)
g.onShow = function() {
g.onHide = function() {
bla(this, !1);
g.isVisible = function() {
return this.visible_
g.focus = function() {
g.resizeBackground_ = function() {
this.bgIframeEl_ && $l(this.bgIframeEl_, !1);
this.bgEl_ && $l(this.bgEl_, !1);
if (this.centerInsideParent_) {
var a = this.getElement().parentElement;
var b = a.clientWidth;
a = a.clientHeight
} else {
a = this.getDomHelper().document_;
var c = cla(this);
b = Math.max(c.width, Math.max(a.body.scrollWidth, a.documentElement.scrollWidth));
a = Math.max(c.height, Math.max(a.body.scrollHeight, a.documentElement.scrollHeight))
this.bgIframeEl_ && ($l(this.bgIframeEl_, !0),
Wl(this.bgIframeEl_, b, a));
this.bgEl_ && ($l(this.bgEl_, !0),
Wl(this.bgEl_, b, a))
g.reposition = function() {
if ("fixed" == Ol(this.getElement()))
var a = 0
, b = 0;
b = ei(this.getDomHelper().document_),
a = b.x,
b = b.y;
var c = Xl(this.getElement());
if (this.centerInsideParent_) {
var d = this.getElement().parentElement;
d = new Wh(d.clientWidth,d.clientHeight)
} else
d = cla(this);
a = Math.max(a + d.width / 2 - c.width / 2, 0);
b = Math.max(b + d.height / 2 - c.height / 2, 0);
Pl(this.getElement(), a, b);
Pl(this.tabCatcherElement_, a, b)
g.onFocus = function(a) {
this.backwardTabWrapInProgress_ ? this.resetBackwardTabWrap_() : == this.tabCatcherElement_ && Si(this.focusElement_, 0, this)
g.focusElement_ = function() {
try {
ce && this.getDomHelper().document_.body.focus(),
} catch (a) {}
function cla(a) {
a = a.getDomHelper().document_;
return ci(gi(a) || window)
g.disposeInternal = function() {
this.popupShowTransition_ = null;
this.popupHideTransition_ = null;
this.bgShowTransition_ = null;
this.bgHideTransition_ = null;
function ln(a, b, c) {, b, c);
this.class_ = a || "modal-dialog";
this.buttons_ = mn(mn(new nn, on, !0), pn, !1, !0)
bb(ln, jn);
g = ln.prototype;
g.escapeToCancel_ = !0;
g.hasTitleCloseButton_ = !0;
g.modal_ = !0;
g.draggable_ = !0;
g.trackSurroundingSpace_ = !1;
g.backgroundElementOpacity_ = .5;
g.title_ = "";
g.content_ = null;
g.dragger_ = null;
g.disposeOnHide_ = !1;
g.titleEl_ = null;
g.titleTextEl_ = null;
g.titleTextId_ = null;
g.titleCloseEl_ = null;
g.contentEl_ = null;
g.buttonEl_ = null;
g.preferredAriaRole_ = "dialog";
g.isAriaDescribedByContent_ = !1;
g.getCssClass = function() {
return this.class_
g.setTitle = function(a) {
this.title_ = a;
this.titleTextEl_ && ti(this.titleTextEl_, a)
g.getTitle = function() {
return this.title_
function qn(a, b) {
a.content_ = b;
a.contentEl_ && qd(a.contentEl_, b)
g.getContent = function() {
return null != this.content_ ? Yc(this.content_) : ""
g.getSafeHtmlContent = function() {
return this.content_
g.getPreferredAriaRole = function() {
return this.preferredAriaRole_
function rn(a) {
a.getElement() || a.render()
g.getContentElement = function() {
return this.contentEl_
g.getBackgroundElement = function() {
function sn(a, b) {
a.backgroundElementOpacity_ = b;
a.getElement() && (b = a.getBackgroundElement()) && Zl(b, a.backgroundElementOpacity_)
function dla(a, b) {
a.modal_ = b;
if (a.inDocument_) {
var c = a.getDomHelper()
, d = a.getBackgroundElement()
, e = a.bgIframeEl_;
b ? (e && c.insertSiblingBefore(e, a.getElement()),
c.insertSiblingBefore(d, a.getElement())) : (c.removeNode(e),
a.isVisible() && kn(a, b)
g.handleDrag = function() {
function ela(a) {
if (a.trackSurroundingSpace_ && (a.getDomHelper(),
a.getElement())) {
var b = a.element_;
"fixed" != Ol(b) && a.getDomHelper()
function fla(a, b) {
var c = kc(a.class_ + "-title-draggable").split(" ");
a.getElement() && (b ? Om(a.titleEl_, c) : Gka(a.titleEl_, c));
b && !a.dragger_ ? (b = new Rm(a.getElement(),a.titleEl_),
a.dragger_ = b,
Om(a.titleEl_, c),
Kh(a.dragger_, "start", a.setDraggerLimits_, !1, a),
Kh(a.dragger_, "drag", a.handleDrag, !1, a)) : !b && a.dragger_ && (a.dragger_.dispose(),
a.dragger_ = null)
g.createDom = function() {;
var a = this.getElement()
, b = this.getDomHelper();
this.titleTextId_ = this.getId();
var c = this.getId() + ".contentEl";
this.titleEl_ = b.createDom("DIV", this.class_ + "-title", this.titleTextEl_ = b.createDom("SPAN", {
className: this.class_ + "-title-text",
id: this.titleTextId_
}, this.title_), this.titleCloseEl_ = b.createDom("SPAN", this.class_ + "-title-close"));
Kga(a, this.titleEl_, this.contentEl_ = b.createDom("DIV", {
className: this.class_ + "-content",
id: c
}), this.buttonEl_ = b.createDom("DIV", this.class_ + "-buttons"));
Gm(this.titleTextEl_, "heading");
Gm(this.titleCloseEl_, "button");
vi(this.titleCloseEl_, !0);
Jm(this.titleCloseEl_, "Close");
Gm(a, this.getPreferredAriaRole());
Hm(a, "labelledby", this.titleTextId_ || "");
this.content_ && (qd(this.contentEl_, this.content_),
this.isAriaDescribedByContent_ && c && Hm(a, "describedby", c));
$l(this.titleCloseEl_, this.hasTitleCloseButton_);
this.buttons_ && (a = this.buttons_,
a.element_ = this.buttonEl_,
$l(this.buttonEl_, !!this.buttons_);
sn(this, this.backgroundElementOpacity_)
g.decorateInternal = function(a) {, a);
a = this.getElement();
var b = this.class_ + "-content";
this.contentEl_ = ai(document, null, b, a)[0];
this.contentEl_ || (this.contentEl_ = this.getDomHelper().createDom("DIV", b),
this.content_ && qd(this.contentEl_, this.content_),
b = this.class_ + "-title";
var c = this.class_ + "-title-text"
, d = this.class_ + "-title-close";
(this.titleEl_ = ai(document, null, b, a)[0]) ? (this.titleTextEl_ = ai(document, null, c, this.titleEl_)[0],
this.titleCloseEl_ = ai(document, null, d, this.titleEl_)[0]) : (this.titleEl_ = this.getDomHelper().createDom("DIV", b),
a.insertBefore(this.titleEl_, this.contentEl_));
this.titleTextEl_ ? (this.title_ = wi(this.titleTextEl_), || ( = this.getId())) : (this.titleTextEl_ = hi("SPAN", {
className: c,
id: this.getId()
this.titleTextId_ =;
Hm(a, "labelledby", this.titleTextId_ || "");
this.titleCloseEl_ || (this.titleCloseEl_ = this.getDomHelper().createDom("SPAN", d),
$l(this.titleCloseEl_, this.hasTitleCloseButton_);
b = this.class_ + "-buttons";
(this.buttonEl_ = ai(document, null, b, a)[0]) ? (this.buttons_ = new nn(this.getDomHelper()),
this.buttons_.decorate(this.buttonEl_)) : (this.buttonEl_ = this.getDomHelper().createDom("DIV", b),
this.buttons_ && (a = this.buttons_,
a.element_ = this.buttonEl_,
$l(this.buttonEl_, !!this.buttons_));
sn(this, this.backgroundElementOpacity_)
g.enterDocument = function() {;
this.getHandler().listen(this.getElement(), "keydown", this.onKey_).listen(this.getElement(), "keypress", this.onKey_);
this.getHandler().listen(this.buttonEl_, "click", this.onButtonClick_);
fla(this, this.draggable_);
this.getHandler().listen(this.titleCloseEl_, "click", this.onTitleCloseClick_);
var a = this.getElement();
Gm(a, this.getPreferredAriaRole());
"" !== && Hm(a, "labelledby",;
this.modal_ || dla(this, !1)
g.exitDocument = function() {
this.isVisible() && this.setVisible(!1);
fla(this, !1);
g.setVisible = function(a) {
a != this.isVisible() && (this.inDocument_ || this.render(),, a))
g.onShow = function() {;
g.onHide = function() {;
this.disposeOnHide_ && this.dispose()
g.setDraggerLimits_ = function() {
var a = this.getDomHelper().document_
, b = ci(gi(a) || window)
, c = Math.max(a.body.scrollWidth, b.width);
a = Math.max(a.body.scrollHeight, b.height);
var d = Xl(this.getElement());
"fixed" == Ol(this.getElement()) ? Sm(this.dragger_, new Gl(0,0,Math.max(0, b.width - d.width),Math.max(0, b.height - d.height))) : Sm(this.dragger_, new Gl(0,0,c - d.width,a - d.height))
g.onTitleCloseClick_ = function() {
function tn(a) {
if (a.hasTitleCloseButton_) {
var b = a.buttons_
, c = b && b.cancelButton_;
c ? (b = b.get(c),
a.dispatchEvent(new un(c,b)) && a.setVisible(!1)) : a.setVisible(!1)
g.disposeInternal = function() {
this.buttonEl_ = this.titleCloseEl_ = null;
function vn(a, b) {
a.buttons_ = b;
a.buttonEl_ && (a.buttons_ ? (b = a.buttons_,
b.element_ = a.buttonEl_,
b.render()) : qd(a.buttonEl_, ed),
$l(a.buttonEl_, !!a.buttons_))
g.onButtonClick_ = function(a) {
a: {
for (a =; null != a && a != this.buttonEl_; ) {
if ("BUTTON" == a.tagName)
break a;
a = a.parentNode
a = null
if (a && !a.disabled) {
a =;
var b = this.buttons_.get(a);
this.dispatchEvent(new un(a,b)) && this.setVisible(!1)
g.onKey_ = function(a) {
var b = !1
, c = !1
, d = this.buttons_
, e =;
if ("keydown" == a.type)
if (this.escapeToCancel_ && 27 == a.keyCode) {
var f = d && d.cancelButton_;
e = "SELECT" == e.tagName && !e.disabled;
f && !e ? (c = !0,
b = d.get(f),
b = this.dispatchEvent(new un(f,b))) : e || (b = !0)
} else {
if (9 == a.keyCode && a.shiftKey && e == this.getElement()) {
this.backwardTabWrapInProgress_ = !0;
try {
} catch (l) {}
Si(this.resetBackwardTabWrap_, 0, this)
else if (13 == a.keyCode) {
if ("BUTTON" == e.tagName && !e.disabled)
f =;
else if (e == this.titleCloseEl_)
else if (d) {
var h = d.defaultButton_
, k = h && gla(d, h);
e = ("TEXTAREA" == e.tagName || "SELECT" == e.tagName || "A" == e.tagName) && !e.disabled;
!k || k.disabled || e || (f = h)
f && d && (c = !0,
b = this.dispatchEvent(new un(f,String(d.get(f)))))
} else
e != this.titleCloseEl_ || 32 != a.keyCode && " " != a.key || tn(this);
if (b || c)
b && this.setVisible(!1)
function un(a, b) {
this.type = "dialogselect";
this.key = a;
this.caption = b
bb(un, Ah);
function nn(a) {;
this.dom_ = a || Xh();
this.class_ = "goog-buttonset";
this.cancelButton_ = this.element_ = this.defaultButton_ = null
bb(nn, Um);
g = nn.prototype;
g.clear = function() {;
this.defaultButton_ = this.cancelButton_ = null
g.set = function(a, b, c, d) {, a, b);
c && (this.defaultButton_ = a);
d && (this.cancelButton_ = a);
return this
function mn(a, b, c, d) {
return a.set(b.key, b.caption, c, d)
g.render = function() {
if (this.element_) {
qd(this.element_, ed);
var a = Xh(this.element_);
this.forEach(function(b, c) {
b = a.createDom("BUTTON", {
name: c
}, b);
c == this.defaultButton_ && (b.className = this.class_ + "-default");
}, this)
g.decorate = function(a) {
if (a && 1 == a.nodeType) {
this.element_ = a;
a = (this.element_ || document).getElementsByTagName("BUTTON");
for (var b = 0, c, d, e; c = a[b]; b++)
if (d = ||,
e = wi(c) || c.value,
d) {
var f = 0 == b;
this.set(d, e, f, "cancel" ==;
f && Nm(c, this.class_ + "-default")
g.getElement = function() {
return this.element_
g.getDomHelper = function() {
return this.dom_
g.setDefault = function(a) {
this.defaultButton_ = a
function gla(a, b) {
a = (a.element_ || document).getElementsByTagName("BUTTON");
for (var c = 0, d; d = a[c]; c++)
if ( == b || == b)
return d;
return null
var on = {
key: "ok",
caption: "OK"
, pn = {
key: "cancel",
caption: "Cancel"
, hla = {
key: "yes",
caption: "Yes"
, ila = {
key: "no",
caption: "No"
, jla = {
key: "save",
caption: "Save"
, kla = {
key: "continue",
caption: "Continue"
"undefined" != typeof document && (mn(new nn, on, !0, !0),
mn(mn(new nn, on, !0), pn, !1, !0),
mn(mn(new nn, hla, !0), ila, !1, !0),
mn(mn(mn(new nn, hla), ila, !0), pn, !1, !0),
mn(mn(mn(new nn, kla), jla), pn, !0, !0));
function wn(a) {, void 0, !1, a);
this.hasTitleCloseButton_ = !1;
this.titleCloseEl_ && $l(this.titleCloseEl_, this.hasTitleCloseButton_);
this.escapeToCancel_ = !0;
vn(this, null)
bb(wn, ln);
wn.prototype.setVisible = function(a) {
var b = this.getElement()
, c = this.getDomHelper();
Qm(b, "share-client-offscreen", !a);
a != this.modal_ && dla(this, a);
a ? (this.reposition(),, !0)) : ( = "", = "", = "");
c = c.getElementsByTagNameAndClass("iframe", null, this.getContentElement());
for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++)
c[d].tabIndex = a ? "0" : "-1";
b.tabIndex = a ? "0" : "-1";
this.tabCatcherElement_.tabIndex = a ? "0" : "-1";
b.setAttribute("aria-hidden", !a);
a || this.dispatchEvent("j")
wn.prototype.enterDocument = function() {;
var a;
(a = this.titleCloseEl_) && Hm(a, "hidden", !0)
Copyright The Closure Library Authors.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
function xn(a, b) {
var c = Xh();
if ((a = a(b || lla, void 0)) && a.renderAsElement)
return a.renderAsElement();
a = mla(a);
return ki(c.document_, a)
function bn(a, b) {
b = a(b || lla, void 0);
a = Xh();
b && b.renderAsElement ? a = b.renderAsElement() : (a = a.createElement("DIV"),
b = mla(b),
qd(a, b));
1 == a.childNodes.length && (b = a.firstChild,
1 == b.nodeType && (a = b));
return a
function mla(a) {
return Ta(a) ? a.toSafeHtml && (a = a.toSafeHtml(),
a instanceof Xc) ? a : $c("zSoyz") : $c(String(a))
var lla = {};
function yn(a, b, c, d, e, f, h, k) {
this.iconId_ = a;
this.message_ = b;
this.showInDialog_ = c;
this.timeout_ = d;
this.learnMoreUrl_ = e || null;
this.undoFn_ = f || null;
this.actionLabel_ = h || null;
this.actionLabelUrl_ = k || null
yn.prototype.getMessage = function() {
return this.message_
yn.prototype.toJson = function() {
var a = {};
a.iconId = this.iconId_;
a.learnMoreUrl = this.learnMoreUrl_;
a.message = this.getMessage();
a.showInDialog = this.showInDialog_;
a.timeout = this.timeout_;
a.undoFn = this.undoFn_;
a.actionLabel = this.actionLabel_;
a.actionLabelUrl = this.actionLabelUrl_;
return a
function zn(a, b, c, d) {, d);
this.type = "key";
this.keyCode = a;
this.charCode = b;
this.repeat = c
bb(zn, Ch);
function An(a, b) {;
a && this.attach(a, b)
bb(An, Rh);
g = An.prototype;
g.element_ = null;
g.keyPressKey_ = null;
g.keyDownKey_ = null;
g.keyUpKey_ = null;
g.lastKey_ = -1;
g.keyCode_ = -1;
g.altKey_ = !1;
var nla = {
3: 13,
12: 144,
63232: 38,
63233: 40,
63234: 37,
63235: 39,
63236: 112,
63237: 113,
63238: 114,
63239: 115,
63240: 116,
63241: 117,
63242: 118,
63243: 119,
63244: 120,
63245: 121,
63246: 122,
63247: 123,
63248: 44,
63272: 46,
63273: 36,
63275: 35,
63276: 33,
63277: 34,
63289: 144,
63302: 45
, ola = {
Up: 38,
Down: 40,
Left: 37,
Right: 39,
Enter: 13,
F1: 112,
F2: 113,
F3: 114,
F4: 115,
F5: 116,
F6: 117,
F7: 118,
F8: 119,
F9: 120,
F10: 121,
F11: 122,
F12: 123,
"U+007F": 46,
Home: 36,
End: 35,
PageUp: 33,
PageDown: 34,
Insert: 45
, pla = he && fe;
g = An.prototype;
g.handleKeyDown_ = function(a) {
if (ge || de)
if (17 == this.lastKey_ && !a.ctrlKey || 18 == this.lastKey_ && !a.altKey || he && 91 == this.lastKey_ && !a.metaKey)
this.keyCode_ = this.lastKey_ = -1;
-1 == this.lastKey_ && (a.ctrlKey && 17 != a.keyCode ? this.lastKey_ = 17 : a.altKey && 18 != a.keyCode ? this.lastKey_ = 18 : a.metaKey && 91 != a.keyCode && (this.lastKey_ = 91));
Aja(a.keyCode, this.lastKey_, a.shiftKey, a.ctrlKey, a.altKey, a.metaKey) ? (this.keyCode_ = Cl(a.keyCode),
pla && (this.altKey_ = a.altKey)) : this.handleEvent(a)
g.handleKeyup_ = function(a) {
this.keyCode_ = this.lastKey_ = -1;
this.altKey_ = a.altKey
g.handleEvent = function(a) {
var b = a.event_
, c = b.altKey;
if (ce && "keypress" == a.type) {
var d = this.keyCode_;
var e = 13 != d && 27 != d ? b.keyCode : 0
} else
(ge || de) && "keypress" == a.type ? (d = this.keyCode_,
e = 0 <= b.charCode && 63232 > b.charCode && Bl(d) ? b.charCode : 0) : ("keypress" == a.type ? (pla && (c = this.altKey_),
b.keyCode == b.charCode ? 32 > b.keyCode ? (d = b.keyCode,
e = 0) : (d = this.keyCode_,
e = b.charCode) : (d = b.keyCode || this.keyCode_,
e = b.charCode || 0)) : (d = b.keyCode || this.keyCode_,
e = b.charCode || 0),
he && 63 == e && 224 == d && (d = 191));
var f = d = Cl(d);
d ? 63232 <= d && d in nla ? f = nla[d] : 25 == d && a.shiftKey && (f = 9) : b.keyIdentifier && b.keyIdentifier in ola && (f = ola[b.keyIdentifier]);
if (!fe || "keypress" != a.type || Aja(f, this.lastKey_, a.shiftKey, a.ctrlKey, c, a.metaKey))
a = f == this.lastKey_,
this.lastKey_ = f,
b = new zn(f,e,a,b),
b.altKey = c,
g.getElement = function() {
return this.element_
g.attach = function(a, b) {
this.keyUpKey_ && this.detach();
this.element_ = a;
this.keyPressKey_ = Kh(this.element_, "keypress", this, b);
this.keyDownKey_ = Kh(this.element_, "keydown", this.handleKeyDown_, b, this);
this.keyUpKey_ = Kh(this.element_, "keyup", this.handleKeyup_, b, this)
g.detach = function() {
this.keyPressKey_ && (Ph(this.keyPressKey_),
this.keyUpKey_ = this.keyDownKey_ = this.keyPressKey_ = null);
this.element_ = null;
this.keyCode_ = this.lastKey_ = -1
g.disposeInternal = function() {;
var Bn = {
MOUSEDOWN: "mousedown",
MOUSEUP: "mouseup",
MOUSECANCEL: "mousecancel",
MOUSEMOVE: "mousemove",
MOUSEOVER: "mouseover",
MOUSEOUT: "mouseout",
MOUSEENTER: "mouseenter",
MOUSELEAVE: "mouseleave"
var Cn = {
MOUSEDOWN: Bh ? "pointerdown" : "mousedown",
MOUSEUP: Bh ? "pointerup" : "mouseup",
MOUSECANCEL: Bh ? "pointercancel" : "mousecancel",
MOUSEMOVE: Bh ? "pointermove" : "mousemove",
MOUSEOVER: Bh ? "pointerover" : "mouseover",
MOUSEOUT: Bh ? "pointerout" : "mouseout",
MOUSEENTER: Bh ? "pointerenter" : "mouseenter",
MOUSELEAVE: Bh ? "pointerleave" : "mouseleave"
function Dn() {}
var En;
var qla = {
button: "pressed",
checkbox: "checked",
menuitem: "selected",
menuitemcheckbox: "checked",
menuitemradio: "checked",
radio: "checked",
tab: "selected",
treeitem: "selected"
g = Dn.prototype;
g.getAriaRole = function() {}
g.createDom = function(a) {
return a.getDomHelper().createDom("DIV", this.getClassNames(a).join(" "), a.getContent())
g.getContentElement = function(a) {
return a
g.enableClassName = function(a, b, c) {
(a = a.getElement ? a.getElement() : a) && (c ? Om : Gka)(a, [b])
g.canDecorate = function() {
return !0
g.decorate = function(a, b) { && a.setId(;
var c = this.getContentElement(b);
c && c.firstChild ? rla(a, c.firstChild.nextSibling ? Fb(c.childNodes) : c.firstChild) : a.content_ = null;
var d = 0
, e = this.getCssClass()
, f = this.getCssClass()
, h = !1
, k = !1
, l = Fb(Km(b));
l.forEach(function(m) {
h || m != e ? k || m != f ? d |= this.getStateFromClass(m) : k = !0 : (h = !0,
f == e && (k = !0));
1 == this.getStateFromClass(m) && ui(c) && vi(c, !1)
}, this);
a.state_ = d;
h || (l.push(e),
f == e && (k = !0));
k || l.push(f);
(a = a.extraClassNames_) && l.push.apply(l, a);
h && k && !a || Lm(b, l.join(" "));
return b
g.initializeDom = function(a) {
a.isRightToLeft() && this.setRightToLeft(a.getElement(), !0);
a.isEnabled() && this.setFocusable(a, a.isVisible())
function Fn(a, b, c) {
if (a = c || a.getAriaRole())
c = b.getAttribute("role") || null,
a != c && Gm(b, a)
function sla(a, b, c) {
var d = b.ariaLabel_;
null != d && a.setAriaLabel(c, d);
b.isVisible() || Hm(c, "hidden", !b.isVisible());
b.isEnabled() || a.updateAriaState(c, 1, !b.isEnabled());
Gn(b, 8) && a.updateAriaState(c, 8, b.isSelected());
Gn(b, 16) && a.updateAriaState(c, 16, b.hasState(16));
Gn(b, 64) && a.updateAriaState(c, 64, b.isOpen())
g.setAriaLabel = function(a, b) {
Jm(a, b)
g.setAllowTextSelection = function(a, b) {
Pja(a, !b, !ce)
g.setRightToLeft = function(a, b) {
this.enableClassName(a, this.getCssClass() + "-rtl", b)
g.isFocusable = function(a) {
var b;
return Gn(a, 32) && (b = a.getKeyEventTarget()) ? ui(b) : !1
g.setFocusable = function(a, b) {
var c;
if (Gn(a, 32) && (c = a.getKeyEventTarget())) {
if (!b && a.isFocused()) {
try {
} catch (d) {}
a.isFocused() && a.handleBlur(null)
ui(c) != b && vi(c, b)
g.setVisible = function(a, b) {
$l(a, b);
a && Hm(a, "hidden", !b)
g.setState = function(a, b, c) {
var d = a.getElement();
if (d) {
var e = this.getClassForState(b);
e && this.enableClassName(a, e, c);
this.updateAriaState(d, b, c)
g.updateAriaState = function(a, b, c) {
En || (En = {
1: "disabled",
8: "selected",
16: "checked",
64: "expanded"
b = En[b];
var d = a.getAttribute("role") || null;
d && (d = qla[d] || b,
b = "checked" == b || "selected" == b ? d : b);
b && Hm(a, b, c)
g.setContent = function(a, b) {
var c = this.getContentElement(a);
c && (li(c),
b && ("string" === typeof b ? ti(c, b) : (a = function(d) {
if (d) {
var e = Zh(c);
c.appendChild("string" === typeof d ? e.createTextNode(d) : d)
Array.isArray(b) ? b.forEach(a) : !Sa(b) || "nodeType"in b ? a(b) : Fb(b).forEach(a))))
g.getKeyEventTarget = function(a) {
return a.getElement()
g.getCssClass = function() {
return "goog-control"
g.getClassNames = function(a) {
var b = this.getCssClass()
, c = [b]
, d = this.getCssClass();
d != b && c.push(d);
b = a.getState();
for (d = []; b; ) {
var e = b & -b;
b &= ~e
c.push.apply(c, d);
(a = a.extraClassNames_) && c.push.apply(c, a);
return c
g.getClassForState = function(a) {
this.classByState_ || tla(this);
return this.classByState_[a]
g.getStateFromClass = function(a) {
this.stateByClass_ || (this.classByState_ || tla(this),
this.stateByClass_ = nba(this.classByState_));
a = parseInt(this.stateByClass_[a], 10);
return isNaN(a) ? 0 : a
function tla(a) {
var b = a.getCssClass();
mc(b.replace(/\xa0|\s/g, " "), " ");
a.classByState_ = {
1: b + "-disabled",
2: b + "-hover",
4: b + "-active",
8: b + "-selected",
16: b + "-checked",
32: b + "-focused",
64: b + "-open"
;function Hn(a, b) {
if (!a)
throw Error("Invalid class name " + a);
if ("function" !== typeof b)
throw Error("Invalid decorator function " + b);
In[a] = b
function ula(a) {
a = Km(a);
for (var b = 0, c = a.length; b < c; b++) {
var d = a[b];
if (d = d in In ? In[d]() : null)
return d
return null
var vla = {}
, In = {};
function Jn(a, b, c) {, c);
if (!b) {
for (b = this.constructor; b; ) {
var d = Va(b);
if (d = vla[d])
b = (b = Object.getPrototypeOf(b.prototype)) && b.constructor
b = d ? "function" === typeof d.getInstance ? d.getInstance() : new d : null
this.renderer_ = b;
this.content_ = void 0 !== a ? a : null;
this.ariaLabel_ = null
bb(Jn, an);
g = Jn.prototype;
g.content_ = null;
g.state_ = 0;
g.supportedStates_ = 39;
g.autoStates_ = 255;
g.statesWithTransitionEvents_ = 0;
g.visible_ = !0;
g.extraClassNames_ = null;
g.handleMouseEvents_ = !0;
g.allowTextSelection_ = !1;
g.preferredAriaRole_ = null;
function Kn(a, b) {
a.inDocument_ && b != a.handleMouseEvents_ && wla(a, b);
a.handleMouseEvents_ = b
g.getKeyEventTarget = function() {
return this.renderer_.getKeyEventTarget(this)
g.getKeyHandler = function() {
return this.keyHandler_ || (this.keyHandler_ = new An)
g.setRenderer = function(a) {
if (this.inDocument_)
throw Error("Component already rendered");
this.getElement() && (this.element_ = null);
this.renderer_ = a
g.enableClassName = function(a, b) {
b ? a && (this.extraClassNames_ ? Db(this.extraClassNames_, a) || this.extraClassNames_.push(a) : this.extraClassNames_ = [a],
this.renderer_.enableClassName(this, a, !0)) : a && this.extraClassNames_ && Eb(this.extraClassNames_, a) && (0 == this.extraClassNames_.length && (this.extraClassNames_ = null),
this.renderer_.enableClassName(this, a, !1))
g.createDom = function() {
var a = this.renderer_.createDom(this);
this.element_ = a;
Fn(this.renderer_, a, this.getPreferredAriaRole());
this.allowTextSelection_ || this.renderer_.setAllowTextSelection(a, !1);
this.isVisible() || this.renderer_.setVisible(a, !1)
g.getPreferredAriaRole = function() {
return this.preferredAriaRole_
g.setAriaLabel = function(a) {
this.ariaLabel_ = a;
var b = this.getElement();
b && this.renderer_.setAriaLabel(b, a)
g.getContentElement = function() {
return this.renderer_.getContentElement(this.getElement())
g.canDecorate = function(a) {
return this.renderer_.canDecorate(a)
g.decorateInternal = function(a) {
this.element_ = a = this.renderer_.decorate(this, a);
Fn(this.renderer_, a, this.getPreferredAriaRole());
this.allowTextSelection_ || this.renderer_.setAllowTextSelection(a, !1);
this.visible_ = "none" !=
g.enterDocument = function() {;
sla(this.renderer_, this, this.element_);
if (this.supportedStates_ & -2 && (this.handleMouseEvents_ && wla(this, !0),
Gn(this, 32))) {
var a = this.getKeyEventTarget();
if (a) {
var b = this.getKeyHandler();
this.getHandler().listen(b, "key", this.handleKeyEvent).listen(a, "focus", this.handleFocus).listen(a, "blur", this.handleBlur)
function wla(a, b) {
var c = a.pointerEventsEnabled_ ? Cn : Bn
, d = a.getHandler()
, e = a.getElement();
b ? (d.listen(e, c.MOUSEDOWN, a.handleMouseDown).listen(e, [c.MOUSEUP, c.MOUSECANCEL], a.handleMouseUp).listen(e, "mouseover", a.handleMouseOver).listen(e, "mouseout", a.handleMouseOut),
a.pointerEventsEnabled_ && d.listen(e, "gotpointercapture", a.preventPointerCapture_),
a.handleContextMenu != od && d.listen(e, "contextmenu", a.handleContextMenu),
ce && !a.ieMouseEventSequenceSimulator_ && (a.ieMouseEventSequenceSimulator_ = new Ln(a),
zh(a, a.ieMouseEventSequenceSimulator_))) : (d.unlisten(e, c.MOUSEDOWN, a.handleMouseDown).unlisten(e, [c.MOUSEUP, c.MOUSECANCEL], a.handleMouseUp).unlisten(e, "mouseover", a.handleMouseOver).unlisten(e, "mouseout", a.handleMouseOut),
a.pointerEventsEnabled_ && d.unlisten(e, "gotpointercapture", a.preventPointerCapture_),
a.handleContextMenu != od && d.unlisten(e, "contextmenu", a.handleContextMenu),
ce && (xh(a.ieMouseEventSequenceSimulator_),
a.ieMouseEventSequenceSimulator_ = null))
g.exitDocument = function() {;
this.keyHandler_ && this.keyHandler_.detach();
this.isVisible() && this.isEnabled() && this.renderer_.setFocusable(this, !1)
g.disposeInternal = function() {;
this.keyHandler_ && (this.keyHandler_.dispose(),
delete this.keyHandler_);
delete this.renderer_;
this.ieMouseEventSequenceSimulator_ = this.extraClassNames_ = this.content_ = null
g.getContent = function() {
return this.content_
g.setContent = function(a) {
this.renderer_.setContent(this.getElement(), a);
this.content_ = a
function rla(a, b) {
a.content_ = b
g.getCaption = function() {
var a = this.getContent();
if (!a)
return "";
a = "string" === typeof a ? a : Array.isArray(a) ?"") : wi(a);
return Kca(a)
g.setRightToLeft = function(a) {, a);
var b = this.getElement();
b && this.renderer_.setRightToLeft(b, a)
g.setAllowTextSelection = function(a) {
this.allowTextSelection_ = a;
var b = this.getElement();
b && this.renderer_.setAllowTextSelection(b, a)
g.isVisible = function() {
return this.visible_
g.setVisible = function(a, b) {
return b || this.visible_ != a && this.dispatchEvent(a ? "show" : "hide") ? ((b = this.getElement()) && this.renderer_.setVisible(b, a),
this.isEnabled() && this.renderer_.setFocusable(this, a),
this.visible_ = a,
!0) : !1
g.isEnabled = function() {
return !this.hasState(1)
g.setEnabled = function(a) {
var b = this.getParent();
b && "function" == typeof b.isEnabled && !b.isEnabled() || !Mn(this, 1, !a) || (a || (this.setActive(!1),
this.isVisible() && this.renderer_.setFocusable(this, a),
this.setState(1, !a, !0))
g.setHighlighted = function(a) {
Mn(this, 2, a) && this.setState(2, a)
g.isActive = function() {
return this.hasState(4)
g.setActive = function(a) {
Mn(this, 4, a) && this.setState(4, a)
g.isSelected = function() {
return this.hasState(8)
g.setSelected = function(a) {
Mn(this, 8, a) && this.setState(8, a)
function Nn(a, b) {
Mn(a, 16, b) && a.setState(16, b)
g.isFocused = function() {
return this.hasState(32)
g.setFocused = function(a) {
Mn(this, 32, a) && this.setState(32, a)
g.isOpen = function() {
return this.hasState(64)
g.setOpen = function(a) {
Mn(this, 64, a) && this.setState(64, a)
g.getState = function() {
return this.state_
g.hasState = function(a) {
return !!(this.state_ & a)
g.setState = function(a, b, c) {
c || 1 != a ? Gn(this, a) && b != this.hasState(a) && (this.renderer_.setState(this, a, b),
this.state_ = b ? this.state_ | a : this.state_ & ~a) : this.setEnabled(!b)
function Gn(a, b) {
return !!(a.supportedStates_ & b)
g.setSupportedState = function(a, b) {
if (this.inDocument_ && this.hasState(a) && !b)
throw Error("Component already rendered");
!b && this.hasState(a) && this.setState(a, !1);
this.supportedStates_ = b ? this.supportedStates_ | a : this.supportedStates_ & ~a
function On(a, b) {
return !!(a.autoStates_ & b) && Gn(a, b)
function Mn(a, b, c) {
return Gn(a, b) && a.hasState(b) != c && (!(a.statesWithTransitionEvents_ & b) || a.dispatchEvent(Uka(b, c))) && !a.isDisposed()
g.handleMouseOver = function(a) {
!xla(a, this.getElement()) && this.dispatchEvent("enter") && this.isEnabled() && On(this, 2) && this.setHighlighted(!0)
g.handleMouseOut = function(a) {
!xla(a, this.getElement()) && this.dispatchEvent("leave") && (On(this, 4) && this.setActive(!1),
On(this, 2) && this.setHighlighted(!1))
g.preventPointerCapture_ = function(a) {
var b =;
b.releasePointerCapture && b.releasePointerCapture(a.pointerId)
g.handleContextMenu = od;
function xla(a, b) {
return !!a.relatedTarget && si(b, a.relatedTarget)
g.handleMouseDown = function(a) {
this.isEnabled() && (On(this, 2) && this.setHighlighted(!0),
0 != a.event_.button || he && a.ctrlKey || (On(this, 4) && this.setActive(!0),
this.renderer_ && this.renderer_.isFocusable(this) && this.getKeyEventTarget().focus()));
this.allowTextSelection_ || 0 != a.event_.button || he && a.ctrlKey || a.preventDefault()
g.handleMouseUp = function(a) {
this.isEnabled() && (On(this, 2) && this.setHighlighted(!0),
this.isActive() && this.performActionInternal(a) && On(this, 4) && this.setActive(!1))
g.handleDblClick = function(a) {
this.isEnabled() && this.performActionInternal(a)
g.performActionInternal = function(a) {
On(this, 16) && Nn(this, !this.hasState(16));
On(this, 8) && this.setSelected(!0);
On(this, 64) && this.setOpen(!this.isOpen());
var b = new Ah("action",this);
a && (b.altKey = a.altKey,
b.ctrlKey = a.ctrlKey,
b.metaKey = a.metaKey,
b.shiftKey = a.shiftKey,
b.platformModifierKey = a.platformModifierKey);
return this.dispatchEvent(b)
g.handleFocus = function() {
On(this, 32) && this.setFocused(!0)
g.handleBlur = function() {
On(this, 4) && this.setActive(!1);
On(this, 32) && this.setFocused(!1)
g.handleKeyEvent = function(a) {
return this.isVisible() && this.isEnabled() && this.handleKeyEventInternal(a) ? (a.preventDefault(),
!0) : !1
g.handleKeyEventInternal = function(a) {
return 13 == a.keyCode && this.performActionInternal(a)
if ("function" !== typeof Jn)
throw Error("Invalid component class " + Jn);
if ("function" !== typeof Dn)
throw Error("Invalid renderer class " + Dn);
var yla = Va(Jn);
vla[yla] = Dn;
Hn("goog-control", function() {
return new Jn(null)
function Ln(a) {;
this.control_ = a;
this.clickExpected_ = !1;
this.handler_ = new mm(this);
zh(this, this.handler_);
var b = this.control_.element_;
a = a.pointerEventsEnabled_ ? Cn : Bn;
this.handler_.listen(b, a.MOUSEDOWN, this.handleMouseDown_).listen(b, a.MOUSEUP, this.handleMouseUp_).listen(b, "click", this.handleClick_)
bb(Ln, yh);
var zla = !ce || oe(9);
Ln.prototype.handleMouseDown_ = function() {
this.clickExpected_ = !1
Ln.prototype.handleMouseUp_ = function() {
this.clickExpected_ = !0
function Ala(a, b) {
if (!zla)
return a.button = 0,
a.type = b,
var c = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
c.initMouseEvent(b, a.bubbles, a.cancelable, a.view || null, a.detail, a.screenX, a.screenY, a.clientX, a.clientY, a.ctrlKey, a.altKey, a.shiftKey, a.metaKey, 0, a.relatedTarget || null);
return c
Ln.prototype.handleClick_ = function(a) {
if (this.clickExpected_)
this.clickExpected_ = !1;
else {
var b = a.event_
, c = b.button
, d = b.type
, e = Ala(b, "mousedown");
this.control_.handleMouseDown(new Ch(e,a.currentTarget));
e = Ala(b, "mouseup");
this.control_.handleMouseUp(new Ch(e,a.currentTarget));
zla || (b.button = c,
b.type = d)
Ln.prototype.disposeInternal = function() {
this.control_ = null;
function Pn(a) {
this.ariaRole_ = a
g = Pn.prototype;
g.getAriaRole = function() {
return this.ariaRole_
function Qn(a, b) {
a && (a.tabIndex = b ? 0 : -1)
g.createDom = function(a) {
return a.getDomHelper().createDom("DIV", this.getClassNames(a).join(" "))
g.getContentElement = function(a) {
return a
g.canDecorate = function(a) {
return "DIV" == a.tagName
g.decorate = function(a, b) { && a.setId(;
var c = this.getCssClass()
, d = !1
, e = Km(b);
e &&, function(f) {
f == c ? d = !0 : f && (f == c + "-disabled" ? a.setEnabled(!1) : f == c + "-horizontal" ? a.setOrientation("horizontal") : f == c + "-vertical" && a.setOrientation("vertical"))
}, this);
d || Nm(b, c);
Bla(this, a, this.getContentElement(b));
return b
function Bla(a, b, c) {
if (c)
for (var d = c.firstChild, e; d && d.parentNode == c; ) {
e = d.nextSibling;
if (1 == d.nodeType) {
var f = a.getDecoratorForChild(d);
f && (f.element_ = d,
b.isEnabled() || f.setEnabled(!1),
} else
d.nodeValue && "" != kc(d.nodeValue) || c.removeChild(d);
d = e
g.getDecoratorForChild = function(a) {
return ula(a)
g.initializeDom = function(a) {
a = a.getElement();
Pja(a, !0, fe);
ce && (a.hideFocus = !0);
var b = this.getAriaRole();
b && Gm(a, b)
g.getKeyEventTarget = function(a) {
return a.getElement()
g.getCssClass = function() {
return "goog-container"
g.getClassNames = function(a) {
var b = this.getCssClass()
, c = [b, "horizontal" == a.orientation_ ? b + "-horizontal" : b + "-vertical"];
a.isEnabled() || c.push(b + "-disabled");
return c
g.getDefaultOrientation = function() {
return "vertical"
function Rn(a, b, c) {, c);
this.renderer_ = b || Pn.getInstance();
this.orientation_ = a || this.renderer_.getDefaultOrientation()
bb(Rn, an);
g = Rn.prototype;
g.keyEventTarget_ = null;
g.keyHandler_ = null;
g.renderer_ = null;
g.orientation_ = null;
g.visible_ = !0;
g.enabled_ = !0;
g.focusable_ = !0;
g.highlightedIndex_ = -1;
g.openItem_ = null;
g.mouseButtonPressed_ = !1;
g.allowFocusableChildren_ = !1;
g.openFollowsHighlight_ = !0;
g.childElementIdMap_ = null;
g.getKeyEventTarget = function() {
return this.keyEventTarget_ || this.renderer_.getKeyEventTarget(this)
g.getKeyHandler = function() {
return this.keyHandler_ || (this.keyHandler_ = new An(this.getKeyEventTarget()))
g.setRenderer = function(a) {
if (this.getElement())
throw Error("Component already rendered");
this.renderer_ = a
g.createDom = function() {
this.element_ = this.renderer_.createDom(this)
g.getContentElement = function() {
return this.renderer_.getContentElement(this.getElement())
g.canDecorate = function(a) {
return this.renderer_.canDecorate(a)
g.decorateInternal = function(a) {
this.element_ = this.renderer_.decorate(this, a);
"none" == && (this.visible_ = !1)
g.enterDocument = function() {;
en(this, function(c) {
c.inDocument_ && Cla(this, c)
}, this);
var a = this.getElement();
this.setVisible(this.visible_, !0);
var b = this.pointerEventsEnabled_ ? Cn : Bn;
this.getHandler().listen(this, "enter", this.handleEnterItem).listen(this, "highlight", this.handleHighlightItem).listen(this, "unhighlight", this.handleUnHighlightItem).listen(this, "open", this.handleOpenItem).listen(this, "close", this.handleCloseItem).listen(a, b.MOUSEDOWN, this.handleMouseDown).listen(Zh(a), [b.MOUSEUP, b.MOUSECANCEL], this.handleDocumentMouseUp).listen(a, [b.MOUSEDOWN, b.MOUSEUP, b.MOUSECANCEL, "mouseover", "mouseout", "contextmenu"], this.handleChildMouseEvents);
this.pointerEventsEnabled_ && this.getHandler().listen(a, "gotpointercapture", this.preventPointerCapture_);
this.isFocusable() && Dla(this, !0)
g.preventPointerCapture_ = function(a) {
var b =;
b.releasePointerCapture && b.releasePointerCapture(a.pointerId)
function Dla(a, b) {
var c = a.getHandler()
, d = a.getKeyEventTarget();
b ? c.listen(d, "focus", a.handleFocus).listen(d, "blur", a.handleBlur).listen(a.getKeyHandler(), "key", a.handleKeyEvent) : c.unlisten(d, "focus", a.handleFocus).unlisten(d, "blur", a.handleBlur).unlisten(a.getKeyHandler(), "key", a.handleKeyEvent)
g.exitDocument = function() {
this.openItem_ && this.openItem_.setOpen(!1);
this.mouseButtonPressed_ = !1;
g.disposeInternal = function() {;
this.keyHandler_ && (this.keyHandler_.dispose(),
this.keyHandler_ = null);
this.renderer_ = this.openItem_ = this.childElementIdMap_ = this.keyEventTarget_ = null
g.handleEnterItem = function() {
return !0
g.handleHighlightItem = function(a) {
var b = hn(this,;
if (-1 < b && b != this.highlightedIndex_) {
var c = Sn(this);
c && c.setHighlighted(!1);
this.highlightedIndex_ = b;
c = Sn(this);
this.mouseButtonPressed_ && c.setActive(!0);
this.openFollowsHighlight_ && this.openItem_ && c != this.openItem_ && (Gn(c, 64) ? c.setOpen(!0) : this.openItem_.setOpen(!1))
b = this.getElement();
null != && Hm(b, "activedescendant",
g.handleUnHighlightItem = function(a) { == Sn(this) && (this.highlightedIndex_ = -1);
g.handleOpenItem = function(a) {
(a = && a != this.openItem_ && a.getParent() == this && (this.openItem_ && this.openItem_.setOpen(!1),
this.openItem_ = a)
g.handleCloseItem = function(a) { == this.openItem_ && (this.openItem_ = null);
var b = this.getElement()
, c =;
b && && c && Im(b, c)
g.handleMouseDown = function(a) {
this.enabled_ && (this.mouseButtonPressed_ = !0);
var b = this.getKeyEventTarget();
b && ui(b) ? b.focus() : a.preventDefault()
g.handleDocumentMouseUp = function() {
this.mouseButtonPressed_ = !1
g.handleChildMouseEvents = function(a) {
var b = this.pointerEventsEnabled_ ? Cn : Bn;
a: {
var c =;
if (this.childElementIdMap_)
for (var d = this.getElement(); c && c !== d; ) {
var e =;
if (e in this.childElementIdMap_) {
c = this.childElementIdMap_[e];
break a
c = c.parentNode
c = null
if (c)
switch (a.type) {
case b.MOUSEUP:
case "mouseover":
case "mouseout":
case "contextmenu":
g.handleFocus = function() {}
g.handleBlur = function() {
this.mouseButtonPressed_ = !1;
this.openItem_ && this.openItem_.setOpen(!1)
g.handleKeyEvent = function(a) {
return this.isEnabled() && this.isVisible() && (0 != fn(this) || this.keyEventTarget_) && this.handleKeyEventInternal(a) ? (a.preventDefault(),
!0) : !1
g.handleKeyEventInternal = function(a) {
var b = Sn(this);
if (b && "function" == typeof b.handleKeyEvent && b.handleKeyEvent(a) || this.openItem_ && this.openItem_ != b && "function" == typeof this.openItem_.handleKeyEvent && this.openItem_.handleKeyEvent(a))
return !0;
if (a.shiftKey || a.ctrlKey || a.metaKey || a.altKey)
return !1;
switch (a.keyCode) {
case 27:
if (this.isFocusable())
return !1;
case 36:
case 35:
case 38:
if ("vertical" == this.orientation_)
return !1;
case 37:
if ("horizontal" == this.orientation_)
this.isRightToLeft() ? Vn(this) : Un(this);
return !1;
case 40:
if ("vertical" == this.orientation_)
return !1;
case 39:
if ("horizontal" == this.orientation_)
this.isRightToLeft() ? Un(this) : Vn(this);
return !1;
return !1
return !0
function Cla(a, b) {
var c = b.getElement();
c = || ( = b.getId());
a.childElementIdMap_ || (a.childElementIdMap_ = {});
a.childElementIdMap_[c] = b
g.addChild = function(a, b) {, a, b)
g.addChildAt = function(a, b, c) {
a.statesWithTransitionEvents_ |= 2;
a.statesWithTransitionEvents_ |= 64;
!this.isFocusable() && this.allowFocusableChildren_ || a.setSupportedState(32, !1);
Kn(a, !1);
var d = a.getParent() == this ? hn(this, a) : -1;, a, b, c);
a.inDocument_ && this.inDocument_ && Cla(this, a);
a = d;
-1 == a && (a = fn(this));
a == this.highlightedIndex_ ? this.highlightedIndex_ = Math.min(fn(this) - 1, b) : a > this.highlightedIndex_ && b <= this.highlightedIndex_ ? this.highlightedIndex_++ : a < this.highlightedIndex_ && b > this.highlightedIndex_ && this.highlightedIndex_--
g.removeChild = function(a, b) {
if (a = "string" === typeof a ? cn(this, a) : a) {
var c = hn(this, a);
-1 != c && (c == this.highlightedIndex_ ? (a.setHighlighted(!1),
this.highlightedIndex_ = -1) : c < this.highlightedIndex_ && this.highlightedIndex_--);
(c = a.getElement()) && && this.childElementIdMap_ && Ub(this.childElementIdMap_,
a =, a, b);
Kn(a, !0);
return a
g.setOrientation = function(a) {
if (this.getElement())
throw Error("Component already rendered");
this.orientation_ = a
g.isVisible = function() {
return this.visible_
g.setVisible = function(a, b) {
if (b || this.visible_ != a && this.dispatchEvent(a ? "show" : "hide")) {
this.visible_ = a;
var c = this.getElement();
c && ($l(c, a),
this.isFocusable() && Qn(this.getKeyEventTarget(), this.enabled_ && this.visible_),
b || this.dispatchEvent(this.visible_ ? "aftershow" : "afterhide"));
return !0
return !1
g.isEnabled = function() {
return this.enabled_
g.setEnabled = function(a) {
this.enabled_ != a && this.dispatchEvent(a ? "enable" : "disable") && (a ? (this.enabled_ = !0,
en(this, function(b) {
b.wasDisabled ? delete b.wasDisabled : b.setEnabled(!0)
})) : (en(this, function(b) {
b.isEnabled() ? b.setEnabled(!1) : b.wasDisabled = !0
this.mouseButtonPressed_ = this.enabled_ = !1),
this.isFocusable() && Qn(this.getKeyEventTarget(), a && this.visible_))
g.isFocusable = function() {
return this.focusable_
g.setFocusable = function(a) {
a != this.focusable_ && this.inDocument_ && Dla(this, a);
this.focusable_ = a;
this.enabled_ && this.visible_ && Qn(this.getKeyEventTarget(), a)
g.setHighlightedIndex = function(a) {
(a = gn(this, a)) ? a.setHighlighted(!0) : -1 < this.highlightedIndex_ && Sn(this).setHighlighted(!1)
g.setHighlighted = function(a) {
this.setHighlightedIndex(hn(this, a))
function Sn(a) {
return gn(a, a.highlightedIndex_)
function Tn(a) {
Wn(a, function(b, c) {
return (b + 1) % c
}, fn(a) - 1)
function Ela(a) {
Wn(a, function(b, c) {
return 0 > b ? c - 1 : b
}, 0)
function Vn(a) {
Wn(a, function(b, c) {
return (b + 1) % c
}, a.highlightedIndex_)
function Un(a) {
Wn(a, function(b, c) {
return 0 > b ? c - 1 : b
}, a.highlightedIndex_)
function Wn(a, b, c) {
c = 0 > c ? hn(a, a.openItem_) : c;
var d = fn(a);
c =, c, d);
for (var e = 0; e <= d; ) {
var f = gn(a, c);
if (f && a.canHighlightItem(f)) {
c =, c, d)
g.canHighlightItem = function(a) {
return a.isVisible() && a.isEnabled() && Gn(a, 2)
function Xn() {}
bb(Xn, Dn);
Xn.prototype.getCssClass = function() {
return "goog-menuheader"
function Fla(a, b, c) {, a, c || Xn.getInstance(), b);
this.setSupportedState(1, !1);
this.setSupportedState(2, !1);
this.setSupportedState(4, !1);
this.setSupportedState(32, !1);
this.state_ = 1
bb(Fla, Jn);
Hn("goog-menuheader", function() {
return new Fla(null)
function Yn() {
this.classNameCache_ = []
bb(Yn, Dn);
function Zn(a, b) {
var c = a.classNameCache_[b];
if (!c) {
switch (b) {
case 0:
c = a.getCssClass() + "-highlight";
case 1:
c = a.getCssClass() + "-checkbox";
case 2:
c = a.getCssClass() + "-content"
a.classNameCache_[b] = c
return c
g = Yn.prototype;
g.getAriaRole = function() {
return "menuitem"
g.createDom = function(a) {
var b = a.getDomHelper().createDom("DIV", this.getClassNames(a).join(" "), Gla(this, a.getContent(), a.getDomHelper()));
$n(this, a, b, Gn(a, 8) || Gn(a, 16));
return b
g.getContentElement = function(a) {
return a && a.firstChild
g.decorate = function(a, b) {
var c = qi(b)
, d = Zn(this, 2);
c && Mm(c, d) || b.appendChild(Gla(this, b.childNodes, a.getDomHelper()));
Mm(b, "goog-option") && (a.setCheckable(!0),
this.setCheckable(a, b, !0));
return, a, b)
g.setContent = function(a, b) {
var c = this.getContentElement(a)
, d = ao(this, a) ? c.firstChild : null;, a, b);
d && !ao(this, a) && c.insertBefore(d, c.firstChild || null)
function Gla(a, b, c) {
a = Zn(a, 2);
return c.createDom("DIV", a, b)
g.setSelectable = function(a, b, c) {
a && b && $n(this, a, b, c)
g.setCheckable = function(a, b, c) {
a && b && $n(this, a, b, c)
function ao(a, b) {
return (b = a.getContentElement(b)) ? (b = b.firstChild,
a = Zn(a, 1),
!!b && ri(b) && Mm(b, a)) : !1
function $n(a, b, c, d) {
Fn(a, c, b.getPreferredAriaRole());
sla(a, b, c);
d != ao(a, c) && (Qm(c, "goog-option", d),
c = a.getContentElement(c),
d ? (a = Zn(a, 1),
c.insertBefore(b.getDomHelper().createDom("DIV", a), c.firstChild || null)) : c.removeChild(c.firstChild))
g.getClassForState = function(a) {
switch (a) {
case 2:
return Zn(this, 0);
case 16:
case 8:
return "goog-option-selected";
return, a)
g.getStateFromClass = function(a) {
var b = Zn(this, 0);
switch (a) {
case "goog-option-selected":
return 16;
case b:
return 2;
return, a)
g.getCssClass = function() {
return "goog-menuitem"
function bo(a, b, c, d) {, a, d || Yn.getInstance(), c);
bb(bo, Jn);
g = bo.prototype;
g.getValue = function() {
var a = this.getModel();
return null != a ? a : this.getCaption()
g.setValue = function(a) {
g.setSupportedState = function(a, b) {, a, b);
switch (a) {
case 8:
this.hasState(16) && !b && Nn(this, !1);
(a = this.getElement()) && this.renderer_.setSelectable(this, a, b);
case 16:
(a = this.getElement()) && this.renderer_.setCheckable(this, a, b)
g.setSelectable = function(a) {
this.setSupportedState(8, a)
g.setCheckable = function(a) {
this.setSupportedState(16, a)
g.getCaption = function() {
var a = this.getContent();
return Array.isArray(a) ? (a = Paa(a, function(b) {
return ri(b) && (Mm(b, "goog-menuitem-accel") || Mm(b, "goog-menuitem-mnemonic-separator")) ? "" : Qga(b)
Kca(a)) :
g.getAccelerator = function() {
var a = this.getDomHelper()
, b = this.getContent();
return Array.isArray(b) && (b = Qaa(b, function(c) {
return Mm(c, "goog-menuitem-accel")
})) ? a.getTextContent(b) : null
g.handleMouseUp = function(a) {
var b = this.getParent();
if (b) {
var c = b.openingCoords;
b.openingCoords = null;
if (c && "number" === typeof a.clientX && Ega(c, new Uh(a.clientX,a.clientY)))
}, a)
g.handleKeyEventInternal = function(a) {
return a.keyCode == this.mnemonicKey_ && this.performActionInternal(a) ? !0 :, a)
g.getMnemonic = function() {
return this.mnemonicKey_
Hn("goog-menuitem", function() {
return new bo(null)
bo.prototype.getPreferredAriaRole = function() {
return Gn(this, 16) ? "menuitemcheckbox" : Gn(this, 8) ? "menuitemradio" :
bo.prototype.getParent = function() {
bo.prototype.getParentEventTarget = function() {
function co() {}
bb(co, Dn);
co.prototype.createDom = function(a) {
return a.getDomHelper().createDom("DIV", this.getCssClass())
co.prototype.decorate = function(a, b) { && a.setId(;
if ("HR" == b.tagName) {
var c = b;
b = this.createDom(a);
mi(b, c);
} else
Nm(b, this.getCssClass());
return b
co.prototype.setContent = function() {}
co.prototype.getCssClass = function() {
return "goog-menuseparator"
function eo(a, b) {, null, a || co.getInstance(), b);
this.setSupportedState(1, !1);
this.setSupportedState(2, !1);
this.setSupportedState(4, !1);
this.setSupportedState(32, !1);
this.state_ = 1
bb(eo, Jn);
eo.prototype.enterDocument = function() {;
var a = this.getElement();
Gm(a, "separator")
Hn("goog-menuseparator", function() {
return new eo
function fo(a) {
this.ariaRole_ = a || "menu"
bb(fo, Pn);
g = fo.prototype;
g.canDecorate = function(a) {
return "UL" == a.tagName ||, a)
g.getDecoratorForChild = function(a) {
return "HR" == a.tagName ? new eo :, a)
g.containsElement = function(a, b) {
return si(a.getElement(), b)
g.getCssClass = function() {
return "goog-menu"
g.initializeDom = function(a) {, a);
a = a.getElement();
Hm(a, "haspopup", "true")
function go(a) {, co.getInstance(), a)
bb(go, eo);
Hn("goog-menuseparator", function() {
return new eo
function ho(a, b) {, "vertical", b || fo.getInstance(), a);
bb(ho, Rn);
g = ho.prototype;
g.allowAutoFocus_ = !0;
g.allowHighlightDisabled_ = !1;
g.getCssClass = function() {
return this.renderer_.getCssClass()
g.containsElement = function(a) {
if (this.renderer_.containsElement(this, a))
return !0;
for (var b = 0, c = fn(this); b < c; b++) {
var d = gn(this, b);
if ("function" == typeof d.containsElement && d.containsElement(a))
return !0
return !1
g.addItem = function(a) {
this.addChild(a, !0)
g.removeItem = function(a) {
(a = this.removeChild(a, !0)) && a.dispose()
g.getItemCount = function() {
return fn(this)
g.getItems = function() {
var a = [];
en(this, function(b) {
return a
g.setPosition = function(a, b) {
var c = this.isVisible();
c || $l(this.getElement(), !0);
var d = this.getElement()
, e = Ul(d);
a instanceof Uh && (b = a.y,
a = a.x);
Pl(d, d.offsetLeft + (a - e.x), d.offsetTop + (Number(b) - e.y));
c || $l(this.getElement(), !1)
g.getPosition = function() {
return this.isVisible() ? Ul(this.getElement()) : null
g.setVisible = function(a, b, c) {
(b =, a, b)) && a && this.inDocument_ && this.allowAutoFocus_ && this.getKeyEventTarget().focus();
this.openingCoords = a && c && "number" === typeof c.clientX ? new Uh(c.clientX,c.clientY) : null;
return b
g.handleEnterItem = function(a) {
this.allowAutoFocus_ && this.getKeyEventTarget().focus();
return, a)
g.canHighlightItem = function(a) {
return (this.allowHighlightDisabled_ || a.isEnabled()) && a.isVisible() && Gn(a, 2)
g.decorateInternal = function(a) {
for (var b = this.renderer_, c = this.getDomHelper().getElementsByTagNameAndClass("DIV", b.getCssClass() + "-content", a), d = c.length, e = 0; e < d; e++)
Bla(b, this, c[e]);, a)
g.handleKeyEventInternal = function(a) {
var b =, a);
b || en(this, function(c) {
!b && c.getMnemonic && c.mnemonicKey_ == a.keyCode && (this.isEnabled() && this.setHighlighted(c),
b = c.handleKeyEvent(a))
}, this);
return b
g.setHighlightedIndex = function(a) {, a);
(a = gn(this, a)) && Jja(a.getElement(), this.getElement())
function jo() {
v(jo, yh);
jo.prototype.getMenu = function() {
var a = new ho(void 0,void 0);
return a
function ko(a, b, c, d, e) {
en(a, function(f) {
switch (f.getModel()) {
case "settings":
void 0 !== b && f.setEnabled(b);
case "email":
void 0 !== d && f.setEnabled(d);
case "emailAttach":
void 0 !== c && f.setEnabled(c);
case "report":
void 0 !== e && null !== e && f.setEnabled(e)
function Hla(a, b, c, d) {
c = lo(c);
b && (c.push(new go),
"number" === typeof d ? Bb(c, function(e) {
a.addChildAt(e, d, !0)
}) : Ab(c, function(e) {
a.addChild(e, !0)
b = a.getElement();
Mm(b, "goog-menu-noicon") && Pm(b, "goog-menu-noicon")
function lo(a) {
var b = []
, c = new bo("Share","settings",a);
c = new bo("Advanced","advanced",a);
c = new go(a);
c = new bo("Restrictions...","restrictions",a);
c = new go(a);
c = new bo("Email collaborators","email",a);
a = new bo("Email this file","emailAttach",a);
return b
;function mo() {;
this.state_ = 0;
this.endTime = this.startTime = null
bb(mo, Rh);
g = mo.prototype;
g.isPaused = function() {
return -1 == this.state_
g.isStopped = function() {
return 0 == this.state_
g.onBegin = function() {
g.onEnd = function() {
g.dispatchAnimationEvent = function(a) {
function Ila(a, b) {
Array.isArray(b) || (b = [b]);
b = {
return "string" === typeof c ? c : + " " + c.duration + "s " + c.timing + " " + c.delay + "s"
Jla(a, b.join(","))
var Kla = Eca(function() {
if (ce)
return !0;
var a = ji("DIV")
, b = ge ? "-webkit" : fe ? "-moz" : ce ? "-ms" : null
, c = {
transition: "opacity 1s linear"
b && (c[b + "-transition"] = "opacity 1s linear");
b = bd("div", {
style: c
qd(a, b);
a = a.firstChild;
b =[Id("transition")];
return "" != ("undefined" !== typeof b ? b :[Ll(a, "transition")] || "")
function Jla(a, b) {
Kl(a, "transition", b)
;function no(a, b, c, d, e) {;
this.element_ = a;
this.duration_ = b;
this.initialStyle_ = c;
this.finalStyle_ = d;
this.transitions_ = Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e]
bb(no, mo);
g = no.prototype; = function() {
if (1 == this.state_)
return !1;
this.startTime = $a();
this.state_ = 1;
if (Kla())
return Kl(this.element_, this.initialStyle_),
this.timerId_ = Si(this.play_, void 0, this),
return !1
g.play_ = function() {
Ila(this.element_, this.transitions_);
Kl(this.element_, this.finalStyle_);
this.timerId_ = Si(Xa(this.stop_, this, !1), 1E3 * this.duration_)
g.stop = function() {
1 == this.state_ && this.stop_(!0)
g.stop_ = function(a) {
Jla(this.element_, "");
Kl(this.element_, this.finalStyle_);
this.endTime = $a();
this.state_ = 0;
a ? this.dispatchAnimationEvent("stop") : this.dispatchAnimationEvent("finish");
g.disposeInternal = function() {
g.pause = function() {}
function oo(a, b, c, d) {
return new no(a,.13,{
opacity: c
opacity: d
property: "opacity",
duration: .13,
timing: b,
delay: 0
;function Lla(a) {
var b = Ya(Mla, a, on.key);
a.inDocument_ ? b() : ce ? Lh(a, "show", b) : Lh(a, "beforeshow", b);
var c = null;
Kh(a, "show", function() {
a.draggable_ && (c = new po(a))
Kh(a, "hide", function() {
function Mla(a, b) {
sn(a, .75);
var c = a.buttons_;
c && b && (b = gla(c, b)) && Nm(b, "goog-buttonset-action");
b = oo(a.getElement(), "ease-out", 0, 1);
c = oo(a.getElement(), "ease-in", 1, 0);
var d = oo(a.getBackgroundElement(), "ease-out", 0, .75)
, e = oo(a.getBackgroundElement(), "ease-in", .75, 0);
a.popupShowTransition_ = b;
a.popupHideTransition_ = c;
a.bgShowTransition_ = d;
a.bgHideTransition_ = e
function po(a) {, a.getElement());
this.dialog_ = a;
Kh(this, "start", this.shouldDrag_, !1, this);
Kh(this, "drag", this.dialog_.handleDrag, !1, this.dialog_)
v(po, Rm);
po.prototype.shouldDrag_ = function(a) {
a = a.browserEvent;
if (this.dialog_.draggable_ && Mm(, this.dialog_.getCssClass())) {
var b = Xl(this.dialog_.getElement());
b = new Fl(0,b.width,b.height,0);
var c = em(this.dialog_.getElement(), "padding");
b.expand(-1 *, -1 * c.right, -1 * c.bottom, -1 * c.left);
if (!b.contains(new Uh(a.offsetX,a.offsetY)))
return this.setDraggerLimits_(),
return !1
po.prototype.setDraggerLimits_ = function() {
var a = this.dialog_.getDomHelper().document_
, b = ci(gi(a))
, c = Xl(this.dialog_.getElement());
if ("fixed" == Ol(this.dialog_.getElement()))
a = b.width - c.width,
b = b.height - c.height;
else {
var d = Math.max(a.body.scrollHeight, b.height);
a = Math.max(a.body.scrollWidth, b.width) - c.width;
b = d - c.height
Sm(this, new Gl(0,0,Math.max(0, a),Math.max(0, b)))
function qo(a) {;
this.domHelper_ = a || Xh()
bb(qo, Rh);
g = qo.prototype;
g.errorDialog_ = null;
g.eventHandler_ = null;
g.initialized_ = !1;
function ro(a) {
return a.eventHandler_ || (a.eventHandler_ = new mm(a))
g.getDomHelper = function() {
return this.domHelper_
g.init = function() {
this.initialized_ || (this.initInternal(),
this.initialized_ = !0)
g.handleErrorDialogHidden_ = function() {
g.handleErrorDialogShown_ = function() {
function so(a, b, c) {
var d = a.errorDialog_;
b && (d || (a.errorDialog_ || (d = new ln(void 0,!0,a.getDomHelper()),
vn(d, mn(new nn, on, !0, !0)),
ro(a).listen(d, "hide", a.handleErrorDialogHidden_).listen(d, "show", a.handleErrorDialogShown_),
Nm(d.getElement(), "share-client-error-dialog"),
a.errorDialog_ = d),
d = a.errorDialog_),
qn(d, gd(c || "")));
d && (b && a.setLoading(!1),
g.disposeInternal = function() {
g.initInternal = function() {}
g.setLoadingInternal = function() {}
g.focusInternal = function() {}
g.setTeamDriveMode = function() {}
g.setLoading = function(a) {
a && this.dispatchEvent("beforeLoad");
a || this.dispatchEvent("afterLoad")
g.restoreFocus = function() {
this.errorDialog_ && this.errorDialog_.isVisible() ? this.errorDialog_.focus() : this.focusInternal()
function Nla() {
this.devicePixelRatioCache_ = 0;
this.isReliable_ = !0
Nla.prototype.clear = function() {
this.devicePixelRatioCache_ = 0
var Ola = Tda || 31 <= Wc("Chromium") || 11 <= Wc("Internet Explorer")
, to = [.25, .33296337402885684, .5, .6659, .75, .9, 1, 1.1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5];
function uo(a) {;
this.devicePixelRatioCache_ = new Nla;
this.handler_ = new mm(this);
this.domHelper_ = a || Xh();
this.resizeTarget_ = this.sizeElement_ = null;
this.lastZoomFactor_ = 0;
if (null != this.supportsSubpixels_)
a = this.supportsSubpixels_;
else {
a = hi("DIV", {
style: "height:4.5px;width:4.5px;"
var b = a.getBoundingClientRect();
a = this.supportsSubpixels_ = .1 >= Math.abs(b.right - b.left - 4.5)
if (a) {
a = this.handler_;
b = a.listen;
if (!this.resizeTarget_) {
this.sizeElement_ = this.domHelper_.createDom("IFRAME", {
style: "position:absolute;width:9em;height:9em;top:-99em",
tabIndex: -1,
"aria-hidden": "true"
var c = this.domHelper_.document_.body;
c.insertBefore(this.sizeElement_, c.firstChild);
b: {
c = this.sizeElement_;
try {
var d = c.contentWindow || (c.contentDocument ? gi(c.contentDocument) : null);
break b
} catch (e) {}
d = null
this.resizeTarget_ = d
d = this.resizeTarget_;, d, "resize", this.handleResize_)
v(uo, Rh);
uo.prototype.handleResize_ = function() {
var a = this.devicePixelRatioCache_;
if (0 == a.devicePixelRatioCache_) {
var b = gi().devicePixelRatio || 1;
if (!Ola) {
var c = 1;
if (ge) {
c = gi();
var d = c.outerWidth;
a.isReliable_ = 250 <= d;
if (a.isReliable_)
c = d / c.innerWidth,
d = Gb(to, Ib, c),
0 > d && (d = -d - 1,
0 < d && c - to[d - 1] < to[d] - c && --d),
c = to[d] || to[to.length - 1];
else if (void 0 == document.width)
c = 1;
else {
d = hi("DIV", {
"min-width": "100%"
var e = document;
c = e.width / d.clientWidth;
} else
ce && (c = Math.round(screen.deviceXDPI / screen.logicalXDPI * 100) / 100);
b *= c
a.devicePixelRatioCache_ = b
a = a.devicePixelRatioCache_;
this.lastZoomFactor_ != a && (this.lastZoomFactor_ = a,
uo.prototype.disposeInternal = function() {
this.sizeElement_ = null
uo.prototype.supportsSubpixels_ = null;
function vo(a, b) {, b);
this.content_ = a
bb(vo, an);
vo.prototype.type_ = "info";
vo.prototype.mini_ = !1;
var Pla = {
info: "jfk-butterBar-info",
error: "jfk-butterBar-error",
warning: "jfk-butterBar-warning",
promo: "jfk-butterBar-promo"
g = vo.prototype;
g.getType = function() {
return this.type_
g.setType = function(a) {
if (this.getContentElement()) {
var b = this.getElement()
, c = Pla[a];
Pm(b, Pla[this.type_]);
Nm(b, c)
this.type_ = a
g.setContent = function(a) {
this.content_ = a;
if (a = this.getElement()) {
var b = this.getDomHelper();
b.append(a, this.content_)
g.isVisible = function() {
var a = this.getElement();
return null != a && Mm(a, "jfk-butterBar-shown")
g.setVisible = function(a) {
Qm(this.getElement(), "jfk-butterBar-shown", a)
g.createDom = function() {
this.element_ = this.getDomHelper().createDom("DIV", "jfk-butterBar");
var a = this.getElement();
a && (Hm(a, "live", "assertive"),
Hm(a, "atomic", "true"));
this.mini_ = this.mini_;
(a = this.getElement()) && Qm(a, "jfk-butterBar-mini", this.mini_);
function wo(a, b) {
this.postMessage_ = a;
this.domHelper_ = b || Xh();
this.butterContainerEl_ = null;
this.showInDialog_ = !1;
this.timeoutId_ = 0
bb(wo, yh);
function Qla(a, b, c, d) {
d = void 0 === d ? function() {}
: d;
var e = b.iconId_;
switch (e) {
case "copy":
var f = "share-butter-copy-icon";
case "specificPeople":
f = "share-butter-specific-people-icon";
case "personLink":
f = "share-butter-person-link-icon"
a.butterContainerEl_ && xo(a);
var h = a.domHelper_
, k = h.createDom("SPAN");
f && "none" != e && (f = h.createDom("SPAN", ["apps-share-sprite", "share-butter-icon", f]),
h.append(k, f));
f = h.createDom("SPAN", "share-butter-message", b.getMessage());
h.append(k, f);
if (f = b.learnMoreUrl_)
e = h.createDom("A", {
target: "_blank",
"class": "share-butter-link",
tabIndex: "0"
}, "Learn more"),
rd(e, f),
h.append(k, "\u00a0", "\u00a0"),
h.append(k, e);
var l = b.undoFn_;
if (l) {
var m = h.createDom("SPAN", {
"class": "share-butter-link",
tabIndex: "0"
}, "Undo");
m.onclick = function() {
m.onclick = function() {}
h.append(k, "\u00a0", "\u00a0");
h.append(k, m)
a.butterContainerEl_ = h.createDom("DIV", ["share-butterbar-container", "share-butterbar-top", "share-butterbar-zindex"]);
k = new vo(k,h);
Hm(k.getElement(), "live", "off");
a.showInDialog_ = b.showInDialog_;
h.appendChild(a.showInDialog_ && c ? c : document.body, a.butterContainerEl_);
Rla(a, a.butterContainerEl_, c);
a.timeoutId_ = window.setTimeout(function() {
}, b.timeout_)
function xo(a) {
a.butterContainerEl_ && (oi(a.butterContainerEl_),
a.butterContainerEl_ = null,
delete a.butterContainerEl_,
wo.prototype.repositionButter = function(a) {
this.butterContainerEl_ && Rla(this, this.butterContainerEl_, a)
function Rla(a, b, c) {
var d = parseInt(Ml(b, "width"), 10);
if (a.showInDialog_ && c) {
var e = parseInt(Ml(c, "left"), 10)
, f = parseInt(Ml(c, "top"), 10);
c = parseInt(Ml(c, "width"), 10);
var h = parseInt(Ml(b, "height"), 10);
Pl(b, e + (c - d) / 2, a.postMessage_ ? 0 : f + h / 2)
} else = "50%", = -(d / 2) + "px"
;function yo(a) {, a);
this.dialog_ = new Sla.IFrameSafeDialog(a);
ro(this).listen(this.dialog_, "dialogselect", this.handleDialogSelect_).listen(this.dialog_, "j", this.handleDialogHide_);
this.zoomDetector_ = new uo(a);
zh(this, this.zoomDetector_);
this.isOnScreen_ = !1;
this.butterManager_ = new wo(!1,a);
zh(this, this.butterManager_)
bb(yo, qo);
var Sla = {
IFrameSafeDialog: wn
g = yo.prototype;
g.loadingDialog_ = null;
g.handleDialogSelect_ = function() {
return !1
g.handleDialogHide_ = function() {
g.handleDialogClick_ = function(a) {
a =;
si(this.dialog_.getElement(), a) && (this.dialog_.getElement().blur(),
g.initInternal = function() {
var a = this.dialog_;
a.inDocument_ || a.render();
var b = this.getDomHelper();
var c = this.dialog_;
c = c.getElement();
var d = b.createDom("DIV", {
"class": "share-client-debug"
b.appendChild(c, d);
Nm(a.getElement(), "share-client-dialog");
ro(this).listen(a.getElement(), "click", this.handleDialogClick_);
$l(a.getElement(), !0);
a.getElement().setAttribute("guidedhelpid", "share_dialog");
ro(this).listen(this.zoomDetector_, "resize", this.dialog_.reposition.bind(this.dialog_))
g.isVisible = function() {
return this.isOnScreen_
g.setVisible = function(a) {
var b = this.dialog_;
b.inDocument_ || this.init();
this.isOnScreen_ = a
g.setLoadingInternal = function(a) {
var b = this.loadingDialog_;
a && !b && (b = new ln(void 0,!0,this.getDomHelper()),
qn(b, Ck('<div class="' + S("share-client-loading-contents") + '"><div class="' + S("share-client-spinner") + '"> </div></div>').toSafeHtml()),
vn(b, null),
ro(this).listen(b, "hide", this.handleLoadingDialogClosed_),
this.loadingDialog_ = b,
Nm(b.getElement(), "share-client-loading-dialog"));
b && b.setVisible(a)
g.focusInternal = function() {
g.handleLoadingDialogClosed_ = function() {
g.setContent = function(a) {
qn(this.dialog_, a)
g.setTitle = function(a, b) {
var c = this.getDomHelper().getElementsByTagNameAndClass("IFRAME", void 0, this.dialog_.getContentElement());
0 < c.length && (c[0].title = a);
c = this.dialog_;
Qm(c.titleEl_, "share-client-dialog-hidden-title", b);
this.dialog_.setTitle(b ? "" : a)
g.resize = function(a, b) {
var c = this.dialog_.getElement();
Qm(c, "full-screen-share-client-dialog", !1);
c = this.dialog_.getContentElement(); = a + "px"; = b + "px";
b = ci().height;
c = this.dialog_.getElement();
var d;
if (d = this.isVisible() && 0 < b && c)
d = c.getBoundingClientRect(),
d = !(0 <= && d.bottom <= b);
d && (d = "fixed" == Ol(c) ? 0 : ei(this.getDomHelper().document_).y,
Kl(c, "top", b - Xl(c).height + d + "px"));
window.setTimeout(Xa(this.butterManager_.repositionButter, this.butterManager_, c));
ce && (b = di(document),
ne(8) && b || (b = b ? 0 : 18,
this.dialog_.getElement().style.width = a + b + "px"))
g.maximize = function() {
var a = this.dialog_.getElement();
Qm(a, "full-screen-share-client-dialog", !0);
a = this.dialog_.getContentElement();"width");"height")
g.showNotification = function(a, b) {
b = void 0 === b ? function() {}
: b;
Qla(this.butterManager_, a, this.dialog_.getElement(), b)
g.disposeInternal = function() {
g.setTeamDriveMode = function(a, b) {
var c = this.dialog_.getElement();
Qm(c, "full-screen-share-client-dialog", b);
Qm(c, "team-drive-share-client-dialog", a);
c.setAttribute("guidedhelpid", a ? "drive_share_dialog" : "share_dialog")
function fba(a) {
return null != a && ("string" !== typeof a || !jc(null == a ? "" : String(a))) && (!Array.isArray(a) || 0 != a.length) && (!Ta(a) || !Tb(a))
;function zo(a, b, c, d, e, f, h, k, l, m, n) {
this.state_ = a;
this.summary_ = b;
this.details_ = c;
this.role_ = d || 0;
this.restrictedToDomain_ = void 0 !== e ? e : !0;
this.keyToken_ = f || null;
this.domainDisplayName_ = h || null;
this.restrictedToSingleUserScope_ = !!k;
this.hasInvalidEntries_ = void 0 !== l ? l : !1;
this.publishVisibilityState_ = m || "unknown";
this.hasNamedPartiesForPublish_ = n || !1
zo.prototype.getVisibilityState = function() {
return this.state_
zo.prototype.hasInvalidEntries = function() {
return this.hasInvalidEntries_
zo.prototype.toJson = function() {
var a = {};
a.visibilityState = this.state_;
a.summary = this.summary_;
a.details = this.details_;
a.role = this.role_;
a.restrictedToDomain = this.restrictedToDomain_;
this.keyToken_ && (a.key = this.keyToken_);
this.domainDisplayName_ && (a.domainDisplayName = this.domainDisplayName_);
a.restrictedToSingleUserScope = this.restrictedToSingleUserScope_;
a.hasInvalidEntries = this.hasInvalidEntries_;
a.publishVisibilityState = this.publishVisibilityState_;
a.hasNamedPartiesForPublish = this.hasNamedPartiesForPublish_;
return Qb(a)
zo.prototype.getTemplateParams = function() {
var a = {};
a.state = this.state_;
a.summary = this.summary_;
a.details = this.details_;
a.restrictedToDomain = this.restrictedToDomain_;
this.domainDisplayName_ && (a.opt_domain = this.domainDisplayName_);
a.role = this.role_;
a.vsjson = JSON.stringify(this.toJson());
a.restrictedToSingleUserScope = this.restrictedToSingleUserScope_;
a.hasInvalidEntries = this.hasInvalidEntries_;
return a
function Tla() {
var a = document.createElement("iframe");
a.remove || (a.remove = function() {
var c;
return null == (c = a.parentNode) ? void 0 : c.removeChild(a)
6 >= Wc("Internet Explorer") && cj(a, fc(yb('javascript:""')));
var b =;
b.visibility = "hidden";
b.width = b.height = "10px";
qe && !ne("419.3") ? b.marginTop = b.marginLeft = "-99px" : (b.position = "absolute", = b.left = "-10px");
return new Ula(a)
function Vla(a, b) {
a = Ak(a, wk) ? a.getContent() : a instanceof ac ? bc(a) : a instanceof ac ? Kk(cc(a).toString()) : "about:invalid#zSoyz";
a = '<iframe frameborder="0" src="' + S(a) + '" class="' + S("share-client-content-iframe") + '" title="' + S("Content") + '"></iframe>';
a = Ck(a);
function Ula(a) {
this.iframe = a
Ula.prototype.remove = function() {
function Wla(a, b) {
function c(e, f) {
f = new Xla(new f(a));
return new Yla(e,f,d,b)
var d = new Ao(b,a);
this.sendInitCommandRecorder = c("SEND_INIT_COMMAND", Xi);
this.setClientModelRecorder = c("SET_CLIENT_MODEL", Yi);
this.initCommandCompleteRecorder = c("INIT_COMMAND_COMPLETE", Zi);
this.checkCancelInitCommandTimeoutRecorder = c("CHECK_CANCEL_INIT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT", $i)
function Yla(a, b, c, d) {
this.tag = a;
this.counter = b;
this.pathCapturer = c;
this.foreignService = d;
this.callCount = 0
function Co(a, b) {
Zla(a.pathCapturer, b, a.tag);
return {
thenIncrement: function(c) {
a.increment(Object.assign({}, {
isIframeNull: null === b
}, c))
function $la(a) {
return {
andIncrement: a.increment.bind(a)
Yla.prototype.increment = function(a) {
foreignService: this.foreignService,
path: this.pathCapturer.getPath(),
status: void 0 === a.isSuccess ? "NOT_APPLICABLE" : a.isSuccess ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILURE",
isFirstCall: 1 === this.callCount,
isWaitingForInit: a.isWaitingForInit,
isIframeNull: a.isIframeNull
function Xla(a) {
this.counter = a
Xla.prototype.increment = function(a) {
this.counter.increment(a.foreignService, a.path, a.status, a.isFirstCall, a.isWaitingForInit, a.isIframeNull)
function Ao(a, b) {
this.foreignService = a;
this.path = "UNINITIALIZED";
this.initPathUnsetCaptureCounter = new aj(b);
this.initPathAlreadySetCaptureCounter = new bj(b)
Ao.prototype.getPath = function() {
return this.path
function Zla(a, b, c) {
if (b) {
try {
var d, e, f = null == (d = b.iframe.contentWindow) ? void 0 : null == (e = d.location) ? void 0 : e.href;
var h = f ? new URL(f) : null;
var k = (null == h ? void 0 : h.pathname) || ""
} catch (l) {
k = null
b = k;
b = null === b ? {
status: "CROSS_ORIGIN"
} : "" === b ? {
status: "NO_PATH_FOUND"
} : b.includes("/drivesharing/clientmodel") ? {
value: "BOQ_SHARING",
status: "PATH_FOUND"
} : b.includes("/sharing/init") ? {
status: "PATH_FOUND"
} : {
} else
b = {
status: "IFRAME_IS_NULL"
a.record(c, b);
"UNINITIALIZED" === a.path && b.value && (a.path = b.value)
Ao.prototype.record = function(a, b) {
var c = b.value;
c = "BOQ_SHARING" === c || "LEGACY_SHARING" === c ? c : "NONE";
"UNINITIALIZED" === this.path ? this.initPathUnsetCaptureCounter.increment(a, this.foreignService, c, b.status) : this.initPathAlreadySetCaptureCounter.increment(a, this.foreignService, this.path, c, b.status)
function Do() {} = function() {
return Eo
var Eo = {
done: !0,
value: void 0
Do.prototype.__iterator__ = function() {
return this
function Fo(a) {
if (a instanceof Go || a instanceof Ho || a instanceof Io)
return a;
if ("function" == typeof
return new Go(function() {
return a
if ("function" == typeof a[Symbol.iterator])
return new Go(function() {
return a[Symbol.iterator]()
if ("function" == typeof a.__iterator__)
return new Go(function() {
return a.__iterator__()
throw Error("Not an iterator or iterable.");
function Go(a) {
this.func_ = a
Go.prototype.__iterator__ = function() {
return new Ho(this.func_())
Go.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
return new Io(this.func_())
Go.prototype.toEs6 = function() {
return new Io(this.func_())
function Ho(a) {
this.iter_ = a
v(Ho, Do); = function() {
Ho.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
return new Io(this.iter_)
Ho.prototype.toEs6 = function() {
return new Io(this.iter_)
function Io(a) {, function() {
return a
this.iter_ = a
v(Io, Go); = function() {
function Jo(a, b) {
this.map_ = {};
this.keys_ = [];
this.version_ = this.size = 0;
var c = arguments.length;
if (1 < c) {
if (c % 2)
throw Error("Uneven number of arguments");
for (var d = 0; d < c; d += 2)
this.set(arguments[d], arguments[d + 1])
} else
a && this.addAll(a)
g = Jo.prototype;
g.getCount = function() {
return this.size
g.getValues = function() {
for (var a = [], b = 0; b < this.keys_.length; b++)
return a
g.getKeys = function() {
return this.keys_.concat()
g.containsKey = function(a) {
return this.has(a)
g.has = function(a) {
return Lo(this.map_, a)
g.equals = function(a, b) {
if (this === a)
return !0;
if (this.size != a.getCount())
return !1;
b = b || ama;
for (var c, d = 0; c = this.keys_[d]; d++)
if (!b(this.get(c), a.get(c)))
return !1;
return !0
function ama(a, b) {
return a === b
g.isEmpty = function() {
return 0 == this.size
g.clear = function() {
this.map_ = {};
this.version_ = this.size = this.keys_.length = 0
g.remove = function(a) {
return this.delete(a)
g.delete = function(a) {
return Lo(this.map_, a) ? (delete this.map_[a],
this.keys_.length > 2 * this.size && Ko(this),
!0) : !1
function Ko(a) {
if (a.size != a.keys_.length) {
for (var b = 0, c = 0; b < a.keys_.length; ) {
var d = a.keys_[b];
Lo(a.map_, d) && (a.keys_[c++] = d);
a.keys_.length = c
if (a.size != a.keys_.length) {
var e = {};
for (c = b = 0; b < a.keys_.length; )
d = a.keys_[b],
Lo(e, d) || (a.keys_[c++] = d,
e[d] = 1),
a.keys_.length = c
g.get = function(a, b) {
return Lo(this.map_, a) ? this.map_[a] : b
g.set = function(a, b) {
Lo(this.map_, a) || (this.size += 1,
this.map_[a] = b
g.addAll = function(a) {
if (a instanceof Jo)
for (var b = a.getKeys(), c = 0; c < b.length; c++)
this.set(b[c], a.get(b[c]));
for (b in a)
this.set(b, a[b])
g.forEach = function(a, b) {
for (var c = this.getKeys(), d = 0; d < c.length; d++) {
var e = c[d]
, f = this.get(e);, f, e, this)
g.clone = function() {
return new Jo(this)
g.toObject = function() {
for (var a = {}, b = 0; b < this.keys_.length; b++) {
var c = this.keys_[b];
a[c] = this.map_[c]
return a
g.getKeyIterator = function() {
return this.__iterator__(!0)
g.keys = function() {
return Fo(this.getKeyIterator()).toEs6()
g.values = function() {
return Fo(this.__iterator__(!1)).toEs6()
g.entries = function() {
var a = this;
return eka(this.keys(), function(b) {
return [b, a.get(b)]
g.__iterator__ = function(a) {
var b = 0
, c = this.version_
, d = this
, e = new Do; = function() {
if (c != d.version_)
throw Error("The map has changed since the iterator was created");
if (b >= d.keys_.length)
return Eo;
var f = d.keys_[b++];
return {
value: a ? f : d.map_[f],
done: !1
return e
function Lo(a, b) {
return, b)
;function Mo(a, b) {;
this.target_ = a;
this.targetOrigin_ = b;
this.pendingMessages_ = [];
this.messageListener_ = Xa(this.handleMessage_, this);
window.addEventListener("message", this.messageListener_, !1);
this.handlers_ = new Jo
bb(Mo, yh);
Mo.prototype.handleMessage_ = function(a) {
if (a.origin == this.targetOrigin_) {
try {
var b = JSON.parse(
} catch (d) {
var c = b.args;
if (b = this.handlers_.get(b.type))
this.target_ = a.source,
this.pendingMessages_ && (Ab(this.pendingMessages_, function(d) {
this.sendMessage(d.messageType, d.opt_args)
}, this),
this.pendingMessages_ = []),, c)
Mo.prototype.setHandler = function(a, b, c) {
this.handlers_.set(a, Xa(b, c))
Mo.prototype.sendMessage = function(a, b) {
if (this.target_) {
var c = {};
c.type = a;
b && (c.args = b);
this.target_.postMessage(JSON.stringify(c), this.targetOrigin_)
} else
messageType: a,
opt_args: b
Mo.prototype.disposeInternal = function() {
window.removeEventListener("message", this.messageListener_, !1)
function No(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(No, P);
g = No.prototype;
g.getColor = function() {
return Ag(this, 1, 0)
g.setColor = function(a) {
return H(this, 1, a)
g.clearColor = function() {
return Vf(this, 1)
g.setMode = function(a) {
return H(this, 2, a)
g.toObject = function() {
if (null != this) {
var a = {
color: Q(G(this, 1)),
mode: Q(G(this, 2))
} else
a = void 0;
return a
function Oo() {}
Oo.prototype.reposition = function() {}
function Po(a, b, c) {;
this.listener_ = a;
this.interval_ = b || 0;
this.handler_ = c;
this.callback_ = Xa(this.doAction_, this)
bb(Po, yh);
g = Po.prototype;
g.id_ = 0;
g.disposeInternal = function() {;
delete this.listener_;
delete this.handler_
g.start = function(a) {
this.id_ = Si(this.callback_, void 0 !== a ? a : this.interval_)
function bma(a) {
a.isActive() || a.start(void 0)
g.stop = function() {
this.isActive() && Ti(this.id_);
this.id_ = 0
; = function() {
g.isActive = function() {
return 0 != this.id_
g.doAction_ = function() {
this.id_ = 0;
this.listener_ &&
function cma(a) {
return Lca(kc(a.replace(dma, function(b, c) {
return ema.test(c) ? "" : " "
}).replace(/[\t\n ]+/g, " ")))
var ema = /^(?:abbr|acronym|address|b|em|i|small|strong|su[bp]|u)$/i
, dma = /<[!\/]?([a-z0-9]+)([\/ ][^>]*)?>/gi;
function Qo() {}
bb(Qo, Dn);
g = Qo.prototype;
g.getAriaRole = function() {
return "button"
g.updateAriaState = function(a, b, c) {
switch (b) {
case 8:
case 16:
Hm(a, "pressed", c);
case 64:
case 1:, a, b, c)
g.createDom = function(a) {
var b =, a);
this.setTooltip(b, a.getTooltip());
var c = a.getValue();
c && this.setValue(b, c);
Gn(a, 16) && this.updateAriaState(b, 16, a.hasState(16));
return b
g.decorate = function(a, b) {
b =, a, b);
a.tooltip_ = this.getTooltip(b);
Gn(a, 16) && this.updateAriaState(b, 16, a.hasState(16));
return b
g.getValue = function() {}
g.setValue = function() {}
g.getTooltip = function(a) {
return a.title
g.setTooltip = function(a, b) {
a && (b ? a.title = b : a.removeAttribute("title"))
g.setCollapsed = function(a, b) {
var c = a.isRightToLeft()
, d = this.getCssClass() + "-collapse-left"
, e = this.getCssClass() + "-collapse-right";
a.enableClassName(c ? e : d, !!(b & 1));
a.enableClassName(c ? d : e, !!(b & 2))
g.getCssClass = function() {
return "goog-button"
function Ro() {}
bb(Ro, Qo);
g = Ro.prototype;
g.getAriaRole = function() {}
g.createDom = function(a) {
Kn(a, !1);
a.autoStates_ &= -256;
a.setSupportedState(32, !1);
return a.getDomHelper().createDom("BUTTON", {
"class": this.getClassNames(a).join(" "),
disabled: !a.isEnabled(),
title: a.getTooltip() || "",
value: a.getValue() || ""
}, a.getCaption() || "")
g.canDecorate = function(a) {
return "BUTTON" == a.tagName || "INPUT" == a.tagName && ("button" == a.type || "submit" == a.type || "reset" == a.type)
g.decorate = function(a, b) {
Kn(a, !1);
a.autoStates_ &= -256;
a.setSupportedState(32, !1);
if (b.disabled) {
var c = this.getClassForState(1);
Nm(b, c)
return, a, b)
g.initializeDom = function(a) {
a.getHandler().listen(a.getElement(), "click", a.performActionInternal)
g.setAllowTextSelection = function() {}
g.setRightToLeft = function() {}
g.isFocusable = function(a) {
return a.isEnabled()
g.setFocusable = function() {}
g.setState = function(a, b, c) {, a, b, c);
(a = a.getElement()) && 1 == b && (a.disabled = c)
g.getValue = function(a) {
return a.value
g.setValue = function(a, b) {
a && (a.value = b)
g.updateAriaState = function() {}
function So(a, b, c) {, a, b || Ro.getInstance(), c)
bb(So, Jn);
g = So.prototype;
g.getValue = function() {
return this.value_
g.setValue = function(a) {
this.value_ = a;
this.renderer_.setValue(this.getElement(), a)
g.setValueInternal = function(a) {
this.value_ = a
g.getTooltip = function() {
return this.tooltip_
g.setTooltip = function(a) {
this.tooltip_ = a;
this.renderer_.setTooltip(this.getElement(), a)
g.setCollapsed = function(a) {
this.renderer_.setCollapsed(this, a)
g.disposeInternal = function() {;
delete this.value_;
delete this.tooltip_
g.enterDocument = function() {;
if (Gn(this, 32)) {
var a = this.getKeyEventTarget();
a && this.getHandler().listen(a, "keyup", this.handleKeyEventInternal)
g.handleKeyEventInternal = function(a) {
return 13 == a.keyCode && "key" == a.type || 32 == a.keyCode && "keyup" == a.type ? this.performActionInternal(a) : 32 == a.keyCode
Hn("goog-button", function() {
return new So(null)
function To(a, b, c) {
this.element = a;
this.corner = b;
this.overflow_ = c
bb(To, Oo);
To.prototype.reposition = function(a, b, c) {
hm(this.element, this.corner, a, b, void 0, c, this.overflow_)
function Uo() {}
bb(Uo, Qo);
g = Uo.prototype;
g.createDom = function(a) {
var b = this.getClassNames(a);
b = a.getDomHelper().createDom("DIV", "goog-inline-block " + b.join(" "), a.getContent());
this.setTooltip(b, a.getTooltip());
return b
g.getAriaRole = function() {
return "button"
g.canDecorate = function(a) {
return "DIV" == a.tagName
g.decorate = function(a, b) {
Nm(b, "goog-inline-block");
return, a, b)
g.getValue = function() {
return ""
g.getCssClass = function() {
return "goog-flat-button"
Hn("goog-flat-button", function() {
return new So(null,Uo.getInstance())
function Vo(a, b, c, d) {, a, b);
this.lastResortOverflow_ = c ? 5 : 0;
this.overflowConstraint_ = d || void 0
bb(Vo, To);
Vo.prototype.getLastResortOverflow = function() {
return this.lastResortOverflow_
Vo.prototype.setLastResortOverflow = function(a) {
this.lastResortOverflow_ = a
Vo.prototype.reposition = function(a, b, c, d) {
var e = hm(this.element, this.corner, a, b, null, c, 10, d, this.overflowConstraint_);
if (e & 496) {
var f = Wo(e, this.corner);
b = Wo(e, b);
e = hm(this.element, f, a, b, null, c, 10, d, this.overflowConstraint_);
e & 496 && (f = Wo(e, f),
b = Wo(e, b),
hm(this.element, f, a, b, null, c, this.lastResortOverflow_, d, this.overflowConstraint_))
function Wo(a, b) {
a & 48 && (b ^= 4);
a & 192 && (b ^= 1);
return b
;function Xo(a, b, c, d) {, a, b, c || d);
(c || d) && this.setLastResortOverflow(65 | (d ? 32 : 132))
bb(Xo, Vo);
function Yo() {}
bb(Yo, Qo);
g = Yo.prototype;
g.createDom = function(a) {
var b = this.getClassNames(a);
b = a.getDomHelper().createDom("DIV", "goog-inline-block " + b.join(" "), this.createButton(a.getContent(), a.getDomHelper()));
this.setTooltip(b, a.getTooltip());
return b
g.getAriaRole = function() {
return "button"
g.getContentElement = function(a) {
return a && a.firstChild && a.firstChild.firstChild
g.createButton = function(a, b) {
return b.createDom("DIV", "goog-inline-block " + (this.getCssClass() + "-outer-box"), b.createDom("DIV", "goog-inline-block " + (this.getCssClass() + "-inner-box"), a))
g.canDecorate = function(a) {
return "DIV" == a.tagName
g.decorate = function(a, b) {
fma(b, !0);
fma(b, !1);
a: {
var c = a.getDomHelper().getFirstElementChild(b);
var d = this.getCssClass() + "-outer-box";
if (c && Mm(c, d) && (c = a.getDomHelper().getFirstElementChild(c),
d = this.getCssClass() + "-inner-box",
c && Mm(c, d))) {
c = !0;
break a
c = !1
c || b.appendChild(this.createButton(b.childNodes, a.getDomHelper()));
Om(b, ["goog-inline-block", this.getCssClass()]);
return, a, b)
g.getCssClass = function() {
return "goog-custom-button"
function fma(a, b) {
if (a)
for (var c = b ? a.firstChild : a.lastChild, d; c && c.parentNode == a; ) {
d = b ? c.nextSibling : c.previousSibling;
if (3 == c.nodeType) {
var e = c.nodeValue;
if ("" == kc(e))
else {
c.nodeValue = b ? e.replace(/^[\s\xa0]+/, "") : e.replace(/[\s\xa0]+$/, "");
} else
c = d
;function Zo() {}
bb(Zo, Yo);
g = Zo.prototype;
g.getContentElement = function(a) {
return, a && a.firstChild)
g.decorate = function(a, b) {
var c = ai(document, "*", "goog-menu", b)[0];
if (c) {
$l(c, !1);
var d = new ho;
return, a, b)
g.createButton = function(a, b) {
return, [this.createCaption(a, b), this.createDropdown(b)], b)
g.createCaption = function(a, b) {
return b.createDom("DIV", "goog-inline-block " + (this.getCssClass() + "-caption"), a)
g.createDropdown = function(a) {
return a.createDom("DIV", "goog-inline-block " + (this.getCssClass() + "-dropdown"), "\u00a0")
g.getCssClass = function() {
return "goog-menu-button"
function $o() {
this.classNameCache_ = []
bb($o, Yn);
$o.prototype.createDom = function(a) {
var b = $, a);
Nm(b, "goog-submenu");
gma(this, a, b);
return b
$o.prototype.decorate = function(a, b) {
b = $, a, b);
Nm(b, "goog-submenu");
gma(this, a, b);
var c = ai(document, "DIV", "goog-menu", b);
if (c.length) {
var d = new ho(a.getDomHelper());
c = c[0];
$l(c, !1);
a.setMenu(d, !0)
return b
$o.prototype.setContent = function(a, b) {
var c = this.getContentElement(a)
, d = c && c.lastChild;
$, a, b);
d && c.lastChild != d && Mm(d, "goog-submenu-arrow") && c.appendChild(d)
$o.prototype.initializeDom = function(a) {
$, a);
var b = a.getContentElement()
, c = a.getDomHelper().getElementsByTagNameAndClass("SPAN", "goog-submenu-arrow", b)[0];
hma(a, c);
c != b.lastChild && b.appendChild(c);
a = a.getElement();
Hm(a, "haspopup", "true")
function gma(a, b, c) {
var d = b.getDomHelper().createDom("SPAN");
d.className = "goog-submenu-arrow";
hma(b, d);
function hma(a, b) {
a.isRightToLeft() ? (Nm(b, "goog-submenu-arrow-rtl"),
ti(b, a.alignToEnd_ ? "\u25c4" : "\u25ba")) : (Pm(b, "goog-submenu-arrow-rtl"),
ti(b, a.alignToEnd_ ? "\u25ba" : "\u25c4"))
;function ap(a, b, c, d) {, a, b, c, d || $o.getInstance())
bb(ap, bo);
g = ap.prototype;
g.dismissTimer_ = null;
g.showTimer_ = null;
g.menuIsVisible_ = !1;
g.subMenu_ = null;
g.externalSubMenu_ = !1;
g.alignToEnd_ = !0;
g.isPositionAdjustable_ = !1;
g.enterDocument = function() {;
this.getHandler().listen(this.getParent(), "hide", this.onParentHidden_);
this.subMenu_ && bp(this, this.subMenu_, !0)
g.exitDocument = function() {
this.getHandler().unlisten(this.getParent(), "hide", this.onParentHidden_);
this.subMenu_ && (bp(this, this.subMenu_, !1),
this.externalSubMenu_ || (this.subMenu_.exitDocument(),
g.disposeInternal = function() {
this.subMenu_ && !this.externalSubMenu_ && this.subMenu_.dispose();
this.subMenu_ = null;
g.setHighlighted = function(a) {, a);
a || (this.dismissTimer_ && Ti(this.dismissTimer_),
this.dismissTimer_ = Si(this.dismissSubMenu, 218, this))
g.showSubMenu = function() {
var a = this.getParent();
a && Sn(a) == this && (ima(this, !0),
g.dismissSubMenu = function() {
var a = this.subMenu_;
a && a.getParent() == this && (ima(this, !1),
en(a, function(b) {
"function" == typeof b.dismissSubMenu && b.dismissSubMenu()
function cp(a) {
a.dismissTimer_ && Ti(a.dismissTimer_);
a.showTimer_ && Ti(a.showTimer_)
g.setVisible = function(a, b) {
(a =, a, b)) && !this.isVisible() && this.dismissSubMenu();
return a
function jma(a) {
en(a.getParent(), function(b) {
b != this && "function" == typeof b.dismissSubMenu && (b.dismissSubMenu(),
}, a)
g.handleKeyEvent = function(a) {
var b = a.keyCode
, c = this.isRightToLeft() ? 37 : 39
, d = this.isRightToLeft() ? 39 : 37;
if (!this.menuIsVisible_) {
if (!this.isEnabled() || b != c && 13 != b && b != this.mnemonicKey_)
return !1;
} else if (!this.getMenu().handleKeyEvent(a))
if (b == d)
return !1;
return !0
g.onChildEnter_ = function() {
this.subMenu_.getParent() == this && (cp(this),
g.onParentHidden_ = function(a) { == this.getParentEventTarget() && (this.dismissSubMenu(),
g.handleMouseOver = function(a) {
this.isEnabled() && (cp(this),
this.showTimer_ = Si(this.showSubMenu, 218, this));, a)
g.performActionInternal = function(a) {
if (Gn(this, 8) || Gn(this, 16))
return, a);
return !0
function ima(a, b) {
!b && a.getMenu() && a.getMenu().setHighlightedIndex(-1);
a.dispatchEvent(Uka(64, b));
var c = a.getMenu();
b != a.menuIsVisible_ && Qm(a.getElement(), "goog-submenu-open", b);
if (b != c.isVisible() && (b && (c.inDocument_ || c.render(),
b)) {
c = new Vo(a.getElement(),a.alignToEnd_ ? 12 : 8,a.isPositionAdjustable_);
var d = a.getMenu()
, e = d.getElement();
d.isVisible() || ( = "hidden",
$l(e, !0));
c.reposition(e, a.alignToEnd_ ? 8 : 12);
d.isVisible() || ($l(e, !1), = "visible")
a.menuIsVisible_ = b
function bp(a, b, c) {
var d = a.getHandler();
(c ? d.listen : d.unlisten).call(d, b, "enter", a.onChildEnter_)
g.addItem = function(a) {
this.getMenu().addChild(a, !0)
g.removeItem = function(a) {
(a = this.getMenu().removeChild(a, !0)) && a.dispose()
g.getItemCount = function() {
return fn(this.getMenu())
g.getItems = function() {
return this.getMenu().getItems()
g.getMenu = function() {
this.subMenu_ ? this.externalSubMenu_ && this.subMenu_.getParent() != this && this.subMenu_.setParent(this) : this.setMenu(new ho(this.getDomHelper()), !0);
this.subMenu_.getElement() || this.subMenu_.createDom();
return this.subMenu_
g.setMenu = function(a, b) {
var c = this.subMenu_;
a != c && (c && (this.dismissSubMenu(),
this.inDocument_ && bp(this, c, !1)),
this.subMenu_ = a,
this.externalSubMenu_ = !b,
a && (a.setParent(this),
a.setVisible(!1, !0),
a.allowAutoFocus_ = !1,
this.inDocument_ && bp(this, a, !0)))
g.containsElement = function(a) {
return this.getMenu().containsElement(a)
Hn("goog-submenu", function() {
return new ap(null)
function dp(a, b, c, d, e) {, a, c || Zo.getInstance(), d);
this.setSupportedState(64, !0);
this.menuPosition_ = new Xo(null,9);
b && this.setMenu(b);
this.menuMargin_ = null;
this.timer_ = new Ri(500);
this.closeOnEnterOrSpace_ = !0;
this.menuRenderer_ = e || fo.getInstance()
bb(dp, So);
g = dp.prototype;
g.isFocusablePopupMenu_ = !1;
g.renderMenuAsSibling_ = !1;
g.selectFirstOnEnterOrSpace_ = !1;
g.enterDocument = function() {;
kma(this, !0);
this.menu_ && ep(this, this.menu_, !0);
Hm(this.element_, "haspopup", !!this.menu_)
g.exitDocument = function() {;
kma(this, !1);
if (this.menu_) {
ep(this, this.menu_, !1);
var a = this.menu_.getElement();
a && oi(a)
g.disposeInternal = function() {;
this.menu_ && (this.menu_.dispose(),
delete this.menu_);
delete this.positionElement_;
g.handleMouseDown = function(a) {, a);
this.isActive() && (this.setOpen(!this.isOpen(), a),
this.menu_ && (a = this.isOpen(),
this.menu_.mouseButtonPressed_ = a))
g.handleMouseUp = function(a) {, a);
this.menu_ && !this.isActive() && (this.menu_.mouseButtonPressed_ = !1)
g.performActionInternal = function() {
return !0
g.handleDocumentMouseDown = function(a) {
this.menu_ && this.menu_.isVisible() && !this.containsElement( && this.setOpen(!1)
g.containsElement = function(a) {
return a && si(this.getElement(), a) || this.menu_ && this.menu_.containsElement(a) || !1
g.handleKeyEventInternal = function(a) {
if (32 == a.keyCode) {
if (a.preventDefault(),
"keyup" != a.type)
return !0
} else if ("key" != a.type)
return !1;
if (this.menu_ && this.menu_.isVisible()) {
var b = 13 == a.keyCode || 32 == a.keyCode
, c = this.menu_.handleKeyEvent(a);
return c && this.menu_ && this.menu_.openItem_ instanceof ap || !(27 == a.keyCode || b && this.closeOnEnterOrSpace_) ? c : (this.setOpen(!1),
return 40 == a.keyCode || 38 == a.keyCode || 32 == a.keyCode || 13 == a.keyCode ? (this.setOpen(!0, a),
!0) : !1
g.handleMenuAction = function() {
g.handleMenuBlur = function() {
this.isActive() || this.setOpen(!1)
g.handleBlur = function(a) {
this.isFocusablePopupMenu_ || this.setOpen(!1);, a)
g.getMenu = function() {
this.menu_ || this.setMenu(new ho(this.getDomHelper(),this.menuRenderer_));
return this.menu_ || null
g.setMenu = function(a) {
var b = this.menu_;
a != b && (b && (this.setOpen(!1),
this.inDocument_ && ep(this, b, !1),
delete this.menu_),
this.inDocument_ && Hm(this.element_, "haspopup", !!a),
a && (this.menu_ = a,
b = this.isFocusablePopupMenu_,
(a.allowAutoFocus_ = b) && a.setFocusable(!0),
this.inDocument_ && ep(this, a, !0)))
g.addItem = function(a) {
this.getMenu().addChild(a, !0)
g.removeItem = function(a) {
(a = this.getMenu().removeChild(a, !0)) && a.dispose()
g.getItemCount = function() {
return this.menu_ ? fn(this.menu_) : 0
g.setVisible = function(a, b) {
(a =, a, b)) && !this.isVisible() && this.setOpen(!1);
return a
g.setEnabled = function(a) {, a);
this.isEnabled() || this.setOpen(!1)
g.showMenu = function() {
g.setOpen = function(a, b) {, a);
if (this.menu_ && this.hasState(64) == a) {
if (a) {
if (!this.menu_.inDocument_)
if (this.renderMenuAsSibling_) {
var c = this.getElement();
(c = void 0 !== c.nextElementSibling ? c.nextElementSibling : Lga(c.nextSibling)) ? this.menu_.renderBefore(c) : this.menu_.render(this.getElement().parentNode)
} else
this.viewportBox_ = Tl(this.getElement());
this.buttonRect_ = Yl(this.getElement());
c = !!b && (13 == b.keyCode || 32 == b.keyCode);
b && (40 == b.keyCode || 38 == b.keyCode) || c && this.selectFirstOnEnterOrSpace_ ? Tn(this.menu_) : this.menu_.setHighlightedIndex(-1)
} else {
this.menu_.mouseButtonPressed_ = !1;
if (c = this.getElement())
Hm(c, "activedescendant", ""),
Hm(c, "owns", "");
null != this.originalSize_ && (this.originalSize_ = void 0,
(c = this.menu_.getElement()) && Wl(c, "", ""))
this.menu_.setVisible(a, !1, b);
this.isDisposed() || (b = this.getHandler(),
c = a ? b.listen : b.unlisten,, this.getDomHelper().document_, "mousedown", this.handleDocumentMouseDown, !0),
this.isFocusablePopupMenu_ &&, this.menu_, "blur", this.handleMenuBlur),, this.timer_, "tick", this.onTick_),
a ? this.timer_.start() : this.timer_.stop())
this.menu_ && this.menu_.getElement() && this.menu_.element_.removeAttribute("aria-hidden")
function lma(a) {
if (a.menu_.inDocument_) {
var b = a.positionElement_ || a.getElement()
, c = a.menuPosition_;
a.menuPosition_.element = b;
b = a.menu_.getElement();
a.menu_.isVisible() || ( = "hidden",
$l(b, !0));
!a.originalSize_ && a.menuPosition_.getLastResortOverflow && a.menuPosition_.lastResortOverflow_ & 32 && (a.originalSize_ = Xl(b));
c.reposition(b, c.corner ^ 1, a.menuMargin_, a.originalSize_);
a.menu_.isVisible() || ($l(b, !1), = "visible")
g.onTick_ = function() {
var a = Yl(this.getElement()), b = Tl(this.getElement()), c;
(c = !Eja(this.buttonRect_, a)) || (c = this.viewportBox_,
c = !(c == b || c && b && == && c.right == b.right && c.bottom == b.bottom && c.left == b.left));
c && (this.menu_.inDocument_ && b && this.viewportBox_ && b.getWidth() < this.viewportBox_.getWidth() && (c = this.menu_.getElement(),
this.menu_.isVisible() || ( = "hidden",
$l(c, !0)),
Pl(c, new Uh(0,0))),
this.buttonRect_ = a,
this.viewportBox_ = b,
function ep(a, b, c) {
var d = a.getHandler();
c = c ? d.listen : d.unlisten;, b, "action", a.handleMenuAction);, b, "close", a.handleCloseItem);, b, "highlight", a.handleHighlightItem);, b, "unhighlight", a.handleUnHighlightItem)
function kma(a, b) {
var c = a.getHandler();
(b ? c.listen : c.unlisten).call(c, a.getElement(), "keydown", a.handleKeyDownEvent_)
g.handleHighlightItem = function(a) {
(a = && mma(this, a)
g.handleKeyDownEvent_ = function(a) {
Gn(this, 32) && this.getKeyEventTarget() && this.menu_ && this.menu_.isVisible() && a.stopPropagation()
g.handleUnHighlightItem = function() {
if (!Sn(this.menu_)) {
var a = this.getElement();
Hm(a, "activedescendant", "");
Hm(a, "owns", "")
g.handleCloseItem = function(a) {
if (this.isOpen() && instanceof bo) {
a =;
var b = a.getElement();
a.isVisible() && a.hasState(2) && null != b && mma(this, b)
function mma(a, b) {
a = a.getElement();
b = Eka(b) || b;
if (! {
var c = Zm.getInstance(); = $m(c)
Im(a, b);
Hm(a, "owns",
Hn("goog-menu-button", function() {
return new dp(null)
function fp() {}
bb(fp, Uo);
g = fp.prototype;
g.createDom = function(a) {
var b = this.getClassNames(a);
b = a.getDomHelper().createDom("DIV", "goog-inline-block " + b.join(" "), [this.createCaption(a.getContent(), a.getDomHelper()), this.createDropdown(a.getDomHelper())]);
this.setTooltip(b, a.getTooltip());
return b
g.getContentElement = function(a) {
return a && a.firstChild
g.decorate = function(a, b) {
var c = ai(document, "*", "goog-menu", b)[0];
if (c) {
$l(c, !1);
var d = new ho;
ai(document, "*", this.getCssClass() + "-caption", b)[0] || b.appendChild(this.createCaption(b.childNodes, a.getDomHelper()));
ai(document, "*", this.getCssClass() + "-dropdown", b)[0] || b.appendChild(this.createDropdown(a.getDomHelper()));
return, a, b)
g.createCaption = function(a, b) {
return b.createDom("DIV", "goog-inline-block " + (this.getCssClass() + "-caption"), a)
g.createDropdown = function(a) {
return a.createDom("DIV", {
"class": "goog-inline-block " + (this.getCssClass() + "-dropdown"),
"aria-hidden": !0
}, "\u00a0")
g.getCssClass = function() {
return "goog-flat-menu-button"
Hn("goog-flat-menu-button", function() {
return new dp(null,null,fp.getInstance())
function nma(a) {
switch (a) {
case 0:
return "No Error";
case 1:
return "Access denied to content document";
case 2:
return "File not found";
case 3:
return "Firefox silently errored";
case 4:
return "Application custom error";
case 5:
return "An exception occurred";
case 6:
return "Http response at 400 or 500 level";
case 7:
return "Request was aborted";
case 8:
return "Request timed out";
case 9:
return "The resource is not available offline";
return "Unrecognized error code"
;function oma(a) {
switch (a) {
case 200:
case 201:
case 202:
case 204:
case 206:
case 304:
case 1223:
return !0;
return !1
;function gp() {}
gp.prototype.cachedOptions_ = null;
gp.prototype.getOptions = function() {
return this.cachedOptions_ || (this.cachedOptions_ = this.internalGetOptions())
var hp;
function ip() {}
bb(ip, gp);
ip.prototype.createInstance = function() {
var a = pma(this);
return a ? new ActiveXObject(a) : new XMLHttpRequest
ip.prototype.internalGetOptions = function() {
var a = {};
pma(this) && (a[0] = !0,
a[1] = !0);
return a
function pma(a) {
if (!a.ieProgId_ && "undefined" == typeof XMLHttpRequest && "undefined" != typeof ActiveXObject) {
for (var b = ["MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0", "MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0", "MSXML2.XMLHTTP", "Microsoft.XMLHTTP"], c = 0; c < b.length; c++) {
var d = b[c];
try {
return new ActiveXObject(d),
a.ieProgId_ = d
} catch (e) {}
throw Error("Could not create ActiveXObject. ActiveX might be disabled, or MSXML might not be installed");
return a.ieProgId_
hp = new ip;
function jp(a) {;
this.headers = new Map;
this.xmlHttpFactory_ = a || null;
this.active_ = !1;
this.xhrOptions_ = this.xhr_ = null;
this.lastUri_ = "";
this.lastErrorCode_ = 0;
this.lastError_ = "";
this.inAbort_ = this.inOpen_ = this.inSend_ = this.errorDispatched_ = !1;
this.timeoutInterval_ = 0;
this.timeoutId_ = null;
this.responseType_ = "";
this.useXhr2Timeout_ = this.progressEventsEnabled_ = this.withCredentials_ = !1;
this.trustToken_ = null
bb(jp, Rh);
var qma = /^https?$/i
, rma = ["POST", "PUT"]
, sma = [];
function kp(a, b, c, d, e, f, h) {
var k = new jp;
b && k.listen("complete", b);
k.listenOnce("ready", k.cleanupSend_);
f && (k.timeoutInterval_ = Math.max(0, f));
h && (k.withCredentials_ = h);
k.send(a, c, d, e)
g = jp.prototype;
g.cleanupSend_ = function() {
Eb(sma, this)
g.setTrustToken = function(a) {
this.trustToken_ = a
g.send = function(a, b, c, d) {
if (this.xhr_)
throw Error("[] Object is active with another request=" + this.lastUri_ + "; newUri=" + a);
b = b ? b.toUpperCase() : "GET";
this.lastUri_ = a;
this.lastError_ = "";
this.lastErrorCode_ = 0;
this.errorDispatched_ = !1;
this.active_ = !0;
this.xhr_ = this.createXhr();
this.xhrOptions_ = this.xmlHttpFactory_ ? this.xmlHttpFactory_.getOptions() : hp.getOptions();
this.xhr_.onreadystatechange = Xa(this.onReadyStateChange_, this);
this.progressEventsEnabled_ && "onprogress"in this.xhr_ && (this.xhr_.onprogress = Xa(function(h) {
this.onProgressHandler_(h, !0)
}, this),
this.xhr_.upload && (this.xhr_.upload.onprogress = Xa(this.onProgressHandler_, this)));
try {
this.inOpen_ = !0,, String(a), !0),
this.inOpen_ = !1
} catch (h) {
a = c || "";
c = new Map(this.headers);
if (d)
if (Object.getPrototypeOf(d) === Object.prototype)
for (var e in d)
c.set(e, d[e]);
else if ("function" === typeof d.keys && "function" === typeof d.get) {
e = u(d.keys());
for (var f =; !f.done; f =
f = f.value,
c.set(f, d.get(f))
} else
throw Error("Unknown input type for opt_headers: " + String(d));
d = Array.from(c.keys()).find(function(h) {
return "content-type" == h.toLowerCase()
e = Na.FormData && a instanceof Na.FormData;
!Db(rma, b) || d || e || c.set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8");
b = u(c);
for (d =; !d.done; d =
c = u(d.value),
d =,
c =,
this.xhr_.setRequestHeader(d, c);
this.responseType_ && (this.xhr_.responseType = this.responseType_);
"withCredentials"in this.xhr_ && this.xhr_.withCredentials !== this.withCredentials_ && (this.xhr_.withCredentials = this.withCredentials_);
if ("setTrustToken"in this.xhr_ && this.trustToken_)
try {
} catch (h) {
try {
0 < this.timeoutInterval_ && (this.useXhr2Timeout_ = uma(this.xhr_),
this.useXhr2Timeout_ ? (this.xhr_.timeout = this.timeoutInterval_,
this.xhr_.ontimeout = Xa(this.timeout_, this)) : this.timeoutId_ = Si(this.timeout_, this.timeoutInterval_, this)),
this.inSend_ = !0,
this.inSend_ = !1
} catch (h) {
function uma(a) {
return ce && "number" === typeof a.timeout && void 0 !== a.ontimeout
g.createXhr = function() {
return this.xmlHttpFactory_ ? this.xmlHttpFactory_.createInstance() : hp.createInstance()
g.timeout_ = function() {
"undefined" != typeof Ma && this.xhr_ && (this.lastError_ = "Timed out after " + this.timeoutInterval_ + "ms, aborting",
this.lastErrorCode_ = 8,
g.error_ = function(a) {
this.active_ = !1;
this.xhr_ && (this.inAbort_ = !0,
this.inAbort_ = !1);
this.lastError_ = a;
this.lastErrorCode_ = 5;
function vma(a) {
a.errorDispatched_ || (a.errorDispatched_ = !0,
g.abort = function(a) {
this.xhr_ && this.active_ && (this.getStatus(),
this.active_ = !1,
this.inAbort_ = !0,
this.inAbort_ = !1,
this.lastErrorCode_ = a || 7,
g.disposeInternal = function() {
this.xhr_ && (this.active_ && (this.active_ = !1,
this.inAbort_ = !0,
this.inAbort_ = !1),
lp(this, !0));
g.onReadyStateChange_ = function() {
if (!this.isDisposed())
if (this.inOpen_ || this.inSend_ || this.inAbort_)
g.onReadyStateChangeEntryPoint_ = function() {
function wma(a) {
if (a.active_ && "undefined" != typeof Ma)
if (a.xhrOptions_[1] && 4 == mp(a) && 2 == a.getStatus())
else if (a.inSend_ && 4 == mp(a))
Si(a.onReadyStateChange_, 0, a);
else if (a.dispatchEvent("readystatechange"),
4 == mp(a)) {
a.active_ = !1;
try {
a.isSuccess() ? (a.dispatchEvent("complete"),
a.dispatchEvent("success")) : (a.lastErrorCode_ = 6,
a.lastError_ = a.getStatusText() + " [" + a.getStatus() + "]",
} finally {
g.onProgressHandler_ = function(a, b) {
this.dispatchEvent(xma(a, "progress"));
this.dispatchEvent(xma(a, b ? "downloadprogress" : "uploadprogress"))
function xma(a, b) {
return {
type: b,
lengthComputable: a.lengthComputable,
loaded: a.loaded,
function lp(a, b) {
if (a.xhr_) {
var c = a.xhr_
, d = a.xhrOptions_[0] ? function() {}
: null;
a.xhr_ = null;
a.xhrOptions_ = null;
b || a.dispatchEvent("ready");
try {
c.onreadystatechange = d
} catch (e) {}
function tma(a) {
a.xhr_ && a.useXhr2Timeout_ && (a.xhr_.ontimeout = null);
a.timeoutId_ && (Ti(a.timeoutId_),
a.timeoutId_ = null)
g.isActive = function() {
return !!this.xhr_
g.isSuccess = function() {
var a = this.getStatus(), b;
if (!(b = oma(a))) {
if (a = 0 === a)
a = iia(String(this.lastUri_)),
a = !qma.test(a);
b = a
return b
function mp(a) {
return a.xhr_ ? a.xhr_.readyState : 0
g.getStatus = function() {
try {
return 2 < mp(this) ? this.xhr_.status : -1
} catch (a) {
return -1
g.getStatusText = function() {
try {
return 2 < mp(this) ? this.xhr_.statusText : ""
} catch (a) {
return ""
function np(a) {
try {
return a.xhr_ ? a.xhr_.responseText : ""
} catch (b) {
return ""
g.getResponse = function() {
try {
if (!this.xhr_)
return null;
if ("response"in this.xhr_)
return this.xhr_.response;
switch (this.responseType_) {
case "":
case "text":
return this.xhr_.responseText;
case "arraybuffer":
if ("mozResponseArrayBuffer"in this.xhr_)
return this.xhr_.mozResponseArrayBuffer
return null
} catch (a) {
return null
g.getResponseHeader = function(a) {
if (this.xhr_ && 4 == mp(this))
return a = this.xhr_.getResponseHeader(a),
null === a ? void 0 : a
g.getAllResponseHeaders = function() {
return this.xhr_ && 2 <= mp(this) ? this.xhr_.getAllResponseHeaders() || "" : ""
function yma(a) {
var b = {};
a = a.getAllResponseHeaders().split("\r\n");
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++)
if (!jc(a[c])) {
var d = Sca(a[c])
, e = d[0];
d = d[1];
if ("string" === typeof d) {
d = d.trim();
var f = b[e] || [];
b[e] = f;
return gba(b, function(h) {
return h.join(", ")
g.getLastError = function() {
return "string" === typeof this.lastError_ ? this.lastError_ : String(this.lastError_)
function op(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
this.name_ = a;
this.id_ = String(b);
this.scopeType_ = c || "user";
this.me_ = !!d;
this.iconUrl_ = jc(null == e ? "" : String(e)) ? null : e;
this.requiresKey_ = !!f
var pp = new Jo;
op.prototype.getName = function() {
return this.name_
op.prototype.getId = function() {
return this.id_
op.prototype.clone = function(a) {
var b = this.toJson();
a && Xb(b, a);
a = b.scopeType;
return pp.has(a) ? pp.get(a).call(void 0, b) : new op(,,b.scopeType,,b.iconUrl,b.requiresKey)
op.prototype.toJson = function() {
var a = {};
a.iconUrl = this.iconUrl_;
a.scopeType = this.scopeType_; = this.name_; = this.id_; = this.me_;
a.requiresKey = this.requiresKey_;
return Qb(a)
function qp(a, b, c, d, e, f, h, k, l) {, a, b, "user", d, e, h);
this.email_ = c || null;
this.invitedEmail_ = f || null;
this.isCollaboratorAccount_ = k || !1;
this.isUnicornAccount_ = l || !1
bb(qp, op);
qp.prototype.getEmail = function() {
return this.email_
qp.prototype.toJson = function() {
var a =; = this.email_;
a.invitedEmail = this.invitedEmail_;
a.isCollaboratorAccount = this.isCollaboratorAccount_;
a.isFamilyLinkAccount = this.isUnicornAccount_;
return Qb(a)
function zma(a) {
return new qp(,,,,a.iconUrl,a.invitedEmail,a.requiresKey,a.isCollaboratorAccount,a.isFamilyLinkAccount)
pp.set("user", zma);
function rp(a) {;
this.userRole_ = a.userRole || 0;
this.editorsCanInvite_ = !!a.editorsCanInvite;
this.numSharedUsers_ = a.numSharedUsers || 0;
this.sharingDisabled_ = !!a.sharingDisabled;
this.userScope_ = a.userScope || null;
this.exportable_ = !!a.exportable;
this.visibilitySetting_ = a.visibilitySetting || null;
this.shareableUrl_ = a.shareableUrl || null;
this.requestShareEnabled_ = !!a.requestShareEnabled;
this.shareAppPath_ = a.shareAppPath || null;
this.dlpDetectorDisplayName_ = a.dlpDetectorDisplayName || null;
this.hasDlpViolation_ = a.hasDlpViolation || !1;
this.emailCollaboratorsSupported_ = 1 < this.numSharedUsers_;
var b = a.emailAsAttachmentSupported;
this.emailAsAttachmentSupported_ = null == b || !!b;
this.shareClientJserrorReportingEnabled_ = !0;
this.accessRequestsCount_ = a.accessRequestsCount || 0;
this.showShareButtonNotification_ = a.showShareButtonNotification || !1
v(rp, yh);
g = rp.prototype;
g.getUserRole = function() {
return this.userRole_
g.getEditorsCanInvite = function() {
return this.editorsCanInvite_
g.getNumSharedUsers = function() {
return this.numSharedUsers_
g.getVisibilitySetting = function() {
return this.visibilitySetting_
g.toJson = function() {
var a = {};
a.userRole = this.getUserRole();
a.editorsCanInvite = this.getEditorsCanInvite();
a.numSharedUsers = this.getNumSharedUsers();
a.sharingDisabled = this.sharingDisabled_;
a.userScope = this.userScope_ ? this.userScope_.toJson() : null;
a.exportable = this.exportable_;
this.getVisibilitySetting() && (a.visibilitySetting = this.getVisibilitySetting().toJson());
a.shareableUrl = this.shareableUrl_;
a.requestShareEnabled = this.requestShareEnabled_;
a.shareAppPath = this.shareAppPath_;
a.hasDlpViolation = this.hasDlpViolation_;
a.dlpDetectorDisplayName = this.dlpDetectorDisplayName_;
a.emailCollaboratorsSupported = this.emailCollaboratorsSupported_;
a.emailAsAttachmentSupported = this.emailAsAttachmentSupported_;
a.teamDriveAclFixerDialogEnabled = !0;
a.shareClientJserrorReportingEnabled = this.shareClientJserrorReportingEnabled_;
a.accessRequestsCount = this.accessRequestsCount_;
a.showShareButtonNotification = this.showShareButtonNotification_;
return a
function Ama() {}
;function sp() {}
v(sp, Ama);
sp.prototype.toJson = function(a) {
if (!a)
return {};
a = a.attachToCalendarEvent;
return "boolean" === typeof a ? {
attachToCalendarEvent: a
} : {}
sp.prototype.fromJson = function(a) {
if (!a)
return null;
a = a.attachToCalendarEvent;
return "boolean" === typeof a ? {
attachToCalendarEvent: a
} : null
var Bma = new sp;
function tp() {}
v(tp, Ama);
tp.prototype.toJson = function(a) {
return a ? {
calendarEventName: a.calendarEventName
} : {}
tp.prototype.fromJson = function(a) {
if (!a)
return null;
a = a.calendarEventName;
return "string" === typeof a ? {
calendarEventName: a
} : null
var Cma = new tp;
function up(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(up, P);
up.prototype.getValueCase = function() {
return ag(this, vp)
var vp = [1, 2, 3];
up.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Dma(this)
function Dma(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
strVal: Q(Dg(a, 1, vp)),
intVal: Q(K(a, Lf(a, vp, 2))),
boolVal: Q(I(a, Lf(a, vp, 3)))
;function wp(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(wp, P);
wp.prototype.getCount = function() {
return xg(this, 2)
wp.prototype.setCount = function(a) {
H(this, 2, a)
wp.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Ema(this)
function Ema(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
valueOrBucket: Q(Pf(a, 1)),
count: Q(G(a, 2))
;function xp(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(xp, P);
xp.repeatedFields_ = [1];
xp.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Fma(this)
function Fma(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
entryList: ih(eg(a, wp, 1), Ema)
;function yp(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(yp, P);
yp.prototype.getValueCase = function() {
return ag(this, zp)
var zp = [1, 2, 3];
yp.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Gma(this)
function Gma(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
int64Val: Q(jg(a, Lf(a, zp, 1))),
doubleVal: Q(Pf(a, Lf(a, zp, 2))),
histogramVal: Fma(Eg(a, xp, 3, zp))
;function Ap(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Ap, P);
Ap.repeatedFields_ = [1];
Ap.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Hma(this)
function Hma(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
fieldList: ih(eg(a, up, 1), Dma),
incBy: Gma(J(a, yp, 2))
;function Bp(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Bp, P);
Bp.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Ima(this)
function Ima(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
appName: Q(L(a, 1)),
appVersion: Q(L(a, 2)),
useMobilespec: Q(I(a, 3))
;function Cp(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Cp, P);
Cp.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Jma(this)
function Jma(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
appName: Q(L(a, 1)),
appVersion: Q(L(a, 2)),
experimentId: Q(K(a, 3)),
useMobilespec: Q(I(a, 4))
;function Dp(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Dp, P);
Dp.prototype.getMobile = function() {
return Eg(this, Bp, 1, Kma)
var Kma = [1, 2];
Dp.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Lma(this)
function Lma(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
mobile: Ima(a.getMobile()),
mobileExp: Jma(Eg(a, Cp, 2, Kma))
;function Ep(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Ep, P);
Ep.repeatedFields_ = [3, 6, 4];
Ep.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Mma(this)
function Mma(a) {
if (null != a) {
var b = Q(L(a, 1))
, c = Q(G(a, 5))
, d = Lma(J(a, Dp, 2))
, e = Q(og(a, 3));
var f = Sf(a, 6, bfa);
return {
streamzName: b,
hashedStreamzName: c,
rootSpec: d,
fieldNameList: e,
hashedFieldNameList: Q(f),
incList: ih(eg(a, Ap, 4), Hma)
;function Fp(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Fp, P);
Fp.prototype.getKey = function() {
return zg(this, 1)
Fp.prototype.setKey = function(a) {
return pg(this, 1, a)
Fp.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Nma(this)
function Nma(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
key: Q(L(a, 1))
;function Gp(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Gp, P);
Gp.repeatedFields_ = [1];
Gp.prototype.toObject = function() {
if (null != this) {
var a = {
batchList: ih(eg(this, Ep, 1), Mma),
slicerMetadata: Nma(J(this, Fp, 2))
} else
a = void 0;
return a
function Hp(a, b) {
this.initialValue_ = a;
this.maxValue_ = b;
this.currBaseValue_ = this.currValue_ = a;
this.randomFactor_ = .1;
this.backoffFactor_ = 2
Hp.prototype.reset = function() {
this.currBaseValue_ = this.currValue_ = this.initialValue_
Hp.prototype.getValue = function() {
return this.currValue_
function Oma(a) {
a.currBaseValue_ = Math.min(a.maxValue_, a.currBaseValue_ * a.backoffFactor_);
a.currValue_ = Math.min(a.maxValue_, a.currBaseValue_ + (a.randomFactor_ ? Math.round(a.randomFactor_ * (Math.random() - .5) * 2 * a.currBaseValue_) : 0))
;function Ip(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Ip, P);
Ip.prototype.setTransmissionType = function(a) {
H(this, 1, a)
Ip.prototype.setRetryCount = function(a) {
H(this, 3, a)
Ip.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Pma(this)
function Pma(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
transmissionType: Q(G(a, 1)),
isFinal: Q(I(a, 2)),
retryCount: Q(K(a, 3))
;function Jp(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Jp, P);
Jp.prototype.setVersion = function(a) {
return pg(this, 2, a)
Jp.prototype.getVersionOrUndefined = function() {
return Lg(this, 2)
Jp.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Qma(this)
function Qma(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
brand: Q(L(a, 1)),
version: Q(L(a, 2))
;function Kp(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Kp, P);
Kp.prototype.getMobile = function() {
return I(this, 2)
Kp.prototype.getModel = function() {
return L(this, 6)
Kp.prototype.setModel = function(a) {
return pg(this, 6, a)
Kp.repeatedFields_ = [1];
Kp.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Rma(this)
function Rma(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
uaListList: ih(eg(a, Jp, 1), Qma),
mobile: Q(I(a, 2)),
platform: Q(L(a, 3)),
platformVersion: Q(L(a, 4)),
architecture: Q(L(a, 5)),
model: Q(L(a, 6)),
uaFullVersion: Q(L(a, 7)),
bitness: Q(L(a, 8))
;function Lp(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Lp, P);
g = Lp.prototype;
g.getCountry = function() {
return L(this, 4)
g.hasCountry = function() {
return Og(this, 4)
g.getLocale = function() {
return L(this, 5)
g.setLocale = function(a) {
return pg(this, 5, a)
g.setBuildLabel = function(a) {
pg(this, 7, a)
g.getMutableFlushInfo = function() {
return bg(this, Ip, 10)
g.toObject = function() {
return Sma(this)
function Sma(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
os: Q(L(a, 1)),
osVersion: Q(L(a, 2)),
deviceType: Q(G(a, 3)),
country: Q(L(a, 4)),
locale: Q(L(a, 5)),
osType: Q(G(a, 6)),
buildLabel: Q(L(a, 7)),
continent: Q(L(a, 8)),
clientHints: Rma(J(a, Kp, 9)),
flushInfo: Pma(J(a, Ip, 10))
;var Tma = ["platform", "platformVersion", "architecture", "model", "uaFullVersion"];
new Kp;
function Mp(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Mp, P);
Mp.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Uma(this)
function Uma(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
guestAngle: Q(I(a, 1))
;function Np(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Np, P);
Np.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Op(this)
function Op(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
buildVersion: Q(L(a, 1)),
buildType: Q(L(a, 4)),
omahaChannel: Q(L(a, 5)),
battlestarClientType: Q(G(a, 2)),
graphicsCapabilities: Uma(J(a, Mp, 3)),
battlestarMachineTier: Q(G(a, 6)),
hypervisorType: Q(G(a, 7))
;function Pp(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Pp, P);
Pp.prototype.setClientType = function(a) {
return H(this, 1, a)
Pp.prototype.setBuildLabel = function(a) {
pg(this, 2, a)
Pp.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Vma(this)
function Vma(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
clientType: Q(G(a, 1)),
buildLabel: Q(L(a, 2)),
birdsongBuildLabel: Q(L(a, 3))
;function Qp(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Qp, P);
Qp.prototype.getLocale = function() {
return L(this, 1)
Qp.prototype.setLocale = function(a) {
return pg(this, 1, a)
Qp.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Wma(this)
function Wma(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
locale: Q(L(a, 1)),
browser: Q(L(a, 2)),
browserVersion: Q(L(a, 3)),
flashVersion: Q(L(a, 4))
;function Rp(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Rp, P);
g = Rp.prototype;
g.getClientId = function() {
return L(this, 1)
g.setClientId = function(a) {
return pg(this, 1, a)
g.getLoggingId = function() {
return L(this, 2)
g.setLoggingId = function(a) {
pg(this, 2, a)
g.getCountry = function() {
return L(this, 7)
g.hasCountry = function() {
return Og(this, 7)
g.toObject = function() {
return Xma(this)
function Xma(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
clientId: Q(L(a, 1)),
loggingId: Q(L(a, 2)),
os: Q(L(a, 3)),
osMajorVersion: Q(L(a, 4)),
osFullVersion: Q(L(a, 5)),
applicationBuild: Q(L(a, 6)),
country: Q(L(a, 7)),
applicationBuildCl: Q(G(a, 8)),
clearcutVersion: Q(K(a, 9))
;function Sp(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Sp, P);
Sp.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Tp(this)
function Tp(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
buildVersion: Q(L(a, 1)),
driveDesktopClientType: Q(G(a, 2))
;function Up(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Up, P);
Up.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Vp(this)
function Vp(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
buildVersion: Q(L(a, 1)),
g1DesktopClientType: Q(G(a, 2))
;function Wp(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Wp, P);
Wp.prototype.getLocale = function() {
return L(this, 11)
Wp.prototype.setLocale = function(a) {
return pg(this, 11, a)
Wp.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Yma(this)
function Yma(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
deviceId: Q(L(a, 9)),
deviceModel: Q(L(a, 1)),
appVersion: Q(L(a, 2)),
acpVersion: Q(L(a, 16)),
opalVersion: Q(L(a, 18)),
virtualReleaseChannel: Q(L(a, 17)),
manufacturer: Q(L(a, 3)),
productName: Q(L(a, 4)),
factoryCountry: Q(L(a, 5)),
buildType: Q(L(a, 6)),
systemBuild: Q(L(a, 7)),
backendType: Q(G(a, 8)),
locale: Q(L(a, 11)),
onDeviceAssistantEnabled: Q(I(a, 12)),
surfaceType: Q(G(a, 13)),
ontologicalSurfaceType: Q(G(a, 19)),
osType: Q(G(a, 14)),
optedInMetricsLogging: Q(I(a, 15))
;function Xp(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Xp, P);
Xp.prototype.getLocale = function() {
return L(this, 5)
Xp.prototype.setLocale = function(a) {
return pg(this, 5, a)
Xp.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Zma(this)
function Zma(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
appVersion: Q(L(a, 1)),
coreAppVersion: Q(L(a, 3)),
deviceModel: Q(L(a, 2)),
mccMnc: Q(L(a, 4)),
locale: Q(L(a, 5))
;function Yp(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Yp, P);
Yp.prototype.getCountry = function() {
return L(this, 4)
Yp.prototype.hasCountry = function() {
return Og(this, 4)
Yp.prototype.toObject = function() {
return $ma(this)
function $ma(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
osMajorVersion: Q(L(a, 1)),
osFullVersion: Q(L(a, 2)),
applicationBuild: Q(L(a, 3)),
country: Q(L(a, 4)),
applicationBuildCl: Q(G(a, 5)),
clearcutVersion: Q(K(a, 6)),
applicationBundleId: Q(L(a, 7))
;function Zp(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Zp, P);
Zp.prototype.toObject = function() {
return ana(this)
function ana(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
deviceId: Q(L(a, 1)),
os: Q(G(a, 2)),
appId: Q(L(a, 3)),
appVersion: Q(L(a, 4)),
mccMnc: Q(L(a, 5))
;function $p(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v($p, P);
g = $p.prototype;
g.getClientId = function() {
return L(this, 1)
g.setClientId = function(a) {
return pg(this, 1, a)
g.getLoggingId = function() {
return L(this, 7)
g.setLoggingId = function(a) {
pg(this, 7, a)
g.getModel = function() {
return L(this, 4)
g.setModel = function(a) {
return pg(this, 4, a)
g.getCountry = function() {
return L(this, 8)
g.hasCountry = function() {
return Og(this, 8)
g.toObject = function() {
return bna(this)
function bna(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
clientId: Q(L(a, 1)),
loggingId: Q(L(a, 7)),
make: Q(L(a, 3)),
model: Q(L(a, 4)),
applicationBuild: Q(L(a, 5)),
platformVersion: Q(L(a, 6)),
country: Q(L(a, 8))
;function aq(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(aq, P);
aq.prototype.toObject = function() {
return cna(this)
function cna(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
usageType: Q(G(a, 1))
;function bq(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(bq, P);
bq.prototype.toObject = function() {
return dna(this)
function dna(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
isExtendedAdvertisingSupported: Q(I(a, 1)),
isPeripheralRoleSupported: Q(I(a, 2)),
isLowEnergySupported: Q(I(a, 3)),
isAdvertisementOffloadSupported: Q(I(a, 4))
;function cq(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(cq, P);
cq.prototype.toObject = function() {
return dq(this)
function dq(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
manufacturer: Q(L(a, 1)),
deviceName: Q(L(a, 2)),
driverProviderName: Q(L(a, 3)),
driverVersion: Q(L(a, 4)),
driverDate: Q(L(a, 5))
;function eq(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(eq, P);
eq.repeatedFields_ = [13, 14];
eq.prototype.toObject = function() {
return fq(this)
function fq(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
deviceType: Q(G(a, 1)),
deviceManufacturer: Q(L(a, 2)),
deviceModel: Q(L(a, 3)),
physicalMemory: Q(G(a, 4)),
processorCount: Q(K(a, 5)),
logicalProcessorCount: Q(K(a, 6)),
osName: Q(L(a, 7)),
osVersion: Q(L(a, 8)),
osArchitecture: Q(L(a, 9)),
osLanguageCode: Q(L(a, 10)),
cpuManufacturer: Q(L(a, 11)),
cpuName: Q(L(a, 12)),
bluetoothDriverInfosList: ih(eg(a, cq, 13), dq),
networkDriverInfosList: ih(eg(a, cq, 14), dq),
bleExtdAdvSupported: Q(I(a, 15)),
bluetoothInfo: dna(J(a, bq, 16)),
usageType: Q(G(a, 17))
;function gq(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(gq, P);
gq.prototype.getBattlestarClientInfo = function() {
return Eg(this, Np, 1, hq)
gq.prototype.getDriveDesktopClientInfo = function() {
return Eg(this, Sp, 2, hq)
gq.prototype.getG1DesktopClientInfo = function() {
return Eg(this, Up, 3, hq)
gq.prototype.getWindowsClientInfo = function() {
return Eg(this, eq, 5, hq)
var hq = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
gq.prototype.toObject = function() {
return ena(this)
function ena(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
battlestarClientInfo: Op(a.getBattlestarClientInfo()),
driveDesktopClientInfo: Tp(a.getDriveDesktopClientInfo()),
g1DesktopClientInfo: Vp(a.getG1DesktopClientInfo()),
nearbyClientInfo: cna(Eg(a, aq, 4, hq)),
windowsClientInfo: fq(a.getWindowsClientInfo())
;function iq(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(iq, P);
iq.prototype.toObject = function() {
return fna(this)
function fna(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
machineClass: Q(G(a, 1))
;function jq(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(jq, P);
g = jq.prototype;
g.getModel = function() {
return L(this, 6)
g.setModel = function(a) {
return pg(this, 6, a)
g.getLanguage = function() {
return L(this, 7)
g.clearLanguage = function() {
return Vf(this, 7)
g.getCountry = function() {
return L(this, 8)
g.hasCountry = function() {
return Og(this, 8)
g.toObject = function() {
return gna(this)
function gna(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
vrClientType: Q(G(a, 1)),
sdkVersion: Q(L(a, 2)),
fingerprint: Q(L(a, 3)),
gvrVersion: Q(L(a, 4)),
manufacturer: Q(L(a, 5)),
model: Q(L(a, 6)),
language: Q(L(a, 7)),
country: Q(L(a, 8)),
unityVersion: Q(L(a, 9)),
unitySdkVersion: Q(L(a, 10))
;function kq(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(kq, P);
g = kq.prototype;
g.setBuildLabel = function(a) {
pg(this, 1, a)
g.setEnvironment = function(a) {
return pg(this, 3, a)
g.getEnvironmentOrUndefined = function() {
return Lg(this, 3)
g.getLocation = function() {
return L(this, 4)
g.setLocation = function(a) {
return pg(this, 4, a)
g.getMachineShape = function() {
return L(this, 7)
g.setMachineShape = function(a) {
pg(this, 7, a)
g.toObject = function() {
return hna(this)
function hna(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
buildLabel: Q(L(a, 1)),
deploymentType: Q(L(a, 2)),
environment: Q(L(a, 3)),
location: Q(L(a, 4)),
machine: Q(L(a, 5)),
gameletId: Q(L(a, 6)),
machineShape: Q(L(a, 7)),
metro: Q(L(a, 8)),
vmPurpose: Q(L(a, 9)),
releaseStage: Q(L(a, 10))
;function lq(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(lq, P);
g = lq.prototype;
g.setClientType = function(a) {
return H(this, 1, a)
g.getBattlestarClientInfo = function() {
return J(this, Np, 22)
g.getDriveDesktopClientInfo = function() {
return J(this, Sp, 24)
g.getG1DesktopClientInfo = function() {
return J(this, Up, 25)
g.getMutableJsClientInfo = function() {
return bg(this, Lp, 11)
g.getWindowsClientInfo = function() {
return J(this, eq, 26)
g.toObject = function() {
return ina(this)
function ina(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
clientType: Q(G(a, 1)),
remoteHost: Q(L(a, 6)),
remoteHost6: Q(L(a, 7)),
battlestarClientInfo: Op(a.getBattlestarClientInfo()),
birdsongClientInfo: Vma(J(a, Pp, 14)),
desktopClientInfo: Xma(J(a, Rp, 3)),
driveDesktopClientInfo: Tp(a.getDriveDesktopClientInfo()),
g1DesktopClientInfo: Vp(a.getG1DesktopClientInfo()),
googleHomeClientInfo: Yma(J(a, Wp, 16)),
jsClientInfo: Sma(J(a, Lp, 11)),
kaiosClientInfo: Zma(J(a, Xp, 20)),
macClientInfo: $ma(J(a, Yp, 13)),
pancettaClientInfo: ana(J(a, Zp, 10)),
playCeClientInfo: bna(J(a, $p, 5)),
portablePhenotypeLibraryClientInfo: ena(J(a, gq, 23)),
sparklightClientInfo: fna(J(a, iq, 18)),
vrClientInfo: gna(J(a, jq, 8)),
windowsClientInfo: fq(a.getWindowsClientInfo()),
yetiClientInfo: hna(J(a, kq, 15)),
browserInfo: Wma(J(a, Qp, 9)),
heterodyneConfigVersion: Q(G(a, 12))
;function mq(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(mq, P);
mq.repeatedFields_ = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
mq.prototype.toObject = function() {
return jna(this)
function jna(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
clientAlteringExperimentList: Q(og(a, 1)),
otherExperimentList: Q(og(a, 2)),
gwsExperimentList: Q(kg(a, 3)),
playExperimentList: Q(Sf(a, 4, $ea)),
unsupportedPlayExperimentList: Q(Sf(a, 5, $ea))
;function nq(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(nq, P);
nq.prototype.setVersion = function(a) {
return pg(this, 3, a)
nq.prototype.getVersionOrUndefined = function() {
return Lg(this, 3)
nq.prototype.toObject = function() {
return kna(this)
function kna(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
appType: Q(K(a, 1)),
androidPackageName: Q(L(a, 2)),
version: Q(L(a, 3))
;function oq(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(oq, P);
g = oq.prototype;
g.getKey = function() {
return L(this, 1)
g.setKey = function(a) {
return pg(this, 1, a)
g.getValue = function() {
return L(this, 2)
g.getValue_legacyNullable = function() {
return L(this, 2)
g.setValue = function(a) {
return pg(this, 2, a)
g.hasValue = function() {
return Og(this, 2)
g.toObject = function() {
return lna(this)
function lna(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
key: Q(L(a, 1)),
value: Q(L(a, 2))
;function pq(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(pq, P);
pq.prototype.toObject = function() {
return mna(this)
function mna(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
networkType: Ag(a, 1, -1),
mobileSubtype: Ag(a, 2, 0)
;function qq(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a, 33)
v(qq, P);
g = qq.prototype;
g.getTag = function() {
return L(this, 2)
g.setComponentId = function(a) {
return pg(this, 26, a)
g.getValueList = function() {
return eg(this, oq, 3)
g.setValue = function(a, b) {
return Nf(this, 3, oq, a, b)
g.getStore = function() {
return Qf(this, 4)
function rq(a, b) {
return pg(a, 8, b)
g.getExperimentIds = function() {
return J(this, Jj, 16)
g.setExperimentIds = function(a) {
fg(this, Jj, 16, a)
g.clearExperimentIds = function() {
return Vf(this, 16)
function sq(a, b) {
pg(a, 24, b)
var nna = {};
qq.repeatedFields_ = [3, 20, 27];
qq.prototype.toObject = function() {
return ona(this)
function ona(a) {
if (null != a) {
var b = {
eventTimeMs: Q(G(a, 1)),
eventUptimeMs: Q(G(a, 17)),
bootCount: Q(G(a, 22)),
sequencePosition: Q(G(a, 21)),
tag: Q(L(a, 2)),
eventCode: Q(K(a, 11)),
componentId: Q(L(a, 26)),
eventFlowId: Q(G(a, 12)),
isUserInitiated: Q(I(a, 10)),
valueList: ih(a.getValueList(), lna),
store: kh(a.getStore()),
appUsage1p: kna(J(a, nq, 9)),
sourceExtension: kh(Qf(a, 6)),
sourceExtensionJs: Q(L(a, 8)),
sourceExtensionJson: Q(L(a, 13)),
sourceExtensionJsonProto3: Q(L(a, 29)),
exp: jna(J(a, mq, 7)),
testId: Q(L(a, 14)),
timezoneOffsetSeconds: xg(a, 15, 18E4),
experimentIds: Tha(a.getExperimentIds()),
clientVe: kh(Qf(a, 18)),
clientVeJs: Q(L(a, 24)),
internalEvent: Q(G(a, 19)),
testCodeList: Q(kg(a, 20)),
genericDimensionsList: Q(kg(a, 27)),
networkConnectionInfo: mna(J(a, pq, 23)),
inDirectBootMode: Q(I(a, 25)),
zwiebackCookieOverride: Q(L(a, 28)),
moduleAppliedSamplingRate: Q(Pf(a, 30)),
clientAppliedSamplingRate: Q(Pf(a, 32))
jh(a, b, nna);
return b
;function tq(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(tq, P);
tq.prototype.toObject = function() {
return pna(this)
function pna(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
collectStartMs: Q(G(a, 3)),
collectUntilMs: Q(G(a, 1)),
skipPersistentLogStorage: Q(I(a, 2))
;function uq(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(uq, P);
uq.prototype.toObject = function() {
return qna(this)
function qna(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
isUnmetered: Q(I(a, 1)),
isCharging: Q(I(a, 2)),
autoTimeStatus: Q(G(a, 3)),
isGooglerDevice: Q(I(a, 4))
;function vq(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(vq, P);
g = vq.prototype;
g.getSource = function() {
return L(this, 3)
g.setSource = function(a) {
return pg(this, 3, a)
g.hasSource = function() {
return Og(this, 3)
g.getSourceOrUndefined = function() {
return Lg(this, 3)
g.toObject = function() {
return rna(this)
function rna(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
timeMs: Q(G(a, 1)),
uptimeMs: Q(G(a, 2)),
source: Q(L(a, 3))
;function wq(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(wq, P);
wq.prototype.toObject = function() {
return sna(this)
function sna(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
originAssociatedProductId: Q(K(a, 13))
;function xq(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(xq, P);
xq.prototype.toObject = function() {
return tna(this)
function tna(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
prequest: sna(J(a, wq, 2))
;function yq(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(yq, P);
yq.prototype.toObject = function() {
return una(this)
function una(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
privacyContext: tna(J(a, xq, 1)),
productIdOrigin: Ag(a, 2, 0)
;function zq(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a, 19)
v(zq, P);
g = zq.prototype;
g.getMutableClientInfo = function() {
return bg(this, lq, 1)
g.setClientInfo = function(a) {
fg(this, lq, 1, a)
g.setLogSource = function(a) {
return H(this, 2, a)
g.getQosTier = function() {
return Ag(this, 9, 0)
g.setScheduler = function(a) {
H(this, 10, a)
var vna = {};
zq.repeatedFields_ = [3, 5];
zq.prototype.toObject = function() {
if (null != this) {
var a = {
requestTimeMs: Q(G(this, 4)),
requestUptimeMs: Q(G(this, 8)),
clientInfo: ina(J(this, lq, 1)),
logSource: Ag(this, 2, -1),
logSourceName: Q(L(this, 6)),
zwiebackCookie: Q(L(this, 7)),
logEventList: ih(eg(this, qq, 3), ona),
serializedLogEventsList: kh(Sf(this, 5, $e(this.internalArray_) & 18 ? rfa : sfa)),
logEventDroppedCount: Q(G(this, 14)),
qosTier: Ag(this, 9, 0),
scheduler: Q(G(this, 10)),
deviceStatus: qna(J(this, uq, 11)),
externalTimestamp: rna(J(this, vq, 12)),
collectForDebug: pna(J(this, tq, 13)),
appMobilespecId: Q(tf(G(this, 16))),
complianceData: una(J(this, yq, 18))
jh(this, a, vna)
} else
a = void 0;
return a
function Aq(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Aq, P);
Aq.prototype.getId = function(a) {
return Cg(this, 1, a)
Aq.prototype.setId = function(a) {
return Yf(this, 1, a, wf(void 0), og)
Aq.repeatedFields_ = [1];
Aq.prototype.toObject = function() {
return wna(this)
function wna(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
idList: Q(og(a, 1))
;function Bq(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Bq, P);
Bq.prototype.toObject = function() {
return xna(this)
function xna(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
logRequestIndex: Q(K(a, 1)),
responseAction: Q(G(a, 2))
;function Cq(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Cq, P);
Cq.repeatedFields_ = [1];
Cq.prototype.toObject = function() {
return yna(this)
function yna(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
logSourceNameList: Q(og(a, 1))
;function Dq(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Dq, P);
Dq.prototype.getQosTier = function() {
return G(this, 2)
Dq.prototype.setLogSource = function(a) {
return H(this, 3, a)
Dq.prototype.toObject = function() {
return zna(this)
function zna(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
logSourceName: Q(L(a, 1)),
qosTier: Q(G(a, 2)),
logSource: Ag(a, 3, -1)
;function Eq(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Eq, P);
Eq.repeatedFields_ = [1];
Eq.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Ana(this)
function Ana(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
qosTierConfigurationList: ih(eg(a, Dq, 1), zna),
qosTierFingerprint: Q(G(a, 2))
;function Fq(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a, 6)
v(Fq, P);
Fq.prototype.getExperiments = function() {
return J(this, Aq, 2)
Fq.prototype.setExperiments = function(a) {
fg(this, Aq, 2, a)
Fq.prototype.hasExperiments = function() {
return If(this, Aq, 2)
Fq.prototype.getQosTier = function() {
return J(this, Eq, 3)
var Bna = mh(Fq)
, Cna = {};
Fq.repeatedFields_ = [5];
Fq.prototype.toObject = function() {
if (null != this) {
var a = {
nextRequestWaitMillis: xfa(this),
experiments: wna(this.getExperiments()),
qosTier: Ana(this.getQosTier()),
logSourceBatchingDenylist: yna(J(this, Cq, 4)),
logResponseDetailsList: ih(eg(this, Bq, 5), xna)
jh(this, a, Cna)
} else
a = void 0;
return a
function Gq(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Gq, P);
Gq.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Dna(this)
function Dna(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
suggestedFlushIntervalMillis: vg(a, 1, -1)
;var Ena = hh(175237375, {
jsExtension: 0
}, Gq, Dna);
Cna[175237375] = Ena;
function Hq(a) {;
var b = this;
this.componentId = "";
this.pendingEvents = [];
this.lastFailedAuth = "";
this.useGetRequestForFinalFlush = this.useSendBeaconForFinalFlush = this.clientSideLogOnlyForDevelopment = !1;
this.noFlushUntilMs = this.startWaitingMs = -1;
this.useConsistentTimezoneOffset = this.clientSpecifiedFlushInterval = !1;
this.gzipCompressor = this.experimentIds = null;
this.numRetriesSinceLastSuccessfulFlush = this.numLogsDroppedSinceLastFlush = 0;
this.sequencePosition = 1;
this.timeoutMillis = 0;
this.sendBeaconApiEnabled = !1;;
this.logSource = a.logSource;
this.getAuthHeaderValue = a.getAuthHeaderValue || function() {}
this.logRequestBuilder = new Fna(a.logSource,a.isServiceWorkerScope);
this.networkIOSend = a.networkIOSend; =;
this.bufferSize = 1E3;
this.uniformRandomFunction = Ya(Dga, 0, 1);
this.clearcutUrl = a.urlOverride || null;
this.sessionIndex = a.sessionIndex || null;
this.disableAutomaticFlush = a.disableAutomaticFlush || !1;
this.pageId = a.pageId || null;
this.withCredentials = !a.disableWithCredentials;
this.isServiceWorkerScope = a.isServiceWorkerScope || !1;
this.isSendBeaconSupported = !this.isServiceWorkerScope && (65 <= Wc("Chromium") || 45 <= Wc("Firefox") || 12 <= Wc("Safari") || Zd() && 0 <= oc(Dda(), 12)) && !!gi() && !!gi().navigator && void 0 !== gi().navigator.sendBeacon;
var c = (new lq).setClientType(1);
this.flushBackoff = new Hp(1E4,3E5);
this.flushTimer = new Ri(this.flushBackoff.getValue());
zh(this, this.flushTimer);
a = Gna(this, a.backgroundJobDeferrer);
Kh(this.flushTimer, "tick", a, !1, this);
this.backupTimer = new Ri(6E5);
zh(this, this.backupTimer);
Kh(this.backupTimer, "tick", a, !1, this);
this.disableAutomaticFlush || this.backupTimer.start();
this.isServiceWorkerScope || (Kh(document, "visibilitychange", function() {
"hidden" === document.visibilityState && b.finalFlush()
Kh(document, "pagehide", this.finalFlush, !1, this))
v(Hq, Rh);
function Gna(a, b) {
return b ? function() {
b().then(function() {
: function() {
g = Hq.prototype;
g.disposeInternal = function() {
g.setClearcutUrl = function(a) {
this.clearcutUrl = a
g.setUseConsistentTimezoneOffset = function(a) {
this.useConsistentTimezoneOffset = a
g.getClearcutUrl = function() {
this.clearcutUrl || (this.clearcutUrl = .01 > this.uniformRandomFunction() ? "" : "");
return this.clearcutUrl
g.dispatch = function(a) {
a instanceof qq ? this.log(a) : (a = rq(new qq, a.serialize()),
g.setClearcutClientInfo = function(a) {
g.setComponentId = function(a) {
this.componentId = a
g.setOpaqueExperimentIds = function(a) {
this.experimentIds || (this.experimentIds = new Jj);
var b = this.experimentIds.internalArray_
, c = $e(b);
a = null == a ? mf : We(a);
Hf(b, c, 2, a)
g.setClearExperimentIds = function(a) {
a ? (this.experimentIds || (this.experimentIds = new Jj),
a = a.serialize(),
pg(this.experimentIds, 4, a)) : this.experimentIds && Vf(this.experimentIds, 4)
g.setClientSideLogOnlyForDevelopment = function(a) {
this.clientSideLogOnlyForDevelopment = a
g.setGzipCompressor = function(a) {
this.gzipCompressor = a
g.setBuildLabel = function(a) {
g.setFlushIntervalMs = function(a) {
this.clientSpecifiedFlushInterval = !0;
Hna(this, a)
function Hna(a, b) {
a.flushBackoff = new Hp(1 > b ? 1 : b,3E5);
g.log = function(a) {
a = a.clone();
var b = this.sequencePosition++;
a = H(a, 21, b);
this.componentId && a.setComponentId(this.componentId);
if (!G(a, 1)) {
b = a;
var c =;
H(b, 1, c)
null == G(a, 15) && H(a, 15, (new Date).getTimezoneOffset() * (this.useConsistentTimezoneOffset ? -60 : 60));
this.experimentIds && a.setExperimentIds(this.experimentIds.clone());
b = this.pendingEvents.length - this.bufferSize + 1;
0 < b && (this.pendingEvents.splice(0, b),
this.numLogsDroppedSinceLastFlush += b);
this.dispatchEvent(new Ina(a));
this.disableAutomaticFlush || this.flushTimer.enabled || this.flushTimer.start()
g.flush = function(a, b) {
var c = this;
if (0 === this.pendingEvents.length)
a && a();
else if (this.sendBeaconApiEnabled)
else {
var d =;
if (this.noFlushUntilMs > d && this.startWaitingMs < d)
b && b("throttled");
else {
var e =, this.numLogsDroppedSinceLastFlush, this.numRetriesSinceLastSuccessfulFlush);
d = {};
var f = this.getAuthHeaderValue();
f && (d.Authorization = f);
var h = this.getClearcutUrl();
this.sessionIndex && (d["X-Goog-AuthUser"] = this.sessionIndex,
h = dk(h, "authuser", this.sessionIndex));
this.pageId && (d["X-Goog-PageId"] = this.pageId,
h = dk(h, "pageId", this.pageId));
if (f && this.lastFailedAuth === f)
b && b("stale-auth-token");
else if (this.pendingEvents = [],
this.flushTimer.enabled && this.flushTimer.stop(),
this.numLogsDroppedSinceLastFlush = 0,
d && JSON.stringify(d),
a && a();
else {
var k = e.serialize(), l;
this.gzipCompressor && this.gzipCompressor.isSupported(k.length) && (l = this.gzipCompressor.compress(k));
var m = {
url: h,
body: k,
bodyType: 1,
requestHeaders: d,
requestType: "POST",
withCredentials: this.withCredentials,
timeoutMillis: this.timeoutMillis
, n = function(t) {
if (t) {
var A = null;
try {
var B = JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(t.replace(")]}'\n", "")));
A = Bna(B)
} catch (C) {}
A && (t = Number(xfa(A)),
0 < t && (c.startWaitingMs =,
c.noFlushUntilMs = c.startWaitingMs + t),
A = Xg(A, Ena)) && (A = vg(A, 1, -1),
-1 !== A && (c.clientSpecifiedFlushInterval || Hna(c, A)))
a && a();
c.numRetriesSinceLastSuccessfulFlush = 0
, p = function(t, A) {
var B = eg(e, qq, 3)
, C = G(e, 14);
401 === t && f && (c.lastFailedAuth = f);
C && (c.numLogsDroppedSinceLastFlush += C);
void 0 === A && (A = 500 <= t && 600 > t || 401 === t || 0 === t);
A && (c.pendingEvents = B.concat(c.pendingEvents),
c.disableAutomaticFlush || c.flushTimer.enabled || c.flushTimer.start());
b && b("net-send-failed", t);
, q = function() { ?, n, p) : c.networkIOSend && c.networkIOSend(m, n, p)
l ? l.then(function(t) {
m.requestHeaders["Content-Encoding"] = "gzip";
m.requestHeaders["Content-Type"] = "application/binary";
m.body = t;
m.bodyType = 2;
}, function() {
}) : q()
g.finalFlush = function() {
this.clientSideLogOnlyForDevelopment || (Kna(this.logRequestBuilder, !0),
this.useSendBeaconForFinalFlush && (this.logRequestBuilder.setTransmissionType(3),
this.useGetRequestForFinalFlush && (this.logRequestBuilder.setTransmissionType(2),
Kna(this.logRequestBuilder, !1))
function Jna(a) {
Mna(a, 32, 10, function(b, c) {
b = dk(b, "format", "json");
var d = !1;
try {
d = gi().navigator.sendBeacon(b, c.serialize())
} catch (e) {}
a.sendBeaconApiEnabled && !d && (a.sendBeaconApiEnabled = !1);
return d
function Lna(a) {
Mna(a, 6, 5, function(b, c) {
b = ck(b, "format", "base64json", "p", cea(c.serialize(), 3));
if (15360 < b.length)
return !1;
(new Image).src = b;
return !0
function Mna(a, b, c, d) {
if (0 !== a.pendingEvents.length) {
var e = qia(a.getClearcutUrl(), "format");
e = ck(e, "auth", a.getAuthHeaderValue(), "authuser", a.sessionIndex || "0");
for (var f = 0; f < c && a.pendingEvents.length; ++f) {
var h = a.pendingEvents.slice(0, b)
, k =, a.numLogsDroppedSinceLastFlush, a.numRetriesSinceLastSuccessfulFlush);
if (!d(e, k)) {
a.numLogsDroppedSinceLastFlush = 0;
a.numRetriesSinceLastSuccessfulFlush = 0;
a.pendingEvents = a.pendingEvents.slice(h.length)
a.flushTimer.enabled && a.flushTimer.stop()
function Ina() {, "event-logged", void 0)
v(Ina, Ah);
function Fna(a, b) {
this.isServiceWorkerScope = b = void 0 === b ? !1 : b;
this.uach = this.locale = null;
this.logRequest = new zq;
Number.isInteger(a) && this.logRequest.setLogSource(a);
b || (this.locale = document.documentElement.getAttribute("lang"));
this.setClientInfo(new lq)
g = Fna.prototype;
g.setLogSource = function(a) {
return this
g.setClientInfo = function(a) {
G(a, 1) || a.setClientType(1);
this.isServiceWorkerScope || (a = this.getMutableJsClientInfo(),
a.getLocale() || a.setLocale(this.locale));
this.uach && (a = this.getMutableJsClientInfo(),
J(a, Kp, 9) || fg(a, Kp, 9, this.uach))
g.setBuildLabel = function(a) {
g.setTransmissionType = function(a) {
If(this.getMutableClientInfo(), Lp, 11) && this.getMutableFlushInfo().setTransmissionType(a)
function Kna(a, b) {
If(a.getMutableClientInfo(), Lp, 11) && (a = a.getMutableFlushInfo(),
lg(a, 2, b))
g.setRetryCount = function(a) {
If(this.getMutableClientInfo(), Lp, 11) && this.getMutableFlushInfo().setRetryCount(a)
g.getMutableClientInfo = function() {
return J(this.logRequest, lq, 1)
function Nna(a, b) {
var c = void 0 === c ? Tma : c;
b(gi(), c).then(function(d) {
a.uach = d;
d = a.getMutableJsClientInfo();
fg(d, Kp, 9, a.uach);
return !0
}).catch(function() {
return !1
g.getMutableJsClientInfo = function() {
var a = this.getMutableClientInfo()
, b = J(a, Lp, 11);
b || (b = new Lp,
fg(a, Lp, 11, b));
return b
g.getMutableFlushInfo = function() {
var a = this.getMutableJsClientInfo()
, b = J(a, Ip, 10);
b || (b = new Ip,
lg(b, 2, !1),
fg(a, Ip, 10, b));
return b
; = function(a, b, c) {
b = void 0 === b ? 0 : b;
this.setRetryCount(void 0 === c ? 0 : c);
c = this.logRequest.clone();
var d =;
c = H(c, 4, d);
a = hg(c, qq, 3, a);
b && H(a, 14, b);
return a
function Ona(a, b, c) {
kp(a.url, function(d) {
d =;
d.isSuccess() ? b(np(d)) : c(d.getStatus())
}, a.requestType, a.body, a.requestHeaders, a.timeoutMillis, a.withCredentials)
;function Iq(a, b) {;
this.logSource = a;
this.sessionIndex = b;
this.destinationUrl = "";
this.automaticFlushDisabled = !1;
this.xhrsEnabled = !0;
this.serviceWorkerScopeEnabled = !1;
this.componentId = "";
this.sendBeaconApiEnabled = this.getRequestForFinalFlush = this.sendBeaconForFinalFlush = !1;
this.useConsistentTimezoneOffset = void 0;
this.networkIOSend = Ona
v(Iq, yh);
g = Iq.prototype;
g.setBuildLabel = function(a) {
this.buildLabel = a
g.setGzipCompressor = function(a) {
this.gzipCompressor = a
g.setComponentId = function(a) {
this.componentId = a;
return this
g.setClearExperimentIds = function(a) {
this.clearExperimentIds = a
g.setOpaqueExperimentIds = function(a) {
this.opaqueExperimentIds = a
g.setClearcutClientInfo = function(a) {
this.clearcutClientInfo = a
g.useSendBeaconForFinalFlush = function() {
this.sendBeaconForFinalFlush = !0;
return this
g.useGetRequestForFinalFlush = function() {
this.getRequestForFinalFlush = !0;
return this
g.setFlushIntervalMs = function(a) {
this.flushIntervalMs = Math.max(a, 1E3)
g.disableWithCredentials = function() {
this.withCredentialsDisabled = !0;
return this
g.setUseConsistentTimezoneOffset = function(a) {
this.useConsistentTimezoneOffset = a
; = function() {
var a = new Hq({
logSource: this.logSource,
getAuthHeaderValue: this.getAuthHeaderValue ? this.getAuthHeaderValue : wm,
sessionIndex: this.sessionIndex,
networkIOSend: this.networkIOSend,
urlOverride: this.destinationUrl,
isServiceWorkerScope: this.serviceWorkerScopeEnabled,
disableAutomaticFlush: this.automaticFlushDisabled,
disableWithCredentials: this.withCredentialsDisabled,
pageId: void 0,
backgroundJobDeferrer: void 0,
network: ? : void 0
zh(this, a);
this.xhrsEnabled || a.setClientSideLogOnlyForDevelopment(!0);
this.clearcutClientInfo && a.setClearcutClientInfo(this.clearcutClientInfo);
this.buildLabel && a.setBuildLabel(this.buildLabel);
this.gzipCompressor && a.setGzipCompressor(this.gzipCompressor);
this.componentId && a.setComponentId(this.componentId);
this.clearExperimentIds && a.setClearExperimentIds(this.clearExperimentIds);
this.opaqueExperimentIds && a.setOpaqueExperimentIds(this.opaqueExperimentIds);
this.sendBeaconForFinalFlush && (a.useSendBeaconForFinalFlush = this.sendBeaconForFinalFlush && a.isSendBeaconSupported);
this.getRequestForFinalFlush && (a.useGetRequestForFinalFlush = this.getRequestForFinalFlush);
this.flushIntervalMs && a.setFlushIntervalMs(this.flushIntervalMs);
this.sendBeaconApiEnabled && (a.sendBeaconApiEnabled = a.isSendBeaconSupported);
this.userAgentClientHintsProvider && Nna(a.logRequestBuilder, this.userAgentClientHintsProvider);
this.useConsistentTimezoneOffset && a.setUseConsistentTimezoneOffset(!0);
return a
function Jq(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
a = void 0 === a ? -1 : a;
b = void 0 === b ? "" : b;
c = void 0 === c ? "" : c;
d = void 0 === d ? !1 : d;
e = void 0 === e ? "" : e;;
f ? c = f : (a = (new Iq(a,"0")).setComponentId(b),
zh(this, a),
"" != c && (a.destinationUrl = c),
d && (a.serviceWorkerScopeEnabled = !0),
e && a.setBuildLabel(e),
c =;
this.transport_ = c
v(Jq, yh);
Jq.prototype.flush = function(a) {
a = a || [];
if (a.length) {
for (var b = new Gp, c = [], d = 0; d < a.length; d++) {
var e = a[d]
, f = e;
var h = new Ep;
h = pg(h, 1, f.metricName_);
for (var k = f, l = [], m = 0; m < k.fields_.length; m++)
h = Uf(h, 3, l);
k = [];
l = [];
m = u(f.cellMap_.keys());
for (var n =; !n.done; n =
for (m = 0; m < l.length; m++) {
n = l[m];
var p = f.cellType_;
for (var q = f.getCells(n) || [], t = [], A = 0; A < q.length; A++) {
var B = q[A];
B = B && B.cellValue_;
var C = new yp;
switch (p) {
case 3:
Zf(C, 1, zp, Number(B));
case 2:
Zf(C, 2, zp, rf(Number(B)))
p = t;
for (q = 0; q < p.length; q++) {
t = p[q];
A = new Ap;
t = fg(A, yp, 2, t);
A = n;
B = [];
C = f;
for (var D = [], M = 0; M < C.fields_.length; M++)
C = D;
for (D = 0; D < C.length; D++) {
M = C[D];
var X = A[D]
, V = new up;
switch (M) {
case 3:
qg(V, 1, vp, String(X));
case 2:
Zf(V, 2, vp, Number(X));
case 1:
ng(V, vp, "true" == X)
hg(t, up, 1, B);
hg(h, Ap, 4, k);
hg(b, Ep, 1, c);
function Pna(a) {
return ec(null === a ? "null" : void 0 === a ? "undefined" : a)
;function Kq(a, b, c, d, e, f, h, k, l, m, n, p, q, t) {
function A() {
return new No
function B() {
return null
t = void 0 === t ? [] : t;;
var C = null
, D = !1
, M = [];
a && "string" !== typeof a ? (C = a.gaiaSessionId,
b = a.serviceName,
c = a.gaiaServiceName,
d = a.domHelper,
e = a.locale,
f = a.enablePopupWindows,
h = a.shareServiceName,
k = a.container,
l = a.object,
m = a.embedOrigin,
n = a.appId,
p = a.shareStateTracker,
q = a.actionManager,
t = a.nestedOrigins,
B = a.getMentionedPeopleFunction,
A = a.getThemeFunction,
D = a.replaceInitWithShareSystemLoad,
M = a.additionalExperimentIds) : C = a;
this.gaiaSessionId_ = C;
this.uiContainer_ = k || new yo(d);
this.additionalExperimentIds_ = M;
this.object_ = l || window;
a = fo.getInstance();
d = new ho(d,a);
this.cancelCommandTimeout_ = 2E4;
this.initResponseTimeout_ = 9E3;
a = d.getElement();
a || (d.createDom(),
a = d.getElement());
Nm(a, "goog-menu-noaccel");
this.shareMenu_ = d;
a = Yn.getInstance();
(this.loadingItem_ = new bo(this.MSG_SHARE_CLIENT_LOADING_,void 0,void 0,a)).setEnabled(!1);
(this.shareServiceUnavailableItem_ = new bo(this.MSG_SHARE_CLIENT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE_,void 0,void 0,a)).setEnabled(!1);
this.serviceName_ = b;
this.gaiaServiceName_ = c;
this.shareServiceName_ = h || b;
this.clientModel_ = new rp({});
this.domHelper_ = d.getDomHelper();
this.locale_ = e || null;
this.popupWindowsEnabled_ = void 0 !== f ? f : !0;
this.shareMenuFactory_ = new jo;
this.appId_ = n || null;
this.usePostmessage_ = !!m;
this.embedOrigin_ = m || null;
this.shareStateTracker_ = p || null;
this.actionManager_ = q || new Cka;
var X, V;
c = null == (X = window) ? void 0 : null == (V = X.location) ? void 0 : V.origin;
this.nestedOrigins_ = m ? [] : t ? [].concat(ha(t), [c]) : [c];
this.getTheme_ = A;
this.getMentionedPeopleFunction_ = B;
this.skipInitCommand_ = !1;
this.replaceInitWithShareSystemLoad_ = D;
this.ariaLiveRegion_ = null;
this.ariaLiveRegion_ = this.domHelper_.getElement("docs-aria-speakable");
this.isAclFixerOnly_ = !1;
this.shareButtonActionTimestamp_ = null;
this.emulateEmbeddedMode_ = !1;
this.usePostmessage_ || Lq(this, this.object_);
m = Mq(this);
m.listen(d, "show", this.handleMenuOpen_);
m.listen(d, "action", this.handleShareMenuActionEvent);
m.listen(this.uiContainer_, "uiContainerCancelLoad", this.handleLoadCancelled_);
m.listen(this.uiContainer_, "uiContainerClose", this.handleUiContainerClosed_);
m.listen(this.uiContainer_, "errorHidden", this.handleUiContainerHidden_);
m.listen(this.uiContainer_, "errorShown", this.handleUiOpened_);
m = new Jq(2006);
this.streamzService_ = new Vi(m);
this.shareClientCommandCounter_ = new Wi(this.streamzService_);
this.initMetrics = new Wla(this.streamzService_,b)
bb(Kq, Rh);
g = Kq.prototype;
g.updateClientModelAfterHideFn_ = null;
g.cancelCommandTimerId_ = null;
g.baseUri_ = null;
g.isAdminRequest_ = !1;
g.locationHint_ = null;
g.resourceKeys_ = [];
g.savedResourceKeys_ = [];
g.currentShareAppPath_ = "share";
g.aclInfoInitialized_ = !1;
g.shareSystemInitialized_ = !1;
g.executeShareSystemCommandFn_ = null;
g.lastExecuteShareSystemCommandFn_ = null;
g.setShareSystemVisibleFn_ = null;
g.rewriteUrlFn_ = null;
g.eventHandler_ = null;
g.itemIds_ = null;
g.hybridAccessToken_ = null;
g.savedIds_ = null;
g.initializingForLargeShare_ = !1;
g.initCommandIframe_ = null;
g.waitingForInit_ = !1;
g.waitingForClientModel_ = !1;
g.waitingForSetup_ = !1;
g.loading_ = !1;
g.currentCommand_ = null;
g.executedUiCommand_ = null;
g.numShareMenuItems_ = 0;
g.enableEmailAttachment_ = !1;
g.subscriptionManager_ = null;
g.lastDataFetchTime_ = 0;
g.shareClientButton_ = null;
g.shareableUrlUpdated_ = !1;
g.reloadWhenShareableUrlChanges_ = !1;
g.initError_ = !1;
g.isAclFixerRunning_ = !1;
g.MSG_SHARE_CLIENT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE_ = "Sharing is unavailable at this time. Please try again later.";
g.MSG_SHARE_CLIENT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE_DIALOG_ = "Sorry, sharing is unavailable at this time. Please try again later.";
g.communicator_ = null;
function Lq(a, b) {
a.usePostmessage_ || (b.SC_setTitle = Xa(a.setTitle_, a),
b.SC_resize = Xa(a.uiContainer_.resize, a.uiContainer_),
b.SC_maximize = Xa(a.uiContainer_.maximize, a.uiContainer_),
b.SC_setVisible = Xa(a.setUiVisibleExported_, a),
b.SC_prepareForVisible = Xa(a.prepareForVisible_, a),
b.SC_setClientModel = Xa(a.setClientModel_, a),
b.SC_dispatchEvent = Xa(a.dispatchEvent_, a),
b.SC_handleError = Xa(a.handleError_, a),
b.SC_handleCommandComplete = Xa(a.handleCommandComplete_, a),
b.SC_setExecuteCommandFn = Xa(a.setExecuteCommandFn_, a),
b.SC_switchShareApp = Xa(a.switchShareApp_, a),
b.SC_setSetShareSystemVisibleFn = Xa(a.setSetShareSystemVisibleFn_, a),
b.SC_setGetInterfaceVersionNumberFn = Xa(a.setGetInterfaceVersionNumberFn_, a),
b.SC_getVersionNumber = Xa(a.getVersionNumber_, a),
b.SC_rewriteUrl = Xa(a.rewriteUrl_, a),
b.SC_showNotification = Xa(a.showNotification_, a),
b.SC_removeNotification = Xa(a.removeNotification_, a),
b.SC_getAriaLiveRegion = Xa(a.getAriaLiveRegion_, a),
b.SC_getMentionedPeople = Xa(a.getMentionedPeople_, a),
b.SC_getShareButtonActionTimestamp = Xa(a.getShareButtonActionTimestamp_, a),
b.SC_getUri = Xa(a.getUri_, a))
function Qna(a) {
if (a.usePostmessage_ && !a.communicator_) {
var b = kk(a.baseUri_.clone().setPath("").setQuery(""), "").toString();
a.communicator_ = new Mo(null,b);
zh(a, a.communicator_);
a.communicator_.setHandler("setClientModel", function(c) {
}, a);
a.communicator_.setHandler("handleCommandComplete", function(c) {
this.handleCommandComplete_(c.commandType, c.commandStatus)
}, a);
a.communicator_.setHandler("resize", function(c) {
this.uiContainer_.resize(c.width, c.height);
}, a);
a.communicator_.setHandler("maximize", function() {
}, a);
a.communicator_.setHandler("prepareForVisible", function() {
}, a);
a.communicator_.setHandler("setVisible", function(c) {
this.setUiVisibleExported_(c.visible, c.fullScreen)
}, a);
a.communicator_.setHandler("setTitle", function(c) {
this.setTitle_(c.title, c.hidden)
}, a);
a.lastExecuteShareSystemCommandFn_ = null;
a.executeShareSystemCommandFn_ = Xa(function(c) {
this.communicator_.sendMessage("executeCommand", {
commandType: c
}, a)
function Nq(a, b) {
var c = {};
c.impressionType = b;
c.additionalExperimentIds = a.additionalExperimentIds_;
return c
g.setBaseUri = function(a) {
if (this.baseUri_)
throw Error("Base uri has already been set and cannot be set again.");
"string" === typeof a && (a = new ek(a));
this.baseUri_ = a;
this.usePostmessage_ && Qna(this)
function Rna(a, b, c) {
b = Array.isArray(b) ? b : [b];
var d = a.itemIds_;
a.aclInfoInitialized_ && Hb(b, d) && Hb(c || [], a.resourceKeys_, function(e, f) {
return e == f || !(!e || !f) && e instanceof f.constructor && ifa(e, f)
}) || (a.itemIds_ = b,
a.aclInfoInitialized_ = !1,
a.initError_ = !1,
a.lastDataFetchTime_ = 0,
a.locationHint_ = null,
a.resourceKeys_ = c || [],
a.uiContainer_.isVisible() && Oq(a, !1))
g.getVersionNumber_ = function() {
return 2
function Sna(a) {
switch (a) {
case "load_acl_fixer_data":
case "maybe_show_acl_fixer":
return !0;
case "block_user":
return !0;
case "preload_share":
return !0;
case "remove_access":
return !0;
return !1
g.setClientModel_ = function(a) {
try {
var b = this.initMetrics
, c = this.initCommandIframe_
, d = {
isWaitingForInit: this.waitingForInit_
0 < b.setClientModelRecorder.callCount ? $la(b.setClientModelRecorder).andIncrement(Object.assign({}, {
isIframeNull: null === c
}, d)) : Co(b.setClientModelRecorder, c).thenIncrement(d)
} catch (t) {
Pq(this, "Set Client Model Streamz Error", "Stack trace:" + Kb(), t.message, "applicationInitialized")
b = this.clientModel_;
a = Wb(a);
(c = a.userScope) && (a.userScope = zma(c));
(c = a.visibilitySetting) && (a.visibilitySetting = new zo(c.visibilityState,c.summary,c.details,c.role,c.restrictedToDomain,c.key,c.domainDisplayName,c.restrictedToSingleUserScope,c.hasInvalidEntries,c.publishVisibilityState || "unknown",c.hasNamedPartiesForPublish || !1));
this.clientModel_ = new rp(a);
this.aclInfoInitialized_ && b.shareableUrl_ != this.clientModel_.shareableUrl_ && (this.shareableUrlUpdated_ = !0);
this.aclInfoInitialized_ = !0;
this.waitingForClientModel_ = !1;
a = this.clientModel_.shareAppPath_;
"driveshare" != a && (a = "share");
a != this.currentShareAppPath_ && (b = this.baseUri_.clone(),
b = Qq(b, a),
this.shareSystemInitialized_ = !1,
this.baseUri_ = b,
this.currentShareAppPath_ = a);
var e = this.clientModel_;
this.numShareMenuItems_ = lo(this.domHelper_).length;
a = this.shareMenu_;
b = e.getUserRole();
c = e.sharingDisabled_;
d = Sq(this);
var f = e.exportable_ && this.enableEmailAttachment_
, h = this.itemIds_ ? this.itemIds_.length : 0
, k = this.domHelper_
, l = e.requestShareEnabled_
, m = e.emailAsAttachmentSupported_;
e = e.emailCollaboratorsSupported_;
m = void 0 === m ? !0 : m;
e = void 0 === e ? !0 : e;
for (var n = Xka(a), p = 0; p < n.length; p++) {
var q = cn(a, n[p]);
switch (q.getModel()) {
case "email":
case "emailAttach":
case "separator":
case "settings":
a.removeChild(q, !0)
Hla(a, null, k, 0);
k = (h = "number" !== typeof h || 1 == h) && !!e;
f = h && !!f && !!m;
c ? ko(a, !1, !1, !1, h) : d || 30 <= b ? ko(a, !0, f, k, h) : ko(a, h && !!l, f, !1, h);
this.shareClientButton_ && (this.shareClientButton_.visibilitySetting_ = this.clientModel_.getVisibilitySetting(),
this.shareClientButton_.setDlpInfo(this.clientModel_.dlpDetectorDisplayName_, this.clientModel_.hasDlpViolation_),
g.handleMenuOpen_ = function() {
if (this.itemIds_ && this.itemIds_.length)
this.aclInfoInitialized_ ? Tna(this) : (this.shareMenu_.isVisible() || this.shareMenu_.setVisible(!0, !0),
else {
for (var a = lo(this.domHelper_), b = a.length - 1; 0 <= b; b--)
Tq(this, a[b])
g.handleError_ = function(a, b) {
switch (a) {
case "init":
b ? (a = Yn.getInstance(),
b = new bo(ki(document, bd("div", void 0, b)),void 0,void 0,a),
Tq(this, b)) : Tq(this, this.shareServiceUnavailableItem_),
this.aclInfoInitialized_ = this.initError_ = !0
g.handleCommandComplete_ = function(a, b, c) {
c = c && "string" !== typeof c ? c.message : c;
var d = "success" == b;
this.shareClientCommandCounter_.increment(this.serviceName_, a, b, d);
d || (b = "Command error. \nCommand:" + this.currentCommand_ + ", \nCommand Args:" + JSON.stringify(this.currentCommandArgs_) + ", \nStack trace:" + Kb(),
Pq(this, "Command error.", b, c || "No message provided", "applicationInitialized"));
switch (a) {
case "init":
try {
var e = {
isSuccess: d,
isWaitingForInit: this.waitingForInit_
Co(this.initMetrics.initCommandCompleteRecorder, this.initCommandIframe_).thenIncrement(e)
} catch (f) {
Pq(this, "Init Command Complete Streamz Error", "Stack trace:" + Kb(), f.message, "applicationInitialized")
case "init_share":
case "data":
d && (this.lastDataFetchTime_ =;
Vna(this, d);
case "settings":
case "advanced":
case "link_settings":
case "email_attach":
d || so(this.uiContainer_, !0, c || "")
g.setGetInterfaceVersionNumberFn_ = function() {}
g.setExecuteCommandFn_ = function(a) {
this.shareSystemInitialized_ = !0;
this.lastExecuteShareSystemCommandFn_ = this.executeShareSystemCommandFn_;
this.executeShareSystemCommandFn_ = a
g.switchShareApp_ = function(a, b) {
ee && (this.setShareSystemVisibleFn_ = null);
b && b.forceFullLoad && (this.shareSystemInitialized_ = !1);
var c = this.executeShareSystemCommandFn_;
this.lastExecuteShareSystemCommandFn_ ? this.executeShareSystemCommandFn_ = this.lastExecuteShareSystemCommandFn_ : this.shareSystemInitialized_ = !1;
this.lastExecuteShareSystemCommandFn_ = c;
b = b || {};
b.share_app_switched = !0;
this.executeCommand(a, b)
g.setSetShareSystemVisibleFn_ = function(a) {
this.setShareSystemVisibleFn_ = a
g.rewriteUrl_ = function(a) {
return this.rewriteUrlFn_ ? this.rewriteUrlFn_(a) : a
g.showNotification_ = function(a) {
this.uiContainer_.showNotification(new yn(a.iconId,a.message,a.showInDialog,a.timeout,a.learnMoreUrl,a.undoFn,a.actionLabel,a.actionLabelUrl))
g.removeNotification_ = function() {
g.setTitle_ = function(a, b) {
this.uiContainer_.setTitle(a, b)
g.getUserRole = function() {
return this.clientModel_.getUserRole()
g.getEditorsCanInvite = function() {
return this.clientModel_.getEditorsCanInvite()
g.getNumSharedUsers = function() {
return this.clientModel_.getNumSharedUsers()
function Sq(a) {
var b = a.clientModel_.getUserRole();
return a.clientModel_.sharingDisabled_ ? !1 : 40 == b || 45 == b || 35 == b || 30 == b && a.clientModel_.getEditorsCanInvite()
g.getVisibilitySetting = function() {
return this.clientModel_.getVisibilitySetting()
g.getAriaLiveRegion_ = function() {
return this.ariaLiveRegion_
g.getMentionedPeople_ = function() {
return this.getMentionedPeopleFunction_()
g.getShareButtonActionTimestamp_ = function() {
return this.shareButtonActionTimestamp_
g.updateClientModel_ = function(a, b, c) {
if (this.itemIds_ && 0 != this.itemIds_.length)
if (this.uiContainer_.isVisible())
this.updateClientModelAfterHideFn_ = Xa(this.updateClientModel_, this, a, b);
else if (a && (Rq(this),
Tq(this, this.loadingItem_),
Si(this.abortClientModelWaiting_.bind(this), this.initResponseTimeout_)),
if (this.shareSystemInitialized_)
this.waitingForClientModel_ = !0,
Vq(this, c, !0);
else if (!this.skipInitCommand_) {
if (this.replaceInitWithShareSystemLoad_)
this.currentShareAppPath_ = "driveshare",
else {
try {
var d = this.initCommandIframe_
, e = {
isWaitingForInit: this.waitingForInit_
$la(this.initMetrics.sendInitCommandRecorder).andIncrement(Object.assign({}, {
isIframeNull: null === d
}, e))
} catch (f) {
Pq(this, "Send Init Command Streamz Error", "Stack trace:" + Kb(), f.message, "applicationInitialized")
this.waitingForInit_ = !0;
b = this.initCommandIframe_;
b || (this.initCommandIframe_ = b = Tla());
c = Wna(this, "init");
d = c.clone();
ok(c, "redirectUrl", d);
b = b.iframe;
c = c.toString();
if (c instanceof ac)
throw new rha("TrustedResourceUrl",3);
d = "allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-forms allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox allow-storage-access-by-user-activation".split(" ");
b.setAttribute("sandbox", "");
for (e = 0; e < d.length; e++)
b.sandbox.supports && !b.sandbox.supports(d[e]) || b.sandbox.add(d[e]);
c = fd(c);
void 0 !== c && (b.src = c);
Si(this.checkCancelInitCommandTimeout_.bind(this), this.cancelCommandTimeout_)
a && Tna(this)
function Tna(a) {
if (!a.initError_)
if (a.waitingForSetup_ || a.shareSystemInitialized_) {
var b;
if (b = a.shareSystemInitialized_)
b = 2E4 < - a.lastDataFetchTime_;
b && (a.waitingForSetup_ = !0,
Vq(a, void 0, !0))
} else
a.waitingForSetup_ = !0,
Xna(a, "unknown", !0)
function Xna(a, b, c) {
var d = {};
d.locationHint = b;
d.preload = !!c;
b = a.baseUri_ ? Pna(a.getUri_("init_share", d)) : Xm;
Vla(b, function(e) {
return a.uiContainer_.setContent(e)
c || Wq(a, !0);
function Vq(a, b, c) {
b = b || {};
b.itemIds || (b.itemIds = a.itemIds_);
b.locationHint || (b.locationHint = a.locationHint_);
!b.resourceKeys && a.resourceKeys_ && (b.resourceKeys = {
return d.serialize()
!b.hybrid_access_token && a.hybridAccessToken_ && (b.hybrid_access_token = a.hybridAccessToken_);
!b.adminRequest && a.isAdminRequest_ && (b.adminRequest = !0);
a.executeCommandInner_("data", b, void 0, c)
function Rq(a) {
for (var b = a.shareMenu_, c = a.numShareMenuItems_, d = 0; d < c; d++)
b.removeChild(gn(b, 0), !0);
a.numShareMenuItems_ = 0;
function Tq(a, b) {
b.getParent() || (a.shareMenu_.addChildAt(b, 0, !0),
function Mq(a) {
return a.eventHandler_ || (a.eventHandler_ = new mm(a))
g.restoreFocus = function() {
g.getUri_ = function(a, b) {
return Wna(this, a, b).toString()
function Wna(a, b, c) {
if (!a.baseUri_)
return new ek(Rka);
var d = a.baseUri_.clone();
d = "init" == b ? Qq(d, "init") : "jotspot" === a.gaiaServiceName_ ? Qq(d, "share") : Qq(d, "driveshare");
a.itemIds_ && 0 < a.itemIds_.length && ok(d, "id", a.itemIds_);
a.resourceKeys_ && 0 < a.resourceKeys_.length && ok(d, "resourcekey", {
return f.serialize()
var e = a.getTheme_();
0 !== e.getColor() && ok(d, "themeColor", e.getColor());
0 !== Ag(e, 2, 0) && ok(d, "themeMode", Ag(e, 2, 0));
ok(d, "foreignService", a.serviceName_);
ok(d, "gaiaService", a.gaiaServiceName_);
ok(d, "shareService", a.shareServiceName_);
"init" != b && ok(d, "command", b);
ok(d, "subapp", 10);
ok(d, "popupWindowsEnabled", a.popupWindowsEnabled_);
ok(d, "shareUiType", "default");
a.locale_ && ok(d, "hl", a.locale_);
a.hybridAccessToken_ ? a.emulateEmbeddedMode_ ? (ok(d, "access_token", a.hybridAccessToken_),
ok(d, "sendToken", !0)) : ok(d, "hybrid_access_token", a.hybridAccessToken_) : ok(d, "authuser", a.gaiaSessionId_ ? a.gaiaSessionId_ : "0");
ok(d, "rand",;
c && d.queryData_.extend(c);
a.usePostmessage_ && ok(d, "client", "postMessage");
a.appId_ && ok(d, "appId", a.appId_);
a.embedOrigin_ && ok(d, "embedOrigin", a.embedOrigin_);
a.isAdminRequest_ && ok(d, "admin", !0);
a.emulateEmbeddedMode_ && ok(d, "emulateEmbeddedMode", !0);
if (0 < a.nestedOrigins_.length && ("init" === b || "init_share" === b))
for (b = u(a.nestedOrigins_),
c =; !c.done; c =
d.queryData_.add("origin", c.value);
a.isAclFixerOnly_ && d.queryData_.add("accessCheckerOnly", !0);
return d
function Qq(a, b) {
"driveshare" !== b && "init" !== b && (b = "share");
"driveshare" === b && (b = "boq/" + b);
return a.setPath(a.getPath().replace(/(boq\/)*[a-z]+$/, b))
g.executeCommand = function(a, b) {
if (null != a)
switch (a) {
case "access":
case "advanced":
case "current_user_request_access":
case "email":
case "email_attach":
case "invite":
case "link_settings":
case "maybe_show_acl_fixer":
case "settings":
case "team_drive_restrictions":
case "visibility_settings":
this.executedUiCommand_ = a
b = b || {};
b.itemIds && b.itemIds != this.itemIds_ || (b.itemIds = this.itemIds_);
b.triggerInstantMs =;
this.hybridAccessToken_ && (b.hybrid_access_token = this.hybridAccessToken_);
this.isAdminRequest_ && (b.adminRequest = !0);
b.additionalExperimentIds = this.additionalExperimentIds_;
!b.locationHint && this.locationHint_ && (b.locationHint = this.locationHint_);
!b.resourceKeys && this.resourceKeys_ && (b.resourceKeys = {
return f.serialize()
Lq(this, this.object_);
var c = !0;
switch (a) {
case "init":
case "load_acl_fixer_data":
case "maybe_email_collaborators":
case "maybe_show_acl_fixer":
case "preload_share":
case "refresh":
case "reset":
c = !1
switch (a) {
case "maybe_show_acl_fixer":
Xq(this, !0)
if ("reset" == a)
else if (!this.shareSystemInitialized_ && this.itemIds_ && 5 < this.itemIds_.length) {
var d = this.itemIds_[0]
, e = this.resourceKeys_.find(function(f) {
return L(f, 1) === d
this.savedIds_ = this.itemIds_;
this.itemIds_ = [d];
this.savedResourceKeys_ = this.resourceKeys_;
this.resourceKeys_ = e ? [e] : [];
this.initializingForLargeShare_ = !0;
Yq(this, a, b, !c)
} else if ("init" == a || "refresh" == a)
this.updateClientModel_(!1, !0, b);
else if (!(a && "block_user" === a || this.itemIds_ && this.itemIds_.length))
this.dispatchEvent(new Yna(Xa(this.executeCommand, this, a, b)));
else if (b.share_app_switched || this.dispatchEvent(new Zna(a,b))) {
if ("invite" == a && b.inviteFromUrl) {
if (this.aclInfoInitialized_ && !Sq(this))
if (!this.aclInfoInitialized_) {
this.waitingForClientModel_ || this.updateClientModel_(!1, !0);
Mq(this).listenOnce(this, "aclInfoUpdated", Xa(this.executeCommand, this, a, b));
!this.shareSystemInitialized_ || 2E4 < - this.lastDataFetchTime_ && !Sna(a) ? (this.initializingForLargeShare_ && c && Wq(this, !0),
Yq(this, a, b, !c)) : this.executeCommandInner_(a, b)
function Yq(a, b, c, d) {
a.currentCommand_ = b;
a.currentCommandArgs_ = c;
a.currentCommandStartTime_ = (new Date).getTime();
"number" === typeof a.cancelCommandTimerId_ && Ti(a.cancelCommandTimerId_);
a.cancelCommandTimerId_ = Si(a.checkCancelPendingCommandTimeout_.bind(a), a.cancelCommandTimeout_);
if (!a.waitingForSetup_)
if (a.waitingForSetup_ = !0,
a.waitingForClientModel_ || Vq(a, c, "load_acl_fixer_data" == b || "maybe_show_acl_fixer" == b);
else {
b = "unknown";
c && c.locationHint && (b = c.locationHint);
var e = !1;
c && c.preload && (e = c.preload);
Xna(a, b, d || e)
g.executeCommandInner_ = function(a, b, c, d) {
if ("preload_share" != a) {
b = b || {};
b.itemIds || (b.itemIds = this.itemIds_);
!b.hybrid_access_token && this.hybridAccessToken_ && (b.hybrid_access_token = this.hybridAccessToken_);
!b.adminRequest && this.isAdminRequest_ && (b.adminRequest = !0);
if ("maybe_show_acl_fixer" == a || "load_acl_fixer_data" == a) {
var e = b.aclFixerMode || "mail";
b.aclFixerMode = e;
b.aclFixerParameterization && (b.aclFixerParameterization = Cma.toJson(b.aclFixerParameterization[e]))
e = this.getTheme_();
b.themeColor = e.getColor();
b.themeMode = Ag(e, 2, 0);
Lq(this, this.object_);
this.executeShareSystemCommandFn_(a, b, c, d)
function Vna(a, b) {
a.waitingForSetup_ = !1;
var c = a.currentCommand_
, d = a.currentCommandArgs_ || {};
if (a.initializingForLargeShare_)
if (a.initializingForLargeShare_ = !1,
a.itemIds_ = a.savedIds_,
a.resourceKeys_ = a.savedResourceKeys_,
delete a.savedIds_,
delete a.savedResourceKeys_,
a.currentCommand_ = null,
delete a.currentCommandArgs_,
delete a.currentCommandStartTime_,
b) {
if (c) {
d.itemIds = a.itemIds_;
d.resourceKeys = {
return e.serialize()
a.hybridAccessToken_ && (d.hybrid_access_token = a.hybridAccessToken_);
Yq(a, c, d);
} else
"maybe_show_acl_fixer" == c && Zq(a);
c && (b ? (b = Xa(a.executeCommandInner_, a, c, a.currentCommandArgs_, a.currentCommandStartTime_),
Si(b.bind(a), 10)) : "maybe_show_acl_fixer" == c && Zq(a),
a.currentCommand_ = null,
delete a.currentCommandArgs_,
delete a.currentCommandStartTime_)
function Una(a) {
var b = a.initCommandIframe_;
b && (b.remove(),
a.initCommandIframe_ = null)
g.checkCancelInitCommandTimeout_ = function() {
try {
var a = {
isWaitingForInit: this.waitingForInit_
Co(this.initMetrics.checkCancelInitCommandTimeoutRecorder, this.initCommandIframe_).thenIncrement(a)
} catch (b) {
Pq(this, "Check Cancel Init Command Timeout Streamz Error", "Stack trace:" + Kb(), b.message, "applicationInitialized")
this.waitingForInit_ && (Una(this),
this.waitingForInit_ = !1)
g.abortClientModelWaiting_ = function() {
this.waitingForClientModel_ && !this.initError_ && (Rq(this),
Tq(this, this.shareServiceUnavailableItem_),
this.waitingForClientModel_ = !1,
this.initError_ = !0)
g.checkCancelPendingCommandTimeout_ = function() {
if (this.waitingForSetup_) {
var a = !1;
switch (this.currentCommand_) {
case "maybe_show_acl_fixer":
case "load_acl_fixer_data":
case "preload_share":
a = !0,
if (this.baseUri_) {
var b = "Command timed out. \nCommand:" + this.currentCommand_ + ", \nCommand Args:" + JSON.stringify(this.currentCommandArgs_) + ", \nStack trace:" + Kb()
, c = null
, d = "unset";
try {
if (this.uiContainer_ instanceof yo) {
var e = this.uiContainer_.dialog_.getContentElement().getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0];
if (e.contentDocument && e.contentDocument.body) {
var f = e.contentDocument.body.textContent;
c = "Iframe's inner text:[" + f.substring(0, Math.min(f.length, 200)) + "]"
} else
c = e.contentDocument ? "Iframe document body is null." : "Iframe document not yet loaded.";
e.contentWindow && (d = e.contentWindow.shareDialogLoadingStage || "unset")
} else
c = "Unable to get error details from UiContainer"
} catch (h) {
c = h
Pq(this, "Command timed out.", b, c, d)
Uq(this, a)
function Pq(a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = a.baseUri_ || new ek;
var h = a.currentCommand_
, k = a.currentCommandArgs_;
if ("maybe_show_acl_fixer" == h || "load_acl_fixer_data" == h)
var l = "aclFixer";
h = k ? k.locationHint : "unknown",
l = "teamDriveItem" == h || "teamDriveRoot" == h || "driveshare" == a.currentShareAppPath_ ? "teamDrive" : "myDrive";
h = a.itemIds_;
k = a.serviceName_;
var m = a.shareServiceName_
, n = a.popupWindowsEnabled_
, p = a.locale_
, q = a.hybridAccessToken_
, t = a.gaiaSessionId_
, A = a.usePostmessage_
, B = a.appId_
, C = a.embedOrigin_;
a = a.isAdminRequest_;
f = f.clone();
f.setPath(f.getPath().replace(/[a-z]+$/, "jserror"));
ok(ok(ok(ok(ok(ok(ok(f, "requestType", l), "innerTextOrError", d), "dialogLoadingStage", e), "foreignService", k), "shareService", m), "popupWindowsEnabled", n), "shareUiType", "default");
h && ok(f, "id", h);
p && ok(f, "hl", p);
q ? ok(f, "hybrid_access_token", q) : ok(f, "authuser", t ? t : "0");
ok(f, "rand",;
A && ok(f, "client", "postMessage");
B && ok(f, "appId", B);
C && ok(f, "embedOrigin", C);
a && ok(f, "admin", !0);
d = f.toString();
d = ck(d, "error", b);
b = {};
b.trace = c;
c = [];
for (D in b)
bk(D, b[D], c);
var D = c.join("&");
kp(d, void 0, "POST", D)
g.handleLoadCancelled_ = function() {
this.loading_ && Uq(this)
function Uq(a, b) {
a.currentCommand_ && (a.shareClientCommandCounter_.increment(a.serviceName_, a.currentCommand_, "timeout", !1),
a.waitingForSetup_ && (Oq(a, !1, b),
a.waitingForSetup_ = !1,
Wq(a, !1),
a.currentCommand_ = null,
delete a.currentCommandArgs_,
delete a.currentCommandStartTime_)
function Wq(a, b) {
a.loading_ = b;
b && a.handleUiOpened_()
g.isLoading = function() {
return this.loading_
g.handleShareMenuActionEvent = function(a) {
this.shareButtonActionTimestamp_ =;
switch ( {
case "email":
this.executeCommand("email", Nq(this, 5));
case "emailAttach":
this.executeCommand("email_attach", Nq(this, 6));
case "settings":
a = {};
null == a.impressionType && (a.impressionType = 2);
this.executeCommand("settings", a);
case "advanced":
this.executeCommand("advanced", Nq(this, 2));
case "restrictions":
this.executeCommand("team_drive_restrictions", Nq(this, 2));
case "report":
this.executeCommand("report_spam_or_abuse", Nq(this, 41))
g.updateActions_ = function() {
var a = this.clientModel_
, b = this.actionManager_
, c = this.isAclFixerRunning_ || a.sharingDisabled_
, d = Sq(this)
, e = a.requestShareEnabled_
, f = this.shareStateTracker_ || void 0
, h = 1 == (this.itemIds_ ? this.itemIds_.length : 0)
, k = 30 <= a.getUserRole()
, l = a.emailCollaboratorsSupported_ && !c && (k || d) && h;
d = !c && (d || k || h && e);
var m = a.emailAsAttachmentSupported_ && !c && h && a.exportable_ && this.enableEmailAttachment_;
e = !c && e && !k && h && !!a.userScope_;
k = !c && h && !!a.shareableUrl_;
a = !c && h && 0 < a.accessRequestsCount_;
f ? f.setStates(m, l, d, e, h, k, a) : (b.emailAsAttachmentAction_.setEnabled(m),
g.setUiVisibleExported_ = function(a, b) {
a && (this.waitingForSetup_ = !1,
Wq(this, !1),
so(this.uiContainer_, !1));
Oq(this, a, !1, b)
g.prepareForVisible_ = function() {
function Oq(a, b, c, d) {
b && (a.uiContainer_.init(),
a.uiContainer_.setTeamDriveMode("driveshare" == a.currentShareAppPath_, !!d));
b ? a.handleUiOpened_() : $na(a, c)
function Xq(a, b) {
a.isAclFixerRunning_ = b;
a.aclInfoInitialized_ ? a.updateActions_() : (a.actionManager_.shareAction_.setEnabled(!b),
Mq(a).listenOnce(a, "aclInfoUpdated", Xa(a.updateActions_, a)))
g.handleUiOpened_ = function() {
function $na(a, b) {
a.updateClientModelAfterHideFn_ && (a.updateClientModelAfterHideFn_(),
a.updateClientModelAfterHideFn_ = null);
if (a.shareableUrlUpdated_) {
a.shareableUrlUpdated_ = !1;
var c = a.clientModel_.shareableUrl_
, d = a.clientModel_.getVisibilitySetting();
c && d && "unlisted" == d.getVisibilityState() && (c = new aoa(c),
a.reloadWhenShareableUrlChanges_ ? boa(c) : a.dispatchEvent(c))
a.setShareSystemVisibleFn_ && a.setShareSystemVisibleFn_(!1);
b || (a.dispatchEvent(new coa(a.executedUiCommand_)),
a.executedUiCommand_ = null)
g.handleUiContainerClosed_ = function() {
this.setShareSystemVisibleFn_ && this.setShareSystemVisibleFn_(!1)
g.handleUiContainerHidden_ = function() {
this.uiContainer_.isVisible() || $na(this)
function Zq(a) {
Xq(a, !1);
a.dispatchEvent(new $q("continue","no-fix-needed","notAttempted"))
g.dispatchEvent_ = function(a, b) {
switch (a) {
case "reportSpamOrAbuseDone":
this.dispatchEvent(new doa(b.itemReported,b.userBlocked));
case "sharingSessionCompleteHatsSurvey":
this.dispatchEvent(new eoa(b.triggerId));
case "aclFixerDone":
a = "continue";
b && b.aclFixerDoneStatus && (a = b.aclFixerDoneStatus);
var c = "no-fix-needed";
b && b.fixabilitySummaryState && (c = b.fixabilitySummaryState);
var d = null;
b && b.permissionUpdateSummary && (d = b.permissionUpdateSummary);
var e = null;
b && b.aclFixerDoneParameterizationPayload && b.aclFixerMode && (e = {},
e = (e[b.aclFixerMode] = Bma.fromJson(b.aclFixerDoneParameterizationPayload),
Xq(this, !1);
this.dispatchEvent(new $q(a,c,d,e));
case "loadAclFixerDataDone":
c = b.fixabilitySummaryState,
this.dispatchEvent(new foa(c));
this.dispatchEvent(new Ah(a))
g.disposeInternal = function() {;
"number" === typeof this.cancelCommandTimerId_ && Ti(this.cancelCommandTimerId_);
delete this.shareMenu_;
this.shareClientButton_ && (this.shareClientButton_.dispose(),
this.shareClientButton_ = null);
delete this.loadingItem_;
delete this.shareServiceUnavailableItem_;
delete this.domHelper_;
delete this.shareMenuFactory_;
delete this.uiContainer_;
this.eventHandler_ && (this.eventHandler_.dispose(),
this.eventHandler_ = null);
this.subscriptionManager_ && (this.subscriptionManager_.dispose(),
this.subscriptionManager_ = null);
this.baseUri_ = this.hybridAccessToken_ = this.itemIds_ = null;
delete this.clientModel_;
this.setShareSystemVisibleFn_ = this.executeShareSystemCommandFn_ = this.lastExecuteShareSystemCommandFn_ = null
function Zna() {, "beforeExecute")
bb(Zna, Ah);
function Yna(a) {, "createItems");
this.callback_ = a
bb(Yna, Ah);
function aoa(a) {, "reloadSuggested");
this.shareableUrl = a
bb(aoa, Ah);
function boa(a) {
var b = pk(rk(a.shareableUrl), "authkey")
, c = window
, d = rk(c.location.href).removeParameter("userstoinvite").removeParameter("role").removeParameter("sharingaction");
b && ok(d, "authkey", b);
var e = d.toString();
e != rk(c.location.href).toString() && ((a = && a.dispose(),
c.setTimeout(function() {
sd(c.location, e)
}, 0))
function eoa() {, "sharingSessionCompleteHatsSurvey")
bb(eoa, Ah);
function doa() {, "reportSpamOrAbuseDone")
bb(doa, Ah);
function $q(a) {, "aclFixerDone");
this.status_ = a
bb($q, Ah);
$q.prototype.getStatus = function() {
return this.status_
function foa() {, "loadAclFixerDataDone")
bb(foa, Ah);
function coa() {, "uiClosed")
bb(coa, Ah);
function goa(a) {
if (a)
if (a.__owner)
a = a.__owner;
else if (a.parentNode && 11 === a.parentNode.nodeType)
a =;
a: {
var b;
if (Cga && (b = a.parentElement)) {
a = b;
break a
b = a.parentNode;
a = ri(b) ? b : null
a = null;
return a
function ar(a, b, c) {
for (c || (a = goa(a)); a && !b(a); )
a = goa(a)
;var hoa = 1;
function br() {
var a = this;
this.promise = new Promise(function(b, c) {
a.resolve = b;
a.reject = c
;(function() {
for (var a = ["ms", "moz", "webkit", "o"], b = 0; b < a.length && !window.requestAnimationFrame; ++b)
window.requestAnimationFrame = window[a[b] + "RequestAnimationFrame"],
window.cancelAnimationFrame = window[a[b] + "CancelAnimationFrame"] || window[a[b] + "CancelRequestAnimationFrame"];
if (!window.requestAnimationFrame) {
var c = 0;
window.requestAnimationFrame = function(d) {
var e = (new Date).getTime()
, f = Math.max(0, 16 - (e - c));
c = e + f;
return window.setTimeout(function() {
d(e + f)
}, f)
window.cancelAnimationFrame || (window.cancelAnimationFrame = function(d) {
function ioa() {}
var joa = [[], []]
, cr = 0
, dr = new Set
, er = null
, fr = 0
, koa = 0
, loa = 0
, gr = 0
, moa = 0;
function noa(a) {
this.mutate_ = this.measure_ = void 0;
this.runInCurrentFrameIfPossible_ = !1;
this.window_ = window;
this.context_ = a;
this.state_ctor_ = ioa
g = noa.prototype;
g.measure = function(a) {
this.measure_ = a;
return this
g.mutate = function(a) {
this.mutate_ = a;
return this
g.runInCurrentFrameIfPossible = function() {
this.runInCurrentFrameIfPossible_ = !0;
return this
g.window = function(a) {
this.window_ = a;
return this
; = function() {
return ooa({
measure: this.measure_,
mutate: this.mutate_,
stateCtor: this.state_ctor_,
window: this.window_,
runInCurrentFrameIfPossible: this.runInCurrentFrameIfPossible_
}, this.context_)
function ooa(a, b) {
var c = moa++
, d = Math.max(a.measure ? a.measure.length : 0, a.mutate ? a.mutate.length : 0)
, e = {
id: c,
measureFn: a.measure,
mutateFn: a.mutate,
context: b,
args: []
, f = e;
return function() {
var h = 0 !== f.phase;
h && (f = Object.assign({
phase: 0
}, e));
b || (f.context = this);
f.args =;
d > arguments.length && f.args.push(new a.stateCtor);
h && (h = cr,
!a.runInCurrentFrameIfPossible || 0 == gr || a.measure && 1 != gr || (h = (h + 1) % 2),
return poa(a.window)
function qoa(a, b) {
var c = {};
gr = 1;
for (var d = 0; d < a.length; ++d) {
var e = a[d];
e.args[e.args.length - 1] && (e.args[e.args.length - 1].now = b);
if (e.measureFn) {
e.phase = 1;
try {
e.measureFn.apply(e.context, e.args)
} catch (f) {
c[d] = !0,
gr = 2;
for (d = 0; d < a.length; ++d)
if (e = a[d],
e.args[e.args.length - 1] && (e.args[e.args.length - 1].now = b),
!c[d] && e.mutateFn) {
e.phase = 2;
try {
e.mutateFn.apply(e.context, e.args)
} catch (f) {
0 < fr && 1 < b && (a = b - fr,
500 > a && (hoa++,
100 < a && koa++,
loa < a && (loa = a)));
fr = dr.size && 1 < b ? b : 0
function poa(a) {
if (!dr.has(a)) {
dr.size || (er = new br);
var b = er.resolve;
a.requestAnimationFrame(function(c) {
var d = joa[cr];
cr = (cr + 1) % 2;
try {
qoa(d, c)
} finally {
gr = 0,
d.length = 0
return er.promise
;var hr = {
string: "click",
xid: "cOuCgd"
string: "generic_click",
xid: "szJgjc"
string: "impression",
xid: "xr6bB"
string: "hover",
xid: "ZmdkE"
string: "keypress",
xid: "Kr2w4b"
string: "keyboard_enter",
xid: "SYhH9d"
VIS: {
string: "vis",
xid: "HkgBsf"
function roa(a) {
if (soa.has(a))
return soa.get(a);
throw Error("Unrecognized EventLabel " + a + ".");
function toa(a) {
if (uoa.has(a))
return uoa.get(a);
throw Error("Unrecognized PartLabel " + a + ".");
function voa(a) {
for (var b = new Map, c = u(Object.keys(a)), d =; !d.done; d =
d = d.value,
b.set(a[d].string, a[d].xid);
return b
for (var soa = voa(hr), ir = new Map, woa = u(Object.keys(hr)), jr =; !jr.done; jr = {
var xoa = jr.value;
ir.set(hr[xoa].xid, hr[xoa].string)
var uoa = voa({
string: "track",
xid: "u014N"
string: "index",
xid: "cQYSPc"
string: "mutable",
xid: "dYFj7e"
string: "cid",
xid: "cOuyq"
string: "tc",
xid: "DM6Eze"
function kr(a, b) {
this.visualElementID_ = a;
this.xidTagComponents_ = b || !1;
this.tracks_ = new Set;
this.index_ = null;
this.testCodes_ = [];
this.componentID_ = void 0;
this.retain_cached_impression_ = this.mutable_ = !1;
this.attribute_ = null;
this.metadataHandlers_ = [];
this.interactionMetadataHandler_ = void 0
function lr(a, b) {
return b ? a.tracks_.has(a.maybeXidEventLabel_(b)) : 0 != a.tracks_.size
g = kr.prototype;
g.setIndex = function(a) {
this.index_ = a
g.getIndex = function() {
return this.index_
g.setComponentID = function(a) {
this.componentID_ = a
g.isMutable = function() {
return this.mutable_
g.setAttribute = function(a) {
this.attribute_ = a;
return this
g.getAttribute = function() {
return this.attribute_
function mr(a, b) {
for (var c = 0; c < a.metadataHandlers_.length; ++c)
g.maybeXidEventLabel_ = function(a) {
return this.xidTagComponents_ ? roa(a) : a
g.maybeXidPartLabel_ = function(a) {
return this.xidTagComponents_ ? toa(a) : a
function yoa(a) {, a)
v(yoa, kr);
function nr(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(nr, P);
nr.prototype.toObject = function() {
return or(this)
function or(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
timeUsec: Q(G(a, 1)),
serverIp: Q(tf(G(a, 2))),
processId: Q(tf(G(a, 3)))
var zoa = [nr, 1, Xfa, 2, aga, 3, aga];
function pr(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(pr, P);
pr.prototype.getBase = function() {
return J(this, nr, 1)
pr.prototype.setBase = function(a) {
return fg(this, nr, 1, a)
pr.prototype.toObject = function() {
return qr(this)
function qr(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
base: or(a.getBase()),
clientCounter: Q(G(a, 2))
var Aoa = [pr, 1, gh, zoa, 2, Xfa];
function rr(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(rr, P);
rr.prototype.getBase = function() {
return Bg(this, 1)
rr.prototype.setBase = function(a) {
return Yf(this, 1, a, void 0, kg)
rr.prototype.getOffset = function() {
return vg(this, 2, 0)
rr.repeatedFields_ = [1];
rr.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Boa(this)
function Boa(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
baseList: Q(kg(a, 1)),
offset: vg(a, 2, 0)
var Coa = [rr, 1, Yfa, 2, fh];
function sr(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(sr, P);
g = sr.prototype;
g.setVeIndex = function(a) {
H(this, 1, a)
function tr(a, b) {
H(a, 2, b)
g.getElementIndex = function() {
return vg(this, 5, -1)
g.setElementIndex = function(a) {
H(this, 5, a)
g.getResultIndex = function() {
return vg(this, 6, -1)
g.setResultIndex = function(a) {
H(this, 6, a)
g.toObject = function() {
return ur(this)
function ur(a) {
if (null != a) {
var b = vg(a, 1, -1)
, c = vg(a, 11, -1)
, d = Boa(J(a, rr, 15))
, e = Q(K(a, 2))
, f = Q(K(a, 8))
, h = vg(a, 5, -1)
, k = vg(a, 6, -1)
, l = Q(K(a, 7))
, m = vg(a, 9, -1)
, n = N(a, 10, !1);
var p = G(a, 12);
return {
veIndex: b,
nonArchivalVeIndex: c,
veOffsetIdentifier: d,
veType: e,
odelaySeLinker: f,
elementIndex: h,
resultIndex: k,
pageStart: l,
resultGroupElementIndex: m,
doNotLogUrl: n,
resultFprint: Q(p),
veEventId: qr(J(a, pr, 13)),
youtubeVeCounter: vg(a, 14, -1)
var Doa = [sr, 1, fh, 11, fh, 15, gh, Coa, 2, fh, 8, fh, 5, fh, 6, fh, 7, fh, 9, fh, 10, bga, 12, $fa, 13, gh, Aoa, 14, fh]
, Eoa = iga(Doa)
, Foa = function(a) {
return function(b) {
var c = new Nea;
Ofa(b, c, ch(a));
Re(c, c.encoder_.end());
b = new Uint8Array(c.totalLength_);
for (var d = c.blocks_, e = d.length, f = 0, h = 0; h < e; h++) {
var k = d[h];
b.set(k, f);
f += k.length
c.blocks_ = [b];
return b
function vr(a, b) {
this.el_ = a;
this.veTag_ = b;
this.loggedImpression_ = !1;
this.rootImpressionEventID = this.impressionEventID = void 0;
this.neverShown = this.hidden = !0;
this.serverVed_ = this.parent_ = this.traversalOrder_ = void 0
vr.prototype.getTag = function() {
return this.veTag_
vr.prototype.getElement = function() {
return this.el_
function Goa(a) {
var b = wr++;
a.traversalOrder_ = b
vr.prototype.setParent = function(a) {
this.parent_ = a
vr.prototype.getParent = function() {
return this.parent_
function xr(a) {
if (a.impressionEventID) {
var b = new sr;
tr(b, a.getTag().visualElementID_);
fg(b, pr, 13, a.impressionEventID);
a = Foa(b);
return "0" + se(a, 4)
;function yr(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(yr, P);
yr.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Hoa(this)
function Hoa(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
imageType: Q(G(a, 1)),
imageDataCached: Q(G(a, 2))
;function zr(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(zr, P);
zr.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Ar(this)
function Ar(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
avatarMetadata: Hoa(J(a, yr, 1))
;function Br(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Br, P);
g = Br.prototype;
g.getClientId = function() {
return Ag(this, 1, 0)
g.setClientId = function(a) {
return H(this, 1, a)
g.getEntryPoint = function() {
return Ag(this, 2, 0)
g.setEntryPoint = function(a) {
return H(this, 2, a)
g.getApplication = function() {
return Ag(this, 3, 0)
g.setApplication = function(a) {
return H(this, 3, a)
g.getApplicationOrUndefined = function() {
return Mg(this, 3)
g.setVersionName = function(a) {
return pg(this, 4, a)
g.getBaselineCl = function() {
return xg(this, 5)
g.setBaselineCl = function(a) {
return H(this, 5, a)
g.hasBaselineCl = function() {
return null != G(this, 5)
g.getBaselineClOrUndefined = function() {
return Ig(this, 5)
g.getMetadata = function() {
return J(this, zr, 6)
g.setMetadata = function(a) {
fg(this, zr, 6, a)
g.clearMetadata = function() {
Vf(this, 6)
g.hasMetadata = function() {
return If(this, zr, 6)
g.toObject = function() {
if (null != this) {
var a = {
clientId: Q(G(this, 1)),
entryPoint: Q(G(this, 2)),
application: Q(G(this, 3)),
versionName: Q(L(this, 4)),
baselineCl: Q(G(this, 5)),
metadata: Ar(this.getMetadata())
} else
a = void 0;
return a
function Cr(a) {
this.context_ = a
Cr.prototype.createNewTag = function(a) {
return new yoa(a)
Cr.prototype.addEventMetadata = function(a) {
rq(a, this.context_.serialize())
function Ioa() {
this.client_info = this.global_metadata = this.ve_metadata = void 0;
this.testCodes = []
;function Joa(a) {
this.userAction = a;
this.interactionContext = this.cardinalDirection = void 0
;function Dr() {}
Dr.prototype.impressionEvent = function() {
return []
Dr.prototype.interactionEvent = function() {
return []
Dr.prototype.visibilityEvent = function() {
return []
function Er() {
if (!Fr) {
var a = Fr = new nr
, b = 1E3 *;
H(a, 1, b);
H(Fr, 2, 0);
H(Fr, 3, 0)
a = (new pr).setBase(Fr);
b = ++Koa;
return H(a, 2, b)
var Koa = 0
, Fr = void 0;
function Gr(a, b) {
this.tagPopulator_ = a;
this.expectXidTagComponents_ = b || !1;
this.componentID_ = void 0
function Hr(a, b) {
var c = b.LSWHIf || null;
if (c && (c.getTag().componentID_ || a.componentID_) && c.getTag().componentID_ != a.componentID_)
return null;
var d;
!(d = c && !c.getTag().isMutable()) && (d = c && c.getTag().isMutable()) && (d = b.getAttribute("jslog"),
d = !(!d || jc(d) || d != c.getTag().getAttribute()));
if (d)
return c;
d = b.getAttribute("jslog");
if (!d)
return null;
d = Loa(a, d);
if (!d || (d.componentID_ || a.componentID_) && d.componentID_ != a.componentID_)
return null;
a = new vr(b,d);
c && c.getTag().retain_cached_impression_ && c.loggedImpression_ && (a.loggedImpression_ = !0);
if (c = a.getElement().getAttribute("data-ved")) {
a.serverVed_ = c;
if (!c || "0" != c.charAt(0) && "2" != c.charAt(0))
var e = null;
else {
c = c.substring(1);
try {
var f = Eoa(c);
e = J(f, pr, 13)
} catch (h) {
e = null
e && (a.impressionEventID = e,
a.rootImpressionEventID = e)
return b.LSWHIf = a
function Loa(a, b) {
if (jc(b))
return null;
var c = b.split(";")
, d = Number(c[0].trim());
if (isNaN(d))
return null;
d = a.tagPopulator_.createNewTag(d);
for (var e = 1; e < c.length; e++) {
var f = c[e].trim();
if (!jc(f)) {
var h = Sca(f);
if (2 > h.length)
return null;
f = h[0].trim();
h = h[1].trim();
if (jc(f) || jc(h))
return null;
switch (f) {
case a.maybeXidPartLabel_("track"):
f = h.split(",");
for (h = 0; h < f.length; ++h) {
var k = f[h].trim();
if (a.expectXidTagComponents_) {
if (!d.xidTagComponents_)
throw Error("Method isTrackingXid should only be used when xidTagComponents_ is true.");
if (!ir.has(k))
throw Error("Unrecognized eventLabelXid: " + k + ".");
} else
case a.maybeXidPartLabel_("index"):
case a.maybeXidPartLabel_("tc"):
f = h.split(",");
f =;
f = f.filter(Number.isInteger);
d.testCodes_ = f;
case "cid":
case a.maybeXidPartLabel_("mutable"):
"true" == h ? d.mutable_ = !0 : "rci" == h && (d.mutable_ = !0,
d.retain_cached_impression_ = !0)
return d.setAttribute(b)
Gr.prototype.maybeXidPartLabel_ = function(a) {
return this.expectXidTagComponents_ ? toa(a) : a
Gr.prototype.setComponentID = function(a) {
this.componentID_ = a
function Moa(a, b) {
this.visualElementProvider_ = a;
this.traverseShadowDom_ = void 0 === b ? !1 : b
function Noa(a, b) {
return Ooa(a, b).filter(function(c) {
return null != Hr(this.visualElementProvider_, c)
}, a)
function Poa(a, b) {
var c = a.visualElementProvider_;
a = [];
for (var d = void 0, e = {}, f = 0; f < b.length; e = {
$jscomp$loop$prop$parent$406203153$1: e.$jscomp$loop$prop$parent$406203153$1
++f) {
var h = Hr(c, b[f]);
void 0 == h.traversalOrder_ && void 0 == h.serverVed_ && (e.$jscomp$loop$prop$parent$406203153$1 = void 0,
ar(b[f], function(k) {
return function(l) {
l = Hr(c, l);
return null != l ? (k.$jscomp$loop$prop$parent$406203153$1 = l,
!0) : !1
}(e), !1),
e.$jscomp$loop$prop$parent$406203153$1 ? d && d.has(e.$jscomp$loop$prop$parent$406203153$1) || (d = new Map,
d.set(e.$jscomp$loop$prop$parent$406203153$1, []),
wr = 1) : (d = new Map,
wr = 0),
d.set(h, []),
e.$jscomp$loop$prop$parent$406203153$1 && d.get(e.$jscomp$loop$prop$parent$406203153$1).push(h.traversalOrder_))
return a
function Qoa(a, b) {
var c = a.visualElementProvider_;
return {
return Hr(c, d)
function Ooa(a, b) {
if (a.traverseShadowDom_) {
var c = [];
a = [];
for (c.push.apply(c, b.querySelectorAll("*")); 0 < c.length; ) {
var d = c.shift();
d.getAttribute("jslog") && a.push(d);
d.shadowRoot && c.unshift.apply(c, d.shadowRoot.querySelectorAll("*"))
} else
a = []"[jslog]"));
return a
var wr = 0;
function Ir(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Ir, P);
Ir.prototype.getElementIndex = function() {
return K(this, 2)
Ir.prototype.setElementIndex = function(a) {
H(this, 2, a)
Ir.prototype.setCardinalDirection = function(a) {
H(this, 7, a)
Ir.repeatedFields_ = [3];
Ir.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Roa(this)
function Roa(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
elementId: Q(K(a, 1)),
elementIndex: Q(K(a, 2)),
pathToRootElementIdList: Q(kg(a, 3)),
userAction: Q(G(a, 4)),
cardinalDirection: Q(G(a, 7))
;function Jr(a, b, c) {;
this.listener_ = null != c ? a.bind(c) : a;
this.interval_ = b;
this.args_ = null;
this.shouldFire_ = !1;
this.pauseCount_ = 0;
this.timer_ = null
v(Jr, yh);
g = Jr.prototype; = function(a) {
this.args_ = arguments;
this.timer_ || this.pauseCount_ ? this.shouldFire_ = !0 : this.doAction_()
g.stop = function() {
this.timer_ && (Ti(this.timer_),
this.timer_ = null,
this.shouldFire_ = !1,
this.args_ = null)
g.pause = function() {
g.resume = function() {
this.pauseCount_ || !this.shouldFire_ || this.timer_ || (this.shouldFire_ = !1,
g.disposeInternal = function() {;
g.doAction_ = function() {
var a = this;
this.timer_ = Si(function() {
a.timer_ = null;
a.shouldFire_ && !a.pauseCount_ && (a.shouldFire_ = !1,
}, this.interval_);
var b = this.args_;
this.args_ = null;
this.listener_.apply(null, b)
function Soa(a, b) {, "visibilitychange");
this.hidden = a;
this.visibilityState = b
v(Soa, Ah);
var Toa = new WeakMap;
function Kr(a) {
function b(f) {
var h = u(f);
f =;
h = fa(h);
return a.apply(f, h)
function c(f) {
f = u(f);;
f = fa(f);
return d(e, f)
var d = void 0 === d ? Uoa : d;
var e = Va(a);
return function() {
var f = Ha.apply(0, arguments)
, h = this || Na
, k = Toa.get(h);
k || (k = {},
Toa.set(h, k));
return Fda(k, [this].concat(ha(f)), b, c)
function Uoa(a, b) {
a = [a];
for (var c = b.length - 1; 0 <= c; --c)
a.push(typeof b[c], b[c]);
return a.join("\v")
;function Lr(a) {;
this.domHelper_ = a || Xh();
if (this.eventType_ = this.getBrowserEventType_())
this.eventKey_ = Kh(this.domHelper_.document_, this.eventType_, Xa(this.handleChange_, this))
bb(Lr, Rh);
g = Lr.prototype;
g.getBrowserEventType_ = Kr(function() {
var a = this.isSupported()
, b = "hidden" != this.getHiddenPropertyName_();
return a ? b ? ((Jl() || "") + "visibilitychange").toLowerCase() : "visibilitychange" : null
g.getHiddenPropertyName_ = Kr(function() {
return Gja("hidden", this.domHelper_.document_)
g.getVisibilityStatePropertyName_ = Kr(function() {
return Gja("visibilityState", this.domHelper_.document_)
g.isSupported = function() {
return !!this.getHiddenPropertyName_()
function Mr(a) {
return !!a.domHelper_.document_[a.getHiddenPropertyName_()]
g.getVisibilityState = function() {
return this.isSupported() ? this.domHelper_.document_[this.getVisibilityStatePropertyName_()] : null
g.handleChange_ = function() {
var a = this.getVisibilityState();
a = new Soa(Mr(this),a);
g.disposeInternal = function() {
function Nr(a, b, c, d, e, f, h) {
var k = this
, l = void 0 === d ? {} : d
, m = void 0 === l.backgroundJobDeferrer ? void 0 : l.backgroundJobDeferrer;
d = void 0 === l.expectXidTagComponents ? !1 : l.expectXidTagComponents;
l = void 0 === l.traverseShadowDom ? !1 : l.traverseShadowDom;;
this.eventBuilder_ = a;
this.expectXidTagComponents_ = d;
this.metadataHandler_ = b || new Or;
this.visualElementProvider_ = new Gr(this.metadataHandler_,this.expectXidTagComponents_);
this.transport_ = c;
this.eventToActionMap_ = {
click: 3
this.eventToTracksLabelMap_ = {
click: this.maybeXidEventLabel_("generic_click")
this.root_ = this.domHelper_ = this.invariantData_ = this.appInfo_ = void 0;
this.pageVisibilityMonitor_ = new Lr;
this.logImpressionsTask_ = (new noa(this)).measure(m ? function() {
return m().then(k.handleImpressions_.bind(k))
: this.handleImpressions_).runInCurrentFrameIfPossible().build();
this.logImpressionsThrottle_ = new Jr(this.logImpressionsTask_,500,this);
this.indexFunction_ = void 0;
this.traverser_ = h || new Moa(this.visualElementProvider_,l);
this.listeners_ = [];
this.impressionListeners_ = [];
this.eventBuilder_ instanceof Dr && (this.eventHandler_ = this.eventBuilder_);
this.zwiebackId_ = e;
this.windowProvider_ = f
bb(Nr, mm);
g = Nr.prototype;
g.setComponentID = function(a) {
g.logImpressions = function() {
this.domHelper_ &&
function Voa(a, b, c, d) {
var e = Woa(d)
, f = a.getIndex(c);
var h = new Ir;
h = H(h, 4, b);
var k = c.getTag().visualElementID_;
h = H(h, 1, k);
e = Tf(h, 3, e, vf);
null != f && e.setElementIndex(f);
f = new Ioa;
f.ve_metadata = a.getMetadata(c, d);
f.global_metadata = a.invariantData_;
f.client_info = a.appInfo_;
c = rq(new qq, e.serialize());
c = Tf(c, 20, f.testCodes, vf);
a.transport_ && a.transport_.dispatch(c);
if (null != b)
for (b = new Joa(b),
c = 0; c < a.listeners_.length; c++)
g.log = function(a) {
this.transport_ && this.transport_.dispatch(a);
K(a, 11)
function Xoa(a) {
for (var b = 0; b < a.impressionListeners_.length; b++)
g.getIndex = function(a) {
return this.indexFunction_ ? this.indexFunction_(a.getElement(), a.getTag().visualElementID_, a.getTag().getIndex()) : a.getTag().getIndex()
function Woa(a) {
return {
return b.getTag().visualElementID_
g.getMetadata = function(a, b) {
var c = new Pr;
mr(a.getTag(), c);
for (a = 0; a < b.length; ++a)
mr(b[a].getTag(), c);
return c
function Yoa(a, b, c) {
var d, e = a.visualElementProvider_, f = a.eventToTracksLabelMap_[b];
ar(c, function(h) {
if (!ri(h))
return !1;
h = Hr(e, h);
var k;
if (k = null != h)
if (k = h.getTag(),
this.expectXidTagComponents_) {
if (!k.xidTagComponents_)
throw Error("Method isTrackingXid should only be used when xidTagComponents_ is true.");
if (!ir.has(f))
throw Error("Unrecognized eventLabelXid: " + f + ".");
k = k.tracks_.has(f)
} else
k = lr(k, f);
return k ? (d = h,
!0) : !1
.bind(a), !0);
return d
g.getAncestry_ = function(a) {
var b = []
, c = this.visualElementProvider_;
ar(a, function(d) {
if (!ri(d))
return !1;
d = Hr(c, d);
null != d && b.push(d);
return !1
}, !1);
return b
g.handleImpressions_ = function() {
if (!Mr(this.pageVisibilityMonitor_) && this.root_) {
var a = !!(window.performance && window.performance.mark && window.performance.measure && window.performance.clearMeasures && window.performance.clearMarks);
a && (window.performance.clearMeasures("ZVwBtb"),
var b = Noa(this.traverser_, this.root_);
if (this.eventHandler_) {
var c = Zoa(this);
c = new Gl(0,0,c.width,c.height);
var d = Poa(this.traverser_, b);
if (d.length) {
d = this.eventHandler_.impressionEvent(d, c);
for (var e = 0; e < d.length; ++e)
pg(d[e], 28, this.zwiebackId_),
this.transport_ && this.transport_.dispatch(d[e])
b = Qoa(this.traverser_, b);
b = this.eventHandler_.visibilityEvent(b, c);
if (b.length)
for (c = 0; c < b.length; ++c)
this.zwiebackId_ && pg(b[c], 28, this.zwiebackId_),
this.transport_ && this.transport_.dispatch(b[c]);
} else {
c = [];
d = Zoa(this);
d = new Gl(0,0,d.width,d.height);
for (e = 0; e < b.length; e++) {
var f = b[e];
this.isVisible_(f, d) && (f = Hr(this.visualElementProvider_, f)) && lr(f.getTag(), "impression") && c.push(f)
for (b = 0; b < c.length; b++)
d = c[b],
d.loggedImpression_ || (e = this.getAncestry_(d.getElement()),
Voa(this, void 0, d, e),
d.loggedImpression_ = !0,
$oa(d, e))
a && window.performance.measure("ZVwBtb", "KtiTlc")
g.isVisible_ = function(a, b) {
if (a.hasAttribute("ve-visible"))
return "true" == a.getAttribute("ve-visible");
a = a.getBoundingClientRect();
return (b = Fja(b, new Gl(a.left,,a.width,a.height))) && 10 <= b.width && 10 <= b.height ? !0 : !1
g.maybeXidEventLabel_ = function(a) {
return this.expectXidTagComponents_ ? roa(a) : a
function $oa(a, b) {
var c = "VE:[" + a.getTag().visualElementID_ + "] pathToRoot:[";
b.forEach(function(d) {
c += d.getTag().visualElementID_ + " -> "
c += b.length ? "END]" : "EMPTY]"
function Zoa(a) {
if (a.windowProvider_) {
var b = a.windowProvider_();
a = ci(b || a.domHelper_.getWindow())
} else
a = ci(a.domHelper_.getWindow());
return a
;function Qr(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a, 1)
v(Qr, P);
var apa = {};
Qr.prototype.toObject = function() {
return bpa(this)
function bpa(a) {
if (null != a) {
var b = {};
jh(a, b, apa);
return b
;function Rr(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Rr, P);
Rr.prototype.toObject = function() {
return cpa(this)
function cpa(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
rootEventId: qr(J(a, pr, 1))
;function Sr(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Sr, P);
Sr.prototype.setVed = function(a) {
return qg(this, 5, Tr, a)
var Ur = [1, 3, 4]
, Tr = [2, 5];
Sr.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Vr(this)
function Vr(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
event: or(Eg(a, nr, 1, Ur)),
clientEvent: qr(Eg(a, pr, 3, Ur)),
ei: Q(Dg(a, 4, Ur)),
rootVe: ur(Eg(a, sr, 2, Tr)),
ved: Q(Dg(a, 5, Tr))
;function Wr(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a, 7)
v(Wr, P);
Wr.prototype.getTarget = function() {
return J(this, Sr, 1)
Wr.prototype.setTarget = function(a) {
fg(this, Sr, 1, a)
Wr.prototype.getType = function() {
return Ag(this, 2, 0)
Wr.prototype.setType = function(a) {
return H(this, 2, a)
var dpa = {};
Wr.prototype.toObject = function() {
return epa(this)
function epa(a) {
if (null != a) {
var b = {
target: Vr(a.getTarget()),
type: Ag(a, 2, 0),
cloneTree: Vr(J(a, Sr, 3)),
sourceTree: Vr(J(a, Sr, 5)),
graftTimeUsec: Q(G(a, 4)),
dedupe: N(a, 6, !1)
jh(a, b, dpa);
return b
;function Xr(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Xr, P);
Xr.repeatedFields_ = [1];
Xr.prototype.toObject = function() {
return fpa(this)
function fpa(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
graftList: ih(eg(a, Wr, 1), epa)
;function Yr(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Yr, P);
Yr.prototype.getOffset = function() {
return vg(this, 2, 0)
Yr.repeatedFields_ = [1];
Yr.prototype.toObject = function() {
return gpa(this)
function gpa(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
identifierBaseList: Q(kg(a, 1)),
offset: vg(a, 2, 0)
;function Zr(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Zr, P);
Zr.prototype.getEventId = function() {
return Eg(this, nr, 1, $r)
Zr.prototype.setEventId = function(a) {
gg(this, nr, 1, $r, a)
var $r = [1, 2]
, hpa = [3, 6];
Zr.prototype.toObject = function() {
return ipa(this)
function ipa(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
eventId: or(a.getEventId()),
clientEventId: qr(Eg(a, pr, 2, $r)),
featureIndex: vg(a, Lf(a, hpa, 3), -1),
featureOffsetIdentifier: gpa(Eg(a, Yr, 6, hpa))
;function as(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(as, P);
as.prototype.toObject = function() {
return jpa(this)
function jpa(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
reference: Vr(J(a, Sr, 1))
;function Pr(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a, 233)
v(Pr, P);
g = Pr.prototype;
g.getUiType = function() {
return K(this, 1)
g.setUiType = function(a) {
return H(this, 1, a)
g.getElementIndex = function() {
return vg(this, 3, -1)
g.setElementIndex = function(a) {
H(this, 3, a)
function bs(a, b) {
Tf(a, 4, b, vf)
g.getResultIndex = function() {
return K(this, 7)
g.setResultIndex = function(a) {
H(this, 7, a)
g.setVisible = function(a) {
return H(this, 6, a)
g.getLanguage = function() {
return L(this, 17)
g.clearLanguage = function() {
return Vf(this, 17)
var cs = {};
Pr.repeatedFields_ = [4];
Pr.prototype.toObject = function() {
return ds(this)
function ds(a) {
if (null != a) {
var b = {
uiType: Q(K(a, 1)),
elementIndex: vg(a, 3, -1),
containsElementsList: Q(kg(a, 4)),
targetUrl: Q(L(a, 5)),
resultIndex: Q(K(a, 7)),
featureTreeRef: ipa(J(a, Zr, 11)),
visible: Ag(a, 6, 0),
language: Q(L(a, 17)),
adImpressionIndex: vg(a, 149, -1),
dataElement: jpa(J(a, as, 232))
jh(a, b, cs);
return b
;function es(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a, 17)
v(es, P);
g = es.prototype;
g.setVed = function(a) {
return pg(this, 11, a)
g.getUiType = function() {
return vg(this, 1, -1)
g.setUiType = function(a) {
return H(this, 1, a)
g.setVeIndex = function(a) {
H(this, 2, a)
g.setCardinalDirection = function(a) {
H(this, 4, a)
g.getResultIndex = function() {
return vg(this, 7, -1)
g.setResultIndex = function(a) {
H(this, 7, a)
g.getElementIndex = function() {
return vg(this, 8, -1)
g.setElementIndex = function(a) {
H(this, 8, a)
function kpa(a, b) {
hg(a, Pr, 14, b)
var lpa = {};
es.repeatedFields_ = [14];
es.prototype.toObject = function() {
return mpa(this)
function mpa(a) {
if (null != a) {
var b = {
clickTrackingCgi: ur(J(a, sr, 16)),
ved: Q(L(a, 11)),
uiType: vg(a, 1, -1),
veIndex: vg(a, 2, -1),
primaryUserAction: Q(K(a, 3)),
cardinalDirection: Q(K(a, 4)),
toggleState: Q(K(a, 5)),
interactionContext: vg(a, 6, -1),
resultIndex: vg(a, 7, -1),
elementIndex: vg(a, 8, -1),
imageUrl: Q(L(a, 9)),
imageReferrerUrl: Q(L(a, 10)),
thumbnailId: Q(L(a, 12)),
referrerId: Q(L(a, 13)),
ancestryList: ih(eg(a, Pr, 14), ds),
clientInteractionMetadata: bpa(J(a, Qr, 15))
jh(a, b, lpa);
return b
;function gs(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(gs, P);
gs.prototype.getEventId = function() {
return J(this, pr, 1)
gs.prototype.setEventId = function(a) {
fg(this, pr, 1, a)
gs.repeatedFields_ = [2];
gs.prototype.toObject = function() {
if (null != this) {
var a = {
eventId: qr(this.getEventId()),
visualElementsList: ih(eg(this, Pr, 2), ds),
parentEventId: qr(J(this, pr, 3)),
ephemeralParentEventId: Q(L(this, 6)),
snapshotParentEventId: qr(J(this, pr, 8)),
requestContext: mpa(J(this, es, 4)),
graftType: Q(G(this, 5)),
grafts: fpa(J(this, Xr, 7)),
coreEventMetadata: cpa(J(this, Rr, 9))
} else
a = void 0;
return a
function npa(a, b) {
this.label = a;
a = new Set;
if (If(b, es, 4)) {
var c = J(b, es, 4);
c && Ng(c, 1) && a.add(c.getUiType())
c = u(eg(b, Pr, 2));
for (var d =; !d.done; d =
d = d.value,
Ng(d, 1) && a.add(d.getUiType());
J(b, es, 4) && J(J(b, es, 4), Qr, 15);
npa.prototype.getVisualElementLiteProto_ = function(a) {
var b = eg(a, Pr, 2);
return 0 < b.length ? b[b.length - 1] : J(a, es, 4) && (a = eg(J(a, es, 4), Pr, 14),
0 < a.length) ? a[a.length - 1] : null
function Or() {}
Or.prototype.createNewTag = function(a) {
return new kr(a)
Or.prototype.addEventMetadata = function() {}
function hs(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(hs, P);
function opa(a, b) {
hg(a, Pr, 1, b)
hs.prototype.addPath = function(a, b) {
return ig(this, 1, Pr, a, b)
hs.prototype.setPath = function(a, b) {
return Nf(this, 1, Pr, a, b)
hs.repeatedFields_ = [1];
hs.prototype.toObject = function() {
return ppa(this)
function ppa(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
pathList: ih(eg(a, Pr, 1), ds)
;var is = hh(100, {
coreGraftMetadata: 0
}, hs, ppa);
dpa[100] = is;
function js(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(js, P);
function qpa(a) {
var b =;
H(a, 1, b)
js.prototype.toObject = function() {
return rpa(this)
function rpa(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
clientWallClockTimestamp: Q(G(a, 1))
;function ks(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(ks, P);
ks.prototype.getTimestamp = function() {
return J(this, js, 1)
ks.prototype.setTimestamp = function(a) {
return fg(this, js, 1, a)
ks.prototype.hasTimestamp = function() {
return If(this, js, 1)
ks.prototype.toObject = function() {
return ls(this)
function ls(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
timestamp: rpa(a.getTimestamp())
;var ms = hh(126, {
coreInteractionMetadata: 0
}, ks, ls);
apa[126] = ms;
var spa = hh(618, {
coreVeMetadata: 0
}, ks, ls);
cs[618] = spa;
function ns(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(ns, P);
ns.prototype.toObject = function() {
return tpa(this)
function tpa(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
isTracked: Q(I(a, 1))
;var upa = hh(273, {
attentionData: 0
}, ns, tpa);
cs[273] = upa;
function ps(a, b, c, d, e) {
this.generateConsoleOutput_ = e = void 0 === e ? vpa : e;
this.enableAncestryLogging_ = void 0 === a ? !0 : a;
this.enableAncestryLoggingForGrafts_ = void 0 === c ? !1 : c;
this.enableBatching_ = void 0 === b ? !1 : b;
this.enableAttentionLogging_ = void 0 === d ? !1 : d;
this.debugCallback_ = null;
this.enableAutoImpressionParenting_ = !1;
this.lastInteractionEventID_ = null;
this.ved_ = "";
this.vedUserAction_ = null
v(ps, Dr);
g = ps.prototype;
g.impressionEvent = function(a, b) {
for (var c = [], d = [], e = 0; e < a.length; ++e)
a[e].keys().next().value.impressionEventID ? d.push(a[e]) : c.push(a[e]);
a = wpa(this, c, b);
b = this.enableBatching_ ? xpa(this, d, b) : ypa(this, d, b);
return a.concat(b)
g.interactionEvent = function(a, b) {
var c = new qq
, d = new gs
, e = Er();
this.lastInteractionEventID_ = e;
e = new es;
a.serverVed_ ? e.setVed(a.serverVed_) : e.setUiType(a.getTag().visualElementID_).setVeIndex(a.traversalOrder_);
kpa(H(e, 3, b.userAction), this.getAncestry_(a));
b.cardinalDirection && e.setCardinalDirection(b.cardinalDirection);
b.interactionContext && H(e, 6, b.interactionContext);
b = a.getTag();
b.interactionMetadataHandler_ && b.interactionMetadataHandler_(e);
b = new Rr;
fg(b, pr, 1, a.impressionEventID);
fg(d, pr, 3, a.impressionEventID);
fg(d, es, 4, e);
fg(d, Rr, 9, b);
qs(this, "Interaction Event", d);
sq(c, d.serialize());
return [c]
g.visibilityEvent = function(a, b) {
for (var c = [], d = new Map, e = 0; e < a.length; ++e) {
var f = a[e]
, h = f.getElement()
, k = f.rootImpressionEventID
, l = d.get(k);
l = l ? l : [];
var m = new hs;
this.enableAncestryLoggingForGrafts_ && opa(m, this.getAncestry_(f));
if (f.neverShown || lr(f.getTag(), "vis"))
if (h = this.isVisible_(h, b),
f.hidden && h) {
h = new Wr;
var n = rs(f);
n = h;
var p =;
H(n, 4, p);
this.enableAncestryLoggingForGrafts_ && Yg(h, is, m);
f.hidden = !1;
f.neverShown = !1
} else
f.hidden || h || (h = new Wr,
n = rs(f),
n = h,
p =,
H(n, 4, p),
this.enableAncestryLoggingForGrafts_ && Yg(h, is, m),
f.hidden = !0);
d.set(k, l)
a = u(d.keys());
for (b =; !b.done; b =
b = b.value,
f = d.get(b),
f.length && (e = new Xr,
hg(e, Wr, 1, f),
f = new gs,
k = Er(),
l = new Rr,
fg(l, pr, 1, b),
fg(f, pr, 3, b),
fg(f, Xr, 7, e),
fg(f, Rr, 9, l),
b = new qq,
qs(this, "Visibility Event", f),
sq(b, f.serialize()),
return c
g.isVisible_ = function(a, b) {
if (a.hasAttribute("ve-visible"))
return "true" == a.getAttribute("ve-visible");
if (a instanceof HTMLElement && (0 >= a.offsetWidth || 0 >= a.offsetHeight))
return !1;
a = a.getBoundingClientRect();
b = Fja(b, new Gl(a.left,,a.width,a.height));
return b && b.width >= a && b.height >= a ? !0 : !1
function wpa(a, b, c) {
for (var d = [], e = {}, f = b.length - 1; 0 <= f; e = {
$jscomp$loop$prop$impressionEventID$725431272$11: e.$jscomp$loop$prop$impressionEventID$725431272$11,
$jscomp$loop$prop$clientVeProto$725431272$12: e.$jscomp$loop$prop$clientVeProto$725431272$12,
$jscomp$loop$prop$testCodes$725431272$13: e.$jscomp$loop$prop$testCodes$725431272$13
f--) {
e.$jscomp$loop$prop$clientVeProto$725431272$12 = new gs;
e.$jscomp$loop$prop$testCodes$725431272$13 = [];
e.$jscomp$loop$prop$impressionEventID$725431272$11 = Er();
var h = new Rr;
fg(h, pr, 1, e.$jscomp$loop$prop$impressionEventID$725431272$11);
fg(e.$jscomp$loop$prop$clientVeProto$725431272$12, Rr, 9, h);
a.enableAutoImpressionParenting_ && a.lastInteractionEventID_ && fg(e.$jscomp$loop$prop$clientVeProto$725431272$12, pr, 3, a.lastInteractionEventID_);
if (h = a.ved_ || oia())
h = (new es).setVed(h),
a.vedUserAction_ && H(h, 3, a.vedUserAction_),
fg(e.$jscomp$loop$prop$clientVeProto$725431272$12, es, 4, h);
b[f].forEach(function(k) {
return function(l, m) {
m.impressionEventID = k.$jscomp$loop$prop$impressionEventID$725431272$11;
m.rootImpressionEventID = k.$jscomp$loop$prop$impressionEventID$725431272$11;
var n = this.getVisualElementLiteProto_(m);
l.length && bs(n, l);
l = m.getElement();
this.isVisible_(l, c) ? (m.neverShown = !1,
m.hidden = !1) : n.setVisible(1);
this.enableAttentionLogging_ && lr(m.getTag(), "hover") && void 0 !== m.traversalOrder_ && (l.setAttribute("data-hveid", Number(m.traversalOrder_)),
0 === eg(k.$jscomp$loop$prop$clientVeProto$725431272$12, Pr, 2).length && xr(m) && (l.setAttribute("decode-data-ved", "1"),
l.setAttribute("data-ved", xr(m) + "")));
ig(k.$jscomp$loop$prop$clientVeProto$725431272$12, 2, Pr, n);
k.$jscomp$loop$prop$testCodes$725431272$13 = k.$jscomp$loop$prop$testCodes$725431272$13.concat(m.getTag().testCodes_)
}(e), a);
h = new qq;
qs(a, "Impression Event", e.$jscomp$loop$prop$clientVeProto$725431272$12);
sq(h, e.$jscomp$loop$prop$clientVeProto$725431272$12.serialize());
Tf(h, 20, e.$jscomp$loop$prop$testCodes$725431272$13, vf);
return d
function xpa(a, b, c) {
for (var d = [], e = new Map, f = b.length - 1; 0 <= f; f--) {
var h = b[f]
, k = h.keys().next().value.rootImpressionEventID
, l = e.get(k) || [];
e.set(k, l)
e.forEach(function(m, n) {
var p = 0
, q = []
, t = new gs
, A = []
, B = Er();
fg(t, pr, 3, n);
var C = new Rr;
fg(C, pr, 1, n);
fg(t, Rr, 9, C);
for (C = 0; C < m.length; C++)
for (var D = m[C], M = D.keys(), X =, V = D.get(X), ba = {}, ia = 0; ia < V.length; ba = {
$jscomp$loop$prop$startingOffset$725431272$15: ba.$jscomp$loop$prop$startingOffset$725431272$15,
$jscomp$loop$prop$cloneTreeRootIndex$725431272$16: ba.$jscomp$loop$prop$cloneTreeRootIndex$725431272$16
++ia) {
var qa = X;
ba.$jscomp$loop$prop$cloneTreeRootIndex$725431272$16 = 0;
ba.$jscomp$loop$prop$startingOffset$725431272$15 = V[ia];
var wa = D.size;
ia != V.length - 1 && (wa = V[ia + 1]);
for (var ra = ba.$jscomp$loop$prop$startingOffset$725431272$15; ra < wa; ++ra) {
var sa =;
ra == ba.$jscomp$loop$prop$startingOffset$725431272$15 && (qa = sa,
ba.$jscomp$loop$prop$cloneTreeRootIndex$725431272$16 = p);
sa.impressionEventID = B;
sa.rootImpressionEventID = n;
sa.traversalOrder_ = p;
var ya = D.get(sa)
, Za = this.getVisualElementLiteProto_(sa);
ya.length && bs(Za, {
return function(vc) {
return vc - Pb.$jscomp$loop$prop$startingOffset$725431272$15 + Pb.$jscomp$loop$prop$cloneTreeRootIndex$725431272$16
ya = sa.getElement();
this.isVisible_(ya, c) ? (sa.neverShown = !1,
sa.hidden = !1) : Za.setVisible(1);
ig(t, 2, Pr, Za);
A = A.concat(sa.getTag().testCodes_);
wa = new Wr;
ra = rs(X);
ra = new Sr;
sa = new sr;
Za = new hs;
tr(sa, qa.getTag().visualElementID_);
gg(ra, sr, 2, Tr, sa);
fg(wa, Sr, 3, ra);
this.enableAncestryLoggingForGrafts_ && (opa(Za, this.getAncestry_(qa)),
Yg(wa, is, Za));
q.length && (m = new Xr,
hg(m, Wr, 1, q),
fg(t, Xr, 7, m));
q = new qq;
qs(this, "Incremental Impression Event Batch", t);
sq(q, t.serialize());
Tf(q, 20, A, vf);
}, a);
return d
function ypa(a, b, c) {
for (var d = [], e = b.length - 1; 0 <= e; e--)
for (var f = b[e], h = f.keys(), k =, l = f.get(k), m = {}, n = 0; n < l.length; m = {
$jscomp$loop$prop$startingOffset$725431272$18: m.$jscomp$loop$prop$startingOffset$725431272$18
++n) {
m.$jscomp$loop$prop$startingOffset$725431272$18 = l[n];
var p = f.size;
n != l.length - 1 && (p = l[n + 1]);
var q = new gs
, t = []
, A = Er()
, B = new Rr;
fg(B, pr, 1, k.impressionEventID);
fg(q, pr, 3, k.impressionEventID);
H(q, 5, 3);
fg(q, Rr, 9, B);
B = new es;
k.serverVed_ ? B.setVed(k.serverVed_) : B.setUiType(k.getTag().visualElementID_).setVeIndex(k.traversalOrder_);
kpa(B, a.getAncestry_(k));
fg(q, es, 4, B);
for (B = m.$jscomp$loop$prop$startingOffset$725431272$18; B < p; ++B) {
var C =;
C.impressionEventID = A;
C.rootImpressionEventID = k.rootImpressionEventID;
void 0 != C.traversalOrder_ && (C.traversalOrder_ -= m.$jscomp$loop$prop$startingOffset$725431272$18);
var D = f.get(C)
, M = a.getVisualElementLiteProto_(C);
D.length && bs(M, {
return function(V) {
return V - X.$jscomp$loop$prop$startingOffset$725431272$18
D = C.getElement();
a.isVisible_(D, c) ? (C.neverShown = !1,
C.hidden = !1) : M.setVisible(1);
a.enableAttentionLogging_ && lr(C.getTag(), "hover") && void 0 !== C.traversalOrder_ && (D.setAttribute("data-hveid", Number(C.traversalOrder_)),
0 === eg(q, Pr, 2).length && xr(C) && (D.setAttribute("decode-data-ved", "1"),
D.setAttribute("data-ved", xr(C) + "")));
ig(q, 2, Pr, M);
t = t.concat(C.getTag().testCodes_)
p = new qq;
qs(a, "Incremental Impression Event", q);
sq(p, q.serialize());
Tf(p, 20, t, vf);
return d
g.getAncestry_ = function(a) {
if (!this.enableAncestryLogging_)
return [];
for (var b = [], c = new Set; a && !c.has(a); ) {
var d = this.getVisualElementLiteProto_(a);
a = a.getParent()
return b
g.getVisualElementLiteProto_ = function(a) {
var b = (new Pr).setUiType(a.getTag().visualElementID_);
null != a.getTag().getIndex() && b.setElementIndex(a.getTag().getIndex());
mr(a.getTag(), b);
this.enableAttentionLogging_ && lr(a.getTag(), "hover") && (a = new ns,
lg(a, 1, !0),
Yg(b, upa, a));
return b
function rs(a) {
var b = new Sr;
if (a.serverVed_)
else {
var c = new sr;
gg(b, pr, 3, Ur, a.impressionEventID);
tr(c, a.getTag().visualElementID_);
gg(b, sr, 2, Tr, c)
return b
g.setTimestamp = function(a) {
if (a instanceof es && (!J(a, Qr, 15) || !J(a, Qr, 15).getExtension(ms))) {
var b = new ks
, c = new js
, d = J(a, Qr, 15);
d || (d = new Qr);
Yg(d, ms, b);
fg(a, Qr, 15, d)
a instanceof Pr && (b = new ks,
c = new js,
Yg(a, spa, b))
function qs(a, b, c) {
if (a.debugCallback_) {
var d = new npa(b,c);
a.generateConsoleOutput_(b, c)
function vpa(a) {
return a + ":" + JSON.stringify(null, null, 1).replace(/"/g, "")
;function zpa() {}
zpa.prototype.send = function(a, b, c) {
b = void 0 === b ? function() {}
: b;
c = void 0 === c ? function() {}
: c;
kp(a.url, function(d) {
d =;
d.isSuccess() ? b(np(d)) : c(d.getStatus())
}, a.requestType, a.body, a.requestHeaders, a.timeoutMillis, a.withCredentials)
function ss(a, b, c, d, e, f, h) {, {
logSource: a,
getAuthHeaderValue: wm,
sessionIndex: b,
urlOverride: c,
isServiceWorkerScope: d,
disableAutomaticFlush: e,
pageId: f,
backgroundJobDeferrer: h,
network: new zpa
v(ss, Hq);
function ts(a, b, c, d, e, f, h, k, l, m, n, p) {
e = void 0 === e ? !1 : e;
l = void 0 === l ? !1 : l;
b = k ? k : new ss(b,c,d,void 0,void 0,void 0,f);, a, h || null, b, {
expectXidTagComponents: e,
backgroundJobDeferrer: f,
traverseShadowDom: l
}, m, n, p);
this.clearcut_ = b;
a = this.clearcut_;
a.useSendBeaconForFinalFlush = a.isSendBeaconSupported;
this.clearcut_.useGetRequestForFinalFlush = !0
bb(ts, Nr);
ts.prototype.setClearcutClientInfo = function(a) {
ts.prototype.setBuildLabel = function(a) {
ts.prototype.setClientSideLogOnlyForDevelopment = function(a) {
function Apa(a, b, c) {
this.requestMessage_ = a;
this.methodDescriptor_ = b;
this.metadata_ = c
Apa.prototype.getMetadata = function() {
return this.metadata_
function us(a, b, c) {
c = void 0 === c ? {} : c;
this.responseMessage_ = a;
this.metadata_ = c;
this.methodDescriptor_ = b;
this.status_ = null
us.prototype.getMetadata = function() {
return this.metadata_
us.prototype.getStatus = function() {
return this.status_
function vs(a, b, c, d, e) { = a;
this.requestType = b;
this.responseType = c;
this.requestSerializeFn = d;
this.responseDeserializeFn = e
vs.prototype.createRequest = function(a, b) {
b = void 0 === b ? {} : b;
return new Apa(a,this,b)
vs.prototype.getName = function() {
vs.prototype.getName = vs.prototype.getName;
function Bpa(a) {
switch (a) {
case 200:
return 0;
case 400:
return 3;
case 401:
return 16;
case 403:
return 7;
case 404:
return 5;
case 409:
return 10;
case 412:
return 9;
case 429:
return 8;
case 499:
return 1;
case 500:
return 2;
case 501:
return 12;
case 503:
return 14;
case 504:
return 4;
return 2
function Cpa(a) {
switch (a) {
case 0:
return "OK";
case 1:
return "CANCELLED";
case 2:
return "UNKNOWN";
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
return "NOT_FOUND";
case 6:
case 7:
case 16:
case 8:
case 9:
case 10:
return "ABORTED";
case 11:
return "OUT_OF_RANGE";
case 12:
case 13:
return "INTERNAL";
case 14:
case 15:
return "DATA_LOSS";
return ""
;function ws(a, b, c) {
c = void 0 === c ? {} : c;
b =, b);
this.message = b.message;
"stack"in b && (this.stack = b.stack);
this.code = a;
this.metadata = c
v(ws, Error);
ws.prototype.toString = function() {
var a = "RpcError(" + (Cpa(this.code) || String(this.code)) + ")";
this.message && (a += ": " + this.message);
return a
; = "RpcError";
var Dpa = Promise;
function xs(a, b, c) {
this.isBinary_ = c;
this.xhrNodeReadableStream_ = a.nodeReadableStream;
this.grpcResponseDeserializeFn_ = b;
this.xhr_ = a.xhr;
this.onDataCallbacks_ = [];
this.onMetadataCallbacks_ = [];
this.onStatusCallbacks_ = [];
this.onEndCallbacks_ = [];
this.onErrorCallbacks_ = [];
this.xhrNodeReadableStream_ && Epa(this)
function Fpa(a, b) {
Kh(a.xhr_, "complete", function() {
if (a.xhr_.isSuccess()) {
if (a.isBinary_)
if (b && "base64" == a.xhr_.getResponseHeader("X-Goog-Safety-Encoding")) {
var c = new Uint8Array(a.xhr_.getResponse());
for (var d = "", e = 0; e < c.length; e++)
d += String.fromCharCode(c[e]);
c = d
} else
c = a.xhr_.getResponse();
else if (c = np(a.xhr_),
b && "text/plain" === a.xhr_.getResponseHeader("Content-Type")) {
if (!atob)
throw Error("Cannot decode Base64 response");
c = atob(c)
try {
var f = a.grpcResponseDeserializeFn_(c)
} catch (h) {
ys(a, new ws(13,"Error when deserializing response data; error: " + h + (", response: " + c)));
c = Bpa(a.xhr_.getStatus());
zs(a, As(a));
0 == c ? Gpa(a, f) : ys(a, new ws(c,"Xhr succeeded but the status code is not 200"))
} else
a.isBinary_ ? (f = a.xhr_.getResponse()) && (c = new Uint8Array(f)) : c = np(a.xhr_),
d = {},
c ? (d = Hpa(a, c),
f = d.code,
c = d.details,
d = d.metadata) : (f = 2,
c = "Rpc failed due to xhr error. error code: " + a.xhr_.lastErrorCode_ + ", error: " + a.xhr_.getLastError()),
zs(a, As(a)),
ys(a, new ws(f,c,d))
function Epa(a) {
a.xhrNodeReadableStream_.on("data", function(b) {
if ("1"in b) {
var c = b["1"];
try {
var d = a.grpcResponseDeserializeFn_(c)
} catch (e) {
ys(a, new ws(13,"Error when deserializing response data; error: " + e + (", response: " + c)))
d && Gpa(a, d)
if ("2"in b)
for (b = Hpa(a, b["2"]),
c = 0; c < a.onStatusCallbacks_.length; c++)
a.xhrNodeReadableStream_.on("end", function() {
zs(a, As(a));
for (var b = 0; b < a.onEndCallbacks_.length; b++)
a.xhrNodeReadableStream_.on("error", function() {
if (0 != a.onErrorCallbacks_.length) {
var b = a.xhr_.lastErrorCode_;
0 !== b || a.xhr_.isSuccess() || (b = 6);
var c = -1;
switch (b) {
case 0:
var d = 2;
case 7:
d = 10;
case 8:
d = 4;
case 6:
c = a.xhr_.getStatus();
d = Bpa(c);
d = 14
zs(a, As(a));
b = nma(b) + ", error: " + a.xhr_.getLastError();
-1 != c && (b += ", http status code: " + c);
ys(a, new ws(d,b))
function As(a) {
var b = {}
, c = yma(a.xhr_);
Object.keys(c).forEach(function(d) {
b[d] = c[d]
return b
function Hpa(a, b) {
var c = 2
, d = {};
try {
var e = a.isBinary_ ? aia(b) : $ha(b);
c = e.getCode();
var f = e.getMessage();
eg(e, zj, 3).length && (d["grpc-web-status-details-bin"] = b)
} catch (h) {
a.xhr_ && 404 === a.xhr_.getStatus() ? (c = 5,
f = "Not Found: " + String(a.xhr_.lastUri_)) : (c = 14,
f = "Unable to parse RpcStatus: " + h)
return {
code: c,
details: f,
metadata: d
xs.prototype.on = function(a, b) {
"data" == a ? this.onDataCallbacks_.push(b) : "metadata" == a ? this.onMetadataCallbacks_.push(b) : "status" == a ? this.onStatusCallbacks_.push(b) : "end" == a ? this.onEndCallbacks_.push(b) : "error" == a && this.onErrorCallbacks_.push(b);
return this
function Bs(a, b) {
b = a.indexOf(b);
-1 < b && a.splice(b, 1)
xs.prototype.removeListener = function(a, b) {
"data" == a ? Bs(this.onDataCallbacks_, b) : "metadata" == a ? Bs(this.onMetadataCallbacks_, b) : "status" == a ? Bs(this.onStatusCallbacks_, b) : "end" == a ? Bs(this.onEndCallbacks_, b) : "error" == a && Bs(this.onErrorCallbacks_, b);
return this
xs.prototype.cancel = function() {
function Gpa(a, b) {
for (var c = 0; c < a.onDataCallbacks_.length; c++)
function zs(a, b) {
for (var c = 0; c < a.onMetadataCallbacks_.length; c++)
function ys(a, b) {
for (var c = 0; c < a.onErrorCallbacks_.length; c++)
xs.prototype.cancel = xs.prototype.cancel;
xs.prototype.removeListener = xs.prototype.removeListener;
xs.prototype.on = xs.prototype.on;
function Cs(a) {
this.worker_ = a.worker || null;
this.streamBinaryChunks_ = a.streamBinaryChunks || !1;
this.cacheMode_ = this.credentialsMode_ = void 0
bb(Cs, gp);
Cs.prototype.createInstance = function() {
var a = new Ds(this.worker_,this.streamBinaryChunks_);
this.credentialsMode_ && a.setCredentialsMode(this.credentialsMode_);
this.cacheMode_ && a.setCacheMode(this.cacheMode_);
return a
Cs.prototype.internalGetOptions = function(a) {
return function() {
return a
Cs.prototype.setCredentialsMode = function(a) {
this.credentialsMode_ = a
Cs.prototype.setCacheMode = function(a) {
this.cacheMode_ = a
function Ds(a, b) {;
this.worker_ = a;
this.streamBinaryChunks_ = b;
this.cacheMode_ = this.credentialsMode_ = void 0;
this.status = this.readyState = 0;
this.responseType = this.responseText = this.response = this.statusText = "";
this.onreadystatechange = this.responseXML = null;
this.requestHeaders_ = new Headers;
this.responseHeaders_ = null;
this.method_ = "GET";
this.url_ = "";
this.inProgress_ = !1;
this.textDecoder_ = this.currentReader_ = this.fetchResponse_ = null
bb(Ds, Rh);
g = Ds.prototype; = function(a, b) {
if (0 != this.readyState)
throw this.abort(),
Error("Error reopening a connection");
this.method_ = a;
this.url_ = b;
this.readyState = 1;
g.send = function(a) {
if (1 != this.readyState)
throw this.abort(),
Error("need to call open() first. ");
this.inProgress_ = !0;
var b = {
headers: this.requestHeaders_,
method: this.method_,
credentials: this.credentialsMode_,
cache: this.cacheMode_
a && (b.body = a);
(this.worker_ || Na).fetch(new Request(this.url_,b)).then(this.handleResponse_.bind(this), this.handleSendFailure_.bind(this))
g.abort = function() {
this.response = this.responseText = "";
this.requestHeaders_ = new Headers;
this.status = 0;
this.currentReader_ && this.currentReader_.cancel("Request was aborted.").catch(function() {});
1 <= this.readyState && this.inProgress_ && 4 != this.readyState && (this.inProgress_ = !1,
this.readyState = 0
g.handleResponse_ = function(a) {
if (this.inProgress_ && (this.fetchResponse_ = a,
this.responseHeaders_ || (this.status = this.fetchResponse_.status,
this.statusText = this.fetchResponse_.statusText,
this.responseHeaders_ = a.headers,
this.readyState = 2,
this.inProgress_ && (this.readyState = 3,
if ("arraybuffer" === this.responseType)
a.arrayBuffer().then(this.handleResponseArrayBuffer_.bind(this), this.handleSendFailure_.bind(this));
else if ("undefined" !== typeof Na.ReadableStream && "body"in a) {
this.currentReader_ = a.body.getReader();
if (this.streamBinaryChunks_) {
if (this.responseType)
throw Error('responseType must be empty for "streamBinaryChunks" mode responses.');
this.response = []
} else
this.response = this.responseText = "",
this.textDecoder_ = new TextDecoder;
} else
a.text().then(this.handleResponseText_.bind(this), this.handleSendFailure_.bind(this))
function Ipa(a) {
g.handleDataFromStream_ = function(a) {
if (this.inProgress_) {
if (this.streamBinaryChunks_ && a.value)
else if (!this.streamBinaryChunks_) {
var b = a.value ? a.value : new Uint8Array(0);
if (b = this.textDecoder_.decode(b, {
stream: !a.done
this.response = this.responseText += b
a.done ? Fs(this) : Es(this);
3 == this.readyState && Ipa(this)
g.handleResponseText_ = function(a) {
this.inProgress_ && (this.response = this.responseText = a,
g.handleResponseArrayBuffer_ = function(a) {
this.inProgress_ && (this.response = a,
g.handleSendFailure_ = function() {
this.inProgress_ && Fs(this)
function Fs(a) {
a.readyState = 4;
a.fetchResponse_ = null;
a.currentReader_ = null;
a.textDecoder_ = null;
g.setRequestHeader = function(a, b) {
this.requestHeaders_.append(a, b)
g.getResponseHeader = function(a) {
return this.responseHeaders_ ? this.responseHeaders_.get(a.toLowerCase()) || "" : ""
g.getAllResponseHeaders = function() {
if (!this.responseHeaders_)
return "";
for (var a = [], b = this.responseHeaders_.entries(), c =; !c.done; )
c = c.value,
a.push(c[0] + ": " + c[1]),
c =;
return a.join("\r\n")
g.setCredentialsMode = function(a) {
this.credentialsMode_ = a
g.setCacheMode = function(a) {
this.cacheMode_ = a
function Es(a) {
a.onreadystatechange &&
Object.defineProperty(Ds.prototype, "withCredentials", {
get: function() {
return "include" === this.credentialsMode_
set: function(a) {
this.setCredentialsMode(a ? "include" : "same-origin")
function Jpa(a) {
var b = "";
Ob(a, function(c, d) {
b += d;
b += ":";
b += c;
b += "\r\n"
return b
function Gs(a, b, c) {
if (Tb(c))
return a;
c = Jpa(c);
if ("string" === typeof a)
return dk(a, vd(b), c);
ok(a, b, c);
return a
;function Kpa(a) {
a = void 0 === a ? {} : a;
this.hasBinaryResponse_ = !1;
this.suppressCorsPreflight_ = a.suppressCorsPreflight || Pa("suppressCorsPreflight", a) || !1;
this.withCredentials_ = a.withCredentials || Pa("withCredentials", a) || !1;
this.unaryInterceptors_ = a.unaryInterceptors || [];
this.workerScope_ = a.workerScope;
this.chunkedServerStreaming_ = a.useFetchDownloadStreams || !1
function Lpa(a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = b.substr(0, b.length -;
return Mpa(function(h) {
return new Dpa(function(k, l) {
var m = {}
, n = Npa(a, h, f);
n.on("error", function(p) {
return l(p)
n.on("metadata", function(p) {
m = p
n.on("data", function(p) {
var q = m;
q = void 0 === q ? {} : q;
k(new us(p,h.methodDescriptor_,q))
}, a.unaryInterceptors_).call(a, e.createRequest(c, d)).then(function(h) {
return h.responseMessage_
function Hs(a, b, c, d, e) {
return Lpa(a, b, c, d, e)
function Npa(a, b, c) {
var d = b.methodDescriptor_
, e = b.getMetadata();
var f = a.chunkedServerStreaming_ && !1;
f = a.workerScope_ || f ? new jp(new Cs({
worker: a.workerScope_,
streamBinaryChunks: f
})) : new jp;
c += d.getName();
e["Content-Type"] = a.hasBinaryResponse_ ? "application/x-protobuf" : "application/json+protobuf";
e["X-User-Agent"] = "grpc-web-javascript/0.1";
var h = "Authorization"in e ? (h = e.Authorization) ? !!{
}[h.split(" ")[0]] : !1 : !1;
if (h || a.withCredentials_)
f.withCredentials_ = !0;
if (a.suppressCorsPreflight_)
c = Gs(c, "$httpHeaders", e);
for (k in e)
f.headers.set(k, e[k]);
var k = c;
c = new xs({
xhr: f,
nodeReadableStream: void 0
Fpa(c, "base64" == e["X-Goog-Encode-Response-If-Executable"]);
b = d.requestSerializeFn(b.requestMessage_);
a.hasBinaryResponse_ && (f.responseType_ = "arraybuffer");
f.send(k, "POST", b);
return c
function Mpa(a, b) {
var c = a;
b.forEach(function(d) {
var e = c;
c = function(f) {
return d.intercept(f, e)
return c
;function Is(a, b) {
this.name_ = b || "";
this.address = a || ""
var Opa = /"/g
, Ppa = /\\"/g
, Qpa = /\\/g
, Rpa = /\\\\/g
, Spa = RegExp("^[+a-zA-Z0-9_.!#$%&'*\\/=?^`{|}~-]+@([a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9]{2,63}$")
, Tpa = new RegExp("[" + Rb({
LRE: "\u202a",
RLE: "\u202b",
PDF: "\u202c",
LRM: "\u200e",
RLM: "\u200f"
}).join("") + "]","g");
Is.prototype.getName = function() {
return this.name_
Is.prototype.setName = function(a) {
this.name_ = a
Is.prototype.toString = function() {
return Upa(this, '()<>@:\\".[],;')
function Upa(a, b) {
var c = a.getName();
c = c.replace(Opa, "");
a: {
for (var d = c, e = 0; e < b.length; e++)
if (mc(d, b[e])) {
b = !0;
break a
b = !1
b && (c = '"' + c.replace(Qpa, "\\\\") + '"');
return "" == c ? a.address : "" == a.address ? c : c + " <" + a.address + ">"
Is.prototype.isValid = function() {
return Spa.test(this.address)
function Vpa(a) {
var b = Js;
a = a.replace(Tpa, "");
for (var c = "", d = "", e = 0; e < a.length; ) {
var f = a;
var h = e
, k = f.charAt(h)
, l = '"<(['.indexOf(k);
if (-1 == l || Wpa(f, h))
f = k;
else {
l = '">)]'.charAt(l);
for (var m = f.indexOf(l, h + 1); 0 <= m && Wpa(f, m); )
m = f.indexOf(l, m + 1);
f = 0 <= m ? f.substring(h, m + 1) : k
"<" == f.charAt(0) && -1 != f.indexOf(">") ? (d = f.indexOf(">"),
d = f.substring(1, d)) : "" == d && (c += f);
e += f.length
"" == d && -1 != c.indexOf("@") && (d = c,
c = "");
c = Jca(c);
c = yd(c, "'");
c = yd(c, '"');
c = c.replace(Ppa, '"');
c = c.replace(Rpa, "\\");
d = Jca(d);
return new b(d,c)
function Wpa(a, b) {
if ('"' != a.charAt(b))
return !1;
var c = 0;
for (--b; 0 <= b && "\\" == a.charAt(b); b--)
return 0 != c % 2
;function Js(a, b) {, a, b)
bb(Js, Is);
var Xpa = RegExp("^((?!\\s)[+a-zA-Z0-9_.!#$%&'*\\/=?^`{|}~\u0080-\uffffFF-])+@((?!\\s)[a-zA-Z0-9\u0080-\u3001\u3003-\uff0d\uff0f-\uff60\uff62-\uffffFF-]+[\\.\\uFF0E\\u3002\\uFF61])+(?!\\s)[a-zA-Z0-9\u0080-\u3001\u3003-\uff0d\uff0f-\uff60\uff62-\uffffFF-]{2,63}$");
Js.prototype.isValid = function() {
return Ks(this.address)
function Ks(a) {
return null == a ? !1 : Xpa.test(a)
Js.prototype.toString = function() {
return Upa(this, '()<>@:\\".[],;\u055d\u060c\u1363\u1802\u1808\u2e41\u3001\uff0c\u061b\u1364\uff1b\uff64\u104a')
var Ls = /[^a-z0-9]+/ig
, Ypa = [9, 11, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19]
, Zpa = [9, 19, 11]
, $pa = [1, 6]
, aqa = [2, 7]
, bqa = [3, 8]
, Ms = [1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19]
, cqa = [3, 4, 5, 17, 20];
function Ns(a) {
var b;
return null != (b = null == a ? void 0 : a.trim()) ? b : ""
function Os(a, b, c) {
this.type_ = a;
this.value_ = Ns(b);
this.originalValue_ = Ns(void 0 === c ? b : c)
g = Os.prototype;
g.getType = function() {
return this.type_
g.getValue = function() {
return this.value_
g.getOriginalValue = function() {
return this.originalValue_
function Ps(a) {
return Ypa.includes(a.getType())
function Qs(a) {
return Zpa.includes(a.getType())
function Rs(a, b) {
switch (a) {
case 1:
return Ss(b);
case 6:
return new Os(6,Ns(b).toLowerCase(),b);
case 2:
return Ts(b);
case 7:
return dqa(b);
case 3:
return Us(b);
case 8:
return new Os(8,Ns(b).toLowerCase(),b);
case 5:
return new Os(5,Ns(b).toLowerCase(),b);
case 4:
return new Os(4,Ns(b).toLowerCase(),b);
case 9:
return eqa(b);
case 12:
return new Os(12,Ns(b),b);
case 13:
return new Os(13,Ns(b),b);
case 14:
return new Os(14,Ns(b),b);
case 15:
return new Os(15,Ns(b),b);
case 16:
return new Os(16,Ns(b),b);
case 10:
return new Os(10,Ns(b),b);
case 11:
return new Os(11,Ns(b),b);
case 18:
return Vs(b);
case 19:
return new Os(19,Ns(b),b);
case 20:
return new Os(20,Ns(b),b);
case 17:
return Ws;
return new Os(0,b)
function Ss(a) {
return new Os(1,Ns(a).toLowerCase(),a)
function Ts(a) {
var b = Ns(a).toLowerCase().replace(Ls, "");
return new Os(2,b,a)
function Us(a) {
var b = Ns(a).toLowerCase();
return "me" === b ? Ws : new Os(3,b,a)
function dqa(a) {
var b = Ns(a).toLowerCase().replace(Ls, "");
return new Os(7,b,a)
function eqa(a) {
return new Os(9,Ns(a).toLowerCase(),a)
function Vs(a) {
return new Os(18,Ns(a),a)
function Xs(a) {
var b = a.indexOf(":");
return Rs(0 < b ? parseInt(a.substring(0, b), 10) : 0, a.substring(b + 1))
g.toString = function() {
return this.getType() + ":" + this.getValue()
g.equals = function(a) {
return a ? this === a ? !0 : this.getType() === a.getType() && this.getValue() === a.getValue() : !1
function fqa(a) {
switch (a.getType()) {
case 1:
case 6:
return Ks(a.getValue().trim());
case 2:
case 7:
return a = a.getValue().replace(Ls, ""),
3 <= a.length && "0" <= a[0] && "9" >= a[0];
case 3:
case 8:
return !!a.getValue().trim();
return !0
var Ys = Rs(0, "")
, Ws = new Os(17,"me");
var gqa = {
ERAS: ["BC", "AD"],
ERANAMES: ["Before Christ", "Anno Domini"],
MONTHS: "January February March April May June July August September October November December".split(" "),
STANDALONEMONTHS: "January February March April May June July August September October November December".split(" "),
SHORTMONTHS: "Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec".split(" "),
STANDALONESHORTMONTHS: "Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec".split(" "),
WEEKDAYS: "Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday".split(" "),
STANDALONEWEEKDAYS: "Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday".split(" "),
SHORTWEEKDAYS: "Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat".split(" "),
STANDALONESHORTWEEKDAYS: "Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat".split(" "),
SHORTQUARTERS: ["Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4"],
QUARTERS: ["1st quarter", "2nd quarter", "3rd quarter", "4th quarter"],
AMPMS: ["AM", "PM"],
DATEFORMATS: ["EEEE, MMMM d, y", "MMMM d, y", "MMM d, y", "M/d/yy"],
TIMEFORMATS: ["h:mm:ss\u202fa zzzz", "h:mm:ss\u202fa z", "h:mm:ss\u202fa", "h:mm\u202fa"],
DATETIMEFORMATS: ["{1} 'at' {0}", "{1} 'at' {0}", "{1}, {0}", "{1}, {0}"],
, Zs = gqa;
Zs = gqa;
var hqa = RegExp("^((?:[-+]\\d*)?\\d{4})(?:(?:-?(\\d{2})(?:-?(\\d{2}))?)|(?:-?(\\d{3}))|(?:-?W(\\d{2})(?:-?([1-7]))?))?$")
, iqa = /^(\d{2})(?::?(\d{2})(?::?(\d{2})(\.\d+)?)?)?$/
, jqa = /Z|(?:([-+])(\d{2})(?::?(\d{2}))?)$/;
function kqa(a, b, c, d, e) {
a = new Date(a,b,c);
e = e || 0;
return a.valueOf() + 864E5 * (((void 0 !== d ? d : 3) - e + 7) % 7 - ((a.getDay() + 6) % 7 - e + 7) % 7)
function lqa(a, b) {
b = kc(b);
var c = -1 == b.indexOf("T") ? " " : "T";
b = b.split(c);
var d = b[0].match(hqa);
if (d) {
var e = Number(d[2])
, f = Number(d[3])
, h = Number(d[4]);
c = Number(d[5]);
var k = Number(d[6]) || 1;
h ? (a.setDate(1),
a.add(new $s("d",h - 1))) : c ? (a.setMonth(0),
d = a.getDay() || 7,
a.add(new $s("d",(4 >= d ? 1 - d : 8 - d) + (Number(k) + 7 * (Number(c) - 1)) - 1))) : (e && (a.setDate(1),
a.setMonth(e - 1)),
f && a.setDate(f));
c = !0
} else
c = !1;
if (c && !(c = 2 > b.length)) {
c = b[1];
b = c.match(jqa);
if (b)
if (c = c.substring(0, c.length - b[0].length),
"Z" === b[0])
var l = 0;
l = 60 * Number(b[2]) + Number(b[3]),
l *= "-" == b[1] ? 1 : -1;
if (h = c.match(iqa)) {
if (b) {
b = a.getYear();
c = a.getMonth();
k = a.getDate();
d = Number(h[1]);
e = Number(h[2]) || 0;
f = Number(h[3]) || 0;
var m = h[4] ? 1E3 * Number(h[4]) : 0;
(h = 0 <= b && 100 > b) && (b += 400);
b = Date.UTC(b, c, k, d, e, f, m);
h && (b -= 126227808E5);
a.setTime(b + 6E4 * l)
} else
a.setMinutes(Number(h[2]) || 0),
a.setSeconds(Number(h[3]) || 0),
a.setMilliseconds(h[4] ? 1E3 * Number(h[4]) : 0);
c = !0
} else
c = !1
return c
function mqa(a) {
var b = 0 > a ? "-" : 1E4 <= a ? "+" : "";
return b + Fd(Math.abs(a), b ? 6 : 4)
function $s(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
"string" === typeof a ? (this.years = "y" == a ? b : 0,
this.months = "m" == a ? b : 0,
this.days = "d" == a ? b : 0,
this.hours = "h" == a ? b : 0,
this.minutes = "n" == a ? b : 0,
this.seconds = "s" == a ? b : 0) : (this.years = a || 0,
this.months = b || 0,
this.days = c || 0,
this.hours = d || 0,
this.minutes = e || 0,
this.seconds = f || 0)
g = $s.prototype;
g.toIsoString = function(a) {
var b = Math.min(this.years, this.months, this.days, this.hours, this.minutes, this.seconds)
, c = Math.max(this.years, this.months, this.days, this.hours, this.minutes, this.seconds);
if (0 > b && 0 < c)
return null;
if (!a && 0 == b && 0 == c)
return "PT0S";
c = [];
0 > b && c.push("-");
(this.years || a) && c.push(Math.abs(this.years) + "Y");
(this.months || a) && c.push(Math.abs(this.months) + "M");
(this.days || a) && c.push(Math.abs(this.days) + "D");
if (this.hours || this.minutes || this.seconds || a)
(this.hours || a) && c.push(Math.abs(this.hours) + "H"),
(this.minutes || a) && c.push(Math.abs(this.minutes) + "M"),
(this.seconds || a) && c.push(Math.abs(this.seconds) + "S");
return c.join("")
g.equals = function(a) {
return a.years == this.years && a.months == this.months && a.days == this.days && a.hours == this.hours && a.minutes == this.minutes && a.seconds == this.seconds
g.clone = function() {
return new $s(this.years,this.months,this.days,this.hours,this.minutes,this.seconds)
g.times = function(a) {
return new $s(this.years * a,this.months * a,this.days * a,this.hours * a,this.minutes * a,this.seconds * a)
g.add = function(a) {
this.years += a.years;
this.months += a.months;
this.days += a.days;
this.hours += a.hours;
this.minutes += a.minutes;
this.seconds += a.seconds
function at(a, b, c) {
"number" === typeof a ? ( = nqa(a, b || 0, c || 1),
bt(this, c || 1)) : Ta(a) ? ( = nqa(a.getFullYear(), a.getMonth(), a.getDate()),
bt(this, a.getDate())) : ( = new Date($a()),
a =,,,,,
bt(this, a))
function nqa(a, b, c) {
b = new Date(a,b,c);
0 <= a && 100 > a && b.setFullYear(b.getFullYear() - 1900);
return b
g = at.prototype;
g.firstDayOfWeek_ = Zs.FIRSTDAYOFWEEK;
g.firstWeekCutOffDay_ = Zs.FIRSTWEEKCUTOFFDAY;
g.clone = function() {
var a = new at(;
a.firstDayOfWeek_ = this.firstDayOfWeek_;
a.firstWeekCutOffDay_ = this.firstWeekCutOffDay_;
return a
g.getFullYear = function() {
g.getYear = function() {
return this.getFullYear()
g.getMonth = function() {
g.getDate = function() {
g.getTime = function() {
g.getDay = function() {
g.getUTCFullYear = function() {
g.getUTCMonth = function() {
g.getUTCDate = function() {
g.getUTCDay = function() {
g.getUTCHours = function() {
g.getUTCMinutes = function() {
g.getTimezoneOffset = function() {
function ct(a) {
a = a.getTimezoneOffset();
if (0 == a)
a = "Z";
else {
var b = Math.abs(a) / 60
, c = Math.floor(b);
b = 60 * (b - c);
a = (0 < a ? "-" : "+") + Fd(c, 2) + ":" + Fd(b, 2)
return a
g.set = function(a) { = new Date(a.getFullYear(),a.getMonth(),a.getDate())
g.setFullYear = function(a) {
g.setYear = function(a) {
g.setMonth = function(a) {
g.setDate = function(a) {
g.setTime = function(a) {
g.setUTCFullYear = function(a) {
g.setUTCMonth = function(a) {
g.setUTCDate = function(a) {
g.add = function(a) {
if (a.years || a.months) {
var b = this.getMonth() + a.months + 12 * a.years
, c = this.getYear() + Math.floor(b / 12);
b %= 12;
0 > b && (b += 12);
a: {
switch (b) {
case 1:
var d = 0 != c % 4 || 0 == c % 100 && 0 != c % 400 ? 28 : 29;
break a;
case 5:
case 8:
case 10:
case 3:
d = 30;
break a
d = 31
d = Math.min(d, this.getDate());
a.days && (c = this.getYear(),
b = 0 <= c && 99 >= c ? -1900 : 0,
a = new Date((new Date(c,this.getMonth(),this.getDate(),12)).getTime() + 864E5 * a.days),
this.setFullYear(a.getFullYear() + b),
bt(this, a.getDate()))
g.toIsoString = function(a, b) {
return [mqa(this.getFullYear()), Fd(this.getMonth() + 1, 2), Fd(this.getDate(), 2)].join(a ? "-" : "") + (b ? ct(this) : "")
g.toUTCIsoString = function(a) {
return [mqa(this.getUTCFullYear()), Fd(this.getUTCMonth() + 1, 2), Fd(this.getUTCDate(), 2)].join(a ? "-" : "") + ""
g.equals = function(a) {
return !(!a || this.getYear() != a.getYear() || this.getMonth() != a.getMonth() || this.getDate() != a.getDate())
g.toString = function() {
return this.toIsoString()
function bt(a, b) {
a.getDate() != b && + (a.getDate() < b ? 1 : -1))
g.valueOf = function() {
function dt(a, b, c, d, e, f, h) { = "number" === typeof a ? new Date(a,b || 0,c || 1,d || 0,e || 0,f || 0,h || 0) : new Date(a && a.getTime ? a.getTime() : $a())
bb(dt, at);
function et(a) {
var b = new dt;
return b
g = dt.prototype;
g.getHours = function() {
g.getMinutes = function() {
g.getSeconds = function() {
g.getMilliseconds = function() {
g.getUTCDay = function() {
g.getUTCHours = function() {
g.getUTCMinutes = function() {
g.getUTCSeconds = function() {
g.getUTCMilliseconds = function() {
g.setHours = function(a) {
g.setMinutes = function(a) {
g.setSeconds = function(a) {
g.setMilliseconds = function(a) {
g.setUTCHours = function(a) {
g.setUTCMinutes = function(a) {
g.setUTCSeconds = function(a) {
g.setUTCMilliseconds = function(a) {
g.add = function(a) {, a);
a.hours && this.setUTCHours( + a.hours);
a.minutes && this.setUTCMinutes( + a.minutes);
a.seconds && this.setUTCSeconds( + a.seconds)
g.toIsoString = function(a, b) {
var c =, a);
return a ? c + "T" + Fd(this.getHours(), 2) + ":" + Fd(this.getMinutes(), 2) + ":" + Fd(this.getSeconds(), 2) + (b ? ct(this) : "") : c + "T" + Fd(this.getHours(), 2) + Fd(this.getMinutes(), 2) + Fd(this.getSeconds(), 2) + (b ? ct(this) : "")
g.toUTCIsoString = function(a) {
var b =, a);
return a ? b + "T" + Fd(this.getUTCHours(), 2) + ":" + Fd(this.getUTCMinutes(), 2) + ":" + Fd(this.getUTCSeconds(), 2) : b + "T" + Fd(this.getUTCHours(), 2) + Fd(this.getUTCMinutes(), 2) + Fd(this.getUTCSeconds(), 2)
function ft(a) {
var b = a.toUTCIsoString(!0);
a = a.getUTCMilliseconds();
return (a ? b + "." + Fd(a, 3) : b) + "Z"
g.equals = function(a) {
return this.getTime() == a.getTime()
g.toString = function() {
return this.toIsoString()
g.clone = function() {
var a = new dt(;
a.firstDayOfWeek_ = this.firstDayOfWeek_;
a.firstWeekCutOffDay_ = this.firstWeekCutOffDay_;
return a
function gt(a) {
var b = new dt(2E3);
return lqa(b, a) ? b : null
;function ht() {}
function jt(a) {
if ("number" == typeof a) {
var b = new ht;
b.standardOffset_ = a;
var c = a;
if (0 == c)
c = "Etc/GMT";
else {
var d = ["Etc/GMT", 0 > c ? "-" : "+"];
c = Math.abs(c);
d.push(Math.floor(c / 60) % 100);
c %= 60;
0 != c && d.push(":", Fd(c, 2));
c = d.join("")
b.timeZoneId_ = c;
c = a;
0 == c ? c = "UTC" : (d = ["UTC", 0 > c ? "+" : "-"],
c = Math.abs(c),
d.push(Math.floor(c / 60) % 100),
c %= 60,
0 != c && d.push(":", c),
c = d.join(""));
a = oqa(a);
b.tzNames_ = [c, c];
b.tzNamesExt_ = {
b.transitions_ = [];
return b
b = new ht;
b.timeZoneId_ =;
b.standardOffset_ = -a.std_offset;
b.tzNames_ = a.names;
b.tzNamesExt_ = a.names_ext;
b.transitions_ = a.transitions;
return b
function oqa(a) {
var b = ["GMT"];
b.push(0 >= a ? "+" : "-");
a = Math.abs(a);
b.push(Fd(Math.floor(a / 60) % 100, 2), ":", Fd(a % 60, 2));
return b.join("")
function lt(a, b) {
b = Date.UTC(b.getUTCFullYear(), b.getUTCMonth(), b.getUTCDate(), b.getUTCHours(), b.getUTCMinutes()) / 36E5;
for (var c = 0; c < a.transitions_.length && b >= a.transitions_[c]; )
c += 2;
return 0 == c ? 0 : a.transitions_[c - 1]
ht.prototype.getLongName = function(a) {
return this.tzNames_[0 < lt(this, a) ? 3 : 1]
ht.prototype.getOffset = function(a) {
a = this.standardOffset_ - lt(this, a);
return -1440 === a ? 0 : a
function mt(a, b) {
return a.tzNames_[0 < lt(a, b) ? 2 : 0]
;function nt(a) {
this.patternParts_ = [];
this.dateTimeSymbols_ = Zs;
"number" == typeof a ? this.applyStandardPattern_(a) : this.applyPattern_(a)
var pqa = [/^'(?:[^']|'')*('|$)/, /^(?:G+|y+|Y+|M+|k+|S+|E+|a+|b+|B+|h+|K+|H+|c+|L+|Q+|d+|m+|s+|v+|V+|w+|z+|Z+)/, /^[^'GyYMkSEabBhKHcLQdmsvVwzZ]+/];
function ot(a) {
return a.getHours ? a.getHours() : 0
nt.prototype.applyPattern_ = function(a) {
for (qqa && (a = a.replace(/\u200f/g, "")); a; ) {
for (var b = a, c = 0; c < pqa.length; ++c) {
var d = a.match(pqa[c]);
if (d) {
var e = d[0];
a = a.substring(e.length);
0 == c && ("''" == e ? e = "'" : (e = e.substring(1, "'" == d[1] ? e.length - 1 : e.length),
e = e.replace(/''/g, "'")));
text: e,
type: c
if (b === a)
throw Error("Malformed pattern part: " + a);
nt.prototype.format = function(a, b) {
if (!a)
throw Error("The date to format must be non-null.");
var c = b ? 6E4 * (a.getTimezoneOffset() - b.getOffset(a)) : 0
, d = c ? new Date(a.getTime() + c) : a
, e = d;
b && d.getTimezoneOffset() != a.getTimezoneOffset() && (d = new Date(d.getTime() + 6E4 * (d.getTimezoneOffset() - a.getTimezoneOffset())),
e = new Date(a.getTime() + (c + (0 < c ? -864E5 : 864E5))));
c = [];
for (var f = 0; f < this.patternParts_.length; ++f) {
var h = this.patternParts_[f].text;
1 == this.patternParts_[f].type ? c.push(rqa(this, h, a, d, e, b)) : c.push(h)
return c.join("")
nt.prototype.applyStandardPattern_ = function(a) {
if (4 > a)
var b = this.dateTimeSymbols_.DATEFORMATS[a];
else if (8 > a)
b = this.dateTimeSymbols_.TIMEFORMATS[a - 4];
else if (12 > a)
b = this.dateTimeSymbols_.DATETIMEFORMATS[a - 8],
b = b.replace("{1}", this.dateTimeSymbols_.DATEFORMATS[a - 8]),
b = b.replace("{0}", this.dateTimeSymbols_.TIMEFORMATS[a - 8]);
else if (12 === a)
b = this.dateTimeSymbols_.DATEFORMATS[0].replace(/[^EMd]*yy*[^EMd]*/, "");
else {
function pt(a, b) {
b = String(b);
a = a.dateTimeSymbols_ || Zs;
if (void 0 !== a.ZERODIGIT) {
for (var c = [], d = 0; d < b.length; d++) {
var e = b.charCodeAt(d);
c.push(48 <= e && 57 >= e ? String.fromCharCode(a.ZERODIGIT + e - 48) : b.charAt(d))
b = c.join("")
return b
var qqa = !1;
function qt(a) {
if (!(a.getHours && a.getSeconds && a.getMinutes))
throw Error("The date to format has no time (probably a Use Date or, or use a pattern without time fields.");
function rt(a, b) {
b = ot(b);
return a.dateTimeSymbols_.AMPMS[12 <= b && 24 > b ? 1 : 0]
function rqa(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
var h = b.length;
switch (b.charAt(0)) {
case "G":
return c = 0 < d.getFullYear() ? 1 : 0,
4 <= h ? a.dateTimeSymbols_.ERANAMES[c] : a.dateTimeSymbols_.ERAS[c];
case "y":
return c = d.getFullYear(),
0 > c && (c = -c),
2 == h && (c %= 100),
pt(a, Fd(c, h));
case "Y":
return c = (new Date(kqa(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate(), a.dateTimeSymbols_.FIRSTWEEKCUTOFFDAY, a.dateTimeSymbols_.FIRSTDAYOFWEEK))).getFullYear(),
0 > c && (c = -c),
2 == h && (c %= 100),
pt(a, Fd(c, h));
case "M":
a: switch (c = d.getMonth(),
h) {
case 5:
h = a.dateTimeSymbols_.NARROWMONTHS[c];
break a;
case 4:
h = a.dateTimeSymbols_.MONTHS[c];
break a;
case 3:
h = a.dateTimeSymbols_.SHORTMONTHS[c];
break a;
h = pt(a, Fd(c + 1, h))
return h;
case "k":
return qt(e),
pt(a, Fd(ot(e) || 24, h));
case "S":
return pt(a, (e.getMilliseconds() / 1E3).toFixed(Math.min(3, h)).slice(2) + (3 < h ? Fd(0, h - 3) : ""));
case "E":
return c = d.getDay(),
4 <= h ? a.dateTimeSymbols_.WEEKDAYS[c] : a.dateTimeSymbols_.SHORTWEEKDAYS[c];
case "a":
return rt(a, e);
case "b":
return rt(a, e);
case "B":
return rt(a, e);
case "h":
return qt(e),
pt(a, Fd(ot(e) % 12 || 12, h));
case "K":
return qt(e),
pt(a, Fd(ot(e) % 12, h));
case "H":
return qt(e),
pt(a, Fd(ot(e), h));
case "c":
a: switch (c = d.getDay(),
h) {
case 5:
break a;
case 4:
h = a.dateTimeSymbols_.STANDALONEWEEKDAYS[c];
break a;
case 3:
h = a.dateTimeSymbols_.STANDALONESHORTWEEKDAYS[c];
break a;
h = pt(a, Fd(c, 1))
return h;
case "L":
a: switch (c = d.getMonth(),
h) {
case 5:
h = a.dateTimeSymbols_.STANDALONENARROWMONTHS[c];
break a;
case 4:
h = a.dateTimeSymbols_.STANDALONEMONTHS[c];
break a;
case 3:
h = a.dateTimeSymbols_.STANDALONESHORTMONTHS[c];
break a;
h = pt(a, Fd(c + 1, h))
return h;
case "Q":
return c = Math.floor(d.getMonth() / 3),
4 > h ? a.dateTimeSymbols_.SHORTQUARTERS[c] : a.dateTimeSymbols_.QUARTERS[c];
case "d":
return pt(a, Fd(d.getDate(), h));
case "m":
return qt(e),
pt(a, Fd(e.getMinutes ? e.getMinutes() : 0, h));
case "s":
return qt(e),
pt(a, Fd(e.getSeconds(), h));
case "v":
return (f || jt(c.getTimezoneOffset())).timeZoneId_;
case "V":
return a = f || jt(c.getTimezoneOffset()),
2 >= h ? a.timeZoneId_ : 0 < lt(a, c) ? a.tzNamesExt_.DST_GENERIC_LOCATION : a.tzNamesExt_.STD_GENERIC_LOCATION;
case "w":
return c = kqa(e.getFullYear(), e.getMonth(), e.getDate(), a.dateTimeSymbols_.FIRSTWEEKCUTOFFDAY, a.dateTimeSymbols_.FIRSTDAYOFWEEK),
pt(a, Fd(Math.floor(Math.round((c - (new Date((new Date(c)).getFullYear(),0,1)).valueOf()) / 864E5) / 7) + 1, h));
case "z":
return a = f || jt(c.getTimezoneOffset()),
4 > h ? mt(a, c) : a.getLongName(c);
case "Z":
return b = f || jt(c.getTimezoneOffset()),
4 > h ? (h = -b.getOffset(c),
a = [0 > h ? "-" : "+"],
h = Math.abs(h),
a.push(Fd(Math.floor(h / 60) % 100, 2), Fd(h % 60, 2)),
h = a.join("")) : h = pt(a, oqa(b.getOffset(c))),
return ""
;var sqa = {
DAY_ABBR: "d",
MONTH_DAY_TIME_ZONE_SHORT: "MMM d, h:mm\u202fa zzzz"
, st = sqa;
st = sqa;
var tqa = {
1E3: {
other: "0K"
1E4: {
other: "00K"
1E5: {
other: "000K"
1E6: {
other: "0M"
1E7: {
other: "00M"
1E8: {
other: "000M"
1E9: {
other: "0B"
1E10: {
other: "00B"
1E11: {
other: "000B"
1E12: {
other: "0T"
1E13: {
other: "00T"
1E14: {
other: "000T"
1E3: {
other: "0 thousand"
1E4: {
other: "00 thousand"
1E5: {
other: "000 thousand"
1E6: {
other: "0 million"
1E7: {
other: "00 million"
1E8: {
other: "000 million"
1E9: {
other: "0 billion"
1E10: {
other: "00 billion"
1E11: {
other: "000 billion"
1E12: {
other: "0 trillion"
1E13: {
other: "00 trillion"
1E14: {
other: "000 trillion"
, tt = tqa;
tt = tqa;
var ut = {
AED: [2, "dh", "\u062f.\u0625."],
ALL: [0, "Lek", "Lek"],
AUD: [2, "$", "AU$"],
BDT: [2, "\u09f3", "Tk"],
BGN: [2, "lev", "lev"],
BRL: [2, "R$", "R$"],
CAD: [2, "$", "C$"],
CDF: [2, "FrCD", "CDF"],
CHF: [2, "CHF", "CHF"],
CLP: [0, "$", "CL$"],
CNY: [2, "\u00a5", "RMB\u00a5"],
COP: [32, "$", "COL$"],
CRC: [0, "\u20a1", "CR\u20a1"],
CZK: [50, "K\u010d", "K\u010d"],
DKK: [50, "kr.", "kr."],
DOP: [2, "RD$", "RD$"],
EGP: [2, "\u00a3", "LE"],
ETB: [2, "Birr", "Birr"],
EUR: [2, "\u20ac", "\u20ac"],
GBP: [2, "\u00a3", "GB\u00a3"],
HKD: [2, "$", "HK$"],
HRK: [2, "kn", "kn"],
HUF: [34, "Ft", "Ft"],
IDR: [0, "Rp", "Rp"],
ILS: [34, "\u20aa", "IL\u20aa"],
INR: [2, "\u20b9", "Rs"],
IRR: [0, "Rial", "IRR"],
ISK: [0, "kr", "kr"],
JMD: [2, "$", "JA$"],
JPY: [0, "\u00a5", "JP\u00a5"],
KRW: [0, "\u20a9", "KR\u20a9"],
LKR: [2, "Rs", "SLRs"],
LTL: [2, "Lt", "Lt"],
MNT: [0, "\u20ae", "MN\u20ae"],
MVR: [2, "Rf", "MVR"],
MXN: [2, "$", "Mex$"],
MYR: [2, "RM", "RM"],
NOK: [50, "kr", "NOkr"],
PAB: [2, "B/.", "B/."],
PEN: [2, "S/.", "S/."],
PHP: [2, "\u20b1", "PHP"],
PKR: [0, "Rs", "PKRs."],
PLN: [50, "z\u0142", "z\u0142"],
RON: [2, "RON", "RON"],
RSD: [0, "din", "RSD"],
RUB: [50, "\u20bd", "RUB"],
SAR: [2, "SAR", "SAR"],
SEK: [50, "kr", "kr"],
SGD: [2, "$", "S$"],
THB: [2, "\u0e3f", "THB"],
TRY: [2, "\u20ba", "TRY"],
TWD: [2, "$", "NT$"],
TZS: [0, "TSh", "TSh"],
UAH: [2, "\u0433\u0440\u043d.", "UAH"],
USD: [2, "$", "US$"],
UYU: [2, "$", "$U"],
VND: [48, "\u20ab", "VN\u20ab"],
YER: [0, "Rial", "Rial"],
ZAR: [2, "R", "ZAR"]
var uqa = {
PERMILL: "\u2030",
INFINITY: "\u221e",
NAN: "NaN",
DECIMAL_PATTERN: "#,##0.###",
CURRENCY_PATTERN: "\u00a4#,##0.00",
, vt = uqa;
vt = uqa;
function wt(a, b) {
var c;
if (c = b) {
a: if (b && 3 === b.length) {
for (c = 0; 3 > c; c++) {
var d = b[c];
if ("A" > d || "Z" < d && "a" > d || "z" < d) {
c = !1;
break a
c = !0
} else
c = !1;
c = !c
if (c)
throw new TypeError("Currency must be valid ISO code");
this.intlCurrencyCode_ = b ? b.toUpperCase() : null;
this.currencyStyle_ = 0;
this.overrideNumberFormatSymbols_ = null;
this.maximumIntegerDigits_ = 40;
this.minimumIntegerDigits_ = 1;
this.significantDigits_ = 0;
this.maximumFractionDigits_ = 3;
this.minExponentDigits_ = this.minimumFractionDigits_ = 0;
this.showTrailingZeros_ = this.useSignForPositiveExponent_ = !1;
this.positiveSuffix_ = this.positivePrefix_ = "";
this.negativePrefix_ = xt(this).MINUS_SIGN;
this.negativeSuffix_ = "";
this.multiplier_ = 1;
this.negativePercentSignExpected_ = !1;
this.groupingArray_ = [];
this.useExponentialNotation_ = this.decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown_ = !1;
this.compactStyle_ = 0;
this.baseFormattingNumber_ = null;
this.pattern_ = "string" === typeof a ? a : "";
"number" === typeof a ? this.applyStandardPattern_(a) : this.applyPattern_(a)
function xt(a) {
return a.overrideNumberFormatSymbols_ || vt
function yt(a) {
return a.intlCurrencyCode_ || xt(a).DEF_CURRENCY_CODE
wt.prototype.applyPattern_ = function(a) {
this.pattern_ = a.replace(/ /g, "\u00a0");
var b = [0];
this.positivePrefix_ = zt(this, a, b);
for (var c = b[0], d = -1, e = 0, f = 0, h = 0, k = -1, l = a.length, m = !0; b[0] < l && m; b[0]++)
switch (a.charAt(b[0])) {
case "#":
0 < f ? h++ : e++;
0 <= k && 0 > d && k++;
case "0":
if (0 < h)
throw Error('Unexpected "0" in pattern "' + a + '"');
0 <= k && 0 > d && k++;
case ",":
0 < k && this.groupingArray_.push(k);
k = 0;
case ".":
if (0 <= d)
throw Error('Multiple decimal separators in pattern "' + a + '"');
d = e + f + h;
case "E":
if (this.useExponentialNotation_)
throw Error('Multiple exponential symbols in pattern "' + a + '"');
this.useExponentialNotation_ = !0;
this.minExponentDigits_ = 0;
b[0] + 1 < l && "+" == a.charAt(b[0] + 1) && (b[0]++,
this.useSignForPositiveExponent_ = !0);
for (; b[0] + 1 < l && "0" == a.charAt(b[0] + 1); )
if (1 > e + f || 1 > this.minExponentDigits_)
throw Error('Malformed exponential pattern "' + a + '"');
m = !1;
m = !1
0 == f && 0 < e && 0 <= d && (f = d,
0 == f && f++,
h = e - f,
e = f - 1,
f = 1);
if (0 > d && 0 < h || 0 <= d && (d < e || d > e + f) || 0 == k)
throw Error('Malformed pattern "' + a + '"');
h = e + f + h;
this.maximumFractionDigits_ = 0 <= d ? h - d : 0;
0 <= d && (this.minimumFractionDigits_ = e + f - d,
0 > this.minimumFractionDigits_ && (this.minimumFractionDigits_ = 0));
this.minimumIntegerDigits_ = (0 <= d ? d : h) - e;
this.useExponentialNotation_ && (this.maximumIntegerDigits_ = e + this.minimumIntegerDigits_,
0 == this.maximumFractionDigits_ && 0 == this.minimumIntegerDigits_ && (this.minimumIntegerDigits_ = 1));
this.groupingArray_.push(Math.max(0, k));
this.decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown_ = 0 == d || d == h;
c = b[0] - c;
this.positiveSuffix_ = zt(this, a, b);
b[0] < a.length && ";" == a.charAt(b[0]) ? (b[0]++,
1 != this.multiplier_ && (this.negativePercentSignExpected_ = !0),
this.negativePrefix_ = zt(this, a, b),
b[0] += c,
this.negativeSuffix_ = zt(this, a, b)) : (this.negativePrefix_ += this.positivePrefix_,
this.negativeSuffix_ += this.positiveSuffix_)
wt.prototype.applyStandardPattern_ = function(a) {
switch (a) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
a = this.applyPattern_;
var b = xt(this).CURRENCY_PATTERN;
var c = ["0"]
, d = ut[yt(this)];
if (d) {
d = d[0] & 7;
if (0 < d) {
for (var e = 0; e < d; e++)
b = b.replace(/0.00/g, c.join(""))
}, b);
case 5:
vqa(this, 1);
case 6:
vqa(this, 2);
throw Error("Unsupported pattern type.");
function vqa(a, b) {
a.compactStyle_ = b;
a.minimumFractionDigits_ = 0;
a.maximumFractionDigits_ = 2;
if (0 < a.minimumFractionDigits_)
throw Error("Can't combine significant digits and minimum fraction digits");
a.significantDigits_ = 2
wt.prototype.parse = function(a, b) {
b = b || [0];
if (0 !== this.compactStyle_)
throw Error("Parsing of compact numbers is unimplemented");
a = a.replace(/ |\u202f/g, "\u00a0");
var c = a.indexOf(this.positivePrefix_, b[0]) == b[0]
, d = a.indexOf(this.negativePrefix_, b[0]) == b[0];
c && d && (this.positivePrefix_.length > this.negativePrefix_.length ? d = !1 : this.positivePrefix_.length < this.negativePrefix_.length && (c = !1));
c ? b[0] += this.positivePrefix_.length : d && (b[0] += this.negativePrefix_.length);
if (a.indexOf(xt(this).INFINITY, b[0]) == b[0]) {
b[0] += xt(this).INFINITY.length;
var e = Infinity
} else {
e = a;
var f = !1
, h = !1
, k = !1
, l = -1
, m = 1
, n = xt(this).DECIMAL_SEP
, p = xt(this).GROUP_SEP
, q = xt(this).EXP_SYMBOL;
if (0 != this.compactStyle_)
throw Error("Parsing of compact style numbers is not implemented");
p = p.replace(/\u202f/g, "\u00a0");
for (var t = ""; b[0] < e.length; b[0]++) {
var A = e.charAt(b[0])
, B = wqa(this, A);
if (0 <= B && 9 >= B)
t += B,
k = !0;
else if (A == n.charAt(0)) {
if (f || h)
t += ".";
f = !0
} else if (A == p.charAt(0) && ("\u00a0" != p.charAt(0) || b[0] + 1 < e.length && 0 <= wqa(this, e.charAt(b[0] + 1)))) {
if (f || h)
} else if (A == q.charAt(0)) {
if (h)
t += "E";
h = !0;
l = b[0]
} else if ("+" == A || "-" == A) {
if (k && l != b[0] - 1)
t += A
} else if (1 == this.multiplier_ && A == xt(this).PERCENT.charAt(0)) {
if (1 != m)
m = 100;
if (k) {
} else if (1 == this.multiplier_ && A == xt(this).PERMILL.charAt(0)) {
if (1 != m)
m = 1E3;
if (k) {
} else
1 != this.multiplier_ && (m = this.multiplier_);
e = parseFloat(t) / m
if (c) {
if (a.indexOf(this.positiveSuffix_, b[0]) != b[0])
return NaN;
b[0] += this.positiveSuffix_.length
} else if (d) {
if (a.indexOf(this.negativeSuffix_, b[0]) != b[0])
return NaN;
b[0] += this.negativeSuffix_.length
return d ? -e : e
wt.prototype.format = function(a) {
if (this.minimumFractionDigits_ > this.maximumFractionDigits_)
throw Error("Min value must be less than max value");
if (isNaN(a))
return xt(this).NAN;
var b = [];
var c = null === this.baseFormattingNumber_ ? a : this.baseFormattingNumber_
, d = a;
if (0 == this.compactStyle_)
var e = At;
c = Math.abs(c),
d = Math.abs(d),
e = xqa(this, 1 >= c ? 0 : Bt(c)).divisorBase,
d = Ct(d, -e),
Dt(this, d),
c = Ct(c, -e),
c = Dt(this, c),
e = xqa(this, e + Bt(c.intValue));
a = Ct(a, -e.divisorBase);
(c = 0 > a || 0 == a && 0 > 1 / a) ? e.negative_prefix ? b.push(e.negative_prefix) : (b.push(e.prefix),
b.push(this.negativePrefix_)) : (b.push(e.prefix),
if (isFinite(a))
if (a *= c ? -1 : 1,
a *= this.multiplier_,
if (d = a,
0 == d)
Et(this, d, this.minimumIntegerDigits_, b),
yqa(this, 0, b);
else {
var f = Math.floor(Math.log(d) / Math.log(10) + 2E-15);
d = Ct(d, -f);
var h = this.minimumIntegerDigits_;
1 < this.maximumIntegerDigits_ && this.maximumIntegerDigits_ > this.minimumIntegerDigits_ ? (h = f % this.maximumIntegerDigits_,
0 > h && (h = this.maximumIntegerDigits_ + h),
d = Ct(d, h),
f -= h,
h = 1) : 1 > this.minimumIntegerDigits_ ? (f++,
d = Ct(d, -1)) : (f -= this.minimumIntegerDigits_ - 1,
d = Ct(d, this.minimumIntegerDigits_ - 1));
Et(this, d, h, b);
yqa(this, f, b)
Et(this, a, this.minimumIntegerDigits_, b);
c ? e.negative_suffix ? b.push(e.negative_suffix) : (isFinite(a) && b.push(e.suffix),
b.push(this.negativeSuffix_)) : (isFinite(a) && b.push(e.suffix),
return b.join("")
function Dt(a, b) {
var c = Ct(b, a.maximumFractionDigits_);
0 < a.significantDigits_ && (c = zqa(c, a.significantDigits_, a.maximumFractionDigits_));
c = Math.round(c);
isFinite(c) ? (b = Math.floor(Ct(c, -a.maximumFractionDigits_)),
a = Math.floor(c - Ct(b, a.maximumFractionDigits_))) : a = 0;
return {
intValue: b,
fracValue: a
function Et(a, b, c, d) {
if (a.minimumFractionDigits_ > a.maximumFractionDigits_)
throw Error("Min value must be less than max value");
d || (d = []);
b = Dt(a, b);
var e = b.intValue
, f = b.fracValue
, h = 0 == e ? 0 : Bt(e) + 1
, k = 0 < a.minimumFractionDigits_ || 0 < f || a.showTrailingZeros_ && h < a.significantDigits_;
b = a.minimumFractionDigits_;
k && (b = a.showTrailingZeros_ && 0 < a.significantDigits_ ? a.significantDigits_ - h : a.minimumFractionDigits_);
var l = "";
for (h = e; 1E20 < h; )
l = "0" + l,
h = Math.round(Ct(h, -1));
l = h + l;
var m = xt(a).DECIMAL_SEP;
h = xt(a).ZERO_DIGIT.charCodeAt(0);
var n = l.length
, p = 0;
if (0 < e || 0 < c) {
for (e = n; e < c; e++)
if (2 <= a.groupingArray_.length)
for (c = 1; c < a.groupingArray_.length; c++)
p += a.groupingArray_[c];
c = n - p;
if (0 < c) {
e = a.groupingArray_;
p = n = 0;
for (var q, t = xt(a).GROUP_SEP, A = l.length, B = 0; B < A; B++)
if (d.push(String.fromCharCode(h + 1 * Number(l.charAt(B)))),
1 < A - B)
if (q = e[p],
B < c) {
var C = c - B;
(1 === q || 0 < q && 1 === C % q) && d.push(t)
} else
p < e.length && (B === c ? p += 1 : q === B - c - n + 1 && (d.push(t),
n += q,
p += 1))
} else {
c = l;
l = a.groupingArray_;
e = xt(a).GROUP_SEP;
q = c.length;
t = [];
for (n = l.length - 1; 0 <= n && 0 < q; n--) {
p = l[n];
for (A = 0; A < p && 0 <= q - A - 1; A++)
t.push(String.fromCharCode(h + 1 * Number(c.charAt(q - A - 1))));
q -= p;
0 < q && t.push(e)
d.push.apply(d, t.reverse())
} else
k || d.push(String.fromCharCode(h));
(a.decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown_ || k) && d.push(m);
f = String(f);
k = f.split("e+");
2 == k.length && (f = String(zqa(parseFloat(k[0]), a.significantDigits_, 1)),
f = f.replace(".", ""),
f += Ed("0", parseInt(k[1], 10) - f.length + 1));
a.maximumFractionDigits_ + 1 > f.length && (f = "1" + Ed("0", a.maximumFractionDigits_ - f.length) + f);
for (a = f.length; "0" == f.charAt(a - 1) && a > b + 1; )
for (b = 1; b < a; b++)
d.push(String.fromCharCode(h + 1 * Number(f.charAt(b))))
function yqa(a, b, c) {
0 > b ? (b = -b,
c.push(xt(a).MINUS_SIGN)) : a.useSignForPositiveExponent_ && c.push(xt(a).PLUS_SIGN);
b = "" + b;
for (var d = xt(a).ZERO_DIGIT, e = b.length; e < a.minExponentDigits_; e++)
function wqa(a, b) {
b = b.charCodeAt(0);
if (48 <= b && 58 > b)
return b - 48;
a = xt(a).ZERO_DIGIT.charCodeAt(0);
return a <= b && b < a + 10 ? b - a : -1
function zt(a, b, c) {
for (var d = "", e = !1, f = b.length; c[0] < f; c[0]++) {
var h = b.charAt(c[0]);
if ("'" == h)
c[0] + 1 < f && "'" == b.charAt(c[0] + 1) ? (c[0]++,
d += "'") : e = !e;
else if (e)
d += h;
switch (h) {
case "#":
case "0":
case ",":
case ".":
case ";":
return d;
case "\u00a4":
if (c[0] + 1 < f && "\u00a4" == b.charAt(c[0] + 1))
d += yt(a);
switch (a.currencyStyle_) {
case 0:
h = yt(a);
d += h in ut ? ut[h][1] : h;
case 2:
h = yt(a);
var k = ut[h];
d += k ? h == k[1] ? h : h + " " + k[1] : h;
case 1:
h = yt(a),
d += h in ut ? ut[h][2] : h
case "%":
if (!a.negativePercentSignExpected_ && 1 != a.multiplier_)
throw Error("Too many percent/permill");
if (a.negativePercentSignExpected_ && 100 != a.multiplier_)
throw Error("Inconsistent use of percent/permill characters");
a.multiplier_ = 100;
a.negativePercentSignExpected_ = !1;
d += xt(a).PERCENT;
case "\u2030":
if (!a.negativePercentSignExpected_ && 1 != a.multiplier_)
throw Error("Too many percent/permill");
if (a.negativePercentSignExpected_ && 1E3 != a.multiplier_)
throw Error("Inconsistent use of percent/permill characters");
a.multiplier_ = 1E3;
a.negativePercentSignExpected_ = !1;
d += xt(a).PERMILL;
d += h
return d
var At = {
divisorBase: 0,
negative_prefix: "",
negative_suffix: "",
prefix: "",
suffix: ""
function xqa(a, b) {
null == a && (a = tt.COMPACT_DECIMAL_SHORT_PATTERN);
if (3 > b)
return At;
b = Math.min(14, b);
var c = a[Ct(1, b)];
for (--b; !c && 3 <= b; )
c = a[Ct(1, b)],
if (!c)
return At;
c = c.other;
var d = a = ""
, e = c.indexOf(";");
0 <= e && (c = c.substring(0, e),
e = c.substring(e + 1)) && (d = /([^0]*)(0+)(.*)/.exec(e),
a = d[1],
d = d[3]);
return c && "0" != c ? (c = /([^0]*)(0+)(.*)/.exec(c)) ? {
divisorBase: b + 1 - (c[2].length - 1),
negative_prefix: a,
negative_suffix: d,
prefix: c[1],
suffix: c[3]
} : At : At
function Bt(a) {
if (!isFinite(a))
return 0 < a ? a : 0;
for (var b = 0; 1 <= (a /= 10); )
return b
function Ct(a, b) {
if (!a || !isFinite(a) || 0 == b)
return a;
a = String(a).split("e");
return parseFloat(a[0] + "e" + (parseInt(a[1] || 0, 10) + b))
function Aqa(a, b) {
return a && isFinite(a) ? Ct(Math.round(Ct(a, b)), -b) : a
function zqa(a, b, c) {
if (!a)
return a;
b = b - Bt(a) - 1;
return b < -c ? Aqa(a, -c) : Aqa(a, b)
;function Bqa(a) {
return 1 == a % 10 && 11 != a % 100 ? "one" : 2 == a % 10 && 12 != a % 100 ? "two" : 3 == a % 10 && 13 != a % 100 ? "few" : "other"
var Cqa = Bqa;
Cqa = Bqa;
function Dqa(a, b) {
var c = a | 0;
if (void 0 === b) {
b = Math;
var d = b.min
, e = a + ""
, f = e.indexOf(".");
b =, -1 === f ? 0 : e.length - f - 1, 3)
d = Math.pow(10, b);
a = {
v: b,
f: (a * d | 0) % d
return 1 == c && 0 == a.v ? "one" : "other"
var Eqa = Dqa;
Eqa = Dqa;
function Ft(a) {
this.pattern_ = a;
this.parsedPattern_ = this.literals_ = this.initialLiterals_ = null;
a = vt;
var b = tt;
if (Fqa !== a || Gqa !== b)
Fqa = a,
Gqa = b,
Hqa = new wt(1);
this.numberFormatter_ = Hqa
var Fqa = null
, Gqa = null
, Hqa = null
, Iqa = RegExp("'([{}#].*?)'", "g")
, Jqa = RegExp("''", "g");
Ft.prototype.format = function(a) {
return this.format_(a, !1)
Ft.prototype.format_ = function(a, b) {
if (this.pattern_) {
this.initialLiterals_ = [];
var c = Kqa(this, this.pattern_);
this.parsedPattern_ = Gt(this, c);
this.pattern_ = null
if (!this.parsedPattern_ || 0 == this.parsedPattern_.length)
return "";
this.literals_ = Fb(this.initialLiterals_);
c = [];
Ht(this, this.parsedPattern_, a, b, c);
for (a = c.join(""); 0 < this.literals_.length; )
a = a.replace(this.buildPlaceholder_(this.literals_), this.literals_.pop());
return a
function Ht(a, b, c, d, e) {
for (var f = 0; f < b.length; f++)
switch (b[f].type) {
case 4:
case 3:
var h = b[f].value
, k = a
, l = e
, m = c[h];
void 0 === m ? l.push("Undefined parameter - " + h) : (k.literals_.push(m),
case 2:
h = b[f].value;
k = a;
l = c;
m = d;
var n = e
, p = h.argumentIndex;
void 0 === l[p] ? n.push("Undefined parameter - " + p) : (p = h[l[p]],
void 0 === p && (p = h.other),
Ht(k, p, l, m, n));
case 0:
h = b[f].value;
Lqa(a, h, c, Eqa, d, e);
case 1:
h = b[f].value,
Lqa(a, h, c, Cqa, d, e)
function Lqa(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
var h = b.argumentIndex
, k = b.argumentOffset
, l = +c[h];
isNaN(l) ? f.push("Undefined or invalid parameter - " + h) : (k = l - k,
h = b[c[h]],
void 0 === h && (d = d(Math.abs(k)),
h = b[d],
void 0 === h && (h = b.other)),
b = [],
Ht(a, h, c, e, b),
c = b.join(""),
e ? f.push(c) : (a = a.numberFormatter_.format(k),
f.push(c.replace(/#/g, a))))
function Kqa(a, b) {
var c = a.initialLiterals_
, d = Xa(a.buildPlaceholder_, a);
b = b.replace(Jqa, function() {
return d(c)
return b = b.replace(Iqa, function(e, f) {
return d(c)
function It(a) {
var b = 0
, c = []
, d = []
, e = /[{}]/g;
e.lastIndex = 0;
for (var f; f = e.exec(a); ) {
var h = f.index;
"}" == f[0] ? (c.pop(),
0 == c.length && (f = {
type: 1
f.value = a.substring(b, h),
b = h + 1)) : (0 == c.length && (b = a.substring(b, h),
"" != b && d.push({
type: 0,
value: b
b = h + 1),
b = a.substring(b);
"" != b && d.push({
type: 0,
value: b
return d
var Mqa = /^\s*(\w+)\s*,\s*plural\s*,(?:\s*offset:(\d+))?/
, Nqa = /^\s*(\w+)\s*,\s*selectordinal\s*,/
, Oqa = /^\s*(\w+)\s*,\s*select\s*,/;
function Gt(a, b) {
var c = [];
b = It(b);
for (var d = 0; d < b.length; d++) {
var e = {};
if (0 == b[d].type)
e.type = 4,
e.value = b[d].value;
else if (1 == b[d].type) {
var f = b[d].value;
switch (Mqa.test(f) ? 0 : Nqa.test(f) ? 1 : Oqa.test(f) ? 2 : /^\s*\w+\s*/.test(f) ? 3 : 5) {
case 2:
e.type = 2;
e.value = Pqa(a, b[d].value);
case 0:
e.type = 0;
e.value = Qqa(a, b[d].value);
case 1:
e.type = 1;
e.value = Rqa(a, b[d].value);
case 3:
e.type = 3,
e.value = b[d].value
return c
function Pqa(a, b) {
var c = "";
b = b.replace(Oqa, function(k, l) {
c = l;
return ""
var d = {};
d.argumentIndex = c;
b = It(b);
for (var e = 0; e < b.length; ) {
var f = b[e].value;
var h;
1 == b[e].type && (h = Gt(a, b[e].value));
d[f.replace(/\s/g, "")] = h;
return d
function Qqa(a, b) {
var c = ""
, d = 0;
b = b.replace(Mqa, function(l, m, n) {
c = m;
n && (d = parseInt(n, 10));
return ""
var e = {};
e.argumentIndex = c;
e.argumentOffset = d;
b = It(b);
for (var f = 0; f < b.length; ) {
var h = b[f].value;
var k;
1 == b[f].type && (k = Gt(a, b[f].value));
e[h.replace(/\s*(?:=)?(\w+)\s*/, "$1")] = k;
return e
function Rqa(a, b) {
var c = "";
b = b.replace(Nqa, function(k, l) {
c = l;
return ""
var d = {};
d.argumentIndex = c;
d.argumentOffset = 0;
b = It(b);
for (var e = 0; e < b.length; ) {
var f = b[e].value;
if (1 == b[e].type)
var h = Gt(a, b[e].value);
d[f.replace(/\s*(?:=)?(\w+)\s*/, "$1")] = h;
return d
Ft.prototype.buildPlaceholder_ = function(a) {
return "\ufddf_" + (a.length - 1).toString(10) + "_"
var Sqa = new nt(st.WEEKDAY_MONTH_DAY_MEDIUM)
, Tqa = new nt(7);
function Jt() {
this.actionListeners = new Map
Jt.prototype.subscribe = function(a, b) {
this.actionListeners.has(a) ? this.actionListeners.get(a).push(b) : this.actionListeners.set(a, [b])
Jt.prototype.unsubscribe = function(a, b) {
if (this.actionListeners.has(a)) {
var c = this.actionListeners.get(a).filter(function(d) {
return d !== b
c.length ? this.actionListeners.set(a, c) : this.actionListeners.delete(a)
Jt.prototype.notify = function(a) {
var b = Ha.apply(1, arguments);
if (this.actionListeners.has(a)) {
var c = this.actionListeners.get(a);
c = u(c);
for (var d =; !d.done; d = {
d = d.value;
try {
d.apply(null, b)
} catch (e) {}
function Kt(a, b, c) {
b = [b, c].map(function(d) {
return null != d ? d : ""
a.setAttribute("pkd-ac-state", String(gd(b)))
function Uqa(a, b) {
b = [String(b.getId()), b.getValue()].join(";");
a.setAttribute("pkd-target", String(gd(b)))
function Vqa(a, b) {
a.setAttribute("pkd-ps-state", String(gd("1")));
b.warmUpCache().then(function() {
a.setAttribute("pkd-ps-state", String(gd("2")))
}, function() {
a.setAttribute("pkd-ps-state", String(gd("3")))
;function Wqa(a) {
this.lookupId_ = a;
this.displayName_ = "";
this.forceDisplayNameOverride_ = !1
g = Wqa.prototype;
g.getId = function() {
return this.lookupId_
g.setDisplayName = function(a) {
this.displayName_ = a;
return this
g.getDisplayName = function() {
return this.displayName_
g.getForceDisplayNameOverride = function() {
return this.forceDisplayNameOverride_
g.equals = function(a) {
return a ? this === a ? !0 : this.getId().equals(a.getId()) && this.getDisplayName() === a.getDisplayName() && this.getForceDisplayNameOverride() === a.getForceDisplayNameOverride() : !1
function Lt(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Lt, P);
Lt.prototype.getEntryPoint = function() {
return Ag(this, 5, 0)
Lt.prototype.setEntryPoint = function(a) {
return H(this, 5, a)
Lt.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Mt(this)
function Mt(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
autocompleteField: Q(G(a, 1)),
autocompletePerson: Q(G(a, 2)),
suggestionField: Q(G(a, 3)),
suggestionPerson: Q(G(a, 4)),
entryPoint: Ag(a, 5, 0)
;function Nt(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Nt, P);
Nt.prototype.getEntryPoint = function() {
return Ag(this, 1, 0)
Nt.prototype.setEntryPoint = function(a) {
return H(this, 1, a)
Nt.prototype.toObject = function() {
return Ot(this)
function Ot(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
entryPoint: Ag(a, 1, 0),
additionEventSources: Mt(J(a, Lt, 2)),
replacementEventSources: Mt(J(a, Lt, 3))
;function Pt(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Pt, P);
g = Pt.prototype;
g.getQuery = function() {
return zg(this, 1, "")
g.setQuery = function(a) {
return pg(this, 1, a)
g.hasQuery = function() {
return Og(this, 1)
function Xqa(a, b) {
H(a, 3, b)
g.getAffinityVersion = function() {
return vg(this, 7)
g.setAffinityVersion = function(a) {
H(this, 7, a)
g.getAffinityVersionOrUndefined = function() {
return Kg(this, 7)
function Yqa(a) {
var b = Qt();
H(a, 8, rf(b))
g.getInstanceId = function() {
return zg(this, 11, "")
g.setInstanceId = function(a) {
return pg(this, 11, a)
g.clearInstanceId = function() {
Vf(this, 11)
g.hasInstanceId = function() {
return Og(this, 11)
g.getInstanceIdOrUndefined = function() {
return Lg(this, 11)
g.toObject = function() {
return Rt(this)
function Rt(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
query: zg(a, 1, ""),
querySessionId: xg(a, 3, 0),
selectSessionId: xg(a, 4, 0),
submitSessionId: xg(a, 5, 0),
cacheUpdatedTimestamp: xg(a, 6, 0),
affinityVersion: Q(K(a, 7)),
callTimestampMs: yg(a, 8, 0),
resultTimestampMs: yg(a, 9, 0),
sources: Mt(J(a, Lt, 10)),
instanceId: zg(a, 11, ""),
contextualSources: Ot(J(a, Nt, 12))
;function St(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(St, P);
g = St.prototype;
g.getPersonLoggingId = function() {
return zg(this, 1)
g.setPersonLoggingId = function(a) {
pg(this, 1, a)
g.getFieldLoggingId = function() {
return zg(this, 2)
g.setFieldLoggingId = function(a) {
pg(this, 2, a)
g.getName = function() {
return zg(this, 4)
g.setName = function(a) {
return pg(this, 4, a)
g.hasName = function() {
return Og(this, 4)
g.getNameOrUndefined = function() {
return Lg(this, 4)
g.getContactId = function() {
return zg(this, 5)
g.setContactId = function(a) {
pg(this, 5, a)
g.getProfileId = function() {
return zg(this, 6)
g.getProfileId_legacyNullable = function() {
return L(this, 6)
g.setProfileId = function(a) {
return pg(this, 6, a)
g.hasProfileId = function() {
return Og(this, 6)
g.getIsPlaceholder = function() {
return N(this, 10, !1)
g.setIsPlaceholder = function(a) {
lg(this, 10, a)
g.getGroupId = function() {
return zg(this, 11)
g.setGroupId = function(a) {
pg(this, 11, a)
g.hasGroupId = function() {
return Og(this, 11)
g.toObject = function() {
return Zqa(this)
function Zqa(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
personLoggingId: Q(L(a, 1)),
fieldLoggingId: Q(L(a, 2)),
fieldValue: Q(L(a, 3)),
name: Q(L(a, 4)),
contactId: Q(L(a, 5)),
profileId: Q(L(a, 6)),
fieldType: Q(G(a, 7)),
personType: Q(G(a, 8)),
isFlattened: N(a, 9, !0),
isPlaceholder: N(a, 10, !1),
groupId: Q(L(a, 11))
;function Tt(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Tt, P);
g = Tt.prototype;
g.getProvenance = function() {
return Ag(this, 3, 0)
g.setProvenance = function(a) {
return H(this, 3, a)
g.getContext = function() {
return Ag(this, 5, 0)
g.getExistingSelectionsCount = function() {
return vg(this, 6, 0)
g.setExistingSelectionsCount = function(a) {
H(this, 6, a)
g.toObject = function() {
return $qa(this)
function $qa(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
fieldPosition: vg(a, 1, 0),
personPosition: vg(a, 2, 0),
provenance: Ag(a, 3, 0),
valueOriginator: Ag(a, 4, 0),
context: Ag(a, 5, 0),
existingSelectionsCount: vg(a, 6, 0)
;function Ut(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Ut, P);
g = Ut.prototype;
g.getInfo = function() {
return J(this, St, 1)
g.setInfo = function(a) {
fg(this, St, 1, a)
function Vt(a) {
return J(a, Tt, 2)
g.getSessionState = function() {
return J(this, Pt, 3)
g.setSessionState = function(a) {
fg(this, Pt, 3, a)
g.hasSessionState = function() {
return If(this, Pt, 3)
g.toObject = function() {
return ara(this)
function ara(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
info: Zqa(a.getInfo()),
targetState: $qa(Vt(a)),
sessionState: Rt(a.getSessionState()),
isClosed: N(a, 4, !1)
;function Wt(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Wt, P);
g = Wt.prototype;
g.getType = function() {
return Ag(this, 1, 0)
g.setType = function(a) {
return H(this, 1, a)
g.getValue = function() {
return zg(this, 2, "")
g.setValue = function(a) {
return pg(this, 2, a)
g.hasValue = function() {
return Og(this, 2)
g.toObject = function() {
if (null != this) {
var a = {
type: Ag(this, 1, 0),
value: zg(this, 2, "")
} else
a = void 0;
return a
function Xt(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Xt, P);
Xt.prototype.setEnabled = function(a) {
Yf(this, 1, a, void 0, tg)
Xt.prototype.setDisabled = function(a) {
Yf(this, 2, a, void 0, tg)
Xt.repeatedFields_ = [1, 2];
Xt.prototype.toObject = function() {
return bra(this)
function bra(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
enabledList: Q(tg(a, 1)),
disabledList: Q(tg(a, 2))
;function Yt(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Yt, P);
g = Yt.prototype;
g.getEnableClearcut = function() {
return N(this, 1, !1)
g.setEnableClearcut = function(a) {
return lg(this, 1, a)
g.getClientId = function() {
return Ag(this, 2, 0)
g.setClientId = function(a) {
return H(this, 2, a)
g.getSocialApplication = function() {
return Ag(this, 3, 0)
g.getSocialApplicationOrUndefined = function() {
return Mg(this, 3)
g.getComponentFlow = function() {
return Ag(this, 4, 0)
g.setComponentFlow = function(a) {
return H(this, 4, a)
g.getInterfaceType = function() {
return Ag(this, 5, 0)
g.setInterfaceType = function(a) {
return H(this, 5, a)
g.toObject = function() {
return cra(this)
function cra(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
enableClearcut: N(a, 1, !1),
clientId: Ag(a, 2, 0),
socialApplication: Q(G(a, 3)),
componentFlow: Ag(a, 4, 0),
interfaceType: Ag(a, 5, 0),
enableVeTracking: N(a, 6, !0)
;function Zt(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(Zt, P);
function $t() {
var a = au.getExperiments();
return N(a, 7, !1)
Zt.prototype.toObject = function() {
return bu(this)
function bu(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
enableDisambigForAdditionSuggestions: N(a, 1, !1),
enableSyntheticVe: N(a, 2, !1),
enableOodTag: N(a, 3, !1),
enableLegacyReplacementStyling: N(a, 4, !0),
enableRafAutocomplete: N(a, 5, !1),
enableIsolatedVe: N(a, 6, !1),
enableHide: N(a, 7, !1)
;function cu(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(cu, P);
g = cu.prototype;
g.getApplication = function() {
return Ag(this, 1, 0)
g.setApplication = function(a) {
return H(this, 1, a)
g.getApplicationOrUndefined = function() {
return Mg(this, 1)
g.getIsEnabled = function() {
return N(this, 2, !1)
g.toObject = function() {
return dra(this)
function dra(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
application: Ag(a, 1, 0),
isEnabled: N(a, 2, !1),
overriddenExperiments: bu(J(a, Zt, 3))
;function du(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(du, P);
du.prototype.toObject = function() {
return era(this)
function era(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
refreshIntervalInMs: Q(K(a, 1))
;function eu(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(eu, P);
eu.prototype.toObject = function() {
return fra(this)
function fra(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
refreshIntervalInMs: Q(K(a, 1))
;function fu(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(fu, P);
fu.prototype.toObject = function() {
return gra(this)
function gra(a) {
if (null != a)
return R(a),
waldo: fra(J(a, eu, 1)),
hubAvailabilityDot: era(J(a, du, 2))
;function gu(a) {
this.internalArray_ = O(a)
v(gu, P);
g = gu.prototype;
g.getClearcut = function() {
return J(this, Yt, 1)
g.setClearcut = function(a) {
fg(this, Yt, 1, a)
g.hasClearcut = function() {
return If(this, Yt, 1)
g.getExperiments = function() {
return J(this, cu, 2)
g.setExperiments = function(a) {
fg(this, cu, 2, a)
g.hasExperiments = function() {
return If(this, cu, 2)
g.getFeatures = function() {
return J(this, Xt, 11)
g.toObject = function() {
if (null != this) {
var a = {
clearcut: cra(this.getClearcut()),
experiments: dra(this.getExperiments()),
maxUndoStackSize: wg(this, 3, 10),
enableTargetedCopyOptions: N(this, 4, !1),
enableEmailEditing: N(this, 5, !1),
hideGroupResultMemberCount: N(this, 6, !1),
enableHideSuggestion: N(this, 7, !1),
intelligence: gra(J(this, fu, 8)),
enableResultListItemContextMenu: N(this, 9, !1),
featureSet: zg(this, 10, "all_features"),
features: bra(this.getFeatures()),
featuresKey: zg(this, 12, "")
} else
a = void 0;
return a
var hra = lh(gu);
var ira;
function jra() {
this.actionEventDispatcher = new Jt
;function kra() {
var a = Ff(ira || (ira = hra("[[true,85,920,4],[65,true]]")));
this.injectorService = new jra;
a.hasClearcut() || a.setClearcut(new Yt);
a.hasExperiments() || a.setExperiments(new cu);
this.internal = a
;function lra(a) {
this.root = a;
this.length = 0
g = lra.prototype;
g.getItems = function() {
return Array.from(this.root.childNodes)
g.append = function(a) {
g.insert = function(a, b) {
if (0 > a || a > this.length)
throw new RangeError("Invalid index.");
if (a === this.length)
else {
var c = this.getItems();
this.root.insertBefore(b, c[a]);
g.remove = function(a) {
if (0 > a || a >= this.length)
throw new RangeError("Invalid index.");
var b = this.getItems();
g.clear = function() {
this.length = 0
g.getRoot = function() {
return this.root
function mra(a) {
return Ck('<ul id="' + S( + '" peoplekit-id="' + S("rymPhb") + '" role="listbox" aria-multiselectable="true" class="' + S("peoplekitComponentsListImplList") + '"></ul>')
;var nra = Zm.getInstance();
function hu(a) {
var b = bn(mra, {
id: $m(nra)
return new lra(b)
;function ora(a, b, c) {
var d = Math.max(b, c);
return a > Math.min(b, c) && a < d
;function iu(a) {
this.isActive = !1;
this.multiActivateAnchorIndex = this.spotlightIndex = -1;
this.secondaryEventTargets = [];
this.list = [].concat(ha(a));
this.shouldWrap = !0;
this.activeItems = new Set([]);
this.hideContextMenu = function() {}
g = iu.prototype;
g.remove = function(a, b) {
var c = -1;
a = u(a);
for (var d =; !d.done; d =
d = d.value,
c = this.list.indexOf(d),
this.list.splice(c, 1),
b || (c < this.spotlightIndex ? --this.spotlightIndex : c === this.spotlightIndex && this.reset());
0 <= c && b && (this.isActive = !1,
this.goToIndex(c, 0))
g.insert = function(a, b, c) {
this.list.splice.apply(this.list, [a, 0].concat(ha(b)));
c ? (ju(this),
pra(this, a, a + b.length - 1),
this.spotlightIndex = a,
this.list[this.spotlightIndex].spotlight()) : 0 <= a && a <= this.spotlightIndex && (this.spotlightIndex += b.length)
g.size = function() {
return this.list.length
g.prev = function(a) {
var b = 0 === this.spotlightIndex && (!this.shouldWrap || 1 === a);
!this.list.length || b ? a = !1 : (this.isActive ? (b = this.spotlightIndex - 1,
b = 0 <= b ? b : this.list.length + b) : b = this.list.length - 1,
a = this.goToIndex(b, a));
return a
; = function(a) {
var b = this.spotlightIndex === this.list.length - 1 && (!this.shouldWrap || 1 === a);
return !this.list.length || b ? !1 : this.goToIndex(this.isActive ? (this.spotlightIndex + 1) % this.list.length : 0, a)
g.goToItem = function(a, b) {
a = this.list.indexOf(a);
return this.goToIndex(a, b)
g.goToIndex = function(a, b) {
if (!this.list.length || void 0 === a || 0 > a)
return !1;
var c = this.isActive ? this.spotlightIndex : -1;
this.spotlightIndex = Math.max(Math.min(this.list.length - 1, a), 0);
this.isActive && this.list[c].unspotlight();
this.isActive || (this.multiActivateAnchorIndex = a);
this.isActive = !0;
switch (b) {
case 0:
case 3:
case 1:
a = ora(this.spotlightIndex, c, this.multiActivateAnchorIndex);
b = ora(this.multiActivateAnchorIndex, c, this.spotlightIndex);
if (0 <= c && (a || b || this.multiActivateAnchorIndex === this.spotlightIndex))
for (b = b ? this.multiActivateAnchorIndex : this.spotlightIndex,
c < b ? (a = c,
c = b - 1) : a = b + 1; a <= c; a++)
b = this.list[a],
pra(this, this.multiActivateAnchorIndex, this.spotlightIndex)
return !0
g.getSpotlitItem = function() {
return this.isActive ? this.list[this.spotlightIndex] : void 0
g.getActiveItems = function() {
var a = this;
return this.list.filter(function(b) {
return a.activeItems.has(b)
g.getItem = function(a) {
for (var b = u(this.list), c =; !c.done; c = {
c = c.value;
var d = c.getRoot();
if (d === a || d.contains(a))
return c
g.getIndexOf = function(a) {
return this.list.indexOf(a)
g.clear = function() {
this.list.length = 0
g.reset = function() {
var a = this.getSpotlitItem();
a && a.unspotlight();
this.spotlightIndex = -1;
this.isActive = !1
g.setSecondaryEventTargets = function(a) {
this.secondaryEventTargets = a
g.onKeyDown = function(a) {
var b = [this.getSpotlitItem()].concat(ha(this.secondaryEventTargets));
b = u(b);
for (var c =; !c.done; c = {
var d = void 0;
null == (d = c.value) || d.onKeyDown(a);
if (a.hasStoppedPropagationInternal)
g.onContextMenu = function(a, b) {
var c = a.event;
if (c = === c.currentTarget ? this.getSpotlitItem() : this.getItem(
this.hideContextMenu = c.onContextMenu(a, b)
function qra(a) {
var b = a.list[a.spotlightIndex];
a.activeItems.has(b) ? (b.deactivate(),
a.activeItems.delete(b)) : (b.activate(),
a.multiActivateAnchorIndex = a.spotlightIndex
function ju(a) {
for (var b = u(a.activeItems), c =; !c.done; c =
c = c.value,
function pra(a, b, c) {
var d = Math.max(b, c) + 1;
for (b = Math.min(b, c); b < d; b++)
c = a.list[b],
;function rra(a) {
if (ce) {
var b = Sl(a);
Jja(a, b)
} else
block: "nearest"
;function ku(a) {
this.delegate = a
g = ku.prototype;
g.prev = function(a) {
a = this.delegate.prev(a);
return a
; = function(a) {
a =;
return a
g.size = function() {
return this.delegate.size()
g.goToItem = function(a, b) {
a = this.delegate.goToItem(a, b);
return a
g.goToIndex = function(a, b) {
a = this.delegate.goToIndex(a, b);
return a
g.getSpotlitItem = function() {
return this.delegate.getSpotlitItem()
g.getActiveItems = function() {
return this.delegate.getActiveItems()
g.getItem = function(a) {
return this.delegate.getItem(a)
g.getIndexOf = function(a) {
return this.delegate.getIndexOf(a)
g.clear = function() {
g.reset = function() {
g.setSecondaryEventTargets = function(a) {
g.onKeyDown = function(a) {
g.onContextMenu = function(a, b) {
this.delegate.onContextMenu(a, b)
g.remove = function(a, b) {
this.delegate.remove(a, b)
g.insert = function(a, b, c) {
this.delegate.insert(a, b, c)
function lu(a) {
(a = a.delegate.getSpotlitItem()) && rra(a.getRoot())
;function sra(a) {
this.root = a;
this.length = 0;
this.marker = qi(this.root)
g = sra.prototype;
g.append = function(a) {
this.root.insertBefore(a, this.marker);
g.insert = function(a, b) {
if (0 > a || a > this.length)
throw new RangeError("Invalid index.");
a === this.length ? this.append(b) : (this.root.insertBefore(b, this.root.childNodes[a]),
g.remove = function(a) {
if (0 > a || a >= this.length)
throw new RangeError("Invalid index.");
g.removeItem = function(a) {
try {
} catch (b) {}
g.clear = function() {
for (; this.root.firstChild && this.root.firstChild !== this.marker; )
this.length = 0
g.getRoot = function() {
return this.root
g.getItems = function() {
return Array.from(this.root.childNodes)
function mu(a, b, c, d) {
this.loggingToken = d;
(new Wqa(a)).setDisplayName(b).forceDisplayNameOverride_ = c
mu.prototype.getLoggingToken = function() {
return this.loggingToken
function nu(a) {
this.delegate_ = a
g = nu.prototype;
g.getResultType = function() {
return this.delegate_.getResultType()
g.getTargetList = function() {
return this.delegate_.getTargetList()
g.getMemberList = function() {
return this.delegate_.getMemberList()
g.getTotalMemberCount = function() {
return this.delegate_.getTotalMemberCount()
g.getPrimaryTarget = function() {
return this.delegate_.getPrimaryTarget()
g.getDisplayName = function() {
return this.delegate_.getDisplayName()
g.getDisplayValue = function() {
return this.delegate_.getDisplayValue()
g.getDescription = function() {
return this.delegate_.getDescription()
g.getPhotoUrl = function() {
return this.delegate_.getPhotoUrl()
g.getMatchInfo = function() {
return this.delegate_.getMatchInfo()
g.getExtendedData = function() {
return this.delegate_.
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