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Last active March 29, 2023 18:57
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Logseq launcher. This will launch Logseq if it isn't already, and otherwise raise it on the current workspace, pinned to the right side of the screen.
# Launch Logseq and/or raise it.
# In all cases, it raises it on the current workspace, and positions it on the
# right half of the screen. Change the logic in get_width(), get_height(), and
# get_geometry() to change positioning and size.
# I bind this to <Super><Ctrl>-l, which allows me to launch it at any time.
get_width() {
local full_width
local half_width
full_width="$(wmctrl -d | grep "\*" | cut -d' ' -f 5 | cut -d'x' -f1)"
echo $half_width
get_height() {
wmctrl -d | grep "\*" | cut -d' ' -f 5 | cut -d'x' -f2
get_geometry() {
local width
local height
# 100 puts it at a higher z-axis plane, which should put it above other windows
echo "100,${width},0,${width},${height}"
is_logseq_running() {
echo "Checking if logseq is running"
if ! flatpak ps | grep -q "com.logseq.Logseq"; then
echo "Logseq IS NOT running"
return 1
echo "Logseq IS running"
return 0
if ! is_logseq_running; then
echo "Starting Logseq"
# This launches logseq, and detaches it from this script's process
flatpak run com.logseq.Logseq & disown
# The wm_class is not set immediately on launch, so we need to sleep for a
# moment before positioning. 2 seconds seems to be the sweet spot
echo "Sleeping"
sleep 2
echo "Raising logseq and positioning"
wmctrl -x -r "logseq.Logseq" -e "$(get_geometry)"
wmctrl -x -R "logseq.Logseq"
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